Tuesday 8 October 2013

The practice is ancient or veteran being said, the wire is unjust. But here, I'm just saying that convent half only source of happiness. We train is to find a way to peacefully happy, carefree self in. Not to that tu tu, do not know what life benefits. So how do we want to monks, Buddhists see real benefits in their practice. If you do not like the long day we'd get bored in practice.
All of us were affinity-home, school director, according to Buddhist practice. As Buddhists, though not ordained, but also interest fans, love Buddhism. You come to lead people to become useful for family and social life for their beauty, for the people.
We're a Buddhist, Buddhist practice to turn a profane man becomes human intellect. It is the process of self-transformation in his life went from bad to good, from the ordinary to become Holy. Such practice is not religious conversion to beg favors of the Buddha. Most Buddhists are very deep Buddhist faith, but believed by pleading not try to believe in the practice. For example we want is peace, the mind always to keep lucidity in anytime time. And when people are provoked, his anger verbally abused beating up people, how Buddhist households.
As parents of a son, toner spoiled. When he grew up, his parents taught not to fight the curse upside, not smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling or playing with the kids gang. It is the parent brand, wants to be safe for children to learn. But when it's a naughty way, fighting with people. Was it beats the pain too, it asked: "Daddy, Mommy, save me!". When the parents could not be saved? It did not keep up. Then tell parents not hurt, I cry but not save it. Her words groundless or baseless?
Also, unique to Buddhism being injured, always wholeheartedly teach, teach us. But we do not listen to Buddha Buddha taught, how to save. In the Second Chapter Four Cross is told that Buddha taught in the neighborhood go by She-la-goal lead. People were heard together by legal and drag him to their apostasy. When the leader she upset his Brahmin, he welcomed the Buddha, Buddha name calling insult neighbor from beginning to end. Insult to the Buddha dry throat that kept cavalier, did not answer anything. He was more immediate, so stop asking Buddha:
- Punch! He is not deaf?
Buddha replied:
- I am not deaf.
- He did not scold him deaf why I did not answer?
Buddha then presents examples:
- As wedding anniversary at home with him, he invited me to her. When the party is done, leave. He donated her children, each with a gift. They do not realize, is that gift belong?
The Ba-la-technical answer:
- I give them that they do not realize, is that gifts do not belong to me about anyone!
Buddha said:
- Also, he swore that it was not received, then the curse words that have nothing to do with me.
Buddha said just such a light sentence. You see the Buddha or his marginalized subjects Ba-la-disadvantaged? Insult people who do not realize that the part that belongs to her. So that now we bow to Buddha skeptical. If at that Buddha stopped, he quarreled with his Brahmin She, then where are we now worship, have worshiped him. Patience, do not resist, do not object, it is the status of the convent. So whether ordained or smart home that patience, that is powerful.
The practitioner must practice, contrary to what the heart adversity, we still casually ignored. Too often we see is because the ego is not that place. For example, hearing someone say: "I'm stupid" or "I am stupid" is more closely mad, his focus back to show that wisdom. But resistance to the smart people to be stupid or smart? I would say if someone asked me stupid, I replied: "Yes, I'm a fool." Because in this world, there are countless things that you just know is not only stupid little thing be? For example, I learned that the job of a bricklayer bricklayer jobs, electrical jobs do not last, I do not know. In this world, all memories are hundreds of thousands of jobs, hundreds of thousands want to depression subjects, who learned all for it. So how dare the self-proclaimed wisdom.
We know only a portion of the millions, is wise or not wise? Is not wisdom. So people say you stupid, you get a stupid, because I know too little. Knowing so, stupid or smart? If I hear that stupid to insult mainland floating upside down, fighting with people is wise or foolish? So that stupid world where one bear. I always thought wise. So Buddha images cavalier begging, cursing his people were still calmly not angry no more. It is the shining example for all of us to follow.
So we know the religious, the challenge before the scene, it was humiliating, I remain unmoved in order, which is happiness. The age at first blush that such disadvantage, but the disadvantage is that a good thing. Because through this adversity, we know his power ring to, forward or backward cultivation.
Understand that we all practice, if not unhappy upon sight, we still calmly, trying to master her, to win her. That is the religious truth. In contrast to anger the enemy we lost, it is our practice not smart.
In business, says: "Armies do not win a victory in his last win was his most glorious victory!" We in the ancient temple, common to the shrine board, "the hero, the power, University of compassion. " Great heroes are extraordinary strength. Great power is no power connectors. Thus, people with extraordinary power, not what is popular or a hero.
Buddha holding soldiers fought many times we call him who is the hero? Often in the world to say who wins is the enemy, that is the hero. Thus the Buddha has won public enemy? Buddha did not win one outside off, which he won himself. He does not have anger, greed, delusion dominated, mastered it is his wins. Won his greatest victory.
We recall how many heroes in the world are the most precious, are run by people power won out. But the only treasure that time, a time to stop. And to this day the Buddha, has over twenty-five centuries that the world will appreciate. By her he had won. So who is to say the Big Buddha.
Want to win thanks to his meticulous practice. Through practice we overcome all evil mind, the idea is not good. Through practice we take away negativity. By practicing our new intellectual insight. Such practice is happy. So the religious temper which can not be called religious. So want to make sure we are on the path of peace in itself, it should be clear, that is probably true, do not have external entrances, do not have the heart to challenge adversity makes us lose investment the practitioner. We train is to bring the peace, order now for yourself.
Every laymen if known, would have something happy? Laypeople, after taking refuge in the Three Jewels, then, to keep in the Buddha precepts. I went back to the previous example. As for parents and children, to protect the welfare of children, should be barred fighting verbally fighting, smoking, drinking, or playing with the kids gang v. v ... It's the love of parents to protect her child, so the new ban.
Many people ask the question: "Buddhism is enlightenment, self-directed why step into directing, arresting Buddhist world. Such freedom is lost then." You carefully considered as we lay precepts, the five precepts, monastic novice, the ten men, monks, two hundred and fifty men, monks, three hundred and forty-eight Ni v world. v ... Keep the free world or the loss of freedom? Often people say freedom is not bound. There is loss of freedom constraints. But I put the case: for example, road, especially in cities, vehicles nuom nuop. If the road is not keeping rules of the road, we go right, I go left v. v ... the accident happened more or less? We do not keep the rules of the road, which is our cause for his accident, the people. If the rules of the road keep right, no accidents for anyone. So calm yourself, others and peace.
Also, because we want peace, so in order to keep the Buddhist precepts arrested. By keeping our world so happily. Because it is not keeping the loss of freedom, which holds the world's respect for freedom. By keeping our world not violated, no annoying consequences for yourself. That is freedom. Conversely, do not hold the new world without freedom, for ourselves and for others were wounded.
Here I am in the lead for Buddhists remember. In the Buddha is divided into five Buddhist legacy:
            1. Human excess.
            2. God redundant.
            3. Thanh cultural legacy.
            4. Pratyekabuddha.
            5. Bodhisattva excess.
The "excess" means chariot, the North read as "surplus". Five years is excessive vehicle. I use a concrete example to better understand you. As of Soc Trang bus station is near the vehicles, with vehicles running away. You want to go near the vehicle purchase tickets near. Want to buy tickets, the average medium. Want to go far, far away, then buy tickets. Depending on where you want to go there then buy tickets. Thus, each vehicle route, capable of transporting different.
Also, someone on the path to making the Bodhisattva, someone wants to bar text, Pratyekabuddha; someone like heaven being up there who want to come back as a better person v. v ... Buddha also depending on the will of each person that taught the different practices. So the Five Buddhist legacy is so. As the prisoners admit they made a good life, life after birth is even better, more peaceful. Nuns now we cultivate is what is going on? If we cultivate the legacy bar text to keep the monks. Also, the extra practice Bodhisattva Bodhisattva keep adding world.
Back in world of the laity. The first precept is not killing. In this world say explicitly is not murder. Many people say that killing insects from the subtle to the human beings are not killed. Such is true of Buddhists in the world are not? Prohibit killing of laypeople focus is not murder. Do not kill people divided into three parts: A body is not murder. Two mouth is not sure who instigated others to kill. Three is seen, heard people killing themselves unhappy. If more extensive than the larger animals such as cattle, pigs, dogs v. v ... how much you avoid that much better. It is the precept of no killing of laypeople.
Lay Buddhist precepts do not kill any benefits? If we do not kill people, people will not kill your back. No murder is out of jail. If anger murder, that is her own woes sowing will be jail because, being killed again. And as it does not kill the hatred is also no date paid. So no killing precept, we are happy peace. In contrast to the lifelong insecurity, suffer both body and mind.
Buddhists do not steal people are not imprisoned, despised. You imagine the neighbors, the village where thieves, bandits, then be it compliments or people spit on the peace or live in anxious suspense? Keep the thieves are not we protecting our values, protect our peace. It is the foundation for peace, joy and happiness.
Buddhists must not commit adultery. About this people despise. But the truth, it is very important. Because Buddhism is directed to bring happiness to everyone. Ie adultery adultery, the husband or wife of adultery with another man called adultery. If a family is peace, joy, suddenly the husband or wife is cheating with another family that is also peaceful, happy? The family will be torn apart, children suffer. So, do not hold the adultery is making you suffer, the suffering, inconvenience parents, social contempt. If the Buddhists are not left holding the world to protect the family happy, but also contribute to a civilized society a better place.
Buddhists do not lie. About this, there is a lot of explaining all things are not lying. But I look a little different. Do not lie to yourself is not to say lies, deception for the benefit of his people, to make people vulnerable. So crime lie with three engines:
Another lie by greed. Or take talents to identity, greed, taking advantage v. v ... deceitful lie to people, it is a crime to lie. For example, many people are married and, when away from the experience a pleasant one, they told him no family, no one injured v. v ... long after discovered to have a family, have children, then all sorts of troubles happen right? It is so sharp that involved lying. Join finance, greed ... that lie so well.
Secondly anger that lie. Anger that lie too absurd to hear. But this fact, the more angry, I know who he is opposite A, B him something, but it is known that dogs, buffalo map. Such is not true? It is said that a dog is the buffalo, how can one not upset. So angry that I said the wrong word truth cause distress to people, known as crime lie.
Three is so cruel heart, mind wants revenge but harm lies. I know it is not against the law, but because of its own slander should apply to their miserable captivity. It is a crime to lie.
In short, lying by three engines: greed, anger, evil.
Conversely, if the injured person with compassion, love animals, lie to rescue it sinless. For example, there is a neighbor who is seriously ill in hospital, visit us again. Listen doctor said the disease did not survive. We know how this disease is death, but when a patient asks, "Rabbi (he) patients have survived it?" We have it confirmed that he had died? Knowing they will die but we do not dare to tell the truth. That said, "It's okay, pills will slowly heal." Because of their love, their fear that their suffering should not lie to transgress. Or as the hunter to the temple garden, the garden is rabbit ferret. But when the hunter asked: "Mr. Bunny Temple Gardens, weasels do not? 'I said:" I have no garden rabbit, ferret. "So lie without guilt. Because they generally do not want to be killed, so I lied.
Understand that we see such a lie or not guilty due to mental. With greedy heart, mind anger, evil mind that lying is sin. Trade with compassionate animal lovers, but do not lie upon. So the pros and cons depending on the concept, depending on your mind. Not at any time lie also sinned.
Buddhists are not drinking. In this world we should consider the exceptions. As Westerners in cold countries, they do not have cold beer float. Now including spirits, wine drinking are forbidden, they were not kept. So to me, this should be tolerated, prohibits drinking alcohol, drinking banned. In the current era should prohibit the addition of any more: not smoking opium, addict, drugs. In the past there are three things that do not just ban alcohol alone. But now, addict, drugs, opium is more harmful than alcohol. So to prohibit absolutely not be used addict, drugs, opium though only a little.
So valuable precepts, have very specific interests. Buddhists do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not drink, do not smoke opium, addict, drugs, family is certainly happy. Now the whole village, the whole village are practicing Buddhism, are kept in the whole village, including the fear of theft, have another suspicions of sexual misconduct or not quarrel? A skilled practitioner village, keep them in the dark world to sleep without closing. In the living who are not afraid of his deception. Everyone trusted each other, no doubt not be the same as the scourge of opium, addict, drug-v. v ... It was a neighbor, a very nice village.
So just keep that Buddhists in the world has brought happiness for themselves, for their families and for society as well. It is extremely essential. So I said: "The practice is said to create happiness for yourself, for the people". That is the benefit in this life. So private Buddhist legacy, we are in this life is a true Buddhist, that life after death is reborn again, as is better.
The world does not keep killing the next life is life long. The world does not keep thieves away after the birth of a lot of money. The world does not keep his adultery after they are born beautiful stately. The precepts are not lying progeny born articulate, say what they believe, and you. The precepts are not drinking, not smoking opium, addict, drugs, life after birth so wise.
If the holder of four world, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not drink that does not keep the killing, the person behind the intellectual life smart, articulate, beautiful, rich but to premature death. Premature death all that you want it? Probably not. So it is best to keep the full year.
Or is the world not keep killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, no lying, no alcohol but theft transgression, then life after a long life, beautiful, articulate, intellectually smart but poor fiber determine, no rice to eat. So you take it? Or are living longer, many of the intelligent, articulate, but because it does not hold the adultery after his ugly, no one would look best. Maybe you do not have to.
Or keep the killing was not a long life, wealth is not stealing, no sexual misconduct are beautiful, no alcohol was smart but because morality is not lying next to his lisp, said Liu, said the What people also laughed, not news. You have not? Maybe he will not. Or in four things: long life, there's, articulate, beautiful but ignorant, you are not?
In general, if we keep the current round of world life is a good person, a worthy person. In dying, life after delivery back to the long life expectancy, wealth, beautiful, articulate, intelligent mind. We do not want a lack of things? If you do not want to keep enough of the lack of sex. Human's how it will work. So also in the world, that this, the lack of the other things, not perfect. That's because smart practice. If we practice smart, keep his round the world this year was good, life after birth better.
Buddhists hold that the religious life in the round, when dying, no one to ask: "Do or die you will go?" You will answer: "I keep year round so it will sit on the deck Buddhist car's successor, after his return to certain people and continue to practice again. " So people know age will know the outcome tomorrow. Not from the convent, which nearly died when I do not know where to go, and then stabbed to panic, panic.
The place, the old Ma Ha Nam asked the Buddha:
- Buddha, the world year round and keep diligent practice of the Buddha's law, so if you miss out the death as an accident immediately in place, the child will be born in the next life where?
When the Buddha raised his hands, leaning to one side and said:
- As trees tilt like this, as it will cut down on where?
Ma Ha Nam answer:
- If any inclination trees, when cut to the direction it did.
- Also, he is practicing any of them and what is causing it to die karma will go that way.
It was here, too bewildered Buddhists. I'm sick, have you ladies to remind him moral, and hope to the Buddha. If you missed out the car crash death sudden death, as long as it does not know where to go panic? In Buddhism, there is much to say now, but there are two key things: One is accumulating now, the two are now near death.
Accumulate accumulate in the industry is now everyday life. We often do good, there is accumulating good karma. As if not to be blindly supporting nuns remind concept or doctrine, but by now accumulated which leads us good roads. Just as trees are inclined to certain dimensions will fall.
Need from now on now that is almost dead. Before we can commit many sins, but nearly died when something in seven months, the direction of Jewels Development Center, said repent of past sins. From then tried to do good deeds. It is near death karma. At death the nuns are deceased, that person deserves justice fall, but thanks to good now near death, should be born healthy world. But in the realm of healthy lifespan short, because they fall into the evil paths prior to repayment. Thus we find the family he was born into wealth, but as long as seven years old, died. Because they found heal mind, so enjoy fresh fruit, but fresh fruit is also very short, they enjoy short stop. Understanding that, we would not be surprised why people are blessed, born in a wealthy family but short-lived.
Such accumulation is now now we make every day, even near death is now almost dead now we create. Two such companies are feeling results. But the results in two different directions. See justice karma in Buddhism very fair, very reasonable. We make it fresh then get a good result, create evil, then evil must be punished. Because karma that bear fruit, but does not have Buddha involvement in the sky.
We train, known towards the Three Jewels, the transformation of habits, vices or to become, the better. Thus after eyes, I was traveling heal. Likewise, if the conversion is not known, but just ask for the Buddha to the other, then the result is not at all. So much happiness more religious, less religious or less happy. I was all created good conditions for its good performance, not anyone else.
On the spiritual path, we understand this is probably no longer rely Buddha rescue. Even Buddha can not save that cultivates never get good results. That is a truth. So is the source of happiness in himself, by his care and nurture, not where they come from. So we must try to create a better future. lecture today I say practice is the source of happiness for all monks, Buddhists understand. From which we chose a good path, leading her towards the peaceful liberation. I hope all of you for your wise pick a path.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/10/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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