Monday 7 October 2013

Neng - French martial art concept.

image Neng flesh
Quick Patriarch pointed out: "For on the scene, called attention uninfected non-conceptual", "For the concept often leave the scene, not in the context that consciousness."
There are two important positions held in Meditation Concrete is the Bodhidharma (? -532) and Neng (638-713). To Bodhidharma had laid the foundation for the Zen house, and is regarded as the Hui Neng who have built up this wonderful house to extant today. Platform Sutra book written about the the life of Hui Neng and the teachings of the very full. Its practice is clearly Hui Neng is: "Infinite concept to concrete, to be formless, Supreme Head as the original." Before learning about martial law anniversary read excerpts of teachings and meditation Sixth Patriarch Professor: Economic Security Forum : "no-thought is the concept of idea that no", "do not care for infections on the scene called no-thought. regard the concept often leave the scene, not in the context that consciousness. If only hundred such objects thought, notion to subtract, a concept that is dying off, and shall bring forth elsewhere, it is wrong to ", "This Friendly knowledge, no-thought how to tone up? Just because your mouth that nature, enthusiasts at the scene have thought, on the anniversary of the start wrong, all the ceiling from this delusion is born ", "This Friendly knowledge, wealth is the wealth What is the concept of object concept? Forever is not two generals, not the ceiling of the center; concepts such as Truth The nature concept. feet as means of expression, which is thought of as Truth, Truth as a thought of self-identity, not the eye or ear, nose and tongue have a thought , as can emptiness legs so have a thought, legs as if nature is not natural eye color when she passes the bar. "  "This Friendly Knowledge, Truth as a thought of self-identity, but six apartments have heard that understanding that do not want to exit infection, which is often the true nature of liberation, should of said "or skill that distinguishes the general approach to non-First means". "What is called no-thought? If all measures that are not infected before interest, it is non-conceptual, all the news around the place, not all place attachment, just place the purification of the mind that six out six in six ceiling door for non-infected non- magazine, travel freely, no jammed common, ie Bat-tam-black elegant, self-liberation in non-conceptual called happiness. " "he should know, because of all the Buddha enthusiasts recognize themselves in harmony aggregates do to his generals, regardless of all legal foreign minister for the ceiling, being popular, hate mail, unchanging concept idea, do not know the author illusory damage ". "This Friendly knowledge, enlightenment is the notion that nothing is wanted all the way, the treatment is non-conceptual approach is that the realm of the Buddhas, the treatment is non-conceptual approach to address the Buddha. "

Spirit of the French language:
"Not approved form, which is known as As. Sao known as As As? means that non-conceptual. Infinite concepts What is concept That is not whether or not remembered. example remember the good or bad idea . Such concepts do not remember having marginal or marginal. instance concept of memory is limited or unlimited amount. instance concept Bodhi mind. Did Bodhi users do care. example to get Nirvana concept. Such is non-conceptual, as well as Prajna Paramita. "
"Infinite concept ie no sex scenes or objects at all. If there is a realm, which corresponds to the very concept of such."
"The very notion that smart, no pollution, the six bases . Seeing no-mind, that towards the Buddha mind. Seeing no-mind, truth-called minister. Seeing no-mind, which is the direction that most students. Seeing the very concept of a full-time basis sa merit. Seeing no-thought, or birth Buddhist all. Seeing no-mind, that all legal photography. "
"Again, Vimalakirti economic theory that 'It is for the other center, which is a legal Thanh Van. example controlling it there, which is a legal person stupid. "the authors of the mind, ie, with subdued approach. If you use it for legal, why calls are free?"
 "Compensation of converts weak subjects" of Hui Hai (The European):
Zen Master Hui Hai was a disciple of the First Act Matsu, the third generation of grandchildren Neng.
"Infinite concept is in place but not all heart , not all scenes, there is no thought to, for the startup scene is not constant. called vacuum is non-conceptual thought. If using a concept idea to start thinking evil thoughts, not mindful. "
"He was very anniversary, six non-infected root, the natural knowledge Buddhas. "
"- no-thought as Tong has said, do not know what no-mind is no-mind?
- Infinite concept is not evil thoughts, do not right mindfulness.
- What is evil thoughts? What is mindfulness?
- Mindfulness is, not conception, conception is wrong, no idea there is no concept of right, good idea, bad idea is the concept of evil, and evil is not thought right idea, for happy anniversary to suffering, birth and death, the exhaust, close resentment, love and hate are all the wrong idea, no concept of pain is pleasure ... right concept.
- What is mindfulness?
- Mindfulness Bodhi is the only concept.
- Portugal -threads can be reasonable?
- Bodhi impossible.
- has not only thought is how Bodhi?
- Bodhi simulator is their title, it can not be. Nor was there before after . As there should be no conception. Directive no idea what he called true concept. Bodhi no room concept. idea is no place where that is not all attention is that there is no room concept. "
- Heart where is the head office?
- shelter is not office based.
- What is not office space?
- Not all office space, office space that is not cylindrical.
- The universe is not all place?
- No Head All accommodation is: There is good data universe where there is not, in addition, the middle stage, no such office, such office nor not, not based on, nor did the office, that is not all office space. Only one such office every place, where she is based. He was like, no office call center. Mind is not based Buddhist center. "
"If self-care does not clear all the office space, known as the center clearly visible, well known as that character so clearly. The office did not mind all that space, ie Buddhist Center, also known as the liberated mind, Bodhi mind, unborn mind, sharp emptiness. Kinh said: "Legal documents unborn ring" that way. "
A contemporary Japanese Zen meditation teacher Kosho Uchiyama, of the Soto (Soto Nh.), is writing the book "Opening the Hand of Thought, Approach to Zen" in which engineers have presented the concept of such practices Unknown follows:
"When we are meditating (zazen) means that all thoughts must cease and empty minds right? No, of course not. As we live longer, the idea arose that natural thing, even when meditating too. important thing is let them come and go but we do not pursue them or excluding them up. "
"If the thought arises, we have to try to clear it? If doing so is that we build up to the idea that the concept of "
`Get a life such as driving a car. When we drove to think that the sorts of things they will be confusion, tension and danger to the driver. Want to keep safe, you need to relax and awareness. "
"meditation is to be the expression of a natural and pure."
"Mindfulness is the natural starting. But when we cling to the notion that we are running, we're thinking. "
"What is the concept of letting go? When we think about is thinking about something. Think of something that used to cling to the idea that. Do not cling to what it means letting go. "
Examples of "A" (flower) arises when we see flowers. If the expression "A1" (beautiful flowers) followed, it is thought , attached. following concepts will continue to A1 A2, A3 ... That is despite the notion A but without thinking, the notion that the next A will disappear if we do not cling to it. So we let Think discharge.
Division comparing an altered state of mind as natural landscapes: there are times when clear blue sky, sometimes cloudy, sometimes rainy ... scenes that come and go by itself, does not What should we bother attachment.
An understanding of the law is clear, "Infinite concept" is not easy, but at least can see some mistakes.
Patriarch Energy indicated: " For on the scene, do not get called very center concept ", " For the concept often leave the scene, not in the context that consciousness. " To not speak is to eliminate all concepts, organization added, " a concept that is dying off, and shall bring forth elsewhere " that is, the thinking is that the automatic functions of the human brain, only when the new dead end thinking.
Having a number of people were led away for that Infinite is not, Mindfulness is the thought, so they try While meditation is trying to suppress a thought does not stand up, to empty the mind and so as to either attain. Preventing brain thinks it is not is like holding my breath, even though the breath has been a while, and then the body must also continue breathing. Although the brain can not stop thinking it and then after a while it still automatically start thinking. It's just as stones to try it. Doing this also added: "If hundreds of such animals think, when it makes the concept taken away, blessed it is legal, it is called the margin.", "Do not think there are hundreds of animals, which lead to the arising obstacles constraints ".   "This Friendly knowledge, to teach people sitting inertia towels, no action does not start from here but the lock up, enthusiasts do not understand immediately accepted into a frenzy, people like this really is winter , teach each other like that, so that it is fatal. " Thus it is clearly necessary for the concept to keep infection mind, rather than leaving everything concept. Mind is not contaminated when the scene is not to expect the center.
 Economics has written: "the very concept for which no concept of", "in each scene before conception do not think, if the concept before, anniversary present, anniversary later in a constant continuum concept called knots (tie). " Zen Master Hui Hai also help illuminate more about the distinction between the concept:
"- Reciting there, not conception, conception is wrong, no idea, no the main idea; friendly concept, the concept of evil evil concept, concepts such as good and evil, right idea, the concept of suffering and pleasure, birth and death, the exhaust, close resentment, love and hate are all the wrong idea, no concept of pain is pleasure ... main idea. "
It should be mentioned along with the above is the Venerable Hui Ming Hui Neng chase group with the intention to care for the bowl that was given to Hoang Rings. To Hui Ming Hui Neng said: "No good thoughts, do not think evil, then what is the resale of items distinguished monk?"  That's Infinite concept, the only talk about good and evil, but it is said In short, the meaning is far more to say about all treat each other ideas. "Infinite" is not start the anniversary treated like good / bad, yes / no, love / hate, birth / kill, resentment / body, pain / pleasure ... not flat out all the concepts. But if the wisdom to use up the notion that they are not treated properly, the instructor: "Negativity Bodhi ie, not two, not others, if you use wisdom through suffering reference, here is the interpretation of each Second legacy " .
anniversary wife is not innocent innocent corn, do not know anything. To say: " six bases but have heard that all infections understanding without context. " Called Infinite concept but still has six faculties " that player knowledge " (text is enlightened) but where is not " understand that hear " like a stone, the other only as "infected". Zen Layman Pang also said: "No way do you want the same" is the same mind that. Such can be said, " the mind is not infected on the scene called no-thought. Regarding the concept often leave the scene, not in the context that consciousness . "
Zen Spirit Society is a group of outstanding students , was instrumental in spreading its teachings, and suspects that the Spirit is the part of the revision of the book Security Forum. I've been explaining the concept of a Supreme profound concept is clear Supreme Prajna Paramita, the Buddha mind. Tu Vo is not concept concept Bodhi Bodhicitta, Nirvana. So engineers have found that the concept Supreme Prajna obtains, then there is no other concept, even Bodhicitta, Nirvana again.
During the economic "theory Manjushri fiber Ma ha Wisdom Password "Manjushri, he said:" There was no legal Bodhisattva, nor that religious behavior attained Bodhi and Bodhi. "
It should be noted that the idea that the law "is nature," ie of Zen " bodhichitta development ", saying so is not aware of Zen. But that "development bodhichitta" practice is important, but also need to know that every sect of Buddhism have different religious paths that end in a matter.
, but also would have raised questions as, if not Perhaps not an end to the notion concept starts without worrying constantly eliminate or stars. To indicate a "Also if approved minister, in which a certain amount of attention" , so it is necessary to understand the "Supreme Minister" of the organization. Zen Spirit Association said: "The authors of the mind, which is used to serve legal. Subdue legal if used, so-called liberation?"
The concept of hope is created by your mind, and then worry about killing them , this is just a vicious cycle. To specify the wandering thoughts is by nature, but where should boot Buddha nature is something separate external nature "all phenomena are all from the start of self-identity."  Even where the waves but the water, do not need to new wave away or eliminate the water. Is the nature of all phenomena, the concept was a general expectation of the variable nature. If only accept the general concept is still expected start, so to see clearly the true nature, reach the wall, head Infinite means without wandering thoughts, not only lo eliminate wandering thoughts.
teacher Uchiyama, with names books is "Opening the Hand of Thought" for a symbolic image, often clutching the thinking, thinking, this is like meditation to open his fist to let go of things out there. Master said that care per person, with all sorts of concepts, preferred separate, very limited capability. Having let go of the essence, or nature, true nature, Buddha nature, his new show a chance very afraid. He saw that while the concept has started meditating I just take them as the clouds in the sky, they come and go automatically. "My brain does not stop working, as well as non-stop stomach digestion. Mindfulness can start it just as we do not run, do not cling, do not grip them, but also do not have to worry eradicate them . Just know that meditation is not concerned with the activities of the brain. "
is to say more about Infinite practice mindfulness, the Hui Neng specifies two methods is formless and Infinite office to clarify.
To say: " For every concept is not legal in the office, that is not blessed (not bound), this is taken as very original universe " . Not based on the concept should not become attached, dominated. And how could not hold on? To only add: "accept all general interest news, General News leave all Buddhas," " leave all foreign minister called formless, or leaves ie where the Minister can approach purity, this is taken to be formless " . That's according to Diamond Sutra: "All the officer during falsehoods market. (ie: what Every minister is false hope") (Diamond Sutra, sections 5) " If you do not see the law as falsehoods , still clinging to the Minister's office wants the law and then never achieve Infinite concept, though looking for ways to catch the thoughts. Having said formless opinion is that without knowing who it is above He or woman, no matter what his name is ... strange comments so there is not only those who do not learn the new way. Zen Master Hui Hai has indicated the Infinite Universe: "Mind is not based Buddhist center." "The outside world should be accepted by the general anesthesia, should accept no love inside. If and where that leaves Prime Minister, which leaves no place else in addition to not love " "If that place is not at all general office, the other in general, not born of love and hate, not the exhaust, do not think of the benefits Add a damage etc. .. calm comfort, nowhere meager capacity, is called the most general three-blacks. "  In short, the Hui Neng, through the Treasury Economic Forum has shown us martial law concept, formless, Supreme head and put Zen on a major step forward. Infinite concept does not mean simply to not hold back any idea. Mindfulness is always started by the operation of the human brain, in everyday life is the failure to have the properties, distinguish, as the thought of eating hungry, tired, the thought of sleep., but if carefully considered and found again in our heads, day and night, always noisy all kinds of things, do not ever stop . Infinite concept is no evil thoughts, such as Hue, Hai said the teacher. "Infinite concept ie no sex scenes or objects at all." classical standpoint, it is said that the practice "duality "is uncivil place. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.8/10/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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