Saturday 5 October 2013

Eightfold Path.

Eightfold Path is the only part of the Buddha's teachings. Just trying to apply the eight small steps in life will bring us happiness.
Through all of Zhuan Falun Buddha at Deer Park for his five brothers Kondanna heard. In the Noble Eightfold Path is the first theme that opens all the Buddha. From the observations of his life through the experience of living in two stages: Enjoyment benefit, craving passion, fame, power, power supply and six years in ascetic without seeing any results.
The Buddha realized that I was looking for Dao practice, do not let her touch into perspective, excessive or inadequate, assumptions of life, ultimately no positive results, to attain The only seeking the fruits. Since then, his own practice, gender, interest, based on personal experience and discovered the Middle Way (Majjhima Patipada).
Pali Majjhima means, between, in between. Patipada is practical, way. Vietnamese translation is in the middle of the road, called Middle Chinese Vietnamese.
meaning of the Middle Way is Buddha's awakening, through the comparison of the two experiences ever experienced in his life and draws a link opinion, to advise the director is looking for: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do.
Buddha took his life to the practice-centered, through the onset of in life to develop in many different ways to help people looking for a full overview of the Act, from which the new foundation of spiritual ease in lifestyle or find a niche for themselves and for those around you.
Buddha that life is never perfect, flat with anyone. Each one has a feeling, feelings, difficulties, obstacles and separate the pain like no one else. Because human nature exists in society have sought the material aspirations. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want it or not, people still have to accept what it gives you, with attitude for Openness forced or choose to receive.
When the challenges of life make people suffer, they will find the ones who make the place you comfort. This is also a form to relieve the most disturbing moments in time. But it will be a nurturing way, with strong will, with steadfast courage, to help people feel able to continue to step forward.
Buddha vision and broad understanding, so Middle path which he found a way to end suffering, to bring people to the pure happiness in this life time.
middle path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and write Ariyo atthamgiko maggo Pali. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this phrase. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, path. Eightfold Path consists of eight important elements to practice the following:
The comments, written in Pali is Sammaditthi: right understanding bitter.
Chinh thinking, Pali is written Sammasankappo: Thoughts true.
the industry, Pali write a Sammakammanto: true Action do not work with false.
the language is written in Pali Sammavaca: true honest words.
the destiny is written in Pali Sama ajivo: Live genuine, not greedy, self-seeking away from the mean.
the diligent, Pali is written Samavayamo: true effort.
righteous, Pali is written Sammasati: True Reflection.
the making, is written in Pali sammasamadhi: steadfast focus attention from the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted.
politics, the intellectual thinking of | the languages, the industry, the legal fate of the world | Main Effort, the concept, the key belongs to.
Through ellipsis part of the meaning of the eight factors. Here are the details of each element.
Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in a certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist.
On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups:
Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood.
concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration.
intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking.
overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material.
This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days.
Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change.
Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect.
Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha.
Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge.
intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind.
In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong.
So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities.
Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do.
According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right?
Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do.
From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier.
example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor.
conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite.
According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge:
knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group.
deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it.
penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path.
Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life.
Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual.
Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person.
director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself.
During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. In the Noble Eightfold Path is the first theme that opens all the Buddha. From the observations of his life through the experience of living in two stages: Enjoyment benefit, craving passion, fame, power, power supply and six years in ascetic without seeing any results. The Buddha realized that I was looking for Dao practice, do not let her touch into perspective, excessive or inadequate, assumptions of life, ultimately no positive results, to attain The only seeking the fruits. Since then, his own practice, gender, interest, based on personal experience and discovered the Middle Way (Majjhima Patipada). Pali Majjhima means, between, in between. Patipada is practical, way. Vietnamese translation is in the middle of the road, called Middle Chinese Vietnamese. meaning of the Middle Way is Buddha's awakening, through the comparison of the two experiences ever experienced in his life and draws a link opinion, to advise the director is looking for: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. Buddha took his life to the practice-centered, through the onset of in life to develop in many different ways to help people looking for a full overview of the Act, from which the new foundation of spiritual ease in lifestyle or find a niche for themselves and for those around you. Buddha that life is never perfect, flat with anyone. Each one has a feeling, feelings, difficulties, obstacles and separate the pain like no one else. Because human nature exists in society have sought the material aspirations. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want it or not, people still have to accept what it gives you, with attitude for Openness forced or choose to receive. When the challenges of life make people suffer, they will find the ones who make the place you comfort. This is also a form to relieve the most disturbing moments in time. But it will be a nurturing way, with strong will, with steadfast courage, to help people feel able to continue to step forward. Buddha vision and broad understanding, so Middle path which he found a way to end suffering, to bring people to the pure happiness in this life time. middle path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and write Ariyo atthamgiko maggo Pali. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this phrase. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, path. Eightfold Path consists of eight important elements to practice the following: The comments, written in Pali is Sammaditthi: right understanding bitter. Chinh thinking, Pali is written Sammasankappo: Thoughts true. the industry, Pali write a Sammakammanto: true Action do not work with false. the language is written in Pali Sammavaca: true honest words. the destiny is written in Pali Sama ajivo: Live genuine, not greedy, self-seeking away from the mean. the diligent, Pali is written Samavayamo: true effort. righteous, Pali is written Sammasati: True Reflection. the making, is written in Pali sammasamadhi: steadfast focus attention from the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted. politics, the intellectual thinking of | the languages, the industry, the legal fate of the world | Main Effort, the concept, the key belongs to. Through ellipsis part of the meaning of the eight factors. Here are the details of each element. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in a certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. In the Noble Eightfold Path is the first theme that opens all the Buddha. From the observations of his life through the experience of living in two stages: Enjoyment benefit, craving passion, fame, power, power supply and six years in ascetic without seeing any results. The Buddha realized that I was looking for Dao practice, do not let her touch into perspective, excessive or inadequate, assumptions of life, ultimately no positive results, to attain The only seeking the fruits. Since then, his own practice, gender, interest, based on personal experience and discovered the Middle Way (Majjhima Patipada). Pali Majjhima means, between, in between. Patipada is practical, way. Vietnamese translation is in the middle of the road, called Middle Chinese Vietnamese. meaning of the Middle Way is Buddha's awakening, through the comparison of the two experiences ever experienced in his life and draws a link opinion, to advise the director is looking for: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. Buddha took his life to the practice-centered, through the onset of in life to develop in many different ways to help people looking for a full overview of the Act, from which the new foundation of spiritual ease in lifestyle or find a niche for themselves and for those around you. Buddha that life is never perfect, flat with anyone. Each one has a feeling, feelings, difficulties, obstacles and separate the pain like no one else. Because human nature exists in society have sought the material aspirations. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want it or not, people still have to accept what it gives you, with attitude for Openness forced or choose to receive. When the challenges of life make people suffer, they will find the ones who make the place you comfort. This is also a form to relieve the most disturbing moments in time. But it will be a nurturing way, with strong will, with steadfast courage, to help people feel able to continue to step forward. Buddha vision and broad understanding, so Middle path which he found a way to end suffering, to bring people to the pure happiness in this life time. middle path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and write Ariyo atthamgiko maggo Pali. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this phrase. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, path. Eightfold Path consists of eight important elements to practice the following: The comments, written in Pali is Sammaditthi: right understanding bitter. Chinh thinking, Pali is written Sammasankappo: Thoughts true. the industry, Pali write a Sammakammanto: true Action do not work with false. the language is written in Pali Sammavaca: true honest words. the destiny is written in Pali Sama ajivo: Live genuine, not greedy, self-seeking away from the mean. the diligent, Pali is written Samavayamo: true effort. righteous, Pali is written Sammasati: True Reflection. the making, is written in Pali sammasamadhi: steadfast focus attention from the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted. politics, the intellectual thinking of | the languages, the industry, the legal fate of the world | Main Effort, the concept, the key belongs to. Through ellipsis part of the meaning of the eight factors. Here are the details of each element. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in a certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. based on personal experience and discovered the Middle Way (Majjhima Patipada). Pali Majjhima means, between, in between. Patipada is practical, way. Vietnamese translation is in the middle of the road, called Middle Chinese Vietnamese. meaning of the Middle Way is Buddha's awakening, through the comparison of the two experiences ever experienced in his life and draws a link opinion, to advise the director is looking for: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. Buddha took his life to the practice-centered, through the onset of in life to develop in many different ways to help people looking for a full overview of the Act, from which the new foundation of spiritual ease in lifestyle or find a niche for themselves and for those around you. Buddha that life is never perfect, flat with anyone. Each one has a feeling, feelings, difficulties, obstacles and separate the pain like no one else. Because human nature exists in society have sought the material aspirations. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want it or not, people still have to accept what it gives you, with attitude for Openness forced or choose to receive. When the challenges of life make people suffer, they will find the ones who make the place you comfort. This is also a form to relieve the most disturbing moments in time. But it will be a nurturing way, with strong will, with steadfast courage, to help people feel able to continue to step forward. Buddha vision and broad understanding, so Middle path which he found a way to end suffering, to bring people to the pure happiness in this life time. middle path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and write Ariyo atthamgiko maggo Pali. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this phrase. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, path. Eightfold Path consists of eight important elements to practice the following: The comments, written in Pali is Sammaditthi: right understanding bitter. Chinh thinking, Pali is written Sammasankappo: Thoughts true. the industry, Pali write a Sammakammanto: true Action do not work with false. the language is written in Pali Sammavaca: true honest words. the destiny is written in Pali Sama ajivo: Live genuine, not greedy, self-seeking away from the mean. the diligent, Pali is written Samavayamo: true effort. righteous, Pali is written Sammasati: True Reflection. the making, is written in Pali sammasamadhi: steadfast focus attention from the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted. politics, the intellectual thinking of | the languages, the industry, the legal fate of the world | Main Effort, the concept, the key belongs to. Through ellipsis part of the meaning of the eight factors. Here are the details of each element. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in a certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now tạo ra, thì chính họ cũng là người thừa hưỡng phần qủa riêng này. based on personal experience and discovered the Middle Way (Majjhima Patipada). Pali Majjhima means, between, in between. Patipada is practical, way. Vietnamese translation is in the middle of the road, called Middle Chinese Vietnamese. meaning of the Middle Way is Buddha's awakening, through the comparison of the two experiences ever experienced in his life and draws a link opinion, to advise the director is looking for: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. Buddha took his life to the practice-centered, through the onset of in life to develop in many different ways to help people looking for a full overview of the Act, from which the new foundation of spiritual ease in lifestyle or find a niche for themselves and for those around you. Buddha that life is never perfect, flat with anyone. Each one has a feeling, feelings, difficulties, obstacles and separate the pain like no one else. Because human nature exists in society have sought the material aspirations. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want it or not, people still have to accept what it gives you, with attitude for Openness forced or choose to receive. When the challenges of life make people suffer, they will find the ones who make the place you comfort. This is also a form to relieve the most disturbing moments in time. But it will be a nurturing way, with strong will, with steadfast courage, to help people feel able to continue to step forward. Buddha vision and broad understanding, so Middle path which he found a way to end suffering, to bring people to the pure happiness in this life time. middle path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and write Ariyo atthamgiko maggo Pali. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this phrase. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, path. Eightfold Path consists of eight important elements to practice the following: The comments, written in Pali is Sammaditthi: right understanding bitter. Chinh thinking, Pali is written Sammasankappo: Thoughts true. the industry, Pali write a Sammakammanto: true Action do not work with false. the language is written in Pali Sammavaca: true honest words. the destiny is written in Pali Sama ajivo: Live genuine, not greedy, self-seeking away from the mean. the diligent, Pali is written Samavayamo: true effort. righteous, Pali is written Sammasati: True Reflection. the making, is written in Pali sammasamadhi: steadfast focus attention from the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted. politics, the intellectual thinking of | the languages, the industry, the legal fate of the world | Main Effort, the concept, the key belongs to. Through ellipsis part of the meaning of the eight factors. Here are the details of each element. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in a certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. human nature exists in society are looking for material aspirations. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want it or not, people still have to accept what it gives you, with attitude for Openness forced or choose to receive. When the challenges of life make people suffer, they will find the ones who make the place you comfort. This is also a form to relieve the most disturbing moments in time. But it will be a nurturing way, with strong will, with steadfast courage, to help people feel able to continue to step forward. Buddha vision and broad understanding, so Middle path which he found a way to end suffering, to bring people to the pure happiness in this life time. middle path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and write Ariyo atthamgiko maggo Pali. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this phrase. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, path. Eightfold Path consists of eight important elements to practice the following: The comments, written in Pali is Sammaditthi: right understanding bitter. Chinh thinking, Pali is written Sammasankappo: Thoughts true. the industry, Pali write a Sammakammanto: true Action do not work with false. the language is written in Pali Sammavaca: true honest words. the destiny is written in Pali Sama ajivo: Live genuine, not greedy, self-seeking away from the mean. the diligent, Pali is written Samavayamo: true effort. righteous, Pali is written Sammasati: True Reflection. the making, is written in Pali sammasamadhi: steadfast focus attention from the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted. politics, the intellectual thinking of | the languages, the industry, the legal fate of the world | Main Effort, the concept, the key belongs to. Through ellipsis part of the meaning of the eight factors. Here are the details of each element. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in a certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. human nature exists in society are looking for material aspirations. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want it or not, people still have to accept what it gives you, with attitude for Openness forced or choose to receive. When the challenges of life make people suffer, they will find the ones who make the place you comfort. This is also a form to relieve the most disturbing moments in time. But it will be a nurturing way, with strong will, with steadfast courage, to help people feel able to continue to step forward. Buddha vision and broad understanding, so Middle path which he found a way to end suffering, to bring people to the pure happiness in this life time. middle path is called the Noble Eightfold Path and write Ariyo atthamgiko maggo Pali. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this phrase. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, path. Eightfold Path consists of eight important elements to practice the following: The comments, written in Pali is Sammaditthi: right understanding bitter. Chinh thinking, Pali is written Sammasankappo: Thoughts true. the industry, Pali write a Sammakammanto: true Action do not work with false. the language is written in Pali Sammavaca: true honest words. the destiny is written in Pali Sama ajivo: Live genuine, not greedy, self-seeking away from the mean. the diligent, Pali is written Samavayamo: true effort. righteous, Pali is written Sammasati: True Reflection. the making, is written in Pali sammasamadhi: steadfast focus attention from the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted. politics, the intellectual thinking of | the languages, the industry, the legal fate of the world | Main Effort, the concept, the key belongs to. Through ellipsis part of the meaning of the eight factors. Here are the details of each element. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in a certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. Eight elements of the Eightfold Path is not a process arranged in certain order, as this element must precede other elements. These factors can be expressed in a neutral, like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has the task name and its own operations. Thanks to the contributions of the gathering this spring that a new major rivers exist. On the practical aspects of practice, eight factors were divided into three groups: Group morality, silakkhandha Pali is written, created up of right speech, right action and right livelihood. concentration group, samadhikkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by private financial tons, mindfulness, and right concentration. intellectual group, pannakkhandha Pali is written, made ​​by chief knowledge and right thinking. overall Guidelines eightfold About three groups, concentration, and wisdom, is the target leads to liberation from suffering, eradicate ignorance by. Because it is a means of intellectual practice in order to help people open up minds, to see and judge in a transparent manner all the phenomena and a thorough understanding of the true nature of the material. This is a comprehensive understanding and a feature to put a man awakened out of: ignorance, selfishness, the neo personal worship fame ... the dregs of ignorance, in everyday life days. Buddha said, only ourselves, freed themselves from the anguish. People must be masters of their destiny. Since the self-delusion that a god created, with the hope of salvation and bless yourself escape misery, suffering created by oneself. Finally I have a slave to god this god delusion that destiny created by yourself will never change. Intellectual Prajñā प्रज्ञा is Sanskrit, Pali is Panna. Wisdom aka Wisdom or Wisdom. Consistent position is that Hue is understood. In Buddhist Wisdom is a very important concept and has many varied interpretations depending on the sect. Characteristics of Wisdom is the light shining. The role of intelligence is that it can help, or consistently getting to see the true nature and ultimate of all phenomena and implement all what to do and need to do. Wisdom is also a way to help cultivate a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha. Intellectual entirely different from conventional intelligence (Pali vijnana). Intelligence is usually represents the normal operation of knowledge. intelligence is not a normal operation of that knowledge is the result of a diligent cultivation of the mind. In Eightfold Path, called political intelligence, ie the right to see the bitter knowledge is translated from Pali Sammaditthi. Samma means proper and reasonable. Diṭṭhi as that seen with the verb root is √ dis. Micchaditthi is the opposite of Sammaditthi wrong. So what is wrong view? Wrong is skewed view of the facts and create false knowledge, not the knowledge base, which makes people stray into heresy or lead people, to place disputes, fighting over lost, conservative prejudice, suffering afflictions. For example Superstition is the blind faith, fantasy speculation, not based, which makes people, lost all reason, the energy consumed, not to judge strength, not intelligence and may damage damage, breaking the happy family that can not be foreseen, in everyday life, of all people. This mix is long and confusing, in Buddhist activities. Through the ellipsis in the wrong form, then the cause is by creating them from: Seeing no reality, because ... | Seeing is not correct, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ... | If you're not genuine, because ...... So be calm, meditation, many times before deciding on a job or nothing. This showed in the Buddhist sense of wisdom is forged by the time to reach the most complete understanding bring successful conclusion to what I was to do. According to the Pali term is the opposite Micchaditthi of Sammaditthi and see Sammaditthi means true understanding bitter. Thus, here, something for the master to see this bitter knowledge right? Buddha took his life centered to practice and develop in many different ways to help children who are Directed seek. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. What do all to see the true understanding of this bitter? Buddha took his life centered to cultivate and develop in many different ways to help people looking for Director. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. What do all to see the true understanding of this bitter? Buddha took his life centered to cultivate and develop in many different ways to help people looking for Director. Based on personal experience through seeing, understanding how to make a wall, to compare and meaningful conclusion about a middle path which he has found, based on two real point in my life people and society. That is: Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain and a risk score should never do. From this clear sense that he has helped, how many people know practice clearly how important the value of wisdom, while they are looking for guidance or school who know nothing about religion, religion will find a way to practice and easier. example Wisdom be seen as the Noble Eightfold Path Right Understanding and Right view to see when using four noble truths, then it is interpreted as sole director, because, seeing Suffering is suffering, Tap is set, Killing is killing, Act is directed by knowledgeable understanding of the true nature of each factor. conclusion is that the director saw things as they really know the Four Noble Truths and explain new things as they really are. Hence the question of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are the opposite. According to Buddhism, there are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge of the common man's accumulated knowledge from memory, based on a number of data acquisition not deep and is also known as knowledge depends, Sanskrit is written, अनुबोध, anubodha, of masculinity, that is, memory, free memory, understanding, written from अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in original form a group. deep understanding actually called penetration, heart, Pali is written pativedha. Understanding this is the result of the research study (Pali, pariyatti) and practice (Pali, patipatti) a serious diligently to see that the animal in its nature without having to remember the name or the structure of it. penetration is only possible, when the mind is free from all contamination and was completely developed through meditation. This is also the chief reason why Hue is arranged in groups of the Noble Eightfold Path. Chief is a way of life that people are Buddhist, and development should practice every day, by trying to give the wrong, to reap the benefits of success in many areas of life. Chief is a self-discipline in itself, therefore, from the words and thoughts, self-development and self-purification. Right view is not related to faith, prayer, worship or ritual. Chief is a path to complete freedom, happiness and peace through the improvement of the moral, spiritual and intellectual through inner awareness of each person. director is also the way to help people who are actually Buddhist, eventually, to find out the inside of the Buddha himself. During the Right view is that everyone knows the correct as true, then Right Thought is the use of truth through real thoughts about the truth to come prepared to practice each step, like, seen through suffering and the suffering which the Buddha found suffering killing. This as well as the experience of life by, see, know how to use the truth of human suffering through authentic line of thinking that the Buddha established his religion, Buddhism, and from there into life without outside liberation for human suffering. Right Thought, Samma samkappa Pali is written. Samma means proper and reasonable. Samkappa means Vitakka: range, search, set up. chief ideological thinking is genuinely important to help people get rid of craving, hatred and delusion mind. Right Thought is a form of Right speech, because the mind is quiet in the language of the mind, such as silkworm cocoons locked himself in, I always say to yourself heard. If they find Right Thought (Vitakka) and maintain (Vichara) will shed light on language and action and increase benefits to Right view. Right Thought consists of three main elements: Nekkhamma: Renunciation, From left, exclusion, Avyapada: Mind kindness, goodwill, and generosity, against mean hatred, malice, envy. Avihimsa: No violent or peaceful, Virtue, compassion, inverse mean the violent, cruel. director thinking is thinking, true test, true thought might be to bring practical benefits to society. The bad qualities and ideas are inferior products groundwater quality is always contained within the human. As there is greed, hatred and delusion, then that day, the toxin can be unpredictable rise. therefore renunciation is also one of the antidote for greed and envy of its symptoms . director thinking is thinking in that true test definitively excluded, not suppress unwholesome mental states and replace them with good mentality. director thinking is thinking, true test in that opening kindness and compassion to achieve unconditional happiness of renunciation. Right Thought, along with Right Understanding to help students of Buddhism often think ethics review, failure to find mysterious substance from , Compassion, Joy, Discharge, consider that behavior to confess guilt, considering that ignorance causes suffering and is the source of evil and find the proper method to practice, that our salvation and for those around him. If everyone understood this rule, it is probably no longer a rich man's greed and envy of the poor. The result will be a benefit shared love for humanity through equality. summary Right Thought and Right Understanding is the second important factor in the Hue of the Noble Eightfold Path. Because they can be placed vertically on what has to be reversed to reveal what was hidden in the shadows. Group Sex, Pali is written silakkhandha formed by right speech, right action and right livelihood. About Sila called Sanskrit, Pali sila have written is from the root √ sil, ie: service, practices, rules and discipline. World of Buddhism is not the law or the rules ... required people to follow rigorously as in: schools, agencies, mass organizations, social organizations, large and small, different ... Sex here is the Buddha's instructions to counsel those who study Buddhism, after his passing, with his duties (caritta) and don'ts (varitta) to self-discipline yourself to life through intellectual development, to bring benefits for themselves and for people. Buddha is not forced and does not promise to those who study Buddhism, will reward people who do good and punish evil cause. It should be understood that each one must suffer for the actions of their own mistakes and life benefits due to his righteous actions. Gender Buddha is the principle of human exercise itself many different aspects such as style of Ethics and ethical behavior. ethical aspect is the practice of body, speech, mind, purity to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, in the interior, leading to peace, liberate yourself. Anyone wishing to social development and long-term survival, has to be the perfect man for personal moral sense to fundamentals. rooms ethical behavior in the practice is alive Since, Compassion, Joy, Rinse, letting people know that you love, love, sympathy, solidarity and helping each other in all social situations, in order to benefit, peace, joy, true happiness for ourselves and others. Gender is the different training conditions useful life looking for direction, that monks and nuns, the convent at home to rely on, to enlightenment. About Therefore there are different types of high and low depending on the basis of the set of the Buddha. Gender also has a significant other realms, space factor. Sanskrit and Pali called dhatu. Tam world, Sanskrit is triloka, including Desire (Sanskrit: kamadhatu), Lust (Sanskrit: rupadhatu) and formless (Sanskrit: arupadhatu). About the lifestyle always bring peace and happiness to man. It proves that humans are capable of achieving the highest ethical values, through the will and effort of his own self by: Avoid evil, cultivate good work, and keep a clear mind. Sex is a powerful lifestyle firm and rational, because it is reasonably practical way to modify from a bad human qualities of a good human qualities, from ignorance or objects an intellectual object, from a man thoughts become negative pessimistic people have positive thoughts positive dynamic. Gender is not confined alone in a framework, which is the step voluntarily start, finding the teachings of the Buddha, the answer to the misconception, since this road miles to the other lane in everyday life. Practicing Gender is the practice of teaching in the light profit Buddha's useful to look at the human and social develop intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking enlightenment liberation, not Is the purpose of this Practice About. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. which is the initial step voluntarily, seeking the teachings of the Buddha, the answers to these misconceptions, from the mile to the other lane in every day life. 's Practice About the practice teachings of the Buddha in the morning to see the benefits to human society that develops and intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking direct sensory gain release, is not the purpose of this World Practice. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures. which is the initial step voluntarily, seeking the teachings of the Buddha, the answers to these misconceptions, from the mile to the other lane in every day life. 's Practice About the practice teachings of the Buddha in the morning to see the benefits to human society that develops and intellectual, compassionate with the aim of building peace to his people. Pray for grace, blessings and fortune rather than seeking direct sensory gain release, is not the purpose of this World Practice. Through the concept of ellipsis About letters. The time now is talking about the formation of the group stage of the World last known element itself: Right Speech is written in Pali Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the away from frivolous speech in a speech that did not make the break, happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and to the people, a welcome speech to the audience joy, a useful word to make people listen to calming the mind, a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a fashionable word at the right time and, where and reasonable conditions, giving the listener the feeling of love, kindness, compassion, Hy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. formation of the group stage through the main World itself known factors: right speech, written in Pali is Sammavaca, Right Action, is written in Pali Sammakammanto, Right Livelihood, Sama ajivo. Strictly speaking the words away from frivolous claims in a speech that did not make the break , happy family, do not make people suspect each other, a speech to his advantage and let people hear a word out of joy, a useful word to make people listen to quiet the mind , a word honestly, equality, peaceful, clear, simple, strongly attacked, a word at the right time and the time, the circumstances and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, From , Compassion, Joy, Drain. These words are to help further Speech, the exhibition up for Right Understanding, Right Thought in search of direction. chief language, Sanskrit is written Samyag VAC, Pali Sammavaca. Samma means proper and reasonable. Sanskrit vac, vac वाच् written verb, the feminine form, ie, voice, speech, voice, language, speech, words holiness. Mahaparinirvana In business, before German Buddha's passing away, have to ask: After he entered nirvana and then, later people face many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not how to distinguish between. So according to the news tu? He answered: No matter what free speech is one of the true words of truth according to which the convent. speech Speech is righteous, no deeds in words, but rather, Using words to create good karma. Words are the expression of feelings and thoughts, if not careful, without thinking, the words easy to make other people miserable, which sometimes eat yourself to feel remorse for saying no be the cause of his woes. nature of words depending on the different contents of consciousness. If the mind is more anger, burning ... the word will bring nuances heavy, aggressive. If our mind is pure, the words will be easier to hear, the sound harmonious. Speaking is an art and a religious way through the words chosen to observe and listen. comparative standpoint, thinking they can learn and consider, there are also language and speech analysis, evidence identity, or expression that is called conclusion. Such language is understood as the Justice and Understanding shall be construed as Duy Luan. From this point shows that eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, though they have split up into different groups, but we still have a very closely related. Results showed that: The more one practices Right Thought , are creating conditions to allow for the different tendencies of the President is to be fruitful and further growth. Right view is the chief source of nurture thinking. Thanks to the development of Right Understanding and Right Thought Right Speech that is expressed clearly. Hence the words cause pain, it must know what is visible and not thinking clearly incorrect. During the relationship between people, Speech method to gain the world's attention or behavior by looking properly, think properly in words. For example: How can advise other people, when they make a mistake, say the wrong thing, or think is wrong? Words to avoid offending any listeners? Only Right Speech and Right Speech. language handwriting and voice to help human understanding, cultural exchange information, create laws to prevent crime and build the foundation for other civilizations in society. All are happy in life starts from human speech and would never hear someone else say easy, while himself not to do so. Want to see the director, which is to be peaceful life happy, then who knows how to exercise your right to say, in the words noble, useful, thoughtful, meaningful, recorded in the world of the Buddha has set out. Understanding such training so, is he practicing Right Speech. speech is a very important influence not only on the lives of every individual happiness but also can determine both the security of social risk. Thus, the Buddha gave the Speech Path. These actions create suffering for humans and animals, such as anger, hitting rocks, cursed, cursed is mine now. And as a righteous act meaningful protection, construction and transport as cover for life: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol is also called Right Action. Wrong and Right now the the action of the body. In the Eightfold Path, Right Understanding, Right Thought is seen as the language of business and director of the export industry. Hence the word Karma is understood as: the act created by mind control. Industry by the Chinese word translated from the Sanskrit word Karma. Karma, कर्म, कर्मन, Karman, that is, behaviors, actions, activities, behavior, status, belonging to mind, mouth, and body. Karma is the root word is √ kri, from the word kriya means: to do, to act. Pali kamma कम्म spelled, the word Karma concept in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because every now done under certain conditions, it will form a ball, called Phala Sanskrit, is the original फल √ फल् Phal means, is, broken, split, reflect, emit, under consequences of success. A career is moral or immoral action in three ways: by itself, with care, and by word, by line of thought. So when people intend to do what they have committed, not necessarily that make it happen or not. Industry to be reborn in a human life, but human activity in life that still freedom. Industry birth circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man. Thus, every act is done with the intention of an action creativity. Promote volitional action, creating a force to move in the endless process of change in their lives. Industries of each person's individual actions of each individual and of the results that they now created, then they themselves are the beneficiaries of this particular result. Of each person's career experience of each person, so no one can intervene in order to alter the results of the individual business. A cause of action will not now, if it is done without introducing from greed, hatred and delusion. It was not smooth because of the karmic law of cause and effect which caused his human self and society know how painful sorrows, and then heaven and earth to blame or assign blame others or external objective conditions . contrary to what people have to grasp this karmic law of cause and effect in the self-observation, self-contemplative life profoundly, they can not overcome the suffering, his own self-improvement, but also bring many benefits to society. During Buddhism, good deeds does not mean termination cycle. Want to get out of this, they have to give up both good and bad. In short right action is action, genuine employment, right to right reason, in accordance with the truth, with benefits for both animals. Persons practicing right now is the director always prudent to keep all the its activities, to avoid harming the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, and threatening other people always respect their professional conscience, the action is always beneficial for everyone, everything. If necessary, sacrifice their interests or threatening to liberate the suffering of others. Want to be practicing Right now reached high results, they must practice Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, a Seriously, besides if you like, in meditation, Buddha, chanting, mantras, as the result, in order to keep our body, speech and mind, as well as deeds worthy welcome. vast right action is endless , very interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just like with their time and are no longer a fear of failure or doubt what Buddha taught to practice in life. From that When planting corn, I know, will be the corn like that. Because, all these achievements have come from hard work and diligence in practice. Through two parts, right speech, right action, now to the end of the Right Livelihood. This has three important parts of the classification of the World, Sila in Sanskrit called the Eightfold Path. As already said, About the ethics of work to show people and get to see what these things should not be done (varitta) and what should be done (caritta). Through right action to improve the who make themselves clean and always verbal, to escape from all forms of suffering for ourselves and others. Birth, aging, sickness, death, is a process of karma and karmic retribution. Now is the equality of the loan and pay in life. Good or bad now that precept, is not afraid astray. Because, to preserve this world have the ability to neutralize the bad into something good. fact, life is a constant battle to achieve the urgent need for the preservation of the lives of individuals and feed their families. People are forced to see the work and living is a key issue, prompting urgent, so sometimes people do not bother much about the human values, which more and more attention to money and power. If human society loses the value of fairness, compassion and honesty, the life of the human future will be like? According glance, all the Buddha's thoughts and actions are rooted in the human mind. If good people are interested and concerned to the development of human society, with the real action, the results will be useful for mankind. It is also healthy lifestyle, living in a healthy environment, not living on the misery of others of like animals, true human life, nourished by the teachings of the Buddha, by, Since, Compassion, Joy, Drain. therefore have enhanced or not enhanced the moral foundation, but this foundation, creating more standing still big difference in many areas of society. People live, no one dare to claim to be perfect. Want to be perfected, the practitioner must exercise over the process seriously. forged Without ethics, the man who would become evil and life will be a victim of it. So, now the director of proper behavior, good deeds, to abandon killing, sexual misconduct in giving out the love duc.Thuc help, leading to true life. Since then, the Right Livelihood become effective remedy, in every human being, to therapy, all symptoms caused suffering by not feeding her career in the brutal, no Dharma, no confidence, no case moral society ... Right Livelihood is fed by the professional body in true honesty that is staying true Dhamma, not superstition, do not live in the ideal, hallucinations, vague, abstract ... Also Right Livelihood means to live no longer run by evil desires and dietary measures.

Right Livelihood, write Sanskrit and Pali is Samyag-ajiva is Samma ajiva. Samma word meaning: true, reasonable. Chu आजीव, ajiva [ajiv] masculine form, has many meanings: Livelihoods, job, jobs, lifestyle, lifestyles.
According to the definition of the Sanskrit language is Samma chief, right, justified. Networking is ajiva, आजीव, life, life. Thus, the chief network is live and nourish yourself, in a righteous way, in any business or profession in accordance with reasonable ...
The school is the last link to complete the three reference groups School of the Noble Eightfold Path.
Pali wrote The school is samādhi-sikkha, which means steadfast focus minds on the true path not to move anything daunting future, distracted.
samādhi, समाधि, the masculine, there are many means as follows: unity, completion, focus the mind, meditation, concentration and performance, object recognition, spiritual communion. Centralized control of the mind, mental absorption but not for the purpose of full liberation of the mind.
Sikkha, शिष्य, derives from the sisya, that is, disciples, learners, principles, the school.
Do not confuse the meaning of the word: Dhyana, Samadhi, Bhavana.
Dhyana, Sanskrit, ध्यान, derives from or √ √ dhya dhyai, ​​meaning: the thinking, concentration deposition. Pali called jhāna.
samādhi, समाधि, of masculinity, has the following meanings: unity, completion, focus the mind, meditation, concentration and performance, object recognition, spiritual communion. Centralized control of the mind, mental absorption but not for the purpose of full liberation of the mind.
Bhavana, भवन, Sanskrit and Pali means: to be or development, villas, houses , palaces, headquarters. In Buddhism, it is often used to talk about the cultivation of mind, or mind development, set to familiar or Tam Tam Practice.
Bhavana comes from the word bhava, bhava भव [bhu_1], masculine form, with means many meanings: the existence, condition, origin, birth, prosperity, excellence, world, life here, one of six art law and art, called Sanskrit sadangasilpa including the contents are as follows:
- Rupabheda the concept of art form.
- Pramana is concept art for the sense of proportion.
- Bhava is the concept of artistic expression of feeling or emotion.
- Lavanyayojana is the concept art for the privilege.
- Sadrsya concept art is meaningful comparison.
- Varnikabhanga the concept art world of colors.
Through the generalized sense suggests that meditation is not uniform method. Meditation is a state of consciousness can not be defined, can not be described but must be experienced by every person in the sense of self: Serve hot, cold drink themselves known. That is about to experience enlightenment of truth in the deepest. So meditation is not a method to get people away from ignorance to enlightenment, but it helps people discover their true nature is to live in present moment.
Meditation is a concept important in the practice of dharma (patipatti = Knowledge and practice of Buddhism in protest meant pariyatti = Knowledge on dharma theory). From Bhavana usually appears with another word forming a compound phrase meaning as follows:
-Citta bhāvanā: Development of Consciousness.
bhāvanā-Metta: from the development of the center.
bhāvanā-Kaya: development of body.
bhāvanā-Panna: Brain Development.
-Samadhi-bhāvanā: Purity of mind development.
-Vipassana-bhāvanā: development of a rational view. practice all forms of meditation as a guide for people, achieve a focused mood, deposition, such as a lake where one can only see through to the bottom of it, when the water in the lake, not stirred. Peaceful mood, this deposition can be achieved through practicing different shape. Dinh enrolled in Eightfold Path are: Right Effort (Sanskrit. samyag-vyayama), Right Mindfulness (Sanskrit. Samyagsmrti ), Right Concentration (Sanskrit. samyaksamadhi). Samma As literacy in Pali word meaning: proper and reasonable. Samyag Sanskrit, सम्यग्. iic (abbreviation of the word in compositi Initio, which means in the starting composition) of the word, सम्यक्, Samyak [neutral form. samyac] interjaculate have the following meaning: together, we, at the same time, good, proper, correct, consistent, correct, accurate and true. व्यायाम, vyayama, [vyayam] of masculinity, which meanings as follows: scramble, competition, fight, collective work, effort, operating and maintenance. -IFC (acronym compositi fine print, that is the end of the structure) means a set made ​​of ... , Or to attempt to. Through the definition of the word and vyayama Samyag, the Right Effort means diligence in accordance with the Dhamma, the Buddha and was identified very clearly is that the amendment should be. Because, Fourth District should be a common noun just practice ways of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood. Diligent effort is functioning, and wake consolidate sure for the daily collection of individuals, for the purpose of preventing or stay away from crime, which measures growth-friendly, so bring a joyful life serene and unscathed. Diligent without wisdom is not achieve the desired purpose. But Effort wise, it would be the appropriate method to achieve success in the job to perform. Persons tireless efforts in cultivating true, then that is fine capacity attack to rid themselves of the most tempting time in prison shackles of evil. Diligent's foundation to: Action for the benefit of people in prayer | Giving a frustrated, unhappy, laziest | The bad thing is sin, not stirred | expanding the intellectual. Diligent is the noble spiritual practice, through meditation, because meditation is the act of happiness for themselves and for all. Doing anything in life, there are also needs attention urgently and diligently, it was put to success. Buddhist path to new file. For example, when people say the word anger is often difficult to hear, or do not act well, because they can not control themselves. therefore need to be set to control ourselves, to avoid the consequences unexpected, because in the moment without thinking can take you to the end of suffering, which is not to say eat up. Everybody beginnings, all is not difficult, but in practice sleeves, which like a nice person, a good person in the family and society, the desire to have bodhichitta particles is an illusion. Diligent land on the variables are filled with misery, become powerful land containing forgiveness, tolerance, embracing all species. Prayer is good but not enough story that must be engaged. Effort is the dedicated himself to creating a free chain, can be transformed itself as well as for yourself. rice farmer, said selecting good seeds, to nurture it with love , that use the proper fertilizer for it, the results gained by the crop will give them a complete joy as you. Suffering and happiness, everything is chosen by the individual. Want to format, then try to attack the body and mind. Want peace, then try to attack a private practice in every moment of his present. Mindfulness, Samyagsmrti Sanskrit is written. As Samyag literacy, सम्यग्. iic (abbreviation of the word in compositi Initio, which means in the starting composition) of the word, सम्यक्, Samyak [neutral form. samyac] interjaculate have the following meaning: together, we, at the same time, good, proper, correct, consistent, correct, accurate and true. स्मृति word, smrti [SMR-ti] of the female form properties, that is, memory, memories, traditions, epic, all sacred texts and legal tradition. Noble Eightfold Path of Mindfulness meditation is true, or right mind thinks correctly, be viewed as a lamp to help the mind awake, see, know, that, the good meaning of life, through the Buddha's words, that do not live in ignorance, insanity, a clear clear. important meaning good life, is to live moral, by virtue of four from, Compassion, Joy, far away from each person in the heart. Mindfulness of the Noble Eightfold Path is the content of mindfulness KinhTu and also the mindfulness concept of contingent resources base, contingent resources, the seven factors of enlightenment concept of enlightenment. Mindfulness Do not be confused and indifferent. Mindfulness, belongs to Theravada Buddhism and the definition has been presented as: remembering the good things, perhaps not, the benefits for yourself, for the over attentiveness to work, without distracted mind. Infinite belongs Zen Center. Insensitive means no attachments to things. Mindfulness also means the quartet, because, the Italian quartet is the careful gestures and verbal actions, but grandparents, parents, often remind children of the family, traditionally, through things like a grown child to the quarterfinals, or in public places, often have small boards often hung before the meeting room: Please shut door gently. Thank mindful of you. practice mindfulness approach, is aware that they are doing something ... in every moment of his life. For example, when you are eating, they know they are eating, the drinking, I'm drinking that ... This is how you can help people live their lives actively, not begins with the distinction of good ideas evil, but by observing his own life. Want righteous lamp lit up, they need a fuel such as breathing, eyes forgiveness and love, to give those involved trivial anger, Lord Buddha , chanting, prayers ... In short, fuel likely to shed light on a clear understanding of body and purity of life are valuable fuel. During life, all activities are manifested in actions and words. Therefore, to know how to live today for the full peace, in action and words, do not let the light faded wake up to a burning or extinguished. A concentration is can create very bright light and very strong, known as the Light of Wisdom. director or in response to written language is Samyaksamadhi. As Samyag literacy, सम्यग्. iic (abbreviation of the word in compositi Initio, which means in the starting composition) of the word, सम्यक्, Samyak [neutral form. samyac] interjaculate have the following meaning: together, we, at the same time, good, proper, correct, consistent, correct, accurate and true. samādhi, समाधि, of masculinity, many meanings following: unity, completion, focus the mind, meditation, concentration and performance, object identity, spirit communion. Centralized control of the mind, mental absorption but not for the purpose of full liberation of the mind. It is meant to concentrate on a problem, to see clearly. In other words, concentrate on a legitimate issue, the right to truth, its benefits for humans. director of the method is a significant religious center, making the world clean for the sound knowledge high. Buddha said: "Samadhi bhikkhave samahito pajanati sanjanati passati The meditation teacher just because you have to clear the mind to meditate, remember to make, understand the truth of things right. " according to The Right Concentration, focus often thought to observe the following key issues: body shop ie visualizing impure impure body, except for greed and delusion charity. Quan Compassion meditation is all living beings is a true mind, average College is no different, except for the hatred and extend compassion to save sentient beings. Quan is predestined all legal contemplation as tangible things, such as invisible in mind are the author, other conditions that may , but honestly no, not usually exist, except for the foolish mortgage law. Quan breath meditation that is counted by focusing on the breath, for the treatment of mental wandering. During the life, all activities were manifest in actions and words. Therefore, the Buddha Path used to be the director of network and get free of the law, take Right Speech, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness to do the same now toward life support rescue and enlightenment. At the same time the practice of the Eightfold Path have the ability to kick off the source of the Bible, the true life of the Buddha School. The Buddha's achievements have available capacity within each person, just practice and hone seriously, it would have become a means of protection, protect yourself and those around you .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN =GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/10/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).THE MOST VENERABLE THICH TAM CHAU.( LEADER ).

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