Monday 6 May 2013

The ego.
The internal function of egolessness

Word of the Buddha's teaching that reflects the spiritual practices and languages of India in his time, both in how the develop and how the contrast. So, can see his perspective on the ego as opposed to the majority of the Indian philosophers such as was presented in Chapter 1.
In General, Hinduism accepts that the constant ego. Atman while contact but, a crucial way, independent of the physical body. For example, a poetry that the famous Bhagavad Gita wherein Krishna deities, Los guys hitting the car, explained to the Prince that Arguna not kill nor was killed on the battlefield. The body be destroyed but the atman continue to live forever. Also, in the Upanishads, which precedes the Gita, one reads that the purpose of life is the spiritual oneness atman with Brahman — the u.s. falling into a fall in the absolute reality or. And a computer even the highway only atman assimilated by it with absolute ones.
One of the functions of that perspective is the man, large, being fixed by immutable identity of each person, to in turn reinforce the distinction of fine and then, as can the traditional way of reasoning, leading to socialism as a fateful situation does not have the ability to shape and transform your own destiny.
While the teaching of anatta (anatta), the Buddha rejected the concept of Hinduism on the atman. Taught about the status correlated link, he implies that the ' ego ' (atta) would also have no inherent reality and (usually), but it resulted in depending on the conditions; egolessness constantly varies according to the condition changes, it will only exist in the form that it is there at the death.
The five aggregates

According to the Buddha's teaching, atta (ego) is described as a fusion of the five aggregates — in a deposition, harmony form the human mind. They obscure the truth cause each person to suffer brain gauge reincarnation.
The five aggregates is:
1. aggregates. Good body, just general things tangible material, consisting of the senses, the four limbs and whole organs;
2. Passive aggregates. Feeling. The effect of the receptor to the scene;
3. the idea of aggregates. Fantasy. The effect of imagination on things of the mind for the scene;
4. Run aggregates. The General's mind. The effect of everything evil elements like pitch, etc of the mind for the scene;
5. Form aggregates. Discernment or perception, consciousness. The self knows distinguish the things of the mind for the scene.
Aggregates and user Center

If people, a spiritual love, which looks at the Good aggregates are environmentally, while three other aggregates. In the Center there are Passive, Idea,; While the Recipe is from the combined progress between the body and the mind. Raw Pine Walls & foot Nguyen, in Buddhist studies, Positive PUBLISHING HOUSE, 1999, coastal's analysis of the five aggregates are the following:
1. Performance by the four great races made up, it's the soil, water, fire, wind. Colors that make up the senses and the object of the senses;
2. is the entire sense, does not distinguish them as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral;
3. the Idea is to get to know the feeling of sounds, colors, smells ... even recognizing consciously are present;
4. are the psychological operations once there is, for example, reviews, fun like, dislike, determination, the sense of ...;
5. Form consists of six related sense of form to the six senses: sense of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind.
Skandha in imitation of ' ego '

Each of the aggregates is a ' bundle ' of the most phenomena and transforming that when placed all five aggregates links to each other, I call a Convention is ' I myself '.
While surveying the Buddhist perspective on the ego, the important thing is the need to put aside any notion of bringing Western dualistic and monotheistic religion of the mind and the body or the soul and the body. Once done, the question we pose is: ' I am something? '
First of all, according to Buddhism, is a physical entity are converted on the ramp from at birth to at left. A physical body requires food, drinking water and oxygen. A body is processing food into energy to reserve itself. A body that its existence completely depends on the rest of the material world.
I also got to know the emotions are in constant change. Some good; some discomfort; some not very good is not uncomfortable. The feelings which arise correspond to the perception, i.e. knowledge comes to us through the senses. As a result of the feelings and the perception then, we aspire, we decide to act, we make decisions. All of the ones that is the wish of ours, they made a career, (karma), of us and our response shows for life.
But arising as a result of the four other aggregates are conscious. There are different forms of consciousness depending on the sense in which it arose: see, hear, smell, taste and touch, along with the mind — known as the mind, what is the Buddha view is a feature; It is a feature of thought, like the eyes for one feature, see.
As a result, the consciousness is a process of look, touch, smell, taste, hear and think.
The mind is a process

Dew point important to acknowledge that there is no ' separate ' ones are called consciousness. There is no separate mind or differ from the process of thinking, just as there is no ' one ' with the eyes face and noted the brightness. Consciousness — consciousness — the fifth and aggregates of the five aggregates, only arise in four other aggregates are subject to.
Therefore, the mind is also not a ' is the character '. Do not be afraid to ask where my heart because I don't have the ' the things ' to be able to give you the ' prayers '. It is a process, a santanna. As individuals, we are of all of the actions of body, speech and mind. Having a mind more harmony, more integration, more sensitive, more static — that Buddhism tries to cheer — does not imply that there is a separate entity from the ' name ' would it have enough supplies computer.
In other words, remove the thought did not exist at the thought. There is no soul or ego; What we call a Convention is ' I myself ' just a total whole the processes through which these features set the comb to the rest of the world, including the spiritual process through which we conceptualize and represent the province — reflects — about the experience of the beginner slopes.
Compared to Western philosophy:
Comes under the term Western philosophy, this approach to the ego is called ' Sub ' statue (epiphenomenalism), mind arises as a result of the different phenomena and are not independent of them.
Here, it is important to acknowledge the ' aspect is your home ' (nominalism) of Buddhist thought. A way of naming conventions, we set title ' ego ', ' mind ', but the name does not mean that there is a separate entity to be called by his name.
For example, you can't daydream survey in the same time the eye with the optic nerve and the light source it is looking face, and then you wonder that: ' above all, where is the ' see? ' ' Saw ' is the title, the name we choose for the course looking face. The mind is the feature of thinking and consciousness is the title we choose for the thinking process and get to know.
We can probe the similarities here with his book The Concept of Mind (the concept of mind) of Gibert Ryle (see Australian diamonds Western philosophy), in which the idea of taking the Western tradition of ego or soul to separate was Ryle referred to by the phrase ' Ghost in the machine '. However, the primary difference is that Ryle going to her problems from the perspective of Linguistics, as in the towards Buddhism, it is simply a component of a holistic view of the entire life form a network of link correlated to the hiiện audience is relentless change.
The ' I ' is actually something?

For questions, the Buddhism has the answer. The ' truth ' is huaishang district is: what you're feeling, see, think and choose to do with their lives. No what you ' really ' often wasted avoid elusive or in any other place.
Therefore, negative values of Buddhism the ultimate ego searches and invariant (atman) is different from the physical body are constantly change.
Compared to Western philosophy:
But willing disbelief full-heartedly what was known by the senses, René Descartes also can not doubt the things he thought, so he concluded cogito ergo sum: I think that is my existence. The work he set out for himself that would be the Buddhism considered useless. He sought to separate the ego with the worlds in order to exclude the whole of what is he watching might be something else, to go to an ego (ego), independent and permanent basis.
According to Buddhist speech, separation of the ego from the world is impossible to do, because of the ego is the part of the world; It is fully integrated into the world. Descartes out vision every feeling and so on as part of the material world, but he could not find the home of your mind — it is something which is not the same and do not make one with, so he founded the chasms between matter and spirit. Descartes transforms matter and spirit into two independent worlds, connected together by a cone-shaped glands in nảo (pineal gland), because he could not find a link that would allow this world to interact across the world.
Buddhist views of Descartes

Reality, Buddhism would feel disappointed to see the process of Descates, and perhaps they will say:
' There is only one world, and he was a part of the world; He lives inside it. He was a part of the world makes him likely to meet and respond to the rest of the world. When these same features, he consciously. That's what he is, no mystery charges, no ghost ball cinnamon would be found in any other place.
' The mystery of the ego is often elusive and avoiding waste, is no secret ego often elusive and avoiding waste. He is exactly who he is, a physical body, emotions, sensations, desires, thoughts, sense. '
Not the ego, the

This is at the heart of the Buddhist perspective of reality. There is no ' ego '. But does not mean that you have no personality (personality). When you act — in other words, when you set up a karma (career) — and the reaction to the old karma, i.e. you are are knit weave a conscious model includes the characteristics. Memories — consciously or unconsciously — of all that you experienced in the past, to provide information for the feelings and choices in the future, and so on.
There is no ' ego ' there is no celebration. All the same we alert them; you are friends with the emotions, thoughts and tendencies of your practices. No ones there is the idea that there is a certain ones were called the ' ego ' in the above process.
Middle of the ego

While understanding the radical difference between the views of Hinduism and Buddhism of the ego, we need to note that Buddhism tries to avoid what it viewed as the failure to take advantage of the platform: it is eternal and nothingness.
1. eternal perspective (Hinduism) separate from any ego correlating the link. It's that ego had a computer hang. His views can be seen as an effort to Prime the facility generally in and safe in a world where the body obviously mutated and disintegrates.
2. in the tip of the right extremists, advocating nihilism. In the most negative thảùy values and their meanings, it shows implies there is what is known as ego, and so it is said that there is any link correlated in this world.
Both points of view then all out effort genetically ' ego ' into a ' things ' separately, and then consider it has retained or not, and if available, the ego can have a computer? Both see it as a way to approach owners name on the ' ego ', but his preaching of Buddhist negative way.
For Buddhism, absolutely cannot afford to isolate the ego from the conditions and the relationships which were tight blend of ego and manipulation. No that is not ego is something both; It is only in subject to it, and thus, it has a correlating are linked and are transformed.
New correlating with the existing

The article has just presented, we see there is a very important point, not be forgotten. The idea of anatta: anatta, here or the idea of sunyata: no computer, in the following chapters, which are usually interpreted as ' empty, there is nothing '. And if looked at from the perspective of the West, it implies that ' non-existence ' (non-existence). But in Buddhism, both anatta and sunyata all have an active role. Can describe the ' anatta ' an illusion as follows.
You are only available as long as you also share your general physical — is part of the physical world, thought and your language is part of culture, the sensation of you is part of the relationship, and so on. No other link correlated, the ego seems to disappear, or pause under the term Western philosophy, it is often hard to avoid and difficult to grasp.
Philosophy and ethics of Buddhism only become meaningful in light of the stance. Such is the philosophy of the links or the consequence, of the samples vary constantly. It involves admitting the flow of life that we are partaking in it. You present, in the sense naming conventions; and so for this sugar says, one labeled ' friends ' for the ones that are doing so.
However, even at the level of physics, which are not really the way the existence of these objects. The atoms that make up the body you ever present somewhere else and then will also present like that anymore; yours is the name given to the current arrangement of them. Billions of years ago, before the Earth, before the Sun, prior to this solar system, the atoms which are making body, has been annealed in the nuclear reaction takes place at extremely high temperatures in the center of a star. With the ' death ' of the star, the material being burst out like the external direction and then re assembled. You are the product of the process is recycled. Modern Cosmology launched her creation setting — called a explosions in the Big Bang of the universe — and that theory seems to support the view of Buddhism.
A positive philosophy

People are individuals, while for self-defense that is trying to separate from its context in a world of correlating the link and changing constantly, and forced to do your shouldering the value, under the eye of Buddhism, are notable for mercy. The future of it clearly is inevitably degenerated and dead. With such a perspective, it seems like there's nothing worthwhile because everything ends in the dust.
However, once you get used to the ways of looking at life in a State of correlating its link, the current strength of the fractured brain gauge empties. Still followed the premature aging disease, but they are just part of the natural world in which humans may develop these linkages through time and across space. Such is the view presented by the idea of the newspaper industry, and in particular, in the development of An excess of ' Buddha ' in all creatures.
That's why, as a direct and philosophy related to the individual, can Buddhism as philosophy absolutely positive in their reviews and enjoy life, and at the same time that frustration and suffering the brain can only come from what is viewed as the illusion of an existing independent and ego.

Like the Eu has swept the opening verse chemistry exam Dhammapada, a collection of the most barking early Buddha's teaching, as follows:
' Italy leading France.
Italy, Italy created
If the pollution
Speak up or act
Experimentalists brain gauge,
As the car, pull the character. '
Through the classic statements, one can see the Buddhist philosophy did not see the correlating the link as a way of manipulations with fate. ' Italy led the France-Italy, Italy created '. Although the each of the resulting in depending on the conditions, it was also established as part of the conditions allow the next. In the sense, all the components are playing a role in the change process.
Within the limits of it, my life is formed by the thought-the ' Italy ' time — and with them is the decision of ourselves and of others. Not an action is ' Italy ' — has focus — of no consequence. Learn a simple way, karma simply means ' action ', but in the philosophy of Buddhism, it refers to the actions taken as a result of an employment voluntarily and consciously. The ones you choose to do, what you are is. Therefore, there is a continuous process that has just created a new business just experiencing the results of past karma.
No major computer fixed

Tend to claim that the US is what we decide to do. So, if you are a charity, you are expected to see the inherent goodness of you by doing acts of good — the existence of the acts he manifested primarily as ' good '. For Buddhism is completely the opposite: If you do the acts in good faith, you are called a ' good faith ', and the making of good behavior can be said to be good.
For example, you do not play music because you are musicians; you are the musicians that you play music. ' ' Is not a weakness, it simply is the title given to someone is playing music.
In Buddhism, there is no fixed charge elements. Like, what will you be in the future is determined by what you are is at the moment, with the arising of good or evil. In the sense, as the present to weak, or more precisely, weak computer is simply the title given to certain characteristics of the present one.

Though according to popular speech, people often assume that the Buddhism believe in ' the reincarnation ', but the truth is not completely correct y like that. Re reincarnation implies that there is a soul living in a body; and then when the body dies, the soul then continue motion to be ' reincarnation ' into a body. Clear the view's not matching with the perspective of Buddhism which see the ego as a set of ever-changing skandha.
For Buddhism, what you are today is the result of what you have is yesterday, and in turn the formation today as tomorrow. You're constantly mutate, are being formed by the newspaper industry. The Buddhist term is used to refer to the process then not the head thai ' which is ' reborn ' (punabhava).
Regeneration is born again in a later life. The modern Buddhism tends to argue that the term ' Rebirth ' more accurately the term ' Samsara ', because the word ' reincarnation ' can cause illusions that have a common soul in around reincarnation out of existence to another realm, while Buddhism does not acknowledge having a soul and exist independently of the body.
However, when dead, the whole network of correlating the link and karma of them not simply to a Championship. In the field of Ðoạn Tan Nguyen Du, a poet profound Buddhist studies, Sumedha Chapel bearing the ' Italian ' o for Kim Zhong's death were the following:
' Regeneration has not ended its curse,
Do the stems of Buffalo horse temple architecture-nghì mai '.
Indeed, correlated network and career are still there. And what you do today will have an impact would that tomorrow, even if you have to die at midnight! As a result, Buddhism views the newspaper industry continues until a result is ripe in the future. Buddhism does not claim that you disappear from this world to enter into a different world, where you have one alternative: the existence of a soul not the body. Buddhists believe in this world, will have the operation and undertaking life through karma that you have created. This was manifested as a string composed of the twelve links of a leash in order of past life, the present and the future, called The second coast guard personnel as mentioned above.
The image given to illustrate The erren charm is the fire of this lamp lighted the flame of the lamp. Second fire stand left the first flame but flame brightness varies and is the result of combustion of the flame, so the impact of twelve tops. Between the lamps, do not have the physical properties of fire lines, but the fires they light on correlating the link.
Coast Guard personnel over the life

Chinese Communists bolster ties While in the book led, tt 1783-1784, having recorded a trigger and kill take that he said was read in many books. We would like to quote here for clarification over the rope 12 links, or 12 lights on, at the same time, though you can fully agree with this analysis or not, also shows a rich nature and experiencing individual particularities of the Buddhism.
' 1. ignorance: From before the Mexican plum, dark, so false.
2. out: and he caused offence.
(Here is the lifetime Coco Nhon was over).
3. Knowledge: knowing that you understand to be true, so the reincarnation into the womb.
4. Name: there are objects in pregnancy.
5. Record type: enough Designers eye, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, body, mind.
6. Contact: after release from heart mother, met this other work, said mothers, eating, for the next three to four years.
7. Interior Life love To know enough key: (happy, angry, sad, funny, hurt, hate, want), from age 5 to 13 years old.
8. Love: love each other, sexual dreams, from age 14 to 19 years old.
9.: the couple Has passionate sex in.
10. Ownership: the Yes is sure, is durable, being a child.
(Here is the current lifetime Coco nhơn).
11. birth: want to sire more Deng has enjoyed the delights of sex, pleasure anymore.
12. Lao Tzu: and the old age and death, reincarnation was back again.
(Here's the next lifetime Coco nhơn). '
Comments of the Buddha

Specifically, the question of root saṃsāra — understood in the sense of regeneration — from where, and people, like love, ever since, has been widely raised with the Buddha. Him expressly not answered, not debate the matter, because according to him:
a. They are part of the endless questions. Answers of them not help anything to the practice;
b. key elements of reincarnation is desire, hatred and ignorance;
c. other creatures, or the forms of existence to another, do not have the ability to realize the three elements, should not be any mortal cycles end samsara;
d. the need to regenerate the human form, they can take the freed from samsara, bailed out the world infinitely often, accomplishing Nirvana.

But the hereafter have to debate at least as much about the exact meaning of the word Nirvana. Prize information literally in Sanskrit, nirvana, or situated in Pali, which means the President State President, miluo city, in the sense not of any fire left half. However, it doesn't have to literally turn iron into ashes, so Nirvana is not the point that I have still been ' end '.
Actually, the nirvana is described as the point at which the flame three toxic radicals took part in the si field — meant to be desire, hatred and ignorance as above — be extinguished because no fuel to keep it burning. Nirvana also literally means ' removed ', i.e. eliminates the cycle of reincarnation by the winning of three toxic roots in the si field. Nirvana is the mild worry of all, (samskara): intention, focus can lead to an artifact. Nirvana is the realm of infertility, (asamskritta): no longer being regulated, not subject and the charm, no longer subject to the impact of the rules, the, head, kill.
In General, Nirvana with samsara. Samsara term used to describe a normal world that its changes as a result of the industry generated by the terrace of the si. Samrara is the reincarnation, a cruise as the wheel never stops rollers in the realms of impermanence. The whole process of the industry — from action to action, from mood to mood, from this life through other lives — is not satisfied either.
The whole plenitude or the Member, as understood by the term philosophy and Buddhist spirituality, appear on reaching the other side warns about samsara. This does not imply moving from this world that is the achievement of a State of which the person is not what brings suffering touched the brain, it's also no longer cause suffering for others.
In the tradition of early Buddhist bark, Nirvana was looked at as an ultimate point of the spiritual path and the natural consequence of enlightenment. The achievement of status became known as A la Han. Also a other words are used for the same accomplishment is As lai (tathagata), meaning ' people have to like that ' or ' who came and went as the Buddha the past '. Especially, this is the name Sami called The Buddha or Jesus himself, one in ten of his title.
Reduce the selfless

As has been presented numerous times above, Buddhism does not involve belief in God, so there is no way of saying Union with a divine and transcendent in somehow in the end point of the journey. Right, the transcendental nature of Buddhism essence in the process always goes up according to the level of human consciousness, to lead to ultimate enlightenment.
In other words, according to Buddhist philosophy, selfless identity failed an ultimatum; it comes from the perception of narrow-minded of ego and self's real. Her identity also led to suffering the brain as it turns ' egos into the center of the world ' it has no inherent existence has repeatedly been violated by bad conditions. From the only perspective that ego Center, life never acted inappropriately and from the beginning to the end, only the failure and defeat.
The contrast range of the process then makes you more and identify a possible contact links of reality, and therefore, also increasingly less take the ego-centric. This process — in contrast with 180 degree covet selfless which led to anger and based on ignorance (ignorance) about a feet of the animals — lead you to the great state of blissful Nirvana. The basis of this process is the perception ' is increasingly less selfless ' about everything; such perception itself freed yourself from craving and suffering brain, simultaneously, as a natural consequence, which enabled you to avoid actions causing suffering brain for other guys. Dew point worth noting here is the innovative approaches ' abandon or remove the binding of ' Buddhist ', meaning ' diminishing selfless ' instead of ' promoting the selfless ' as Western's approach of Christianity, or Islam.
Bourn Nirvana

The scope and scale of the idea of nirvana in Buddhism is illustrated by the demonym used to call it. Which consists of immortality (amata), components (asankhata). There is certainly no Nirvana means the magnificent egos (the self), which is just the great illusion of the ego. Nirvana also described as liberal (mutti).
Also don't think nirvana is a State in which one can not and does not have the experience or feel pain. Right over the Buddhist philosophy, suggests that people who reached the scene about Nirvana still experience emotions such as joy, pain or indifference. But not like these guys have enlightened, free him with the feeling that since they know for sure that they are not often in, and then going through and then going off.
The Buddhists believe that since the time of the Buddha, Gnostic in Bourn Nirvana. According to legend, he died in a situation quite inconvenient to be food poisoning. Hard to examine the nature and extent of her legend's trusted, but at least it also reminded him that he, enlightenment, not from the inevitable impacts in normal activities. HET = SOUTH MO BON SU T.M.F. MAU NI PHAT (3).THE HOI PHAT DELIVERED VIETNAM ON THE GIOI.ESSENTIAL THAT KIM LIEN.AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY, 7.2013.THICH NU CHAN FISHY.MHDT.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

A. Forestry General things to know.
(The shaman Willow)

Germany As a hybrid because a the coast guard personnel that occurred in his life. It's the opening presentation show voter opinion Buddha for all beings to being food poisoning to voter opinion of Buddha. But khai presentation show voters opinion Buddha enlightenment beings to enter the news must have the means. That means the three classical Tibetan religious part twelve-eight thousand to four thousand disciplines. Rescue wings all the vehicles were going for a purpose that is openly pitching show voters opinion Buddha cause beings food poisoning to voter opinion.
The French economy the United stated "we use your wisdom, know your like beings, means French-speaking, which makes are the wedding banquet." Says: "Now I'm not afraid, in the bodhisattva, official media removal, just saying Myriad leaders Lieutenant". The French-speaking media that is means, that means giving discharge official is the only true French presentation. Testimony opened the media show presentation General honest so my flowers France as King in the Nikaya.
Here, the traditions of the French media called his head in the means, meaning willow in the Willow wood cutting Business Park, in the staff cabin. The great master Buddha says: "Random Client utility mercy beings depending on basic education, but that the original maple tree not two but the media have more doors. Review of all subjects means, in very straight off very quickly until it full circle, then no disciplines would pass the traditions of pure land Buddha birth anniversary of the bridge. " The new Net disciplines of truth is the same situation with France the United news media that is also honest. The great Indian master quang usually taught: "beings of the nine realms if depart the disciplines on not taking anything to the Buddha; ten local schools of Buddhism if dropped the disciplines under not taking anything to plat beings ". The use of the Net an disciplines like the ten schools of the Buddha are praised the nine realms of beings are attributed to van, emerging clearly speak of thousands of comments were declared.
Also on the subject of the French Net tu essential especially high, Chapel, dedicated to maintain the title of Buddha but to the public when it was extremely urgent. Once the great Indian master quang wrote a book entitled "the General Forestry Ben shore" circulation far near huge benefit. Now the Magi At his World, willow ... because like to widely available to all about aging, childhood should have a selection in General "Ben shore" written the book "Lin chung things to know". Simple text but the full quarter if can thoroughly research this book, and then slash by the method in which only teaches that the practice of certain deaths will be a guest of birth Sukhavati Western benefits it is immense.
On the significance of astronomical disciplines, although van Tinh economic arguments were clearly no longer possible would lack, but still someone misunderstood so can't add double explanation.
Or someone said that reciting the Buddha's Real Buddha's general concept is not recited six Red Letter list it as misleading. Because the meaning of the word so General as to be absent from all General, all France unmoved soi expressed not two, and the two sensory Leanne not and the body and the legs no tu no, not France would not curb general truth may be absent from the six letters that look real mailing pink bridge outside Chancellor? So the red list has just sent to France about six every word throughout, the hollow are maintained forever, the magic to the whole morning. With the notion of truth General mistakes like that because the list is red as two were seen could not know the truth.
Or someone said that to celebrate Bhikkhu Lot Na should not recite Amitabha Buddha. Bhikkhu Lot Na is France itself Buddha, Amitabha Buddha's body is also a wrong perception! Since France itself, close relatives and the Press but the three that one but one that, that Lot is Bhikkhu Da, Di, da is Bhikkhu in two batches of the mistakes then so as to see that also can not know the Bhikkhu.
Or someone said that should the bridge being on the net Usually optical world should not be contentious bridge Sukhavati Western it is also aware of the mistake! Because the four realms of the President, it's reported, the media, and populate the name but had four but its just one. Beings would have the Opinion or the birth of the medium, the are each part or the birth of the Truth, the foremost ignorance or the birth of the President.
And the President no optics Usually being nor non-being com can bridge the birth be? Have absolutely no luck, the advanced level certification, which bothered the tu, the President accepted the extreme pretensions of optical broke his back didn't know the Sukhavati copper CU is just the President expected more optical fiber the President should take, as well as see which cannot know the President.
Or someone said that the mind is the national level, the net level of Kat, just so the bridge being the Sukhavati HA mind which all must pray in other realms where the Sukhavati contentious, it is also a wrong perception! Because the mind that is France, the Poles lost while out of ten thousand of the ministerial level which is not yet out of France about this, that never leaves the mind itself. Now offering six coast ceiling made of self consciousness that wanted to load the Polar world in in good heart charm by six ceiling to curb birth rates here, the bridge is not wrong! That means that the fascinate's mistakes are only listening to the noun does not prejudice that, run by the mistakes do not know do not curb, barrier is the lack of understanding at all stars. People with wisdom certainly does not have the wrong perception of such enchanting.
The false perception on are all diseases that humans today are easier to make fancy things far higher horror ended up together are disappointed not true, so we couldn't sit still that to continue with those violations. We wish the false consciousness level should this consideration.
As the common sense notion of forest with support at the support methods, this book presents very clearly so don't need discussions and more.
In October, the first Sino-
At Hong Hoa commune in Shanghai
Leg Magic Exorcist title

The grief and suffering in this life is nothing more than death. For death is not a person that does not know nor have any person would. But if only they knew death was mournful suffering that don't know go to tu students Dharma permanently escape the death, this is not the complete gauge uổng sad there is little benefit?
However, although can get basic contract law disciplines but is without evidence that remained in the six nẽo reincarnation, this curb nor uổng the mournful suffering there is little benefit? So Germany Like Ca World our Respect more than three thousand years ago in The episode once said: "the loss of France the great wall great wall people if relying on your self defined World austerities, they rarely get a person can eliminating negativity or privileged witness of Holy fruit Director industry situation, only relying on traditions, praying, reciting the Buddhas and becomes the Buddha's birth, the Western bridge to escape being killed. "
Back to host the thirteenth tribe's Temple University Press in superstitious Optical Components (Suzhou) taught: "the nine realms beings if left the Buddhist notion of disciplines on cannot take anything to the Buddha, the Buddhist schools of ten if the Buddhist notion of disciplines give up under what can not get plat beings". Should know, Buddha extremely bi Center mercy beings during the Loss to France-based Evangelical intellectual fragile poor do not know French, misuse of time Division has no power Center charges uổng tu Prime garden beds take a lifetime for so as this that speaks!
Net trust level disciplines should know, pray, recite Buddhas photography throughout every thoroughly, no comment is now Up, men and women, young and old, intelligent, ignorant to the criminal minds new heavy or light ... The kind of people if full confidence, praying fervently Buddhist mantras, the current emergency prayer being lifelong Western does not rot switch, then to the public at certain Academies are sitting Buddha birth anniversary of a guest conductor of world Pole.
Even the old man now unknown, vow, anniversary of the birth of Buddha Western bridge but, Lam chung met was friendly, helpful stubs, making the person plays the beliefs, prayer reciting Buddha's birth, the global Net bereaved relatives do not favor her sorrows weeping pose obstacles instead as France celebrated the Buddhist notion of aidwho will be the large inflow of Net birth rate. Should know, would like to be a guest of Net birth but that is itself a following but also needs the support of French as mantras. Alas! as part of my general approach to forestry support this at Memorial for residents in countries not yet apparently.
The people at a public meeting in the family often did not know the Buddhist mantras, Assistant to practice putting the God consciousness died on the path there are Holy beings, the Western world permanently enjoy the happily but mournful wailing makes spirit awakening the dead fallen to hell, or fallen into the evil demon hungry daemons, Animal birth in promotions for old men suffering.
Here his Western mages because compassion earnestly for mercy residents at most secular countries have yet to study the Buddhist studies, do not know the method to support ballooning when someone. He had the magic points of iron into gold, in the place of the xiển propaganda the benefit-harm at the same general academic support group, organizing the learning, celebrated the General forestry methods to raise support for translational human concepts who at Lam chung, as the Coast Guard's current Net birth rate.
Again because the two volumes of "General" and "Ben Coast Forestry Undertones of human beings" means the ordering is not easy, so the Magi At his ... has three times the advice I picked up taking the basics taught about ancient academies of Germany, at the common use of inscriptions of Bach to compose material left for raiding as far easier learning.
I am suffering the brain because little studied but much research to create art just as reluctant, very afraid of false Nghia do aberration Dharma as being misunderstood, while fresh mind against creating more guilt. By the way, before bringing the manuscript submitted to the representatives of high domestic reputation in Germany increased inspections and then dare. May all over the place are all friends related maintenance! If someone would read this book expecting threshold do not damn van from shallow.
For as can relying on real meaning in it that practice, everyone was there being, are going to be away from Him she forever give birth a whole brain death are suffering from advanced Bourn health resorts the perpetual enjoyment fun magic of nirvana.
Buddhist calendar 2495 autumn day Buddha Festival of Hy.
Wihan Incense Lam Nhat Hanh
Science World touches the glass.
Mage the magic foot assessment
Like The Willow compiled

The Buddha Sakyamuni in the Life Cycle garden Anathapindika Property water protection declared A Di Đà kinh theory. He believed the Chief newspapers and medical distributors announces the world's stately Sukhavati encouraged voluntary play beings demand being about that world. In teaching:
"As the evening spreads today the benefits possible investment merit nghì of Buddha. Oriental world is Buddha A Webs ... the world Southern Sun Moon Buddha have posted ... the Western world is Buddha Amitayus. North world is Buddha Diem Cum... HA Phuong's world has the lion Buddha ... the upper world is Buddha Violates Sonic ... He also does extensive tongue General long, said word of the truth: all beings be so convinced by Claims of private merit nghì unexpected spread for this household facility Buddha LETTERED ".
The Western world being the large inflow of Sukhavati is a big charm in the six Buddhist schools of the whole bar, that means there are any beings would run again, praying, maintained the title of Buddha's birth and the Western world bridge Sukhavati decided to be there being, the obvious should not rejoice over being the mind of doubt.
Question: Who played the Buddha mind if says there were likewise being the Western world, I see a lot of the renunciation as well as in the home, the daily also diligently reciting Buddha but to the public at a dead forest, most obscure something were you people make it there by birth. How does this matter?
A: due to the general academic point because these people are human and not yet complete. If at the General forestry workers and their charm full decided ten people there being both ten, hundred of people there being hundreds, of thousands of people there being thousands of.
Question: what is the human and charm?
Answer: The anniversary of the Buddha typically has high esteem day, vow, anniversary of the birth of Buddha Western bridge to Lam Tin hearts at a public prayer, deep well kept, essential Buddhist mantras tons as usual, this is the main character. If the situation on typically it does not yet have high esteem, vow, anniversary of the birth of Buddha effort Western bridge but, Lam chung met a friendly opening knowledge cause them being kicked deep faith, praying, reciting the Buddha's birth bridge; The deep mind, pray, pray that Western human beings is also self.
Germany Amitabha Buddha the Western world's Catholic Poles and his fame Rose van, have the capacity to lead beings there as Sukhavati birth charm tha.
Question: The anniversary of the Buddha to the coast at the General staff academies full if decided to be a guest this ethical beings?.
Answer: The anniversary of the Buddha to have deep confidence at common forestry, vow, anniversary of the birth of Buddha, the Buddhist Western Bridge Memorial facility is the center of power is power tha coast of reciting the human self. At high, praying, reciting the Buddhas are use mind power to recite Buddhist monuments, Memorial campus facility is due to the mind power anniversary that show presentation, mind power concepts thanks to the Buddhist Memorial facility that purity.
The time period between the forestry and the joint forces and the forces of tha mutual induction. Between the same charm and harmony, so that the anniversary of the Buddha's decision is moral beings this current Western is sure true.
Question: what is human and not full of Buddhist mantras given the general public alike at birth could not be provisional Pole?
A: The notion of normal credit at the Buddha vows recited Buddhas is not yet mature, to Lam Tin Centre at General prayer despite the bridge being the Western (there), but because of the serious illness of the negativity of terrorism caused the Buddha mind is unable to start, didn't have good comforting knowledge mining towns along the coast support Buddhist mantras (not favored)again, the scene she did not know the Dharma added the mournful crying cause the obstacle course. In the mind of the common people at the moment which is a lot of suffering to her children shouldn't be weeping that should aid early Buddhist mantras coast there are contentious, but they could not open her mouth to speak. Heart patients at this time was suffering again as more suffering.
To the common network user should be there being the Western world the purity of Buddha dignified permanent hedonistic enjoyment of life until today as the Buddha. But was she the cause of stumbling to and then not sure fallen into the realm of any suffering. This is a relationship that has no current human beings could not charm the extreme western reach.
Have the class recited Buddhist prayers at Buddhist mantras mind normally have not been solidly, while Lin chung met the coast guard good as power-assisted knowledge charity recite the Buddha (favored), left her children not crying cause of the obstacle course. So strong, people recite the Buddha mind which insanity took part in gay sex worldly releases to soak up his wife and son before, property ... not good play remind player Western birth Buddha (not human). Until Lam chung in mind after all that person then runs as is craving anniversary fallen into the realm of birth Prince reincarnation. This is the relationship that a guest could not charm birth;
With the anniversary of the Buddha at normal professional sphere houses long life happily, until Lin chung only fear dying. That person when the disease has not badly but also Buddhist mantras but only expecting heart disease does remission mau request birth; To patients suffering discovered at that time could not recite the Buddha only call upon heaven calling for the land to call his wife calling her husband.
If she had not believed three jewels or still believe three jewels but is not yet well understood at the time that classical physics, she not only did not publicly celebrate and support a (human) is mournful crying again generated the hindrances makes for extremely ill people suffering and negativity. Examples include the rock falls were more double wells should the suffering again as much. He or she will consider the General network depending on the career of evil workers decided to leave impurities fallen in evil, direction map relationships not human beings there are no Western coast could not.
On this we outlined the three Buddhist mantras at Lam chung, or has character but not to Altaf tha or favored tha power but no character or no character and charm tha. The three cases were not has the human touch to harmony not coast there are contentious.
Q: The anniversary of Buddha's at how common coastal forest were there Western birth?
A: If the representative class as thoroughly as usual they had deep faith, pray, Buddhist mantras in this effort, the credit may have elaborate Buddhist mantras and legs mature, up until general credit natural forest they pray reciting Buddha as usual, in the Center there is no dynamic NET, General Hao motor GeneralGeneral framework, Lac, General, General Agreement, against General each each in mind are an stay on my pink "Nam Amitabha Buddha" (this is Like real Navy Chief General fruit hybrid). In A Di Đà kinh taught: "a non-contentious there is instant rebellion" is this realm (the Buddha mind is self talent, the Buddhas as Jesica tha power fan sensor) this is a causal relationship and full charm.
Is there a class based type Leanne trivial daily high esteem, however, vow, anniversary of the Buddha is not yet mature, but to the mind at birth needs General volunteers provisional relative to more routine releases the earnestly. Do not comment how miserable ill negativity discovered stars, Western mind their contentious bridge prayer before as a. This sentence is very hard starting theme effect Buddha she donation was of both understanding the Dharma know the benefit-harm at Lam chung should not mournful wailing, the more good faith knowledge publicity display charm. the mind of people sick at every anniversary of each features an stay on the red list of Buddha Amitabha came to mind Buddhist mantras at a public network (multiply self) Coast Guard under Department of Buddhist mantras (tha coast force) that there are contentious here is the full coast of causal relationship.
With the usual don't have a prayer Buddhist mantras, signal bridges Western birth but when Lam chung met was friendly, open knowledge, or say the dignified world of Sukhavati result birth center birth bridge preferred wedding banquet Festival. Said forty-eight great vows to lead beings there birth of Buddha Amitabha result of mind being the Chief credit play free to celebrate Buddha's birth bridge; At that time the sick to hear the testimony of a good knowledge of the mind of birth anniversary of the Buddha's life credits Hy Festival determined to pray there are contentious. The relatives are subject to the direction of the knowledge of good causes no obstruction mournful wailing. The person at the network features Buddhist mantras recited the general mood as children remember mother Hien incredibly urgent. This general network users, there are Buddha's birth from the Myrtle it is causal relationship full charm.
On this, as we outlined the three Buddhist mantras at Lam chung are full of character and charm tha power gain the human touch current decision mix Jesica birth;
Q: who normally don't know, praying, reciting the Buddhas, to the public at the knowledge academies opening a charity meet to hear and then birth center birth Hy Festival Western bridge, plus her children do not cause obstacle course that also support Buddhist mantras charm, this current is the General network being, the situation is so easy?
A: in the six man I already presented to the anniversary of Buddha's birth and the situation, the Western bridge is easy or not easy I've said clearly that he's still skeptical?
He should remember the normal yet have credit, praying, reciting the Buddha's birth bridge by the coast guard did not know. To the common knowledge while opening a charity thanks people listen and being mindful that the wedding banquet Festival embodies people's life before have cultivated fresh base. People like that give the common man than normal so far way.Lam chung mind praying Buddhist mantras are contentious bridge won a friendly opening knowledge along with Buddhist mantras coastal strength coast is AIDS, compassionate strength to lead of the Buddha, it is common that people mix Jesica certain network will be a guest of birth how did the suspect?
Q: we would like to support Buddhist mantras charm for relatives at the mau forest was contentious in their general public alike. Suppose at the network who have the common property in good order invites up to, we are in the home for the Buddhist moral out yet, but would be a declaration but a launch method itself does not know his mantras aid method does not understand. Now you know the Scriptures would only display support methods clearly legible writing concepts easy to hiễu so that we may be pleased about such research is not better than or?
A: The situation if there was true heart would like to practice the great Director hiew, cordially, from Ireland to his cousin who permanently lost birth Prince reincarnation, birth of Buddha to current Western dignified outlawed all pure pleasure until the broad Buddhist of the species of beings. To reach such wishes the situation just y follow the meaning of the information in that book that set it, then the relative of the common at certain academies will be there being Extreme world.

1. the parents have the grace of birth into raised us children do need positive fondness, for siblings, husband and wife we need, for the grandchildren, strawberry root we need it. What is curious, as cordially, is from Ireland? What is not good taste, not, not from compassion?
For this the ethical need to thoroughly radical spectacle. If we get through to certain speakers will make positive hospitality Center, cordially, from Ireland to become the modern situation turbulent, against. You each want to avoid this dangerous situation from then for me are about to preach here need to study.
2. people came when Lam chung is the ultimate stage of one's life, we who should be our best moments in this time period. For Hospice we should sincerely positive expression of filial heart, sincerely, from Ireland, the moment of minutes so interested in visiting. Whether the situation of how we each each positive options should the will of the patient should not make their heart troubles.
3. when the patient is about certain common network should sometimes the Buddha Memorial to recite. The notion of aid when it came to the House and her children should hear in the words of their teaching nor a bit left Italy. need to understand the Buddhist mantras recited aid at this time was the responsibility of salvation of God who we are to be there being Extreme. Thus, the whole family in every who should remember an idea Germany wholeheartedly entertained it. Assuming the other concepts support less than or place due up, at which point the relative should as France stands out Buddhist mantras coast aid for sick people of Germany also are the same.
There are things we need to abide by the method of guided anniversary to conduct should not provide methods to support ballooning to arranger, like that can make people sick are there by birth. At the same time both houses should play a strictly vegetarian vows not to be close to being right because the sick person that tu Phuoc. Coming at the very moment the disease is too badly need the help. At this point we have to be a Buddhist mantras help them as a guest of birth; A clerk should not a mournful wailing face on the one hand called for salaries of health ... this just makes sick people further suffering the current contentious here is the suffering stacked more suffering. Looking forward to the situation she understood this in order not to harm their loved ones.
4. people to split time at the General forestry means Holy turn is the time of partition of the Western realm His realm with fresh leaders, personalities, A tu la and the evil realm of hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth. The people at this Buddhist Memorial anniversary of the AIDS patients, which is assisting the large inflow of Western religious scriptures being outlawed the peace immeasurable. Let's say for patients that mournful wailing that is pushing the patient conscious God fallen into miserable scene in hell, hungry daemons demons, Animals being subjected to the immeasurable suffering. Should know, relative to patients at this time expressed gratitude is clearly positive positive taste or not taste is sincerely or not is from AI or not from Ireland.
5. we need to believe in the word of Buddha in the classics, such as the investment teach someone fallen into three scenes of hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth shall be subject to the immeasurable suffering of language texts cannot describe all the time tho suffering extremely well. Saying the suffering in hell, the realm beings in realms of this one on a night to undergo ten thousand times to die go live again. Suffering of hungry daemons realm demons, beings in realms in the hundred thousand van KIEP noun rice water also unheard is case was eating. Suffering of birth, Animal realm beings in this realm to the boiling water burn fire were swallowing the who. If like us fallen into one of the three scenes this gauge minimum time also in thousands of great lives. A great past time with thirteen memories of four thousand three hundred eighty four thousand years in the people. If you have spent time in the afterlife when new life finished gauge is very glass of time like is short?
If there are beings on the Western world daily Sukhavati is hearing Germany Buddha preaching economic theory; the same bodhisattva Guanyin, The releases do you heal. See the scenes are marvelous scenes good, dignified, the headphones are good micro magic ... the outlawed all pleasures like the language of inscriptions could not take place. Every time a guest already being full of spirit through prayer and then force leaders back slash Is bi she turned her level the need to need to go is going to go all in. At the same time in one's life that would be known as the Buddha.
So we need to understand this significance, by the Western realm in the pleasure like that immensely. Who is not playing Buddha mind in support of his relatives for mau was a guest being outlawed Western immeasurable pleasure? In the realm of hell, hungry daemons, Animal beings, the suffering so immensely. Q: who are the evil mind for his relatives wailing mournful is pushed into the realm of hell. Hungry daemons, Animal birth and life to the newspapers or gauge? We each should clearly understand: the Divine-human beings are loitering at the Western General or academic or fallen into three kingdoms map this responsibility leaders evil is largely due to the relative form.
6. If the patient has normal high at Center, praying, reciting the Buddha's birth at this Western bridge we are relative to previous lecture for patients: "we make people but could not make the long long ago. There are six realms Buddha reincarnation being in which three scenes of hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth is three scenes of suffering very much fallen. But in the Western realm because the Buddha Amitabha has the immeasurable maesters do happily. In the Western realm without suffering Three map without six scenes reincarnation birth.
The public realm is United by the Western culture being seated on the Lotus Court very soft, pure aroma very nice large petals and light brilliant. The people in the Western scene are all floor by high security on the splendid palace. The Western scene the people think the there food idea son Hao Hai do, need clothes then having the dress cake again. The Western landscape life place people enjoy the pleasures of language inscriptions displayed never took place. Now he plays the heart maintain anniversary the title Buddha mind praying earnestly the bridge being the Western, to the Buddha at the General forestry hand carry enormous shower radio station embody in front of him to his birth there are pickup nghinh; Every time has been a guest at the time of birth the hedonistic enjoyment of life are not the same. He should play the Buddha mind decided to be there being the Western ".
As relatives of us every day so for previous patients say three times like that. How to say do not be too quick to say calmly. Need to know the psychology of the patient at the moment they are easy to start negativity and also very afraid of sight troubles. Also as a patient has started again the mind Buddhist mantras and pleasing steep-we don't need to continue encouraging a declaration leaders anymore. From then on only recommend them for understanding the Buddhist prayer there being enough.
7. the patient if the chores or work that may not often say, who the sufferer's condition at heavy yet still speak so clearly asked them. As if the sick mind has a coma unable to speak, at this time who is not so bad before the patient says the world the do confusion mindfulness of the sick (mindfulness is the anniversary of the Buddha). If when the conscious mind the patient also informed relatives say patients should advance the following objections: "of all the family we would rather he handle all the things his family don't get anxious mind. Now he should only be a happy anniversary of Buddha to pray there being only ".
Said testimony it only says it once since then only encourage sick people a happy anniversary of Buddha's birth and the large inflow of prayer. At the same time help people meditate on his finger indicating the direction South for the sick leave says: "the Western realm we are in front of him, he should be a happy anniversary of Buddha in mind he should think believes she has the large inflow of Western beings". Do relatives every day for several months in advance is recommended the patient three times by the commandments. Assuming the patient conscious mind arrived at kissing black now without saying words that are only encouraged to specialize, the big Buddha in mind only.
8. If any of your close friends to visit the sick, we should invite it to room side to treat simultaneously told that: "human life stages General forestry is the most important stage. Thus the sufferer to Buddhist mantras charm in this phase there is a huge benefit. But before the mournful wailing disease then the obstacle course immensely ". We say this sentence with one hand is avoiding the mind of doubts, on the one hand is to avoid the scene of people who stand in front of customers bearing patient forlorn cause hindrances for sick people. To encourage the play patient assistance customers recite the Buddha, if guests do like new is truly the compassionate care for the sick.
9. If the sick person Karma detect or not with his people for the wedding banquet Festival anniversary of Buddha, who heard reciting Buddha's mind back to being tired, or see the oan apparition out to reclaim the lives ... The like occurs which is caused by karma of patients detected obstacle course for the current birth. At that time we should because they advance three jewels Buddhist mantras urgent into even the Confessor makes their karma goal except soon to be Extremely contentious and the public alike.
Like last year a homeless musician, it's serious illness is dying, the homeless musician and he invited the people recite to the House because the mother that. that's mother heard people reciting the Buddhas in the mind as sorrow and support the notion of Buddhist mantras do not anymore. Due to its notable singer is my disciple knows where his mother is due to karma and he discovered instead of parents objected before Tam chanting Tibetan Prefecture, a homeless musician is also very releases into urgent because the mother confessor. Then, back with Buddhist mantras recited the mother because of support of homeless songwriter back birth center birth there results Hy Festival;
Over here is saying the chanting Tibetan Prefecture can except are karma, assuming experienced Tibetan suit not Local then recite the title of Ksitigarbha can still be. Is there a particular artist residents of the dying patients to see a girl taking a dog to reclaim your network. The upasaka and he succeeded his father reciting the Buddhas repentance momentarily not found the girl and the dog anymore. Then askes inpatient upasaka found two earlier for saying that "Life before he ever causes hindrances there birth for us now we will also cause hindrances as a guest of his birth". A notable musician once again because his father reciting the Buddhas repentance and to expel bad spirits vái: "let my father as a guest of birth after this I'm going to celebrate for two Western birth there to give birth and raise current barrier failure of two out of the past". People here don't see two Falling to anymore.
Finally father upasaka saw a geriatric patient prior to said: "his Resentment has goal except through out three large inflow of the Interior being, sen him is the fifth level". At the same time the elders rose said: "the Department of Interior is by birth a guest Vinny children he knew". The don't understand t are three weeks of such aid on many concepts will fatigue, the situation out like that is not true. Raw is just across from the twenty-one hours of its birth, there will be the fifth level is the Central Chinese birth. Taking refuge here to know who because the sick person reciting the Buddhas repentance, or chanting Tibetan Prefecture or Prefecture Tibetan bodhisattva title mantras for the sick has the huge benefit.
10. the sick approaching coming off the breath people recite if is even, so along with the relatives towards the table, or kneeling anniversary or memorial ceremony releases into urgent compassionate Buddha expecting to lead the spirit form of the dead were Western mau birth there. Also by people with little idea who comes close to the power-assisted disease. with who should not stand opposite to the sick. We should remember the time of people coming off the breath, if her children any harder to avoid being compassionate who affectionately as hindrances mindfulness. Who can sit on the left side or sitting behind the disease.
On the Buddhist notion of sound mournful manner similar to crying, if melancholy tunes Buddhist mantras like bi patients hear will definitely being melancholy mind bi/gay. If the patient has a melancholy mind would lose the Western realm mindfulness is not how results presentation. So at the moment we need to be particularly careful attention to absolute prohibition of mournful melancholy should just loudly reciting the Buddhas, each each Buddha mark quibble every letter every word clearly. Buddhist mantras are recited at people should contemplate the Buddha Amitabha launched the aura of salvation household dead mind peaceful mindfulness quibble soon was a guest of the Western world being Extreme.
11. the dead after ending the previous breath of cold body is significantly less than at the intermediate stage, we are relatives as special attention not to let the cat the mouse ... hitting. Should know the dead but breathing has stopped but the body still in the heat, if there is any physical contact to the body of the dead would be suffering. Sometimes people think want to probe the body dead see the heat are also in place to identify Bourn reborn. This works for the dead is absolutely harmful not a little benefit.
If after ten hours as want to probe the body of dead was cold or not permanently should also invite a have the merit of equivalent austerities gentle hand exploration. In this time of relative should relied upon are so responded just the notion of aid's to avoid the harmful effects for the dead. Without the supporting notion we should meditate on aid modalities according to practice. As the anniversary of the aid also needed under the late leader's only be handy probe body heat deaths.
We should not follow the player for best speech unfounded superstitions of some secular, they say: "Who's dead body at the new longer warm soft flesh bone, this time that bathing dressing is very good." Says: "the dead and should be moved to the other seat lest not be spirit of bed rebuke". Says: "children need to be continued if not news won't come off". The words say superstitions like Court TV to this day we do harm to people boundless immeasurable oan uổng tho great brain gauge fallen in sight of three evil leader of hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth.
A King of ancient States reach the average birth believe three jewels created the Temple of immeasurable merit Tower, to the General network are at about a stop to the breath, the Defender stands most cooling fans on hand fell to the King, at which the King immensely suffering floating anger reincarnation as a solid body. The average human has gained due to birth the King States Germany regards the Dharma Temple created the tower should then met Up for a solid advance theory. Snake charm thanks to listen to his Dharma virtuous three days after death the spirit beings awakening to the Sun.
There again the couple very close mutual love, the average being the Tam news served represented son. Day the deadly disease husband wife extremely mournful wailing. His body, however her husband was dead but the God consciousness has not yet left, the mournful sound of his mind being kicked the notion here, affectionate spirit comes upon the notion of this infection remains affectionate touch on in the human body as worm crawling in nose. Since her husband died, the wife weeping tears tragic nose dụa rigs, now in the nose fell off an infection his wife embarrassed to use the foot pedal the debris may be a Rising dissuade: "do not ignore her husband himself ragged bikes". The wife ask Lydia excuse, the Steady answer: "her Husband at preserving God's firstborn son to be but because she is crying too tragic inner prompting kicked up wholeheartedly love God consciousness in mind that loving that enter her sister do worm in the nostrils". His wife heard and then taken as regretting begs tank theory to coincide. The same thanks to hear that escaped the duplicate body conscious spirit reborn over the Sun.
The two stories are from in speaking out is about the origin of TV fiction book secular superstition is not grounded, we need to know certain kinds of superstitions to avoid causing death for workers later met with Dai oan uổng scene tho suffering brain, fallen in evil scenes directed hellHungry daemons, demons, Animals being. So after the dead ended breaths before the whole body cold yet we are certain, who put an end to the weeping of suffering brain and body-contact the dead to avoid disaster deaths not as a guest of birth.
In summary, the relatives are so responded only by the assistance, without the supporting notion of who should carefully explore his body dies, expect when the new full-body conditioning procedure, superior bathing dress.
Question: two characters recite aid mean?
A: help is reciting is mindfulness. Anniversary assistance means help for people whose mindfulness is money.
Q: what is mindfulness?
A: Nick, also known as mindfulness. Mindfulness or reciting the net are all mind. inasmuch as the Buddha mind is not the same as, Jesica died six it pure charm so called pure land. Here, the notion of the human beings to net primary current; NET sense and Mindfulness to similarity.
Q: why when Lam chung is thanks to the support of others?
A: people come at Lam chung is the moment the four great schism, the dry pile of limbs quờ quạng; countries the crab-like fall into the boiling water suffering how are common when people also suffering like that.
The usual elaborately celebrated Buddha if not yet mature to General when one is without the aid of other anniversary? The usual Buddhist mantras have six seven but when Lam chung also hard work are two of three parts. What case do not have the class complete the reciting Buddha arrives at the General forestry do not need others to help celebrate? Should know the humans at this point in themselves they are a little hard also mastered fully is relying on others to help them master in this confusion.
Q: sick people had died and that still support Coast Guard they recite the Buddha how works?
A: the patient has just terminated the breath but was dead but the spirit formula has yet to be absent from the body, after death they reborn into the realm of benign or evil still undecided, this time we help them reciting the Buddhas have effects very enemies win. Should know to man general distribution at the moment means academic turn. We are reincarnation from loads thỉ to date has created career or career fury is boundless, immeasurable in mind anniversary charity serial detection of evil is never interrupted. The human mind for the most part are evil mantras also recite the blessing.
People came together at the General following a forest if the evil in the mind is evil mantras is the realm of hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth. When the network together with mind like God consciousness will charm as an evil evil into three scenes. If the following is the anniversary of the charity in mind this will reveal views of the world, people. When the network together with mind like God consciousness will charm by fresh footage of birth into the world scene. Also by reciting Buddhist mantras are following along in the mind of Buddha birth anniversary of the current prayer will reveal the Western realm Sukhavati and Germany Buddha together they embody the Holy Sage before putting hand to lead. When the network together with mind like God consciousness will coast according to the red list the Buddha that the Western world there are Extremely contentious.
Should know to man General network support at the main anniversary issue is to make a final wish is. A celebration of them if the Buddha Buddhist mantras in the mind of the Buddha who is dying will embody more leads. The dead is in the mind of their Buddha Buddha birth there by the Princess. Every birth on birth, the Western world's Prince Is rollover this lady absolutely the exception, enjoying all the pleasures of the long Western world. Thus the Buddhist mantras help dying people have a huge benefit immensely enemies win.!

Question: the world from the Polar world we had ten thousand Buddha realms memories, people recite Buddhist Lam chung only had a contentious public alike how can concepts be?
A: If the person reciting Buddhist Lam chung just one anniversary was a guest being, on the one hand is facing bankruptcy because of the Buddha is forty-eight great vows from great balls of the Buddha to the whole beings would, pray, Buddhist forces Coast Guard assistance. being a guest of birth was possible as nghì. On the one hand to the center of the mind we pay of each of us. Consider the money currently has three meanings.
1. Center: Is a subject of a book, along with other similar Buddha no dime the wrong Cup. For example through the mind of Buddha in China's often mesmerizing sensory association Tran BOI Wukong, pure mind which are full of boundless immeasurable intellectual merit. The mind we usually love not food poisoning multiple sensory association Tran, UE has boundless immeasurable infection or cause afflictions. Suppose each of us are playing the main Buddha mind at Buddhist mantras are right it's me bare side meets the rules Visual Association immeasurable multiples or career troubles will absolutely pure intellectual merit immeasurable will display.
Consider the Buddha as the equivalent of a person such as the mind of Buddha in China. Thus the German stock said: "Every anniversary corresponding to each anniversary of Buddha, reciting Buddhist mantras recited corresponding concepts". This is the same human divine Lady at a Buddhist Center, along with fellow beings during a source. Buddhist concepts such as the Buddha decided to cook the rice to the rice issue is inevitable.
2. Mindful of this: a Mind is boundless vast. Teaching experience: "the mind embraces Thai fiction, with copper sa. This is the talk of the vast Center of immeasurable beings. The vast expanse of the mind?
In says: "In every Thai Buddhist theory impossibility has damaged close to mote of the world. Central has the world race called the spectrum shone shifang salted natural world, quang minh said this strain has twenty buildings in the world, the world we present our Lady in the world with ten Buddhist memory tribe Pole van outside a 13th floor of the world Universal strains screened shifang salted course this quang minh Bao ". Only in a world which strains had the same extensive statewide is close to world number mote Buddha vaccine process?
The Buddha of immeasurable strain world is boundless, you can see the mind of one of each of us, which is immeasurable at large. So says the mind embraces Thai damaged copper with constant sa. If he can clear the mind of one of myself, then for the anniversary of Buddha's birth anniversary of general academic world a large inflow of Sukhavati will naturally no longer being centre of doubt.
3. the mind tools: A notion which in full ten France is Buddha, bodhisattva, Charm, The writer, Natural, human, A tu la, Cattle being hungry daemons, demons, hell. This scene is about ten to France due to a ballooning form. One of us if created ten evil karma that is made up of three evil scenes of hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth. One of us if the anniversary of the Buddha that is created out of pure land Buddhist schools of realm.
In says: "mind is Buddha mind vexed. This Centre is being mindful of this as being". So, one of us if the anniversary of the Buddha's Buddhist mantras in mind as this Buddha. equivalent to the Buddha. should know each of us have this pool full of ancient capital of today's intellectual merit, a notion that Buddhist mantras is Buddha. This is the ethical mind.
The ethical mind created, assuming each individual we are understanding the meaning, like the Buddhist notion of management will as the Buddha nature is no longer being the mind of doubt. Center, the mind, the mind stuff on here but said the three States it's just an impossible dissociation. One of each of us has a marvelous use of extremely like so say the mind is possible as nghì.
On the other hand is thanks to France, France is power, touch, prayer leader delivered unexpected investment nghì. Who would trust deep, pray, releases the list of Buddha Amitabha celebrate Hong, the Buddha, Dharma and mind power of three power possible as this nghì all content featured photographer on a red hook a Amitabha Buddha's power has three photography content. in an anniversary so there is a common forestry instant anniversary of birth. Human stock said: "the three Photographers in a force, successfully recruited into a", is the leader.
1. play the Center meditate on others recite the Buddha birth there is Western replaced Germany As futuristic take on the huge responsibility of salvation being of the Willow being escaped. We have big responsibility themselves to Catholic culture certain beings need to give true minds that do not display external form of falsifying the birth of willow's huge coast escape another's death. Be careful! Be careful!
2. The notion of aid when arrived home sick people to recite in front of her children the most inviting back stating that they said: "that means that people came at Lam chung is decisive for the super sharp or fallen, this responsibility subject to all but the sick. The situation is who want to make sick people are super sharp avoid the fallen, every individual should be heard according to the direction of the people recite not be left ". This is the bail for common people decide there being Extreme world.
3. Help People meditate on in the patient's attitudes towards patients is very fondly of pleading, his words are from gentle consuming stars for patient listening clearly to the mind the sick no disbelief. First of all people should support the notion of the evening talk in the life of the sick person was led to patients being mind hoan Hy; Ke said the enemy WINS world's magic vi Sukhavati result of birth center and run your credit card through a bridge district; People should celebrate a suicide they themselves see them as relatives. Because the patient but is not present in kinship, but either a life, two years, three years ago as well as her son in the past, could not be said that we are not related with their relative position. The notion of aid if the sufferer may be viewed as relative, the Center for Buddhist mantras recited at this time the new releases into incredibly urgent.
4. in the unit except the mining towns of the rest all men were not allowed to question the patient side stories not in the sick room to talk, if the sick person hear will distract led to loss of mindfulness. If relatives want the neighborhood entrance to thermal Bursera tonkinensis visit the sick, people recite should prevent them: "He came here is to support sick people for reciting the Buddha's right? If so then he should listen to steer your anniversary, most avoid arises the obstacle course for people with chronic conditions ".
Also with them is not coming to help sick people reciting the Buddhas, then depending on the forecast for progeny of they invite people to other rooms to treat, most avoid meeting ill arises craving affection anniversary hindrances mindfulness. It is the responsibility of people meditate on love should not be a difficult or concerns that do not do. If we let them meet people sick then make sex Tutty arises hindrances mindfulness, meant that the dead not be a guest of birth nor with the Tong only support.
5. anniversary of the Buddha's four or six digit, or slow certain fast low need to ask over the sick person. If at that time the patient did not open his mouth to answer, then recite the Buddha should not too quickly, too quickly if listening is not clear; also not to be too slow, too slow if the anniversary of the Buddha will sporadically makes patients easy to fall into the kiss and fall; also should not be too high if the people recite mantras also difficult to be long; also should not be too low if the patient is too low to hear are not clear. Thus the Buddhist mantras are not fast does not slow not high not low, each each piched every letter every letter clearly makes people sick each every sentence were tai, every letter every letter are being hedonistic mentality. People recite Buddhist mantras are like new properly guided.
The notion of aid should remember not being arbitrary discretion, like slow slow quick quick anniversary Memorial high, like your favorite high low low anniversary celebration of your favorite, if recited Buddha like while Center anniversary but hard to achieve the benefits. It should be remembered at the moment is the anniversary of the AIDS disease is very weak-force gas themselves reciting Buddha's not totally relying on the Hong Nam name Amitabha Buddha because of other people. The anniversary of the Buddha if clear throughout the coast caused patient heart meditate on Buddha, each reciting each anniversary are attributed towards the Red name Amitabha Buddha.
People should watch whole number concepts the situation how do not to mind the patients ranged from making them recite mantras like mindfulness is achieved, a notion after all when of common network will depend on the place where Buddha birth there are mantras; Because, people recite the replaced Germany As futuristic take on the responsibility of salvation being of the Willow being bailed the other electronics that.
6. recite a long time sufferer suddenly sense the quibble, cheery can talk or breathe long limbs to move ... At that time the notion of aid should pay particular attention not to let any one who visits the question overload Bursera tonkinensis. Remember, since the time this situation of the patient, no more than two hours after the patient stops breathing. Such as oil lamps are gradually running out of fire is from from darker to end at then-oil lamp fire suddenly bright loé moments and then turns off. Everyone came at the end of breath most of the medical condition.
Often or going on the scene who guided Buddhist mantras recited long day, come at a patient suddenly awake or talk, sigh ... these situations like occurs when people meditate without experience or equivalent knowledge, make sick people upset or suspend assistance. So for the scenes happen like people reciting the need should get to know in order to make the General network are the benefits.
People meditate to if someone had just put an end to the breath or experiencing one, two, three hours, now people recite should not probe the heat deaths. The notion of aid should remember this moment is the moment of utmost importance of an emergency. The best people to support a declaration before the anniversary, so large over once then. inasmuch as the new after cease breathing does not conclude she has lamented or not mind deaths overall have the forlorn. If people support center marketing stubs loudly recite people dead have the clarity to know. As a testimony to understand the mind of deaths there is room (anniversary of Buddha) to transport direction, more even know playing Western birth bridge Chapel (the mind of Buddha listening parties, wedding banquet will play Western contentious bridge Chapel).
People recite a declaration should loudly voice is clear: "in the past have cultivated the fresh industry also have created the evil karma, this moment should not think to. His descendants, the property in the House all he should have let go a little bit not to where the mind. At the moment he's just a happy anniversary pink a Buddha prayer broadcast through a bridge; We will recite the Buddhist support for him, he ought to mind hearing the Buddhist mantras, each reciting each anniversary of the refuge to Buddha Amitabha red spherical distribution of birth West "(from the sentence He should get to the heart to listen ... to bridge Western birth should say twice).
After finishing a testimony saying mantras aid and help people meditate according that. sound effect Buddha at the moment need to loudly. If the person who dies at birth money care credit, praying, reciting the Buddha asked Western contentious decisions will be a guest of birth, if birth money no mind, pray pray the Buddha at birth, the General forestry also achieve effective listening merit possible investment nghì. My Tibetan Prefecture said: "People are about common network listener is the title of a Buddhist would be guilty of five disabled cockroach". Thus the German supporters celebrated others not at general academic stars tells the sweeping.
There are people that have the fruit berries that have multiplied. We if the Center celebration of Buddha birth anniversary of another Western bridge, like the future we come together at the natural forest would also have the mind to meditate we meditate on Buddha birth there; Others thanks to us aid celebrated was a guest of birth the future they will follow most German bronze Buddha came into power using household us, make us money at the general public alike does mindfulness forest being Extreme world. Therefore, we usually celebrate aid others there are contentious issues for the benefit of real at general forestry damage very clearly. After this came the time of Lin chung, we will definitely use past experience makes it all such as France. So there will be no the the situation arises except the decision was contentious and the public alike;
Should know, Germany As a hybrid of appearing in the world is because of the escape all beings which beings are known as the Buddha. Germany As a hybrid theory of forty nine years is because of the event; in Germany A Di Da Phat forty-eight great vows strictly Net speed also because of this event. All the common path teachings is the Princess comes into your self austerities, the need to segment except negativities can escape being killed it is hard disciplines.
While France is a Net force of volunteers stepped forward thanks to the Buddha that are there being the Western world, without the minus afflictions that are out of birth order, only in a life that is directed as the Buddha Park disciplines easily.
We currently support other people there favored Western Buddha birth anniversary which is replacing Germany As the hybrid coordination salvation responsible beings, making them thanks to the notion that there are contentious. From this simple traditions we stepped through the voluntary effort of Buddha's birth and early death from the mau members into the Buddhist moral achievements of high merit. This wonderful high merit is to us as the Buddha, the Buddha used the human experience result in Buddha it is fate.
In the room the patient in need of sweeping clean all objects that do not need to move out, only to see no one is avoiding the cramped causing obstruction, the patient is the avoidance of collisions for people meditate on. Center for sick people while still in the bar, people recite only teaching them lies the hip study are the faces turned to the West and in the mind to think that I was a guest of birth; Assuming the patient is not suffering from a mental picture of an encyclopedia, so it should be to sick people. Also by patients already know how to Center, how to easily start the Chief Justice States, at which should depend on the patient's consent.
Before the hospital bed should an iconic Holy Holy place Western triangle or unique Buddha statues; Buddha desk should give aroma ... Should the Buddha set position facing towards the patient result run the Center glass. Suppose that sick people have bowel cleaner Privy Council, its support monuments should keep the home clean sweep clean. The sick approaching coming end of breath where the fuselage had a bowel cleaner of the Privy Council, at the time also did not need to wipe, just lo play Center anniversary. assuming smell Privy Council UE, people recite should think themselves are replacing Germany as the futuristic take on the responsibility for saving beings from birth to deathcom, because a couple of unclean coast like that removed a huge responsibility that stars.
What our body case when Lam chung is the body of the paragraph being, who dared to make sure his body at the moment are no Privy Council cleaner? If everyone thought like that, the nature of mind each person would not have worried the Privy Council UE. With regard to the Privy Council cleaner on the body certain patients should wait until the whole body conditioning new permanently wipe. Still Holy worship place known statue not to smell the heady UE of the Privy Council, but because of the mindfulness of sick people as about to cease breathing, though unclean also should not wipe the Pan, fear of causing the great barrier to the current birth to sick people. This time not so sweeping is the loath though the heady smell of holy statues, UE the Privy Council but also without sin.
If the patient's condition is too heavy, people recite the commandments should remind the sick: "at this moment he has what the situation doubt again?". Assuming the sick mind in doubt, people should support the Declaration's anniversary break at except the suspected them most to avoid the obstacle course for the current Extremely contentious. If the patient no longer has the status of suspect at that point asked over a weekly, and then later from the need to ask again, avoid patient distraction led to loss of mindfulness! Need attention! Pay attention!
Sick person if in doubt said: "I myself but had in mind the Buddha but the time is not long, afraid that heavy Goldfield Western world e there was a guest of birth or not?". At that time the notion of aid to the sick said: "he has to play the Buddha mind sooner or later are not afraid. The most important thing is from when he played the Buddha mind until the General forestry Centre does not rot switch is. Though right now he is about to fall, after the new geography of knowledge better understand that playing the mind of Buddha could also be a guest of birth.
In the Buddhist scriptures teach: "who's birth money often create evil career pole but when Lam chung met friendly new geography knowledge knows that playing the mind of Buddha, who was also a guest of birth West". Back in the capital also said, "Recite a verse that Buddha Amitabha minus eighty thousand contentious realm of quantum memory felony". So he now though the play Buddha in mind yet to be evil or how long the industry has created too heavy, he should not being mindful of fear just a happy anniversary of Buddha's birth, the Western Bridge decided to given at General network will see Germany Amitabha Buddha birth there to embody the Western lead, no doubt. "
If the sick person has in mind gay people, at which people meditate for before they have a testimony: "we do people in this life really miserable is filled. The elder is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering and the pain so this miserable said never ceases. Also being in the Western world, the endless pleasures forever never has suffering, old age, illness, death. The pleasure of this well is never the same. Now he should play against Western volunteers should bring forth bridge bridge for his cousin who also was a guest of birth and hedonistic enjoyment of life. If he did believe gay people the same property is going to cause hindrances to his birth, a guest should lick let go of all the notion that expose him before was a guest of birth.
Once he was a guest at the time of birth would have immeasurable spirit turns prayer beads, Director information back to Us she turned the whole who she also progeny of his birth there were in the same as France progeny of Buddha outlawed permanent pleasure. From now onwards if he did mind immersed before her children and property, then he should deter blame themselves: "the world we had immeasurable suffering and immeasurable with Extreme world peace, why does crazy sex Tutty sunken island because the previous property and causes hindrances caused ourselves not as a guest of birthand, again express the eternal realm of existence she mistakes should not have been ". If he is responsible for the personal commandments can for Cutie, Buddha mind and strong current Western birth prayer ".
If the patient is still the mind of doubt "I myself have recited Buddha why not see the Buddha to the procession." Back care skepticism: "I am coming to know at common German academies of Amitabha has come to me or not?". At that time the patient should recite the previous support for a declaration: "now the see Buddha or not see the Buddha are not related. Suppose now he's yet to see certain Buddha arrives at Lam chung he would see. It is important that at the moment the list of Buddha Amitabha is red he should recite mantras we money. To common at German academies of Buddha nature in the mind of Buddha he will embody the next lead. He will also stay in the mind of Buddha in Theravada Buddhism that there are beings;
Now he needs to mind notes Buddhist should not necessarily mind being doubted. Suppose if there is doubt in his mind at this Center along with the mind of the Buddha Amitabha has the prevent obstacles, causing obstacles themselves can not there being. He is without a doubt the heart center of Buddhist mantras he will with Buddha has the certain touch will be a guest of birth, a dime a glass also doesn't mind being doubted. Should know who recited Buddhist Lam chung saw successive incarnations of Buddha leads is going to soon be late. Early or seen before a two-day or foresee few three hours or foresee some three minutes. Slow is that after the patient network termination unit, an na following along (as the God consciousness leaves the body) new Buddhist Memorial applications does the money also is seen as a guest at birth and the sick Western Buddhism ".
If the sick person in the day or night or in certain Buddhist mantras, or in midsummer as seeing the General evil monsters, hear the evil sounds makes the mind frightened as hindrances there are contentious. At the moment the patient should recite the previous support for a declaration: "the General evil monsters to the sound of that evil which is the matter that much life much before he was persecuted. Now they know he played the Buddha mind decides there are Western birth, so it appears the cruel realm makes him tremble cause obstacle course made him unable to celebrate Buddha's birth and the public alike. His mind should not tremble do not need to see them, don't listen to them that just single-minded attention to Red Hook houses a Buddha Amitabha, reciting mantras urgent releases, there should be a Memorial would interrupt. At that previous matter was found no place for the devil turns to resentment naturally hope they will destroy.
Or see the human death in the least as she sees him from, the father, the mother ... to reclaim to lead him. He should know what these people died due to the demon gods changes, from the three evil scenes of hell, hungry daemons demons, Animals being out deceiving him into the three evil scene scouting is suffering. He did not go by they themselves just a pink name Amitabha Buddha reciting mantras, the unbroken human killed him, she, her father, her mother turned turned out demon spirit that will naturally destroy.
Or as seen in the Sun, God would come claiming to lead him through a natural or God Center, says a proud Cup should also not be they agitated. Only the Buddha Amitabha in the West or the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, bodhisattva mahasthamaprapta to take lead as he went. Should know Germany Amitabha Buddha is also due to consider the Buddha says that out. His mind if every Buddhist mantras are recited each anniversary of the Buddha Amitabha in the West as well as in the mind of his pure Buddhist mantras appear to lead, did he also stayed in the mind pure Buddha Buddha birth anniversary which maybe reimbursed. So pay attention! Pay attention! "
He should know that means that people in the world do not comment the situation like that, supposedly, have to suffer these diseases and mortality thing is no one is out. Now his relatives are sick but the heart he's not too melancholy bi suffering which should address maintained anniversary of St. Mark Buddha, reciting the charm his Buddhist mantras should look forward to bridge the large inflow of Western beings, like right here will gauge without disease.
We are the anniversary of the Buddha does not comment the situation how, to General forestry at all should let go of discharge, in mind only a pink Buddha Amitabha list clear clear clear, reciting mantras are good maintained the Amitabha Buddha. "he so now I only have a three day though Buddha Amitabha, five days or seven days as a guest of birth are fine, before my Somasundaram never moved ". He if follow my I the Buddha it will bail for he desired was a guest of birth; For he should not listen to the sound of the class do not have intellectuals, there is little disease suffering and calling for my husband for his wife, bridges, first, the demon spirit of protection this is messed up. We should know the Buddhist mantras, when Lin chung isn't opinion is sick or not sick should gauge gauge the needs Germany Buddha soon came forward to lead. Also, first, the demon spirit even though they themselves are still being killed in rollover relief do have enough strength to save the canvas was his birth death reincarnation.
Only Germany Amitabha Buddha of compassion, He had forty-eight great vows end spirit tongdao immeasurable power, can save the was he permanently lost birth Prince reincarnation. He thought if there is expectation, first, the demon spirit of protection can let go, a pleasing Western Buddha birth anniversary of the bridge. As if his network's life and yet, thanks to this Buddhist mantras would merit except Karma will disease remission. Still life by his network has also thanks to this Buddhist mantras merit the decision was contentious and the public alike. Suppose he just healed bridge bridge not being so, Western life if his network and yet will not be a guest of birth, his disease difficult to heal, something his disease difficult to heal but also adds to the suffering. We do the people in the world we had to suffer the endless suffering brain, as if there were being outlawed the Western pleasure is endless.
Assuming he has the mind to pray Thien Chu first to protect lives like he did have heart afraid to die, as if he had a mind fear of death, the heart he has, along with a German volunteer Buddha has the stop concerned Western realm will not show the money, which will permanently diving hụp in the sea of suffering of birth to death without reincarnation expectant time freed. If his mind afraid to die now should order the commandments in charge: "I had in mind for why Buddha is also foolish mind afraid to die, making yourself stumbling is not current Western birth? Henceforward I vow urgent releases into a happy anniversary of the Buddha's compassionate Buddha prayer soon came forward to lead ".
Should know the general framework of forest disease discovered at is evil because of his many lives have made that up, or the matter due to the many lives he has persecuted them arrived to reclaim the old debt. So there are many diseases discovered gauge makes him sanh afflictions as hindrances not safe. If he understood was that this Italian like him will not be negativity, recite Buddhas can augment your releases into urgent, reciting mantras are not psychiatric disorder an head on the red list of Buddha Amitabhacurrent address, being Polar world ".

The anniversary of the Buddha arrived at the common forest if there is severe disease, should not mind being doubtful also don't get frightened. Previously, Xuanzang also at Lam patients what case we found stuff be chums wife how to ward off the disease. Should know the sick suffering is due to his previous career sense evil, now if he does not the mighty and strong Buddhist mantras, the evil of this industry will experience an outcome report. May he have the radical Evangelical Buddhist mantras known should some evil career relying on word of the Buddha, move on to result in illness a few mild alarm lives so far. This disease is only temporarily after the Bears finished right then he will be a guest being Extreme.
He should start a thread thus took the mighty Amitabha Buddha, reciting mantras specializes on the Buddhist verse mark should not have a notion of the disease as part of the fray.He should know the time Lam chung is the next Dick he thát birth of the Western realm or fallen into hell. His mind if this moment charm as the disease suffer afflictions that are fallen into the realm of hell, if the coast guard under the title of Amitabha Buddha birth there are Extreme world. So be careful! Be careful!
At this time his breath if too short, four-digit Amitabha Buddha meditate not only recited a Buddhist word is was. His heart charm as the word for Buddhist thought believes she has a guest being. If for the patients suffering the big picture encyclopedia even a Buddhist text recited at the time, nor the mind should he trust his face clear clear clear that Buddha Amitabha embody put hand to lead. His mind each recite each anniversary of his birth there was thought that, when the General forestry God consciousness decide the contentious bridge cooperating by taking refuge there that are there by birth.
German stock has taught: "people do when Lin chung could not contemplate or Buddhist mantras is, then just run Italy know that Buddha, who decided that General network was there being, in the old French taught as such".
(Explain a brief sentence on the neck).
The birth of French front visualizations but not yet contemplate achievement t black, or the French tu fortresses notable but yet the achievement for any heart disorder. A common illness while tomorrow by the encyclopedia of mind is not an intention to have loads of the obstacle course, visualizations do not list the stronghold was not. That person if can think of ideas in front of themselves have the compassionate Buddha stretch your hands forward, reciting mantras think himself was a guest of birth. A following with expectation a guest being, this Centre will charm the anniversary expecting that there are beings; This is the true words derived from French main stock in the Buddha himself declares.
For the anniversary of the first Holiday Inn owners should watch to patient health. If the disease is mild yet very critical, then beginning to scatter articles maintain a Naval Court, doing three contentious Current Momentum Remains the mantra (the best is twenty-one variations); canopy racks Buddha (Amitabha Buddha kim sharp ...) next anniversary of the South Western world Sukhavati tissue from the great bi Amitabha Buddha, reciting six digit Hong Nam name Amitabha Buddha about ten sentences and then move on to recite four-digit red list Amitabha Buddha. If the critical illness (General academic preparation) is launch anniversary of four-letter words of Buddha Amitabha honors rose. France-air use audio opened should only meditate on adjustable wrenches the washing fall should not take.
People celebrate the day divided into two boards, the night divided into three departments, each Board of a minimum of two people an hour to change the ban. Supported methods on a Board Committee of Buddhist mantras recited loudly ban two memento in return for an hour, the two big anniversary Committee Board of a memento, also one hour, and then change the ban. At night, a second Board and the loudly recite three memento or can rest, one hour in return two Buddhist mantras, the big Board, a Board and three memento or can rest, back one hour in return, the three major Buddhist Memorial Committee, a Committee of the Board and two memento or can rest.
Like every rotation in place of the Board should not comment is three days, five days, seven days, half a month, a month that long-term concepts. The ban supporters celebrated alternately in order, starting with the next one is the two and three-Board design began as a Committee, like the Committee, and then from the beginning makes the day Buddha sound difference. Each of the three-day feast to eat drink are divided on others. Some believe that if the notion of aid after taking the moving forward finished less than a Board can everyone in ban turns slightly resting to recover mentally.
Before certain feasts anniversary Chairman, aid is needed for the patient in advance publicity: '' He should know this moment people are Buddhist mantras in support for him, he should get the same people at the same. If so debilitating can not recite, he should keep in mind the listening people recite the Buddha as well as he is. There are things the ears he heard Buddha mark should be a sentence, a word a listening ear to ear, clearly visible in the mind clear clear memo should know. He should wholeheartedly toward sound title of Buddha ". After saying that the testimony is finished celebrating the new rite of reciting Buddha's aid.
If the patient has at fell into coma status does know, then people should use the anniversary of the day the census survey, the patient's ear, some hitting sound effect Buddha must be greater than making heart disease the times times from the coma.
The patient soon ended breaths with people reciting if is plural, the best is the same as for her children before the three jewels, or kneeling anniversary or memorial ceremony, and in the center of each person visualizations Germany Buddha is currently launching major light forward of the dead, the dead are in the aura of Buddha dignified hand pieced together that the large inflow of Net birth rate. After the end of breath support person should recite ten minutes divided into two boards, each Board alternately reciting the Buddhist Ho pile about half an hour, starting from this point onwards that need reciting Buddha loudly. And then for the sequential changes the Board of Buddhist mantras as before.
At the sick preparing ended breaths people recite need particular attention. If patients face sweating or general sense, or the head, body and limbs. The general situation is that the expression of suffering. Or sick people sometimes fall into a coma. If the situations uncovered, then known by the patient birth money elaborately celebrated Buddha is just trivial, very hard to master the mindfulness. At that time the notion of aid should arrive near the sick person commandments prompt: "the Western realm we are in front of him, he should try to keep reciting the title of Buddha to be Extremely contentious public alike". Back to my best incarnation patients if still same as before, people recite should reiterate it again, for no more than three times then just reciting Buddhist mantras AIDS loudly.
After the patient has stopped breathing before the body not yet permanently cold, in this intermediate phase in the utmost need reciting resourses in warning, expressly prohibits the probe heat and her children wailing should only play in mind, great Buddha in support. Need to go through ten or twelve hours may invite a tu power equal and experience a gentle hand to probe the heat his body died, until the cold body permanently the new aid. At that time people reciting toward front of Buddha, on behalf of the dead helpfulness of Germany celebrated Buddha, praying people dead was the large inflow of Net birth rate.
If the body of dead cold superior yet do not comment one day, two days, three days, everyone should play in mind, great Buddha. Features support each individual ought to think, this is the time we replaced Germany As saving hybrid beings escape being killed. People should not because this moment that being subtle mind indolence makes dead people astray was not a guest of birth; We each should play the mighty Center of Buddhist mantras, and strong vocal supporters celebrate until the dead body conditioning new permanently to temporarily suspend the aid. We should like to support the new center of Portuguese capital play Chief foot Emperor bodhisattva leader embodies the tu a reality.
The dead cold body after a two-hour pass certainly could bathe and swap. If the burned hard curved limbs, the use of old cloth heated seats háp Flex curve, a few three-minute limbs would be soft. Two eyes if not yet aim also use a hot cloth háp shrugged off the eye, some few minutes will close again.
As for the clothing for the dead, the best is when they live what clothing should shroud enclosing raiment. Shroud enclosing clothes and not wear much as well. Should know, if compassion dies the best thing is to do them a guest being outlawed all things Western pleasure. Only the dead there being real new count as curious, as cordially, is from Ireland. If only lo makeup form just another fifth — is believed to bridge divides, must wear laced shroud enclosing for luxury, expensive for a coffin, mourning preteen, eating, drinking ... that absolutely do not take pity on the Huai to the true interests of the dead, this indeed was a major mistake.
After the dead had been a guest of birth West method, for the funeral and shadowy International worship should get the vegetarian Buddhist mantras, cosy doing (banning suicide being the front five, meat, alcohol). If you want to do the best German tank should be few, sometimes for Ni to help. the number of days more or less should be viewed through the family economic situation to decide. For the anniversary of the Buddha's shadowy international celebration of her children attended is very good, because relatives are interrelated, so the mind of Buddha than outsiders would earnestly releases over. With the anniversary of the Buddha does not comment the renunciation or at home if one has the urgent Center releases a tremendous merit will achieve. The German public after each time reciting the Buddhas were for before the table component to the current Western-oriented death birth. Let the dead have the large inflow of birth thanks to the merit of this Buddhist mantras can soar in your products, with as-yet there are beings can also slash due to this Extremely contentious and the public alike that soon German tribe.
Most secular people are for the chanting, repent, diagnosis is States also recite the Buddha's story is trivial, some people have such a perspective is not understood the Dharma. The Germany of the Buddha Amitayus Sutra reciting One has said, "Recite a Buddhist can effect except for eighty thousand contentious realm of quantum memory felony", so who would dare tell the Germans celebrate Buddha is trivial. In the lower part of this business being platform said: "hear the name title twelve Nikaya can except a thousand memories from the past evil career pole, reciting a verse Amitabha Buddha could spend except for five hundred thousand great existence of birth Prince felony". Says: "just listen to the Amitabha Buddha could spend except the immeasurable human bondage of birth Prince felony". Narration in the base we can know the Germans celebrate Buddha was possible as nghì.
The sometimes the Magi to chanting, repent, ambulatory care if releases into the huge merit, unfortunate people today care releases into very little. The great Indian master Quang said: "The French are doing now, much of which is illustrated on the outside is not true, just place the weighing form shume easy to see, the job is only imaginary flute. Suppose the Buddha mind professional people who can recite, merit extensive further back. As if to give the Germans celebrate Buddha's helpfulness to France about beings and being the Western Germany increased again at large, for the dead to be incredibly beneficial endless ich ".
Who died after birth, there were Western people during the forty-nine-day vegetarian Buddhist mantras in about the people who lost both the benefits do.
Q: people after death if her children during the forty-nine-day vegetarian Buddhist mantras do every virtuous to revert direction for the dead, the dead have to be the advantages?
A: the dead there were authentic western birth, her children during the forty-nine-day vegetarian Buddhist mantras do every virtuous to revert direction for the dead, on the one hand can make the dead rising supplies in your flowers, on the one hand her children gain immeasurable German approval. Let the dead have not been there yet so contentious had died but did not decide to go reincarnation where does in the Central fuselage. This time if relatives as they recited Buddhist merit-making, Net-based charity release for them cause they're in the warm middle was being high esteem, praying, reciting the Buddha's birth bridge; Just who help them wage a full three-course credit investment, the Chapel, the almond, decided they would slash thanks from the force of Buddha which soon was a guest of birth.
Q: meaning Middle body warm?
A: people dead after the God consciousness left from the body before the time has not yet come for reincarnation, as the word in the step outside but not to the other houses are still in mediation, it is the only medium-bodied meaning warm. Someone who has deep trust, pray, Buddhist mantras effort when new instant birth there that died, or the Western based heal deep thick then the only beings on the Sun, or create an instant heavy evil to hell Loads cockroaches, three-class people are not experiencing the warm Middle trunk. The normal school was not extreme in good nor evil poles must undergo secondary body warm. High life time of warm family being there fast slow do not. Fast, instant nail trays about reincarnation into one of six Scouts of reincarnation, slowly, then about forty-nine days or more than forty-nine days.
Question: what excuse Charm people after death does not go reincarnation that must fall in the warm period of middle trunk, spent forty-nine day go reincarnation?
Đap: by the decedent in the lives of many generations past have created the career of evil charity interchangeably. In the forward to the mind ignorance, a conscious business anniversary celebration and a healthy birth for every evil kill kill evil beings and continuous improvement business which does not delineate. As if to head into the career, this mentality is pure goodness is due in the mind in good wholesome realm discovered Celestial, human, A tu la this consciousness as such wholesome karma that comes reincarnation. But because, in the mind of good also favored vivifies, central supplies, lower supplies of good new experience into three realms of Heaven, human, A tu la not like each other.
As if to head into this evil, evil karma of pure evil in the mind by the discovery of three evil realm hell, hungry daemons, Animal beings, in mind that depending on the evil realm that go reincarnation. But because of the evil mind also favored the evil evil cosmetics, vivifies, lower the new evil product experience into three realms of hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth do not. Should know, by having the relationship of mind similar scenes and the like, so relatives in time forty-nine day to vegetarian Buddhist mantras instead of the perfume, tu Duc linh made dead Princess thanks to merit that that objective unless the crime grows, there are Western birth or super sharp in the Heavenly realm and humanitarian relief.
With as relatives during this time doesn't mind the vegetarian Buddhist mantras which entail the observation as evil beings, theft, deviant sex, drink eat meat like university career (career years ago) the dead if the fresh industry will turn into the evil karma; as a student who dies if the evil evil karma karma is again more growth. Should know the evil karma will increase if the evil that vivifies the given industry, prompting the dead fallen to hell permanently bear the immeasurable suffering.
Question: If a family's economic difficulties, which protected them during forty nine-day vegetarian Buddhist mantras do every virtuous, afraid that their lives are difficult to maintain?
A: in all of Germany to revert direction for dead people, Germany is the biggest Buddhist mantras, as if the family at this difficult economy does not need a visiting monks and nuns to do the ceremony, just the whole family play Center for vegetarian Buddhist mantras is enough. While reciting the Buddhas, the early Buddhist mantras is done before the altar for the dead Islamic direction, and then use the rice. Lunchtime Buddhist mantras before or after meal, depending on the job itself such that the appropriate sort. The following afternoon the new Buddhist Memorial feast, celebrated finishing for front desk vong that Islamic direction, each day to three Buddhist mantras forecast three times during the remaining time, direction when doing the work should also try memento.
Methods of reciting the Buddhist transcendence of the dead like that, with regard to the economic lives of families would not be affected. This method is just as simple but convenient path completely the life of great merit. The family can be at peace with tonality should be blessed in Germany that the dead also benefits immensely. This is the method foe WINS make both the living and the dead are the benefits do.
Head of The bow hand pieced together means fake glasses asked Local Tibetan bodhisattva: Modern white Glass "singer! Beings in the South match this theme right after the network, large and small in general because deaths that tu Duc produce until your brother's donation that is made fresh, the dead and the other has the benefits and deliver reasonable? "
He is The Chief organ of fake "Dear responds! The beings in the present and the future in general forestry day, if they are listening to the title of a Buddha, a bodhisattva, or a Mural of Buddha genus did not comment the guilty or not guilty were freed (there being the Western world Sukhavati).
(Talk): Devils impermanent not wanting that to which God soul obscure unknown charges, in seven weeks as interior si as deaf, or at the company to comment karma, after evaluation of the life that depends on being. Amid charges of Phuoc have not been resolved, the other deaths of thousands of fallen stonework is like, what case, lost wickedly hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth.
This common network guys life without being, then for seven weeks lost always look forward to stop her children bereaved in the create dispenses to thanks to the rescue. Through seven weeks of lost business and entertainment news. If the dead person was a sinner, then across hundreds or thousands of years (usually at the three evil leader of hell, hungry daemons demons, Animals being subject to any press gauge) not on the rescue. If this person guilty of five disabled cockroach news fallen into hell to thousand of lives of the van KIEP, it wasn't the suffering (one half by the year the person is 1 344 000 000 years).
(Talk): If relatives can because people died in seven weeks, the German public order expanse (vegetarian Buddhist mantras, maintained about donate privacy ...) then make the beings permanently lost wickedly (hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth) are Human beings, outlawed the magic touch, she is also currently the immeasurable benefits.

Two questions answers
Q: there are ordinary people, praying, reciting the Buddhas, but in General when hit by wind forbade Cannon consciousness unconsciousness, then other people because they recite the Buddhist notion of aid works or not? If it works then the God consciousness that people were lethargic no longer knows how to work? If no such effects merit a credit life, pray, recite Buddhas be pleased they become meaningless?
A: The Buddhist notion of German was possible as nghì. As usual, praying, reciting the Buddha but when Lam chung hit the wind Cannon prohibited form of coma, if knowledge is friendly because they do support that person will gain the benefits of possible investment nghì. Or as that person God consciousness before haven't left the body, back awake can hear Buddhist mantras, can trigger mind, pray, recite Buddhas as usual, when a public network turns to direct force of Buddha will lead thanks to that is there are contentious world, this problem is of course.
Suppose that person comatose to the death God consciousness left off, because this business less than previous delineation should have to undergo high-body warm. If her children or good knowledge of Buddhist mantras, AIDS deaths at the time may recall and trigger mind, pray, meditate on Buddha, Buddha sitting there lead force thanks to the Princess by birth. If not like just be friendly knowledge created, Assistant coast wins, let's say not as a guest of birth can also Net-based growth rate to heal after this. As in "at the time of the Buddha in the world has a man between the road met the Tiger, he climbed up the tree, because of the awe that compels the mouth calls for a Buddha, due in Germany next newspaper results feels met Buddha be plat". What a strange human life, pray, recite Buddhas? Such observations are enough to prove the German Buddhist mantras is not absolutely useless.
Q: the deaf when Lin chung while was supported by others, but they can not hear the Buddhist mantras, the celebration where work?
A: the deaf due to previous apartment Atrium created career should feel the results. They still are not hearing the Buddhist mantras but common when someone because they still support current concepts of birth. Why? By the deaf while United was based were defective but before hearing loss. Just need to mind they fortified sobriety voluntary credits, at a public network will continue to embody Buddhist sensibility. The charity supported by the Memorial because of their knowledge of mind of beings was possible as nghì, the Germany of the red list the Buddha Amitabha was possible as nghì decided that person there being positive, such as West blank boat sailing downwind, light commercial vehicles on the road.
Or when he or she dies before lifetime imprisonment provisional relative lifetime less than contentious, at which only the eighth form is work, people being paid because the Karma apartment Atrium although there but not there, United way, to this notice has been paid off, the eighth consciousness of self is likely to hear insights as usual.

An epilogue
Kinh said: "the evil three depart, to be loved is hard". We are a close but difficult life guarantee. That is false in the four great colors itself ended up canopy removal. There is only one God as the life career concept conscious beings. As debtors who aggressively pulled ahead. Suppose this life has good karma tu cum back sex, deep, intellectual property, after death-life celestial beings trust network Director van KIEP, but to enjoy the most blessed Sun still being fallen the same undertones could not deliver.
Buddha killer level was long a Saint as far, the austerities of more heavy deep Karma basic slow flooding, while the Magic's meditation teachings but try asking there are some who prefer seclusion. By the austerities to be loud like that hope Willow being divine Holy death escapes input is how things have been.
So in General the Buddha had taught: "the French memory memory loss of Life the austerities but at least someone privileged, only thanks to slash into the Buddhist notion of traditions which are escape reincarnation". A survey on the verse we can know, Germany Like ca As lai before three thousand years have seen ahead, the radical Center bi mercy beings which in excess in the Dhamma Net a theory T is a private level spanning three flat, taught throughout the species being minds play practice. Or tu Dieu hung or accept the maintenance trophy and then depending on his recovery co., tu Duc Phat created volunteers Western-oriented, while the Buddha turns to power thanks to more general instructions that are there being Cưc. In the United States turned extremely network-life beings from these times times advancing tu permanently no longer depression moved straight to the Buddha.
Like the French have just straight sugar but an OK foe WINS that marvelous micro, as the media in the media shortcut in the shortcut. Current number of people meditate on Buddha birth there are though many human lifetimes are also hard to count out.
However, or have the anniversary of Buddha's birth as a guest but not yet due to insufficient staff because the coast guard recognizes the mistakes in their mesmerizing blur takes mindfulness and Buddhism separated without there being, rather than by the Buddha does not come forward. The causes may be as follows.
Or by birth but play the Buddha mind but just disappointed requested voluntary release unknown treasure bridge-Western birth; or by birth but with prayers but not essential Buddhist mantras foot no repeatedly; or do General when lack of good owners to support French as mantras households; or good faith friendship Memorial AIDS but other discussions and magazine stories making in mind bored of insecurity; or because she the mournful wailing leading craving hard start reciting the opening bondage hard up.
Or do dead at her new baby offers the master computer smoking hopes the bridge back to life makes sense to the suffering endless; or due to the sheer medium breath the God consciousness has not yet left the live therapeutic thermal collision probe heater; or do a full cold after a new rush into bathing foot claw hand claws locker ... By do staff and incomplete and wrong perception on, causing the dead takes mindfulness which are not contentious and the public alike. Hence the anniversary of Buddha's need to know and avoid this.
Previous book "Lin chung the Ben" has expressly stated, there is the sheer lack of literary Italian Quartet deeply makes the little guys learn the hard master surfaces. Last year in Wenzhou the Magi At his ... ask The shaman Willow used Bach turns voice into the book "Lin chung the Ben" compilations of this book, very full.
After finished again petitioned the venerable Magic legs in Hong Hoa commune and title. First publication consisting of twenty thousand copies not long before, a lot of people sometimes. Now you plan to reproduce and he invited me to write an epilogue. Me 'cause he's literary clown where dare to dance, thus the story personally for several years have found that listening to a brief history of art that borrow something to prove, just hoping someone reading this make sure not people who passed each other all avoided those mistakes later on.
I hear there is a homeless musician before served in Suzhou, later renunciation of mind head am superstitious Ling near small. That wife is also very deep credit three jewels is often to encourage donation that taste back home: "He took renunciation that is Bodhisattva should of beings should not order alone. He should return to the convent of all the life I pray will serve ". Multiply wives hot example repeatedly making the will is hard to maintain, the net around the Interior more turbulence often feel unsafe. he thinks if returning home is cute too anxious wife an understanding Buddha and he responded.
This day called for my wife back: "the Buddha Amitabha has the embodiment to the next lead me I am about there being Polar world". His wife heard the wailing of instant cult ceremony that says: "Bodhisattva, he gave me that I know where to slash that to live". People could hardly entice erotic escape is made that mesmerizing blur takes mindfulness flush down the line. Again looking ahead not see Buddha again, this story I hear upasaka Ho Tung Mau recounted.
To listen sorcerers Often stick in the temple view ever since, Magi is the perennial boys school. Although Buddhist mantras daily but only hope bridge wealth rather than bear the current bridge being; In The nine years the giving family, friendly side bathing dress prepared shroud enclosing the coffin. The day after the older sister to stand adjacent to the child that continued, the two eyes of father flush lines.
A survey of two stories, we can know who is dying or dead cold superior yet new body God consciousness has not yet left the body, her children should not rejoice over weeping to avoid emotionally embroiled in their mesmerizing blur takes mindfulness are not contentious and the public alike. Assuming that no rings should also stay away from don't come close to that cry. There are hundreds of thousands of human beings by Lydia van KIEP hard looking forward there are extremely important. Do relatives if know play Center as they celebrate Buddha's birth and the public alike, helping them to be absent from Prime gauge, it is truly curious choreography, tastes the world can't.
With the cremation after death this book has yet to be mentioned. Multiply the cremated person in his renunciation or has used. In the usual large forestry Sulabha after death on election of seven new cremation Executive. In addition to the small temple on a certain number of non-am, even where new morning died the afternoon brought cremated. The problem of this cremation we need to clearly understand the raiding avoid wrong. I would distinguish as follows.
The dead also have hot weather and nature of cold weather, such as cold weather encountered during the seven days the body yet to transform, if not yet the seven days which were cremated person fear that is still suffering. Like having hot weather recently experienced a day of the pores were oozing e waited through seven days can not to be. Based on that hot season the dead but not yet through the seven days without the suffering.
I remember at home new in Long Phung nham, guangchang in Jiangxi province have the upper palace that April morning staff member of origin, Increasing them after bathing swap help Him based on the seat. At that time the Holy See's disciple kim dear to them: "today is the day cremation master me very well". And then after sweet son and he brought di to incinerators cremation Executive candidature. At that time I had getting to Mahayana Temple some day after returning, heard the monks recounted when cremated found two human arms of suddenly from the holdup.
After I stay Cheng'en Temple in Nanchang, in culture, in which the President a pretentious Bhikkhu membership. The shaman is the Chief Temple of the Trade Fair institution used wood coffin shroud enclosing the pretentious Bhikkhu and sent them alternately. tomorrow after u.s. ground out and he made an addition to blank mobile temple for cremation. I followed the masses but just taken out of the temple gate, and then return. After listening to Professor Managing institution as soon as his hand found two cremation Bhikkhu this pretentious shoved at the side of the coffin were two sides at the same time let go off.
A survey on the two stories we could tell, if not hot, season the dead yet over seven days is still the suffering. Thus, for example, the ADO Update not being that e they birth anger all fallen into hell. That means that people have little mind of compassion see the sight that anyone that such mercy.
Back when I was in the mountain Encyclopedia staff having a pretentious German name Bhikkhu, which itself recounted the following story. Last year it was in severe bone Wares died at once, the monks have bathing dressing placed temporarily on the bed and rotating. tomorrow suddenly awake.
I asked: "master see what realm?". It answers: "I see a person who is going to the River, I intentionally go suddenly hear the background: on the go, do not cross the river again" I am startled that wakes up, now monks Buddhist mantras are found I bear, salmon are being mind wedding banquet Festival asked: "did he die one day and then he got to know?".
Back when I was in Mount PuTuo sounded the only shaman worshippers (people often called demon) in Lianhua mountain in Jiangxi province, October of that year died six days. Original to Liaodong in As Italy three days later taken to incinerators, three days at midnight Friday, suddenly no one is positive feedback. The next morning the shaman Through hue ... to cremation, the fire suddenly at mission, the player is about to say "I'm not dead ones do not incinerate me." Shaman King Hui of Pine furniture: "demon he don't scare people". Only Worshippers responded: "Professor Hui Pine I really not dead that cannot be burned." People that then open the door to the Temple of nursing not long back healthy.
Seven years later in June Only worshippers to Bai PuTuo, available at him up the mountain I find to enquire. Bring it out ask him a: "it absolutely is true". I asked: "He had seen something?". He responded: "I saw a large door has a lot going on, I also follow them along. Now the drawer did not give in. I woke up the scholarships clearly two sides as extremely cold, put the hands touching around are all seen as plywood, looking down to see full of charcoal, knows he is in the incinerators. May thanks to monks brought about a new nurse is healthy ".
Observe the two stories we could tell, who die within seven days can still Sound from the company back. After hearing from the only positive feedback when worshippers were added ten years longer, as if cremated soon he got back to life without. This should be careful!
In short, the entire content of this book narrates the human notion of support methods at Lam chung did not comment or Raise all need to know. So the book named "Lin chung things to know". Indeed the name set correctly the content of the book. Wish people after reading this book the Buddha mind, the sooner We escape she lick birth of Sukhavati. Is the truth not the shaman's side That touches a phen because compassionate Center that compiled.
Location for the old year on vía Tibetan Buddhist calendar smell 2496
Ghost nham wish Willow rise Sanskrit course write an epilogue.

B. the most important events in the life
Net wizards no

Human capital due to the mind and body in harmony, the conscious mind does not turn destructive but can then turn the resulting from complying with the rule being premature aging disease. Whenever consciousness leaves the body breath no longer warmth to dissipate the life ending called die, the truth body has died, but the consciousness is not lost.
When the patient breath no more consciousness is not at that time have left the body. So right when the patient stopped breathing mind how often leave the body? Very quickly is a new very slowly immediately after death is a two day. In fact the case fast and slow very few general review is about from ten to twelve hours of God consciousness will leave the body. Sometimes the patient has stopped breathing within a few days that leave suddenly due to two causes. A God consciousness yet to leave the body as spirit has departed but added back.
Based on the fact that happened, so we respect the General forestry major thousand thousand times should be cautious. The life of wrong perception that the sick after breathing ended is dead, right there and he examines collisions result suffered plenty of suffering. By the way, this little book will provide the common knowledge when Lin chung, to call anyone in society for the before and after death to get Italy and make right.
The body then turns destructive but never lost consciousness. Families should focus the consciousness of the dead, how can God not suffering; do I have the NET security; God have what needs; need more leads than formula goes on in the world; to do something for God consciousness to benefit and avoid what harm the spirit ... The above mentioned problems is extremely important.
The life but have extensive knowledge qian'an County but for the general academic major is completely unknown. They often said "people when the breath is terminated is death, death is the end is the destruction that's probably natural". They only care how to mourn ma, people praise that is not interested in the good of the dead. the perception of agricultural employment that makes people extremely mournful suffering, doing so is not a person of intelligence.
They don't know the breath but no longer but the spirit form of the dead has not yet left the body, the dead not only in dying State are feeling that their life at this excruciatingly painful as the turtles being stripped. Therefore, before the God consciousness has not yet left the body who need special attention, so give the word Dharma stubs, with clear audio tenderness to comfort the sick cause they are at peace and have it set the direction.
So when the patient has just stopped breathing, her children do not move the body not mournful wailing which the God consciousness must stabilise the marbles. At the same time to get the mind to think now God consciousness is where? Need to know the God consciousness will depend on the industry to improve the life force of the evil realm suffering or happiness? Need how to take the spirit consciousness out of the three realms to reach the net Nirvana welcomed happily? These people's life completely.
The life not knowing at all times the God consciousness leaves the body; not knowing mercy injured sorrow of the dead; don't know the effect of the Salvation; don't know laced shroud enclosing properly ... In other words, for the dead to do, they do not work so do they make undue can say no, it's not crazy person class. With regard to important issues "Die" they attributed to bladder attitude knowledge, has left her children for extra accessories for your tastes, just finished making the Orange Center turns into a wrong perception, like people who live for their deaths is not too cold or the stars?
By the way, the book rings up the call for Doom: "death" is the greatest of life, only the y on the Dharma has been the new accurate perception has been the radical interests with respect to the dead. The workers if it would skeptical should close the shaman to dear ask, not the comfort but also enhance the embattled perspective again. The concern for the dead that we don't care? Now I give the weak point of the before and after General Lin xin bian explains clearly.
I. the breath while ending but God consciousness yet to leave the body
The sick after breathing ended but the God consciousness has not yet left the body so they are still alert. To undergo a time comes when the body is significantly cooler than departed the body immediately it was called dead.
After the end of the breath before the spirit formula has left the body, this time the consciousness of utmost suffering. By so injured body parts have been dead that tears; also taking part in worldly loving relationship with the property that is hard to let go; or people may have a sudden death to that mournful forlorn; or multiply the oan memories have not expressed that don't bear close your eyes, so at this moment is the moment that all the mournful brain gauge pile. If the body is the living move or listening to their cry, cry not make God consciousness wants to leave the body but not the separate life feel anguish oodles. People live such ruthless again would once wading to harm people?
The life of many unaware that humans breath when termination is dead because of the myths that the great painter. So those jobs are catastrophically her children and grandchildren good taste can not know to avoid.
The move probably dead, just sick people have just stopped breathing shortly that mournful wailing or touch the body that screamed, or arbitrarily transform the lies, or before the body not yet permanently cold that rush into bathing, dressing or positive feedback injections, or injections to prevent dyspepsia, body thúi, or cessation of breath were escorted to the morgue, or right of the day had soaked shroud enclosing, or new two-three days have cremated ...All these things make this cruel, because the God consciousness has not yet left the body so the dead still feeling must still feel the life end of the suffering. People do things like harm for the dead not less making them common forestry suffering fallen, so from that love which became against the like scary or not.
Do not know that God could form at left, the dead still have the same suffering as the living. People live longer in resisting distress ROAR; While the deaths at this yet extremely painful but no way cried out against their anger known. Worldly people do not understand some of the issues normally when Lam chung which led to some tragic consequences like fun no pain at all. Sick people due to the suffering of birth should anger caused the God consciousness fallen in wickedly, that's why guys do the gentleness she had left anyway or stops talk don't know.
I would like to call anyone, with the patient after cessation of breath before the God consciousness has not yet left the body, over a period of from ten to twelve hours, the patient should maintain the quiet without the motion as above stated, to protect the God consciousness deaths are still safe and net glitches. The patient is so natural to not move.
After the whole body conditioning, we take the old cloth dipped in hot water and then into the curved parts háp pulled the body soft left. Also with in the previous period of ten to twelve hours, we should not use heat probe hand not to cats dogs collide, in prevention is not talking or crying. Apply within this time period to take measures to rescue the patient conscious spirit guide to Bourn peace made them be there being an all-Net outlawed, it is the responsibility of relatives as well as the correct tastes of their children for the deceased.
II. God consciousness can leave at any time
The God consciousness leaves the body fast or slow along with corporate human resources create a direct relationship. Said simply, extremely friendly business people or evil to the Poles was a guest of birth, God departed the body very quickly. The normal economy class is also the God of consciousness leaves the body more slowly. For the people living there are the mind's parents support fondness from real close to help save her life ... by light industry should be the end of the breath, spirit beings direct knowledge about the blessing (Heavenly, humanitarian relief). Yet again the evil sinister living turbulent real curious observation being hurtful things ... so because heavy so the cessation of breath, spirit beings directly form the evil realms (hell, hungry daemons, Animal birth).
Did the birth of money playing the Buddha mind Lam chung expectation from a sitting Buddha force; or the Endless legal birth certificate meditation monk ring was out of Tam. The person class will know before dying, no sick mind not negativity happy anniversary of Buddha or enter a plan that leaves the body, direct current birth certificate or Holy DAC Net result fun things immeasurable outlawed. The remaining regular force career high not in the pole of good evil or pole, spirit departed the body will be slower. Fast and slow time is different, so the estimate from about ten to twelve hours after the patient stopped breathing on the way.
After the spirit has left the body before the body later reported results yet tho, in this period of time the God consciousness will warm the body life. There's life after the central body is warm only by a two-day, dear life result report hereafter have a life expectancy of two weeks, but the fruit itself reported a maximum of seven weeks the decision will have room for God-life form of birth.
Says exactly, it departed spirit body is the conditioning of the body, but a cavalry charge the heat probe with your hand on the body of the dead. As a result, from about ten to twelve hours is linked the situation as the above have said. But should see the hot weather or cold or is adapted or not, and then estimate the possibility that giving time of exploration dead heat shrinking or stretching a little bit can be.
III. the God consciousness leaves the body goes on where
Ngằn space varied called universe, no time share called universe. In between the endless infinity of the universe, all the God consciousness has contact with the realm that Bourn which are immeasurable. Say essential, Bourn's Saints have four Bourn chums wife have six. Center of this realm of ten venture capital, but because of the crush of the Translational infection meets each species struggles that shaped Holy chums, freed or bound thousand men wrong. It is said that means jobs either Saint or outlawed liberation pleasures himself in, life or suffering by confining Karma self care experience into the home is his own.
But now the time Loss to France if totally relying on self that expectation proved van tu, hard to be a two person. Being today the many frivolous crazy expectations infection renders si scaricare major industrial Island blessed disrespect meant deep hue Shaanxi, the forever rolling drift in the world?
Germany's mercy that respect The Anthem Like hurt so special French open means, only the presentation very simple Buddhist mantras disciplines that easy achievements. He taught that in the Western world have the Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha of that vast force of volunteers, no comment was the upper position or lower salary nice stupid guys or evil guys, just the beginning of good direction play mind deep prayer set up emergency claims to recite Amitabha Buddha Nam a prayer there are contentious world of SukhavatiGeneral network and Holy Buddha, when they would come to lead. In the current campaign are ready in about one being, permanently escape suffering samsara forever enjoy life happily WINS.
By the way, I would take place presentation of salvation in France before and after the General forestry applications at risk this yoke. In addition to not move the body not mournful crying out to her children and friends in the sick room should keep quiet to the mind and NET security scene, because the diseases that bar claims to recite Amitabha Buddha marks to lead the spirit form of the sick to hear the title of Buddha's birth, your wedding banquet Festival, in the mind, the heart, according to Buddhist mantras coastal scene patient enlightenment has a pleasing sense of safety requirements of birth country of birth, there are decisions to be the Western world's Poles.
IV. should the patient should be aware
All in the world are so contentious that s/he has huyễn. By frivolous human harmony by the Anwar's hopes that human beings have different expectations, damaged coast Cup which may kill. They convergence charm huyễn charm has riveted the huyễn not. For all other such current France would like the ball on water, the scene in the mirror, your data mining, geographic pterocarpum fire as his eyes found the United spotted the middle of nowhere. This four-body foam fluid huyễn BeO capital unstable, elderly impaired patients dying agony not impermanent. That is the rule of course of being kill variations change moved in close to na does not stop. For human life and the same undertones should also have an end point, the Earth is only one roadside Inn is just the slight leg break travelers only.
Life for several years, not only was in within a benefit of exercise, was lost over losses, the combination of separation, AI tắng, resentment of fire disasters, being next to the botanical gardens, sorrow constraints, hostile resentment for the eternal realm of existence, but also the other body body life, cause and effect connection wasn't dry rotate the spell does not escape beyond the four contentiousLondon, marble beasts, in the scene huyễn huyễn van die life miserable pile, life huyễn mind the suffering like that but have never had the food poisoning.
So think of all of the Earth are being destroyed, is impermanent, unique huyễn not real. Conceived sorrow of the evil three headed easy on that hard, the people, the evil weapon, blessed Sun, easy off but every human enterprise has created difficult. Suppose to be affective for rotating in the three realms, life death birth uổng reincarnation has no limit. Thus we should speedy effort earlier, bring all the peoples homes are let go, with regard to the French not to fall in which a transport toward the Buddha praying there being Extreme world.
Each anniversary of each anniversary are all solidly to when certain shared network will be further reach incarnation of Buddha. That is the Buddha Amitabha in Germany along with His fellow us to welcome, in the range of instant nail trays are current being the world Di Da purity. From this divine life through the Holy Spirit in order to enter the network is not the same, out of the Three men escape from birth to death, this man has a great intellect. Or as yet lives, thanks to the German Buddhist mantras, decided to cut crime further network goals life except durable
If his illness every day each weighed should suggest and left everything for the home, like someone would come to visit his Buddhist mantras as they please are not so they talk. The German Buddhist mantras was possible as nghì. Kinh said, "Recite a verse Amitabha can except the heavy guilt over the lives of the living being. Anniversary of the Buddha Amitabha, on the spectacle to Sun Owners, wealthy girl under the hell Feng Luan, beings much like the mote had outlawed all the benefits ". Therefore, the German Buddhist mantras can pass the devil spirit can salvation be central body warm. If when ill see the evil Soul whitewash to terrorists, or transform into your favorite scenes to seduce, then just so the Buddha Amitabha notion of an emergency, the demons, the Devils could hear Buddhist mantras pass wedding banquet Festival that goes on. By the way, thanks to the Buddhist notion that resentment to be unresolved Karma soon goal except, very convenient there being Extreme world.
The anniversary of the Buddha is totally relying on the power of bi vows Buddha life photographers. So if we proclaim a crush the Buddha in the Western Interior ponds in security there appears a flower shower theme name them we, the other day when we shared network will thát birth in flower which sen. If it is this Buddhist mantras in her effort didn't abuse the Lotus in West ejected four rays of good treasure increasingly more brilliant. Extreme world lost purity enemies win dignified micro magic, the floor are due seven treasures form the peculiar treasure, dainty taste pure, pond water treasure Bowl merit purge except the mind blowing music, dirty textures are often judged not hitting himself called for the climate, not hot not cold air conditioner, anchovy dressing even optionally show presentationbrilliant treasure, birds sing out sound marvelous took place said Manager suffering, no, impermanence, egolessness, wind blown Rana johnsi treasure tree John presentation took place said the French immeasurable Sonic micro magic, six radical purity no gauges, all ceiling structures, natural infection of tuberculosis targets except deep penetrating intellect, real spirit, Tien dat update manually at non-life and no longer the agony only outlawed the fun thing.
The afterlife is just looking forward to her children because she vexed to pass, or do a large crowd for easy viewing without knowing when life turns on itself to bridge the liberation proof Saints are easy, and after his death she worked on his German wife to pass on bridge is difficult. Suppose her children, children care releases into the Palace of the high ones invited rose to do the Buddha, the Buddhist cult of the Confessor torn Bridge all the Germans that in seven of the dead are only entitled to be part, six parts of Germany remains as belonging to the people who live up to the renunciation to the Buddha.
So before General Lam, the patient should for myself that do all the German, myself being the mind into mind, Hy Chi Festival, Centre of the Confessor, Buddha mind, has clearly stepped on your part is going to be a huge benefit, are easy to salvation. The best is when the body is still healthy try to play mind tu Phuoc hue, chanting ceremony to repent, son about. understanding the truth of the universe, human beings play a big big up prayer, becoming Holy Scriptures. But when Lin chung has obvious ballooning AIDS others is essential.
Should open the anniversary of Buddha, the patient must now moment: listen to meditate upon or listen to recite silently. If your ear, the volume of the order of Buddhist mantras are often ill, pneumatics wakes can purify mind fresh coast growth, head of Holy balm, in eight formula often sow the seed. Lam chung are the other current major sponsors supporting the concepts of birth, is that while the disease cannot lack of fellow tu pure land.
V. who should should be aware
If the patient's condition too heavy, difficult to lift drug healthy families should invite the friendly knowledge to the stubs for the sick. Friendly knowledge should come before the sick people that say: "my life was miserable, no, impermanence, egolessness, only the Western world Sukhavati is extremely dignified purity. People though the Phu QUY riches but a glance has not. Western realms then the pleasure immensely. Her children now going because he earlier Buddhist ceremony that the three jewels for repentance, chanting Buddhist mantras, alms launch raiding German approval of growth being for him ".
Assuming the patient is happy to play the current bridge Buddha mind being, feeling that the Security Center has provided direction, encouraging them to let go of the discharge of all dedicated to the Buddhist concept of people meditate, or dedicated to Buddha. Heart patients listen to the anniversary of the Buddha is like the poet remember her mother a happy attributed towards the Buddha, an emergency credit of Buddhist mantras and prayers deep as current world to bridge the wage Extremely contentious. Who should again releases the urgent because sick people that reciting the Buddhas, Buddhas bridge aid force household sick people if lives and yet the conditions relieved objectives except for long-life diseases more network disabled, also with his life has ended, thanks to his early lead next Buddha birth there. If the disease is caused by karma discovered that being the center of Buddhist mantras aversion, then who should Address a few emerging three proceedings, or recite the title of South Tibet University Place tackle tissue United bodhisattva then can Karma goal except through a crush of interest.
Who should not be in front of the patient with cerebral stroke carpet with a sense of priorities to avoid sick people being kicked off emotionally. Rhyme reciting the Buddha should not mix mournful to avoid sick people lead run the mind a sense of hurt that takes mindfulness. Certain people not crying just added bondage erotic experiences suffering, even making patients angry that contentious anger by anger that an evil, like their not falsifying the birth or current patient's big stars.
Sick people as about Lam chung her children if there is meat eating drinking alcohol should not let patients see, if not the patient easy takes mindfulness will fallen into three kingdoms map of evil.
If the patient breathing have stopped, because as the God consciousness has not yet left the body so that the body of dead still feeling, the Liang y, visitors should be careful attitude should listen to the family's request. During the ten to twelve hours to keep his silence, and should provide cold air or ice water to prevent climate is cooler. At the moment the patient's body did not move, do not touch the animals. As the deaths to natural fabric is old then use embedded hot water pressure into limbs of dead body then maybe like when alive.
Check the absolute quiet must not laugh at the person talking, if before you terminate the breath not to invite a friendly opening to knowledge of this right at the knowledge of good taste to invite to the tai people die loudly opening (opening a content as the previous paragraph). Centre of the dead also understanding thanks to a declaration in their radial size is there refuge. Her children and their friends should divide the Board alternately reciting Buddha, before reciting the red letters six enough name for about ten minutes then switch to recite four digit Hong "Amitabha Buddha" every sentence every letter must be clear quibble.
Preferably people should draw upon the anniversary of the Buddha in the air of the Magi, in the mind of instant thought idea praying Buddha compassion optical zoom forward to lead. The anniversary of the Buddha are not interrupted for God consciousness overheard patient Buddha brand constantly clear, can being mindful hoan Hy is the Buddha's vow, which under the current Extreme world of birth of Buddha. Having regulator when preventive of aid should avoid making distractions to those of other diseases.
A final concept while collectively as the decisive moment for the super sharp or fallen. A final concept if fresh is Memorial, the birth of the human realm, a final celebration if the notion of evil then fallen to the Third realm, a final celebration if the Buddha birth anniversary is a guest of the Western realm. A happy anniversary of the Buddha's heart, vow to force the beings are Buddhas, the induction is France. The three forces of possible investment in this nghì fusion into one sentence, Pink Buddha would naturally in the mind of Buddha which embody more leads, so if the latter in mind when Lin chung is the anniversary of the Buddha, the Buddha birth there by raising it to the Polar world. By the way, the purpose of her children and friends help celebrate anniversary of Buddha is hoping a final celebration of sick people is Buddhist mantras, according to the Buddha's birth and the public alike. So the moment of coming together we guided Buddhist mantras sufferer coast that has the magic using enemies win.
After the patient stopped breathing from ten to twelve hours, not being a guest opinion is whether or not people should continue rotating features. If God consciousness people dead was a guest of Buddhist mantras of birth through the German can increase supplies. If a person dies due to loss of mindfulness is not there being the God of consciousness who died in the seven-day period, or very slow seven weeks due to Germany to support the Memorial as fast pass. Because the warm Middle trunk deaths which adventure adventure not miserable hundred appearance not refuge. In the time after death to seven weeks, the warm middle in each anniversary of each anniversary always stop its relative humiliation because that creates joy as Germany to save the baht tribulations. So at the moment who, on the one hand should be constantly replaced warm intermediate itself Buddha Memorial Committee hear Buddhist mantras which are, like the hunger and thirst that is a large orange juice drink; on the one hand provide higher time to Increase the chanting Buddhist mantras to pray the God consciousness deaths mau be pass on. Who should be broad because of the shadowy tu Phuoc hue revert direction for them to be objective except Karma soon to be a guest Net birth rate.
If people are killed when unknown money being Dharma, or the basis of capital does not believe the Dharma but because the warm Middle body currently was miserable so they would stop be salvation. So in seven weeks lost the advance can be the time death transformed the mind fascinate; In the newspaper industry in transition period of a lifetime this unclear who should because dead people that do the work in Germany, the use of mind releases the earnestly helpfulness of Germany for the dead. The goal is to transform the industry fallen evil their relief map Delta the current element being outlawed permanently level Net all at peace.
After the General network who should stay in the seven weeks since the death of tu Duc, produce alms free delivery save the poverty, donate your confessor cult ceremony chanting Buddhist mantras, Buddha family is making the dead depart Karma there Net birth rate. Her children and their children should take the positive merit of heavy and deep fondness releases the earnestly to, like two guys who were dead the new touch can make people feel are merit salvation.
The dead rise and fall in miseries or happiness that responsibility totally depend on her children. The best is who should avoid going all these things do not mean that turn into the merit help nghéo guys hard ... Therefore should not be soaked shroud enclosing valuables without playing large hordes to mourn, not to be gathered of eating, drinking, should not be too concerned with the form that it is important to do so that people gain the true benefits.
During the forty-nine days of families should be fasting Buddha Memorial simultaneous kick-five and all very good close to birth. The funeral should worship the fasting vegetarian cleanup to do the merit to the dead aim except karma, soon there being about the pure world of Buddha. Like that who not only achieve the blessed Germans but also immeasurable experience was in good spirits following his party supporters.
Shadowy International worship should take the Buddhist mantras as her son and friends are joining Buddhist Mantras. saving the dead great merit is very easy to do very delicate and the true benefits. Have the participants recite Buddhas should avoid eating salty drink and kick five.
The pagoda Thien pagoda, France the United States, strictly Contact in Taipei City are visiting for your anniversary, families should periodically about the Republic to the Buddhist concept of shamans in the machine. Want to let people gain the benefits, families in addition to tu Duc should also produce on the night original divided alternately recite Buddhist mantras, Buddha, such that no interruptions, expecting further Buddha led the God consciousness deaths there being Extreme. A clerk should burn paper money for gold and buried the dead person's belongings. It is the hope of the dead fallen into the realm of Russia. The family needs to remember this.
VI. employment of House buried need improvement
After the God consciousness leaves the body with the exception of those with extreme power extreme evil or industry, or Holy beings there will not have to undergo the warm Middle trunk, left the common man normally life medium bodied, most are warm. Now I would like to express the situation why there are some people who are dead and alive again, looking forward to the Centre of reference.
Warm medium bodied not refuge adventure adventure does not intend, in the period after the death but life is not being, or accept this incarnation is the one that took the object to its being, if the body has not yet vandalized can revert back to the ocean. There are a number of people dead but they are real-life if not network video DAC States deserve to die during the seven days under the Sonic company returns also can live again.
With some people because of the wrong judgements, at sick people are also dying condition of mind yet to leave the body, so that people who live with them during treatment or immediately provide screening body to the morgue, or right on've hurry soaked shroud enclosing, until illness that reduces them fine but the other does not know that that people die and live again. In relation to the issue of the dead come to life in these books that in hospitals, funeral homes are going on the scene who died live again. So for the older General forestry we need especially careful.
By the way, after the patient stopped breathing until soaked shroud enclosing her body for the dead is now hours minutes seconds to heart, does not conclude the God consciousness had left the body or have not relied upon should treat as the person is still in the State. For the bathing dressing the dead until the course soaked shroud enclosing relatives need to directly look see. In summary, since the dead ended breaths until soaked shroud enclosing her children not to leave the body, so take heart tastes led "according to most in the party personally soaked shroud enclosing", this is ethically indefinitely. If that is now the industrial societies should remove the cumbersome procedures hindering, but where can the industrial society that is giving the body the parents die of cold yet that song into the morgue or death and then not take pity on the nostalgic?
The largest cities in the world have established funeral home, the family of the dead for the funeral home's job should not be too confident cause are the mind makes dead people being abused. Some families only knew brought corpse delivered to the funeral home, themselves not interested does not look at the fatalities suffered know how the suffering. Pipe satire family and only care about sympathy for concealing oneself rang, the dead coat hat for opulent soaked shroud enclosing ... without paying attention to the work before and after insert body into the coffin. Due to combination of reasonable right with the tastes, likewise the process before his death until soaked shroud enclosing families should directly supervise to avoid deaths from subjected to suffering; "According to most in the party personally soaked shroud enclosing" is traditional moral culture of the Chinese people's fondness for rotating leaders often inherent in humans.
Families of dead if that need should comply with the employment of funeral home family from having to directly monitor, this is indeed the real taste is absolutely not in line with the good practices of ancient Chinese people. If the funeral home DIY without conscience, the profession it is not a detriment to the very death? Positive hospitality descendants com don't have warned that peace of mind? Scenarios also runs a number of pots, there are a few funeral homes before they used the shroud enclosing the abdominal surgery knife laced corpse taken the guts inside then saw the old fabric binders implant. Or using cutlery operation corpse to disinfect. Several years ago a home funeral of the last time he was home to prosecute sexual abusers.
That means that the brutal job this tragic family is fundamental when giving body to directly supervise the making of funeral homes. Also the other example like funeral scenes of hell in the world? If the dead God of consciousness has not yet left the body at this dead people still feel like dying, the handling of the corpse of a buried curb not the slaughterhouse? In summary, no comment spirit has left the body or not with the death of us are abused they should grab their fondness of the people that are especially cautious. Funeral homes in the locality of their jobs, although not enthusiastic but if families directly supervise determines they will do the right thing.
Funeral home is where everyone must go through, this is the work of the society; aiming for goal except crimes maintain and protect the tastes of the people, so people should not have the mind to see that often. By the way, the funeral in the place should invite the gentler humanism singer contributing comments for improvements, organize raiding pedantic rules yourself. I would like to brief a few comments with regard to the employment of funeral homes are now looking forward to the technical review in mind.
1. all the activities for the rooms, the campus ... the funeral home it would also deprivation, people in Government and local departments in need of providing care to landscape is beautiful.
2. for the dead never made the employment contrary to the tastes of the people.
3. the processing of dead buried so publicly not secretly persecuted family, the dead have to directly supervise the work of the burial for the dead.
4. If the family did not agree with the making of funeral homes in the process of handling the dead, funeral homes should improve research.
5. Should take the principles in line with the tastes of the people to handle.
6. before soaked shroud enclosing should invite families to judge all work for the dead took principles. In the big cities should set additional funeral home adding to the altar to the handy family. Calling people to practice hospitality "according to most in the party personally soaked shroud enclosing". Because of the progress of the society funeral home need to have adequate rules and pedantic.
VII.After his death the seven day celebrating the cremated
The cremation is related to hot not cold season season, the cold season in the seven corpses have yet to turn destructive if not exceeding seven days which were cremated will occur some problems; one is the fear of the God consciousness yet to completely leave the body; two of the misses have cases of dead people, and then revert back to the ocean. So with the cold season so to best after seven days is new to the second week celebrating the cremation.
The hot season is very rotten corpses dyspepsia lick could decide sooner. Some parts of the new dead end two consecutive three-day breath celebrating cremated, this job is extremely dangerous and cruel need to be cautious. The ancients said: "From three to seven days there when God consciousness has not yet left the body", this is just some special cases, but we should also take it to.
VIII. All his wishes should suggest for families
Older people in the family should not give that talk about the living dead is not fun, and then his abstaining without discussion, relating to issues before and after death so that the benefit to ourselves. The big problem is that people no one can escape, descendants of the family when it comes of age also comes to understand this life and death problem.
Time is quickly passing glance childhood should have been elderly people when a young age should bring this text to the people in the same family, all his before and after General Lin to suggest clear to children that is the upper list. For some young people with the living dead they do little for the mind, adults should not take its advocates suggest the descendants in advance to the public at the heart of forest whose mouth but still unable to speak, if not handled as my mind will start negativityoan uổng calculation, the spirit bear the tribulation.
IX. character and charm tha power
General Buddhist mantras of birth current provisional Net bridge full of people need self help and forgiveness. Self is the Chief of staff to the large inflow of Western beings, tha is a guest to the western coast of aid delivery. New harmony charm and touch the large accomplishment there are contentious.
Review in terms of self, person would when normally there are beliefs about the world Sukhavati believe in Buddha, aspired to be contentious about the world, aspired to see Buddha. A pleasing releases into an spherical Buddha Net birth anniversary of Buddha see the bridge. The words the word from mind which comes from the mouth that started and then into the ear, each reciting each anniversary of the similarities continue without interruption. Sound amiable, nhuyến need reciting Buddha's press releases and urgent. Anniversary celebration has enough heart to pray the prayer Net there are contentious questions of life, the compassionate Buddha Buddha looking forward to NIE mercy stretching the hand of salvation.
Germany Business Momentum Moving other such beings in mind as I remember baby, beings whose mind may hold a Buddha Buddhist mantras in mind as I remember my mom, two decent deep memory the heavy trade does not always separated all the mutual touch that person will be the Buddhist life photographers. Non-reversible charm scene commentary or the sheer fun that scene right gauge significantly favored are the foreign Center for not according to scenes that moved, in wherever you are dilligent maintained a Buddhist mantras produced all six photographers and one translational anniversary circle each other. Long may elaborate will mature, and while the new General is able to let go of all the Buddhist sentence Starter theme charm. Lam chung if mindfulness does money news will be sitting Buddha leads, as in the instant nail trays are Extremely contentious about the world as a guest.
The sick while others shared Buddhist mantras which they support, one is able to help the ill boot themes in mind, the two are able to help sick people repent karma. If their karma targets except the shower and Holy treasure them all the natural sights of Net so far.
Who would get the credit when the deep Center of prayer in common, there are press releases and urgent care the anniversary of Buddha as usual, that person a Buddhist mantras recited that ultimately was the self.
People would when normally there is no mind deep prayer set releases into reciting the Buddhas, or the deep mind while praying Buddhist mantras and the press but the not yet mature, to charity at common academic knowledge a declaration against that contentious primary care centre, wedding banquet Festival credits play the prayer requests being, mind releases the Buddhist concept that was character.
Germany pledged sweeping A Di Đà Chapel degrees all over the world, beings Sukhavati pure dignified charm that's tha.
Good knowledge of manual opening the result being primary care trusts, let go of all the bare coast a happy anniversary of Buddha's birth rate Net bridge. Family and friendship because sick people that reciting the Buddhist notion of aid, since the cessation of breathing for up to ten or twelve hours, not shifting the body not mournful weeping coast that was spared.
If people do when Lin chung character and charm tha power both in full then will have the mutual induction, that person will be sitting Buddha, recited before the General forestry medium following were present in the complexes. If one has the proper application and charm as on the great wall of the anniversary of the Buddha's birth there are arguably.
People who would normally be mind praying Buddhist mantras but, Lam chung from suffering the encyclopedia makes no Buddha mind run is starting to fall in greed, sexual craving worldly concepts for his wife and son to the property, the notion of taking this passage let go not down, this case is no character.
Who would if such friendly at general academic knowledge to the stubs without a fifth — Buddhist mantras, aid again meet the family did not know that shifting the body mournful wailing sabotage mindfulness, in the dead of utmost sorrow but could not open his mouth to speak, so that the suffering sorrow risein this case, is also not enough charm tha.
People would when Lin chung has enough character but lacked charm tha power, or when the wife of the Buddhist notion of maturity do not need others to recite the Buddhist notion of AIDS but because the family did not know that shifting the body mournful crying cause sabotage mindfulness, this case is without charm nor can there by birth.
Who would if common when only relying on a charity charm opening knowledge Buddhist mantras, aid families being shifted the body not mournful wailing but ourselves from suffering the encyclopedia, or the mind being bound into the gay sex worldly concepts craving wife the property that let go not downso mind praying Buddhist mantras do not start threads, this case is going to charm that no human beings there could not.
Germany pledged sweeping A Di Đà Chapel as the Sun Moon light is not possible that the Moon was not released. Mind play beings the Buddhas as calm in the pond. Pond water in silence, the shadow Moon expressed so far, mind pure beings then lettered Buddha show presentation. The anniversary of the Buddha with the mature will sensitive Buddha, people that when the General forestry slash to the vow of the Buddha decided to be there being Extreme world.
The conclusion
Us from endless thỉ to date by a ballooning real sensations that ran under the exterior phan with charm. By order of the charm expected human-driven exercise in which the si being kill anniversary run arises the insanity, until the whole heartily disappointed cloaking barrier a marvelous family identity. Due to the birth center because the French by birth and French by birth because the center of being, the mind develops new scene turned incredibly. By impurities in pitch from the Italian mouth-body si form owner smuggled or create, multiply that feeling by the fruit which factors, and the results are connected to each other can never be interrupted.
So eternal beings past lives reincarnation this other body body life circulation does not limit States, forever drifting roll where the sea in the carriage industry. By the way, huyễn does ups and downs where six animal life of agony uổng great mind, the suffering was the extremely urgent that the beings do not or do not know. So, multiply the expectations which are contentious because of birth that would kill, baby kill called pretensions of being destruction called legs.
By Li expressed profound charm birth as huyễn good idea not that diligence tu About the intelligent input to on to have legs like the Buddha's name, clearly was a possible big waves off any living being. Also even though it completely hopeless idea being kill huyễn could harsh true enlightenment Leanne equal entry for as. But relying on your self to the reaction foot or the duty to revert, raiding achieve export glass trailokya Willow being escaped death, unless the person who has gone through many lives a tu student world had very similar episode order phen, otherwise while undergoing many austerities in past lives, e that remains hard to prove food poisoning.
Thinking has Net level disciplines thanks to the Buddha's wife from subtropical current career can be contentious. Just being with high prayer thànhh Buddhist mantras releases set Net an contentious bridge as all can cross off Three world no longer have to close life hereafter. So the Buddha at birth anniversary of general academic world globe Extreme it is key to enter divine Scripture is also the Primary achievement rapidly off, remove the shortcut is no longer the way would an even more stable. By voluntary credit maintenance is being divulged to the Willow being escaped death is miracle to escape Karma force. Again using the upper tank coast NET that mau radio-proof delivery to took place prayer power power enter the international Mexican ensemble that tuberculosis tent ceiling being killed.
Consider the two elective subjects and spared the forces self austerities are dedicated career no new break was invaluable to France's name, the course underwent many new realm of the Chief Justice, the hard and easy as the Buddha's two other subjects, far from the Sun. German stock said: "Just see what worries Chang Da Di sheds". So, we just need to be a large inflow of Net birth decided to see the French Open heard Buddha presented Tri is expected if Buddha birth Buddha Ridiculous French life rings are signed shall not be inflated Saints. From here take the same hybrid lives generally outlawed in France, often out of the ten realms Primary citation, exertion austerities effort turns the big leaders practice beings Bodhi. Because of this, in the witness of St. location to escape being killed in addition to the American Express Van Hanh to be entered into the sea. Enter Nirvana but did not leave the great bi action usually means a person but never outside the self.
The Buddha School should set up a large Radio transmitter upper Somasundaram Bodhi mind is expecting results are Endless being, after the big Buddha directly signed life Scout, use your wisdom prayer beads come in across the sea of suffering death plunge experiences, Detached from the coast could Also wield great bi equal do benefits across all beings, retrieved the four Regents purify beings soon escape her evil weapon Is our world begins to buck Federal Sukhavati place products. Like a wide, across France about beings experiencing extreme mote of reincarnation, tu van, van fullness bi position but the maximum specific intelligence chief testified that the upper student Radio, well now it's called the Infinite fullness of the upper great Bodhi. That's the goal achievement rescue wings "upper bridge Buddha turned down Director beings". That's replaced Germany As lai assumed responsibility for the escape beings favor all over the ham. It's the macho ranks bodhisattva practices. It is the spiritual vacuum develops brilliantly Mahayana Buddhism.
This text editor e.g. nature such time based approach nature, just as all humans in the present and ending with its hybrid that proposed the basic knowledge before and after. Looking forward to the gentler humanism singer widely available texts: "the most important event in his life". Expectation in the present and ending with its hybrids have how many people shared when all targets except Karma depart negativity, return Notre source and shore up, are there being Extreme Western world of the Buddha Amitabha.
Welcome to the Sage has proposed this text donation support printing for the reader the broad net raiding the coast guard, the move handed down others in the present and the future are enjoying the benefits of this merit, immeasurable joy of this German, early ancestors are super sharp had descendants are from the curious.

C. Why do the Buddha
Magi St. N

You as the human charm as progress to report a deep grace, or Super attractive level in to celebrate the deceased, or sow Phuoc tho network to bridge an avoidable accident ... which makes the Buddha the very dignified and solemn. You were very much your human and material resources to a magnanimous achievement. There is the meaning of the employment Buddhas that you have fully understood or not that need consideration.
Wish you nhín moment to mind reading this small book runs out, at which all the vexed did mean to have merit. Because where this small book will introduce you to the essential points such as the meaning of the Buddha, the Buddha, the problem of deaths, shadowy nature until the meaning of chanting, Bai repent, worship her. ..
Prayer requests you Bodhi mind fortified facility as your own volunteers.
I. What is vexed the
Speaking in a broad sense, that means do the Buddhist creed as the bridge as the Buddha are known as vexed. Buddha taught people who also have the potential to become Buddhas, just we put complete faith in the word of Buddha of medicine according to practice all the future decisions as the Buddha. Therefore, the broad scope of the Buddha Word has dwindled, the so-called "boundless Dharma" is in a broad sense, i.e. There are many methods to the Buddha, it cannot yet run out.
An couple of the Buddha, the Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist ceremonies such as healing, yoga, says the Buddha said, do what He did. Need to do is "Keep all-net world is not a world that does not hold, as all healthy fresh air a French would not do, all beings not a being without", this sentence can be summarized as "the evil, do the good", which is not only hard work but also actively to rescue people.
Buddhism advocates initially to the Buddha is to organize the human personality to perfection, so before telling people not close to being, not stealing, not deviant, not lying and do not drink alcohol. The five precepts of Buddhism, along with the five usually multiply, divide, location, credit of Confucianism is almost similar. Moving a step further is to encourage people to become Holy ranks austerities Super very voracious. Human Holy Buddhist view is that only humans were freed from all suffering brain implications of folk, such as life and death, the elderly and the sick, a few scenes about having freed as part of the brain that is the ultimate purpose of Buddhism.
How to reach the aim e birth is Liberation, brain gauge needs to believe in the word of Buddha, taking refuge in which to practice, chanting view menstruation and then follow what Scriptures taught, there is method to the Willow being bailed to the Buddha. like, according to the truth which speaks the location itself are vexed. But some people don't understand the Dharma that they will not have the austerities, encountered at the parents who they killed, while no measures would they only know the location to offer export family they vexed the landing, is still used. In this text will clarify two words the emphasis mostly Buddhist way sense to discussions.
II. Sometimes the renunciation vexed the works look like?
Who are the approved Dharma is also the Hong Yang's Primary function is the French industrial austerities, the capacity of the Hong. Because of that, the vexed the there the for people that also in Germany yourself, if we provide life necessities to encourage vexed the news we also have merit. So Buddha Sangha renunciation is combined the joy to all people.
Today, old spice's authority not Super professional degrees who die, even to tell the object of renunciation who need Super speed is the living rather than the dead, is not however the austerities in Buddhism a very authoritative views critical of salvation French deaths.
III. When Lam chung should do the job?
People at the new sire also decided fate of death, thus being not happy vegetative death is sad. From the standpoint of Buddhism that says, if not beyond the realm of birth to death are poor man worthy of mercy.
By the way, who believe on Buddhist Buddhist studies often have done little for the Buddha would come when Lin chung ask his austerities there that after death may be beyond the current contentious birth, suffering death of pure land Buddhist schools level.
The human spirit will go where? There are three power to decide whether they are promoted or struck down in the realm suffering or happiness, as follows:
1. Subject matter: according to most heavy in the wicked themselves have created that go reincarnation.
2. Options: depending on the volume of gas that is usually on ourselves hard to eradicate that go reincarnation in same circumstances like lead.
3. Options: depending on the notion of following along when Lin chung of the self that go reincarnation of the six current Directors represents his client's birth or Buddha.
Due to other causes like, Buddhism advocates the people should give up the job, do the blessings, it should end except the gas was not good, it should focus on the routine in mind, for to each anniversary of each anniversary don't forget the Buddhas, Dharma, an increase of three jewels, the anniversary celebration should provide the merit which has created, as wages to current requirements helpfulness of birth of Buddha realm client's Net.
The Buddha School, mainly relying on the routine austerities, qui y Tam, maintained in about donation, alms, gate chanting, created social approval. Assuming as would normally be the progress enter the Dharma but when Lam chung still has a way to rescue their baht, which is grounded in ethics "depending on the current notion of birth". We advise them to a Buddhist mantras, suggest that they should let go of all coast guard need to should not fear of death, should not take part in family relationship with her children and her career, assets should not be presented to Italy which a Buddhist mantras, reciting six red letters "Nam Amitabha Buddha" not to interrupt.
If the illness too heavy Buddhist mantras incompetence then stay in mind silently, family-loving minds if there really should not be at the Hospice in exposing its melancholy bi lamented, that just makes the deaths increased the suffering fallen Tam map only. While some believe that should family with high synergy, the Buddhist mantras recited aid, making the sufferer's mind, the Buddhist philosophy with fusion press releases and urgent. If so, the patient after death will be a guest of birth of the client's Net life If their network. and yet can also thanks to the Buddhist concept of Germany that they soon be healthy joy life a growth.
Sick people when going to the General network is or sit, lie evenly matched or is working should according to your liking of themselves. If they were comatose but not breathing, shalt not should see them pills or injections that power shower or clean the body to avoid more suffering affliction to them, damage to the reincarnation after death. After the patient stopped breathing just where relatives they left a little bit of heat is the God consciousness they still remain in the body, the family had to wait eight hours to be bathing dress. If cremated at least twenty-four hours after the right pile.
Human beings after death if one does cheerleaders enter Saint, according to common that saying is that people become shadowy.
IV. What is a lemur?
It comes to the Super of shadowy nature should be noted in advance of the lemur. Birth network of human subjects after his death called lemur. Some of the folk concept suppose people after death as permanent, and do evil. In Buddhism we absolutely don't accept the view that, if not then not able to discuss two digit Super speed.
Buddhism that beings in the divine realms divided into six categories is, Multiply, A tu la hungry daemons, demons, and hell beings Dwell. Beings of the six realms from birth to death, from death to birth and call it green Scouts of reincarnation. Thus human beings after death only a partial ability to become demons. Buddhism teaches man escape death through methods that suffering is the escape all beings in six; called Super speed.
Because that means that guys wife after death, except those who would create a major pole of evil karma immediately fallen into hell; or would living tu create immediate also merit being up the Sun. The common people some normalcy can not immediately turn contentious. Lemur when not yet transferred being not quite right as the devil, this period Buddhism called the warm body, or call centre itself i.e. a type of body after the death to the forefront. Usually there are a number of myths for the qủy States that truth is a kind of ghost of extra fluid according to where the gas that exists rather than demons.
The warm life of conventional network medium is forty-nine day, during this period the waiting always warm medium bodied industry achievements to turn contentious. So people are killed during the seven weeks the family so that they make the Buddha, will have great use for the dead. Families should bring the material to which the dead birth money love to donate your alms, the poverty, and according to the words of this text that made the German direction for the dead, the dead will slash through the Germany that was reborn on the fresh security realm.
So Buddhism advocates Super speed is best shadowy in the period after the death of forty-nine days. As if through the forty-nine days that vexed the helpfulness, naturally also works but at the moment only raises more blessed part for them rather than be converted be Bourn they turned contentious. Suppose a person birth money has created evil, destined hereafter they are fallen trunks do cattle dog or cat, as soon as they die within forty-nine days for his family because they where doing the Buddha the simultaneously creating industry for them is in the middle stage of the warm body that hears the renunciation chanting, which knows a number of Buddhist ethics, just that they will bring forth repentance mind set orientation, thus can avoid making oneself of animal beings that reborn as humans.
As if through the forty-nine days they were reborn as the family cattle, cats dogs, at this family as they that do the Buddha the only improve the circumstances of birth of cattle, dogs, cats like to be eating enough, not being ploughed hard-working-Harrow, is fondly given to avoid the reincarnation must be a knife stabbing. Left by dead people have being doing the sailings have been healthy body, smooth career, her children love your wrap. As if they had a guest being made for their flowers in your products are as high as soon as the Buddha.
V. who should do the Buddha.
Immemorial date some concept that vexed the Sangha's employment is the renunciation of this right only half the people, because the people come to the vexed reinforced, also by any person to the life use of the Dharma, the course itself should also be vexed. If the wait after dead thanks to her children because of that vexed the, stars are not at the stage of life the Buddha himself, do a couple of things have to be better?
Super an audience of mostly Buddhist people live as if no ordinary effort austerities waited to hug at the General forestry base, effective but also satisfactory but not by get it practical refuge when alive. If not as vexed the after death families invited monks and nuns came to replace that do, work will naturally decline. So the Ksitigarbha Sutra in a prayer that says, if people were doing the Buddha to Super for the dead, the dead are only entitled to a portion of the seven parts of Germany there are six rest entirely belong to the living Buddha do.
By the way, we need to encourage people who would have come to the temple is sometimes found renunciation vexed the, who are they to Buddhism mind bows respectfully, as if three jewels refuge yet we encourage their early refuge, once refuge advised them last times learning the Dharma as the Dharma austerities this curb isn't good or?
People would have to petition the renunciation is vexed FX like to Super speed of them, or is there the mind wants to do retro aim how my pain gauge who's famous, so people should act according to the Buddha's they that do.
Dharma is very seriously the mind with the mind will have the touch, the renunciation chanting Bai gate course should have the mind releases into the urgent, someone who has occasionally found renunciation chanting Bai continental should also have the mind releases into urgent, have believed that the believer in Buddha, who worked, be certain that the dead will gain the benefits.
Dharma seriously the induction, the main motivation is the mind releases into urgent, shallow deep into Center of Chi that has or will have a large or small, for as the Bell if hit, the Thunder far away, also by lightly then just cry echoes near only.
By the way, also in a shume vexed the but effective little big again obtained disagreement was due to the wrong mind other major releases. Buddhism advocates themselves each vexed the cause at this point. So "Who would eat that person no, who would die that some believe to know" as if some believe that thanks to their different Buddhist above life spot, will have the wrong, not by myself to do a lot.
Missed not having someone believe Buddha Buddhist studies that have died, who had a relative should instead they vexed the best. Because of the relative relationship shall have easy-related mutual, in some deep sex after death is also very easy to lead the play of mind releases into the glass palace. For so many in The realm of Bodhisattva Tibet ancient past has had many lives as female fondness stems, each Center offers such dire releases into shadowy because parents that vexed the, cult, donate, chanting Buddhist mantras, Buddha and Buddha were torn or Luohan embody directionsHis mother died, which is super.
As if the dead did not have her the essence of humiliation, at this person who has a relationship with the dead while still being paid, or who still do not have a relationship but they are easier to play lead mind releases into urgent, with the man that because the dead do Buddha the also very easy achievement.
By the way, should we tell those that have had a visiting Buddhist monks and nuns who vexed the focus of employment Buddhas is because of the situation and her children close rather than as monks and nuns, monks and nuns do the Buddha is the common course of their day, the vexed the is because Super speed lemur, so the same with who should join the chanting Bai gate as if not chanting repent minimum speed was also in on that shower wash clean, keeping the boys, not traditionally married relations that single-minded maintained the "Male model Buddha Amitabha".
VI. chanting to do?
The Scriptures are the word of Buddha for Buddha Buddhist studies News method until the Buddha. boundless method should give the number of the classics and the category of investment also more timeless. In China we have a few very appropriate Minister and as the United States economy severely, France United, Where tang bodhisattva way, pharmaceutical business Their way As optical glasses, Dharani Sutra hybrid uncivil Three la suite, Buddhist theory of Amitabha, mind. ...
Origin of the chanting which comes from the time of the Buddha Sakyamuni in India. Because the classics of the time which does not use the documents to be copied, nor have the Indian Princess loát tradition which are then transmitted from person to person, so the need to listen to them instead of the Buddha's disciples of Buddha sermon, occasionally hear the disciples take the texts already heard once that litigation is out, or as like to recite a set of investment would also be resolved to lower the craft Lady brought her Minister out that litigation; to later chanting became the basis of studying the Dharma and propagated the Dharma.
The thing, the Buddhists because stars usually take a Nikaya after litigation rote also still provide that Minister for front desk Buddha to litigation? Such firepower is due to two reasons:
1. At is chanting, Scripture as a broken mirrors all our heart behavior, because that means the wife is very difficult to keep the mind does not make mistakes, we have at the mistake but still do not know if I wrong to fix, right now for prior to Buddha mouth reading Scripture, now as well as personally to hear the words directly from kim password Buddha comes out. He teaches that commandments boredom we make us each time chanting is each character soi reviews, policeman, encouraged austerities, the mistakes of instant offense to Miss mau edit what the mistakes had it resolved to not violate, the Germany Evangelical has increased efforts to overhaul the German Protestants have tu establishment criteria to do.
2. right now are chanting is that we receive the Holy mission instead of Buddhist religious objects, mainly Buddhist's culture as humans, in addition to people out of the six moral beings there, God, the devil and a few Eagle birth can also signal its Dharma. So while in that no person, just that we will be soon chanting the species of beings like, God, the devil, the urinary bladder birth to hear. Three types of beings, gods, demons to a cattle parts delivery are that more or less all have. When we chanting just single-minded releases the will is they come to listen. If people do because his cousin was dead that vexed the chanting, when that person's mind into a new release move, then immediately died had heard the decision will come before the person listening, linh owned Lemur is especially very high, say birth shadowy money not yet heard a good Dharmathe heard investment can also slash into this healing merit that understands Dharma and accordingly trusts that serve life.
VII. cult of the Confessor ailed to do?
Bai also known as continental buffet-continental, which is the phrase cult ceremonies of Buddha, bodhisattva, to repent of all sin itself has created. Words and deeds of the divine Lady, if the survey a sophisticated way can say all the words and deeds that are guilty of creating career. Divine Lady of reincarnation birth is death by itself create the Sin and the sin which led led to continental drift in the rolling direction. If we partner the past does not create any guilt whatsoever, so far won't do chums, or like this life we are all minus the guilt industry is right now that is the realm of the Sacred.
That means that the wife had a brain size, due to the sins of the past the shroud can not do anything, for this life Goldfield was also unable to do what is, from now on after oil want to not create Sin still can't do. Here the Buddha the great momentum of us use of compassionate care as they divine Lady of that novel of a vengeful disciplines WINS, that's France repent karma.
The previous article we have about France chanting, the goal is to advance the standard mirror of the Dhamma to grievances on his mind. Today will preach about repentance Dharma is taught us to take care of mind, infection structure desire put in Buddhist countries to cleanse. Like the cult of continental is to cleanse any opportunistic desire of our heart.
So when we faced before the Buddhas repentance, not the demand for Buddhist indulgences that Buddha is a proven, towards Buddha professed the sins themselves have missed, down Center of voluntary decision from now onward do not do evil anymore. For others no evil heart starter called repent, for themselves get mistakes called. Headless Buddha bodhisattva compassion Center inherent greatness and fullness, he also desired that we will become the order's Saints have great compassionate heart and fullness, but we still did acrobatic homemade sin in life itselfso need releases into repentance. We will speed up the gate which is to rinse any dirt of sin, like the golden sand in search of favors. For persistent abuse of certain sand will have to be net gold, perseverance brings charges of structuring repentance then can reach pure consciousness freed as Chu Buddha bodhisattva.
The cult of the old continental now in China is due to host master based on the classics which compiled into. Which is the most complete Salary administration, Thanh said repent repent, repent, the marine carbon black ball, Net, gate gate level pharmaceutical, Tibetan Buddha God repent repent, Address ... Who practice the ritual cult of this gate to date all have a lot of spirit, transmitted and recorded in the books, authoritative can say is "it's not the uổng".
Of course the French are the best gate cult committed myself to practice as if they themselves are, or understanding of the ritual cult gate has not been adequate, it can invite monks and nuns to do, or that instead of his relatives died that naturally also has merit. The meaning of cult similar to repent the sense that chanting
VIII. Worship her soul to do?
Diem is just the hungry daemons demons in Devil hungry daemons species, beings in species of demon hungry daemons can be divided into three steps as follows:
1. who's life do so much work, after death if reincarnation into demonic Devil the news species of versatile hungry daemons. This demon species have large forces and German approval. Folk belief, the God Emperor, where ... is the type of this demon hungry daemons.
2. who's life has not yet had a wholesome work but not several, after death if the thai species of demon hungry daemons news editors lack. This type of demon hungry daemons have blessed Germany and smaller powers. Folk religion Devil spirit is exactly this kind of demon hungry daemons.
3. the person would ambitious life sẻn popcorn a fellow also did not leave, single-minded appropriating other people's assets, after death will reincarnation to the devil the devil is hungry daemons species hy. This type of demon hungry daemons which do not have the joy and power. Some people said that in her country there are demons demon hungry daemons at play, that's the kind of evil hungry daemons.
This type of demon hungry daemons which take large amounts but the throat again, they have made a full oil is also very hard to eat. More troubling, because this type of newspaper industry very hard demon hungry daemons see things real. Suppose there are real characters but when put into the mouths of real objects into instant unclean blood and pus, so this kind of demon hungry daemons often hungry fire burned. So because flames from the mouth of picking out so this demon hungry daemons are also known as "Diem".
People see the suffering and stress of hungry daemons that demons, the Buddha with compassion, thou shalt have many theories of language mantra, as here, the karma, thou shalt thou shalt real Variables, language spoken, thou shalt aquatic programming, the throat, thou shalt quotations ...Who would follow this mantra language y, thou shalt hold, because dread of evil hungry daemons mantra will be visiting millions of. At the same time this kind of demon Princess hungry daemons thanks to God through Buddha's vow that is well fed, after the Fed because that makes their commendation of French permanent Chris escape from suffering the brain of the demon hungry daemons. This is the effect and the purpose of Her cosy soulful (Stacie Launchers each).
By the way, Her cosy soulful for species of demon hungry daemons that talk, just as is unrestricted play, so the anxiety of France, cosy soulful Girl also known as "laboratory experiments". As if we ourselves had relatives who died while this person not fallen into devil worship, but the hungry daemons found Her soul as well as the place they do merit the international extreme poverty ** cosy, so they still enjoyed the benefits.
IX. the Buddha between humans and demons.
There are a number of myths when did the Buddha to then become experts because of the dead that presentation drawing out the ritual. Once again, I warn them: chemical education object of Buddhism is the living rather than the dead, if for a shadowy Super bridge which is only of secondary measures rather than the fundamental mission of Buddhism.
Therefore, we should try to make the life of the Buddha, also by the dying course should also vexed the, so the job as married, procreate, an island disease, promoted, opening, trading, construction, trading, ... are so vexed. Try to earn the German claims to heal creating blessed rather than where are vexed just because of the Super speed of deaths only. Thus, the Dharma can create this blessed can create blessed hereafter, may create a blessed world which people are wealthy, especially can create joy and wisdom to achieve the fullness results of Buddha.
Ancient folk customs today said that the cult chanting repent is to give the species Devil hungry daemons the amount to use, again burned paper advancing gold was bestowed the demon hungry daemons species have more material to enjoy. In Buddhism this concept completely. The purpose of chanting, the cult of continental is to hyper-accelerated, and some believe that blessed the dead not everyone are reincarnation into species hungry daemons. More beings in species of demon hungry daemons also need people who live to give them money, because money only uses buy sell swap where people live. Also the votive paper money is the folk customs of the people of China, derived from the Han era, handed down to this day only.
Human course after death if not freed also has only one of the six most likely reincarnation into species of demon hungry daemons. So looking forward to the position, not necessarily the fifth — his cousin die reincarnation into species hungry daemons demons, just the mind releases into urgent vexed the client to Buddha, bodhisattva of compassion in his household who, thanks to the blessed that part if there are beings, also make them are being outlawed in the realms of the riches, or the birth of the heavenly realm entitled the life happily.
In mainland China today still exist the pots, as the man after his death his family sometimes its venerable to do a 24-Buddha "transition Kieu" (Pimp my soul through the bridge) or "hell" (break the door of hell); the woman after death, the ceremony of the Buddha "broke the blood Lake" (Lake of blood). This custom had no basis in Buddhism and Buddhism also do not advocate all human beings after death are fallen into hell. Why do we offer certain new shadowy death leads into hell, a phen back and forth where the bridge of blood pond and Claims process!
Therefore, I would suggest that the situation would have favored this texts to read, the life itself should try to make the Buddha and understand why the Buddha do? And so do those of the Buddha?
Filler up
This text is the response to request of the large colon Director Chua Thien pagoda, Director The United States Prussia, severely intercommunality, Songshan Temple ... in Taipei city that compiled into. Writing in the March of 56 people but new 64 published. Push the screen thanks to the server in the upper Temple. Then at the local as Hong Kong, the essential code ... There's the wedding banquet to push the Song dynasty, in Taiwan there are numerous countries which have good mind to continue to print the wedding banquet.
Magi St. n

Great master Hong for
In December a Meridian Gate, at the Marvelous pagoda like swallows his French organization the Buddhist notion of inviting me to preach and developed into this draft. At the time lawyers Willow like untold others are night and day heavy stonework, when lawyers read through the manuscript so bittersweet, discharge the giving mind let go of sailings from smoking thang ramps free. Experience at convalescent Center and he started playing more ceremony dhāranī gate, loudly chant Mantras kneeling long standing, mighty and strong effort pass people. The mighty and strong by lawyers make the listener finds them equally astounded that evening wedding banquet Festival touching force approval of this draft is extremely tremendous.
By the way I think, this manuscript has only few pages but did grab the gold of the ancient Royal family of today are Emerald and his personal experiences, guys like brevity can use. Thus, the examiner to print circulation near and far.
Great master Hong for the record.

The neck Is speaking now, "see dead people. Hot Lap mercy far. No mercy for the dead. Due to the US ". The final major of life com can temporarily forget a few moments or stars! Now I will say this clearly would like categorized into six chapters as follows:
Right now the heavy depression, should give all the housework until her whole body were discharged. Only a Buddha in mind special prayers there being; do so if the current decision is out of network life birth; In life yet, as the network while the current bridge being love, depression, but also relieved. Due by an emergency Center in earnest so can eliminate the evil career lifetime ago. On the contrary if not let go to discharge any mind specialized coast, as the network's life has decided not to be a guest of birth, so just because pro player from the current bridge rather than convalescent birth should no how are there by birth. By life-like network has run out, by themselves only expectation from the others and then forward to being happy melancholy mournful, then not terminally has not relieved on the contrary an increase.
Severe depression can also be at less than the pill yet so essential Buddhist mantras tons, shalt not think others will love taking drugs relieved. When others have come at critical should not take any more. I was previously in severe depression, Thach had someone recommend invited Liang y to draw pills, then I say shelf weight-from: "Germany Amitabha Buddha is Infinite upper y United. If removing it is not required then the si. A marvelous Medicine Buddha Hong da Fo mailing. If removing it does not drink it very loud which "mistakes. Usually the day I took the deep traditions of Net credit earnestly because the instructors say. Far myself have severe depression, why give up Buddhist mantras which drug to ladders, so their origin is an avid art very misguided si?
If severe anguish, depression, at the extremely contentious manner also vehemently frightened heart. Because of this gauge, depression is caused by previous karma. Or is due to transfer results in three hybrid unit lifetime leaders evil now feel themselves had little to others soon old debt back at the temple.
Yourself if your character's costume, at the heavy depression, so y according to the teachings of such as Lai is believed to scatter in the Ksitigarbha a vow that give alms donation ... then the more wholesome German growth.
If the human spirit at the heavy depression, remaining conscious at the bar, the family should invite the friendly knowledge because the comforting theory depression. Friendly knowledge should speak out the merit that the distemper birth money has made, causing depression, birth centers are all completely Hy lo melancholy. The depression, self aware after a public network turns thanks to the merit of this fresh, current address being Extreme.
The time of the depression is about general networking, families should not rejoice over ladies and asked his will also not be laughing at the person talking. If not, the others are erotic rope pull start greed worldly passage obstruction for the birth and the public alike. If you want to leave a will so while incapacitated get entrusted to the family store.
If at the moment the wholebody like bathing, dressing the family should agree as they that do. As they are not expressed or by prohibition of importation could not speak then shalt not crash into the body. Do as human beings before general network, body inevitable aches for a fee. If such contact family or move to bathing, dressing pain suffering again increased. The world has many living beings will play Western bridge, so when Lin chung were her children bereaved in contact harassed sabotage mindfulness, so that they are not a guest of birth. This case has happened so much, so much!
Or have your common network be contentious about the Gospel, but by themselves by winning in the don't know, behave not as France launch their anger die đoạ on the road. As in that copy, ancient King of A dead body made đoạ achieve any snake, like something scary?
Common ailments at Lam, or sitting or lying should not rejoice over efforts to stress. If ourselves knowing his already weakened can only lie, then shalt not wanting others to see for bravado that stress the jewelry sit up. When set, the right side should face leaning back toward the West. If due to physical suffering, or leaning to the left side, the face turned toward the East, or between, families should also to others who are not natural mounds pressed them.
Mass coastal support at preparing anniversary of Buddha, so sometimes the Holy statue-Di-da to lead an entertainment room in terminal illness, so that others who see.
Your supporters celebrate as much as possible. If multiple users should split into two alternate Board support, how to meditate on Buddha unbroken continuity. Or the anniversary of the six-digit or four-digit, or anniversary of fast or slow mantras should consult others, depending on the Customs and interests at lives of the convalescent, causing chronic illness can charm in mind the Buddha silently by. Today, I see the many features aid anniversary at its sole discretion not to ask through the depression, as opposed to customs and interests at others people's living, try to ask others how can mind coast silently by.I expect from now on after taking any responsibility, support for this issue to keep in mind the attention.
See, usually when people meditate using dedicated or small mines. According to my personal experience, while others are terrified at the weakened nervous sounds dedicated or small mines. Because of this, the sound is often harsh Lord Ding tai aches brains neural stimulation makes the spirit of the depression was about an OK.According to the illusion, as supporters celebrated should avoid using dedicated or small deposits, should just such anniversary is satisfactory. If used, you should use a large Bell stuff, large-billed by the sound of the gas the spectacular French sound, making the others hear the birth anniversary of PRIM bows, more appropriate or more mines opening defeat. But also, depending on each person's preferences are not the best, this is should ask over the others, depending on their comments that use. Or have it would not appropriate then it should also accord that that the editor should not rejoice over, too.
After the depression, have an urgent thing in common network is not a collision move. Or tightened the stigma also shalt not should rush into bathing. Need to undergo eight hours of new watches is bathing dress. Most people are not aware of this, but this is something extremely important. Just ask wide advised people should y follow it carefully that do.
The time before and after the General network of families should not rejoice over mournful wailing. Because crying is not beneficial, Buddha mind needed new support truly makes the dead gain the benefits. If so then the mournful incompressible to wait eight hours to be weeping.
About the novel probe heat but has a canonical basis but should not the bigotry. If the convalescent birth money mind deep prayer, mindfulness again at general academic quibble decided will be a guest being Extreme world.
After Lin chung, reciting Buddhist mantras was done between closed room again, to avoid the outside into the room-contact the body dead. Need experienced after eight hours can change clothes. Because during the eight hours if exposed to touch the dead but did not speak but also suffering.
After eight hours of new clothes, if humans die hard curve can not, should get hot water wipe. Use the old cloth dipped into hot water háp around the burning limbs about some three minutes to soft y as people are living.
The soaked shroud enclosing the dead should take old clothes shouldn't wear new clothes. The clothing of the dead should give alms, this can make them more blessed in Germany. Do not use luxury coffin should not be built mausoleum to high. The work of such luxuries are no benefits but also damaging to the dead.
CHAPTER 5: the JOB. ..
During the forty-nine days, inviting monks and nuns to anoint the Super bridge, you should get the main Buddhist mantras. If the French do like chanting, Bai gate, awning an international sense ... but there are nghì possible investment merit, but increasing them now for the most part, this method only works in the form of displays for easy view, by not to make it so hard to gain the benefits. The shaman Optical writer stars already ban this, given that the French do the only lo displays form the same out loud as should tackle undertones. If the family who also specializes in Buddha mind then everyone can celebrate. This is very real and will gain the benefits do.
That means doing all the work in Germany as. .. revert direction for all over the about the French being, then the Germany extremely large. Blessed in Germany of the dead also thanks to them that more growth.
People came to visit the burial should not rejoice over the fasting Member should use the salty, so the birth ... have absolutely no benefit to the deaths.
Should not rejoice over the funeral parade, at the same time should also not run according to the tastes of the world that should be because the dead area of blessed.
After forty-nine day should also do the actual raiding their cosy taste. General Counsel should maintain an annual Joint training usually go ahead people dead, should not be given that death is freed and then that is not given the go ahead.
The anniversary of when the General forestry is extremely essential, so the village local needs should aid association. In the General Academic Ben shore said this issue very clearly, need to watch carefully.
Days, leave a Flash came to thirty December is the day of a year. If not yet prepare money for sustaining value for the hundreds of thousands of the spending do an OK. We arrived at the network, which is the thirty day of Decembrist's life. If not yet prepare current salary being given wrong value for all will be the scene for panic my wife responsible for husbands, career many years discovering how to escape. Whether people would have fresh coast forestry are good supporting friendship anniversary all goes as normal, but France must have approved the new joint forestry police course character in. I would advice the Sage pundits, it is best when alive preparing new contentious current thought is satisfactorily.
Do Not request a mage main instructor here, the French open and he brought The notion of any living being, because some of the net's school in cardboard that rules to overhaul and refit.
Suicide: in a day of nine time reciting the ten questions Buddha brand, new morning is waking up to the evening before going to sleep each evening are recited; three meals a day, breakfast, lunch, each packed are miệm; a new early sweet before and after finishing the following concepts were new once, the horse head and elaborately done are recited once, for a total of nine times. Each time claiming ten questions Buddha mark four or six digit, as there are certain tags that should be on that subject.
At the same time, tu: teaching Means giving life, society, son ... is not output the practice rituals would take place, first in the French fortresses that collectively the ... Mass i.e. Council accept the hand of Buddha statements claiming ten mantras "Nam Buddha Amitabha", then proceed to the Assembly, chanting work tho son ...The French review The notion of suicide and the wife has the special interests. Please outlined as follows:
1. this simple easy to take hold, maintain at least that produced more efficiently, identify the essential truth of Germany as long as possible.
2. The specific effective method of "Buddha family chemistry". Examples include: three in the family feast, every Member of the family whether believe or not believe is Buddha capacity aerial photography maintenance not mercy. The Buddha also turned themselves in by universal offers the whole society.
3. due to the simple operation on a nine times, from morning to night Buddha air passages, in being a Buddhist day celebration on continuous signal again over on the tougher nature gas operations owned maintenance times times pure, and France lost Phuoc growth Germany grew immensely.
4. If possible cordially with custom pros claiming ten questions Buddha, sailings can be reduced except pure mind infection issue, mental specialist condensation provides relief to all the easy, all met the Buddhist festival of German households are the Wedding Banquet would be possible as nghì.
5. suicide and "tu: the mutual investment in each other's salaries. There are certainly individual living being that big of Bodhi and also due to these achievements.
This method can take two please state the following:
a. "happy anniversary collection industry Net" is for themselves have to lock the austerities that says, this is the inherent business course that more increases ahead.
b. "Simplified weak all through the Decade anniversary of the French" are immediate criticism for some of the net's professional in today's anniversary of the Buddha does not have the specified keyword.
Social workers are now busy, change not idle very concerned difficult. This cross which France easy Credit wage collection area, casual, round, full, but standards "featured photographer all six units, each connector concepts net" also very suitable non lacking.
Multiply each time reciting the Buddhas are very short, so much photographic equipment because no favors. By the Act nine times reciting the Buddhas are distributed on the whole, afford on the whole mind is not where is no Buddha. also being full of Buddha Buddhist mantras, mantras on being activated.
In summary, this simple method is weak but comfort there is little action, as this French hard-gauge Tri-net's professional time to celebrate! Hybrid positioning beings glad at all! Headless Buddha extremely hoan Hy!!!.

E. prepare for death.
Raw Contact.
Article 1: status of HUMAN DEATH

Neck exam questions:
"We now see dead people
Hot Lap sorry
No mercy for the dead
Due to the US ".
The poem refers to the mood of anxiety filled with fear of humans when faced with death, and then one day also have to come to the session. Life is too fragile to death for sure. Consequently, the living dead are major problems, although we try to Dodge also can not escape. There are affordable, we take courage facing death to learn the process of human death? After his death the people he passes on? Raiding in life so far we have the disambiguation and prepare payroll before a soon-to-come this far.
Status of death and after death people left or lost, if people would take the reborn how the always hot issues of religion, scientists as well as by Buddhism. There are many points of view are presented revolves around this theme. Each of the views put forward more or less have the justification for their viewpoint is correct. Compounded, we can distinguish three featured viewpoints presented a state death and after death as follows:
1. the views of the scientists (materialism):
The scientists said that man is a physical form due to his mother's blood elf form. This body after death is out, the sand dust will return to dust. Like the scientists advocated only the current spouse have no inception follows. This view Buddhism calls "The opinion layman".
2. the views of the religious House (idealist):
The religious policy of people after death his body disintegrated and the soul will reincarnation into another realm. The process of reincarnation according to them, man if after death will continue as the reincarnation, species of heaven after death will continue reincarnation as the Sun ... So what kind of perspective will make life reincarnation reincarnation continued doing that species of American religion, Buddhism advocates called "opinion layman".
3. the views of Buddhism:
As for the issue of a State's death and after death of how Buddhism is absolutely not accept two perspectives session on. Buddhism suggests that human beings (beings) is a combination of the five aggregates. Therefore, when the Australians ended the network trunk trunk will break, four great returns with four great but the spirit (spirit) is not destructive. The God consciousness which will depend on the career of good or evil has created in the past that the falls being one of six scenes about reincarnation.
Thus, Buddhism advocates the death is only a process of advocacy and change people from the wrecked fuselage fuselage this species other species, under the guidance of industry and career resources. Only when the people he himself terminated be, news will reach the scene about Nirvana released the vicious no longer within living and dead filled with mournful TThe gauge.
Learn about the State's death and after death is a problem difficult to explain, if not utopian job class who has not shown up as we are. Consequently, all the issues raised and presented in this article we are y according to the Scriptures.
1. The causes leading to death:
According to Buddhism there are four causes leading to the termination of a human body (beings).
a. The masterpieces of the renewable industry: network of Human Body exists is because, when the capacity (to do) from the past has run out, the birth of body source in it.
b. the longevity off: long or short life span depending on the blessed of every scene. When the human lifespan has ended (such as the life expectancy of people in the current period an average of seventy-five years), though the power industry has not put an end to people also must die.
c. renewable Industry and community life ending: When renewable industry and simultaneously terminate humans must die.
d. a career force backward blocking renewable industry: where the renewable industry and yet life expectancy has not ended, but by a strong force of real variable business prevent renewable industry make the man must die. The sudden death, chance States ... all fall into this situation.
The end user's network are not bailed out one of the four circumstances. Therefore, we feel very vulnerable body parts hanging lamps before the wind of our train. Only their legendary streak to discharge the Prime witness body body Cup we French can secure peace, new is done. Would anyone be you tri Sonic!
2. the identity of the dead body:
Human body colors (beings) which was led by four great (land wind) imitation. Therefore, when this general user vandalized four will return for four. In other words, the death of man is the dispersal of four great. The best place to die human body in turn took place presentation as follows.
a. Add the reclaimed water pressure: first the patient felt a heavy body, tired, burned bones in the body aches every ridiculous prison. So patients have the phenomena such as shrinkage of limbs, vascular veins rãy quiver ... This is the place State reclaimed water pressure.
b. Hydraulic pressure abating great fire: the next patient feel like a cold vapor flow from the outside into the body, causing the body conditioning cóng mining, as ice and snow on the ... So patients have the cold nights host a breathing phenomenon extremities slang cóng ... Here is the State Fire College undergraduate marine pressure abating.
c. the Great Fire reclaimed Maple pressure: this stage lives only a half. Hospice now feel like a whiff from the outside hot pole blowers on scorching hot, the body longer than sitting on the fire pit. So patients have the best phenomenon blush, breasts, hot flashes, dark spirit. This is the great fire State reclaimed Maple pressure.
d. the great style of dissociation: eventually the patient feel like a breeze blowing strong baht makes the crushing body as Mote, leaving painful. Up to this stage determined the body had died, four great are scattered, the senses are destructive failure, only the God formula prepared from off to depending on the career of Jesica has created in the past and present that is reborn into the Bourn Samyutta.
The cessation of human networking body indeed is extremely painful. Anguish when four great dispersion of the Buddha used many examples to take place. Great for him to teach that the suffering of the turtle being burned on bonfires also failed to match with your suffering of humans when four great schism. In the ensuing pain of what he himself identified who is who can master it is safe please remember Buddha. If we are not lifelong effort the austerities, how to escape the scene of "paradise owners reveal human advice. Hell ill subjects property offers ".
3. the death of the mind:
After four great schism, the conscious mind who died falling into a State of carbon black Kiss without vision. Clever lyrical touches the consciousness does not have the effect we run, could not know the Department's six moves. The consciousness of the human will, depending on the direction of the Industry has created, from which the phenomenon of industrial progress and general academic expression is suffering or happy led the God consciousness go reborn.
According to Buddhism, there are three doạn between human appearance when it is about to fall, that is, the phenomenon of karma and manifesting.
Routine actions are the order of the volumes, to General when the conscious mind will recall clearly. The phenomenon of karma are the icons appear in the consciousness of common people in the form of good, noble, flavor, taste, tactile, France. General academic expressions are signs that correlate to the realm in which the dead are about reborn, earned the show a anxious or excited.
For as a people collectively and reborn into the scene. The object of the final idea is fresh career. The phenomenon of this industry is that they feel are the Buddhist ceremony Bell ... General academic expression is the body not ill suffering, being free to the Chief Justice, qui y Tam ...
It's called reborn consciousness Spreads Friendship Centre or Being killed. Mindful of this extremely sensitive has the power to direct the God consciousness go reborn into the Bourn Samyutta. Bourn birth falls suffering or happiness completely depend on the current power industry money that each person has created and the coast of reciting the same household Buddhist monks and nuns at the God consciousness prepare reborn.
People at the dying due to the progress of industry and of phenomena that have manifested common forestry each each other. As well as death, relatives will have the warm spot. Learn common academic expression and the heat go out last on the wrecked fuselage of deaths, we can know the realm they are reborn.
1. determine the best heat-based user
The human body is cold, place the body heat is also seen as the place where the God consciousness out of the fuselage. The hot spot on the body dead people help us determine their rebirth realms. Posting shelf in the stately Mahayana Sutra commentary had given us this problem.
Wealthy girl being the Holy, Heavenly beings eyes
Hot belly of hungry daemons, heart warming People
The shock of being hot in knee
Heat in the foot hell only.
For as we touch the body new body conditioning, if you see dead end just left the heat at the top of the head, all know that person is there Net birth rate. Or as whole body conditioning off but also the heat between the two people he knew news eye that would reborn to the heavenly ... The remaining realms we can know through residual heat where on the body the new people died as shelves were presented.
The thing we need to avoid the overly curious search for the heat as an human body dies, leaving them arises negativity are easy đoạ. This should leave the convent high, He has the capacity to transport the heat to go up, determine the realm coming reborn's death to find salvation.
2. determine the General forestry expression
Human beings after death depending on the career that reborn into Bourn Samyutta. Because the God consciousness perceived Bourn reborn miseries or happiness that the conscious mind is anxiety or Rapture, expression through the form before his death. So, look at the expression of the common forest dying we can presume to be Bourn reborn.
Great for anyone about to rebirth of the Sun ... the expression of mind-body Rapture, poetry thoi, smiling mouth ... The guys are about fallen into four wickedly embodies the tremble, the Privy Council body of UE, limbs quờ quạng ... Final rules, due to other realms that are reborn killed general academic expressions are not the same (this issue we will present techniques for which details three: "The Bourn reborn")
In the Dhammapada verse 253, the Buddha teaches: "Loved him now as withered leaves! Messengers of death awaits him! He is standing in front of the threshold of death! He is about to do the pilgrims on the way of death. So why not prepare food at all? " We live and prepare to do the travellers on the road of death. Life and death are always two things of life, we want oil oils do not also inevitable death. Who is that little foresight can not Sarah stops by day, his inaction in sensuality, which now prepare food, Everyday, Pray do not to have to fall on the scene: "Money traditionally carried current Galaxy tri Highway" (Guishan policeman).


From the standpoint of Buddhism, the life of a human being is only completed when the body of body conditioning Hospice. At that moment that the God consciousness leaves the body, this period will be counted as dead. As if when a terminal illness has just terminated the breath of heart just stopped beating, but the warmth wrecked fuselage remains then every understanding their life still same as people are alive, only that they cannot say, ... are only.
After the leaves from the wrecked fuselage, the God consciousness come about? The life process when life is no birth of consciousness? The process of entering the embryo and the life realm in thai? That's what we need to continue to learn.
1. where does the warm Middle-body life?
The human body which is due to physical form so that when the "dead" is the dispersion of four great, also the human spirit does not take that custom in the life industry.The spirit of the people after the leaves from the wrecked fuselage will fall into one of two situations:
a. warm air central body life case: for the person class would birth money or create the career of evil workers active (such as Wu, against evil), or the birth of money has created many Protestant German tu (tu ten thing), or the birth of money have a deep mind, prayer, a Buddhist Memorial Bridge-Western birth there; or the person class deep meditation, color has the minus was Biased or, who soon after cessation of breath they will only đoạ to hell A-Bhikkhu, or being powered up, or there being of pure land of the Buddha or ten Prime, Chu means Saints.
b. the case of the warm Middle-body life: for the common man, the birth of money while creating career but do not fall into one of two extremes of good or evil poles. With the class in mind they have evil charity career confused so could not identify them in the career of evil or good karma, to preset Bourn reborn Samyutta. In this case, the spirit of the beings that have to go through life stages of warm medium-bodied.
2. medium-Bodied warm?
Every man we all have three stems, it's warm body close, warm and high money late. Dear money is relative so far away we have the physical body is five or seven dozen signed this batch. Warm medium body is the body after death, are in search of a time period corresponding to the other body. Late life-body is warm after that is to have a reborn into another.
According to the meaning of the word is "build" then after this dead body and haven't found the possible reincarnation of this period cannot be called a hull. Because in this period only the God consciousness only, have parental blood draw, and yet there are other pure forms. However this period may temporarily called body, because it has enough of the see, hear, or know ... but that is just the illusion caused by the God consciousness turns out, in the Buddhist scriptures are spot called "the talent" is relative because it strains the current knowledge of the God of death.
Warm medium body called itself the Bardo's body results in between this life and the hereafter; such as after we left the warm birth falls but not money relative to the body of the other, in the intermediate period which called, due to the inherent performance of this body alarm because there is not, that man is shoulder charged should be called.
1. the shape and color of network life force
Warm medium there are two types of beautiful shades and look wicked. Great for the warm prepared reborn about what kind of shape are similar to beings that species. Warm the middle schools warm up towards heaven, people, horizontal and demons being Eagle that flies away, the warm middle of beings in hell the game down.
Warm, neutral colors of hell looks very bad black shades such as coal. The warm urinary bladder birth SAC lightening like smoke. Devil's Kettle high-protein identity hungry daemons such as water. The warm and Sun sex, gender identity as net gold. The warm Shades of colour very beautiful natural world during the fresh white light. About light, warm light of the evil black shades to create industrial output or grey like the warm, dark night of the created light-hardened career out in bright white as electrical.
The eye of the warm look throughout as far as natural with no obstruction, see the other warm and it will bring forth life. In moments, the warm can fly around the borders of Mount tu di, can through the walls of the mountains without hindrances. Except for the fetus to the mother once the warm and then can't go out and lobby Dharani of Mahayana Buddhism, due to the force of warm high Buddha could not overcome.
The maximum life span of the network of central electric is seven days, if the time limit which has not found a warm spot tho middle of birth will die away and then back to life, but within 49 days also will find its birth. Central warm when dead, due to data or industry upheaval that changed the warm Middle trunk of other species.
2. life psychology quotes
During this time the warm always in obscure adventure adventure was not given. The idea of bittersweet make themselves warm medium always from suffering into happiness change constantly. In general this point warm high consciousness of utmost suffering and instability.
Or so his body parts business was dead that birth Center for grief, or his wife's property, a good relationship with that hard end to bondage-loving mind minus, or by a cooperating suddenly death back to the left in action rứt sit stand no less than by the memories, or Yen matter up to express cause your constraints upset that don't bear close your eyes ...All that has slanted shoes make the warm middle was suffering again piled more suffering.
Now due to past power industry Zhao, with the breeze blowing warm medium-intense Enterprise ragged, with flashing light sense as thunderous left the warm sense of crisis has alarmed, he sounds extremely harsh God caused the warm nail ear aches, brain, there are countless species of peculiar shape demons holding halberds to threaten lives. All the macabre spectacle was all due to the power industry Zhao, making himself central to the looming fear of fainting warm he is not helpless. Now the warm expectation only people she created blessed to help only.
At the time the client's stream of Buddhas and divine light of release. Aura with aura the vassal state dazzling and powerful as the dazzling blue aura increases, pure white aura aura gold hues, ranging in colors like turquoise, red ball intense aura. Also means green light then the more feeble.
The light of the Sun is slightly whiter, the light of the people is slightly yellow, the light of A tu la, the greenish light of the hell realms such as the black smoke, the light of the hungry daemons devil is slightly red, light of the Cattle being then bluish. In that warm body with high professional custom realms are the light of the more brilliant then. Because of any Coast Guard career dead, body warmer medium much just like the light of the more voracious green.
1. status of imported thai
From the standpoint of Buddhism, the end conceive of every being is due to three mixed conditions is essential to his father, blood mother and God. However, though there's enough three elements but must be the new coast forms the fetus. About the physiology, parents during intercourse which father mother Elf Elf does not, or vice versa, or both are not out, again if the mother is too fat, or the depression of Gynecology, or taking birth control pills. About the newspaper industry, if you respect my parents that the company add or vice versa, was also unable to conceive.
If the career Coast Guard are all pros, when his parents copulate warm medium far from seeing fire exercise associated to. Due to the high student at warm, run out of good ideas. As the warm coast according to the mind of parents arises the notion of mutual love and anger. The South is warmer then the birth mother, Irish Centre for infection, as are mental and intercourse with his mother hates leaving her father. With a warm medium is best, for his birth mind AI infection as are his intercourse and birth the mother's dislike of mind. Right at the center of pitch Center of warm Irish birth are also at the warm prepared on pregnant mother.
Now the warm Middle Fellowship is feeling hot or cold, or see rain, haze, or hear much uproar value for bored or sad, Ethereal encyclopedia value for preferred, when the sight of this huyễn out the warm again out of ten different General huyễn: now on the House, we want upstairs, on the lofty temples, one to sit on the bed and chairs, one on am, one on one, leaf hut away loads of forests, dwarf him dust, one through the hole in the walls, we snuck into the fence. When the Memorial is finished then the warm Middle sailings on fetuses.
2. status in pregnancy
a. life Physiology:
After the reincarnation in any species, the fetus has to pass the time in the thai equivalent of the same species and then be born. Thai Tibetan birth head go through eight are wrong:
-Listed la Blue: Is new at slightly longer form essential liquid blood as shown arrows.
-Transmitters Listed are: (also called An da line) At thai organ not being the meat in there such as condensed milk.
-Closing epic: Is a fetus, at new two-handed had closed the meat was very tender but also contentious.
-Hopea South: (also called Fo na) is at the butcher block has slightly hard can overload massage.
-Bowl of la away from Khe: (Ban la away from KHE) was raised at the humiliation of the thai General hands, feet and head.
-Mao trảo: is at the hair, nails and feet.
-Type: is the time arises the hands, eyes, nose, mouth and the bowel.
-Phonemes: the General where the full body clear out.
b. life psychology report:
Summary of psychological pain suffering of the fetus? Mind the fetus due to a bear afflictions cause the fetus has lived in a State of anxiety filled with fear. From where good ideas are crazy Island dominated, the fetus kicked out the generals huyễn and suffer the effects of contrast, huyễn general industrial landscape make the painful picture of the encyclopedia and discomfort immensely.
Special psychology of the fetus during pregnancy head undergoes the General differences, or when the fetus is good idea insanity as to find yourself sitting in a car, or take a boat in high floor, lying in bed, listening to the stream flow ... that when the fetus of birth anniversary of bored climaxed, hurt the encyclopedia ...Final rules, no fetal psychology in addition to psychological insanity because of greed run requirements but are not met, an angry pitch psychological aversion because life always the impure, psychologically upset because of the stigma of smelly pus dam blood ranges from psychological, the encyclopedia because in thai the Dungeon, the psychology of boredom wearing College because no way out. All the scenes were not state there's career any good in the past that the fetus was created to turn the presently used as a real-life scene when the fetus in the mother's womb.
Because the industry has made in the past that many beings after death must go through life stages of warm medium-bodied. So, being subjected to immense suffering in the middle period when warm, and then how the scene hard when in pregnancy, in pregnancy and when pregnant. To then flow the life for all beings bench billowing drift that made stamping out of all the efforts for Mekong River Irish Sea scary looks.
Fate had the gauge, by suffering is because we have accepted the notion of falling body as Laozi says: "n the great fire the n" (one has a large fire because we are environmentally). We only have the path "huyễn escape trunk, dear French entry" new end the agony. The way that Chu Buddha took expressly stated in the Scriptures. In short, we simply "Speak according to what Buddha said, do what the Buddha did, think according to what He has thought" that we will completely get rid of suffering. Suffering or happiness, bondage or rescue it completely due to each individual we decide.

Article 3: the BOURN REBORN
Depending on the career staff people were created in the washing past are wrong, but to the General while every hospice have common academic expression. Or someone knows dead before Buddhist mantras fun that died, or had someone filled the small line uttered words, tremble ... maybe even the death had the general appearance of the Bourn hungry daemons, Animal birth ... So depending on the career staff in good or evil that man dying expressions common forestry suffering or happiness to and then reborn of Bourn or the data. Final rules, Bourn people reborn as Samyutta realm with the longing and indulge one's self.
Compounded the realm that the human will reborn into the world scene? Because the basic motive would lead God human form go reborn? The use of long-suffering or happiness of each realm? My peace or panic to correspond to each realm prepare reborn in humans? The necessary and sufficient factors to justify the formation of a scene is what elements? That's the problem that the Buddhist we can't know.
1. Pro-decisive factors for the reborn:
According to the Buddhist perspective humans after death is not death, it's just a strain State of the industry. The scattered body but the mind continues his visit in the longing to be satisfied on the subject (Bourn) respectively. And so we humans as yet reached the Holy, then it wasn't involved in the climactic balloon capture where the game huyễn reincarnation this frivolous vision real damage.
Who is the author of playing this imaginary real damage? That's the career-driven motivation as the man goes to the reborn in the scene about reincarnation. Are these actions work, from career to form the power of career or career. Career dominated human reborn through one of the following four categories:
a. major industrial Poles: i.e. the critical action or is the human career pole. If major industrial Poles belong to any type of good that is the inverse, as evil: five. By major industrial Poles as the kind of charity that is the Prime witness: a person who as the fruition of the four best meditation about back up.
b. usages: also known as Often. Business practices are the jobs, the daily speech of us or do and are often preferred to remember above all. Healthy habits or the data gradually mold into the nature of human beings. Just in time unconsciously at times it still does. In the type of industry, the industry plays a very important role.
c. accumulated career: human life today is the area of contributions by a career from in the past has created. In the endless human reincarnation who has also accrued a large number of assets. As a result, earning career as the career by earning more. This industry has the ability to lead people to reborn, when three kinds of karma on the absence.
d.: death is the last memory people's business ideas. The mind of man if that evil concept that would be reborn in one of the scenes of suffering. The mind of man if the notion of good news would be reborn in one of the wholesome realm, this is called death.
When Lam Man chung, if no significant Negative industry or business practices would make the engine to push the reborn death will lead human beings life. Or if none of the three types of industry mentioned above shall accrue will lead human beings reborn.
2. The Bourn reborn:
In the vast universe has all the ten realms that depending on the career of each created, corresponding to reborn in one of the ten realms. The ten realms that include four Holy realm and the realm of six chums.
God in human form after death will have two situations occur. If anyone has the austerities to be clean no sex industry realm, at the level of the subtle ignorance have deep or shallow or end to clean that being on one of the four Holy realm is Buddha, Bodhisattva, and The Writer or as anyone but austerities but yet the is negativity, has not yet reached the scene about potable non-sex industry ... but by cooperating urgent demand of birth world Sukhavati and usually maintained Sacred Buddha brand, that person also be lost through death, when Lin chung was there being about Net world of Buddhist schools of salmon, Dr. tu to the Buddha.
Left by the does did career after death must be reborn in one of the six scenes about reincarnation. Depending on the career of every human has the wrong that they have to bring forth into the realm suffering or happiness.Six realms where humans are reincarnation back and that's natural, humanitarian, A tu la, Animal beings, hungry daemons and demons hell your email address. In that first two realms is the realm of good management this is the realm of happiness, four scenes after the evil realm is a realm suffering. Final rules, people in line were endless, largely because of ignorance obscures created the career or the data and then have to depend on the industry or the data that reborn in one of the six scenes about reincarnation.
II. the rollover in the Green direction
Within the scope of the article we would like to present summary on the human realm and industrial life reborn, expression. .. in the six realms of reincarnation and the conditioned realm only. Net realm where the US deployment of the Western realm of the pure land (Sukhavati world of Buddha).
1. Birth of evil led
a. Hell:
Hell is the Sanskrit Complaint lost ca, meaning Suffering, evil, runway ... hell is the realm in which there is no happiness, where untold miseries to the full that the creator of evil karma is being about to return the real friendly people's business in the past.
a. 1 the life realm:
* Agony life contact:
Beings in hell scenes subjected to suffering immensely, as the Local economy in Tibet has taught: beings in this realm, one on a night spent hundreds of thousand times death comes back to life to bear the agony of hot iron complete meals such as newspaper, drink water and boiling water buffalo pulled plows, blades ...
* Life cuisine:
Being at the scene dịa hell are real knowledge that sustains itself. This type is also the real-life phase vi, Government organs, namely wind, so this coast that are long lived.
* Sex-Life infections:
Beings in hell scenes without onions, because too much of the punishment suffers.
a. 2 Career and academic expression:
* Karma of birth reborn:
Who would show no life three jewels, created the evil extreme career as active inverse, the wicked after death ... will đoạ on this suffering realm.
* General academic expression:
If one common forestry, đoạ into the realm of hell will have the following expression:
-Face Look attractive relative to the eyes of hate.
-Bowel, bladder or know.
-Face or mask.
-The body and mouth mouth are foul up.
-The body shrinks, the limbs on the left end of the ground.
b. underworld hungry daemons:
Hungry daemons demons Sanskrit Preta, hungry daemons is starving, the demon is awesome. Evil hungry daemons are only those beings often suffer from thirst and hunger feared to threaten life. General body hungry daemons demons have more shapes are wicked, the human eye cannot see. Hungry daemons demons do not have a separate realm, which live in the forest, in places dirty ...
b.1. the life realm:
* Agony life contact:
Beings in the realm of hungry daemons Devils suffered the brain gauge on the starvation only slightly funny parts. To species of demon hungry daemons classified into three categories: Devil Demon class, versatile due to the previous life is blessed should we be eating fullness full force; the second type is lacking this Demonic Demon class, previous life while tu Phuoc but not much, so does life while having enough things to eat but not be like Italy and force poor; the third type is the devil himself, this Demon class Hy abdomen to like old drum small needle, by previous popcorn by the greedy xẻn, so does life always constant hunger and thirst to ...
* Life cuisine:
Beings in the realm of hungry daemons demons are real, the crude feasting the actual animals as humans. There are things, species of demon hungry daemons Hy (poor Devil Phuoc) just plain eating map impure. This species of demon hungry daemons to see water or food, these are turned into the blood and sand.
* Sex-Life infections:
Beings in the realm of hungry daemons Devil due because of the fun should be part of the xen lewd confusion. in this realm when two same sex pleasures in mind, stress associated with impure substance flows out.
b. 2 's Career reborn general academic and expression:
* Personal Career reborn:
Who does the evil career lifetime plus Leanne or rapacious, prefers not to do the blessing, donation ... after death would be fallen into this suffering realm.
* Manifest when Lin chung:
If one common forest fallen into the realm of hungry daemons demons will have the following expression:
-Body hot like fire.
-Often disturbing starvation, or it comes to eating.
-Not defecation but go much urine.
-The right knee before.
-Right Hand grasping the expression xẻn popcorn please.
c. Animal birth:
Animal beings known as Eagle's birth. Eagle's birth is being horizontal vertebrate. The shock of the word means "complacency" because of the shock of birth have many types and the realms are all found there. This is the pure realm of suffering, the peculiar shapes.
c. 1 the life realm:
* Agony life contact:
Being in shock of the realm being suffered the agony of eating to swallow each other, only a little bit of fun. Beings in this scene should bear more of the beaten, mutilated, were Harrow plough leather ball of meat and cooking, are people swallowing ...In General, they always live in the mood delusion or full of fear.
* Life cuisine:
Beings in the animal realm beings are real piece of rough. The common fish species of turtle, Dragon, ... food, bird species use suý Dragon food, the long life has also blessed realm of cherish perfume such as Sanskrit, Orange, but follows the same food pieces are turned into frogs. Rest the other contentious Eagle species eating these defilement.
* Sex-Life infections:
Beings in the Animal realm beings, so because of that suffering should be fun practice explicit deregulation xen. Matthew this same two realms intercourse, began reciting moderately pleasures associated with impure substance flows out.
c. 2 's Career reborn and general academic expression:
* Coast Guard Career reborn:
Who does evil to create lifetime career plus the names of delusion, stupid fillers ... stubborn not to listen to the teachings of the upper head, bigotry is not subject to the corrective fallen into this suffering realm.
* General academic expression:
If one common forestry đoạ on the shock of the realm of birth will have the following expression:
-Being willing to love my wife wrecked the rays didn't give up.
-Fingers and toes are convulsive.
-Foolish obscure fall into delirium.
-Around in his trunk were sweating.
-Voice wheezing mouth or entrapment.
Article 4: The Bourn reborn (tt)
d. A tu la moral
A tu la also called A factor lost room is presentable Chief, Africa. ... This is # beings never Hon fresh openings, the majority has a general not be presentable and lienholder anger always mind or being craving. A tu la has four steps which is A tu la, A tu la, hungry daemons demons A tu la and Cattle being A tu la.
d. 1 life realm:
* Agony life contact:
Beings in the realm A tu la tho the funny junk xen gauge, or more or less depending on each person's poor crime more effectively. In General, A tu la depending in Bourn would then have lost the life gauge is similar in that realm, so they do not have types and head of.
* Life cuisine:
Beings in the realm A tu la real-life piece of raw application and the real. A tu la at the contentious Animal, hungry daemons demons and the realms of impure. Private natural species A tu la despite eating the dish on Pearl, but later turned out to be pieces of natural mud or deep clones.
* Sex-Life infections:
Beings in the realm A tu la has the travel porn as human beings, demons, Eagle's birth.
d.2. Human Career reborn and expression.
* Personal Career reborn:
Who does life but has also experienced many tu but anger and crush the infection sex will đoạ on this suffering realm.
* General academic expression:
Can say A tu la is another form of demonic hungry daemons, so the general expression of the forest would soon reborn back Bourn A tu la, time expressions like beings reborn on the realm of hungry daemons.
The thing, why in A tu la natural A tu la this kind that remains after the humanitarian. Firepower like that because as an A tu la in the Sun, because of anger and compassion of their infection with the inferior realms:
-Although this species eat the food on the song follows the same food pieces naturally turns into mud or frogs.
-In the rain of flowers or the Board, where the person in whose water rain A tu la rain down the weapons knife sticks.
-The human mind calm should be practiced by the French Chief of the Tathāgata, species A tu la should mind that boiling than the liberation leaders lost tu difficult.
2. Birth of Thien DAO
a. humanitarian:
Humanity is nẽo inhabitants. Human means human-only rings when having reversible scene has an endurance capacity to bear with the coast. Beings in this life the realms enjoyed happy and suffering rather than pure agony as the four realms. In this species are full of advantages to learn and practice the Buddha's teachings.
a. 1 the life realm:
* Agony life contact:
Beings in the humanitarian realm represents the fun life magazine size, or less or more depending on each person's career has created. In General, besides the happy little humans are dominated by eight great suffering. They are: Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, is suffering, death is suffering, the chance is suffering, especially charity Cup is a gauge, tắng gauge Assembly is resentment and five electric ugly Thanh district is suffering.
* Life cuisine:
Beings in the realm of humanitarian international cuisine is the real-life phase and rough sections. The fact is when in the life abortion using the blood of the mother. The crude reality is that eating foods such as rice, vegetables, fish, meat ...Broadly, the Shou: check, passport, pillows, shower ... also called real paragraph international.
* Sex-Life infections:
Beings in the humanitarian realm because of the miserable wanton act should have flipped the xen fun. Practice suggestive similarity as species birth Eagle, demon, spirit ... when two other similar intercourse, began reciting the extreme pleasures, associated with impure substance flows out.
a. 2 's Career reborn and general academic expression:
* Personal Career reborn:
Who does life have faith solidly for three jewels and preserve, about prohibition, Hieu goodness, help poor guys love playing mind alms your donation ... after death to be reborn into the world scene.
* General academic expression:
If one forest is reborn into the human realm will have the following expression:
-Run your favorite heart healthy birth anniversary of moderating the peace the Fuk Germany.
-Being a visiting Chief of hearts Tam Tin to opposite the refuge.
-See her children Shepherd being wholeheartedly excited.
-Mind Chief Justice users loathe dua flattering.
-Suggest entrusted the work to the bereaved relatives and from special leave.
b. Favoritism:
Angel is nẽo, the word Genius means nature, nature, the word genius has four hidden meanings: A win, a natural, evening, a ton. Beings in this stately general body realm entitled blessed tribes, the dress tho use are subject to celebrate culture.
b.1. the life realm:
* Agony life contact:
Beings in this realm of suffering at least as much fun. Chu Tian in the life education more fun part, at least the part of the brain impairment đoạ. Chu Tian in the gender identity from beginning meditation to meditation to grab three funny scene, the only extreme pleasure in the third meditation. From the four lettered for the meditation natural realms invisible colors do not gauge the life lost.
* Life cuisine:
Chu Tian in the realms of life education on Pearl tastes like Orange, kid's momentum. However, depending on the wrong position of patriarchal blessing that life has a full-flavored, non-life, simultaneously the flavor of the food. Chu Tian in the real-life gender identity, the joy of meditation to feed good. Infinite realms is the natural best in client only mode.
* Sex-Life infections:
Beings in the landscape, only Chu Tian in education is that the Administration, while Chu Thien in the SAC and SAC are happy about sex without breaking the seclusion life infection.
Gender bias in education when closer together without defilement substance flowing out, just where its expertise is somewhat lighter winds blew out the instant Memorial education goals. Sun Four heavenly and the donation to benefit the human as well as sympathetic. Sun Da ma men and women just hug as sexual satisfaction. Heaven Where capacity on each successive anniversary sex fist goal. Sun Turns on both the men and women just take look at each other laugh is exercise the full. Heaven heavenly eye sneak peek just during the Palaeolithic Excuse each other is done and then exercise.
b. 2 's Career reborn general academic and expression:
* Personal Career reborn:
Who currently lives in the privileged credentials and seclusion the meditation, after Lam chung will be reborn on the scene. In which people would work the ten wholesome karma, will reborn on the Physical realm, who would overhaul the ten wholesome karma "with privileged witnesses one of four meditation (meditation four) will be reborn on the heavenly Good, wholesome Karma tu person with ten Prime" one of the four (non-final) will be reborn on the Endless sky.
* General academic expression:
If one forest is reborn on the sky will have the following expression:
-Start the mind heal.
-Clear mindfulness.
-For wealth, his wife ... Please don't fall.
-Without the foul up.
-Evenly matched sides up and smiling, that thought idea tiangong to the procession.
General academic expression of six realms mentioned above are not human death per every full-expression are, but sometimes only the essential points of expression. Again we need to distinguish the two, such as humanitarian relief and natural realms, their hearts are pure, but one side just think of tiangong distracted the lifetime, one trader in mind she recommended the home. The two scenes of hungry daemons demons and hell, the soul they are passionate man, but other hot temper of mind being lost his words, on one side, then the greedy expression or saying about eating. As species of animal beings, the body remove the excessive sweating stuffy harsher voices but also nostalgic. .. that is the differences in the six realms to us clearly define each Bourn reborn.
Her people to spiritual death becomes invisible (no manifest or how data). This man wants to predict they will be reborn on the world scene, we just determined based according to the heat where the body can be determined.
Immemorial date have some notion that we humans as pure consciousness is living in the realm of pure land, when the mind is dense, mesmerizing blur ... is living in a hell realm rather than having Net realm or realms of hell. The concept of realms like that is totally inaccurate, sometimes leads to a lot of the myths cause not less. With the expression of the human mind like that, we can just say that is the Net's business or career in personnel hell that people are creating only.
Final rules the realm, each time the life beings must complete three new elements can be accomplished:
The universe: The geographical location of each scene, such as the Western landscape is extreme realms Net dignified in the West the One She, hell is the pure realm suffering position outside the overlapping mountain Setting.
Human beings: Is determined environmentally wrong General of each realm, by General hull of each species according to the blessed treasure more than poorly that each species has the General, as Chancellor of Western realms of them Net the dignified enough good general thirty-two eighty beauty, while the general body of beings in the realm of hungry daemons demons then abdomen to drumsmall stock, as kim, the General being at the scene of hell, the evil Buffalo head horse face, bizarre ...
Psychology: The Psychology of wrongly identifying each realm, as the mind of the Holy Western realms of our Net is always pure, he is the center of an Office on meditation and French influence life span of meditation with Buddha; also mind the beings in the realm of hungry daemons demons always being the burning of starving ... the mind of the beings in the realm of hell are anger, fear ...
Like, being so far away causing added what's career after the General's career academies that will customize reborn about one in six scenes about reincarnation. Therefore, Bourn reborn only established when the full three elements, if not three elements which are not yet able to say that is the realm beings are tho. Or said another way, in every realm has a position, a body of psychological and other General wrong that beings are tho.
C. conclusion:
In summary, by due to ignorance and craving the dominant beings for living and then dying, dead and alive, so the status quo forever rolling into one of six scenes about reincarnation. Of the six realms, the four previous realm absolutely suffering, two scenes later and people still have happy but still reviews the pure agony.
Such beings in the realm of hell, then one day one night to go through the scene was live van die once the torture of the cauldron fire pit. Beings in the realm of hungry daemons demons being the scorching of hunger thirst, thousand of the great wall in the name of the rice, water, unheard what scenarios are being fed. beings in the Animal realm of birth being the suffering of delusion tormented, other assorted meat ingested chew the skin cut off. Beings in the realm A tu la being the dominant sex and anger, all day is each player to find gratification of the flesh. Also being in two realms, who still have the happiness or suffering but in the scene who, being subjected to General gauge Bowl; in the sky realm is in General attenuates. Genus by escape digital beings want the rollover avoidance of hard when to do the travellers crossing the t 's, we should try to play a deep mind, Chapel, dedicated to maintain the title of Buddha. We just look forward to how we life charged little career left the General forestry soon to be birth of Buddha and the public alike about water only.

Properties 5. NET REALM SPEED
Being currently developed a deep prayer life, a mind set, maintained the title of Buddha after Lam chung will be a guest of birth on the Net world. Said information, Net world of silver around ten, but when discussions about the Net as a scene attributed to beings in this realm, she Thought, the Buddha Sakyamuni we especially emphasise on the Western world pure land of Buddha by doing more Catholic
Within the limits of this article we would like to present three points: The enemy of newspapers and newspaper Chief Medical wins World Net West. Human beings are loitering and career manifested when. Four major decisions taken to France's success. pray all beings when Lin chung was soon dot the point where Bourn Buddha's pure land.
I. The enemy WINS y and the Chief Justice of the world pure land (Sukhavati)
1. What is called here, is:
According to the word of Buddha in the ten directions of an immeasurable nowhere have those funny gauge case thousand men wrong. If the General Division, the realm that can be divided into two categories is Bourn UE and Net realm.
a. Bourn UE: Is pure realm suffering, this realm of public funded beings pratītyasamutpāda. Plus industry experience as a general quote y to beings separate evil charity career depending on which fruit shelf life or suffering or happy.
b. Net realm: The complete realm happily happy. This realm is by Buddha and Bodhisattva turned out for old men shume Catholic culture being.
2. The enemy WINS of y and the Chief Justice.
a. the Chief Justice report:
-Peace invisible chronic illness.
Life-long network.
-General Body.
-There is no inequality of wealth to the despicable.
-Leanne Mind needs high ethical Republic.
Director of mind.
-People are so turned contentious.
-No small differences are large, strong, young and old.
-No profane unclean.
-Bohemian mind media reach.
-Out of samsara in the Mainland.
-Enough six homemade spirit.
-Complete primary insight opinion.
Thirteen fine dignified purity over here in the worldly beings (Chief Justice).
b. Y report:
-Flat land full of transparent turquoise, no jagged mounds and ponds ravine River free trủng class.
-No accidents of natural disasters such as floods and storms, lightning, earthquake, drought induced crop hunger and thirst.
-The sky is clear, does not need the Sun, Moon or candle.
-All items are always refreshing, no breaks, no damage, no rotting, not the old nhớp.
-Beautiful scenery, beautiful flowers, an American guard floor, do not need the hard yellow page architecture that naturally show up.
-Air always cool.
-Elective Music trio, variety, nature or stop end depending on the preferences of the listener.
-No animals other than humans except the turn of Buddha.
Sweet-scented water in Lakes, shallow deep warmth depending on preferences.
-The scenery of exposure cause be gentle pleasure, without ethical perturbed.
-Seven natural supplies and achievements, to full supply without resorting to physical persons.
-No job ceilings the negativity.
-There is no overpopulation, although increasing population.
-People lived in the Pacific at peace, no pagan demons bullying.
Fourteen of the above dishes are part of the air-spaces (y).
Bourn would have the full two-part health report and Chief journalist dignified such purity is called Net realm. In contrast, Bourn would not meet the two conditions above y stately Chief, that scene is Bourn UE. The Western realm Sukhavati because of Buddha Amitabha made Pope is pure realm dignified sides y and the Chief Justice, should be called the conditioned realm of the Buddha.
II. human beings there are Industrial and academic expression:
1. human birth: current Career
As Word of the Buddha taught in the Customary Amitayus, who would like to be a guest of birth of the Western realm of the complexes by the Buddha Amitabha made Pope to tu Phuoc three-course follows:
"Like being on the water he must overhaul three blessed, one is curious balm parent, serve the shrine Master Chief, holding compassion not killed, ten wholesome karma. Life is complete, keep the rules maintain the third sex, don't dread it. Three is the Bodhi heart, deeply justified cause and effect, the Court read the classics Mahayana, tons of other austerities. Three such thing called net personal finances ".
In the words of the great Tiantai master award coming into Office, said that three net food industry belong to concur, also three private Prayer, food dish, (in A Di Đà Kinh) is the designated charity (charity: is the end to all lucky to the heart to stop on a scene, Concur: is the quit to austerities though mind the disarray).
According to A Di Đà kinh, practitioners would like to be a guest of birth world Sukhavati must meet a wage Credit is Persian, and almond.
-Credit: believe it has Germany Buddha water formed Sukhavati by forty-eight great vows to lead beings in ten World Buddhist mantras current bridge method of birth.
-Prayer: Prayer to the public at Lam were Buddha and Scripture they embody to the next lead, after the Buddha back to Him she turned the beings.
-The almond: The professional maintenance of six red letters "Nam Amitabha Buddha", the anniversary until the gain for any heart disorder.
2. General academic expression:
If one forest is contentious and the public alike about the Extreme world of touch will have the following expression:
-The soul not being troubled by.
-Know before death was coming.
-Consider the foot the Chief Justice did not lose.
-To know in advance which bathing and dressing.
-Buddhist mantras are recited or yourself or recite silently.
-Strange fragrance throughout the home.
-Aura glow grievances into the body.
-Speak out shelves to recommend teaching disciples.
-Sun rise the middle of nowhere.
If anyone is full of good points mentioned above, the products are certainly very high. Did anyone just be a couple of good points for up to five good points only, that person is also a contentious current decisions on the Net.
III. the four major decisions taken to the success
According to the Ancient engineers (life), the anniversary of the Buddha to succeed must master four key decisions:
1. The anniversary of the Buddha does not need to take Net bridge scene:
Immemorial date, have some idea when the Buddha used ham NET bridge scene (like the bridge saw Buddha incarnations, see Net realms...), rather than put on the current bridge heavy Net birth rate, this indeed is the great depression. By net bridge scenes that don't demand a guest being that the Western Buddhist mantras, like Sandy bridge that quit gold, recite Buddhas with such mentality does not match your Buddha "maintained the title of Buddha, a large inflow of prayer" (A Di Đà kinh), unable to reach success in Germany as a guest and immeasurable being.
2. The anniversary of the Buddha does not need to take part in the dialogue "anniversary of Buddha?"
The anniversary of Buddha's pure mind taking a hybrid of that anniversary the Buddha Amitabha in the Western world, and thanks to the Buddha Amitabha manifest mind a pure bred. Every time our mind is the Buddha mind run towards the Centre of Theravada Buddhism, Buddhist oriented mind. The mind and the mind of Buddha, the mind and the mind of Buddha is a religious touch, making possible investment nghì. Thus the equivalent at Buddhist mantras that Buddhist mantras going to ask who you are, i.e. on its head back and put more a head anymore, ride a donkey which returns search trick.
3. The anniversary of the Buddha need not end except good ideas:
Today there are many other disciplines of tu, seeing who recite the Buddha then they run the Center decry "the anniversary of the Buddha but also good ideas do not reach the result". But they don't know that, the anniversary of the Buddha but also good idea can still current industrial zones with sanh. Mr. Ling Feng taught: "credit-intensive vows that the mind so much hope the idea that guys will be Lower prices being. But the Lower prices of birth but not be afraid, because the General Assembly statements are human friendly tier one capital, the French use of their life together, not great or? ".
4. The celebrated Buddha does not need to pray for:
The Buddha mind talk often on anniversary not long before on carriage will naturally work the best. Like for any heart disorder due to concur that the number concepts. We recite the Buddha while not needing the most bridge similar to the Buddhist concept of mind, but continued for any heart disorder will display.
Conversely people would recite the Buddha used the bridge for the mind that Miss France Crown anniversary number, other then your not cooking rice which has food, not subject to difficulties that would like to become skilled ... is that this cannot happen.
So, for the owner's Net an autoclave, we simply set up a maintenance decision Buddhist mantras releases without having to take NET bridge scene, don't need to see the anniversary of the Buddha as a voice platforms; no need to think about whether or not the idea is also disappointed expectations, no need to demand for any heart disorder. Every day that we often specialize in maintenance of St. Mark Buddha "go, standing, lying, sitting all Buddhist mantras", from here until death, we decided to be a guest of birth.
Over here, we've presented overview of the enemy of the Western world WINS here, the level of the Buddha Amitabha, and we have the comparison between the Net scene and are six scenes about reincarnation, then the miseries and happiness of the pure land and six other former realm as far as heaven.
Of course, we asked about the translational speed is just as bored fear scenes reincarnation of misery, that because in the Net scene is home to enough WINS to charm us austerities. When relying on pure land of austerities as the Buddha and then we're going to ride a great boat, back to this scene, she Is suffering a multitude of beings, round full of almond bodhisattva. Would who himself man Beilin lai Hui, a neighboring flooded heaven again don't hesitate any current prayer without being here, of process?
Properties 6. IN RESERVE.
Humans after death is there being about Net realms of reincarnation or on one of the six scenes about reincarnation is because motivation determines! Buddhist all elements of đoạ tribe or freed, suffering or happiness ... all due to self care decisions. As in the Dhammapada has been taught: "mind master mind leading the French ...", or in the flowered grave says: "mind as shows the skandha vaccine strains, mastermind, necessarily infinite, world children's French real"
Therefore, the conscious mind mindfulness or human disarray when Lam chung is the determining factor for the current contentious or fallen. Want to reach the Centre of mindfulness, the Buddhist life must obtain the charm? As well as to the General at his Center for forestry are steadfast Buddhist mantras and progeny of the public alike must have the support, progresses to die? How to celebrate the funeral so that there are benefits to dead people, avoiding the costly does not mean? These are matters of utmost importance, we need to know to get, because what this preparation will have to change both a suffering or happiness of one's life.
I. The necessary preparation for the General at Lam
With the necessary foundation for the General at Lam, we need two reserve the reserve is part of foreign reserve and charm.
1. foreign exchange reserve Coast Guard:
a. Links with fellow tu:
The anniversary of the Buddha as a strong need to connect with colleagues, especially those who are near to books tons of austerities and the support for each other when. It is best we should organize the Buddhist mantras recited aid group; every time someone in severe depression, the people at the same Buddhist mantras recited aid turns to for that.
If we often to recite to others when Lin chung, later on when we fall, will be supported by others meditate; at the same time all her work at the US forestry shares due to the direction that everything such as France.
Remember, we the many heavy karma is bound, when Lin chung without others recite Buddhist supporters do body at the discovery, career aches, the conscious mind is prone to lethargy, e can hardly a happy idea of Buddha, reciting Buddha birth there to pray.
b. all need prior arrangement
The anniversary of the Buddha when old age should bring things from home, garden and farmland property ... delivered to his nephew, then used the temples, chanting Buddhist mantras, only. Back to when ill see her body increasingly weakening should bring the scenes to the public when out of bother.
Best when serious illness should write a will, in addition to the return of property, homes for children, the will must have the following:
-When her severe pain or general forest, attractive people in not weeping or reveal true bi-definition, if melancholy mind loving fondness the pros just a happy anniversary for Buddhist support.
-During the funeral and the children are vegetarian, vegan, cosy, a pleasing chanting Buddhist mantras, doing every blessed Germany to revert direction for the deceased.
2. the spiritual preparation:
Talking about the spiritual foundation where we would brief over three points:
a. the person reciting the Buddha must have the correct perception of the life:
The anniversary of the Buddha's life must have the correct perception of the life, to know that the life which man divine phu tham wrecked its nature which is suffering, no, impermanence, is going to fall. We as ignorance obscures that deals were drifting in the rolling live stream gauge, no, impermanence, egolessness.
When determining the essence of life is dukkha, impermanence, egolessness, we will no longer consider immersed before that a Buddhist mantras pray soon to be birth of Bourn, Net, net, filled with stately purity of the Buddha Amitabha.
b. Is a Buddhist mantras:
The anniversary of Buddha's birth and the public alike want to be need of essential Buddhist mantras tons from the Buddhist traditions to celebrate. Must have strong faith in the Buddha, believe that we in this scene she Is reciting the Buddhist realms of West German and Holy Buddha on them during the night and would stop us early on with Him. Believe that after we shared network decided to Buddha and Scripture they also embody come to lead ...
Successor to the anniversary of the Buddha must have the mind expecting liberation, to see from the money of the garden and rice fields, through the self progeny of both false charm, life death scene clean pendulous coast custom no, always being mindful Is a glass of overalls, she prayed there soon to be birth of Polar world. cooperating the fortified bridges of that contentious as in Di Momentum coming into Office to teach: "Look of Sukhavati as memory tries to incense, German affection threshold From religion as parents"
c. the need to end except the suspected affair:
According to the great architect From Buddhist mantras General when the Projection usually has three to four facilities pass or do the obstacle course for the current birth. The three things are: 1-his heavy student deep Industrial Facilities while the austerities of at least e was not a guest of birth; 2-their Facilities a vow yet, take part, si has not ended there was no e birth; 3-his Buddhist Buddhist mantras Facilities not to travel there is contentious e. The four gates are: 1-chronic illness or suffering that back cancel not Buddha ghost grip; 2-or take life cozy living figure that kills; 3-personal alcohol use Or that pill blood homogeneous foul fishy; 4-Or kindness that lesbian bound with the family.
The suspect is the anniversary of the Buddha's need thought to end except, must remember that Germany Amitabha Buddha from the ball never left the beings. Who would have said to Buddha in mind when Lin chung will be sitting Buddha. We must keep faith in a prayer resources salvation being of the Buddha to reserve in advance for the spirit is an OK.
1. Have a happy anniversary of the Buddha:
The anniversary of the Buddha when severe depression should also not taking medication, but when others too heavy may not need medication. Remember to Buddhist mantras at the heavy depression, need to let go of all the surrounding coast, not be immersed before the wife the property until the mind itself, only the most dedicated a Holy Buddha Buddhist prayers and mantras that they come forward.
If the breath is long, you should recite four digit Amitabha Buddha, made as health break breath too weak in the mind just title run a ever Buddhist mantras people. back visualizations and Holy Buddha is the embodiment in front, stretch your hand to take his degree as a guest of birth according to the mind of the Buddha. only the notion of the Buddha and the large inflow of birth rather than There's a notion.
2. Sometimes opening knowledge friendly scales:
At patients with severe pain but the God consciousness is still in the bar, the home should occasionally good knowledge to the stubs because the sick person. Compromise the goodness of knowledge because the sick person that has a pair of comforting words, to scatter the exclamation merit austerities that birth money sick person was going to be.
At the same time stating the scene of world we her and described the joy of the world, to play patient happy fans, saw One of her scenes of anorexia nervosa Net domain is where should pray on prayer to pray through. If in the center of the sick are also what are aggregates, doubt, you should customize the explain to patient thought.
A good knowledge is also responsible for advice who should not rejoice over home birth center lamenting weeping as hindrances to the large inflow of birth of the patient. It should be a happy anniversary to Buddha for the disease early are there by birth, your family should take the property of the patient, donation ... to progress for the current birth.
3. how to help:
When patients are about to meet the, the Buddhist mantras coast is extremely necessary. How to support ballooning need y under the following conditions:
In the room the others are airy and not causing noise, not the person laugh and talk. She is not weeping or reveal its melancholy, depression, let the pros hear will birth compassionate relationship with hindrances to the large inflow of birth.
Sometimes a Buddha statue (or statues of Holy Holy Western triangle) to front so that others who see, plug in fresh flower vase and light incense burning furnace. People recited according to the number of more or less, divided into two or three rotating Board. The Board to align the clock (every ban about half an hour) that pass each other, don't let the anniversary of Buddha's disruption, at least after the patients off breathing about eight hours to be stop the celebration.
Again, the Buddhist mantras, attention to things not so mournful cause heart ailments people being gay; General forestry at until after the upcoming eight-hour clock, the anniversary of the Buddha must be continuous and major concepts. When a terminal illness consciousness through kissing, then people reciting right ear to mouth statements that the new concepts can make the dead be intelligent mind.
III. an urgent Thing is weak after the menopause
1. When turning off slightly to gain access:
After the depression off the breath, people recite must still divide the Board alternately reciting the Buddhas until eight hours later, so that the current delivery is guaranteed. During this time, people recite to her family not the weeping or overload Bursera tonkinensis. Convalescent room for stop people not understanding the pour of dark chocolate into contact, not for dog cat jump on others people collide.
After eight hours, the new aid hand gently probe the heat on the human body ailments. If thy body, depression, body was cold beyond recognition, they must pass two new bathing costume changes. There is not doing anything else, because in this period the dead but did not speak but still feeling.
2. how you celebrate the funeral:
The purpose of celebrating the funeral are speaking up and compassion of the people who live for the public alike. So the funeral is dignified purity and do the right thing with the Chief Justice. There are guys like that who are the benefits.
Essence of the funeral is to benefit to the deaths, which is how supporters favored for the dead to be a guest of birth West method, rather than at people who live for partying or buying the merits of Xia. Therefore in the funeral the deceased relative should do is simple, don't be too worldly mentality runs to make things useless. The most essential thing is that the family should eat vegan and vegetarian, do not observe birth to incentives behind. During the funeral, the family should play center chanting Buddhist mantras and do these things blessed friendly as alms, donation to support for its current Western spirit beings are Extremely premature.
3. what to do after the funeral:
During the funeral for up to forty-nine day's time decide for God consciousness people dead was a guest of birth West method, or be reborn on the realm, people, or đoạ in one of four scenes wickedly. So the relatives if there are dead people, loving care during this time needs should play mind vegetarians.
Each bereaved relatives three days should be for front desk Buddha (or death), the largest Buddhist mantras, each forecast at about half an hour and then give the prayer direction German who died soon after birth there was. In this period, the bereaved family should take the property of the dead which do the blessed good to revert direction for the dead.
There are things, attractive relative to the benefit to the deaths as chanting Buddhist mantras to have earnest mind must, even vegetarian meat and alcohol election should not contact the spouses during the forty-nine day to pray.
The wrong coast as beings of other industry which after death is reborn in one of the six scenes about reincarnation. Of course also of birth to death is also suffering, only the cessation of birth was being a guest on the Net world, we expect to reach the absolute happiness.
Should know, the greatest of human beings are being killed, as Germany has ever taught: "Prince of the dynasty, ton-impermanence". But wanted to end the suffering of birth death requires the individual's suicide attempt and the charm of the friendly owners knowledge for help.
So when Lin chung a Buddhist mantras pray there Western birth, right now we have to be prepared from the internal (mental) until foreign charm, lest not prepared enough for the coast guard, the us who recite the Buddha has practiced healing charm, like that would happen to the scene who had climbed up the rescue boat and fell into the river and the forever sunken in the river of birth to death reincarnation.

Net an disciplines
In France the United products means Buddha has taught: "most Buddhist schools of greater human world the sex Tutty favourites appearing spirit beings having a declaration entering Buddhist chi tri comments", which means: "The Buddha because a big charm in the world, there is a Buddha comment tri stubs for all beings to being food poisoning to voter opinion of Buddha". The sentence says it has identified a nostalgic of the headless Buddha appears in life is take all beings to reach fruition liberation and enlightenment, can enter into a possible Yuan Yuan, that of meditation called "A hybrid of an item" in the pure land of called "self-Leanne Di da". A figure which was then owned by General beyond all language and the perception of the divine Lady, but when good ideas deposition is a show.
Over twenty-five centuries, in the Kingdom of water Contained Ca Bhikkhu la protection, under the tree at All bowls la River Ni contact meditation, the Crown Prince Who reached him after the forty-nine day seated meditative thinking has lead to the triumphal anthem, confirmed he is has achievements fruition, steps have completely proved to be the winner of a top tier, Leanne realms of life. Pure Princess could place her name over forty-nine years Hong turned theory of being, with over three hundred economic talks, the teachings of Jesus were the Holy disciples aggregation into three classic organs, including the deployment of eight thousand four thousand of his practice, opening for being the road end to good ideas to enter the foot as. One of the numerous practice disciplines, with a very simple maintenance operations but mission accomplishment is oxidized Net disciplines.
Net an autoclave is one of ten sects of Buddhism in China, Korea, Japan ... is to be the transcendent tones of higher Germany Mahayana sects listed park cabin. Mahayana Buddhism by speaking the mind as Bodhi, Buddhist Wing Savior fruit as a result. Said member by this tribe the integrity Executive summary produced four previous teacher (primary surplus, thỉ Mahayana teachings, General Mahayana Buddhist Mahayana cabin). This treatise not cardboard stump speaking about by French General that only net specialist Leanne on foot, without having to go through many things, that practice in a lifetime can show up the fruit tastes Real depression (A canvas pad placement). This indeed is the point of Super Net tones.
Net's ideology is y and xiển on three and a set of conclusions as the basis of its concentration to promote, which is theoretical Buddha Amitabha Sutra, Amitayus Sutra, Amitayus Sutra (also sixteen kiosks) and the current level of Translational treatise bodhisattva birth World.
The essential Property of Member States to protect property, The Sun declares theory Amitabha, He summarized about the Pope and the world's solemn message health, suggest that being played then-world beings vows by special methods maintain the title of Buddha, while leading his ocean of ten local schools of Mahayana Buddhism to promoting faith for the Ơû. the mountain States exposed rafters in the United House He declares theory Amitayus, describe the administrative process of the pretentious French bodhisattva Tibet Bhikkhu (Buddha), while tu who for before the Germany World order at United As hybrids play forty-eight great vows revenge lofty goal, to stately Buddha at birth pants chemical photography. Later He presented about the Germany austerities, the Holy wisdom of God, the realms they led prayer broadcast threshold thirsty beings being about. At the United Palace of Qin BA sa la in the United States, due to the request of the Empress title Vi hi, He declares theory Consistent Amitayus, just pitching sixteen France a factor making to bridge the birth of Extreme world. After this World body Bodhisattva Sutra on Amitayus medical investment Net current levels create a contentious conclusion, Bourn lauded dignified vengeance WINS of xiển and French tu active ballooning sport (cult, dispersed the exclamation, pray, contemplate, helpfulness) as a guest of birth. In addition to the three Classics a treatise on, there are so many other Mahayana treatise such as France, the United States strictly ... Great location, Great Bhikkhu PASA ... evening of surface and high Net ideology.
When Buddhism drew to China, France Net subjects were soon integrated into the line of thought of the natives. China truly is the land of colors, dreams to Net an autoclave growth emerged leaves. After the Ca ma Dang lettuce and French Antilles bringing Buddhism in China (Emperor Ming of Han to Vinh Binh was born 67 years), next is the great master to serve, only sharp Press room the Nikaya from Sanskrit to Chinese, books that were a Net that passed on.
During the Eastern Jin dynasty (317-420 T2) Magi Directed an (312-385) was doing book reviews on the Net, open French schools sent stating the Chief tribe, the special point of pure land. During the Cao Wei Kingdom (220-280) in he Kang increased Revelation (China 252) Amitayus Sutra translation. Introduction Dao Qin (Qin Dynasty 354-430), the order of famous doing External ma la China (344-413) serve to translate theoretical Buddha Amitabha Sutra. The Liu Song dynasty (420) Mr. Jiang Liang da halls (383-440) translate A Amitayus Sutra, from which Pope that was done here, the tone level. At the beginning of the fifth century, the ideologies that form the sectarian beliefs of official Islam Di đà Kaiyuan. High rise was crowned to the throne are opened the modern Huiyuan was the mastermind (344-413) in Lam Dong pagoda Lushan, celebrated with the "White Lotus town" which sounds still echoing today.
Then during the Northern Wei emperor Xuan (508) Bodhi their spending (to China 508) Net current rate translation of birth of bodhisatta, here is the complete set of basic reasoning system of pure land.
Here, the traditions of the Buddhist notion of traditions, the word meditate here means bringing the mind pure which tribute to Buddha. normally all of them chums wife always brings the mind to let go of lung by year, fitness dishes get crazy heart charm Island forward by six ceiling made of mind, remember to think about the past daydreaming in the future that the real loss inmental disorders are common, so. Also the word meditate in this is a special year in mind scenes of mind, what it means is that remember think on so far, forcing the mind on an object not rong ruỗi under anniversary the ceiling, but this is not a on the implications that smoothly all of his life, often visible in front. About the word Buddha is only for a possible real immortal being, the latter a possible true equality in the schools of Mahayana Buddhism and beings. Meditators reciting Buddhist mantras Buddhist titles, this title covers all merit, wisdom, compassion ... of the Buddha. Led by Germany, thanks to a sympathetic move in Germany. The title of Buddha as the Department, pure mind as permanent monuments, function object into a real Pearl being immortal thing all reached the scene about happily true. Usually based on the Buddha or visualizations of stately general body Buddha, with a pure heart will create an absolute capacity, arouse Leanne self Di Da inside of every being. From then forward ideas addressing end to silent realms, except oxidized will manifest, as the restaurant business has taught: "Headless Buddha As a hybrid body of France, into the minds of all beings, so the mind of the Buddha thought the Center was then thirty-two eighty good contrast beauty, her mind vexedthen, turning toward the sea of Buddha. Buddha minds where the voter that being, hence he must remember to think and contemplate carefully the other body of Buddha "
Net an emperor's position was created on the basis of causation, that have caused the new personnel would enjoy the results. This determines, if want to post tomorrow as his testimony in the Sukhavati realm today must have the status of the Holy places. So in my life so far, practitioners need to permanently improve the reincarnation, export, Italy, towards the pure dimension. As a student in the study to have their progress, from small classes in advance to the large class, so new looking forward on that do reach. The anniversary of the Buddha as well, if today for the inaction, not effort effort austerities, which keep conjure and believe that other Buddhist salvation will tomorrow; If something like that then it is left justified cause and effect, something else would pagan treatise and is completely inconsistent with the teachings of Buddha.
Still know Buddhist mantras disciplines is one of the disciplines of media super win, whether to the Visual Class hierarchy was not voluntary, and Apple ended up radically spectacle at the German deep Amitabha truth is timeless, its aerial photography of all ten of the third prayer lettered Buddhist, for the career of the divine Ladyeven to the record bodhisattva otherwise relying on dread sitting Buddha's power, only stepped where your self by itself can not be a guest of birth. But tha same force only practitioners on the basis of accomplishment to have your self. Examples include the mother always off to the children, but not thinking of the mother, the mother of missing officers also hurt oil doomed. The excuse of the Buddha as well, though is unparalleled, but the important thing is practitioners have the approved eligible, have heartily accept the same degree or not. There are a lot of people don't realize is Nick an overhaul it, and then view the Buddha as a God Almighty always grace of salvation Committee and any other realm of Sukhavati God's example, to and from which much of the superficial for the French is that Net French tu pagan superstition or as subjects of the lower class. This indeed is the regrettable mistake myths did happen.
In summary, the anniversary of Buddha's birth and the large inflow of external resources to Net an households maintained by living Buddha should have Net's Chief Justice. Under A Amitayus, the aforementioned didactic reasons must meet the three following conditions:
"A sample taste extra balm is worship service Chief, keep your from not practicing the ten wholesome karma. Life is maintained three exhibitions y, full of sex, not breaking the dread. Three styrax is mind, causality, physical depth news reading Mahayana sutras that litigation, advises others along... "
Above is the Net's Chief Justice, is the necessary and sufficient conditions of prayer being a guest speaker; Three things can typically produced on two things, one is the Bodhi mind, the two are strictly maintained precepts.
Necessary conditions of the anniversary of the Buddha is to play the Bodhi mind. What is play the Bodhi mind? the play centers on the expectation result, under the Buddha to plat the species of beings. The Buddha if no Bodhi mind whatever I have tons of approved practice the healthy happy well just hard work useless. In the United States strictly has taught: "Die Bodhi interior mind, tu Chu friendly France, a ma" (forgetting the Bodhi mind, tu the fresh almond, as well as industry). So the net an overhaul would like to wish success freed the first of Bodhi to that anniversary, this is extremely important for people with non Net an overhaul.
Necessary conditions of the second anniversary of the Buddha is to be strictly maintained precepts. According to the precepts that had his life vows. Because any sectarianism in Buddhism are also unable to separate the spiritual precepts, because the Act is the Foundation of life, is a network of Dharma. If none is specified hue cannot arises, the intended hue did not arise, the France family know where to slash that achievement. Back to Net an Apostolic precepts as possible, we can say the law and pure land Buddhism are the two sectarian Tiger Zhang embraces each other and are inseparable from each other. Two tone embraces the whole eight other sects of Mahayana, such as damaged Thai lawyers has said: "the law is the Foundation of T-NET, is covered by Three redundant". Care practitioners Act, on the basis of which the new Buddhist mantras manifest out of the energy business, as in the Mystery Shop Amitayus has taught: "a Buddhist mantras, can subtract birth eighty e reincarnation memories felony".
But wanted to let the mind Bodhi from interior rot and be holy persons, fully rounded human beings, the primary Net vãnh the anniversary of the Buddha must meet three in Germany, then high, Chapel and dedicated maintenance.
Credit is the faith, is subject to import, source of all the German Buddhist monk without this element, it cannot escape being, reaching into the result happily freed. Because all the radio signals were smuggled into Germany following that up and do that again, as in there are taught: "Dharma as hot at all, but on". Practitioners in addition to having absolute pure faith with three jewels, with the understanding by the intellectual projection of uncivil comments steadfast not distrust, on the basis of measurements, the more faith solidly into the traditions of pure land. This belief was founded on three points. The first point, practitioners believe that Buddha Likes ca has certified himself as a Net, the teachings of Jesus about the Polar realm and recommend being a guest of birth is absolutely true. The second point, practitioners believe that Germany Amitabha with forty-eight great vows of being great, if one is expecting delivery of his world, he would be next. The third point is that practitioners believe in pure Leanne self, on his availability, if we life determined to celebrate Buddha's birth and the large inflow of future Net decision.
On the Foundation of trust, the bridge being here, the need to have sufficient second factor is urgent voluntary release. In the Bodhi mind Static Division representative am has taught: "Type of weak leaders alike play Micro Center, tu issuance service set up prayer volunteers spread first principle being to switch playback direction Buddha mind, the mosaic" (door in front of the Centre took relief, the grant of the austerities and formed the volunteering, may have created the new beings, mind that the new Director of Buddha), the teachings he has showed us the importance of the vow.
Contentious requests cooperating under the Western thai Place fake college tutor must meet two elements that cover the Cup and honored to pray. Mind the cover glass is left bored mind, the notion that good in this warm which is imaginary, just the combination of the five aggregates, tho, thought, action, always tinged with misery yellowish color and impure. Human body parts than any other celestial lettered not swarms of maggots crammed in the stools. All the troubles of his life always tear the mind can, as the poison arrow gâm on da meat such as the battle of extreme torture. Thanks to regularly observe that practitioners will be boring, for the body and all the pleasure of sex in life would not mind being wrecked.
Mind the boring world we leave she wishes more expectation there birth of Sukhavati stronger. The anniversary of the Buddha only a single wish is expecting soon to escape from prison, she Thought now, thát prayer being about world Pole in tomorrow. Cooperating earnestly contentious bridge that thousands of buffaloes pulling not again. Something else would like the tha the look stop trying, guys away from the parents expecting to reunite, as in Di momentum coming into Office with the phrase "Look of Sukhavati as remember the incident, German affection threshold From religion as parents". Over here we brief stated meaning play, is the second element of the living being;
Voluntary credit was full but lacked the voice, the pure land of difficult achievements, so need to focus on administrative issues. The great engineer and the dual interest taught: "Are there by birth and not the same vow; supplies are high or low is by offering acting shallow depth or have maintenance ". Prayer and there were news that fully, but want to achieve practitioners need to practice the intellectual German approval of career, he is right there. This is the third of the wages of private seclusion.
In addition to tu Phuoc creation Germany position tue, and keeping the precepts as wedded to the bridge being, practitioners need to do administration. The Chief Justice is happy here as the playback pure mind often maintain Buddha. According to the tribe's only Buddhist mantras of the French Net, including the following four subjects.
A general Buddhist mantras is real, it is entered into the first sense the notion of a Buddha's name. A be old now pure capital gap is not negativity texture corruptions. Practitioners based on the names of Buddha a hybrid, leaving the mind not good form to meditate on the ceiling light in the times, may enter the realm for the foot. Two is A Buddhist Memorial, visualizations, press Chief of the medical world's solemn, until his eyes or eye opening, also see Polar realm of clear communication.
Three is A Buddhist Memorial, is always the featured photographer on icons of the Buddha Amitabha, until there for before or not for before the statue, the image of Buddha is strictly General still eyes. Four Buddhist mantras is a Maintenance, which is recited silently or recite out loud four or six digit "Nam Amitabha Buddha". Practitioners meditate with earnestly releases into the junk or not, just focus on Buddhas recovery times titles will go into realms for the mind.
Compared to the three previous disciplines, France Maintained a somewhat casual easy tu and easy achievements. This result means enemy in the media, is in any way off, as in the momentum coming into Office with the sentence: "his counties where birds such as Eagles kick-off with a horse, signed ruỗi's Dragon flown by Lord go their"
Due to its family identity of beings have discrepancies, should France maintains a notion of the Buddha was also the German stock split in many different ways, such as the written Responses represented a European Book, maintain contacts, customized news Retrieval, maintenance, maintenance, wealthy girl Sensory projection maintained contacts, Bai maintained list, Quang Tri, Tri flower list, The Buddha maintained contacts and the Citadel. In can say France Signed the Citadel as the French tu very easy achievements and easy to bring practitioners go to realm for the mind.
Being great optical engineers Determined money often suggest the owner applied this way, which is how the anniversary, anything ten questions Buddha as a unit, the slightly longer can recite the two weekly a weekly five sentences; or divided into three weekly, two weekly beginning three sentences and weekly after four sentences. After reciting the full ten sentences all times through a bead chain. Anniversary of this exit, the mind has to recite the Buddha left still remember the number. So although the non-professional also compelled to specialize, if not professional, it will be misleading number of items. So this is a means of forced make practitioners are dedicated, highly effective and led to innovations for the anniversary of a Buddhist term oxidized.
In addition, the important issue of Buddhist mantras recited while France must keep the mind pure, by pure mind is the decisive factor for the achievement in most realms of mind. Want to achieve this under great optical engineers Determined that: "When Buddhist meditators start theme listen ear hook, clearly every word, the mind is based on the Buddhist teachings, to hope, to recite and spell it revolves continuously practitioners will into the Chief Justice". According to the General Counsel of willow for "When the mind is the most professional on the anniversary of the Buddha, forget all mind exterior, very good space of time, to the public at net energy right where the anniversary of Chen that disappointed or dissipate, though bright flashes, can be reciting the Buddha t black"
On these points we presented about three factors, almond, France's important Net subjects. That shows us the disciplines of Translational are simple practices that result in the absolute. This subject is indeed transcendent traditions, is the boat from out Ta Ba is oxidized to the Buddhist leader "We she spent on security, the Lord Buddha, DAO chi Huyen Mon". The mission was then oxidized achievement the German stock reviews: "Tu in other disciplines, something else would Ant crawling along a bamboo pipe, maintained a Net subjects such as Ant puncture bamboo pipe out".
Affordable, Net traditions is the only disciplines during the Loss to France for medical practice any beings, raiding their escapist birth Prince reincarnation. As in The episode Moon Tang Buddha had taught: "the French people's memory memory loss of austerities Khan depth only Buddhist mantras, DAC, DAC, Director of medical degrees being" (as the French expression of memory loss of the austerities song less privileged people, relying only on Buddhist philosophy traditions that escape from samsara). It is an affordable Suite Italy en Dieu, is love of wisdom University for being thoroughly despicable poorly, as in the Buddha Amitayus Sutra teaches: "world killing Director lai chi Equivalent economic data fell, from mournful introspection, their head office business technology test minnows. The owner of private eye beings investment, optional prayer facility between Prime availability "(in the future when my strength is used, all removal Director Xu mercy, this private space saved a hundred years. Beings would encounter this, depending on voluntary basis are privileged)
Because of her body which serves as the personality that so far, doesn't know how many people celebrate Buddha's birth as a guest performance. The mystery of the Dragon Phoenix Pearl dance such as the golden touch Jet khua in "pure land Of Saint Luc" has clear left. The disciplines covering all three based on the Visual Class hierarchy from the bodhisattva of the German University high rise, under the same guys hung evil poles, rings to the species of animals being, such as Barracuda, flute, Mandarin Duck, se will ... also thanks to recite the title of Buddha that is draining the animal grip separation there being about Net realm.
Experiencing how the generation rise and fall time line, as all other sects are the risk destructive destruction or become a philosophy similar to Tiger. Private Net tones with realistic character has to stand firm and universal, one of the two major sects of Buddhism, is Zen Buddhism and pure land Buddhism. It can be said that the two sectarian embraces the whole essence, the practice of Mahayana Buddhism.
With the lauded and Drukpa Buddhism pure land, ever know how highly the German master's rise, the comrade's writing ... did the facility, the thesis, do, do, do, do tho ... to praise and positive xiển the same sectarian.
In addition the German NET ranks highly professional Western tu contentious career nor stars drawing ever since, with maritime baizhang as a "encyclopedia staff the bar rules" as rules tubers for Zen Buddhism also did not rule out an international meaning Net. The side of Zen Buddhism as Vinh Thien tho, only Yan ming as heaven, nostalgic jewels ... the Raw tones of screenings such as the Law, Nostalgic element ... His treatise on the Sand as the Third Emperor, mausoleum Director ... on the yogacara as Sir Khuy, Nostalgic touch on Your tribe as the Sir Real, Outdoor map engraved map ... on the Kegon as Sir positive ParkOne Corporal, ... the French party the United tribes such as the Sir Position, A wealthy girl ... The higher up the cardboard head choruses on this and countless other volunteers play list also increasing demand Extremely contentious.
In Vietnam, the Net an ideology were soon developed and powerful integration. In the XI century which He Stills (Invisible than quotations) was the Buddhist Philosophy has three black. Opening the workshop, Professor from national third meditation of Buddhism in Vietnam (XIII century) had advised them Net an overhaul should map the francophone market them great. Ton French speakers of the second group of Lisa has also established radio contact products Nine towers to encourage foursome we pray there are contentious. The times recently that the higher increase as the Republic of upper Kat, Phuoc Hoa Khanh Hoa and hue on the upper terrace of the English Republic, Shanghai, colon, Republic of upper Position player, Republic of upper Meditation mind ... He has committed and this disciplines to spread from Northern South, making Dharma are preserved and spread until today.
Your thought, on the way home and who practice in the home who also wish to reach fruition deliver, but prayer facility accomplishments, is not easy, when in itself is always full of the industry dominated the social circumstances, plus there's always the human impact on the capacity to go into the orbit of desire despicable. Just a little bad practices but we eradicate it is not simple or a little thing but execution is not an overnight. So silently my life we keep drifting to roll within the living being, in the direction of negativity, exist with how vain ambition. Then a body plate when this four cheese melts, know for where the refuge.
Genus by, put the whole plate up towards the three jewels, each reciting every anniversary of her glass-discharge every anniversary, every anniversary Is towards the Extreme place. Slash decided thanks to Buddha prayer broadcast Western force contentious bridge, came when Bodhi fruition accomplishments back to Us she of beings. Thus the practice of the us with a nostalgic town of Buddha Like ca, right next to the German lead voluntary Buddha and not her spiritual side to his name. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.7/5/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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