Wednesday 1 May 2013

No need to justify wrongly - Tam Le Dinh Tuong Cat.


Life is a game in which we humans are "gladiators" tirelessly. So since grown and matured in every human life we have encountered so many woes, there are non-market time was unjustly and so every time we try by all means war improvements, justify and analyze the right, left and outlined the rational and the irrational desire to clarify most issues and most wished to understand the enemy is probably right .... But there are time because of the controversy that has caused invisible discord between her and the enemy, and a third character in the story. So sometimes there is no good that can harm contrary to the work, the reputation and could also damage to both herself for another dissonance. Although we know the consequences of harmful discord it like that, but we still can not be ignored if one deliberately slander, for our aging problems and then we feel is very "unjustly"
As Buddhists, we more or less had read through the Buddhist scriptures or listening to your lectures monks, nuns or your Physician Sale of counterfeit goods in Buddhists and every time, the center so we did not want to settle disputes over lost everything in life anymore ... And if a certain occasion we have been fortunate to read or listen to lectures about "unjustly without excuse for doing so is that cowardly revenge for lasting resentment." Perhaps you are like me, when listening to the theme from the beginning we wanted to draw warm memories and thorough understanding in how "unjustly without excuse." Is it a weakness and fear "enemy"? So as mentioned above is in everyday life, we are exposed to so many kinds of people, those who treat us as much and embarrass us no less. Although sometimes we try to contemplate on the teachings, but in our hearts still feel insecure ineffable. So we should apply the teachings on or not and to see things that cause suffering unjustly and sometimes urgent, the more our minds, as we have vaty how to solve for all story is smooth and does not cause dislike, hatred for each other.
, but having heard all the sermons on, and especially after reading and meditating Directed stories about "The monk with goose "following. Who wrote this article hoping that we will understand the significance of the theme of the lecture "unjustly without excuse for doing so is that cowardly revenge for lasting resentment ...."
One teacher brought a bowl monks go on alms to a wealthy family.
hostess chatting up accidentally dropped the ring to the floor at the same time a teacher enters monks, also has a spot geese loitering that is going to hit the ground ring thought to pick up their prey in their mouths. When the landlord has lost his ring and asked me see the monks do not idle. The monk did not answer silent.
 landlord living room The monk picked up and hid the ring you should head off, badly abused, still contains the driver was beaten, but he is still a level monks beaten, silent did not answer.
 A moment later the journalist is natural goose down and died. Now The monk said slowly with new homeowners:
 In earlier i saw the goose ring swallowed. The host for the goose surgery and sure enough found the ring was lost.
 Past regrets, all prostrate houses The monk and said politely:
 Before I saw the goose ring swallow, why He I do not know, you asked me many times im still, quiet and well the insult so that I did not answer?
The monk said slowly
head off, I would rather be scolded, beaten but remain chaste, but if I tell her the geese will be killed. The guys that practice never dare do.
Through the story we have to understand why "unjustly without excuse for doing so is cowardice that revenge is unjust for long." It is a lesson we need to follow to live and deal with people, with life.  
As Buddhists found bodhicitta, bodhisattva practice, engage in offensive victims, facing adversity scene, often to remember it in my heart to think that illumines every thought, word and action so that the students who wish to compassionate, selfless, altruistic achievement to merit the path leading to certification Members who are "enlightened."
This is the quintessential essence, is the culmination of the practice schedule bodhisattva. A Bodhicitta not yet, not yet reached selflessness, lack of compassion prayer life is difficult to do on. Therefore, though trying to contemplate on the teachings, but the heart still feel insecure and it is normal for people. The cause of this insecurity is not teaching aerial work effectively when applied to everyday life that is our due place in the practice of self-reflection and a thorough yet, not yet achieved wisdom to overcome personal ego that is "ego."
fashionable, when ego stigmatized or threatened, the human self, we immediately have a reaction to self-preservation. The defense of a conservative and I am very intense, even when I was stubborn attitude, arbitrary and in every way to protect the sin caused by myself but sometimes difficult unacceptable. Therefore, accepting the mistake himself as a brave, a wise and worthy of rehabilitation that people admire. And when we have ignored the "ego" of his own to get a step up, accept it unjustly, it is noble behavior, is probably living bodhisattva. That people who do are often difficult. And this, only in her mind of the Bodhisattva concept is new. Bodhisattvas rely on the practice does not reflect the five aggregates, developing insight, wisdom and selfless achievements. When reached an awareness of the self, not the trash then the ego clinging on our mind immediately fell. Thus, upon meeting with unjustly, do not need to justify that the mind is calm, self in no iota ... and that new agitated the mind of the Bodhisattva chiinh so.
contemplate We've teachings on but still insecure because we have not really found bodhicitta, not attempt to reflect deeply aware of emptiness of self. The so-called Ego, I was actually just a combination of factors including (Aggregates), that is: the body (Sac), feelings (Life), perception (perception), thinking ( Action) and awareness (consciousness). In these elements blend together to form self. Basic features of the aggregates is dependent arising, dependent arising, the incident was not free of course, it can not completely selfless. Efforts to reflect on the selfless ego will make individuals increasingly shrinking to suppress love, instantly regardless appears. The love is not enough to distinguish this new photography solution, forgiveness and resolve all unjustly and hatred.
During life, if not enough to trigger bodhicitta, wisdom practices promote self then we should be justified. So excuse to clarify issues and bring justice to ourselves and everyone is what normal people do. Although this job is not solved the problem, but better than suffering in insecurity, suffering. However, to justify the release unjustly only temporary. Because of that, if there is the shadow self that is unfairly passed, so unfairly dragged to another and life is like a chain justify. Of justification itself is an expression of self, and that's the cycle of fate beings.
Whenever negativity meet urgent things, we should sit back calm to contemplate issues. Face yourself, listen to the heart center to see the root cause of suffering, insecurity. And then we will see that the negativity is just waves play on themselves crunch calm mind. No need to chase or surrender, only to observe them and explicitly. Then we will smile when we found out, though, but there are not real. Not only that even sorrow joy, the happiness, all the flowers spotted in vain.
Buddhism is the religion of wisdom, insight peak is selfless. Overcoming obstacles in life by the light of wisdom is the principle of Buddhism. If only repressed and unjustly endure things that no explanation for transparency, it is clear that is not the behavior of practicing Buddhists in Buddhist teachings. Endurance and the storage capacity of the mind is limited, as all human beings have the stamina to tolerate the burst will bring unpredictable consequences. Therefore, we must cultivate desire to serve the application on the teaching of life by promoting self insight. The practice of mind to gradually achieve self will help us neutralize, overcome all obstacles and bring us peace of mind and freedom is the passion. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/5/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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