Wednesday 1 May 2013




According to the legend who became the Buddha, or the whole Tier Pricec, was born as a Prince over 500 hundred years BC. His father too hurt you should have covered him not to see the suffering in life until he set up his family and he himself also became a father. Ròi, casually one day, he was about the age of old age, sickness, death and suddenly he is aware that since then he has only find happiness where the ephemeral. He left his family to go in search of a truth indestructible, and after a time hislong n asceticism does not resultHe had found the light of truth where the original bodhi tree. He became the Buddha, all-level Pricec, and began entrenching fakeng about the Dharma. In the years he has fakedng about Eight Principals and Administrators of Sami has joined up with a lot of influence. When He entered, the disciples (according to legend) has documented the words Buddha up to indoctrinate the next generation.

But, not sure what is the Buddhist scriptures reviewso had from 2500 ago after killing the Buddha. Stories about the life he is largely taken from the Sanskrit version of the venerable Asvaghosha, translated into Chinese in 420 BC and from Chinese to English in the 18th century thanks to the room Creator Samuel Beale.

This editor is largely based on the book
SCOR n Buddha reviewso (The Gospel of Budd ha), a collection of Paul Carus from the Buddhist book reviews, including translations of the Beale family.

The book shows images of the Buddha as a Saint, with immense wisdom has opened in another person's mind, the insight is the truth of life. He is not a God or a sacred ranks first with miracles to be adopted automatically. He does not speak of a God, a Culture of all. He does not get up why we live, but how to live. He just gave us a way of life, a path by which one can rise from the sorrow of his life, and ultimately will find absolute happiness where Nirvana, a State of peace and egolessness, which peace comes with the pricec food poisoning completely.

Bowl of legitimacy
We were aware of deepest truth, a truth infinitely superior to the peace, but also hard to understand; because the majority of people live in a World of matter and seek pleasure where the material desire. The divine Lady wouldn't understand my French, because with him happy only in the satisfaction of ego, he will not feel the joy of peace where the discharge oneself completely to the truth. He would call fun in light of a mind reviewsc food poisoning is the surrender. Where he saw the destruction, who saw enlightenment found immortality. Where he is death, the winner was the ego find the longevity. The bound of desire and anger will not find truth in his place. Nirvana is a thing not understand for the divine Lady living in the haze of the secular interests.

As Hybrids, all-level Reviewsc (Tathagata, the Perfect One), don't look for salvation where the suffering, but also not so that he let go of the release of the pleasures that then, nor live in excess. He has found a middle path.

Not food fish meat, or close to the ceiling, shaved head or hair, nor the rough cloth shirt, broken body to the ground, or the International worship deities to purification is a man so much fantasy. The giận, queer, stubborn, authoritarian, the fake idea, jealous, arrogant, shallow, the slurs and the silly human being cause malicious opaque, rather than because of eating meat.

And your craving then it is silver. Human inaction is slave to the passions, pursuits and the fun is the fallen and trivial. But to satisfy the needs of the life is not a bad thing. Keep coated body parts is a duty, because otherwise we will not be lighted lamp of wisdom, and keep your mind is strong and lucid. Lotus flowers in Lotus petals in water, but not waterproof. Near the foul smell fishy that such mud mud. This is the middle path, keep him away from the extremists.

As in a wheel, the dam is about law of moral character; Justice is the same for the length of them; wisdom is the tires, the humble and entertainment is the chopped beef in which the axes of any mobile any truth is set. People would be aware of the existence of suffering, the cause of the suffering, how fakei subtract, and the destruction of suffering is already understand the four noble truths (the four truths of the magic). They will step on the road to the bowl of the Chief Administrators. The Chief Justice as the torch pillar. The Chief Justice was thinking. Speech is where police stay on that path. Their gait is straight, because they had the Chief Justice. They assumei break with Chief Justice par, walked by the Chief Justice, with the breath mindfulness, and the Chief Justice will bring about peace. Such is the way the Bowl Chief Administrator.

* Note to add to the bowl of the Chief Administrator

Bowl of legitimacy is the main eight foot path leads to the fakei release, including:

1. the Chief Justice comments: mean see, knows all about the feet of General, knows the rules of law of nature that govern us, such as the law of cause and effect, impermanence, etc.. With a clear view of exterior, about yourself, we will be aware of the impermanence, egolessness and have a more open living concept, not cling and not before.

2. the Chief Justice thinking: that is correct thinking according to the truth, not dominated by emotions, desire, that consciousness is the sensory garden like si, identify them and then let go. So the mind will be gently relaxed.

3. speech: that is not to say false, not to say such divisive words or hate, whether it has brought benefits to yourself.

4. the Chief Justice: means choosing a lifestyle, not being, does eel stye, real, not because of the desire of that harm others.

5. website: Primary means choosing a career, not harm or cause damage to the creatures.

6. the Chief Justice effort: that tries hard in everything, always persevere and not discouraged, especially in the way tu.

7. mindfulness: that is aware of what is happening where the body and mind in the current medical minute giâ, from breathing to the movement, the thought of showing off or the pricec and not stick stuck into it to have a Center, look on all things with impassive eyes, objectively.

8. the Chief Justice: mean concentration on a single subject, dwell the consciousness to be a strong force through meditation.

Compassion Donation as well, construction is monasteries, meditation and prayer as soothing the mind, the insight the truth can lead to Nirvana — but there is nothing better than compassion. Just as the Moon 16 times as luminous than all the star light, compassion is also 16 times more effectively all the practice was in the fakepsychic drain i. A compassion is something most precious partn. keep in mind of compassion in all times, in the way when walking sit is located.

People from mind everyone cherish; their friendship is cherished, when die their souls serene and full of joy, because they have nothing to repent; they enjoy flowers and fruit from blessed Germany they have cultivated. It's rather hard to understand: when the alms food, we get more strength; When the alms, we are more diverse; When the alms the pure French and direction, we will be blessed immeasurable treasure.

Alms are timely and properly. As a heroic soldier of the people, from the mind as well as a soldier, a wise and powerful champion. With love, they give away in appreciation, let go of the hatred, he hates.

People have from the mind has found the road assumingi escape. They are the one who planted the tree and will enjoy the shade, fruit of the trees in the future.

People from the center of his property was give the philanthropist was viewed as a precious treasure acquisition, but these guys know only stingy accumulated wealth will not benefit anything. Alms will bring abundance, the giầu have the most, because while the material may be scattered, but the spirit was happily, not regret.

People would have walked out of the bowl of legitimacy will gain a great joy of Holiness. Who are cling to wealth should be let go to the soul from being poisoned, and the matter would be of but don't cling to the wealth that knows to use them properly will be a blessing to others.

* A retreat from secular to live an idle life stroll will not benefit, because a life of indolence, silver real bad despicable hate. Dharma does not require people to come home to a home or not to leave the world, unless he saw the need to do so; but Dharma we must supposei escape the illusion of the ego, the purification of the soul, let go of the desire desire, and living a life of integrity.

* Despite what are you doing in my life, as an artist, his, an officer or a retired person living a life, let them to involved and what they are doing, for their perseverance and enthusiasm, and if they like the Lotus Flower, which lives in water but not water damage wetIf they strive for in life not little hatred and jealousy, if they live a righteous life of selfless, then surely the festivity, peace will come to them.

* The Buddha with his father: we know in his father's heart full of loves and sorry sad suffering because of her son. But let the rope cordially bound father with sons have lost that spread out in compassion to the people, so the father will return a reward while you reviews than Hit: my dad will be Buddhas, masters of the truth, and will be peace nirvana of the soul.

* The Buddha with her son: my son asked what legacy we have for it. One cannot give the people of plankton just bring sorrow and worry, but we can pass on to you an Holy life, it's a treasure can never be destroyed. We do not have the ivory treasure--but if your willing to express the spiritual treasures, and had enough strength to preserve them, we will give your four ultimate truths (four) and just let your bowl of legitimacy. Human beings have desires to be my type and the ranks of those who want to dedicate their lives to the call of the soul are looking the most lofty happily?

The four noble truths
1) here is the truth of suffering: birth is suffering, the sabotage is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering. Must relate to what obnoxious is painful, right away what is of interest is painful, and the longing is not met is painful. In summary, the physical status kicked up by the bound is painful. Such is the truth about their suffering.

2) here is the truth about the origin of suffering: it is the desire, desire. Your craving gives rise to the rebirth of reincarnation, which is the pricec needs to be satisfied, the passionate desire, the longing for a future life and for a happy life in the present. Such is the truth of the origin of suffering.

3) here is the truth about the fakei except suffering: it is the let go of desire, the Creatorof i break out of desire. Such is the truth of the authori except misery.

4) here is the truth the way leads to the fakei except suffering: it is the bowl of legitimacy: the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice called the Chief Justice, effort, mindfulness, and the Chief Justice. Such is the truth led to the fakei except misery.

The egolessness
Who would know the essence of the ego and to understand the effects of the formula (senses) will no longer see a reason to celebrate, and so they will achieve eternal peace. The familyn had lots of thought about the ego, the ego, and since then there have been numerous falsei make mistakes. There are people who say the ego will survive after death, have said it will be destroyed. Both mistakes and faults that unfortunately. As if the ego is destroyed, the accomplishments he achieved also will be destroyed, and that way nothing for them later. Good and evil will no longer distinguish. The Creatori get rid of selfless kindness will not longer reviews .

But on the other hand, if the doctrine is the ego will not be destroyed, out of all those mortal strike, only a unique personalized real born immortal. If that is the ego, the ego that is entirely and doesn't need to improve anything. The nine schools ego, immortal it will never change. It became Lord, is the subject. The aim of ethics and of salvation will no longer be necessary.

But when you think of all the happy sad, the ups and downs have diẽn out in life, we wonder: where is serial then ones?

If there is one constant common ego did the acts we do, then that is the anatta: without an agent behind the action, there is a human life span would behind the tho, and there is a subject behind the work.

The people who listen to this: the pricec quan (NAS) folded objects (Chen) will arise out of the pricec (form). The instrument will record the memories. And, as well as the thermal energy of the Sun penetrate through hot broken glass will do arise out of fire, then through the feel from the ceiling and trigger out of mind and self, the idea of ego also arises. The germ of popping from the pit, but pit breed is not the germ, the two are not one and the same, which is the next stage in a process of growth. Life of the creatures is the same.

People would be aware of the unconscious ego will let go off the covet and aspire selfless. The cling to everything, desire and craving di scenes from the past lifetimes has caused the miserable and the frivolous supposedly created in the world inthis n. Abandon greed of selfless, thee will be complete peace, the truth, and wisdom.

May seem contradictory: there is a way to go and the way it has been going through, but nobody would go through it all. The action has been done but there is a person behind such action. There is a flow of gas transported in the air, but without the wind would have blown the gas. Thoughts about an ego is misleading and all the existence is superficial, hollow tuếch as the water bubbles.

Because without an ego, should not have moved their ego 's, but the existence of those actions and the consequences of leaving from the Act. The renewal of the karma, reincarnation from the Karma thing. The rebirth, reincarnation, the re- export of the intangible mix Jesica and tangible is ongoing and subject and law of cause and effect. Just as a mark has been carved up with the iconic, human thought, temperament, their aspirations are also imprinted back where others in a rotated constantly and serial of the fruits, and good deeds will bring blessings while bad deeds will lead to misery.

The human body is a mix of these parts will be destroyed, it will be disintegrates; We must cater for the needs of it but do not let obstacles or your favorite store. The body is like a machine, does not have an ego in it made it go or action, but the launch comes from the mind, just like the elements of wind, making the work. Body movement as a vehicle only.

Since there is no ego, no ego's existence after death. So please remove all the idea of the ego. But because of the behavior and the consequences of this behaviour, should be careful with his actions. All people are subjected to a karma; We are the successor to karma, born from karma, karma is the relatives, as havens, Karma makes people become comfortable ti or greatness.

Human reason is the source of truth, it is the first step on the road towards. But the new regeneration to ensure the firm step for the progress of the human mind, sublimes even came up, taken to the pricec food poisoning completely, when the endless light of wisdom are radiate and that is the source of all legitimacy. We have achieved the higher regeneration, we have found the truth and have passed fakeng back to the path of legitimacy to arrive!!!. It was only for the people the way to the huge Orange stream to rinse off any desire. It was for the authori thirst by drinking water, one truth that will supposei escaped from any consolation, the passion, and the Act misguided.

Joy instead of humans have escaped the flood and reach the shores Nirvana. His heart is washed out of the decadence, the exit of all illusions. He as Lotus ' ' foul smell fishy that such mud close to the mud. People walk in the Bowl legitimacy still lives in the\n but the soul not be perforated suspension by the desire that then.

Guys don't see the four truths (four), do not understand the three characteristics (impermanence, suffering brain, egolessness), did not know back in the wuwei, infinity, there will be a long road in front, a path with the rebirth in the sea of ignorance, with the illusion and delusion, and a multitude of mistakes. But now the people have reached an understanding, then there is no longer the step wrong. The goal was close by. The lust of selfless kindness has been destroyed, and the truth has been profound. This is a fakei really escape, is salvation, heaven and the joy of a life lived in owner born in owner.

About law
In hisn ten evil, if avoiding the ten this evil life will become holy. Such is the three evil of oneself, the four evil of export (the mouth the tongue), and three of evil.

The evil of the body is: murder, theft, deviant porn; the evil of the password is lying, defamation, name-calling, a story of Africa; of evil is the desire, hatred, and delusion.

We call on the go should avoid the ten evil:

1) non, please respect life. 2) Don't steal, please help people reap the fruits of their labor. 3) Not deviant sex and keep a clean life. 4) Don't lie, just tell the real with the delicate, courage and love. 5) not to say bad, and not repeat the defames. Do not criticize that let to the fine points of the most dear one could protect them against their enemies. 6) No name-calling, please speak from expensive and sedate. 7) do not spend their time talking the Africans, which tells an intent or remain silent. 8) do not covet, or jealousy, that fun spread the luck of others. 9) Please wash the evil in soul and not enemies to hate anyone, tells his enemies the fish, please extend love to all. 10) be open mind and always learn the truth, so we avoided the skeptical or confused. Skeptics will take to the streets and the mistake will lead to the wrong direction, so will not be on the road to legitimacy to immortality.

What is bad? Murder is bad, stealing is bad, let go to drop in peanut sex was bad, liar bad, defamation is bad, name-calling is bad, speak the Africa is bad, jealousy is bad, cling as deviant comments are bad, all those things thing is bad.

And what are the root causes of the bad? Desire is to become the roots of the evil, hatred is the root of the evil, illusions are stunted roots of the bad.

So, what is the good? Let go of desire is the root of the good, away from hatred and delusion is the root of the well.

So, what is suffering? What is the origin of suffering? What do goal except the suffering? Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, the grief and despair are suffering, are linked to what the obnoxious is suffering, the loss of those fondly and failure does not achieve the desired thing is miserable.

What is the origin of suffering? Such is the passion, the desire, the desire to live in small tribes gave the rebirth does not stop! Your craving, desire, as selfless, which are the root causes of the suffering.

What do goal except the suffering? The let go and the strong aspiration and assumei the enthusiasts will do the goal except the agony.

What do you see is the road that leads to the goal except misery? Such is the way the bowl of legitimacy, with the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice called the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice and the effort.

When a person has to recognize the suffering and its origins, as they already know the theoryi except misery, and step on the road to the Bowl legitimacy leads to the fakei except strong, suffering from the passionate, assumingi radiate your anger, let go of the notion of an '' ego '' author createddark, out of ignorance to the pricec food poisoning was true, that he will no longer suffer anymore, even though in the past the present.

Buddha, the Price, like a King with the Chief Justice, but is attacked by the enemy he hated. When the King saw his soldiers fought bravely, he pleased and rewarded them. The people's soldiers of Buddha, the Friendly, while Mara, Ma, is the adversary needs to be conquered. And As a hybrid will give his troops the city of nibbana, the capital of the French charity. And when the enemy is defeated, the Emperor of the truth will give all of his disciples the Crown you the price for which the EU will provide the pricec complete enlightenment, wisdom, and peace.

The World Religious insight are the universe and understand it. He convinced authorng truth in both the language and meaning, and indeed of the bright glare from the basics to the practice are fullness. The World Religion shows a noble life towards the upper real purity and perfection. He just gives a path goes beyond the five hindrances (five ceiling piece: education, anger, agitation, lazy, cynical). The World to honor his compassion extends to all over the world means the ten precepts. And the like, all over the world about this boundless, every place will be filled with a vast love and immense. As a person who played echoes far across the four directions are heard clearly, Buddha also arrived with all the people, not to Miss anyone, in a profound compassion and fairness.

  The war, French law and ideal General Simha said: '' You heard The World Religion rejects acts of every action, he fakedng up wuwei theory, saying that such action did not benefit anything, because the primary route is abandoned and despised of all things. And he got up on the extinction of the soul and the scorching determinant of human beings? Ask The World for human beings know is that? ''

The Buddha answered: Simha, who talks about us so well in the right part, but on the other hand, if we talk about contrasted so well in the right part. Please hear this: we get up that should not do things that are not, although in action, speech, or thought; We got up the denial of the real evil and mood. But we got up to do the job, in the actions, speech and thoughts, we teach the receiving the salary of any mood.

We teach that the real mood of good and evil, nefarious deeds and whether in action, speech or thought, must be burning wither. People would have assumedi get yourself with the bad mood far and real, destroyed them as a coconut tree with roots turned up to never grow back again, that person had fulfill the let go of his ego.

Simha, one theory supposeng about the goal but pleasing taste, greed, malicious and false ideas. However, it is not the theory of ng fakeexcept for perseverance, compassion, charity, and honesty. We despised the nefarious job, whether it is in the place of action, words, or thoughts, but I praise righteousness and virtue.

Simha said: '' You are still a point of questions on doctrine of The Religious World. Son is a soldier was commissioned to enforce the law and fight national guard joins. The Buddha supposedlyng up about love and compassion, that he has allowed to punish transgressors? He has to be wrong if the war causes is to protect land, property, and our family? The Buddha has the up to unconditional surrender of nationalism? Has asserted that the war though for a primary ideal is a taboo? ''

The Buddha answered: Who would be persecuted will be persecuted, and who would deserve to be rewarded will be rewarded. But at the same time Buddhism was also up should not cause the injury to a life that must have compassion and loving it all. This has nothing contradictory, because people would be punished because he has caused offence will be hurt because its not malicious the judge that as the result of his evil work. His actions cause has brought the hurt for him in the hands of the enforcement of the law . When the officials punished, don't carry a hatred in mind, and when the assassin was, please know that this is the consequence of his actions.

As Lai up that all the wars that are regrettable, but don't get up that a person fighting for a righteous ideal, having exhausted the means of peace, is worthwhile. Who is the cause of the war's new value for corporate responsibility. As Lai up an let go ego completely, but not an up front to surrender to the forces of evil, whether it is human, God or the natural elements. In a fight, so you keep fighting. But when fighting look carefully again to fight it does not become a crisis investor's interest in the righteousness and truth.

Any guys fighting for private benefit, because the want to become powerful, giầu to or reputation, will there be any reward, but the struggle for righteousness and truth will be compensated a lot, because although there also was a failure; Ego is not a good tool to gain great success; the ego is the white-eyes, fragility and its intrinsic will be dissolved. All the while, the truth is vast enough to absorb all the ambition of the ego, and when the ego has to shatter the bubbler, their internal still there and live in truth.

The guys went out to battle, little Simha, whether it is for a political ideal, should also prepare yourself for a death in the hands of the enemy, because that is the fate of the soldiers, and when fate, accept no resentment. But who would win please consider the impermanence of France on then. Can he win something great there, but despite the great material, the fateful wheel can still move and take him down to the sand dust.

Doctrine conquer ego, little Simha, not be fakedng up to destroy the souls of human beings, but rather to preserve them. Who would've conquered the ego will live healthier, more successful, and achieved several victories over the only known as slaves to the ego. Someone in mind has no illusions about the ego, will stand firm and not broken in the fight of his life. Who would wear a the will of integrity and justice, will not fail, that will be successful in what they do and that success would be sustainable. Who would bear in mind the mosaic a love for truth will live and live forever, because they've been drinking the water of immortality. So the other generals, keep fighting and fighting bravely, up drastic, but be a soldiers for the truth and people will be blessed As treasure.

* If a guys would want to harm him, the delusion will respond with compassion Hy discharge; He shows more evil, the more we radiate out good; the aroma of good food will always stay in place, and the evil of poison gas would arrive. An evil person that the resentment, hate the person as a person turn their face up that spit up sky high; the saliva he shot out there doing the dirty, but heavily down on his people. The defamation of people like the person tossing dust on someone else when the wind blows, dust will reflected back on his people. The improvement of salary do harm; In contrast to the miserable going back to guys who hurt people.

* A personal bias to the Buddha in the reincarnation a Brahmin, in radiant face and white as snow. Angel human questions that the Buddha answered here. Natural human question:

-The sword would sharpest? The poison would against the most? The fire was the most intense yet? Darkness would most dark?

The Buddha answered: speech in at giận data is the sharpest sword, desire is the most against poison, passion is the most intense flame, ignorance is the darkest dark.

Angel human again asked: '' who is the most benefit? Who is ultimately the most disadvantaged? pricep would not be pierced? Weapons would benefit most harm? ''

-Some believe that benefit most are the people who give away much, guys are the most disadvantaged are the only recognised non-greedy little grateful. In 2000, the ring is Austria reviewsp does not penetrate, and wisdom is profitable weapon damage.

The God question: '' who is the most dangerous thief? What is the most valuable treasure? Who have successfully taken over by force not only around the World , but also on the natural World? What do you see as the safest place to treasure? ''

The Buddha replied: '' The evil ideology is the most dangerous thieves. The voice is the most precious treasure. The human mind taken over all the world not only about this, but also on the natural World. Immortality is the safest place to treasure. ''

Tian multiplied asked: '' What is attractive? What is disgust? The pain would doom the most? What fun would the greatest? ''

The Buddha answered: '' Goodness is fascinating, evil is heinous; a conscience is thick you are fighting for, the authoris the greatest escape i have fun. ''

Tian multiplied asked: '' What's caused havoc around the World? What do broken friendship? The fever would violently for? Who was the most experienced physician? ''

The Buddha replied: '' The dark, ignorance caused havoc around the World. The jealousy and selfishness as a broken friendship. Hatred is the most intense rush, and Buddha is the most experienced physician. ''

Angel human again asked: '' is now the only one wonders, would The World Religion assumingi responses. Something that is not fire, not water damage, do not wind knocked that can reform the whole world about? ''

The World Religious censuses: ' Blessed ' in Germany. No fire, the water, the wind would have to be destroyed to be blessed in Germany of a philanthropist, and the joy that the German reform of both the sexes. ''

A disciple said: '' Please The World Ton up for the the visualizations would have to specialize in paying attention to my mind are pure paradise place. ''

The Buddha answered: there are five visualizations. The first one is the visualizations of loves, which thou must to cooperating for the pleasing of everyone, including the enemies of thee.

A second idea is the idea graciously, in that ye think of all those sentient beings are suffering, imagine the immediate grief, their fear to evoke a profound empathy quotient in the soul.

A third idea is to contemplate festivity, in which ye think of the fun of others and share the joy with them.

A fourth idea is visualizations of the impure, which thou thought to consequences of the depraved corruption, the consequences of evil deeds. Superficial instead of the fun in one glance giây that result back to deadly disastrous!

Visualizations Thursday is the ideal of peace, wherein thou pass out the ones that love and hate, authoritarian and openly, giầu, and poor, and looking back on his fate with the objective, calm and an absolutely.

A disciple's feet As not put faith where the austere rituals, or those that abandon the thoughts of an ego, soul for A Di Da, endless source of light of truth.

* A disciple asks: '' Has the magic and miracle? ''

The Buddha replied: That is not the magic and miracle, when a person has created how mistakes can turn into a Saint, when they have the pricec food poisoning are the truth and give up the bad habit of selfless kindness? The play of mind tu gave up the ephemeral pleasures of secular Holy for eternal peace, has done a miracle in its proper sense. One happy Director can change Karma into joy treasure. But the desire to perform the miracle run from greed or ego; A Di Da, endless light source, is the cradle of wisdom, of virtue, of the Buddha. The work of the hands of witches and magic is deception, and what's more magical, mysterious, outlandish than A Di Da?

* Have an inborn blind out, saying: '' We do not believe in a world about which light and imagery. No colors, bright or gloomy. No Sun, Moon and stars at all. No one has seen these things ever. '' His friend objected, but he still insists on an ink: '' what thou shalt say unto you see are just illusions. If it has the colors we were touching them. They have no self, no substance. All things real must have the weight, but the colors did not feel their weight. ''

A physician was invited to visit for the blind. He blended into four together, and when this compound was packed up, the blind eye gray membrane covering the IRIS evaporated, and the blind eyes have seen. As Lai was the physician, the membrane covering the IRIS's illusions about '' ego '' and the other is pure four four four truths.

* When the Buddha in Savatthi, one day he came real close to home to qifu gangui a Brahmin priest when this House is in fire worship on the altar. The other monk said: '' Let's stand far out on the other incidents, there was a real bastard qifu mumo, mi is a subhumans. '' The Buddha answered:

The subhumans are? Subhumans are human beings full of giận and hateful, cruel human and moral theory, people are confused and full of false ideas. Guys would scrappy and greedy, with bad, jealousy, evil, brazen, immoral, serial killers as subhumans. People are not born to do a Subhumans, not born to a Brahmin aristocracy, that in action people become lower class or nobility.

* When we entered in a legal society, before sitting down, it is common to integrate into the nuances of, say their voices. Using their language, one theory supposeng French words and directions, encouraging them to raise their spirits.

* French Buddha as the ocean, along with eight of the same magic traits. Both the ocean and the Buddha Dharma are gradually becomes more and more deeply. Both remain on the nature though has experienced how changing. Both are dead ones up the dry land. As the big river from when the sea has lost its name and from there enter into the ocean, all thei level too, when dropped from giõi and enter the Sangha, are becoming the brotherhood are the children of the Buddha is Out of joint. all sources of water and rain the sky poured downbut it doesn't ever overflow, never. Likewise, France Buddha millions have believe in, but still not up, nor does it assumem. As the Ocean has one taste, the saltiness of salt, Buddha Dharma, also only one of the fakei escape. Both the ocean and the Buddha Dharma comes with treasures and pearls, both of which stay for the divine seed. Such is the magic of the eight Buddhist Dharma characteristics similar to the ocean.


visible light is not

Kutadanta says: '' You heard him up the sex Act, but the tussle broke the ton priceo. And his disciples despised the rituals and abolished the worship; but the worship God only can manifest through the spirit world; the nature of religious affiliation reviewso is worship and sacrifice. ''

The Buddha replied: The great international celebration by the cattle flush is not letting go of the ego. Who would sacrifice to the gods of the desire of the wicked shall see the futility of the killing of creatures where the altar. The blood does not have the capacity to do the wash, but the discharge dropped desire will do for the soul. The worship God not as good as the subject is probably right.

Kutadanta said: '' the White World, he believed that human will reborn, they rotated within the evolution of life, and according to the law of cause and effect '' of sowing workers would bear fruit, ' '. But he is back up on the non-existence of the soul! Ðệ his death praised the goals except the ego completely, whether it's my joy of nirvana. If I was just a collection of the pricec, the idea and the will, I will go after the dissolution of this body? ''

The Buddha answered: is the rebirth of temperament but not the export of the ego. The thought of thee back again, but there is no entity of individuals would handed back. The teacher's post were restored where the trivia. Just out of ignorance and illusion new human illusionist is their soul is an existing entity. His mind, little other Brahmin, still cling to the ego.

We told him that Buddha did not come to teach about the deaths, but up on the living, and he did not know the distinction of essence of life and death. This body will be dissolved and there is an economic sacrifice God can save it. So, look for the living right where his mind. Where have the ego, where that is not the truth, but when the truth came out, the ego will go away. So, let the Center stay where truth, truth, citation book out of the will, and spread out all over the place. In truth we shall live forever. The ego is death and the truth is life. The cling to the ego is a dying field, while in truth is entered to be Nirvana, which is life.

Kutadanta said: '' You have to understand true grace, that nirvana is not a place, and because it has no where both should not have to take? ''

The Buddha replied: He does not understand the true intent of the ta. Let us know, the wind has in place? Wisdom in place? Intellectually there has to be a point? There is no wisdom, no pricec, no common sense, and no salvation, just because nirvana is not a location? As a large and powerful wind blew across the World in the heat of a summer day, Buddha also blowing through humanity's mind a breath of love, sweet, cool, calm, and gentle; and those who are on the hot rush of feeling good and enjoying fresh winds.

Kutadanta said: '' the White World Religion, but if there is no soul, how have the immortality? When one has to lie down, then the thought also vanish away. ''

The Buddha answered: The thought of it no longer exists, but the thought is still there. The reasoning was suspended, but the knowledge is still there. Assuming exchange rates as there was between late-night would like to send a letter, called his Scriber, lights up, and the poetry workshop. And then, after the job is finished, he turned off the lights. Though the writing was done, the lights were off, but poetry is still there. Also, the human mind activities were suspended, but the experience, the wisdom, and the consequences of those jobs still exist.

Kutadanta continued: '' But the White World, if the SAC (sankharas) fell then where is our separate human anymore? If the thought of one of regeneration, but the spirits to thumbs go, the thought is not ours anymore and the soul is no longer ours. ''

The Buddha answered: Suppose a man who burned a lamp up, spotting the fire of that lamp in a broth like soup two? Or you say that there are two pale fire, one in a soup and one of two soup? Look then see two flame spots that seem different but if other aspects in a review, they remain one. They burn with a carrier oil, for a kind of light, and the same for a common purpose.

Supposedly using the flame of a soup has been disabled in the soup, and the soup of three she was heading up, he thought it was still the old flame? The temporal distance hisn while the lamp is turned off to go with what the contact form or not form of the lamp? The fire of this day by one side as well as the fire of today, but by the other side, it is a different individual giây minutes. In addition, the same type of flame, lit with the same capacity, in the same room, in a certain sense are the same.

Now, suppose a person also feel like him, think like him, act like he is, he doesn't he? He has denied that the justice would apply to him is also applied to the other ones?

Kutadanta slowly answered: '' No, you do not deny that. The dealer would properly, are true for all, but there is something unique in the do the differ from everyone else. There may be someone who feels like you, think like children, act like children, but whether he has the same last name with you, he is not. ''

Buddha said: Right, he is not his. But according to him, the people who are going to school, and who have finished school there must be two different people? The people were guilty, and what the penalty is strong limbs have to be two different people? The similarity is only set to do a continuation? Many years ago you are a child, then as a child, and then became a youth, now a middle-aged. There is a particular format for the child and the other man? Just got a form on a certain sense only. True that there are similarities between the personalities of the soup and broth ba than, though in the broth, the fire may have been disabled. So where is his real humans, humans today, yesterday, or tomorrow, which he grew to preserve access?

Best body created by the process of evolution of life. There is no best-body would suddenly be right without going through a long form. His identity himself was the product of his actions in the past. The combination of the five aggregates which make up his ego. Colors that are born where, his ego as well as that which constitutes. The relatives that he would continue to live, and in the lives of the future he will pick the fruit that he had sown today as in the past.

'' The White World, truly, '' said, ' ' the Kutadanta finds that's not righteous. The stars are when others will enjoy what you sow today. ''

The Buddha said: There are things we were told the time nẫy not go to where? He has yet to understand the stars, others that's he! He himself did thou picking will sow, not the others. Think of a man's poverty, deprivation, are suffering in the same list. As a child he was lazy and giddy, when growing up didn't take learning a profession to make a living. He has said that the transfer was not the result of his behavior not previously, because the man of today is not the old days children anymore? He just knows that: despite blowing up or down to the sea, whether on the mountain caves in hiding, he has not escaped the consequences of evil deeds. Dong, Phuoc of the good certainly will also come to him. A man who went long on and return to peace will be a family member, friends and acquaintances they celebrate. Likewise, the achievements of the man's good works follow the bowl of legitimacy will welcome them, when to be absent from her life to step into a different life.


* We have ended all bound as we go in search of the authori escape. How can return be secular? People would go to find a holy truth, precious treasure is the price for life, will have to leave behind the implications of private counseling, United States, and just focus on one purpose only. They are fakei launched their mind from the lust and desire, as well as the power.

* Just let go a little, expressed resignation, desire to grow as a child. There are powerful forces in hand, you will weigh chĩu the anxiety. Over all, the throne than both the living place of the Sun, over all the world about, is the Holy Buddha sacred fruit. We've found are delusions of the giầu to Phu QUY and not want to taste the poison. Have the fish would have bitten my back while the ham the bait, the bird would have preferred to drop the cage netting? Have the rabbit would have escaped the mouth also solidifies back to be swallowed? A sick person is suffering because of the rush to find a DAB. We should advise them of any pill make heavier sauce? We get up off the fire by pouring more oil into?

* Humans bound because they could not abandon the idea of ego. Object and its properties are different in our thought, but not different in practice. The heat and fire are the two separate ones in our thought, but in fact we can not separate the fire with the heat. If talking is can separate the nature and objects, then the thought came along, one would find impossible to do.

Man is not a combined multiple sections, many factors? People made good, tho, thought, action, and combined into. What is known is that the ego, ' ' I ' ', is not a separate entity would stand behind those elements, which only comes from our operations.

The thought was how error when we focus on the ego, as with self thought, '' I'm real good at too, '' I have to do this miracle? '' The idea of ego was standing block between my reason and truth, the truth; abolish it, it will clear up all things. Who would have the right will no longer in ignorance and gain position. The thought ' I ' will ' ' or ' ' I won't '' won't come to the shed.

Moreover, if the ego did that, how to be fakei really escape? If the ego are reborn in one of the three realms World, hell, or heaven, I folded the sad fate. We will be tied into the wheel of this individual and will accept the previous in the selfish and misguided. This has to be a way out in the end? All of these combinations, and then will be split, and if we just cling to the combination of the ego, one will not be able to escape was born, premature aging, illness, death.

Cause and effect
Certainly the people we now see are consequences of all their bad deeds, they will have to turn away that frightful. But their manjusha himself did cause them, and they continue to cling to the desire. They crave the thuồng pleasure to myself that cause suffering to other people; When death destroyed their body, they could not find the rest; they desire to be present again and then back to regeneration of the new lifetimes. So they rotated within alkaline block and could not escape the Inferno because they make up. That empty instead of those of their pleasures, supposedly created in place of the concurrence! They are shallow like banana trees and inane as the bubble. The family ofthis n is rife with evil and grief, because it's rife with desire. People mistake the astray because they find that the beautiful illusion over truth. Instead of finding the truth they go under the delusion, without first looking at the beautiful but then again rife with anxiety, grief, and melancholy.

Doctrine of karma is not denied, but the doctrine of an ego is without basis. Like all great wall, human lifetimes are subject to a law of cause and effect. So far receiving the fruits of the kernel has sown in the past, and the future is the product of the present. But there is an evidence of the existence of an individual, a raw ego si and saved from this body to another body. The rebirth is back but without the re- export of the ego.

This individual of one is not a combination of visible and invisible stars? It is not created by the characteristic shape of the transformed the Salon ahead? In pricerelations in this body were the ancestors before use. The idea we're thinking, a part has come from those who previously thought they, in part from the reflection of the mind. Those who have used the pricerelations, had thought these thoughts before we were born as human beings today, is the money of one, they are the ancestors of ours as well as the ego of the past days has spawned today's ego and karma of the jobs the past affect the fate of lifetimes so far.

Because could not escape was the consequence of actions, should do the job well. Let's take the idea is not to do bad things, because we're going to get bad consequences. There the roads go from morning becomes evening and from evening to morning. Also the roads from snow becomes darker, and from morning blur becomes incandescent. Who has Tri hue known to use bright spot is available to welcome more lighting, and advance further in finding out the truth.

Please convey his transcendent over the reach and practicing everyday; a profound projection the author of all things in the world inthis n, and understand the fragility of life. Keep in mind, sublimation, and start a real belief, with solid targets, do not violate the precepts of law sacred and find happiness is not outside but within his mind. As such, you will enjoy the grace of the Buddha in the lives of the immeasurable.

   * Little disciples, a realm about which there is no earth, water, wind, fire, without the endless not then or consciousness, there is no nothingness, no life experience or do not feel tho, no world about this or that about the other, no sun or moon. That's the about the President not Wuwei. Right where it does not go, stand or go, there is also no invariant, which is not invariant. It is the infinite eternal Marine General, as their destruction of suffering.

* A person standing alone, when it decided to take the truth, may also be weak and returning to old habits. So, let's get back together, support each other, reinforced each other's efforts. Let's come together as a fraternity, of love, of the sacred and the enthusiasm for the truth. Promote and Hong Yang reviewso France for all over the World to all sentient beings will be the resident in the Kingdom of the Chief Justice. This is a sacred meaning, is the priceof French society, o the arahats; This is the Sangha in which link all people with confidence.

* The divine Lady often loudly criticize but one cannot blame them while in the ranks of us have split. Hatred can not supposei is where people have the idea: '' he hurt me, he got bad with me, he has to me. '' Because hatred cannot assumei was with hatred. Hatred can only assumei was by the discharge of abandoning hatred. It is a law of hypnosis.

* Those who do not know what is the self, if they bring forth the we can forgive them. But who knows maybe the Director should live in harmony. If anyone finds a friend through wisdom, integrity and living for, then they could be combined, overcome all risk of woe, living in happiness and the price.

But if it does not find a companion and the most professional life direction, then take the step alone, like a King had left the Kingdom and the political responsibility back to living a life of seclusion as the elephant in the deep forest. Friendship cannot connect with the guys silly. Would rather live alone than as living with the selfish, cocky, aggressive, and stubborn.

* A person though there is gold filled jewelry jewels Board, but if there was also real heart lung lost by the appeal of the Prime Minister. The General does not make the Sun reviewso or affect the mind. Although a person live with full costume looks happy relief, but the mind can still tinged with hope-filled celebration. A person living in the deep jungle but still always craved the glamour world, still just a divine Lady. In contrast a person though to dress in the correct fashion, but the mind can still stick to the thought leader. There is no distinction between who has made his or her, if they all gave up the notion of ego.

* Body in fact full of texture and then will break up and return to the dust. But because it is the place to receive karma, one has the capacity to transform it into a vehicle of truth, not of the wicked. Do not let go of drop according to the flesh, but also should not float with the needs of the body and piled more dirty up the bare box. Lamp not be wiped clean and more oil will be turned off, and a body to diffusion, dirty, and frail because of deprivation will not be a nice means to take over my leg. his body care, attention to the needs of it as taking care of a wound which we must pay attention tobut not love. The law on railways do not lead a person on the way middle that one was up. Of course, not all are people who would like to set out the law stricter rules if they find it necessary, but it is not compulsory.

* A fifth — supposedlyng France is energetic, with lots of hopes, optimism is never tired and lost confidence where ultimate success. The fakeng France like the wells the water search in a barren piece of land. When he saw the land dry, he knows that white is also very long to see the country. But please don't be frustrated or give up. The work moved the ground dry sand should be done, to be able to dig deeper down. And the more often when delving more pure water source and freshness. After a while myn wet sandy soil, digging, and it is a sign towards the water. When people cannot bear to listen to the words of my legs, who supposedlyng France knew that he had to dig deeper into their hearts; and when they start to pay attention to lyrics he said, then he will understand that they will soon be initiating.

       * Buddha are the same in all people, but depending on the difference between people that have different attitudes. Buddha reconstruct global World, like a cluster of clouds that pour water evenly to the ground. A great cloud shadows come in this vast universe encompasses all of the land and the sea, pouring rain down everywhere, on the grasslands, bushes, and trees on the hills or valleys. And then, the grass and trees, bushes that-taking rain water from the ball that great clouds, all of which enjoy the same water quality, and depending on their nature, will produce flowers and fruit upon arrival.

* Those who do not trust the call, but the call disciples Gotama is Buddha, is Ưức The religious affiliation, is my duty. And rightly so, because we had reached Nirvana in this life, while the life of Gotama has ended already. The ego has to vanish and truth have reigned in. This body is the body of Gotama and it'll be vandalized when arriving at, and after it ended, and then, not God or someone will see the Gotama. But the truth is still there. The Buddha would not die; The Buddha would dwell in us. This body is the body of Gotama and it'll be vandalized when arriving at, and after it ended, and then, not God or someone will see the Gotama. But the truth is still there. The Buddha would not die; He will continue to live in the French Chief Justice sacred.

Immortal truth
The destruction of the Buddha which means after death and then nothing saved to regenerate into an ego. Also can no longer see the Buddha in one place or another. Like a fire in a large flaming fire, the fire has ravaged, it evaporated away and can not say that it is also in this place or other place. However, the Dharma that is, should The World Religion is still in it, because the Dharma has been fakedng up by The Religious World.

Beings are the Buddha, the Buddha is Lord Chief Justice from the French side, the Buddha declares fakeng that beings are fakei escape from painful experiences. The Buddha says:

Have to be Ben shore pricec, we will help others pass from me; was salvation, salvation will be back; were strengthened, it will mandate strengthened others and lead them to safety. We will bring peace to all the people who are tired; It will bring happiness to those who are dying of sad suffering; We will spread the salvation and supposei escape for them.

One has been born into the world as a King of the truth. For the one a shining truth. We had to run out to the zealous enforcement of truth. Thread we speak is the truth. And finally, the ta has become truth! Those who understand the truth will see the Buddha.

* Be true, not to suffer the giậdata n entrenched, and give when asked please, do three things then you will become happy Director. Who has the wisdom be blown the UE profile of myself, as a blacksmith blowing clean the scum of silver compounds, each a little, one by one, and each time a.

* Led others not by force, but in righteousness and justice. Who would have the virtue and wisdom, the intelligent, authentically and straight went their way, will be the family ofrespected n. The wisdom to live in the world as well as bee-suite from the pistil, and then fly away without doing harm to the United States, to incense or of the United States.

* As a traveller who cannot find a way worthy of better or equal, let them persist in solitary journey; What if the familyo with the guys silly. There is a new night mode know long night, exhausted new found way away; real life is long for those extravagant guys not known true ethics. One hundred years in the life of a delusion is not known the truth by a day in the life of a person who reviewsc food poisoning is the ultimate truth.

* Rewards of Sun reviewso besting all other rewards; the sweet of the Sun reviewso sweet than all the other sweet; the joy in the Sun reviewso outgrow all the other Festival; the authori except desire which transcends all suffering. There are few who have crossed the river and to the other party. A large number have gone back and forth on the banks, but who would have passed the river and finish your journey will not suffer anymore.

* Luscious lily flower-like sweetness and freshness on a pile of rubbish, the Buddhists have the pricec food poisoning his intellectual illumination between the users class scum, who walked in the dark. Let's live cheerful, not hatred of enemies hate her! Between those hateful, please assumei radiate the hatred! Please live happy, non-miserable mid-these guys are suffering! Live at peace, not greed among the guys greed! In the Cupid, let's get rid of the greed that!

* The sun shines during the day, the moon lit night, the brilliant soldiers in uniforms, meditation abusers shines in meditation, but above all, the most shining, brilliant, as well as the night, as the Buddha, who Reviewsc, sacred, full of blessed Germany immeasurable.

* When we entered and no longer assumeng and initiating was for beings, make a selection in the Sami people would have basic and advanced knowledge to the sermon continued. And let her shirt of Buddha, Buddha's House and sat in court As a hybrid of the Buddha.

The Buddha's robes and boundless patience, the home of the Buddha's compassion for all beings. The Court As hybrid of Buddhism is the Chief Justice France: understand eternal truth and know the membership application in daily life. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY=2/5/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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