Sunday 12 May 2013

Czech Tu Net.
Weak Net Xie Tu
Upasaka Lower Contact Cu compose


Ngài Hạ Liên CưA French Translation, and easy cardboard hard to believe. If such research, will not understand somewhat shores. Yet the flowered Grave retrieved ten vows to lead on, he Loved God used in permitted anniversary as the door [to go], the French loss of lifetime learning, for example, shallowness readily proceed. All the need to carefully read the great classics (Amitayus Sutra), the new general outline. But the Net current industry overhaul, most only Minor maintenance Duties (A Di Đà Kinh), for Minor Duties only maintained a Tan room. Who can maintain a Sugar solution, such General praise of real economy. As a result, Net cultivation industry who are high enough, all guys pray your rare again! Voluntary credit not yet deep, that'd be true life is not very difficult to use?

Soup Dragon (1940), while sick, I play prayer articles editors use, pros in my Chu to form simple litigation course, raiding led every muscle profile based on three career induction between themselves and the people to include the evening of talk, visualizations, play, pray, likewise while Bai, hope such ideas easy to fray in time, mindfulness is so far the money, less time consuming, very real effect. Consequently, from the press to date, has in four weekly, who maintains life benefit, before later all together to stop. Less time, save energy, are all critical. If possible under articles for a long cultivation, on maturity, will for Justice "Tanh tu no stamens, the scene as a" no wait explore, research, self confidence being interpreted. Again read the great classics, for Net Speed disciplines, will like the pros of sail, sail to lick. But for every article, should focus on articles, French language, many do not like the Court established climbing mouth part Italy cheap rúng, to become the port of contempt. Should be focused into the glass, the glass palace, hopea, as close from new cardboard case is optical only four of France's five mantras, Bodhisattva Body permits, attain new insidious such displacement benefits or not know. If don't like the simplified then had Our ritual Celebration for undergraduate Business, we are about to complete the draft for comments of the method, attempting to keep up France's fullness on the Common Life Cycle Combines this time. I tried well to copper's tu Thien Tin, that deals a few lyrics, attempting to record the pratītyasamutpāda.

Pure Land Buddhism studies Maximum up the Lower Contact Populate write in wedding banquet Festival anniversary of Buddha's Son in place of residence where the Yanjing.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.12/5/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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