Wednesday 16 October 2013

The Ten Wonders.& The Source of Enlightenment.
The Ten Wonders that are the Door to the Origin of Enlightenment
The last five:
6. The Wonderful Original Teaching of the Dharma - Having first sat at the place of enlightenment (the Bodhimandala) and attained the true enlightenment, the Buddha turned the wheel of the Dharma and taught with the four unhindered forms of expression1. The Lotus Sutra says:
  • “All these Bodhisattvas have been influenced by me to inspire the great mind of enlightenment. They all abide in the non-retreating stage, cultivating and training in my teaching.”
And in the meantime:
  • “Some is teaching my works, some the works of others.”
This is the wonderful original teaching of the Dharma.
7. The Wonderful Original Followers - These are the people that received the original teaching of the Dharma. They are the Bodhisattvas that spring forth from the earth. Maitreya was not aware of their existence. The Lotus Sutra says:
  • “All these Bodhisattvas have a golden hue and dwell in the emptiness below. They are all my children. I have instructed this multitude for all of eternity.”
These are the wonderful original followers.
8. The Wonderful Original Nirvana - The original Nirvana is the realization of the virtue of freedom or detachment. Having already connected with and spiritually uplifted living beings the Buddha speaks of entering into extinction. This is called the Original Nirvana. The Lotus Sutra says:
  • “And again I speak of entering into Nirvana, doing like this everywhere by distinguishing the ways and means.”
  • “Now I am not really not extinguished, and yet as a device I speak of the need to attain extinction.”
With the conditions for enlightenment having already been accomplished, the Buddha then declares His entry into Nirvana.
9. The Wonderful Original Lifespan - With the Buddha having already declared His entry into extinction, it follows that there is the lifespan of the Dharma, which may be either long or short. This is the lifespan. The Lotus Sutra says:
  • “Here and there teaching of myself in different names and terms, for periods of time great and small.”
  • “Periods of time” These are the lifespans.
  • “Great and small” - This is being long or short, permanent (lasting) or impermanent (transient). With the lifespans of the interim period already being like this, the original lifespan is like this as well.
10. The Wonderful Original Benefits - The original deeds, vows, penetrations, responses, etc., are the followers. These are the abundant benefits. The Sutra says:
  • “And with ways and means I teach the subtle and wonderful Dharma that is able to make living being raise up the mind of joy.”END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/10/2013.THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.

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