Wednesday 16 October 2013

The Heavens of Meditation.
There are three parts:
1. The Four Meditations in the Realm of Form (Rupa-Dhatu)
2. The Four Meditations in the Realm of Formlessness (Arupa-Dhatu)
3. The Cessation (Nirodha Samapatti)
The Four Meditations in the Realm of Form
The fours basic levels of meditation (S. Dhyana) are in the realm of form, pure of the distractions of sensory desire. One progressively sublimates the senses. It has been likened to a turtle that withdraws its head and legs into its shell. Each progressive stage is a more pure state of Samadhi (mental concentration). They are:
The First Basic Meditation:
The stage of bliss that comes from detachment and freedom from emotional distress (klesas) - This
emotional distress includes evil desires (origination, karmic causes) and evil states or conditions (sufferings, retributions).
VitarkaAwakeningInitial attention, application of cognitive thought onto an object.
It is likened to a bee hovering about a flower
VicaraObservationContinuous, sustained observation on an object, entailing a cognitive, analytical scrutiny of it & discerment of reality from falsehood (pravicaya-dharma).
It is likened to a bee landing on a flower and gathering its pollen
PritiJoyAn ecstatic, emotional feeling of knowing, revelation & oneness with an object. It is not a cognitive state but rather an affective and intuitive state of mind.
SukhaContentmentA more sublime affective and intuitive state of knowing and familiarization with an object of meditation. It is a less emotional, more refined state of bliss.
SamadhiConcentrationSingless of mind, complete focus, and pure mental concentration
The First Basic Meditation has the least strength of Samadhi.
The first two steps are cognitive/verbal states of mind whereas the second two are affective/intuitive. Each state of mind is more sublime than the preceding state. The affective states of mind are subtler than the cognitive states, with contentment being subtler than rejoicing. Only the single mind is completely pure.
The Second Basic Meditation: The stage of bliss that comes from the sublimation of the cognitive functions of the mind - There is gradual withdrawal of the cognitive states of mind so that there is only concentration and the affective states of mind.
First the wandering, initial attention (vitarka) is sublimtaed, then the more subtle, sustained scrutiny is eliminated.
In sublimating the initial attention (vitarka) and the sustained thought (vicara) one further purifies singleness of mind (Samadhi). One's concentration will continue to produce the affective states of joy and contentment without the cognitive functions.
1VisuddhiInner PurityBecoming purified of the applied cognitive thought (vitarka) and then becoming purified of the sustained cognitive thought (vicara).
2PritiJoyFeekings of ecstasy and revelation as one is able to transcend the verbal, cognitive states of mind and enter deeper levels of concentration
3SukhaContentmentNew levels of refined bliss
4SamadhiConcentrationSinglenes of mind, pure mental concentration
The Second Basic Meditation has greater strength of Samadhi.
The cognitive, verbal states of mind are eliminated and consequently there is greater singleness of mind.
The Third Basic Meditation:
A state of refined bliss. One lets go of the ecstatic emotions of joy and abides in mindfulness (a steady, continuous presence of mind), spiritual insight, & concentration of mind. One continues to feel the less intense& more sublime affective state of bliss.
1PrasrabdhiRenunciationLetting go; sublimating the ecstatic emotions of joy
2SmritiMindfulnessRemembrance; a steady, continuous presence of mind
3PrajnaInsightSpiritual insight into the nature of reality and the mind
4SukhaContentmentSpiritual bliss; a most sublime affective state of mind
5SamadhiConcentrationSingleness of mind; pure mental concentration
The Third Basic Meditation has great strength of Samadhi, having been freed to all cognitive states of mind as well as the all but the most subtle affective states of mind.
The Fourth Basic Meditation:
The stage of equanimity, free of both cognitive (verbal) and affective (emotional) states of mind. No affective states of mind remain as one reaches the highest level of pure mental concentration.
1PrasrabdhiRenunciationAll affective states of mind are completely eliminated
2SmritiMindfulnessCompletely steady and continuous presence of mind
3UpeksaEquanimityImpartiality; Complete freedom from and indifference to all subconscious disturbance, including suffering, joy and contentment
4SamadhiConcentrationSinglenss of mind; pure mental concentration
The Fourth Basic Meditation: Samadhi is completely attained.
The Meditations in the Four Realms of Formlessness:
The next four meditations (the four emancipations) are in the formless realm, where the limitations of the body and the barriers and multiplicity of physical objects are transcended. One is emancipated from the limitations of the senses and the physical realm and one enters into the four realms of formlessness:
          A. The Boundlessness of Empty Space
          B. The Boundlessness of Consciousnes
          C. The Boundlessness of Nothingness
          D. The Boundlessness of That Which Is Neither With Nor Without Perception
Nirodha Samapatti
Finally there is the last meditation, complete withdrawal or Attainment of Cessation (Nirodha Samapatti); In this state of ‘mindlessness’ (acittaka), close to that of coma and death, the practitioner has minimal heartbeat, respiration & body heat, and does not respond to external stimulus.
The Buddha saw little to no soteriological benefit in these formless states of meditation.
This is the highest level of the six spiritual realms in the threefold realm. All of the above was part of the system of meditation known at the time of the Buddha Sakyamuni. None of this offers escape from the mortality of the threefold realm and the cycles of life & death (Samsara) .END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/10/2013.THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.

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