Thursday 3 October 2013

Prajna - Buddha Nature .
Prajna is Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature is Prajna. Speaking Great Wisdom is said the Buddha Nature. Said the Buddha Nature refers Great Wisdom. But not the list itself, but the same meaning. Why say that? Because the Prajna wisdom, but wisdom is enlightenment. If you can achieve enlightenment, ie you have wisdom. If you do not enlightenment, that you are a no-brainer. University of enlightenment as the Buddha nature. Buddha is Sanskrit, translated into a visual, self-discipline, sense of forgiveness and fullness feeling well. So says the Buddha Nature is Prajna. Prajna three types are: Van Tu Prajna, Prajna contemplation and Wall Decor Prajna. I now briefly explained as follows:
1. Van Tu Prajna: This is not the kind of Prajna texts taught in the schools of the world, which is Prajna Van Tu of the world, makes you play Bodhi, Bodhi spiritual advancement, attainment Bodhi and Prajna Van Tu, ie scriptural.
2. Prajna contemplation: Consulting will arise Prajna Prajna contemplation. For example, when you read the scriptures, for the four words "As the market fell documents" (I heard something like this) that the questions came: "As market" is what? "Self written" What? So contemplate your consciousness, clear look. After reading "As the market fell writer," you went to take the text to find meaning, to find the four of you. It's called Prajna contemplation.
3. It Prajna General: That is when you have Prajna contemplation, you will know "As market" this is the responsibility of France and the "cultural crossroads" means "I can hear the moral responsibility of France." This is so that you gain insight and awareness General It can be as urban France, France can be no responsibility. It's not news that General Obligations Prajna.
Those who clear this three Prajna also known Third Buddha Nature. Third Coast's Buddha Nature is Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature and Willow's chief Buddha Nature.
1. Van Tu Duyen's Prajna is Buddha Nature. use texts to compel, to help you understand these three types of Buddha Nature Buddha Nature and is also known as Prajna, Prajna ie the Buddha Nature. Because of that, you will develop merit and virtue to achieve true form.
2. Prajna is contemplating Willow Buddha Nature. example lamp to illuminate your room you realize you are in the room is something. For example, in a room with the Flower Adornment Sutra, Buddha images, Buddhist altar, with the title of the eighty-eight Buddhas, you will see that all. That light shines through, making all things are clear. Therefore we should use such lights to illuminate the interior of the room itself. When contemplating the power, the public began to arise out of Willow Buddha Nature. If you do not have the power of Prajna contemplation, you will not know the Willow Buddha Nature. You do not know which room is your inner: There Buddha, Bodhisattvas are beings are religious; Pratyekabuddha gambling is legal practice in the Second Decade of Dependent; There Thanh Van is Four practitioners; There are countless gods wins received the magic touch; There are countless crazy beings; There are countless asura are struggling, there are countless animals in the context of rebirth, birth and death , death and birth, there are countless ghosts stealing food; There are countless beings in hell is punishment in mountain training, oil pan. All of these realms are not separate your mind, all the same information to your attention. Hell eighteen major hell, to hell with five hundred small. You want to customize the hell you are. If power Prajna contemplation, you will understand the causes and conditions of the Ten Dharma. Once you are clear and transparent, we should naturally look that good things do, but the evil must be removed. Being so new we do not sink to hell.
3. It was Chief of Staff Gen. Prajna Buddha Nature , Buddha Nature also means that most of the students do not, Do we contemplate achieve and Chief of Staff Gen. fact witness.
How can we in the realm of Buddha's birth? Buddha's enlightenment, ie enlightenment. The news may be enlightened Buddha, who can not be enlightened beings. So said: "A concept is a Buddhist concept visual, sensory concepts are concepts concept Buddha. A concept is a concept of being in love, love the concept concept concept concept beings. Time is the sense of the Buddha's time, time, time, time, time being the charm. "That you know your job is crazy, it's Buddha. And as you do not know what his job is crazy, it's beings. So says the limit of Buddha and sentient beings is between discipline and love. Want to Buddhism or beings are depending on your choice.
How to be born in the realm of Bodhisattva? Speaking as someone who often simply think of the interests of that person being a bodhisattva, and people often think of their own interests, then the devil. Bodhisattva only known others unknown to me. While his demons know that just do not know about others. These two components are the opposite. Bodhisattvas are beings to know of, but not to the stage without being so high. When the Buddha realm and is no longer being so high. Why? Because all human beings are the best, and no living being to another level. This means that there is no general beings, because Buddhism does not accept the form. It's called scanning all legal, all generals left. Scan all measures, like use a broom to clean up all worldly measures. Leaving all is not prime minister anymore. If you honor the Van Hanh At that time, you will deliver the Bodhisattva realm.
How to be born in the realm Pratyekabuddha? As you shop Arising Second Decade: Ignorance of grace, grace of form; existent until old age, and death. Ignorance of the twelve leading law of Dependent Origination. Ignorance from? Being from the three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion. There are times of ignorance. There is the official time etc. .. If we can find the root of ignorance and ignorance cut off, the birth and death will no longer exist. How to cut it here? As we need to cultivate school threefold: Gender, concentration, and wisdom. It was like a new cut off the root of the three poisons of ignorance and brought into wisdom. When there is wisdom, then we will understand what is good and what is evil. Thus we will be interested luminous, bright and pure. Once ignorance was destroyed except the French themselves would appear, which means Buddha Bich Chi.
How to be born in the realm Thanh Van? You should cultivate Four methods, ie to find the root cause of the suffering. The root of suffering is from the inside of the show, the mistake of thinking, that is, or is or and investment. Therefore, we must use the Assistant Director Thirty Seven Products to kill two "or" that. Knowledge or the eighty-eight, eighty-one investment or product. When to kill two or three of the world that then we could witness the quartet arahantahood, which is unborn, eternal. Above are four of the world Holy legal world.
How to be born in the heavens? You should practice the Five and Ten-friendly approach, the three industrial practice pure body, speech and mind. Cross is good: Body made three good things: no killing, no stealing, no adultery. The mouth has four good thing is: do not expect English, do not rely language, not evil import, not bi damage. The good thing is there are three: no participation, no courts, no si. Who are these merits newly born to heaven. But they were born into heaven Heavenly Land Sale, ie Kings of Heaven and God Indra, not being able to Not For Sale God, as God is the realm of skin, Tushita Heaven, Sun Chemical Lac Hoa Tha God , Sun Chemical Tha Independence. Unless those elaborately meditate, they can gradually progress up. From heaven eighteen sphere, being up to heaven African Thought, Phi Phi, the perception of the Formless Supreme heavens that twenty-eight of the three realms of heaven. As if continuing effort to meditate, they will get out of sex, the birth and death of escapism and attained Arahat.
How to be born in the human realm? If you can work off evil beings, they serve the good , ie, do not do evil, do good work, you will not lose the human body. Those who practice full life before the blessing and wisdom will be born into a rich and noble, all went smoothly, more healthy, to live longer and be dignified good minister. And if those who do not practice past life wisdom will bless beings, impoverished, and residential life, many diseases, premature death, the ugly physiognomy. It is all due to the law of karma, the law is immutable, unchanged. How good it is good fortune, to be evil for evil. There is no religious person by a previous life, so this life to suffer, if they do not cultivate the next life is not like this life. If they vow to cultivate, given their life will be better after this life. There are people who for religious life before, so they have this life everything is favorable. As they work their lives to practice, certain of their future lives better, easier their lives. If they do not practice, then given their lives in this life is not absolute. This moral is simple, everyone can understand. Life after having positive or adversity, are entirely up to you to decide. Bodhisattvas are trying to help, this help does not stand for it.
How to not be born in four realms beast? If you do not mind fighting, you will break out into the realm of A-tu-la. If you do not participate, it will break through with the animal realm. If you no ill will break forth to the hungry ghost realm. If you do not si, you will not break out into the realms of hell. Above are six realms of ordinary legal world.
Ten of ten legal world by the way you choose. Sow, so shall you reap, just as if you Prajna wisdom or not! 
Persons Prajna wisdom, is known to create healing and eradicate evil. The uncivil no wisdom, as many people will put on their evil seed and do good deeds. Everybody is Prajna wisdom, only if you know how to use it or not only. If you know how to use this Prajna, it will shine throughout the legal world. If that does not apply Prajna wisdom, you will not be able to recognize that this ancient capital of France's ten availability in mind. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.3/10/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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