Saturday 19 October 2013

A Bodhi Tree is a symbol of the ultimate potential that lies within us all.
In Buddhism, bodhi means the awakening experience attained by Gautama Buddha and his followers and refers to the unique consciousness of a fully liberated being. Bodhi is sometimes described as complete and perfect sanity, or awareness of the true nature of the universe. Bodhi is most commonly translated into English as ‘enlightenment’.
BodhiTreeN108.JPGThe Bodhi Tree stands beside the Mahabodhi temple in Bodhgaya, India, and is the tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment some 2500 years ago. Siddhartha Gautama had been practicing austerities for six years and finally understanding that this could not lead to self-realisation, he abandoned his practices and sat under a pipal tree resolving not to rise until he attained enlightenment. As he sat in deep meditation, Mara, the lord of illusion (symbolising the delusions of one's own mind) tried tirelessly to distract him from his purpose. Gautama triumphed over the inner obstacles and his mind was utterly subdued – he had attained enlightenment and became known as Gautama Buddha. 
For seven days after the enlightenment, Buddha continued to meditate under the tree. Another week was passed in walking meditation, and a third week in contemplation under the Bodhi Tree.
The tree has died a few times over the passage of years, each time being renewed from cuttings. The present Bodhi Tree at Bodhgaya still performs a very important role to Buddhists of all traditions, being a reminder and an inspiration, a symbol of peace, of Buddhas' Enlightenment and of the ultimate potential that lies within us all.
More than merely echoing a meaningful name, The Bodhi Tree Bookstore Cafe is committed to encouraging the pursuit of wisdom, enlightenment and the realisation of your own potential, whatever your religion, culture or discipline. We strive to offer and recommend books that support this committment.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/10/2013.THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.

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