According to the Buddha, he can become a God if some believe he lived righteous and upright despite their religious beliefs, but others only recommend people pray God to be blessed. The followers also preach only after death people up to heaven where happiness or experience the paradise does not mean people can have the privilege to become a God. However, the Buddhist concepts of God's concept of the different religions.
Religious Formation
Before discussing the subject "why have Buddhist Ethics", we have to find whether religious thought began in the early human mind. Thousands of years ago, when people began to think about the kinds of natural phenomena in the world, they realize there are many strange things happen. When some forces of nature or other adverse phenomenon, human suffering. People who witnessed the events of disaster, terrible. And then people start to think how to prevent these adverse conditions that cause fear, kÿ facilities, insecurity, stress and suffering. People know many things exceeded understanding, should think that there is an invisible supernatural power behind these things happening. These things happen is very difficult to understand, so they think it is the job of the "divine". People began to revere the area, kill animals offer worship with hope gratify the supernatural power. People also began to scatter the exclamation and worship to Thanksgiving when some phenomenal offer advantages, think that the job is due to the action of the divine. The purpose of this practice is to have the cover and the blessing of the most divine was living in this world without having to cope with many difficulties. As the concept evolved, a number of other important jobs were combined. There are rituals, rites, ceremonies or events. Each community separately held ceremonies according to the needs of local areas. When there is a mass of the rituals and ideas big enough philosophy, ' religion ' became part of the substance of each civilization.
Religious formation was built by humans at initial to protect because of fear, suspicion and insecurity, kÿ misunderstood life and natural phenomena. That is the Foundation of religion like other materials such as brick, stone, cement, sand, and soil to be used for the Foundation of a building.
Then people adorn religious buildings by introducing the confidence, character, pray, prayer, penalty, moral and ethics under the name of the Holy Spirit to control humanity, and also to find a school where nine called heaven for permanent peace and happiness of the soul.
The Establishment Of Buddhism
Later, a religion called "Buddhist Ethics" but we see the Buddha does not use these ancient beliefs. He does not exploit the concept of spirit, soul, hell or heaven immortal Buddhist Ethics to form. he does not exploit fear and distorted perspectives on the phenomenon of nature to support his religion. He also did not require belief blindly or rituals or ceremonies. He does not believe in self flagellation, penalty or comply with the commandments in spreading Buddhist Ethics. He also does not find power in a sacred force outside to bolster his arguments. He used the original thought completely or the stuff as Chief Comments about life, the world and the phenomenon of nature or the law of the universe and the real characteristics of the mind and character, elements and energy, moral and spiritual development, discipline, spiritual training and culture, wisdom and enlightenment for the construction of religious buildings called Dao used Him Right. some religious materials used by a number of religious houses of the period such as Career-action and response, reborn and some guidelines about the law but does not do the same or do they access attendance in a sense. He purifies them and presented in a useful way in medicine and science.
An Independent Religion
Buddhist ethics is not a religion blending mixed or established by the various ethical thought. The Buddha does not collect religious material or ideas on other places where this philosophy. Buddhist ethics have the character and personality of its own.
Because that is not a religious teachers would have found out the truth very good for patients and a recipe for an Ivy League school, finally, He pointed out that some thinkers just develop some power, can achieve spiritual growth at a level that does not completely purify your mind, get rid of all those beliefs, the weapon box, obsessive, delusional, fantasy, illusion and ignorance.
Real meaning or purpose of religion can understand when we study the Buddha presented on ' moral ' high-pitched tone. If we use the word ' religion ' when discussing the doctrine of the Buddha, we also have to understand the interpretation of this wording differences of other religions. Then bear is able to understand the "why are there Buddhist Ethics ' back in time had too many other leaders of the world.
Not Fond Of The Church
The Buddha to remove some misconceptions maintain by humans since thousands of years. The belief that the soul is a permanent entity created by God have to capitulate when the Buddha giving the reasons for why this concept wrong and why there is such a thing as a permanent entity. According to the Buddha, that is just. This belief in the human mind like the colors of the Rainbow is not real. The Buddha explains comments on the soul is just misunderstanding in human consciousness. The concept of the soul is an important issue in all religions, but only the Buddha stated clearly there is not a reason for us to believe in the existence of the soul.
For example, that day, everyone believed the Sun and the Moon turns around the Earth daily. The public had trust due to the lack of knowledge about the solar system. But when Copernicus demonstrated neither the Sun nor the moon revolves around the Earth that the earth revolves around the Sun, and then gradually we realize it's true.
It is also a misconception about the Earth. For thousands of years, people believe the Earth is flat. Galileo proved the Earth was round, not flat. Later on we noticed Galileo correctly. When Copernicus discovered that the Sun is the center of the solar system, we noticed the previous belief that the Earth was the center of the universe.
Until the 19th century, many ancient philosophies believe atom is the dark matter entities, can not be separated anymore, but now the nuclear scientists had separated.
The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin rejected the theory of universal creation is the life due to God's creation. The geology, biology, and Physiology also explained very clearly to take millions of years to the first form of life on Earth. The discovery was never in conflict with the teachings of the Buddha. modern discoveries of developments every step in the life of minerals, plants, and other living things and beings are in line with the teachings of the Buddha.
When we study the Buddha's explanation of the universe, we see him acknowledge the existence of some being bad luck or misfortune not on this world that well at all on other planets.
On the scientific and modern astronomy is not biased on this issue, are admitted to the existence of some being on some other planet.
Many traditional beliefs like y as the beliefs of the Caveman of the world system and the origin of life. But the doctrine of the Buddha confirms new discoveries.
The Buddha is not subscribed to the belief that the rites and rituals of religion is the only media to find salvation. According to the Buddha, the development of morality, concentration, and mind are the key aspects of moral living lead to ultimate liberation.
He outlines a moral person must live a life of no harm to anyone, not reprimanded, respectable, upright, pure and noble. Just by the Act of worship and prayer ceremony of consecration itself can not do the people have ethical or achieve the flanges and freed.
The Buddha advised people to refrain from doing the sin. Reasons to stay away from sin is because of the happiness of being rather than fearing a well-established insurance company stands or punishment. Election time He advised us to cultivate morals of people, excellent wage behavior constantly growing practices most help others not bit of selfless motives.
The Buddha is the only direction praised human intelligence. He recommends that we should not become slaves to the external agents that develop hidden potential trove with confidence.
He also outlines the responsibility for everything in this world. Sore or Rapture both human, and humans can eliminate suffering and maintain peace, happiness and wisdom by using his effort that does not rely on external power. The human mind does coaching take responsibility for all these woes, the disorder in which we encounter today. Election officials forecast the human mind if the destination user, can change this unfortunate circumstance, can turn the world into peace, happiness for everyone to live. This can only be done thanks to the pure mental energy of a man who knows through work.
For Starter With The Fact
This religion always encourages people to face the facts of life, accepting the truth though it is, does not act as hypocritical. So, the Buddhists did not refute these facts belong to the material issues discovered by the scientists and thinkers. Although the Buddha more attention to the development of the spirit, but He never omission of material progress of human beings in the world. In his teachings, we can find practical advice echoes have the basis for active people like doesn't rewarding time and valuable effort, and wise action for the progress of humankind. He taught people to task for family, relatives, friends, the community, the country and the globe.
So, the Buddhist should not forget the mission and duty to make the world happy and peace by contributing within its capabilities. He never intervened in the Affairs of Government or the logical rules set out by the Government. He also never against traditional social mores and if the same thing harmless and there are benefits to society. Election time He never look to military or political power to introduce France about his life though Kings and other officials of his disciples.
This religion taught us to serve humanity, sacrificing privacy utility to save humanity is suffering, respecting the ethical prohibition or self-discipline, without being imposed by the commandments of an invisible power. Respect for the principle of good faith by his own perceptions not only help us have a chance to be perfect but also helping others to live in peace.
The mural is the highest aim of a human must achieve to reach liberation. This cannot be achieved thanks to the influence of any one God or an intermediate agent. In practice, we can see the result of the bad or good right in this life. Happy heaven or Nirvana can experience right in this life. No need to wait until after the new death know results as is often taught in many religions.
So why the Buddha advised him to come and see his teachings rather than come to such news. He also recommends that one should choose a proper religion by way of technical review and research investigations in any way rather than accepted by emotions or blind faith. So why do people call Buddhist Ethics is a doctrine of analysis. In this religious place, we find the doctrine of analysis and the psychology of mind and character that these modern thinkers.
Cosmic Laws
The Buddha is the master discovered the true nature of the universe and advised multimeter one should live in accordance with this law. He noted, these guys violate this law, as against the natural, living the life of immorality, must deal with the consequences.
Today we can see evidence of this. Since the industrial revolution in the past century, much of the land on Earth is devastated, polluted rivers to copy can recover for the damage caused to our natural resources. Direct cause cause is due to the excessive exercise of material wealth, and a lack of understanding about the nice balance between People and nature.
Impossible to get rid of was the reaction of the laws of the universe simply by praying for divine law indifferent. But the Buddha has taught us how to prevent some of the reactions of some of the bad job by as do many acts in good faith, exercise the mind and removes the bad thoughts in the mind. After the break the cosmic order no method can avoid drug reactions except by coordinating with the rules of this universe. Selfish stepped for generosity. Greed gave way to give generously.
That the Buddha explained the famous psychologist Carl Jung in the world accepts as a collection of formulas. It is not at all that is the stored seeds in spiritual energy. As long as that collection and ' wish ' longer survival in mind as noted by the philosopher, the reborn will happen whether we believe or not believe. The elements of the body itself may vanish but the spirit along with the ' live ' wishes will be passed and a different life is determined by the set of formulas.
Gravity and the law of conservation of energy is explored by modern scientists like Newton theory of verification or limb action and response by the Buddha.
According to the Buddha, he can become a God if some believe he lived righteous and upright despite their religious beliefs, but others only recommend people pray God to be blessed. The followers also preach only after death people up to heaven where happiness or experience the paradise does not mean people can have the privilege to become a God. However, the Buddhist concepts of God's concept of the different religions.
There is an enlightenment out of religion would say its adherents may one day reach wisdom, peace, happiness and Liberation, like the enlightened place. But the Buddha says anyone can become a Buddha if he perfect practice, according to the method which He practiced.
The Nature Of The Mind
The rapid change of mind and the elements of the wrecked fuselage was explained in Buddhism. According to the Buddha within each survey, the mind appears and then turns off. Biology, Physiology, and psychology to teach the same essence of such change in our lives. So the life does not stand a place.
Psychologist William James explains the point of the moment. He discussed how the present form and again turned away during the fast.
According to natural properties to cause the process of mind, just as the mind is born, it opened a center to another and died. Sees weekly mind was born, giving birth to a different mentality, and death, and so on.
On the question of guilt at the thought of appearing in the human mind, the answer can be found in this religion. Cause the thought of sin is by selfish motives of human beings it exists due to take part in life and belief in self (ego) is distinguished from schools always saw wrecked satisfies the senses.
When we study the lives and teachings of the Buddha, we could see everything publicly presents for everyone. No dogma.
The events happening throughout His life is public, do not conceal and not have these things happen. Under the eyes the Buddha, what is called the God of the supernatural communion with many people there must be a supernatural being that is the phenomenon where normal human beings cannot comprehend. If the knowledge and understanding of the universe grows, the beliefs about the supernatural. With the Caveman, ' Thunder ' is as angry expressions of the spirit. Today, we know that the Thunder is just.
If these things do have to mix Jesica depending on natural rules about the impermanent, sabotage and destruction, how we can present them to God through the supernatural?
Both to the fairy birth, enlightenment, and enter the Buddha's removal as well. He lived as a normal religious teachers as real beings.
He outlines the process of evolution from animal life into human status and from the human status of superhuman status. This condition can turn the Brahma and Brahma's life into perfect life. One can advance to the pure noble life directly into divine life perfect. The Buddha also outlines the opposite situation, it's from human life became a living animal.
Fair Lifestyle Index
The Buddha advised teaches one should follow the road of central direction in all aspects of life. But many people are not aware of the true meaning and usefulness of the middle nobility. Profound significance of the middle path, not the only legitimate way of life, not only to avoid two extreme of life, not only to live in moderation that is learning how to use perception or people that don't use misleading or abuse them. The significance of the formation of this alert is to protect life, avoid some dangers and find livelihoods. Unhappiness in place, the majority of who live only to satisfy the senses, using them wrong just to satisfy the desire. In the end, their craving more and become intense but never they can take satisfaction that they desire. Many actions immoral acts of cruelty, mental disorders, nervous weakness, unfair competition, stress and insecurity is often seen in modern society due to the mind aversion using misleading sense. And then the power instinct of this sense of growth and begin to decline, and many types of diseases in the human body. That means the fair people of how to pay the price for mistakes or use too much for five senses. If too many lesbian sensuality pleasures in this world, if there is no time to shape and prepared for future life or the other side of the world, life will become miserable.
The Buddha taught that it is cruel and unfair when the destruction of any organism where the nearest tiny though. But the calm attitude was distracted by many other religious masters only taught that only harm new people is wrong. Destroy the lives of other beings are not just the only way to get rid of nuisance caused by these beings.
The purpose of Buddhism is to awaken humanity to achieve ultimate happiness due to the full spectacle of life and nature. The purpose is not to create some illusions or satisfy emotional or PM as some took part in the exercise in temporal uncertainties. It's also not promising immortal pleasures mundane.
Buddhism shows a clear picture of both sides of my life: the true nature of life, the cause of suffering and the causes of happiness. The theory of medicine, science, and technology have yet to discover is how can this page chũa the spiritual pain, frustration and satisfied life.
What Is Wisdom?
According to the Buddhist view, wisdom based on the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice of thinking, understanding of the law, and the development of sensory wisdom does the recognise the truth that also receive the reach completely freed from the heaven of eternal life.
So the real wisdom can not be found in academia, in the scientific research laboratory, or in any place of worship that we frequent to pray and perform some rituals, ceremonies. Wisdom in the scope of the mind. When the experience, insight, experience, and when the purity is completed, including the highest perfection, wisdom can be explored. The purpose of life is to gain wisdom. Instead of looking for something in outer space, humans must attempt to search for the essence of the enlightened wisdom in the space where yourself to achieve your ultimate goal.
People can remove unfavorable natural forces by reinforcing and turns his mind to reach a State of happiness here was the super power hearing is no longer the power to operate.
A philosopher said that this religious conflict, all that people have been experiencing. If such non-Buddhist religious types because the Buddha taught us everything because of his experience ever as well about the nature of man.
Many philosophers, thinkers and great science has only used the knowledge, strength, and wisdom to find out many things that they have explained their views accordingly. Even with such intellectual knowledge, also failed to understand the true nature of the phenomenon without the chemical purity of mind. When researching some of the statements of scholars, we can find some truth in their words. But many of those statements is still just philosophies infertility because they only use the brain with many illusions and selfish.
But the Buddha used the mind and heart of Jesus to the essential human intelligence with compassion and wisdom to understand everything in full perspective. So why's he never became the philosophy or theory that infertility is a practical approach to solving human problems etc.
Such is a unique religious teaching to humanity through empirical experience, wisdom and enlightenment of the enlightenment. This religion is not a TV message given from God. The problems of the people must be fully cleared by humans through human experience by developing the human virtues from noble. A teacher of children who must find the solution to solve human problems through purification and development of human consciousness. That is why the Buddha never introduced him to the steps of the Savior. We follow him as the Saviour to save us.
Real Ðích Religions Are Hindering The Progress Of The World?
Many scientists, thought and philosophy have a religious opposition attitude. They say religion hindered the progress of humanity and guided them to the mistake by introducing the belief and practice of preposterous, and trying to make people far left the event discovered by scientists. So Karl Marx said, "religion is opium for the masses". But when we know Italy they want to say anything about religion, we can understand Buddhism not belonging to the religion in which religious groups. So, the next time here, if this intellectual who successfully rejected religion, can't they can throw up Buddhism as a religion because probably the Buddha discovered the absolute truth. If the truth somewhere, then it forever remains the truth. If there is any truth would be changed due to these conditions, it is not the absolute truth. There is no reason why that Buddha discovered are called noble truths. This truth leads people into a tall man. For so will also remain Chief Justice noble leaders of the excess life enough to confront any challenge the science or knowledge. In terms of this, the message of the Buddha is not unshakable. The intellectuals must surely respect this lifestyle if they can really understand the Buddha. Thus, the Buddha's teachings will continue to be the lifestyle, keep the aspirations of a high life, Holiness, the entire mural, a life of peace and happiness despite existing religious label or not.
A Religious Freedom
The freedom with which the faithful follow the Buddha enjoying this world worthy of praise. In fact, many Buddhists is not aware of that. We complete freedom to judge and ponder or to accept or refute anything. We are not forced to accept anything under the name of religion, just because think of the greatness of the undergraduate masters degrees of followers or not also think that it is our duty to accept that just because the doctrines found in the Holy Scriptures or in tradition or customs. Buddhists complete freedom to investigate research and accepted only when it suits his perception. Buddhists do not accept or reject anything without reason-highest propriety. They never said they were forbidden to do this or the other. They don't like to do because it makes it difficult or miserable or hurt or in trouble for. They do some thing not because they claim the Buddhist Ethics that finding the value and meaning of these actions bringing benefit to others. This religion is a religion of freedom never restrict the privacy of people if these things are not immoral or harmful effects. Buddhists full freedom to organize the family does not violate the basic principles of ethics. This religion is like gold mines for the intelligentsia in work to explore the research, found deep aspects of psychology, philosophy, science, law, for the development of the spirit and freed mankind from real satisfied and insecurity. so why have over 2500 years, Buddhism was able to convince the masses in most Asian countries. At all times, people celebrate the Buddha's teachings as a message of peace or a goodwill message. So why the Buddhist can offer about this religion does not bit hard, do not need to apply a kind of advantage would not have made overturning these cultural activities are currently available.
The Cause Of Our Troubles
One other important aspect of this religion is the main cause that explains the problems and sufferings of the people. According to the Buddha, we show off both to confront the problems on this earthly greed inherent in the mind. He discovered the three types of the power of greed in mind and these are responsible for the existence, reborn and thousands of problems and mental disorders. They are: taking life, taking part in the worldly desire or sensuality, and the non-existent. Want to understand the real meaning of these things, we must think carefully and wisely about them until the perception was to be with us.
The philosopher and popular psychology has also explained the three strength with the language difference is the cause of existence. Arthur Schopenhaumer explains the three strength then your instincts, sensuality, and suicidal. Psychologist Sigmund Freud explained the sexuality, the instinct of the ego and the death caused by instinct. One other psychologist Carl Jung said: "From the source instinctively bouncing delivery all creation". Now let's look at the great intellectuals prepared to endorse the truth discovered by the Buddha 25 centuries ago. However, when considering the explanation for this, we can understand the Buddha has surpassed the ability of understanding the great thinker on these issues.
Buddhism currently has so many variations. There are few sectarian prayer advocates such as theistic religion, paganism, Pagan's mix to cut down on Buddhism and equate with headless Buddha.
When death found paradise, Sukhavati? When the new Western birth there to die? just let the mind wander, contemplate a certain image is saved? just pray the falls being about Sukhavati is a guest of birth?
In the study, understanding, Buddhists have to understanding the truth of his religion is, have followed or are about to follow. There is thus a new belief firmly.
Look how few of today's sectarian fears we must know. Not when we get older then try finding a buoy which to cling. If we mistakenly attach a buoy bềnh bồng on water but is generated by the laser beam, then the real cost and hazardous.
Buddhist science, causality is the newspaper industry; Buddhist practice there are actually experiencing inner transformation rather than hope.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.7/6/2013,NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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