Monday 10 June 2013

Advice: Bach himself, at the silhouettes are taught make extra the alms and meditation. Alms, I found I could hold out, also the meditation?

A: Meditation is the sound according to the Păli, the JHÀNA, that is scorching the evil, like postpartum depression, heart, etc. But we are familiar with the same MEDITATION as Vietnamese, back out that yet another little are: quiet. Also the Păli is SAMÀDHI means middlemen for head make a item, don't mind the distracted. When the two were then coupled to each other then we back out means: make the mind quiet the head into a spot, don't mind the hope seed according to the Whole ceiling. By our mind can never be based on a seat, it runs under the fancy thing, not rotation as the wheels roll. The human mind forward to seed until the sleep that it also remained. Should Germany World Religion teaches to use headings to columns again. Methods of making dynamic prospects not called Just the restaurant, there are forty different ways, I cannot explain it clearly to him, would he please find in the "LIGHT of DHARMA", magazine, a group of Homeless Men in the Cellar.
The Buddha has taught: before wanted to make the mind one lick head it must be about pure misery. Our mind every vibration run by Liu of the bare landscape. Because she probably should have taught the German Religious World in the Dhammapada a shelf that:
That is: the fish that they catch up from the water and then, leave it on the dry it always removes weeds giụa how are mind of meditators brought out its place in the Whole ceiling and then closed it in the framework is proving close, to end off the want (net) of the devil, it's constant waggle world.
According to the Buddha of this language, we see clearly that: the mind has been soaked in the five ceiling hang countless lives, it was Devil tempted and had graffiti xằng negligent thing infiltrates the rescue; Once we are aware of the way the rescue of Messiah College compassion found and released under, it must provide the community's mind off the whole ceiling, is focused on disciplined framework is meditation.
Because the mind took me under Five ceiling should not see the impermanent, suffering and egolessness; Once the mind is an intellectual, the birth of new NET express clearly the three generals. This is only a brief awards only, would he find view journal "LIGHT DHARMA" more visible.

Advice: He teaches so then I can't help but look, the magazine considered the song Please Sir please tell me more about meditation. He has taught that the SAMÀDHI is "DETERMINE" that certain thing is?

A: To DETERMINE the means to make the Center remained on a spot, called the heading, don't let the mind run by Tran is good, Noble, flavor, Taste, Tactile, France, captures the mind to focus on a subject, not distracted, retrieved items do your coupon book ideas.

Advice: Angelica Sir, please Sir please specify GENERAL, its TRUE, GENERAL, and then DETERMINE the platform?

A: As far as I know, he is not the man who is beginning to learn. If I guess wrong, he does not have many years of research; now he asked management to me, or to comprehend the profound ethical, or that he'd asked me to I could not answer. If truly he asked to know more should, by asking to give me no answers are then would he let me stay longer than that, because question like that to satisfy your curious is not helpful for us all. My own, then I believe that I am not to answer.

Advice: Bach himself, I painstakingly studied Buddhism but don't be articulate, because his life grappling with roasted free range to learn more; so today charm may run risk having Him can just teach me more, so I dared to ask, ask for his forgiveness and just add, he treated me like a person of good men.

A: If so then I am very please to what he'd asked, according to my understanding:
1/non-retiring favors is the General of meditation.
2/the pour was retiring as member of meditation.
3/non-retiring favors is TRUE as a general meditation.
4/the pleasures of the body and the mind is the Foundation of meditation.

Advice: Bach himself, the genus made meditation the stigma of opaque?

A: The delights in Our ceiling is made for meditation stigma of opaque. By contrast, the effort and not remembered the bare Five causes for meditation is pure.

Advice: If we want to meditate are arising must thanks to France?

A: If we want to for meditation arises to six French is:
1 of precept to clean.
2/To cut end to what anxious with one, that is, the very good attachment and contact with life.
3/right close to the intellectuals, out way the rescue to teach themselves.
4/having to learn the correct headings with names.
5/it is with Leanne.
6/to be proficient in understanding the method acts make meditation arises quickly.

Advice: Angelica Sir, I understood in France, but in France Friday that he taught that "know understanding the method acts make meditation arises quickly", Bach himself, how he approaches? A few more?

A: There are ten France make meditation arises:
1/make surface is clean, mean and things to be clean.
2/make five Bronze base. Five radical then: Computer, tons of flat, apartment, apartments, Book apartment Lily Determine.
3/to understand headings, that is, to make the mind column in its heading.
4/to know the column again, i.e. When do know mind retiring favors the creator must know how to temper it into a subject and make it more effort.
5/to know the constraints of mind down a knowing that his mind very effort too over four other French.
6/to know making fun in mind when frustrated.
7/To observe the mind while seeing it khắn with excessive headings, to pull it back down to just a few of the other with the French.
8/ Should not communicate with people who have the Bohemian heart, meaning that people don't do a what are the results.
9, Is close to the goodness that intellectuals do not retiring, by contrast, ANDing and not disappointed.
10/Must try to bring attention to the purpose is to DETERMINE SAFETY.

Advice: Bach himself, so I was off skeptical; but He also teaches washed pure heart is washed way?

A: We, the common Vietnamese egg substitute for the mind. This is said to wash that make clean.

Advice: Bach himself, he taught me: When we do Phuoc and Phuoc is charged, then crime and to where?

A: To in the mind.

Advice: If Irene and guilty to in mind, I do not understand why the Buddha teaches: wash your mind clean. When we are washed clean, the blessed and the guilty are going to take off?

A: This sentence, he asked heard down the well, but the reason is not as he asked. The France of Germany The Religion taught there is room we must use wisdom to new thinking clearly, also offers us not so tired of thinking may well aware; questions he asked this too, he needs to think more for many new understanding. France, German Religious World essentially taught three French.
A) French white
B) black French
C white not black not France).
1/French white white results. French white here implies only France. France friendly means peace, if we done good as alms, maintained about or meditation then we enjoy the fruits of the current and past happily your future, because that is the cause of making it pure.
2 black Black paid/France. France black here refers to all Evil, Evil if France then charged result suffering because that negativity in mind.
3/France not white black white not black, not results. Italy said The largesse did not make absolutely clean, or don't understand how clear called blessed, how called and when do the crimes, nor do the great sins, so when were are result than one also distinctly not halfway, pleased nor totally fun, well not completely miserable.
The World Religious Center that beings are as filthy, wicked, containing many afflictions, afflictions, for her as the black cloth that stigma of being nhớp, so He taught for washed clean, that is made out of negativity, or is making white; that white is France. The Buddha teaches us to want to try to delete or to wash off the wicked miscreant, evil is in our lap and create more Phuoc Thien, is About, to determine, Hue. Three of France called Friendly France or French white. So the Buddha taught to wash in clean, are goal except the guilty mind is pure, Italy one must teach for a prime result Nirvana, not baptized as Brahmin leaders in the river GANGÀ. As baptized outside of the body; also in terms of our spirit can not understand for a baptism he was. If say the ornate detail can understand is to be baptized in the waters of the rivers, Maintained, taking part in the new meditation makes the mind is pure.

Advice: Bach himself, so the Buddhist monk wants the DAC results Nirvana is due to several causes?

A: There must be enough three causes are:
1/Thanks fruit treasure was created from the past.
2 of tries to do these things blessed, far away from the wicked sin.
3/Do take advantage of the wisdom of eliminating negativity.

Advice: Bach himself, the third sentence to teach "Because thanks to wisdom". Such is the wisdom, he clearly award?

A: Wisdom means the observation to see this body is impermanent, suffering, and egolessness.

Advice: Angelica Sir, please Sir Christopher Hy taught me and clearly see the compromise of intellectual output, and it is different from the ideas and Consciousness?

A: Wisdom is essentially understood thoroughly the reason of impermanence, suffering and egolessness, is to understand the origin of the three. Position that is understood, the; The intelligence that is Essential, is conversant in turn. The wisdom to understand other than ideas and Formulas as follows:
Just know that this animal has a green, red or big, small, short, long, etc. shalt not impossible that those he comes in in the three generals are impermanent, suffering and egolessness.
Also well known shape and color of things to see, and know more than the see this again, is that what has been seen as impermanent, suffering and egolessness. But it cannot be the same afflictions to DAC RESULTS Nirvana. Just had new intelligence is absolutely recognizable shape color is impermanent, suffering and egolessness, but can contemplate causes and the magnificent Prime, affliction RESULTS Nirvana. But the Ideas, Knowledge and wisdom cannot be apart from each other, such as a baby, a mother and a silversmith. When the boy Snatchers are known only gold gold Bureau Bureau only shalt not it does not know the value of the gold Bureau; It won the mother she thought; the mother knew that gold is valuable, can do loops, Mole, chains are, but she couldn't make out everything that was, right away thanks to the silversmith work. A little baby then such Ideas, because the only known color, pictures of everything but don't know the value. Formula for the mother because aware of color value of gold, is knowing impermanence, suffering brain, egolessness, but could not end the negativity to get rid of three generals. Also wisdom knows more than two other French, is knowing that the destruction was taking root negativity, and escape from impermanence, suffering and egolessness, and silversmith said that making gold the jewellery. All three of France's different names like that. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/6/2013.

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