Sunday 30 June 2013

The Bo-slapped suffering ban happy.

According to Buddhist texts, the development of the constant sa Bo HA-slapped, but perhaps Avalokiteśvara is the Bo-slaps are known. Such firepower is voluntary because of his charm and character for the Ta-Mrs. in-depth expansion, the same all over.
In them the Buddha's Like Ca, Avalokiteśvara is one of the Portuguese coast relief often slapped its upper for Germany chemical Buddhist beings realms-Mrs. In the world, he's the greatest Portuguese slapped by most left Germany Buddha, most German right hand Buddha is Bo-slapped Mahasthamaprapta. Germany Buddha and lettered the Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara, Mahasthamaprapta is the lifetime as Three Western Mass, often followed the procession who had current net Somasundaram charm born of the world, the State of Buddha Amitabha.
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In the pubs, Amitayus has described himself as a General in the Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara as follows: "Dear Mr. Eighty high like memories-do-tha by week, yellow skin, zijin, on top of that humiliation, has Halo lighting each broad side hundreds of thousands by week, in Halo shining round then there are five hundred Buddhist CultureBuddhist Culture, having excellent General as Gautama Buddha, Ca and have five hundred Turns Bo-slapped by most. His body has a light shining through ten, the General of all of them born in the Mainland will be seen in the same light. His top team Tian, in which a Chemical high Buddha twenty-five by week. The Golden hue of his Black suit, white hairs between the eyebrows double seven beautiful colors, shining out eight men four thousand Saturday morning to around ten.
In each beam has a countless number of Portuguese Culture and Buddhist Culture-slapped. The arms of Bo-slapped as Lotus pink, a beautiful eighty spark memories of Sedum, hand colored pink Lotus breast five hundred, eight-finger like lizard lizards, each only four thousand only eight men four thousand color, each color has eight four-thousand muon beam, beam's gentle shining all over ten. Him this treasure with your hand to lead them to the Extreme. At him to take off the foot up, from where thousands of the Vortex only at the foot naturally into five hundred memories quang minh. At him to bust down the wild flowers as diamonds scattered everywhere ".
It is the Portuguese general body slapped Avalokiteśvara under Customary Amitayus described, there are also numerous effects-Bo close to slap the other generals to plat beings, as in France, United, Universal products Division has said: Bo-slapped the embodiment of Buddha, Buddhist, body limb Flange Thinh van, or Violates United, like, in heaven, In natural, King, love, head fake, upasaka, Brahmin, Bhikkhu-pretentious, Bhikkhu-pretentious, Favor-she-switches, favor-she-di, even the embodiment of female and copper or the demons spirit beings to plat coast option. Because the center of a large bi phone typically you turned the One-directional Board, her suffering sentient beings of the Buddhist leader that Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara is the lifetime threshold glass and often claiming to celebrate the title.
People see the compassion of the United States--slapped Avalokiteśvara as the mother hurt her immeasurable, so dear Sir thresholds through images of a woman and often referred to him as "Mother Buddha", and viewed Him as a "Buddha Guanyin Gem". Sun claimed the Portuguese slapped Avalokiteśvara as a Buddhist, that also holds true for what the Scriptures said about Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara, as according to my Heavenly Angel crafts with great concern, deeply bi de-la-ni the past lives of immeasurable life ago, he was known as the Buddha as the French Chief of Intelligence As a hybrid, but because of prayer beads that He embodied as Bo-slapped.
In the Magic of France joined the United States, Universal product, the Buddha once said: "the Department of Portuguese slapped named Avalokiteśvara is because he often hung up, listen to the cry of the beings that respond to ban happy suffering. If there are hundreds of thousands of immeasurable great wall of memories they're miserable life, to hear the title of Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara that sincerely confess, the instant that they escape the agony ".
Thus, the Buddha teaches: "Avalokiteśvara Bo-slapped the dread force like that should create more benefits for them. Therefore they need the memory often thought in mind ... If someone maintains the constant memory sixty-two life HA sa title of Bo-slaps, the lifetime donation of food drinks, clothing, beds, medicines ..., the Germany of the good men, good women that much. Back to life if someone maintained the title of Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara in spite of a cult ceremony, donation, not other people's approval of the long-held sixty-two memories hang HA sa title of Bo-slapped, in the hundreds of thousands like memories from the past can not share. Shou maintained the title of Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara is boundless immeasurable joy in Germany ".
In the Shurangama have said, thanks to the French-based Atrium Innovations tu Tablet announced that Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara can be heard all over the same ten method application to realms we save the slitting, Roman Catholic culture.
In addition to the title of Avalokiteśvara, Bo-slaps the other titles there is A Character In. The title of Avalokiteśvara said many of the almond, Germany from bi-Bo's slaps. When it comes to Portuguese slapped Avalokiteśvara is said to Bo-slaps often observe, listen to the call of the beings, listening to the sounds of the world to bestow glad suffering. Also the title of A Character In say much about the capacity, intellectual liberation, mind the ridiculous monsters afraid of Bo-slapped. When it comes to Portuguese slapped A Character At is said to taste Portuguese slapped a profound insight, character in freed, no longer be anything binding, govern, no longer steeped in sea of birth and death, no longer suffering affliction; the Bo-slaps are capable of mastering the French, came away deeply concerned in the Ta-BA to make benefit to sentient beings.
Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara has elegant eight-place across the other side (the rescue), it was the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite – the most amazing intellect, the Belgium Bank. Thanks to "the deep Bowl-elegant Three-la-suite-Max" (practice and proven deeply intellectual, elegant eight-drain Three-la-suite), Writes "shone during skandha Ant" (a suicide by sensory wisdom best audibly, the five aggregates, ideas, travel, knowledge of which is infinite, Not himself), as "the showtimes comments during skandha" that He overcome all suffering yoke (the depth setting gauge yoke, Elegant eight-interest) and to go in in the Ta-BA, depending on the chemical affinities of sentient beings. The title of Avalokiteśvara and Hung himself in His professed religious titles is a Portuguese slapped the dread force, has a Center from bi and have an extensive volunteer force was born.
They are chums wife can also "Avalokiteśvara" (observe, listen to sounds of the world), but not "a character in". They can only watch one, listen to sound the worldly realms in an extent but likely a watch, listen of them born more limited, and they are also easy to stick with, been suffering infected cell, from which were hindrances while listening, while a suicide should not be "self-consistent". Also the great Bo-other-one can be "slapped himself in", however the no prayer beads the vast Portuguese-born slapped Avalokiteśvara, do not usually travel in the Ta-she should not call the Avalokiteśvara is whether the likely "self-consistent".
Happy learners A sound, legally Sound tu-one must play the ball wide of voluntary work, born from the heart, often suffering endless fun, the French captain of the Committee, and especially to take hold the Bowl-French apartment Atrium maintenance operations, General. Have to practice, practice "reflected Van Van Leanne self" as Bo-slapped taught in the Shurangama to Turkish membership base; are usually a projection of five aggregates which egolessness to elegant eight-place achievement.
Should not understand France's number-listen to the sound of the world according to my hear enough things in life, the mind of foreign charm, phan was charismatic; or listen to the sound of the universe that did not know what to do, but the fact that the sound is just illusion, just the response when the obturator ears again. It is not France A, not a "van Leanne self reflection", which is expected to mind, distinct Extrovert, crazy, romantic Island, accepted the idea.
About bowl of Buddhism, could not understand the Bowl-on the surface of awareness, which is usually a passport, evidence to practice. If not practice, not maintained, do not use the elegant eight-intellectual to a Passport does not own the more listening, more and more visible at start-up, as disappointed as me, soaking up pollution problems, as being legally forced to box infection affliction, dominates. If there is no sensory wisdom egolessness, no elegant eight-position, when you listen to the sounds of the world would be born mind love to hate, sad, take part in like ... defilements craving, accept, take, the, si kicked up.
So take the bowl-to self in as Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara is not understand Buddhism Bowl by the perception, which is to overhaul the elegant eight-proof, it can "Avalokiteśvara" is in.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/7/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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