Sunday 30 June 2013

Feast of Buddha, the Tathagata claiming canopy.

GN - In his ten virtues of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the "feast of the Buddha, the Tathagata spread claiming" well the first two disciples Northern Buddhists chant chorus nightly television in each of the time: "They're Disciple / Depending upon practice / Samantabhadra Bodhisattva ... " .
Feast of Buddha's mind, natural action for those who believe, understand, act according to Buddha - the Buddha's disciples, as the water flows naturally from so on down. For information, he should understand his glasses - an enlightened, pronouns, great compassion, great location, great courage ... has for spiritual development as well as human beings in the six paths of reincarnation.
Shakyamuni Buddha - Artwork
Buddha once said: "Believe me that I did not know I was vilified." This prompts critical in information-reference system to understand that parallel in mind that we are not "borrowed name" Buddha's disciples in the wrong key - only his teachings, as well as the ethical principles which he mechanism to protect the body and mind practitioner, as well as corporate image protection practice (the four monks, laymen).
lot of people have "feast Buddhas" by faith only vague , imitating or "deification" of divine blessing Him Christmas Si painter has to fall prostrate begging insatiable mood. It's not hard to catch the "defamation" of the Buddha in this way consciousness, Buddhist actions, not only the new application problems. Pictures put money into the hands of Buddha, offerings, afraid the police, pleading with greed in mind as well as "buying off" of the temples, Buddhist today in some places as a "customs shop "- which is harmful habits are transmitted from one generation to another is ugly image titled" misleading "the press, the religious meditation moral preoccupation with the future French leaders have often said so many times, repeatedly .
Yet apparently quit bad habits difficult, especially in the context of a society troubled important physical effects of meditation more or less subject- (not immaculate before "toxic wind" hybrid, in weird ways thinking, way of life) also turned early beliefs of Buddhists in the theocratic nature of belief, rather than learning the next Buddha to transform body and mind to take refuge in the Three Jewels, fresh seeds watered enlightenment to transform the mind-body-border towards goodness.
Consequently, when the bow down reverently enlightened liberation, we must show that he is to take refuge from the great deeds, compassion, Princess the intellectual world beyond its legal to practice his virtues as he did. Folk have a saying, "I do not like the tone fur just right" for the integrity of the system content and form of the next generation in a lineage that. I was a Buddhist, they must like him a little less certain, from the body (walking postures, standing, lying, sitting) to heart (love, compassion, joy, discharge).
Having reminded that question, let's concept of "I am a Buddhist "to return to the refuge in Buddha-French-Increase in body and mind means keeping a clear way, in the spirit of pure Buddha. That is to purify the body-mind by "do good, avoid evil", and "less like, know enough" even in the practice of good deeds, good. That, of course, reminds practitioner I do not have too much, do not force yourself o, Precept, a practice the principle of neglecting the spirit depending coast - soft capital, magic use, and vice versa. Design thinking, it is also practiced a middle path that the Buddha has said saved 26 centuries ago.
leaning toward not at all! When I committed my life to, I would not mind hard, afraid of suffering, fear not step into life as a "struggle against the oppression of Buddhism" that 50 years ago (1963) were Buddhists each. In particular, there emerged many virtues make "the law ephemera" as the Bodhisattva Thich Quang Duc and dozens of the religious faith, to Buddhists.
but stretch Phap.jpg
Buddha at the time of God - Nhon ... all respect him - Painting PG
Feast of Buddha preserved by legal precepts directed against the spirit of the powerful "evil bad side right" and then when the world is peaceful Buddhists to retreat to "dwell in the present," racking experience , gong bell early on to recite, doing social work "mornings bring joy to people, help people suffer less afternoon." No less venerable elder who is the leader of the movement was the 1963 Buddhist retreat in the forest by his accomplice place was full of virtues, was born to do it, then finished in a mild withdrawal soft, depending on conditions.
spirit that's the spirit of the Buddhist Emperor Tran Nhan Tong, Tran, ranks Vietnam Zen enlightenment. When northern invaders He kept quiet for borders, emergency people, the peace of the country has chosen his spiritual development, teaching people good food at an excellent, practical precepts dignified major currencies. Clear title, as power is cut off sandals behavior of an order release, the release is now in place to give the kingship, such as how to give that Prince Siddhartha spent every year.
generation patriarchs, the elders taught her the Buddhist feast, proclaimed by the Tathagata scattering act "like feathers, like wing" that he had made ​​"religious body" not to be meant business.
Studying Buddhism should jaw-understand and learn the meaning of (the modified three-export business mind-body, improvements in daily life, vividly expressed between real life). As such, the true Dhamma to life, and it will automatically become a member preaching, preaching a lifetime without having to say a word.
Conversely, if you only study and a mechanically, do not apply the Buddha's teachings say life is much more typical of the profound teachings of the Buddha, the mystery just makes the listener allergies, resistance, and self growth only. As such, it is synonymous with "defamation" Exalted - both his teacher and his Sangha or not, does not know, or think the opposite.
has no shortage of "preaching" such as making up for lack of Dharma, ie lack of "crystal lake" which is the core, the foundation to build houses dharma.
contemporary life, multimedia communications is very helpful for the dissemination of his teachings, but , more important is to practice what they have learned, has said. The Buddha's teaching is not wearing the shirt so that people know that the child Buddha is not flesh and blood, the essence, the breath from her to gait, speech, and the idea of living in the world, we become "messengers Tathagata" correctly, fully and completely in the sense of a continuation of the "preaching Dharma, universal delivery of clean clothes all delusion, suffering permanent lysis ...".END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/7/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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