Tuesday 18 June 2013

There Are Not Bodhi Mind Not Being.
Không Phát Tâm Bồ Đề Không Vãng Sanh
Anniversary of the Buddha that doesn't please, do not correspond with the duty of prayer, Buddha Amitabha's hard was a guest of birth, achievements own chapel. Bodhi heart is the heart benefit, benefit people, on the bridge, under a voluntary Buddhist achievement being "upper lower bridge turns", part of the passion.
While the Bodhi heart generator that does not specialize in maintenance, Buddhist mantras for, then don't be a guest of birth. Should the owners need to grab the Bodhi heart do Chief, reciting Buddhist titles as charm, and then after the birth Of the new Net bridge. NET tu (tu France celebrated Buddha) need to understand this truth further, it is necessary to strictly research medium medium-range tu anniversary tenets of effective disciplines more seclusion.
In their loss to France, who played Center for the tu celebrate Buddha, still had to raise the ceiling industry, ma the ocean noise, causes by three causes: unknown teachings, at least learn the Scriptures, for the disciplines of tu; not for the mind to mind, tu for taking, to be praised is believed to Net An engineer and innovator, just observe research in three sentences, in a hurry to be the subject of Buddhist mantras tu, due to fall on her starboard side, should not see heals you light; lack of confidence, to review the action not good, or like say bugs people, boast of his good things, or cooking this sectarian praise sectarian it, ended up not tu be where, who's to say or are, says sexual harassment was also done; they have what austerities which says or said sexual harassment, know that Outlook, the life of their seclusion at no time self-soi review of yourself, watch yourself have done nothing, nothing, to do something for the teacher, for France, for the Dharma?
With the three things above, your self review possible mistakes of ourselves is something that the contact Net ownership Levels is essential in at practice, Executive. Great to want to birth of Sukhavati Western world, do not have to use the little blessings, bit of Germany is suspended as is; want to escape the suffering living chếtn reincarnation of the muon van KIEP, not taking mind candidly, 3rd stage, dating credentials, and then lo rong play du hý negligent, the scene itself, back to real life to have the opportunity to deliver, there being original vows to Western! They where clearly the Club usually she liu quietly, the new morning show, and the sunset Government took it, where should diligently keep UN peacekeeping standby Notre lo mindfulness before?
Did not win power floating e Somasundaram erotic jewelry in the world force. At the time, sought a more physical mind not Buddha floating ceilings, as the anniversary of Buddha, Nhon Hanh poorly, seemed not to be lazy too late, again believe any more suspect France of Buddha, then we also can't help but don't know how.
The Professor has recommended shelving post tons:
Nam Amitabha,
Who does not know mantras?
However, such as Samyutta
MOM son hard Conference
When walking is sitting
This Centre offers over dues
Each successive anniversary
Celebrate long into depth blade
Like, anniversary Di Da
Di natural Momentum so far
Western contentious decisions
Lifetime does not rot switch
Anniversary of the Buddha should have deep belief in prayer, as the great Engineer Static Am ever discourage tons: walking is sitting therefore mindfulness, or unlawful practice Interior finish or dues, body in great, Buddhist forces her into depth, as kim cang strength, a rotten life, faith love traditionsan existing image, green van, benefit all over ten, being Princess thanks to dread in German, do you Saint, the naval Association maintained the Western world where the mystery.

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