Monday, 9 April 2012


Business French Dieu Lotussecond volume vehicles.

尔时 世尊  三昧 安详 而起 舍利弗 : 诸佛 智慧 甚深 无量 智慧 门 难解 难 入一切 声闻 ` 辟支佛 , 所 不能 知.
Turkey time ExaltedThree wall-soot an accomplice children start, the fox Sariputta: Wisdom Buddhas countless profound, difficult to solve any difficult subjects Wisdom Import, necessarily Thanh VAMNnPratyekabuddha, Of intellectual disability.
At eó Exaltedwake up peacefully Three-soot, Security Sariputta: Wisdom of the Buddha boundless deep, subjects Wisdom eó confusing difficult to all Thanh VAMNn -Pratyekabuddha, Can not know eConvention.
所以 者 何 佛 曾 亲近 百千 万亿 无数 诸佛尽 行 诸佛 无量 道 法 , 勇猛 精进 名称 普 闻成就 什 深 未曾 有 随 宜 所说意趣 难解.
The reason fake galaxy? An increase of close to ten thousand memories natural cypress countless Buddhas, take of countless Buddhas Dharma, mighty popular Tinh-forward title documents, profound achievements the increment propertyFrench theory discretionary basis, attention interesting dilemma.
Why so? Buddhist close each trAMNm thousand ten thousand million Buddhas countless, countless practice all ACreate the Buddha Dharma, mighty sounding Charge read out, the success eFrench uoc unprecedented deep, said France discretionary, meaning difficult to understand.
舍利弗 吾 从 成佛 已 来种种 因缘 `种种 譬喻广 演 言教无数 方便 引导 众生令 离诸 着.
Shariputra! Buddhist converts corn into travel, vaccine strains Causal- Eg general, advertising discourse teachers, facilities led numerous method- eCreate themstudents, flexible glass front letter.
Shariputra! Since I became Buddha een this, eincubation of Causal-Identical eIEP for example, said teaching speech everywhere, numerous means to guide them, help leaving the Dependence.
所以 者 何 如 来 方便`知 见波罗蜜 , 皆已 具足. 舍利弗 ! 如 来 知 见广大 深远 无量 无碍``无所 畏禅定 `解脱三昧 , 深入 无际成就 一切 未曾 有 法.
The reason fake galaxy? As LaiTri-The-add-comments- Paramita, Sufficient migration period. Sariputta! As Lai and Knowledge, boundless generosity Vo-intensive telecommunications problems, Force, Vo-of-captain, ThienDinh, resolution-free, Three blacksPenetrate very fact, necessarily achieve the increment propertyFrance.
Why so? Seeing that the means-of-Wisdom As Lai , eIf eã ewas eincubation. Sariputta! He is aware of the vast deep Tathagata is no obstacle immeasurable force-no-fear-Zen Ainh-Liberation- Three blacksTathagata's deeper integration without borders, like all French Lai successful ever.
舍利弗 如 来 能 种种 分别巧 说 诸法言辞 柔软悦 可 众 心. 舍利弗 取 要言之无量 无边 未曾 有 佛 悉 成就.
Shariputra! As Laipower  generic distinction, Magic French word theory, language needs fine, browsing to our mind. Shariputra! Prime low cost language, boundlessthe increment propertyFrance, Buddhist all achievement.
Shariputra! As LainAMNng  distinguish the type of France, said French sophistication, words gentle grace,  sentient beings can make fun. Shariputra! Mostly say, the France never had, more boundless, Buddhist successful euoc all.
 ! 舍利弗 ! 不 须 复 说. 所以 者 何 佛所 成就 第一 希 有 难解 之 法唯佛 与 佛乃 能 究 尽 诸法实相.
Only! Sariputta!  Any theory of habit. The reason fake galaxy? Achievements of the First Buddhist rare nan  French award costs, the only data Buddha Buddha, deer text features French Food at end-minister.
Stop it! Sariputta! Should not be repeated. Why so? Buddhist successful eFrench uoc confusing, most rare, unique only Buddhism and Buddha can to eend of Empty uoc no fact of the French generals.
所谓 诸法,如是 相`如是 性`如是 体`如是 力`如是 作`如是 因`如是 缘`如是 果`如是 报`如是 本末 究竟 等.
Department of the French text: As Marketing General Marketing As-as-as-as the market indicates Work-force-such as urban markets such as market-Dependent Human as market-like fruit-marketing Alert such as research, you will lose canhdang.
The French euoc  considered: General How-How-The-Force seems like the world-Making like-like-Dependent Human-like fruits such as application-Report-to same as the source.
尔时 世尊 欲 重 宣 此 义而 说 偈言 :
Turkey time Exalted, That education recited try, baby language theory shelves:
At eó Exaltedwant to read that verse before that says that:
世雄 不可 量 诸天 及 世人 一切 众生 类
The Hung impossible amount, counter that Human deities, beings necessarily kind.
The Hung difficult eo measure, the Sun and the AOh, all kinds of beings.
无 能知 佛 者  佛力 无所 畏 解脱 诸 三昧
Unknown author the science and Buddhism, Buddhist-based Radio-resources-captain, award-out text Three blacks .
Not to nAMNng that the Buddha, Buddhist Fearless Force, Phase-out and Three blacks .
及 佛 诸 余 法 无能 测量 者 本 从 无数 佛
France travel allocation, monitoring of false null and void, the multitude of Buddhist believers.
The Other French Buddhism, not nAMNng eo Measurement eTestament, the capital innumerable Buddha.
具足 行 诸道 甚深 微妙 法 难见 难 可 了
Sufficient detail of thoughtful, profound Abhidhamma nan nan to comments willow.
Action ewas eincubated AAustria, France deeply wonderful, hard to find eConvention also difficult.
于 无量 亿 劫 行 此 诸道 已  道场 得 成果
U Kiep countless memories, test a key reason, the results obtained Dao-colon.
In countless millions Kiep, eã of the ACreate this Acolon eof the Holy result.
我 已 悉知 见 如是 大 果 报 种种 性相 义
Falls Tri-biased defects, such as marketing of retribution, The General Definition vaccine strains.
I eA sees that all, retributionsuch large, eThe General Definition of incubation.
我 及 十 方 佛 乃 能知 是 事 是 法 不可 示
Falling up crossBuddha, deer feature the tri market, French market impossible.
Ta and buddhas of the new nAMNng that the eó, France eó not shown.
言辞 相 寂灭 诸 余 众生 类 无 有 能 得 解
Words like President-kill, they traveled the living beings, very friendly energy solutions obtained.
LOh say calm, all kinds of other beings, not to nAMNng out eConvention.
除 诸 菩萨 众 信 力 坚固 者 诸 佛 弟子 
Unless the text Bodhisattvathem, Tin-power solid fake letter Buddha ef fromthem.
In addition to the Bodhisattva, Force them solid information, the ef from the Buddha.
曾 供养 诸佛 一切 漏 已尽 住 是 最后 身
Offerings to the Buddhas Tsang, necessarily let them take, head marketing the ultimate body .
Each offering of the Buddha, eã every affliction, in that the final body.
如是 诸人 等 其 力 所 不堪 假使 满 世间
As the employer class, public facilities restive force, assuming complacent world.
Other people like that, they can not tolerate force, assuming all the world.
皆如 舍利弗 尽 思 共 度量 不能 测 佛智
Age as Sariputta, Take the amount from public fixtures, Development disability survey.
AEU as Sariputta, The same thinking eo measure, can not eo Tri Buddha.
正 使 满 十 方 皆如 舍利弗 及 余 诸 弟子
Cross the main chronic use, the period as Sariputta, Traveled up disciples.
Assuming that all the ten directions, eEU as Sariputta, Along the ef from the other.
亦 满 十 方 刹 尽 思 共 度量 亦复 不能 知
Cross the heron close meet, take possessions of private community, heron for intellectual disability.
Also eTen was the Buddha, the same thinking eo measure, also can not know.
辟支佛 利 智 无漏 最后 身 亦 满 十 方 
Pratyekabuddha intellectual interests, Vo-contraband the ultimate body, Heron chronic crossworld.
Tri Pratyekabuddha light, Body Last is the horn, as well eTen ways about it.
其 数 如 竹林 斯 等 共 一心 于 亿 无量 劫
States such as construction of forestry, from the Communist Party of mind, memory u countless lifetimes.
The number of structures such as forests, they got together one mind, in millions of countless lifetimes.
欲 思 佛 实 智 莫能 知 少 分 新 发 意 菩萨
From the Tri Buddhist education, the science is missing the opening, the new Italian Development Bodhisattva .
Tri Buddha actually want to think, can not understand a small part, Bodhisattvanew Italy.
供养 无数 佛 了 达 诸 义 趣 又能 善 说法
Offering a multitude of Buddha, the words mean willow reached Grasping good preaching skills.
Offering a multitude of Buddha, show the significant information, the industrious nAMNng said French.
如 稻 麻竹 苇 充满 十 方 刹 一心 以 妙智
As the ma microstructure, cross the fullness monitoring, especially for treatment center.
As rice eay clean architecture, eHe packed the Buddhist Ten, one-use magic Tri.
于 恒河沙 劫 咸皆 共 思量 不能 知 佛智
U myriads Kiep and function of the period plus investment, intellectual disability Development.
Among the multitude Kiep, think together eo measure, can not know Tri Buddha.
不退 诸 菩萨 其 数 如 恒沙 一心 共 思 求
No Quitting text Bodhisattva, Any number like Ganges descended, and the most public attention from the bridge.
The BodhisattvaNo retreat, as Hang sa number, find the most mind with thought.
亦复 不能 知 又 告 舍利弗 无漏 不 思议
Chen for intellectual disability, the Cao Sariputta! Vo-pirated any investment recommendations.
It is not nAMNng said, the security Sariputta! Outflow does not think the table.
甚深 微妙 法 我 今已 具 得 唯 我 知 是 相
Profound Abhidhamma metal migration obtained Falls, only Falls General tri market.
France deeply wonderful, I now eã euoc eincubation, only I know General eó.
十 方 佛 亦然  舍利弗 当 知 ​​诸 佛 语 无异
Buddha heron cross but, Sariputtaor tri! Word Buddhist termsvery allergic.
Ten local Buddhist too, Sariputtashould know! Word of the Buddha is no different.
于 佛 所 说法 当 生 大 信 力  世尊 法 久 后
U of the Buddha Dhamma, or life-force of Credit, ExaltedFrench permanent post.
With the French Buddha said, need, big energy, in the long term Dharma.
要 当 说 真实 告 诸 声闻 众 及 求 縁 觉 乘
True love theory, text ads Thanh-vAMNnthem, feeling berth Dependent Vehicle.
Needless to say truth, told the Thanh VAMNnWho needs Tier Pratyekabuddha.
我 令 脱 苦 缚 逮得 涅槃 者 佛 以 方便 力
Spiritual blessings fall out of suffering, offers prime Nirvanaauthor, broadcast facilities, Level-Luc.
We help remove wire size, rapid euoc Nirvana, Buddha means using force.
示 以 三乘 教 众生 处处 着 引 之 令 得出
Thi Tam-surplus education course, country of origin before they are born, resulting in more favorable production components.
Tier Three out teachers, who rely everywhere, helping lead from ignorance.
尔时 大众 中有 诸 声闻 , 漏尽 阿罗汉 , 阿 若 憍 陈 如 等 千 二百 人及 发 声闻辟支佛 比丘 ` 比丘尼 ` 优婆塞 ` 优婆夷 
Middle ear of our time, friendly letters Thanh VAMNn, Gonorrhea-to-end Arahant, A Disadvantages KondannaHuman natural cypress class II, allocation Thanh Van- Pratyekabuddha , Spleen KheoSpleen nuns - Upasaka - Advantages Ms. Di .
At ein Aại We have the Thanh VAMNn, Out of mind Arahant, A bad Kondanna and 1,200 people, along with the Development Center Thanh VAMNn- Pratyekabuddha, Male Spleen Kheo- Handmaid Kheo-male-female Buddhists Buddhists.
各 作是念 : 今 者 世尊 , 何故 殷勤 称叹 方便而 作 是 言 : 佛所 得法甚深 难解. 有 所言 说意趣 难 知 一切 声闻 ` 辟支佛 所 不能 及.
The marketing concept work: Kim authors Exalted,  graciously condescended to profess carbon-means method, urban pediatric speech effect: Buddhist possess France, profound dilemma. Organic theory of language, attention nan tri interesting! The most set Thanh VAMNn - Pratyekabuddhaof disability access.
One by eEU thinking is now Exalted, Because of what caring means praise, which makes words that Dharma is eTestament, deeply confusing. Word esaid Convention, the difficult to know what the quarter, all Thanh VAMNn - Pratyekabuddhacan not catch up.
佛说 一 解脱 义我 等 亦得 此 法到 于 涅槃 , 而今 不知 是 义 所 趣 ?
Buddhist theory-free means the tournament, Russia was typical French herons, thoughtful u Nirvana, Pediatric tri metal market means any zoo?
Freeing the Buddha said that, we've also eFrench uoc eOh, I euoc Nirvana, But did not understand the directions that eó?
尔时 舍利弗 知 四 众 心 疑 , 自 亦未 了而 白 佛言 : 世尊 ! 何 因 何缘殷勤 称叹 诸佛 第一 方便甚深 微妙 难解 之 法 ?
Turkey time Sariputtatri Four Webreak, self touches the heron, white Buddhas language children: Exalted! Ha Ha's grace, kindness endearing Buddhas First Method-way, wonderful profound dilemma more French?
When eó Sariputtaknow the mind suspected orof them, himself was not clear and transparent Buddha said: Exalted! Since CausalWhat, graciously praising Vehicles ee of the Buddha, Dhamma deeply confusing wonderful?
我 自昔 来未曾 从 佛 闻 如是 说. 今 者 四 众 , 咸皆 有 疑唯愿 世尊 敷演 斯 事. 世尊 何故 殷勤 称叹甚深 微妙 难解 之 法 ?
Falls self-hybrid analysis, the Buddhist literature as increasing the total market theory. Kim authors Four We, Friendly function, only voluntary Exaltedthe e-government. Blessed! Ha tried to kindly impulses, wonderful profound dilemma more French?
The pre- een today, had not heard from the Buddha said so. Today Four We all eIf doubt, desired Exaltedshow this. Blessed! So kindly excuse the French celebrate the magic deep cryptic eó?
尔时 舍利弗 欲 重 宣 此 义而 说 偈言 :
Turkey time Sariputtatry sex recited means, pediatric shelves language theory:
At eó Sariputtawant to read that verse before that says that:
慧 日 大圣 尊 久 乃 说 是 法 自 说得 如是
Japan Foundation Tue Thanh Ton Nai permanent French market theory, free market theory as obtained.
ATon ại Tue morning, far from speaking French, the order said eTestament as that.
力 无畏 三昧   禅定 解脱 等  不可思议 
Captain Luc Vo- Three blacks, Meditation class award-out, inconceivableFrance.
No fear of force Three blacksZen Ahousehold size and Liberation, the French can not think the table.
道 场所 得法 无能 发问 者 我 意 难 可 测
Director of Fa-colon, very fake playback problems, difficult to monitor Russian Medicine.
In Acolon euoc France, can not be questioned, the unpredictable euoc mind.
亦无 能 问 者 无 问 而 自 说 称叹 所 行道
Chen null and void counterfeit problem, invisible children self-theory problem, the office director impulses.
Can not ask eConvention, do not ask that self-talk, praise ACreate necessary regulations.
智慧 甚 微妙 诸佛 之 所得 无漏 诸 罗汉
Even wonderful wisdom, Buddhas possess information, Vo-Horn smuggled letters.
Wisdom is wonderful, the Buddha eA eConvention, the Arhat all Bothered.
及 求 涅槃 者 今 皆 堕 疑 网 佛 何故 说 是
Berth Nirvanaauthor, needle doa comfortable hammock period, the Buddha urged urban galaxy.
Along the bridge Nirvana, This eIf eboo mesh comfort, Buddhist excuse to say it.
其 求 縁 觉 者   比丘 比丘尼 诸 天龙 鬼神
States demand Pratyekabuddha fake Spleen Kheo Spleen nuns, Long Devils Spirit Devas.
The bridge Pratyekabuddha men and women of Spleen Kheo, The Sun Devils Spirit Dragon.
 干 闼 婆 等 相 视 怀 犹豫 瞻仰 两 足 尊
Updates She seen soequality, like Thi Hoai hesitate to admire Bi persisted.
Along the She seen so, Looked at each other suspected hesitate to admire the Buddha Exalted .
是 事 为 云何 愿 佛 为 解说 于诸 声闻 
Thi Van Ha of acts, the hypothesis Buddhist prayer, the words u Thanh VAMNnthem.
The eO how desirable Buddha explained, with them Thanh VAMNn .
佛说 我 第一 我 今 自 于 智  疑惑 不能 了
Falls the First Buddhist theory, Nga U Tri pyramid, suspected orwillow disability.
The Buddha said eMost e Tri current of the Son, suspected ornot understood.
为 是 究竟 法 为 是 所 行道 佛 口 所 生子
The French market cure, of Action of marketing, import of Buddhist life and death.
For the want of Action ACreate eó, because the last French eOh, I come from the mouth Buddha.
合掌 瞻仰 待 愿 出 微妙 音 时 为 如实 说
The attorney contemplating treatment, may produce wonderful sounds, tastes like real time theory.
Contemplate hands waiting, hoping eOh, wonderful sound, to say the true time.
诸天 龙神 等 其 数 如 恒沙 求佛 诸 菩萨
Long Spirit Devas offer, such as Hang sa period of, for Buddhist text Bodhisattva .
Along the Heaven Dragon Spirit, much as the sand of the Ganges, the BodhisattvaBuddha needs.
大数 有 八万 又 诸 万亿 国  转轮 圣王 
Property bowl universal algebra, the Australian Office National owner, Cakkavattirelease.
The number of over eight thousand, the Cakkavatti, From water to ten thousand million.
合掌 以 敬 心 欲 闻 具足 道
The glass bell center, sufficient specific education office director.
Use hands devotion, to hear the full ACreate.
尔时 佛告 舍利弗 !   不 须 复 说若 说 是 事一切 世间 诸天 及 人皆 当 惊疑 舍利弗 重 白 佛言 :
The Buddha's ear Sariputta!  Only! only! Any habit theory, marketing theory the disadvantages, it is essential that Human deities counter space, period or experience! Shariputra same transparency Spokesman:
At eBuddha told ó Sariputta! Stop! Stop it! Do not say, to say the eó, all the world, the Sun and The eIf eang suspected afraid. Sariputta the Buddha said that transparency:
世尊 唯愿 说 之唯愿 说 之. 所以 者 何 是 会 无数 百千 万亿 阿僧祇 众生曾见 诸佛诸根 猛 利智慧 明了闻 佛所说则 能 敬 信.
Blessed! Only voluntary information theory, information theory only voluntary. The reason fake galaxy? Marketing department meeting countless thousand memories A Rising U.S. natural beings, subjective increment Buddha, text Apartments tricks, clever touches Intelligence, Office of Buddhist theory, power switch Credit glasses.
Blessed! Please speak quickly ei, let me say quickly ei. Why so? The eher boundless trAMNT m A thousand thousand millionAMNng beings States, had seen the Buddha, the CAMNn tricks, clear Intelligence, hearing euoc Buddha said, sure glass message.
尔时 舍利弗 欲 重 宣 此 义而 说 偈言 :
Turkey time Sariputtatry sex recited means, pediatric shelves language theory:
At eó Sariputtawant to read that verse before that says that:
法王 无上 尊 惟 说 愿 勿 虑 是 会 无量 众
Radio-abiding Holiness, the only prayer in physical theory, then they are immeasurable.
Fa Wang Ping Aang conquerors, would say eapplication by the Association eher many beings.
有 能 敬 信 者
Friendship Glass feature author credit.
They always godly.
佛 复 止 舍利弗 ! 若 说 是 事一切 世间``阿 修罗皆 当 惊疑. 增上慢 比丘 , 将 坠 于 大坑. 尔时 世尊 , 重 说 偈言 :
Buddha for only Sariputta! Disadvantages of marketing theory, necessarily the world, God-Human- A Tu La, Class or experience. Increased chronic upper Spleen Kheo, Relative length khanh failure. Turkey time Exaltedtheory of language identical shelves:
Buddha re-ngAMNn Sariputta! To say the eó all the world, God-who- A Tu La , eIf eang suspected afraid. Spleen Kheohigh self-pride, eang ebroke into the big tunnel. At eó Exaltedthe verse that says:
止 止 不 须 说 我 法 妙 难 思 诸 增上慢  闻 必 不敬 信
Only just any religious doctrine, crossroads magic spokes from France, the word tAMNng chronic upperauthor, writing all credit disrespectful.
Stop stops should not say, I hardly think the French, who pride pride, heard the news with no glass.
尔时 舍利弗 重 白 佛言 世尊 ! 唯愿 说 之唯愿 说 之. 今 此 会 中如 我 等比百千 万亿世世 已 曾 从 佛 受 化.
Turkey time Sariputtalanguage identical white Buddha: Exalted! Only voluntary information theory, information theory only voluntary. Metal recoveries, as Russia is billions, natural cypress thousand memories, like that of course increase the total Mailcustomized.
When eó Sariputtathe white Buddha said: Exalted! Please Buddha said ei, for the Buddha said ei. Now in this Assembly, as we eHe, pAMNm thousand ten thousand million, eOh eOh eã received from Buddhist teaching.
如此 人 等必 能 敬 信长夜 安 穏多 所 饶益. 尔时 舍利弗 欲 重 宣 此 义而 说 偈言 :
As test of identity, all glass feature credits, the labor peace, has many useful facilities. Turkey time Sariputtatry sex recited means, pediatric shelves language theory:
As the eó, given nAMNdiameter of news, long-term peace in the dark, euoc useful. At eó Sariputtawant to read that verse before that says that:
无上 两 足 尊 愿 说 第一 法 我 为 佛 长子
Further negotiations Vo-Ton, the First French theory voluntary, Nga Tu Head of Buddha.
Tri Phuc Duc Buddhist enough, most French would say, I was the head of Buddha.
惟 垂 分别 说 是 会 无量 众 能 敬 信 此 法
The only distinction lobe theory, then they are innumerable, features French glass test signal.
Invite our distinguished speaking, the eIn many beings, nAMNThis French news diameter.
佛 已 曾 世世 教化 如是 等 皆 一心 合掌
World Buddhist legacy that, as the market of college education, one-stage cartridge.
Buddha eã each eOh eOh, teach them that, eIf a heart hands.
欲 听 受 佛 语 我 等 千 二百 及 余 求佛 者
Auditory training and sales Buddhist termsRussia is pressing natural binary, up to an excess demand for fake Buddha.
Want to hear the Buddha accepted, We give two thousand trAMNm, and the other for the Buddha.
愿 为此 众 故 惟 垂 分别 说 是 等 闻 此 法
May you try them fixed, the only distinction lobe theory, marketing documents to try French class.
Please for other living beings eó, invite our distinguished speaking, the French listeners eó.
则 生 大 欢喜
Code of joyful living.
Make big psychological fun.
尔时 世尊  舍利弗  : 汝 已 殷勤 三 请岂得 不 说. 汝今 谛听 善 思念 之 吾 当 为 汝 分别 解说.
Turkey time ExaltedReport Sariputta: Like eating sometimes need three, revealed any prime theory. As Kim to appeal! Good nourishment more! Distinguish tastes like corn or hypothesis.
When eó Exaltedsecurity Sariputta: He eã caring for three times, why not say. His knowledge of this hearing, thinking Tue, Religious Wisdom! I eang discrimination because he explained.
说 此 语 时会 中 有 比丘 ` 比丘尼 ` 优婆塞 ` 优婆夷 ,五千 人 等即 从 座 起礼佛 而退.
Test their theory terms, the center-right Spleen Kheo - Spleen nuns - UpasakaMs. Di-Advantage, contingent natureHuman equality, ie apostolic launch, quit baby Buddha.
When you say eó, in Association with male Spleen Kheo- Handmaid Kheo-male-female Buddhists Buddhists, as long as nAMNm thousands of people, promptly left the seat, Buddhist ceremony and retreat.
所以 者 何 此辈 罪 根 深重 增上慢 ,未得 谓 得未 证 谓 证. 有 如此 失是以 不住.
The reason fake galaxy? Try setting the carpet in crime Apartments, counter tAMNng chronic upper, Because of the favorable, as they are certified. Property as if true, then of course any head.
Why so? Positions eC from meAMNn intensive high esteem and self pride, not euoc considered eã eConvention, may be regarded as evidence eã evidence. Loss ei so as eA use that does not stay.
世尊 默然 而不 制止. 尔时 佛告 舍利弗 : 我 今 此 众无 复 枝叶纯 有 贞 实. 舍利弗 如是 增上慢 退 亦 佳 矣.
Exalted any pediatric institutions only implicitly. The Buddha's ear Sariputta: Falling needle to try them, invisible for more chlorophyll, pure virgin organic food. Shariputra! As the market tAMNng chronic upperPeople, quit the herons during hi.
Blessed silence, not ngAMNn resistance. When eBuddha told ó Sariputta: We students of mine today and they have no leaves, only whole fruit. Shariputra! The high self-conceit eó, leaving ei also good.
汝今 善 听 当 为汝说. 舍利弗  唯然 世尊 ! 愿 乐 欲 闻.
As Kim good hearing! Contemporary theory tastes like. SariputtaLanguage: The course! Exalted! Posted May sex fun.
He now listen, ebecause he said ang. Sariputtasaid: Aflooding the world! Exalted! Please listen to fun.
佛告 舍利弗 : 如是 妙法诸佛 如 来 时 乃 说 之 优 昙 钵 华时 一 现 耳.
Buddha's Sariputta: As Dieu French market, the Buddhas As LaiNai spending time theory, such as Bat Udumbara flowers, the most ear.
Buddha told Sariputta: As the French Dieu ehe, the Buddha of the As Laisay, like flowers Pros ASystem Explorer Bat, only bloom once.
舍利弗 汝等 当 信佛 之 所说言 不 虚妄. 舍利弗 诸佛 随 宜 说法意趣 难解.
Shariputra! Credit as being Buddhist or spend the theory, any language delusion. Shariputra! Discretionary Buddha Dharma, mind interesting dilemma.
Shariputra! The words of the message he needs to be Buddha will not lie. Shariputra! The Buddha said French discretion, intention confusing.
所以 者 何 我 以 无数 方便种种 因缘 `譬喻 言辞演说 诸法是 法 非 思量 分别 之 所能 解唯有 诸佛 乃 能知 之.
The reason fake galaxy? Phuong Nga certainly numerous, generally Causal- For example the language, speaking French text, the French market from non-discrimination indices of resolution, only intellectual property Buddhas Nai spending power.
Why so? We use a multitude of media, eincubation of Causal- For example the language, speaking of France, France eó not able to think eo measure that can be understood eConvention, only the Buddha can understand econventions that time.
所以 者 何  佛 世尊 , 唯 以 一 大事 因缘 出现 于世. 舍利弗 ! 云何 名 诸佛 世尊唯 以 一 大事 因 缘故出现 于世 ?
The reason fake galaxy? The Buddhas Exalted, The only reason most eại the causaltry, appears U. Sariputta! Van galaxy name Blessed Buddhas, the only reason most of the causal problem, appearing U?
Why so? The Buddha ExaltedTake, only because Causalof a big deal, appeared in AOh. Sariputta! Why is the Buddha said Bhagavan, only just because of conditions of a big deal, appeared in AOh?
 佛 世尊 , 欲令 众生 开 佛 知 见 , 使得 清净 故出现 于世. 欲 示 众生 佛 之 知 见 故出现 于世.
The Buddhas Exalted,  Buddhist spiritual beings sex Tri-implementation reviews, using tried to attain purity, appearance  U. Buddhist education spending marketing beings Tri-solidly and U appear.
The Buddha Exalted, Want to help sentient beings enlightenment 'you know' of Buddha, trying to make etranslation of the Holy, appearing in AOh. Try living beings want to show 'you know' of Buddha, appeared in AOh.
欲令 众生 悟 佛 知 见 出现 于世. 欲令 众生 入 佛 知 见 道 出现 于世.
Buddhist spiritual enlightenment sexual beings Tri-solidly and U appear. Buddhist spiritual sexual beings enter Tri-ants, appear U.
Try to help students enlightenment'You know' of Buddha, appeared in AOh. Try to help students enter 'ACreate you know 'of Buddha, appeared in AOh.
舍利弗 是 为 诸佛 以 一 大事 因缘 出现 于世 
Shariputra! Thi course most of the Buddhas eại the causaltry, appears U.
Shariputra! Awaterlogging is trying to use the Buddha Causalof a big deal, appeared in AOh.
佛告 舍利弗 : 诸佛 如 来 , 但 教化 菩萨 ,诸 有 所作常 为 一事 唯 以 佛 之 知 见 示 悟 众生.
Buddha's Sariputta: Buddha As LaiScaffolds of Bodhisattva, The text property of work, most often the position: The Tri-biased of course Buddha more enlightened beings market.
Buddha told Sariputta: The Buddha As Laionly teaching Bodhisattva, The work is done, usually because of one thing: Only for 'you know' out of the Buddha enlightenmentbeings.
舍利弗 如 来 但 以 一 佛乘 为 众生 说法无 有余 乘若 二 若 三.
Shariputra! As LaiFirst Buddhist Thua bold attempt, the Dharma beings, invisible surplus property, disadvantages disadvantages Yee Tam.
Shariputra! As LaiBuddha tried to use only Grade A, as they say the French students, no other Buddha Master, or two or three.
舍利弗 一切 十 方 诸佛法 亦如 是.
Shariputra! Necessarily crossBuddhas, such as herons French market.
Shariputra! All the buddhas of France alsoso.
舍利弗 过去 诸佛 以 无量 无数 方便种种 因缘 `譬喻 言辞,而 为 众生 演说 诸法是 法 皆为 一 佛乘 故. 是 诸 众生 从 诸佛 闻 法究竟 皆得 一切种智.
Shariputra! Past-history course countless Buddhas countless Phuong, generally Causal-  such words, children are living beings words speeches France, the French market during Best Buddhist the Thua problem. Import text documents beings Buddhas French accomplice, at Necessary field strains obtained during Tri.
Shariputra! The Buddhist past used countless multitude of media, eincubation of Causal- For example the language, as well as speaking beings of France, France eó eIf because ofeuoc A Buddhist Master. The beings ehearing in accordance with the French Buddhist, finally eIf euoc All kinds of wisdom.
舍利弗 未来 诸佛 当 出于 世亦以 无量 无数 方便种种 因缘 `譬喻 言辞而 为 众生 演说 诸法是 法 皆为 一 佛乘 故. 是 诸 众生 从 佛 闻 法究竟 皆得 一切种智.
Shariputra! The future Buddha-U or appearance, of course innumerable multitude of herons Phuong, generally Causal-  such words, children are living beings words speeches France, the French market during Best Buddhist the Thua problem. Thi Buddhist text written French accomplice beings, end Tri strains obtained during Necessary.
Shariputra! The Future Buddha eang appear in eOh, also used countless multitude of media, eincubation of Causal- For example the language, as well as speaking beings of France, France eó eIf because of euoc A Buddhist Master. The beings eó the Buddha heard French, finally eIf euoc All kinds of wisdom.
舍利弗 ! 现在 十 方 无量 百千 万亿 佛土  佛 世尊 , 多 所 饶益安乐 众生是 诸佛 亦以 无量 无数 方便种种 因缘 `譬喻 言辞而 为 众生 演说 诸法是 法 皆为 一 佛乘 故. 是 诸 众生 从 佛 闻 法究竟 皆得 一切种智.
Shariputra! The time-in crossnatural universal pressing countless memories expectancy Buddha, Buddhas Exalted, Has many useful facilities, peaceful beings, Buddhas heron marketing course countless multitude Phuong, generally Causal-  such words, children are living beings words speeches France, the French market during Best Buddhist the Thua problem. Thi Buddhist text written French accomplice beings, end Tri strains obtained during Necessary.
Shariputra! Currently in ten countless trAMNthousand ten thousand million m Aarea knowledge Buddha, the Buddha Exalted, Helps a lot, still happy beings, the Buddha eó use also means countless multitude, eincubation of Causal- For example the language, as well as speaking beings of France, France eó eIf because of euoc A Buddhist Master. The beings eó the Buddha heard French, finally eIf euoc All kinds of wisdom.
舍利弗 是 诸佛 但 教化 菩萨 , 欲以 佛 之 知 见 示 众生 故欲以 佛 之 知 见 悟 众生 故欲令 众生 入 佛 之 知 见 故.
Shariputra! Of the buddhas market Scaffolds Bodhisattva,  Tri-training course reviews the Buddha spent trying to market beings, Buddhism spending Tri-training course reviews enlightened beings, spiritual beings enter Buddhist education spending Tri-solidly.
Shariputra! The Buddha eó only teaching Bodhisattva, Trying to use 'you know' of the Buddha to living beings present, try to use 'you know' of the Buddha enlightenmentbeings, trying to help students enter the 'Seeing Biet'cua Buddha.
舍利弗 我 今 亦复 如是. 知 诸 众生 有 种种 欲深 心 所著随 其 本性以 种种 因缘 `譬喻 言辞`方便 力而 为 说法.
Shariputra! Metal herons fall for such marketing. Tri text sentient beings strains race training and intensive care units first, as the public nature, of course general Causal- For example the language add-Method-Luc, the theory of French children.
Shariputra! We also again like this. Know  beings have the desire, taking refuge in the deep heart, according to The  their capital, using various types of Causal- Language-force such facilities, but because the French said.
舍利弗 如此 皆为 得 一 佛乘 , 一切种智 故. 舍利弗 十 方 世界 中尚无 二乘 , 何况 有 三.
Shariputra! As the trial period the Buddha attained Nhat Tri, Thua-Necessarily strains problem. Shariputra! Cross the world, typically invisible Thua Second, galaxy Three organic case.
Shariputra! Like eIf because of euoc A Buddhist Master, All kinds of wisdom. Shariputra! In the ten world, while not harmful, I do have three.
舍利弗 诸佛 出于 五 浊 恶 世 , 所谓 劫 浊烦恼 浊 `众生 浊见 浊 `命 浊.
Shariputra! U Five Buddhas of The Troc evil, of the affliction Kiep bare-bare-bare-Kien We Born Troc bare-par.
Shariputra! The Buddha appears in the AO NAMNm Troc evil called: Kiep bare affliction peel, We Born bare bare Seeing Face Troc.
如是 舍利弗 ! 劫 浊 乱 时众生 垢 重悭 贪 嫉妒成就 诸 不 善根 故. 诸佛 以 方便 力 一 佛乘 分别 说 三.
As the market Sariputta!  Troc their lifetime disorders, important beings structure, khan part jealousy and achievements Based unwholesome word problems. The convenience of course Buddhas-Luc, most tumors classified Buddha Thua  Three different theories.
Like Sariputta! Troc their lifetime disorder, a serious sin beings, anhydrous take disability estained by the emassively more CAMNn is not good. Buddha means the force used, with a silver Buddha said to distinguish three stages.
舍利弗 若 我 弟子自 谓 阿罗汉 ` 辟支佛 ,不 闻 不知 诸佛 如 来 , 但 教化 菩萨 此 非 佛 弟子 , 非 阿罗汉`非 辟支佛.
Shariputra! Disadvantages Self disciple, himself the Arahant - Pratyekabuddhaauthor, any document any tri Buddhas As Lai, Scaffolds of Bodhisattvaprobation fees Buddha ef from, Non-non-Arahat Pratyekabuddhas.
Shariputra! If eI f from the self as Arahant - Pratyekabuddha, Do not listen do not know the Buddha As Lai, Only the teaching of Bodhisattva, They are not ef from the Buddha, not the Arahat, is not Pratyekabuddhas.
又 舍 利弗 是 诸 比丘 ` 比丘尼 , 自 谓 已 得 阿罗汉 ,  最后 身 , 究竟 涅槃 , 便 不 复 志 求 阿 耨 多 罗 三 藐 三 菩提 , 当知此 辈皆 是 增上慢 人.
Huu Sariputta! Import text Spleen Kheo - Spleen nuns, Itself the prime reason Arahant, Marketing the ultimate body, End Nirvana, Means any request for release A Nau ABo La Tam Tam a CommentAe, Or tri test set, during market tAMNng chronic upperPeople.
Page back Sariputta! The male Spleen Kheo- Handmaid Kheo eó, to be considered eã euoc Arahant, Is relative, to euoc Nirvana, And he does not even demand for A Nau ABo La Tam Tam a Comment Ae, Who should know eó, eThe EU is highly self-conceit.
所以 者 何 若有 比丘 实 得 阿罗汉 , 若不信 此 法无 有 是 处. 除 佛 灭度 后现 前 无 佛.
The reason fake galaxy? Disadvantages organic Spleen Kheoto attain Arahant, The drawback of no confidence to try France, very high market origin. Anti-Buddha except the post, out of money very Buddhist.
Why so? If there are Spleen Kheothe euoc ArahantIf France does not believe this, no place. Except after the Buddha died, firstly there is no Buddha.
所以 者 何 佛 灭度 后如是 等 经受持`读诵`解 义 者是 人 难得. 若遇 余 佛于此 法 中 便 得 决 了.
The reason fake galaxy? Anti-Buddha of climate, such as marketing respectable sales-lead-poisoning proceedings false interpretation, Human nan prime market. Disadvantages outstanding Buddhist enlightenment, u calligraphy prime means the willow.
Why so? After the Buddha died, as the type of Business eó, kept- espit-interpreted proceedings, the eó difficult eConvention. If you encounter other Buddha, in France ein immediately euoc toeINH.
舍利弗 汝等 当 一心 信 解`受持 佛 语 . 诸佛 如 来 , 言 无 虚妄无 有余 乘 一 佛乘 
Shariputra! Or credit as being one-solution-sales maintenance Buddhist terms. The Buddhas As Lai, Delusion language very, very useful redundancy, only the Buddha Vehicle.
Shariputra! The care he needed most signal, kept Buddha. The Buddha As Lai, Will not lie, no other Buddha Master, only a Buddhist Master.
尔时 世尊 欲 重 宣 此 义而 说 偈言 :
Turkey time Exaltedtry sex recited means, pediatric shelves language theory:
At eó Exaltedwant to read that verse before that says that:
比丘 比丘尼 有 怀 增上慢   优婆塞 我 慢
Spleen Kheo Spleen nuns, Huu Hoai tAMNng chronic upper , UpasakaConceit
The men and women Spleen Kheo, Cynical self-pride, self-satisfied male Buddhists.
优婆夷 不 信 如是 四 众 等 其 数 有 五千
Advantages Ms. Di mistrust, as market Four Wecolleges, public ownership of contingent nature .
Buddhist Women do not believe, like Four We eó, the number is nAMNm thousand.
不 自 见其 过 于 戒 有 缺漏 护 惜 其 瑕疵
Any opinions transition itself, illegal u About Organic defects, any galaxy households spleen volume.
Can not see his error, in the About defects, cleft unfortunately kept jewel.
是 小 智 已 出 众 中 之 糟糠 佛 威 徳 故去
Entertainment and marketing of primary, secondary expenditures We appeal me, past Buddhist virtue tried.
The Mini Tri eã ei, is bran residue in We, een for Uy ABuddhist memory.
斯人 尠 福 徳 不堪 受 是 法 此 众 无 枝叶
Private First Phuc Duc, the French market restive receptors, try We very cost chlorophyll.
The eó lack Phuc Amemory, can not afford to receive French, we ehad no foliage.
唯有 诸 贞 实  舍利弗 善 听 诸佛 所得 法
The only real property cycle, Sariputtagood hearing, Buddhas possess France.
Only full-time with results, Sariputtalisten, the Buddha euoc France.
无量 方便 力 而 为 众生 说 众生 心 所 念
The-add immeasurable force, the child theories beings, beings mental concept.
Means of immeasurable power, but because living beings said, thinking sentient beings.
种种 所 行道 若干 诸 欲 性 先世 善 恶 业
Office of director general, sexual weakness Notes, First World Compassion-karma.
Aincubated ACreate want to practice, The desire very much, Industrial evil Shan- AOh before.
佛 悉知 是 已 以 诸 縁 譬喻 言辞 方便 力
All urban Buddhist tri course, course conditions such words, words-add-force method.
Buddha eã knows all, using the example Causal, Verbal means of force.
令 一切 欢喜 或 说 修 多 罗 伽陀 及 本事
Necessarily Spirit of joy, or theory Tu Da La, Price has visited you with.
Help all excited, or is said Pure Business, AProceeding along ieu The The.
本生 未曾 有 亦 说 于 因 縁 譬喻 并 只 夜
A Friendship Born monk, and the theory of Dependent Origination, and recite Example.
A Friendship Born monk, also said both of Dependent Origination, and recite Example.
优 波提 舍 经 钝根 乐 小 法 贪着 于 生死
Three Advantages Away Business, padded base sub ridiculed France, before u take birth and death.
Business Advantages Ba Ae Ba, foolish little French ham, participating students taking refuge in death.
于诸 无量 佛 不行 深妙 道 众 苦 所 恼 乱
U countless Buddhist text, any director of profound, they suffer brain disorders.
Where countless Buddhas, no action ACreate profound, were all suffering brain disorders.
为 是 说 涅槃 我 设 是 方便 令 得 入 佛慧
The marketing theory Nirvana, Nga Thi Phuong-convenient setting, enter the Buddha attained spiritual wisdom.
So said Nirvana, I processing facilities eó, which entered into the knowledge of Buddhism.
未曾 说 汝等 当 得 成 佛道 所以 未曾 说
The increment theory Dang, attained Buddhahood or Dao, trim the increment theory.
He never said, need to be ACreate the Buddha, the reason has not said.
说 时 未至 故 今 正是 其 时 决定 说 大乘
Speaking at the media tried, the metal market any time, decision theory Awho lost .
Because time is not to say, at the time this key, the esaid inh Awho lost .
我 此 九 部 法 随顺 众生 说 入 大乘 为本
Intersection test Nine ofFrance, as the theory upon beings, enter Awho lostof copies.
Nine of the French I, students said they agree the import Awho lostare key.
以故 说 是 经 有 佛 子 心 净 柔 輭 亦 利 根
Kinh Di urged, organic Buddhist center, such as a fine heron benefit Apartments.
This prayer should be said, if the feelings, such as a puree with CAMNn the morning.
无量 诸佛 所 而 行 深妙 道 为此 诸佛 子
Of countless Buddhas, children of profound Dao, the Buddhists try.
Where countless Buddha, which acts ACreate Rating Aang, as the Buddhists this.
说 是 大乘 经 我 记 如是 人 来世 成 佛道
Theory of Marketing Awho lostBusiness, Self signed as visionaries, Lai-How the Buddha Way.
Talking Business Awho lostThat, I rank the Move eó, The Future of ACreate a Buddha.
以 深 心 念佛 修持 净戒 故 此等 闻 得 佛
Sure heart Buddhist concept, Pure About religious, try to attain equality Buddhist literature.
Deep center Buddhist conceptBy tu keep Gender, they heard eof the Holy Buddha.
大喜 充 遍身 佛 知彼 心 行 故 为 说 大乘
Great joy sung transformation, development of compassion, try the theory Awho lost .
Great fun throughout the whole body of the Buddha knows their minds, so says Awho lost .
声闻 若 菩萨 闻 我 所 说法 乃至 于 一偈
Thanh Van disadvantages BodhisattvaAnd cultural crossroads of French theory, deer Shoot one shelf.
Thanh VAMNn or Bodhisattva, Hearing euoc I say French, even with a shelf.
皆 成佛 无疑  十 方 佛土 中 唯有 一 乘法
Age of Buddha very comfortable, cross Buddhist middle ground, only First Thua French property.
AIf the Buddha is not wrong, in the ten directions ABuddhist area knowledge, only with the most French.
无二 亦无 三 除 佛 方便 说 但 以 假 名字
Three herons very second to none, except Buddhist theory method-add, without fear disguised itself.
Not two nor three, but Buddha said Means, only sub-titles.
引导 于 众生 说 佛 智慧 故 诸佛 出于 世
Guiding u beings Buddha intellectual theory, the Buddhas of U,
Gradually lead to living beings, as saying Wisdom Buddha, the Buddha is in AOh.
唯此 一 事实 余 二 则 非 真 终 不 以 小乘
Only one true test, non-vacuum principle delicate balance, joint sub-Thua any reason.
As a fact, the two are not real sure, can not use the Hinayana.
济 度 于 众生 佛 自 住 大乘 如其 所得 法
Which u Te beings, the Buddha himself head Awho lost, As the French term care facilities.
Help eestimated life, the Buddha himself in Awho lost, As Buddha euoc France.
定慧 力 庄严 以此 度 众生 自 证 无上 道
The Force Intelligence dignified, of course try sentient beings, they are non-free affair.
ATue inh solemn force, use it ein living beings, self-certification ACreate Rating Aang.
大乘 平等 法 若以 小乘 化 乃至 于 一 人
Equal Mahayana France, weak urination, Thua chemical, deer most Shoot People.
AFrench losers Rating Aang, use Hinayana teaching, even to a single person.
我 则 堕 悭 贪 此事 为 不可 若 人 信 归 佛
Khan hijackers threatened ego involved, try the impossible because, weaker credit provided Human Buddha.
We make eburst of time involved, this is not eConvention, if the news in the Buddha.
如 来 不欺 诳 亦无 贪 嫉 意 断 诸法 中 恶
As real as crazy Lai, herons, idea very involved disabilities, centralized the French word evil.
Tathagata does not lie, nor take contention, einjustice in the French evil.
故 佛 于 十 方 而 独 无所 畏 我 以 相 严 身
Buddha tried to cross the tumor and pediatric poison-based Radio-Captain, My Self visions seriously.
Because the Buddha in October, its not a fear, I strictly use General Body.
光明 照 世间 无量 众 所 尊 为 说 实 相 印
The optical-time-the sun shines, they are innumerable religious establishments, the general theory of fact-India.
The world of light rays, infinite respect we, as the French say empty.
舍利弗 当 知 我 本 立 誓愿 欲令 一切 众
Shariputra or tri! Falling up the vows, the most flexible set our education.
Shariputra should know! We establish the prayer, to help humanity.
如 我 等 无异 如 我 昔 所愿 今 者 已 满足
As Russia is very allergic, like Self positive integer, needle aging fulfillment.
ATestament as we are not different, the first prayer of mine, today eã entirety.
化 一切 众生 皆令 入 佛道 若 我 遇 众生
Necessarily of living beings, period Buddhist spiritual director entered, Falling enlightened beings disadvantages.
Teach all sentient beings, eIf help enter ACreate a Buddha, if we encounter beings.
尽 教 以 佛道 无 智者 错乱 迷惑 不 受教
Buddhist teachers take course director, location fake eyeballs, mesmerizing teacher pollination.
Use ACreate all Buddhist teachings, he is not wrong Tri disorders, fascinated not accept teachers.
我 知 此 众生 未曾 修善 本 坚 著 于 五欲
Intellectual beings fall test, the monks charity, patience before u Five Education.
We know our students eó, which ever charity, permanent 5 Dependence Education.
痴爱 故 生 恼 以 诸 欲 因 縁 坠 堕 三 恶道
Si students who have brain training course text Causal, Three-evil doa porn director.
Stupid love into negativityBy Causaldesires, eThree burst communication ACreate evil.
轮回 六 趣 中 备受 诸 苦毒 受胎 之 微 形
Mid Continent Animal reincarnation, and preparations hieroglyph, expenses of the pregnancy.
Reincarnation of 6 AAustria, Belgium received all suffering ebuildings, conceived the thumbnails.
世世 常 增长 薄 徳 少 福 人 众 苦 所 逼迫
The growth generally, silver Phuc Duc Nhan least, they suffer bi department.
AOh efluid is often tAMNng Director, The silver ABlessed little memories, are all pressing hard.
 邪见 稠 林 若有若无 等 依止 此 诸 见
Enter Ta-biased clinical categories, weak weak very useful class, just try ant y.
In the jungle wrong, or if not that, based on the seeing.
具足 六 十二 深 着 虚妄 法 坚 受 不可 舍
Specifically excluded decimal binary record, previous intensive French delusion, patient acceptance impossible discharge.
There eincubation sixty-two, taking refuge in the deep vain, can not accept.
我 慢 自矜 高 谄 曲 心 不 实 于 千万 亿 劫
Self-conceit high tension, Siem song any real interest, natural things u Kiep memory.
Cocky arrogant cAMNng, do not mind cheating, in thousand ten thousand million eons.
不 闻 佛 名字 亦不 闻 正法 如是 人 难度
Any documents themselves Buddhist name, herons any documents Fa-rectification, as the seer nan.
Not euoc hear the Buddha Fa could not hear properly, how hard people ein.
是故 舍利弗 我 为 设 方便 说 诸 尽 苦 道
Thi problem Sariputta! Phuong Nga-add the device, text theory make about the Tao.
So Sariputta! One institutional means, said all the Adry clothes.
示 之 以 涅槃 我 虽说 涅槃 是 亦非 真 灭
Marketing costs of course Nirvana, Self theories but Nirvana, non-urban heron legs dissolution.
Use Nirvanapresent, though I say Nirvana, do not take it.
诸法 从 本来 常 自 寂灭 相 佛 子 行道 已
The French accomplice Chu-lai, often kill President-General, Buddhist Religion of course.
The French origin, General often calm, Buddhist eã of ACreate.
来世 得 作 佛 我 有 方便 力  开 示 三 乘法
Lai-how attained Buddhahood, organic Phuong Nga Force facilities, open marketThree-Thua France.
Future eof the Holy Buddha, I can force Vehicles, Three Tier French Enlightenment.
一切 诸 世尊 皆 说 一 乘 道 今 此 诸 大众
Necessarily the words Exalted, Stage theory Thua Best Director, Mass needle test text.
All Exalted , eEU in ACreate the most, this Aại They are ehim.
皆 应 除 疑惑  佛 语 无异 唯一 无 二乘
Application period unless suspected or, The word Buddhist termsvery allergic, only second to none-Vehicle.
AIf desired except suspected or, No other Buddha said, only one not two.
过去 无数 劫 无量 灭度 佛 百千 万亿 种
Too-HHU countless lives, countless Buddhist Anti-degree, department of natural strains of universal memory.
Countless past lives, so many Buddhist Ta, pAMNm thousand ten thousand million types.
其 数 不可 量 如是 诸 世尊 种种 縁 譬喻
States of any possibility of, such as marketing text Exalted, Such general conditions.
The number can not ecast, like the Exalted , eincubation of such conditions.
无数 方便 力 演说 诸 法相 是 诸 世尊 
Numerous add-Method-Luc, speaking French word General, the owners Exaltedequality.
Numerous power facilities, the type of French speakers, and the Exalted eó.
皆 说 一 乘法 化 无量 众生 令 入 于 佛道
First-stage theory of Thua France, of limitless beings, spiritual Buddhist Religion tumor type.
Amost EU in France, taught countless beings, which entered into ACreate a Buddha.
又 诸 大圣 主 知 一切 世间 天 人群 生 类
University of St. The owner, tri necessarily the world, God born of human populations.
Page back Aại St. Owner, said all the world, God The humanity.
深 心 之 所欲 更 以 异 方便 助 显 第一 义
Intensive training and eight digits, off-course facilities allergic Method, First-Best show that support.
Desired depth in the mind, to use other means, which is not connotations.
若有 众生 类 值 诸 过去 佛 若 闻 法 布施
Disadvantages of organic beings, live text-past The Buddha, the drawback of giving French literature.
If that kind of beings, the Buddhist Past experience, if you listen to French generosity.
或 持戒 忍辱 精进 禅 智 等 种种 修 福慧
Ring-or humiliation discipline, meditation Tri Tinh-advanced level, general practitioners Phuc Tue.
Or keep About patience, cash and Tri Thien, tu eincubation of Phuc Tue.
如是 诸人 等 皆 已成 佛道 诸佛 灭度 后
As the employer class, during course of Buddhist Religion, Anti-degree post-Buddhas,
Thus the eó, eIf eã a ACreate a Buddha, the Buddha later died.
若 人 善 輭 心 如是 诸 众生 皆 已成 佛道
Human Friendly Disadvantages fine mind, such as marketing text beings, period of course the Buddha Way.
If the fine moral, beings like, eIf eã a ACreate a Buddha.
诸佛 灭度 已 供养 舍利 者 起 万亿 种 塔
Anti-Buddhas of course, offering false relics, starting the Australian Office Tower strains.
The Buddha eã Ta, the person offering relics, built thousands of millions of Tower.
金银 及 玻璃  砗 磲 与 码 碯 玫瑰 瑠 璃 
Kim bank counter -me , nacreagate data, future European orphan lazuli.
Jewelry and -me , nacreand agate, pearl orphan-me tomorrow.
清净 广 严 饰 庄 校 于诸 塔 或 有 起 石 庙
Strictly pure advertising power, site effect u cross, or organic jelly Temple started.
Pure serious effort wide, decorated in the tower, or building Temple eAsia.
栴檀 及 沈 水 木 櫁 并 余 材 砖瓦 泥土 等
Forum Counter-Shen Chien-water, wood outstanding net financial security, professional hyperbole Guinea class brothel.
Fried efood and plastic resin, wood and other wood privacy, brick and mud efinished.
若 于 旷野 中 积 土 成佛 庙 乃至 童子 戏
Cons u mineral medium, breaking into a Buddhist Temple area, deer theater sister.
If the place deserted, epacked ethe Buddhist Temple area knowledge, even children erush.
聚 沙 为 佛塔 如是 诸人 等 皆 已成 佛道
Sa gathering of Buddhist tower, as the employer class, the period of Buddhist Religion course.
Capacitor sand tower, like those eó, eIf eã a ACreate a Buddha.
若 人为 佛 故 建立 诸 形像 刻 雕成 众 相
Cons Human Buddha tried, founded text image, the other thing we minister.
If the problem because of the Buddha, the image reconstruction, eiêu carved into the shape.
皆 已成 佛道 或 以 七宝 成 鍮 鉐 赤白 铜
Stage director certainly become a Buddha, or of course the Seven-security, collect the white plaster chain.
AIf eã a ACreate a Buddha, or seven precious things, du rock eMr. White ecells.
白 镴 及 铅锡 鐡 木 及 与 泥 或 以 胶 漆布
White particle counter area, setting up data entry Guinea, or assigned any reason declared.
Platinum and tin lead, iron and wood with mud, paint or fabric glue.
严 饰 作 佛像 如是 诸人 等 皆 已成 佛道
Buddha Statue serious health effects, such as the employer class, the period of Buddhist Religion course.
Serious effort to Buddha, beings like, eIf eã a ACreate a Buddha.
彩画 作 佛像 百福 庄严 相 自 作 若 使人
Buddha Statue Thai Hoa works, stately cypress Phuc Tuong, free work history Human disadvantages.
Silk painting of Buddha, pAMNm Phuc Tuong dignified, self-employed person or cause.
皆 已成 佛道 乃至 童子 戏 若 草木 及 笔
Stage director certainly become a Buddha, deer sister theater, the drawback of online pen herbs.
AIf eã a ACreate a Buddha, even children erush, grass or wood pens.
或 以 指 爪甲 而 画作 佛像 如是 诸人 等
Or of course just presented or armor, stamens Buddha Statue effect, as the employer class.
Or use your finger nails, which the Buddha graphics, like those eó.
渐渐 积 功 徳 具足 大 悲心 皆 已成 佛道
Shop the store area The Amemory, Sufficient detail and compassion, the period of Buddhist Religion course.
Gradually built The Amemory , ewas eincubation center Aại Bi, eIf eã a ACreate a Buddha.
但 化 诸 菩萨 度脱 无量 众 若 人 于 塔庙
Simplifying the text Bodhisattva, Out of countless sentient, weakness Human tumors Tower Temple.
Teach the Bodhisattva , ein countless escape them, if people in the Temple Tower.
宝 像 及 画像 以 华 香 幡 盖 敬 心 而 供养
Make-up Arts subjects-objects, of course I enjoy the flowers, glass atrium offering.
Statue Statue treasure and draw, I used to enjoy the flowers, glass heart that offering.
若 使人 作乐 击 鼓吹 角 贝 箫笛 琴 箜篌
Human weakness using music, visual exhortation given size, not much holding enemy targets.
If the wrong music players, elight and in prisons, pepper horn eeating flute.
琵琶 铙 铜 钹 如是 众 妙音 尽 持 以 供养
Her turbulent spleen, pediatric market them sound wonderful, take care over the course offerings.
She scraped spleen ehe started, the audio magic like that, keeping all user offerings.
或 以 欢喜心 歌 呗 颂 佛 徳 乃至 一 小 音
Or certainly rejoice the heart, fish would come Buddha Germany, deer even the most elementary sound.
Or have a happy heart, sung ABuddhist memory, even a small sound.
皆 已成 佛道 若 人 散乱 心 乃至 以 一 华
Age of Buddhist Religion course, disadvantages Human mind wandering, deer most certainly even flowers.
AIf eã a ACreate a Buddha, if the wandering mind, even a flower.
供养 于 画像 渐 见 无数 佛 或 有人 礼拜
Import of the offerings, store countless Buddha comments, or Personal Property worship.
Statue offerings with drawing, gradually seen countless Buddhas, or the ceremony.
或 复 但 合掌 乃至 举 一手 或 复 小 低头
Or the attorney Fudan, deer move most media players, or for headers.
Or just folded hands, even eFavorite one hand, or back bent low ebid.
以此 供养 像 渐 见 无量 佛 自 成 无上 道
Of course offerings Statue test, store reviews countless Buddha himself into the upper Vo-Dao.
Using its offerings to statues, Buddha slowly gained immeasurable self into ACreate Rating Aang.
广度 无数 众 入 无余 涅槃  薪 尽 火 灭
Advertise multitude of them, enter Balance Radio Nirvana, As take away the new fire .
Saving all sentient beings, enter Balance Radio NirvanaAs firewood of all burn.
若 人 散乱 心 入 于 塔庙 中 一 称 南 无 佛
Human stampede bad heart, enter Tower Temple of secondary tumors, the most profess Homage to the Buddha .
If the mind wandering, enter the Temple Tower, only espit up Homage to the Buddha .
皆 已成 佛道 于诸 过去 佛 在世 或 灭度
Age certainly become a Buddha Religion, U-past The Buddhist text, The Kill-or-Miss World.
AIf eã a ACreate a Buddha, the Buddhist past, in this or later lost.
若有 闻 是 法 皆 已成 佛道 未来 诸 世尊
French property market weakness office, during course of Buddhist Religion, The hybrid text- Exalted .
If euoc heard this France, eIf eã a ACreate a Buddha, the Future Exalted .
其 数 无 有 量 是 诸 如 来 等 亦 方便 说法
Number of very useful States, the owners As Laiequality, heron-means method preached.
Quantity is not limited, and the As Lai eó, French media said.
一切 诸 如 来 以 无量 方便 度脱 诸 众生
Necessarily the words As Lai, Of course infinite-means method, the words escape beings.
All As Lai, Used countless means, eat the exit of beings.
入 佛 无漏 智 若有 闻 法 者 无一不 成佛
Enter the Buddha Tri Vo-contraband, Defects fake French cultural property, most real wealth of a Buddha.
Enter Tri Vo-contrabandBuddha, if people hear French, a person does not become a Buddha.
诸佛 本 誓愿 我 所 行 佛道 普 欲令 众生
The Buddhas of vows, Russia Director of the Buddha, spiritual beings universal education.
The will of the Buddha, ACreate Buddhist practice I pray, to help all beings.
亦同 得 此 道  未来 世 诸佛 虽说 百 千亿
Chen performing particular director, The Buddha-like hybrids, but the memory theory of natural cypress.
The same euoc ACreate eó, the Buddha eOh future, but said trAMNm thousand million.
无数 诸 法门 其实 为 一 乘 诸佛 两 足 尊
Countless letters Practice, In fact the First-Thua, Buddhas Bi persisted.
Numerous French subjects, because in fact most, of the Happy Buddha ATue memory.
知法 常 无性  佛 种 从 縁 起 是故 说 一 乘
Tri-Radio France usually calculated, Buddhist strainsaccomplice of dependent origination, marketing to solicit Best-Vehicle.
The French often Empty know, like the Buddha under interdependence, so say the most.
 法 住 法 位 世间 相 常住 于 道场 知 已
France head the French market, World-time permanent minister, U ACreate-colonlocation of course.
France that Export world, Often in the world, eã known in Awhite.
导师 方便 说 天人 所 供养 现在 十 方 
The Guru-means theory, offerings of Thien Nhan, time-in crossBuddha.
AHe said the Media Create, euoc offerings of God, the ten Buddhist times.
其 数 如 恒沙 出现 于 世间 安稳 众生 故
States such as the Ganges came down, the world appears u, peaceful beings trying.
Sa number like Ganges, appeared in the world, because peaceful beings.
亦 说 如是 法 知 第一 寂灭 以 方便 力 故
French market theory as herons, tri First President-away, of course The Force fixed-facilities.
France also said that silence is the best known, tried to use force means.
虽 示 种种 道 其实 为 佛乘 知 众生 诸 行
The director general market, in fact Buddha Thua, the text of tri beings.
The current eincubation of ACreate, just because a Buddha Master, aware, sentient beings.
深 心 之 所 念 过去 所 习 业 欲 性 精进 力
Expenditure concept of heart, The history of file-Industrial, Education-The Tinh-forward force.
Deep thoughts in the mind set in the Industrial Past, Sexuality Force charged.
及 诸根 利钝 以 种种 因 縁 譬喻 亦 言辞
Text Based Counter speculation, of course general CausalEg herons words.
Along the CAMNn light at, Used eincubation of Causal, For example and words.
随 应 方便 说 今 我 亦如 是 安稳 众生 故
The theory-add custom applications, kim crossroads as market herons, peaceful beings trying.
Arbitrary Means said, I also like this, trying to calm beings.
以 种种 法门 宣示 于 佛道 我 以 智慧 力
General course Practice, Said then u Buddhist Religion, Self certainly Intelligence force.
Use eincubation of the French type, because the statement ACreate a Buddha, I used Force Intelligence.
知 众生 性欲 方便 说 诸法 皆令 得 欢喜
The Tri-sexual beings, The French text-facilities doctrine, period attained spiritual joy.
We know of Sexuality, told the French media, eIf help be excited.
舍利弗 当 知 我 以 佛眼 观 见 六道 众生
Shariputra or tri! Buddhist Vision of course fall, ants Sixth Path beings.
Shariputra need to know! We use Tri Buddhist view, see 6 ACreate beings.
贫穷 无 福慧 入 生死 险 道 相 续 苦 不断
Ban Phuc Tue nearly endless, enter the insurance of life and death, suffering any stage continuum.
You also do not Phuc Tue, into ecurves represent life insurance death, suffering constantly.
深 着 于 五欲 如 牦牛 爱 尾 以 贪爱 自 蔽
Before u Five-intensive training, such as capillary ox great love, of course international craving itself.
Dependence deep NAMNm Education, like cattle you ewaive his craving to use protection.
盲 瞑 无 所见 不 求 大势 佛 及 与 断 苦 法
Multitude of his strength or comments, any bridge eWho is he?Buddha, suffering the French counter data.
Blind do not see, not for prestige real time, along with France esuffering injustice.
深入 诸 邪见 以 苦 欲 舍 苦 为 是 众生 故
Penetration Ta-text comments, discharge education course Suffering Suffering, the fixed market beings.
Enter into the wrong, to use up Suffering Suffering, by living beings eó.
而起 大 悲心 我 始 坐 道场 观 树 亦 经 行
Children love and compassion, Self-Directed fishery coordinates colon, herons receptors meditation.
Mind that departs Aại Bi, Ta ago in AWhite shirt, looked at the trees are going back.
于 三 七日 中 思惟 如是 事 我 所得 智慧
Lowest three secondary tumors, such as marketing the thinking, Nga possess wisdom.
Twenty day period, the thinking of the eOh, I have euoc wisdom.
微妙 最 第一 众生 诸根 钝 着 乐 痴 所 盲
First wonderful dark, padded Based Beings text before us Si Strip.
Wonderful evening highest Beings of CAMNn at, So please Ngu is blind.
如斯 之 等 类 云何 而 可 度 尔时 诸 梵王
As the level of investment spending, still to the Galaxy pediatric, ear-time text Pham-king .
What kind of beings eó, how can ein ethat, at ein Committing the United .
及诸 天 帝释   护 世 四 天王  大 自在 天
Go Devas AE'sHouseholds that Four God-King, Self-access University in Tianjin.
Together with the Jade Emperor, Four Uranushousehold life, the Sun Awho self now.
并 余 诸天 众 眷属 百 千万 恭敬 合掌 礼
Net balance Devas them, immediate relatives of astronomy, the attorney respectful ceremony.
Scattered along the other people, relatives of trAMNm thousand thousand, hands reverently holidays.
请 我 转 法轮 我 即 自 思惟 若 但 讃 佛乘
Every crossroads Zhuan Falun, ie self-thinking Self, disadvantages Dan Tan Buddha-Vehicle.
I say invite Falun, I immediately order thinking, Grade A Buddhist merit only.
众生 没 在 苦 不能 信 是 法 破 法 不 信 故
Sentient beings in suffering, disability French credit market, trying to break the French distrust.
Beings immersed in suffering, the French can not believe this, by not breaking French news.
坠 于 三 恶道 我 宁 不 说法 疾 入 于 涅槃
Tam Dao u-evil porn, real security Falls preached, disability type u Nirvana .
Fallinto three ACreate evil, I do not say im France, quickly enter Nirvana .
寻 念 过去 佛 所 行 方便 力 我 今 所得 道
The Historical Buddha-mind, convenience of operating-force method, Self Directed metals possess.
Past failure to find Buddha, Force Vehicles eã Action, now I eã euoc ACreate.
亦应 说 三乘 作 是 思惟 时  十 方 佛皆 现
Three herons application Thua theory, thinking the work market, cross Buddhai is.
Tier Three should say, at this thinking, buddhas of eEU.
梵音 慰喻 我 善哉 释迦 文 第一 之 导师
Self-sounding Sanskrit Commissioner example, natural disasters ShakyamuniLiterature, First cost Guru.
Sanskrit sounds comforting me, good over ShakyamuniVAMNn, is ACreate the most Division.
得 是 无上 法 随 诸 一切 佛 而 用 方便 力
Vo-adrenal attained the French market, depending necessarily Buddhist text, pediatric facilities using Method-Luc.
AFrench uoc Rating Aang eó, all upon the Buddha, which means using force.
我 等 亦皆 得 最 妙 第一 法 为 诸 众生 类
Russian prime period herons, night easiest things French, the text of sentient beings.
We also eIf eConvention, France TierThe most magical night, because some of them students.
分别 说 三乘 少 智 乐 小 法 不 自信 作 佛
Distinguishing Three-Thua theory, least Tri ridiculed French state, regardless of the Buddha from hackers.
Three Tier distinguish say, memory requirements small French, not confident of Buddha.
是故 以 方便 分别 说 诸 果 虽 复 说 三乘
Thi Phuong-add aunts, distinguishing letter Fruits theory, but theory for Three-Vehicle.
So the media used, regardless of the said fruit, but said Tier Three.
但 为 教 菩萨   舍利弗 当 知 ​​我 闻 圣 师 子
Teachers gradually Bodhisattva , Sariputtaor tri! St. Leo Falls office.
Just because teaching Bodhisattva , Sariputtashould know! I heard the Holy Master Teacher.
深 净 微妙 音 称 南 无 诸佛 复 作 如是 念 
Pure sound wonderful, deserving Male modelBuddhas, for tasks such as marketing concepts.
Sounds wonderful intimacy, read Male modelthe Buddha, is also thought that.
我 出 浊 恶 世 如 诸佛 所说 我 亦 随顺 行
Intersection of bare-evil world, like the Buddhas of theory, depending upon operating herons Falls.
One of the Troc evil, as the Buddha eã said, I also agree to follow.
思惟 是 事 已 即 趋 波罗 柰  诸法 寂灭 相
Thinking marketing the course, ie Benares, the French word kill President-General,
Thinking the eó complete, consecutive to Benares, the French Minister silence.
不可以 言 宣 以 方便 力 故 为 五 比丘 
No reservations possible language, of course The Force fixed-facilities, the staff Spleen Kheotheory.
Can not read said, trying to use force means, said since 5 Spleen Kheo .
是 名 转 法轮 便有 涅槃 音 及 以 阿罗汉
Zhuan Falun marketing list, add organic Nirvanaaudio and cables Arahant .
The name is said Falun, associated with negative Nirvana, And use Arahant .
法 僧 差别 名 从 久远 劫 来 讃 示 涅槃 
France Increases wrong nickname, former accomplice future life, urban canopy NirvanaFrance.
French TAMNng different names, from past to present Kiep, commended by the Nirvana .
生死 苦 永 尽 我 常 如是 说  舍利弗 当 知
Permanent make mortal suffering, often as market theory Falls, Sariputtaor tri!
Vinh-width living dead, I would say so, Sariputtashould know!
 见佛 子 等 志 求 佛道 者 无量 千万 亿
Falls Buddha reviewsE-education, media director for fake Buddha, countless thousands of natural breast.
We see the Buddhists, who even needs ACreate Buddhas, countless thousand thousand million.
咸 以 恭敬 心 皆 来 至 佛所 曾 从 诸佛 闻
Ham certainly respectful attention, even during the Buddha of hybrids, increasing cultural Buddhas.
AIf using respectful attention, and to where the Buddha, had heard from the Buddha.
方便 所 说法 我 即 作是念  如 来 所以 出
The means of theory-French, Russian news marketing concept work, As Laiwill trim output.
French media have said, I immediately think, the reason the Buddha was born.
为 说 佛慧 故 今 正是 其 时  舍利弗 当 知
The Buddhist theory of knowledge of incident, primary metals market any time, Sariputtaor tri!
Because Wisdom Buddha said, now the main ewaterlogging of time, Sariputtashould know!
钝根 小 智人 着 相 憍 慢 者 不能 信 是 法
Human primary beam position, before the general false pride, credit disability French market.
The CAMNn at small areas, taking refuge in the body pride, the French can not believe this.
今 我 喜 无畏 于诸 菩萨  正直 舍 方便
Kim Nga fearless joy, the words u Bodhisattvamedium, integrity Level-discharge facilities.
Now I am happy not afraid, because with the Bodhisattva, Who directly Vehicles.
但 说 无上 道   菩萨 闻 是 法 疑 网 皆已 除
Upper presentation Dao Vo-Forum, BodhisattvaFrench cultural market, comfortable hammock during migration.
Just saying ACreate Rating Aang, BodhisattvaFrench listening eó, netting suspected eã than before.
千 二百 罗汉 悉 亦 当作 佛 如 三世 诸佛 
Sensitive natural cypress enlightened monks, all parties work herons Buddha, as Tam-The Buddha.
Thousand two trAMNm Horn, known also eang to the Buddha, as Ba AOh the Buddha.
说法 之 仪式 我 今 亦如 是 说 无 分别 法
Preached more formal, urban crossroads as metal herons, very distinguished French theory.
Speaking French and rituals, now I also like, say France does not distinguish.
诸佛 兴 出世 悬 远 值 遇难 正 使出 于世
Manic world of Buddhas, enlightened mystical vision directly nan, the use of U.
The findings in eOh, look forward to having long, eang the Buddha in the world.
说 是 法 复 难 无量 无数 劫 闻 是 法 亦难
Speaking French market for nan, countless countless lives, herons nan French cultural market.
France is also difficult to say that countless countless lives, it is difficult to hear French.
能 听 是 法 者 斯人 亦复 难 譬如 优 昙 
French authors of audio-visual features, private herons for nan, for as Udumbara flowers.
The nAMNlisten that France, who eó is also very rare, such as flowers Pros ASystem Explorer.
一切 皆 爱乐 天人 所 希 有 时时 乃 一 出
Period necessarily love us, of God's rare, most of the time Nai.
All eIf love, the Sun rare eConvention, is a long time.
闻 法 欢喜 讃 乃至 发 一 言 则为 已 供养 
Van France flowersnblowing canopy, deer found even one language, rules of course offerings.
Listen glad praise French, even saying a word, sure eã offerings.
一切 三世 佛 是 人 甚 希 有 过于 优 昙 
Necessarily Tam-The Buddha, even rare visionaries, was too Udumbara flowers.
All three AOh Buddha, The erare in plants, more flowers Pros ASystem Explorer.
汝等 勿 有 疑 我 为 诸 法王 普 告 诸 大众
Things like friendship, Falls of Holiness text, text ads Mass spectrum.
The He eapplications have suspected, I am the King of France, told through all beings.
但 以 一 乘 道 教化 诸 菩萨  声闻 弟子
Most seasoned Thua Director, teacher of letters Bodhisattva, Very Thanh VAMNndisciples.
Use only ACreate the most, teaching the BodhisattvaNo ef from Thanh VAMNn .
汝等 舍利弗   声闻  菩萨 当 知 ​​是 妙法
Like Sariputta ! Thanh VAMNnAccess Bodhisattva, Or unenforceable, France.
The He Sariputta  ! Thanh VAMNnand BodhisattvaShould know that the French Dieu.
诸佛 之 秘要 以 五 浊 恶 世 但 乐 着 诸 欲
Buddhas secret key information, go to bed bare-evil World, Education stray bullet before the text.
Weaknesses of the Buddha, by AO NAMNm Troc evil and fun thanks to the PE.
如是 等 众生 终 不 求 佛道 当 来世 恶人
As equity market beings, Buddhism Religion General any bridges, so evil Of-Human hybrid.
These beings, would not demand ACreate a Buddha, The evil AOh future.
闻 佛说 一 乘 迷惑 不 信 受 破 法 堕恶道
Most Buddhist doctrine Van Thua, mesmerized distrust sold, breaking the French oppressed Evil Religion.
France heard most, or not believe in love, breaking the French eboo ACreate evil.
有 惭愧 清净 志 求 佛道 者 当 为 如是 等
Today's unprecedented purity, media director for fake Buddha, or the like marketing class.
If shame Purity, Press center for Buddhism, so for those who eó.
广 讃 一 乘 道  舍利弗 当 知 ​​诸 佛法 如是
Dao Quang Thua latest, Sariputtaor tri! Word Buddhismas marketing.
Width ca ACreate the first order Sariputtashould know! France lay like that.
以 万亿 方便 随 宜 而 说法 其 不 习 学者
The Di-means thousand memories, discretionary pediatric preaching, any set period scholar.
Thousand million used vehicles, but said France discretion, he is not learning French.
不能 晓 了 此 汝等 既 已知 诸 佛 世 之 师
Real willow try to understand, as registered tri course, the word Buddhist Worldexpenditures.
No nAMNng out of this, he needed to know, Buddha AOh Teacher.
随 宜 方便 事 无 复 诸 疑惑 心 生 大 欢喜
Method-discretionary means the, invisible text for suspected or, Great psychological joy.
Depending on the media, etrack back suspected or, Psychological and happy adults.
自知 当作 佛
Effects of self-consciousness or Buddha.
Self said eang inflation.
妙法 莲华 经 卷 第一
French Noble book The Lotus Business First.
The Lotus vintage French book 1.
南 无 过去 日月 灯 明 佛 
Homage to The Sun and Moon Sign Minh City-Buddhist past.
Homage to the Sun and Moon Past Hasng Minh City Buddhist.
世尊 现 瑞. 弥勒 疑 详. 文殊 为 众 广 宣扬. 古佛 放 毫光. 三 请 法王 . 为 演 妙莲 香. 
Blessed is Swedish. Maitreyaroom wall. Are they advertising Manjushri praised. Ancient Buddhist halo. Three visiting French king. The guide takes you Dieu.
Blessed is egood IEM. Maitreyaexpresses doubt. VAMNn Compensation because they all statement. Ancient Buddhist halo. Holiness invited three times. Because Noble Contact Forum flavor.

Most eastern projection optics, all chapters can magic. Made from quality investment to Africa volume, even in official United Center. The elaborately-positive facilities, particularly the sputtering Natural flavor.
A screening method threaded coronal AHe said clearly see all the magic. Where not able to think eo can measure thinking eo Measurement eConvention, silence in the mind awareness is Best. Display means, a stream of fragrant incense heaven.
南 无 法 华 会上 佛普萨.
Male model LotusShanghai Buddhist Association Bodhisattva .
Male model LotusShanghai Buddhist Association Bodhisattva .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).MHDT.9/4/2012.

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