Monday, 18 August 2014

Pratītyasamutpāda And The Meaning Unlawful Settle Down

Each year, to the Lotus blooming season, Phoenix was also flaunted monks settled down urban planner. The Fang Xia settled there from the time of the Buddha and in the world and until now still be monks preserve and make earnest enthusiasm.
At the Buddha left in it, the rainy season, you stay in the Dormitory of his defense, Garden-Level Alone, there are some real qifu gangui still goes on stilts Bhikkhu, traveling as always should accidentally crap up the insects are proliferating, flourish on the ground. Prior to implementation, a couple of renunciation and the layman has harshly condemned the Bhikkhu stilts that "ninety-six types of people spice also known as settled birds nestled where the nest, while the Sa-keeper Like Prince himself is nice without settling". The Bhikkhu stilts have given the words that remain with the Buddha. workers blame the Buddha Bhikkhu on stilts and built An CU spells during the rainy season so as not to harm the life of beings as well as prevent the release prohibition for imported ro, dangerous to network for Leanne Bhikkhu on stilts in the rainy season (in India, the rainy season is generally from June to September). So, even though the Buddha has not officially specified the monks to settle in the wet season, but because it is the custom of all the clergy of the religious sects in India at the time, so the Bhikkhu stilts are all blameless and Buddha rebuke if they do not comply with the operations.
Before settling into the season, the monks have to anoint Fang Fang's so-called settled down. Unlawful ritual about the differences between Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism North passed. However, despite being traditionally you still not out two main problems is determining the scope, geographic boundaries that monks will live for three months settle and reiterates the principles of settling has been stipulated clearly in the Vinaya. At present in our country, Buddhism North passed the time settled is from March 4 to March 7 Lunar, also according to Buddhism, then settling from 16/6 to 16/9 lunar calendar.
Eels because of pratītyasamutpāda settle is that there are some who argue that, in this day and age, though the rain or sunshine, road construction is also pretty clean, insects do not easily proliferate on the axis roads, so the monks don't have to settle. Some others are quite rigid, according to them, the monks have to settle into the new country's rainy season in the ' spirit ' of the word of the Buddha taught.
Actually, the settling is not only meant as simple as that. Settle, Sanskrit called Vassà, translated as lower or enter lower, meaning that in three months of settling, the monks must live in a certain country residence has been unlawful sex. In Chinese, it means peace, is living, as in. Settle is live. So, what is a Bhikkhu stilts live?
In the Falling branch, chapter In France, An Alright stay, the Buddha had taught: "the Male-stilts, have in an alright stay, how is this year?
Here, the Male-stilts, Female-on stilts from the fuselage to stay an accomplices Hanh, both in front of and behind his back; an stay from password to be accomplices, in front and behind; an stay from Italy to be accomplices, in front and behind; for the world is not getting hot chips, not chipped, not infected cells, not UE infection, provide rescue, are the place to scatter the exclamation, not accept the player, resulting in meditation, she tastes life achievement in the world so for happy accomplices, in front and behind, and as for the Prophet staffin the ranks of Saints taken to export glass, was the practice of the primary foot down miseries, he tastes life achievements such detailed tri for happy accomplices, in front and behind. This year, the Female-stilts, is in an OK stay ".
According to the text of this passage, the living right security (an okay stay) is preserving the three companies (body, mouth, Italy) purity, maintained strict precepts and cultivate the intellect to do primary accomplishments. A very important thing in the life of the monks, to get the right security lives they must live in harmony with each other, act together in the spirit of the Peace Corps, this Buddha is asked to go again in the passage through the phrase ".. .the for happy accomplices".
Also in An Alright stay, the Buddha teaches that: "Hey, when do the National Ananda-stilts full yourself and don't make troubles to others with increased upper boundary. So this, so Ananda, they lived Up on stilts Bill-good stay "
With this passage, the Buddha emphasizes the issue released Maintenance Act, living an OK that is staying true to the French that the Buddha has taught, not disturbing to others, do not harm the species of beings. This shows us the role of utmost importance of precepts for life austerities. In the Buddha teaches: Catholic Mobile "the master Female stilts, after its removal, the hybrid As the teacher must sincerely revered as a blind, gender net that was poor, bright eyes that are golden. NET to know about is the master of the German nobility. If the hybrid in life also overstating NET fiction. "
Word shows us that, settling not just because of the compassion to fussy dandy little insects on the ground, don't dare you harm done to their lives. Settle was given to monks attempt to practice, strictly keep precepts, cultivate more intellectual, ethical qualities exercise, practice meditation to get relief force. In the process of goods delivery in Hoang monks need to go to a friendly charm and led his people to the leader, came up with the way the foot, Good, America. Want the birth rate was Hong achieved good results, the monks must be really have psychic powers, have good moral and have extensive knowledge. Thus, in one year, three monks settled in order to consolidate and develop internal motivation for themselves. If the monks practice lets settle it means that after three months of settling, inner strength will increase dramatically, will actually feel more mature and much more sturdy. Therefore that monks are a new age after three months of settling in whole (referred to as lower Canada-age lower) rather than the computer age as love often, every Year to add an age.
Moreover, the season settled also at monks expressing the spirit of harmony in the Sangha. Merge is a very important factor for the existence and development of the Sangha, of France. In any one organization or any unions, intimacy is also very important. If not merge, then held, that unions cannot survive long stays. Monks are seen as a symbol of the spirit of harmony, so that monks must show spirit life merge in the Sangha to set the example for everyone. Three months is the minimum period for monks demonstrated that, together in three months settling for refuge in each other, relying on mass of wideok, Chief Secretary to the upper ranks of management training centres, development position to afford to bypass the maForeign spending in the process of French interest in Hoang sanh.
If within three months of settling monks austerities dignified, not the pure Boost benefit for which every Buddhist in his particular and everyone said they were taking advantage of strayed. Thanks to see the pure life, harmony of monks that led to their mind more solidly, helped them to consolidate, build confidence with the Dhamma of the Buddha, for the legs, Good, America. The belief for truth, for what good is of paramount importance in the lives of humans. If people would lose faith in the truth, no longer believes in good faith that it is unhappiness and suffering immensely. For them, the truth and the thing just are the words, they do not believe they are real, they exist in life. So they always live in a depressed mood, anxiety and irresponsible life. Pure life, harmony of the monks is my encouragement, encouragement for everyone in life, making them more respectfully you for monks. because your glasses you'd they play mind donate said, three jewels refuge and to the monks to learn the Dhamma of the Buddha and Jesus lived according to the Dhamma he noble. So that their life has added the Ashish Germany, was happily, happier. Once the monks have been big influence, are you on the glass people more people toward Buddhism, the more people live and gentleness also means that the social environment is increasingly healthy, on social life more well-being, happiness.
Because of these allegations that monks should not perform An populate every year for three months, cannot be ignored. May confirmed that the implementation allows settle to mean the decision to the Sangha, of France. Day allowed to settle there are monks and a serious stroke that day led the French people also have thresholds and rules mean to society.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18.8.2014.

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