Monday, 18 August 2014

Four Infinite Consciousness, building material paradise in the song.
Buddhism, life is suffering statement, the statement is true to the essence of life. But Buddhism is not heard such claims before crying sadness, pessimism. Because it is only the first side, side Monday Buddhism giving way to overcome suffering and build better lives, reduce suffering more. We have so many ways, but here we only introduce 4 1 center to build countless paradise full of sorrows in this life.
I / Definition 4 immeasurable heart and origin: Call is infinite because of the 4 subjects this center is not just 1 or 2 which are infinite amount. This is four Metta Center, Heart Ball, Heart Joy, Mind Drain. The Buddha taught the practice are found in the center of four categories. Resident discounts means living with Brahma in the celestial realms. Empyrean heaven that is full of fun places. Thus four immeasurable Compassion Center Drain the material Hy build paradise in this life.
II / 4 in immeasurable content:
1 / From the immeasurable : From the meaning of love. Metta means loving heart. Love not only love 1 person 2 people that love all creatures, love them all so called from the living immeasurable. The word does not mind killing all beings and all beings do not eat meat. The heart of this show no killing precept and vegetarian all my life, always extending love and respect for life. On this planet, the sun is nothing more precious than life. Live your life and respect for all creatures, not kill and eat meat from all species is so immeasurable. People who live to appreciate their own lives and appreciate all the lives of all of its thousands of different types do not do evil deeds and advised people not to do evil deeds is his self-love and love for all living beings known that if you do evil deeds This will make her suffer under the law of causality.
2 / Bi immeasurable : If From is immeasurable love all life is immeasurable compassion is loving life, loving beings fall into the unfortunate situation and save the hand. Open your eyes, everyone we see many unfortunate situation is happening, what is the natural calamities, chaos war, accidents, etc ... the illness has made ​​life even more miserable suffering. Love those fall into such tragic circumstances is a compassionate hand to share immeasurable. Not only live their own lives but to share life's noble gesture.
3 / immeasurable Joy : Joy is a fun, open up friendly with everyone.
4 / immeasurable Drain : Drain is not removed as it is often thought that the discharge is balance in life. In any circumstance as well Buddhists should keep equilibrium in life there is no bias in favor of any one extreme. Why is that? Because bias would be crazy crazy and sorrows. Buddhism is the middle way is no bias on one side. It's so Discharge immeasurable.
Since, Bi, Joy, Equanimity four materials to build paradise in life. Where there is compassion and equanimity there is paradise. Where there is no compassion and equanimity, then there is a Hell. This life can not be without love.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19.8.2014.

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