Sunday, 17 August 2014

Eightfold Path.
Some reference line through the Eightfold Path verbatim Sanskrit.

Aryastangamargah | आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः | Eightfold Path (Sanskrit Latin sound of pieces written in Devanagari). Quote of the essence of Dr. Hue Buddhist population.
तत्र भिक्षवः कतम आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः? तद्यथा सम्यग्दृष्टिः | सम्यक्संकल्पः | सम्यग्वाक् | सम्यक्कर्मान्तः | सम्यगाजीवः | सम्यग्व्यायामः | सम्यक्स्मृतिः | सम्यक्समाधिरिति ||
tatra bhiksavah katama aryastangamargah? Tadyatha samyagdrstih | samyaksamkalpah | samyagvak | samyakkarmantah | samyagajivah | samyagvyayamah | samyaksmrtih | samyaksamadhiriti ||

Aryastangamargah | आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः: Home how few of the variables in the table itself aryastangamarga its male relatives.
Aryastangamargah transplanted from the text: astanga + + Arya Marga.
Arya (आर्य) and Arya (अर्य) (masculine adjective) coral is how few of the many relatives and Arya as follows: The person served with zeal, devoted, faithful, loyal, friendly, caring, noble, third class 4 Brahmin caste, virtue, nobility, better, lord, master, respectable, honorable, teachers, employers, authentic warrior spirit heroes, who worked for the equality of all and loved everyone, progress, civilization, the experience, the advanced, superior,
In Buddhist texts, often see the word ariya or Arya is used with nouns such as Dhammavinayo ariyassa, Vietnam translated as Dharma and Vinaya aryasatyani catvary, Vietnam is the four noble truths, or the Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path is called aryamarga or aryastangikamarga or ariyamagga in Pāli.
In Chinese Buddhist texts, is translated Arya: holy.
Arya is a much discussed topic in the research community in ancient languages ​​today. But it also has to be defined through the use of hymns in Rigveda or the text of the religion such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism ... and is sometimes referred to as legal Arya.
Astanga (अष्टाङ्ग) (masculine adjective) coral is how few of astanga body and has the following meaning: includes 8 sections, consisting of eight steps, eight factors ...
Arya + astanga = Aryastanga (written by law in connection sounds of Sanskrit grammar: a two-digit (अ) adjacent letters exchanged ā (आ). A (अ) + a (अ) = ā (आ)).
Marga (मार्ग) (masculine adjective) is how few of the relatives shouted Marga and has the following meanings: road, direction, path ... Margah (मार्गः) is all the way at the close of Marga.
Aryastangamargah (आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः) that is usually translated as the Noble Eightfold Path and the Noble Eightfold Path. Parent letters are used by duly Sam (सम्) standing in front of eight different letters are known in all the main content of the Noble Eightfold Path. For example:
Samyagdrstih (Right (सम्यग्दृष्टिः))
Samyaksamkalpah (Right Thought (सम्यक्संकल्पः))
Samyagvak (Right Speech (सम्यग्वाक्))
Samyakkarmantah (Right Action (सम्यक्कर्मान्तः))
Samyagajivah (Right Livelihood (सम्यगाजीवः))
Samyagvyayamah (Right Effort (सम्यग्व्यायामः))
Samyaksmrtih (Mindfulness (सम्यक्स्मृतिः))
Samyaksamadhih (Right Concentration (सम्यक्समाधिः)).
And perhaps Eightfold Holy people use the word here in the sense of the word Arya (आर्य) and Arya (अर्य).
Eightfold Path is the first topic in all Zhuan Falun Buddha preaching at the Deer Park for his five brothers Kondanna heard. Eightfold Path is only part of the Buddha's teachings.

Eight different parts of the Noble Eightfold Path is the basic way of life, effective, consistent, making people more aware of an insight, but turned himself in order to build the sense of his own life and also for those around you.
Eight different parts of the Noble Eightfold Path can be seen like a big river is formed from the small stream where a small stream and has a name and its own operational tasks by itself.
Thanks to gather contributions of the major rivers and streams of this new existence. Given that eight different parts of the Noble Eightfold Path is not a process of restructuring in the order given, as this section must precede the other.
Each are available eight different parts of the Noble Eightfold Path and the Buddha is only for people who have seen the capabilities available through the comparison of the two experiences ever experienced in his life and draw a In conclusion, to advise the director is looking for: "Immerse yourself in the sensual lead to harm, is a point to avoid. Self-torture in the form of strict asceticism, leading to pain, and hazardous is a point never to do ".
So, eight different parts of the Noble Eightfold Path can help it to human life in a realistic way, as the nature of man's greed never know enough?
Lexical analysis in this sentence:
Tatra bhiksavah katama aryastangamargah? | तत्र भिक्षवः कतम आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः?
Tatra (तत्र) is a ligature from: tad (तद्) + Investigation (त्र). Tatra's interjection, and it has the following meaning: that is, other places, between this, one of two ...
Bhiksavah (भिक्षवः) is the way and the way of many of the relatives shouted bhiksu- (भिक्षु-) in the variable table in the form of a male relative. Bhiksavah (भिक्षवः) means ... monks Buddhist monks who were ordained monastic ordination.
Katama (कतम) is questionable and its pronoun has the following meaning: what, who, how ...
Aryastangamargah (आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः) is the body's way aryastangamarga- handful of tables transforms its masculine and its meaning is the Noble Eightfold Path and the Noble Eightfold Path or the Way of Saint eight stages ...
Gather the Vietnam
Tatra bhiksavah katama aryastangamargah? | तत्र भिक्षवः कतम आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः?
The Eightfold me what it is?
Lexical analysis in this sentence:
Tadyatha samyagdrstih | samyaksamkalpah | samyagvak | samyakkarmantah | samyagajivah | samyagvyayamah | samyaksmrtih | iti samyaksamadhih ||
तद्यथा सम्यग्दृष्टिः | सम्यक्संकल्पः | सम्यग्वाक् | सम्यक्कर्मान्तः | सम्यगाजीवः | सम्यग्व्यायामः | सम्यक्स्मृतिः | सम्यक्समाधिः इति ||
Tadyatha (तद्यथा) and it is impressed from the following meaning: like this, like this, like that, it's ...
Samyagdrstih (सम्यग्दृष्टिः) is a ligature from: samyag (सम्यग्) + drstih (दृष्टिः).
Samyag (सम्यग्) derives from Samyak (सम्यक्) and Samyak (सम्यक्) is written from samyac (सम्यच्). Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, pure, proper, correct, accurate, genuine, really ...
Drstih (दृष्टिः) is all the way at the close of drsti- (दृष्टि-) in table inflected in the feminine form. Drsti (दृष्टि) have the following meaning: look, see, sight see, look at, look observation, calm look, understand, know ...
Samyagdrstih (सम्यग्दृष्टिः) is all the way at the close of samyagdrsti- (सम्यग्दृष्टि-) in table inflected in the feminine form. Samyagdrstih means true understanding bitter and Vietnamese Buddhist school called the Right and the Ants.
Samyaksamkalpah (सम्यक्संकल्पः) is a ligature from: Samyak (सम्यक्) + samkalpah (संकल्पः). As is well known Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, clean, appropriate, proper, accurate, genuine, really ...
Samkalpah (संकल्पः) is all the way at the close of samkalpa- (संकल्प-) in the table in the form of masculine declension. Samkalpa (संकल्प) original letters written from samkalp (संकल्प्) and its meaning is: the deliberate, reason, mind, the will, confidence, resolve ...
Samyaksamkalpah (सम्यक्संकल्पः) is all the way at the close of sankalpa- (सङ्कल्प-) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it means thinking and in the spirit of true Vietnamese Buddhist called Right Thought or the investment only.
Samyakkarmantah (सम्यक्कर्मान्तः) is a ligature from: Samyak (सम्यक्) + karmantah (कर्मान्तः). As is well known Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, clean, appropriate, proper, accurate, genuine, really ...
Karmantah (कर्मान्तः) is all the way at the close of karmanta- (कर्मान्त-) in the table in the form of masculine declension. Karmanta (कर्मान्त) is written from the original: karma (कर्म) + Anta (अन्त). Karma (कर्म) derives from: Karman (कर्मन्).
Karman (कर्मन्) was assembled from letters: KR (कृ) + man (मन्). Karman (कर्मन्) is how few of the relatives shouted karma- (कर्म-) in the tables turn in either neutral way. Karman (कर्मन्) have the common sense to know the following: action, employment, the employment, behavior, work, labor, industrial ...
Anta (अन्त) is how few of the relatives shouted anta- (अन्त-) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it has the common sense to know the following: close, limit, shore edge, end, ending , stopping, problem, solution ...
Karman (कर्मन्) + Anta (अन्त) = Karmanta (कर्मान्त) (written by law in connection sounds of Sanskrit grammar: a two-digit (अ) adjacent letters exchanged ā (आ). A (अ) + a (अ ) = ā (आ)).
Karmanta (कर्मान्त) have the common sense to know the following: completion of an act, an act, an act, a career.
Samyakkarmantah (सम्यक्कर्मान्तः) is all the way at the close of samyakkarmanta- (सम्यक्कर्मान्त) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it means that the action does not work true and false in the spirit of Vietnamese Buddhism called Right Action or the industry.
Samyagvak (सम्यग्वाक्) is a ligature from: samyag (सम्यग्) + VAK (वाक्).
Samyag (सम्यग्) derives from Samyak (सम्यक्) and Samyak (सम्यक्) is written from samyac (सम्यच्). Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, pure, proper, correct, accurate, genuine, really ...
VAK (वाक्) is the singular way of themselves and how coral vac- (वाच्-) in table inflected in the feminine form and it has the common sense to know the following: voice, speech, sound of word, language, speech, words holy ...
Samyagvak (सम्यग्वाक्): all manner handful of relatives and coral way samyagvac- (सम्यग्वाच्-) in table inflected in the feminine form and it means genuine honesty words and the spirit of Vietnamese Buddhism called Right Speech or the language.
Samyagajivah (सम्यगाजीवः) is a ligature from: samyag (सम्यग्) + ajivah (आजीवः). As is well known samyag (सम्यग्) derives from Samyak (सम्यक्) and Samyak (सम्यक्) is written from samyac (सम्यच्). Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, pure, proper, correct, accurate, genuine, really ...
Ajivah (आजीवः) is all the way at the close of ajiva- (आजीव-) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it has the common sense to know the following: a means of survival, lifestyle, way of life ...
Samyagajivah (सम्यगाजीवः) is all the way at the close of samyagajiva- (सम्यगाजीव-) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it means true life, not far from self-seeking greed and humanity in the spirit of Buddhism Vietnam called the network or the network director.
Samyagvyayamah (सम्यग्व्यायामः) is a ligature from: samyag (सम्यग्) + vyayamah (व्यायामः). As is well known samyag (सम्यग्) derives from Samyak (सम्यक्) and Samyak (सम्यक्) is written from samyac (सम्यच्). Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, pure, proper, correct, accurate, genuine, really ...
Vyayamah (व्यायामः) is all the way at the close of vyayama- (व्यायाम-) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it has the common sense to know the following: struggle, competition, fight back, trying effort ...
Samyagvyayamah (सम्यग्व्यायामः) is all the way at the close of samyagvyayama- (सम्यग्व्यायाम-) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it means a considerable effort, and in the spirit of true Vietnamese Buddhist called Right Effort or The main effort.
Samyaksmrtih (सम्यक्स्मृतिः) is a ligature from: Samyak (सम्यक्) + smrtih (स्मृतिः). As is well known Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, clean, appropriate, proper, accurate, genuine, really ...
Smrtih (स्मृतिः) is all the way at the close of smrti- (स्मृति-) in table inflected in the feminine form and it has the common sense to know the following: memory, memories, memory, memories, memory , memories, traditions, epic, all sacred texts and legal tradition ...
Samyaksmrtih (सम्यक्स्मृतिः) is all the way at the close of samyaksmrti- (सम्यक्स्मृत्-) in table inflected in the feminine form and it means true reflection, or the right mind to think properly and in the spirit of Vietnamese Buddhism called Mindfulness or Mindfulness is.
Samyaksamadhih (सम्यक्समाधिः) is a ligature from: Samyak (सम्यक्) + samadhih (समाधिः). As is well known Samyak (सम्यक्) and it is impressed from the following meaning: together, uniform, pretty, right, clean, appropriate, proper, accurate, genuine, really ...
Samadhih (समाधिः) is all the way at the close of samadhi- (समाधि) in the table in the form of declension masculine and it has the common sense to know the following: collected, united, complete, focused mind , thought provoking, implementing, object recognition, control of the mind ...
Samyaksamadhih (सम्यक्समाधिः) is all the way at the close of samyaksamadhi- (सम्यक्समाधि-) in table inflected in the feminine form and it means concentrating on a problem, to see the obvious. In other words, concentrate on a legitimate issue, the right to the truth, for his interest and in the spirit of the Vietnamese Buddhist called Right Concentration or the regulations.
Iti (इति) is any distribution from, uncomplicated way and its meaning: thus, by so, so ...
Gather the Vietnamese:
Tadyatha samyagdrstih | samyaksamkalpah | samyagvak | samyakkarmantah | samyagajivah | samyagvyayamah | samyaksmrtih | iti samyaksamadhih ||
तद्यथा सम्यग्दृष्टिः | सम्यक्संकल्पः | सम्यग्वाक् | सम्यक्कर्मान्तः | सम्यगाजीवः | सम्यग्व्यायामः | सम्यक्स्मृतिः | सम्यक्समाधिः इति ||
That's Right, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration so.
Italy's two general questions to:
Tatra bhiksavah katama aryastangamargah? | तत्र भिक्षवः कतम आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्गः?
The Eightfold me what it is?
Tadyatha samyagdrstih | samyaksamkalpah | samyagvak | samyakkarmantah | samyagajivah | samyagvyayamah | samyaksmrtih | iti samyaksamadhih ||
तद्यथा सम्यग्दृष्टिः | सम्यक्संकल्पः | सम्यग्वाक् | सम्यक्कर्मान्तः | सम्यगाजीवः | सम्यग्व्यायामः | सम्यक्स्मृतिः | सम्यक्समाधिः इति ||

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