Monday 6 February 2012

Watermelon is a fruit has many benefits for life, from soft drinks to use as medicines were effective.
In watermelon contains many valuable nutrients. Specifically, 100 g edible portion of watermelon contains the following substances: water 95.5 g; proteins 1.2 g 0.2 g lipid; glucid 2.3 g fiber 0.5 g 0.3 g ash. The trace minerals: Ca 8 mg; P 13mg; Fe 1 mg; Mg 10mg; K 112mg; ZM 0.10 mg. The vitamins: beta carotene 4200 mcg; B1 0.04 mg; B2 0.04 mg; B3 0.178 mg; B5 0.221 mg; B6 0.045 mg; B9 (folate) 3 micrograms; C 8.1 mg; PP 0.2 mg. There is also citrulline 0.17 g lycopene 8g; mannitol ...
Watermelon is rich in folic acid, a B vitamin needed for blood formation. Just 200g watermelon eating enough folic acid in the day needs.
According to Oriental medicine, watermelon flesh is sweet pale, the solder, the effect of beverages, prize heatstroke, but troublesome heat, lower air, diuretics, new student services. Peel watermelon is sweet, cool, heat effect, resolution independent test, which all thirst, diuretic. Sweet melon seeds, the welding, cooling effect, lowering air, diuretics.
South of the book as Magic pharmaceutical physician Tue Tinh wrote: "West through a watermelon, sweet pale, the solder, non-toxic, soft drink consumption effect only trouble, of the winning try, through urination, painful reality of dysentery blood ".
Nowadays, people use watermelon in the case of high blood pressure, or burning in the bladder, urination, kidney inflammation, edema, jaundice, diabetes, intoxication, fever heat by the test, trouble thirst, dysentery blood, mouth with salt water, swallowing the water to cure a sore throat. Taking two to three cups of watermelon juice (about 200-300g watermelon flesh).
Watermelon shells used to explain heatstroke and treatment of high fever, thirst, urinating less, primary lat mice, edema, swollen tongue sores. You can use color to peel 40g with 500ml water to drink tea instead. Or use dried pods of coal burning, powdered hydrated swollen foot and mouth treatment.
Watermelon seeds used to treat back pain, worm treatment, too many women menstruation. On using 12 - 16g excellent drink. In addition, watermelon seeds are also Chinese people used to cool the lungs, dissolve phlegm, laxative.
Watermelon roots and leaves used to treat diarrhea, dysentery in the summer.
They also reported substance citrulline in watermelon, through the action of a number of enzymes, is converted into arginine, an amino acid effect wound healing, increase cardiovascular activity, increase immunity, increase blood circulation, helps the body in the body eliminate toxins. In particular, the substance which helps account citrulline relaxes the blood vessels, stimulates the activity of nitric oxide (NO), the same effects of Viagra in treating erectile dysfunction (ED) and increase sexual stamina. However, the quality of this citrulline in the white part of more than cantaloupe watermelon flesh. Lycopene and other antioxidants in watermelon is good for people with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, skin diseases, high cholesterol, hypertension, obesity ...

To protect your skin when burned, the Chinese used to watermelon fruit, remove seeds, meat, and water in glass jars, sealed, wait for three - four months when water fermented serve.
First, clean the wound with salt water light, get soaked tampons soaked watermelon to illuminate the pain, day by two - four times. According to experience, first degree burns, second degree only by a week off; in third degree burns, then apply two - three weeks to heal.
Watermelon also have the effect will tighten pores and increasing skin elasticity, helps smooth skin. Red part of watermelon crushed into a paste, apply on face about 15-20 minutes and rinse. This way, skin care, anti-pigmentation, dry skin, alleviates pain when the skin is sunburned. Each week do two - three times. Can also mix 200g watermelon crush with a teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of sesame oil. Then apply this mixture on the skin for about 15-30 minutes and rinse. If you have a refrigerator, the mixture can be incubated above the cooling compartment of the refrigerator about 30 minutes, will be more effective. In case you have oily skin types should be added to the mixture of two - four tablespoons orange juice or grape juice. Note should be used only recently added the watermelon.
To protect your hair shine and combat dry hair, brittle hair, easy loss, you can use to mix the mixture with an egg yolk, beat the cream thoroughly. Use this cream to remove the top, get the cream lightly scratching finger penetrate in the hair and scalp. Take plastic bags covering the hair and clean cotton towel wrapped around the head to hold moisture. Approximately 45-60 minutes after the last wash with warm water to clean. Each month through two - three times.
Note: people with kidney failure, urination; people with damaged spleen and welding, cold stomach, ease diarrhea, or nausea, do not eat watermelon.
Where the therapeutic use of watermelons are not chilled, just use good fresh. Ideally, do not eat a chilled watermelon and should not be eaten before meals.

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