Tuesday 7 February 2012


Chapter Four Twelve Buddhist Theory Business

Shanghai Hua Giang People Strategy

Lecturer in 1974 at Kim Son Pagoda, San Francisco, California, United States


This theme of the business name has seven letters "Four Buddhist Theory of Business Chapter Twelve" and the seven words that include common names (through names) and name (nickname). In particular, the word "economy" is the common name. All scriptures preached by the Buddha to have the same common name is "Business", and the remaining letters in the name of the name belongs. The proper name is the name of the particular business, did not coincide with any of the names of any other business. The word "economy" in this case is like the word "person" is the generic name to indicate that our humanity. In addition, each person also has a separate name, such as who they claim to be Cheung Tam, who Ly Tu ... is called sutras preached by the Buddha is also similar, are also common names and proper names. name of the business is "Four Buddhist Theory Chapter Twelve." The name shows that this kind of experience to draw up the French People, ie, with the names of teachers who say the name of the teacher-legal and legal-which he says, to establish a trading name of the subject of which, "The Buddha "and the" Four Chapter Twelve "is legal.
set of business-method teaching contained by the Buddha preached. In aggregate period of Buddhist scriptures, the disciples were connected to each chapter together to form a business. It can also be viewed as a bed at the Buddha, and forty-two chapters is the term continental forty-two, or forty-two of his teachings!
Buddha Pyramid Theory Second Chapter Business is a business is transferred to China first. At that time, in the reign of the Later Han Emperor Minh City, there are two venerable Houttuynia-Ca-Ma-Dang and Truc-Lan used the French-white horse to transport water from the Indian scriptures to China. And then, the King-Emperor Han-Minh to take the White Horse Temple (White Horse Temple) right in the capital Luoyang.
As such, Buddhism was introduced to China in the Han Dynasty. However, because of Taoism in China are very popular at that time, so when Buddhism spread to this country there are many holy jealousy and Western hearts born to the king that " Buddhism is the only author. It is a religion of foreigners, not Chinese. So, please, please Your Majesty to prohibit the spread of Buddhism and Buddhist expelled from the territory of China! If Your Majesty does not want to eliminate Buddhism, then please competed to hold a "
Matchups how u? The hermit asked the king to bring all the scriptures preached by the Buddha and the texts by Taoism integrated into a place to set her on fire. Every classic party, the party was first burnt off; and classic party without that party is the second fire damage!
Contemporary Taoist religious parties Dr. Devas named Faith, is one of the leader of Taoism. he is leading by 500 priests, all together the classic porter, flexible text of Taoism put in a seat and pray shady forest with Thai Thuong Lao Quan: "Dear Venerable Thien Ton! Please settle the stately market flexibility, inducing the texts of Taoism we did not catch fire, and the Buddhist scriptures are all burnt! "
The time has many priests have divine powers. A they can ride clouds spoiler: he could fly to the sky or get under the ground. There also know the Taoist arts hide (ie hide just saw you touch their hands in front of the variable suddenly lost, no longer see their bathroom where another form) ...; these men have a leader like that at all. There are also known to rely on priests to implant, that is, the method "public subjects padded armor" that escape body. Thanks to rely on any line, any notes, any spell of Taoist priests have been so many divine law: but, once used fire to the books How about this?
sutras of Buddhism the did not ignite but still play halo! Then, the Buddha's relics in colored halo, halo classic and brilliant shine. The Shining the light rested over the air, look no different What is sun silk so the whole world!
The Taoist classics just burned, it will catch fire burned right, not left at all! Then, these men knew not ride storm clouds riding rider can ride a rain cloud anymore since there is no magic! Ke flying the sky, can not fly away, knowing such property to get under any underground soil reached his ground, knowing hide nor be able to hide where again! At that time, all right, uncle of them all spiritual experience, no effect anymore. Then, the entire texts of Taoism are clean burning makes the hermit as devas Credit, Charge Chief Inspector thought were dead are angry even in public. While they are in a rage like that, there are two or three hundred disciples to cut their hair at the scene to entered the Buddha! It is the "play to" the oldest between Buddhism and Taoism, and Taoism have the recipe for disaster!
After that, two venerable Houttuynia-Ca-Ma-Dang and Truc-Lan-French flew to nowhere not, currently about 18 chemical transformation such as yourself on fire under the water body, lower body to fire on the water body, travel in vain, in vain ... sleeping, and countless miracles transformed other. So, contemporaries, and also Emperor slopes are all Buddhist faith.
So the business is important and this is the first experience is transmitted to China, so today I want to with you the experience of this research.
Now, let us learn the meaning of the word "Buddha". "Buddha" means Buddha-Da-Da, and Sanskrit; translated into Chinese was Giac false, which means Enlightened One. There are three types of enlightened self-enlightenment, Enlightenment-tha, and Sense-happy-member-fulfillment.
1. Self-feeling (self become enlightened). Tier self is not the same as ordinary class who is not enlightened. Those who practice the Twelve surplus they are able to become enlightened, and therefore they are different from ordinary guys.
2. Sense-tha (make others become enlightenment). Item II excess may become enlightened, but they do not awaken others. Therefore, people can make others become Bodhisattvas are enlightened, rather than the excess of II. Bo Tat was able to self, others could sense, and has his own advantage while they can benefit others. Bodhisattva see all beings equally; so after self-enlightenment and , of his wish that all sentient beings are enlightened also, be wise as you. It's called the Enlightenment others.
3. Enlightenment happy consummation : Bodhisattvas enlightenment while others can, but still not qualify feeling happy to be fulfilled. Meanwhile, the Buddhas were able to become enlightened, can make other people be enlightened, and can successfully accomplish tha happy sense of self anymore. the fully completed by the three virtues of this enlightenment so he was a Buddha.
"theory" means to say. set of business capital by the Buddha said. word "theory" also implies that "approval of Hoai. "What is called" approval of Hoai "? That is saying things that in my heart like, and then once they say they feel more happy happier.
"Chapter Four Twelve" means forty-two chapters. set of business with forty-two chapters. It is forty-two record the language of the Buddha and also the forty-two chapters by the Buddha Dharma selection theory.
"Business" has four senses are : Quan (connection), Photography (recorded on), usually, and France.
1. " Quan "is" the theory that cross-bar ", meaning that the connection has been preached sense together. Just like colorectal chain Buddha, the Kinh ethical linked together every word, every word.
2. " Photography "means" digital photography over the "means for recording, leading all beings is radical and ready to receive the teaching.
3. " Often . "What is called" common "?" invariant lowercase Co metal, "meaning that over the years did not change are called" normally ". The doctrine contained in the Business capital constant - in the past has not changed, right now will not change, and in the future will not change, so called as often.
4. " French "." French co-wrote eight of the week ", ie what are the three that follow are called" French "." three-world "is three generations: Past, present and future. All beings in the three worship and life are to follow in the Sutra teachings that practice.
word "economy" also encompasses other meanings such as:
- Stream jet (Careers). Because the doctrine contained in the Sutra is like the water circuit groundwater flux from the ground so has also likened this fountain.
- Category (guy wearing). Business-like ink spots that string carpenters often used to draw straight lines. Billion Kinh example shows the standard legal model.
Also, because life teaches people Business practice methods, so the "Business" also means " path "(Glass Highway) - the path of spiritual practice.
In part this is explained briefly section of the Buddhist Theory Chapter Four Twelve. Translator The Later Han, Ca-Houttuynia-Ma-Dang (Kashyapa-maganta) and Truc-France-Lan (Gobharana) the service is the economic divisions of the first Buddhism came from India to China, it needs to be translated to the United-written. the Later Han, Ca-Houttuynia-Ma-Dang and Truc-Lan-French translation. Ca-Ma-Dang-Houttuynia is a person, and Truc-Lan is a French-others; both his food are all central. Then, in order Later Han Dynasty, the two together translate the Buddhist theory Twelve Chapter Four this Business into Chinese-US. Han Dynasty includes Western-and Eastern-Han2 Han1; and the Hau-Han is the East-Han. In Vinh Binh No. BA3, the reign of Emperor Minh-Dong-Han (Vinh- Binh is the dating of the reign of King Ming-De, and is now a third year of his reign), is to in-itself soup. In this soup-body, one day, the King-Emperor Ming dream that suddenly a gold (Kim-human) on the head with halo bright circle, from the air fly straight into the Royal-supply. next day, the king asked the written opinions of the courtiers in the court martial of dream How did. Then, in the tide of history called Thai-Western Vice Decree that: "Ha god told that to the west in the Indian context, there is a god was honored by all Buddhas. Now that the gold Majesty dreamed that I was given a Buddha! "Next, with a fellow named School-Western United Observe also the king that" the Chu has passed an extraordinary list of titles, which recorded copy all the strange events, especially. " Book of what was recorded? In the books of the Zhou Dynasty was recorded that: "Buddha's birthday u Wang Chu-binary-decimal Chieu, Armor-aged gradually. Time, Giang Ha gossip plenty, great earth tremors, five-color optical wall-microcrystalline Thai restaurant. " means that the Buddha was born in the 26th year of reign Vuong4 Chu, and Armor-five years was gradual. Now time, ie when the Buddha was born, the water level in rivers and lakes are rising from shore runoff, the ground will shake. the same time, the heavens have glory in the auspicious color newspaper reporter through Thai Vi star. contemporary Thai-official use (Thai-use is the custodian of the God-scientific literature and mathematics-number) named Su Do. Thai-used to Christ by using I Ching hexagram fortune; and both shall be immediately sown Nine-contingent Qian hexagram, hexagram Africa is long in Thiene (mid-air flying dragon). Based on this hexagram, the Thai-use accounting guess that's the great saint was born in drinking water The production and after that, the sage will go to spread a teaching which about a thousand years later, he will begin teaching in China. King Chu-Chieu-scribe United consecutive wrong and correct the data that the ice conditions, then transferred buried at the south gate. The king was expected later that such evidence will have to test, whether there is a true teachings of thousands of years before that (ie Buddhism) will be transferred to China or not. To the king Chu-Wang-section, one day, suddenly, the great earth shook and the sky appear white-pink twelve directors (the "pink" this is the "pink "in the word" red-occupation "has been mentioned in Shurangama Sutra, and means for iris ring). This is the phenomenon of" white pink bar date "means the twelve day suddenly Rainbows white out, is caught by the sun; and this phenomenon occurs when the Buddha passed away. Although the Buddha passed away in India but in China have also seen the phenomenon. As such, the world's production Buddha is not an incidental or accidental! When the Buddha was born in India, then in China, the water level of rivers, lakes and run smooth rise from the shore, the whole great earth are shaking. Then when the Buddha passed away, in China also saw twelve white bow crossing the sun. At that time the name is used for:-They had to use the I Ching divination. After sowing hexagram, Thai-user support exclaimed: "Oh! Great Saints in West-Lands then passed away! "That is, the great saint was born in India in Armor-slowly, of King Chu-Wang-26th Chieu ago, this has passed away into the realms of Nirvana then! As such, although this occurrence and death of Buddha occurred in India a country located far away China, but China is aware at all. It is through the Chinese contemporary understanding of mathematics-numbers, should have guessed that the situation at that time. Since the reign of Wang Chu-section-house to the king Minh-Hau-Han Empire, the time around 1,000 years apart . dreamed that Buddha in Binh Vinh-3, then to dating to the 7th-Binh Vinh, to five armor-Ty-Minh-Han Emperor commanded three of the Thai-Kettle, Qin-scene, and United-week carrying 18 others, together to seek Buddhist India. In central India, they meet venerable Houttuynia-Ca-Ma-Dang and venerable French-Truc-Lan. After that, the two religious author with the delegation of the Thai-Kettle, Qin and Wang-week-Status to China. All of the Lac-positive in the capital dating to the 10th-Binh Vinh, the year Ding-crown. Because at two His white horse used to carry books, so the King-Emperor Han-Minh to take a temple named the White Horse Temple (White Horse Temple). to day of May, dating to the 14th-Binh Vinh, the group Five-priests from the range of Chinese music-son5 frantic last to interfere with Buddhism. And as reported above, they require books burned by both parties. As a result, all books of Religion teachers are clean burning, while the scriptures of Buddhism, both unharmed back! relics of the Buddha emitted a bright aura colors in the sky and from the air, the aura that the bunched together like a giant brutal light enveloped mass! Before that glorious sight, people believe the Buddhist reverence.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).8/2/2012. 

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