Saturday 11 February 2012


- Increase Sangha referred to as mass of all those who accept Buddhism as the ideal. But the word Sangha in a narrow sense, only for mass Monks, (bhikhu, bhikshu) and monks and nuns (bhikkhuni, bhikshuni), who left his family privacy, a life of virtue benefit of others, dedicated practice and guide people to faith.

- All, without distinction of race, color, social status, as long as enough people to minister, there is no physical illness and mental, has the upper direction and the ability to practice. Called monks live by Increasing the Bhikkhu. Rate nuns called nuns living in the Ni.

- Brown or yellow color are "liberated". But overall speaking, the yellow of the wrap Theravada Buddhist monk. The brown dress belongs to the Mahayana. The position of sects who also wrap robes begging but most practice the Mahayana teachings. Buddhism today has a tendency to aggregate Tong North and South, should have ordained in the Mahayana Buddhist monk wrapped in gold and also the position of Theravada also wearing brown colon, especially when living in the country U.S. or in Europe cold.

- In fact, only one Buddhist. All Buddhists worship Buddha Gotama or Sakyamuni (Sakyamuni), accept and practice the moral Dependent Origination, Anatta, Impermanence, the Four Noble Truths, etc. ... The reason is Theravada, Mahayana is because there are several different points of doctrine and local customs. Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Burma, Cambodia, Laos ... influenced by the Venerable (Theravada) transmitted from India to the south (Sri Lanka) should be known as Theravada. Meanwhile, Buddhism in Tibet, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Korea, Japan ... largely influenced by Mahayana (Mahayana) which has the effect of the mass (Mahasanghika), the most useful (Sarvativada), read from the (Vatsiputriya) ... transmitted from India to the north (Central Asia, China) should be called the Northern School. By all accounts, the Southern School, thanks to conservative but also retains many original characteristics of Buddhism. But the liberal Mahayana and renewal should have been living in harmony with local or national. Today Buddhism, with international organizations, are trying to go to a Buddhist background synthesis, irrespective of sects and localities. There are many Buddhist organizations promote the spirit of "the source" and applied Buddhism creatively in the present day.

- Buddhism Vietnam in the first century (IV) by the Buddhists of India and India begin to close. Song throughout history Buddhism greatly influenced Vietnam Northern School of Chinese. Recently, the French colonial period, in the south have more influence from Cambodia to Theravada. Although greatly influenced by Chinese Mahayana movement but thanks to revive and renew (since 1930), Buddhist Vietnam has a bright face, flexible and close the Theravada doctrine.

Since 1945, Vietnam Buddhism, depending on local circumstances, different development because there are many different shades. Generally, in "North", Buddhism remains the Mahayana tradition, while in the "South" including Mahayana, Theravada. Buddhism of Vietnam affected by the movement to revive Buddhism in countries like China, Japan, Ceylon, India.

- Buddhism has no religious power centers, such as Christianity. Because country situations in the past, Buddhist Vietnam, until in 1981 a new central agency direction for the country: Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Council of proof and the Board of Studies. Nevertheless, continuous presence of Buddhism in Vietnam during the last 2000 years while Buddhism in India and in some Southeast Asian countries are destroyed which causes mainly Muslim victims.

- Buddhism arising from India and spread to neighboring countries soon after the Buddha passed away three hundred years of the reign of Asoka. Buddhism continued to grow in India until the XIII century is completely destroyed due to the destruction of Islam. However, the foreign Buddhism in India is still developing. Later, the movement of Western colonists did for Buddhism in the Far East, Southeast Asia suppressed, obscured and forgotten.

But, in those countries to have some Buddhist scholars familiar and beloved Eastern culture in general and Buddhism in particular as Dr. Peebles, Colonel Olcott, Mr. and Mrs. Davids Ryhs professor, she Blavatsky ... The European and American scholars have made many Eastern, attention to the bright of Buddhism. Later through the heart as Buddhists have great faith Dharmpala, Thai master Hu ... determined to revive Buddhism. Only during recent 50 years of Buddhism became a respected director; outside the Asian and European scholars are considered within the research and try Buddhists and popular practice. The number of Buddhists around the world increasing and organizations more and more Buddhist.

We have many international agencies of Buddhism. Song of this agency is the supreme governing body. - European and American societies also Buddhism. At the University in Londres, Paris, Louvain, Munchen, etc. .. have a research and teaching Buddhism. Buddhist texts were translated, the language written in French, English, German ...

Many European and American scholars think that Buddhism is an appropriate reason for living with human progress and hope that Buddhism will help liberate the human eyeballs by civilized machinery triggers.

- Buddhist is a person who represents Dharma in the following duties: to cultivate themselves, Buddhist family, social reform.

- The first goal that Buddhists aim to be "enlightened." Therefore cultivate themselves is essential. Cultivating mean improvement: emotional, brutal transformation into greedy love help topic (compassion), on reason, converting ignorance into enlightenment perverted wisdom (wisdom), of the will convert passive cowardice, fear into courageous effort. Reserves, knowledgeable, courageous as enlightenment.

- Bi or compassion means loving help topic. Compassion is not pity the bad guys but love for equality, the help topic such as love and sincere concern for her mother and her child a sage. We currently lack or have very little sympathy was widespread. Therefore, we should cultivate compassion by sincere love and help your loved ones subject such as parents, siblings, relatives and to the people, fellow human beings and all. Compassion makes people quite emotional.

Location or intellectual means understanding things as the truth (yathabhuta). We have knowledge but no wisdom because we are not out of ignorance effect (avijja) and still be the dominant feeling cloudy. Therefore, to clearly comprehend things as they really are, we need to cultivate wisdom by not subjective, self-satisfied to learn that honest, objective thought (cinta) and thorough experimental (bhavana). The full intellectual development make people completely rational.

Courage or bravery that is bold, dare to act in the noble direction. Most of us do not have the courage because we were afraid difficult, if not cowardice. Many see the song that dare not engage for fear of harm to the rights, honor and life. Some people say, dare to do, but they lack compassion, wisdom so are stronger than the action. Therefore, we must develop courage by itself win the evil in us then exercise his power, continuous block unless the evil was born, arise not have the interests of good and make it utility had good growth. Courage inspires people to complete the will.

- Accept the Buddhist life is probably pretty high, at home Buddhists cultivate themselves apart, there is the family unit. In many economic texts as happy Chon (Mahamangala), Ethan's birth (Sigālovāda Sutta) ... Buddha encouraged lay people to fulfill the duties of husband to the wife, the wife to her husband, the parents towards their children, their children for their parents ... The chief, not caring to take care of the physical life of the family but also to lead a righteous way of living relatives belong to families with true happiness, that is Buddha family. If the family is the primary Buddha of the family are good friends, encouraging each other help threads and user friendly upstream direction.

- According to the theory of origin is the formation of the material due to various conditions; the causes and conditions of this intimate contact with each other "This is the other, then yes, this is the other good good"; therefore, want private and public life is at peace, not only to cultivate themselves, Buddhist family but also to social reform. Buddhists have a duty to contribute to the improvement of society, to contribute their good results, you must first free itself revolutionary: remove the pursuit of fame and profit center, trained aspiration benefit of others, and a determination to serve the interests and social fellow. But necessary talent but ethics is an indispensable element in the interests of social utility. Layman, if able to attend all social work as political, economic, health ... Path Dependent Origination of Buddhist teaching that the flexibility of the material examined and the work itself as well as cultivate social reform. Can put personal issues before cultivating and improving the social, can also improve social individuals before and after cultivation, depending on the importance of the problem in certain circumstances, or both questions threads can be executed once.

- In terms of morality and history, Buddhism is the fruit of peace. The highest goal of Buddhism is that Nirvana is one of many definitions of peace (Santi, Sun, 204). Buddha is also known as Huang Peace (Santiraja). Cultivation methods taught by the Buddha is living in harmony (samacariya) to humans.

Under the theory of origin of things by many causes and conditions that arise and exist. If the Princess had asked each other that survival is to make human relations, interdependence nice to enjoy peace together.

To break the resistance barrier between individuals, between the collective is nothing more beautiful than to practice the moral self (anatta). This moral guidelines as well as human things can not separate what we - the cause of selfishness, self-respect, self-obsessed ... And collective social structures are not rigid, not only is the transformation that the author of several factors such as personnel, economic, political ... Therefore, they must want to live noble lives in the spirit of selflessness, benefit of others, like social organizations that are reasonable, fair should be held in the spirit of community and harmony.

As for training in ethics, most methods of cultivation in Buddhism are aimed to eradicate greed, hatred and build peace for themselves, for people in the spirit of compassion:

"As a mother gentle love child

Sacrificing protection for children

With no other species considerate

Patriotism from as young as tank

Tung spread from the center of the universe

Expand the unlimited mercy. "(Business Compassion, Sun, 1.8)

In addition, the Buddha also taught various methods of peace-building which authentically six following principles are fundamental: 1. Republic relatives living together, 2. Air mouth fighting, 3. mix with cheerful mind, 4. reviews (of thought) mix with sympathy, 5. gender (discipline) mix with respect, 6. mix with the interests of profit.

Thus Buddhists as peacemakers yourself for not just follow the advice that moral action in accordance with the basis of Buddhist morality.

- To disseminate Buddhist Dharma Dharma is because the light of truth, the eternal source of joy for mankind. Buddhists must use every means possible to bring the Dharma to life: that is to make people understand and live the Path. Buddhists do this work with the aim "to bring happiness to all people" and not to cause the direction of his prestige. The layman does not only support the monks in the work of spreading the true teachings, but also to propagate the Dhamma itself. The layman, with the form at home, are suitable and easily disseminate the Dhamma to live by example and encourage those close to her good direction. The existence of Buddhism not only in place of the magnificent temples, wealth and authority of the church, but at the direction of Buddhist life and people. So popular is the Dharma protecting dharma.

Who wants popular Chief Justice, should first develop compassion for all people. Then depending on the circumstances, to find people near him or her to grace with their guidance towards enlightenment ideals. While mentoring trying to apply four methods of photography of the following:

A. Sharing (giving): split scratched material, energy and culture.

Two. Clear Answers (loving speech): speak gentle, gentle, easy going.

3. The utility (benefit of) a not for profit but to benefit others.

4. Close (co): the level of knowledge, understanding life and feelings of the people who live near and said, do the people you want guidance (that is to serve as equal regardless).

Four methods of photography is the art of mentoring people in common purpose to France.

- Refuge that is intended and live by the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. The refuge as we become Buddhists. Anyone know the direction of and live the "Three Jewels" are people who have taken refuge. However, according to custom, a man was admitted to the refuge after attending the "direct entry" by one or more teachers demonstrate. In this ceremony, who confirmed the refuge towards the enlightened, living enlightened and moral guidance consent of the enlightenment experience and live in harmony with the ideal you.

After the above, the refuge given to a director's name (legal name, such as Tam Minh, Nguyen Quang ...) and are encouraged by years of practice to learn (about). Refuge also means developing awareness and ability to enlightenment (Buddha), the mystical truth (France) and virtue harmony (Rising) available on each.

- So, at least twice a month traveling Buddhist ceremony, chanting, meditation and help build the church with other Buddhists. The atmosphere in the temples you help us growing confidence and will to the upper direction. Harmony with fellow believers who help us progress in the religious lives. Buddhist monks and nuns closer to learning and experience moral cultivation.

- The Buddhist influence in the house brings good for cultivation and for the peace of the family. Choose the most serene places in the house, decorated with a beautiful Buddha statues or images. On the Buddhist altar should not garnish thrill: a vase, an incense burner, a pair of light is sufficient.

Pictures Bi, knowledgeable, courageous of the Buddha frequently affected his words and our actions, we try to remind on the path to enlightenment.

- Chant is not invoked, but reciting the Buddha's enlightenment experience and his beautiful words. Chant is one of the decorated set (burst marinated) sublime truth, the mystical idea in mind.

So by first reciting the sacred words which they understand clearly meaningless to the decorations are deeply set. Should chant daily sanctuary at bedtime or after waking up. If there is no altar chanting Buddha's name can in the bedroom or at the desk. Opening chapter is just helpful to the instruments in harmony, especially when many of the proceedings. So can recite without ringing my bell. Be aware of economic sense and that appropriate action, "Proceedings hundred such nonsense poem by reciting a correct Chief Justice, that when people listen to is at peace" (Dhammapada, 102).

- Repentance means to repent of their wrongdoings and vows not to repeat. To advance on the path to enlightenment, to repent daily. After chanting, meditation or before bedtime, should sit quietly for five minutes, take years of practice (gender) to consider employment, words and thoughts of the day. If that is not good, the action should repent immediately. If they should repent in celebrations on the 14th or 30th lunar month in the temple. Even better is to invite a few people I trust and respect and love for penance to prove the fault. While at his retreat, if there were five acts in the practice of the prayer should be happy and try to develop.

- In memory of Buddha Recitation is enlightened by reading up the title of him, as read "Homage to Guru Shakyamuni Buddha" or read a brief "Homage to the Buddha" (ie the Feast of Enlightenment treatment). Admire the image of Buddha is also another way of the Buddhist concept. Through the title and the image of Buddha, commemorate the Buddhist concept virtues of compassion and equanimity of the Buddha. The memory is thought to arise and growth virtues of compassion and equanimity where the Buddhist concept.

Can Buddhist concept of anytime, but the Buddhist concept of bedtime is the best because of good will flourish even in sleep continuity, so that is at peace and not have nightmares.

- Meditation is the practice of methods only (samatha) and consistency (vipassana). Only means to control the thoughts and concentrate resources. Method 'attention to the breath "is the best method only. Development that is consistent cognitive experience of Buddhist enlightenment to achieve true enlightenment. Depending on the level that meditation is the teacher teach the other headings. Such as anger or titles from the practice of compassion (loving kindness), or obstinate person shall practice self headings (anatta) ...

Although practice what topics must also follow the weak things to keep my basic practice, where pure, bright close teacher, you heal, self-control eating, dressing spacious sitting right how to ... There are new intellectual meditation, so can not help but want to reach the meditation.

- Fasting is eating whole fruits and vegetables without eating meat. Vegetarianism is expressed compassion for animals, but more foolish weakness but still wish to live the fear of death. Vegetarian if you eat enough nutrients, help us to be gentle boast, easily cultivated. Buddhists are vegetarian for compassion and without fear of animals like the glass in Hinduism or because abstinence as followers of other religions.

Buddhist vegetarian at home if not frequently (the son) should try fasting two days a month (a full moon and spinach). In the days of fasting, if it should vow to cultivate the practice eight (Uposatha) years of regular practice and added three more thing: do not eat midday, did not see listening to dance, no makeup and high chair sitting in bed beautiful. The cultivation of the eight practitioner makes it easier to have the mind and intellectual development.

- Cavalry now is a good tradition because it is the act of remembrance, love and gratitude to the deceased. While the rider anniversary, sincerity is important, not material or product offerings glass form thrilled? So should Buddhists celebrated the solemn anniversary as possible. Do not waste money, time, family dining flexibility. Anniversary of the signing should be to unite families, friends and learning the fine noble virtues of our ancestors. Can form hydrophobic anniversary of requiem at home or in temples to add meaning and solemnity.

- He tells us: "Those who want to serve the Tathagata shall take care of the sick". Thus Buddhists, for the sick illness take care visits, care to ask, depending on the patient medication to help with all your heart problem, do not believe in psychic bullshit superstition. While chanting, should spread Buddhist concept of compassion to the sick and pray that they recover quickly and peacefully.

- For a long time people often think that a marriage is what the life is not sticky. The Buddhist monks in Vietnam seldom married to Buddhists at the temple or at the bar. According to the rules of the monastic life, the teacher must not do matchmaking, but can prove to the living covenant ceremony and construction of two families of a Buddhist or not Buddhist to a Buddhist, as long as two voluntary and people respect each other's ideal. - The Theravada, the monks still prove the Buddhist ceremony at home.

To harmonize with rites ethnic or social customs, Buddhist families may hold two ceremonies: a ceremony at his home with the procedures to be done at the administrative headquarters with the participation of all persons relatives or contacts, a different ceremony at the temple or at the bar with the proof of the monks and lay people. In simple cases like the first part of the ceremony could lighten and the second part is the main part. In ceremonies at the temple or assembly halls, if a couple has not officially refuge "Three Jewels" and not in the commitment to preserve the practice teacher will be ceremonial, first refuge and begin three years this practice, then the teacher is advised to read and preached by the Buddha's teaching on the duty of husband to wife, wife to her husband, parents to their children ... (If necessary cite the economic importance of teacher La Vietnamese Poetry (Sigālovāda Sutta) School of Business No. 31). He also should clarify the ceremonial significance of wearing the ring that the husband and wife for husband and wife wear the symbol of family happiness in forgiving patience, understanding and sympathy for each other. Finally, a tea ceremony can be held in the living room of the temple or assembly halls.

According to Buddhism, marriage is a very solemn ceremony of two people of opposite sex want to be friends with each other to build a happy family. So crucial is how the wedding for the couple to understand his duties to know each other, the art of living together and loving commitment is sincere, equal treatment and willing to help each other progress in peaceful life, and sacrifice for noble descendants later. The family must understand and Buddhist wedding ceremony for children with this meaning. Article should be avoided is not significant and adaptation of ritual forms of religious doctrine that the content of marriage different from Buddhism. The form should also reduce noise, heavy ritual is not a luxury, superstition.

- Nowadays people often talk about reproductive issues and limitations of the attitude of religious people for this problem. There are a few religious view of reproductive constraint problem is a "sin" because it is against their doctrine contrary. Buddhists are not stuck in this problem. Because the Buddhist life of man is formed in at first by three factors:

A. The egg of the mother is in the period could have children.

Two. Sperm of the father.

3. Consciousness (Gandharva) is ready to be born (see Majjhimanikaya, and Abhidharmakosa II.156, III.12 notes page 37 of I).

So if there is no harmony of these three factors on the fetus can not be formed. Therefore Buddhist family, after exploring the possibility of birth and nurture their children, may limit reproduction by applying the method of limiting reproduction that science has found. However, limited reproduction does not mean destroying the lives of children. As well as keeping people love flowers flower seeds and flower buds, Buddhists always respect, protect life including living germ.

"... Do not miss what a charming,

Sick man or a healthy person,

Just great to type long or high,

Medium, or short, small, rough.

There are no forms or form,

At close to us or far away,

I gave birth or be born,

May all have peace. "(Business Compassion - Metta Sutta)

- Once you know the ones coming from the ceiling in the house should not be lamented that unloads and around the dead, decorative statue or flower, or which invited him to love to the dying person to counsel the dying should have no fear, sadness, but should remember the most merit did and meditate or recite the Buddha's mind. At close relatives died in the end, everyone in the meeting, the Buddhist concept to alert loved ones die a gentle peace. Let the dead lie still for several hours, should not be bumped into the body because it can do for people who are losing students angry pain, are harmful. Should the funeral held in a casual, less expensive. Avoid funerals, spiritual home treats. Should not spend too much in the construction of the tomb. If riches should work to merit the merit for the dead.

As the date of death, every seven days, do a simple Requiem (flower arranging, incense and the memorial sitting and if possible, chanting Compassion) a time to remember and pray for loved ones, all 49 days only. About Requiem may be held in the home or temple. Besides Buddhist altar should set a small altar with pictures of lost loved ones, candles, flowers and incense. If there is precious ceremonial teacher, not the people in the family business and lay people pray tunh and Loving Kindness (mettabhavana) to pray for the dead is living on welfare where.

- For the other direction, another thought, Buddhists should not discriminate, sincere pride that should learn compare ideas or beliefs of others. Determined not to argue with opposing goals, conquered or contempt of religion, thought of others. Just as people love flowers, I have the right stuff, but my favorite flowers but no one to criticize things that other people love flowers. Buddhism Buddhist loves but always find out, tolerance and respect for ideas and beliefs of others.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).12/2/2012.

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