Friday 3 February 2012


 The Autobiography of Bhante G publisher Wisdom Publications 2003 Transfer Language: Dieu Ly Thu Linh 2006 The Oriental Publishing House 2007

Bhante Henepola Gunaratana , the Ceylon (Sri Lanka), is the author of two books by the publisher of Wisdom Publicationsan, Mindfulness In Plain English (Right Mindfulness - Meditation Practice,  and Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness: Walking the Buddha's Path (translation: Bat ChanhDao: Buddha followed the footsteps). As a Buddhist monk for nearly 65 years, Su has achieved high honors North American nhato Siyam Nikaya sect, of Theravada Buddhism. After the United States in 1968, Master Ph.D. in philosophy hoco American University in Washington, DC Master took over the European countries, Asia, Australia and South America to lead meditation retreats courses. Established in 1988 Master Bhavana Society, a monastery / meditation center in West Virginia, where Master hiendang live. Jeanne Malmgren , a devout Buddhist. She was a journalist for 23 years newspapers and magazines today. Articles by coduoc awards Florida Society of Newspaper Editors (Florida Press Association Editorial), and the Society of Professional Journalists (Society of Professional Journalists). She lived in Seminole, Florida, with her ​​husband and three daughters were born in Cambodia.

Writing autobiographical story probably is not a monk, a Buddhist monk should do, because the monks we must always strive to kill the ego, not deton honor it. Through meditation and mindfulness practice we want to give up loving attachment, self practice. So why do I write a book about you?
It is rather strange idea that came in my meditation course.
Whenever guiding a meditation course, I often require students to write questions on paper, then bovao in a box. Every night, after the official teachings of my instructors about what Buddhist teaching basic cuaDuc, I picked up a few sheets of paper out of the box, each one individually, and answer any questions there.
Often the students want to know about meditation: how to maintain a level they did at the retreat hanhduoc; them what to do when too enraged that he could not sit still; how to practice if they do not have a good teacher side. However, sometimes people ask about my life:
"Yes, Master practitioner is how long?"
"Sir, who was born and grew up in Sri Lanka, Suco how to feel?"
"Sir, Teacher can do to keep the precepts of a monk in the world of this temptation? "
When answering these kinds of questions I used to wander, ramble. I tell stories about my life and the students seem very interested. The meditation hall, usually quiet place, full of echoes laughed again. The yogis say, "Bhante, Teacher should write his autobiography book."
I've read a few of the life story of spiritual masters male and female, and in which time seems to also have the mystery, strange happening to the protagonist. Sometimes, the main character who can make that miracle.
Read the full story of this impressive, one can conclude that the spiritual life is very different from what oil the average person. But for me, I can not tell what a miracle. Throughout his life, I was just a normal person. Now tuthoi young, I was taught that if I work diligently to be good results - there is nothing miraculous about it. In many ways can see, my life is very similar to your life.
So I was quite hesitant to write the book that my detu proposed. I worry that it will be an expression of pride, fear that one might think in old age, I became so wild and ego.
"Not necessarily so," a friend told I. "Maybe through his story, I shall now leave a lesson something." I was thinking about this. I contemplate on my life and realize that yes, this really could be a chance to show people that the teachings of the Buddha are wonderful directions, making an ordinary mortal like the I personally get a life filled with happiness, full of himself now.
As a monk, I have dedicated my life to protect and maintain the teachings of the Buddha. In contrast, Buddhism also protect and sustain me. That's what I've learned over the last 75 years of life. Basically that's what I want to share with you the stories ramble about my life.
For example, I can say honestly that I feel any cukhi conceit, vanity in my life , I have to bear this much suffering. As a young monk in the Buddhist Institute, I used to probe the other brothers, I say, I always find the fault. And so, I always suffer.
Yes, I must say that it is always my biggest weaknesses: the fault of the review. Exit xaudo are only a little oil, I would take many years, through a lot of effort and mistakes. Even the now sometimes I still struggle with it. But more or less oil, I was very happy to say that, now giotoi can accept others as they are. And my life (not even them!) Has become clearer through it.
Relying on the teachings of the Buddha, I have to practice to gradually avoid conflict rather than creating them , or worse, go find them. That has made ​​my life can not be peace unspeakable.
With the support of Buddhism and mindfulness practice, the biggest change that I made ​​for myself, I think, it is Now I can easily forgive, no matter what they did, and believe me, good nature, but this was not easy to get! I had to practice for a long time, been very diligent. But hatred, complacency and nature or my judgment is the fertile ground for my practice. Just because a person has become religious, does not mean that he immediately escape character defiled or not care about the world. As you will see throughout the book, righteousness in the world is considered noble spirit, I have felt - place themselves or in others - the petty jealousies, bad people, the church Matthew and his cruelty.
Now when I think back, I see that all these things seem very bad at it, and eventually lead to positive results. All persons or circumstances that I think are obstacles inverse, in fact there are teachers who have motivated me to take the chosen path, just tell me what I need to cultivate happiness.
watch again, I am very grateful to the causal chain kydieu happened in my life, although, at that time, many things have made ​​me feel I was in pain, unhappiness. If my father was not a person too harsh, maybe I did not leave the convent. If my teacher did not punish me too seriously, I did not look to the missionary school. If I did not have dementia and need to 'cure', I can never interested in meditation. If I do not get bored with the downstream facilities in India, I did not leave India to Malaysia. If my visa extended in Malaysia, maybe I will never vote luuden America. And if things have not broken a Buddhist temple pain in Washington (Washington Buddhist Vihara), maybe I did not set the Bhavana Assembly. Nhungdo is my life and I am grateful to all.
Even so, I still feel pain when writing about some things, digging back memories of the pain, sorrow old. Many times I almost did not want to give up the will and intention to complete the book. During the period when tormenting doubt, I always remember the words of Mark Twain: "Only the dead last to tell the truth."
I have thought about the fact trongdoi sometimes bad, and I feel anxious. If I write vechung honestly, I will expose these weaknesses, his shortcomings. But hide the truth-which is not true. In contrast, the character of a monk is not to write about these words and circumstances are not good that happened centuries ago, to reveal those who are not good for me, especially when many of of them did not live to tubao treatment.
In addition to worries that the culture and customs where I was born, not in favor of public disputes and conflicts. When the Sinhala people of my grandchildren to read the first draft of this book, they were horrified. "Teacher can not talk about it like that," their critics. "Why do you want to by the old problems? We only bring sorrow to the Master. "
The layman Sri Lanka does not want to hear about mistakes or omissions of the practitioner. They prefer to think of a monk as a holy man, they thebai noble Lord with reverence. The relationship between the religious and spiritual goods lay Buddhist Asia, expressing respect for a monk or by offering to help him, to bring spiritual rewards. So if they discover a monk there are things not worthy, would upset the sense of hierarchy of lay people.
But in Western culture, the truth is very high duocde. So I can not tell the story of my life, but ignore what is not good; is a manuscript that will be 'pruned' and can be bicoi lying. And if my own self-portrait as a person who has never had to cope with the difficulties and shortcomings, the story I certainly can not help anyone seen the value of Buddhist teachings, in helping me cope with lanes names of cuocdoi nose bullets.
in The First Four Noble Truths of the Buddha is life filled with suffering. We can not escape from suffering. The only choice we are trying to overpower the impurities: greed, hatred and delusion, which itself is the cause of all suffering. Conquer the impurities are elaborately practice of a lifetime, which I hope is the story of my ordinary life, the journey to be mindful of me, sechung proved that. And I hope, my story will demonstrate that your oil is suffering intense to, you will conquer them.

Words in Translation
I have fun going to the book. Previously, the literature is the angle. Now each time you are at Barnes & Nobles bookstores, I often find the angle Buddhist books.
Lando, I was fascinated by the book cover of dark-colored, black chutrang. It's nothing attractive than the faces of a monk. Gentle face, his eyes bright, and full smile 'of Zen' which has caused me to take books home.
Venha, flip a couple of pages, new, or that the author of a book that I meditate enjoyed reading Vietnamese language version of the translator Nguyen Duy Fuel: Mindfulness Meditation-Practice. So read the book curious, so suddenly want to translate that book.
Some three months later, a friend directed, she suddenly goidien Tam Hanh. Sometimes three-story, then she sure will go to the Master's course Gunaratana. Well, remember the book. Remembering intentions will translate books. Ms. Tam for his Master Hanh told sehoi translated. Just so. Which then received a letter for his joy was translated. It's true that good conditions!
Book Gunaratana Master autobiography, of course, not a literary work. But it's a very real life story of a very ordinary people like us. There are times when I have closed the book dry laugh alone. Also found that while very choked up, fresh news. Is not storytelling, which makes the story more nguoidoc firm faith in Buddhism.
translate this book left in my own memories can never forget. That's when I translated the book's 22 chapters, the author tells of visits melan end, it's time I got the news my mother seriously sick. Then the mood to talk about children, not to be with her ​​at the last moment. Oh, the Master's book, but his heart is the translator, so I am drenched with tears.
Please thank Master Gunaratana ignored the bandau anxious to complete this autobiographical book. Closed the book, the reader does not see his beliefs were laydong by what is told in the book or not, madong is a shining example of a determination to practice true religious order. And the more that close, sympathy, love the glass over his monks still experiencing daily.
Hope that you are also more fun when reading this book Autobiography. Please translate the merit to all living beings, to the parents of my late. Special thanks to my sister, Chon Posted Thu Lan Li, having to shoulder all the time my mother is sick, detoi can complete the translation of this book.
Make sure translations are still many shortcomings. Nhanduoc the only hope the level of the teachers have teachers, you useful and direct readers to the next edition is more complete.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).RESEARCH BUDDHIST DHARMA BY TAM THANH.AUSTRALIA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).3/2/2012.

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