Monday 6 February 2012

ECONOMIC weatherproof
T O hear something like this:
One time the Buddha traveled in Xa-defense, in the woods Thang, garden level alone.
Then the monks after lunch, no bit of work should focus sat at the lecture. At that time, a great number of people who go to school, after lunch around to find where the monks, greeting and sat together on one side, told the monks that:
"This current owner, Sa-subjects Cu tri-sexual conversation policy variables [02], the policy variable tri color, tri variable life policy [03]. this current home, we also advocated intellectual education variable, the policy variables except tri color, the policy variables intellectual life. between Sa-Cu-talk subjects and us, between the two [04] advocates tri variable [05] that, there is no enemy wins, there is any difference? '
"At that time the monks when listen to what the majority said the school, not knowing what is right, what is left, stand up and go silent, and thinking: 'Things like that, so we have to place Germany Exalted knows'.
Then they went to the Buddha, his head bowed, sat on one side, take the masses discussed with the school he recounts the Buddha. Then the Buddha told the Venerable -pretentious that:
"At that time he should ask the majority of people who go to school like this, 'Hey characters shown, what is the sweetness of education, what is the scourge of sex, what is the emergence of sex weak [ 06]? What is the sweetness of identity, what is the scourge of identity, how weak is the emergence of identity? What is the sweetness of life, what is the scourge of life, how weak is the emergence of life?
"Behold the monks, so he asked if, after hearing, they will question each other hard, said circle around said, emerged from court and argue and stand up seat, silent and withdrawn. Why? Because I do not see the gods, Ma, Pham, Sa-subjects, Pham media or anyone else else in this world knows that he can claim up to. Only the Tathagata and disciples of the Tathagata, or duoic disciples heard from these two men. "
Buddha asked,
"What is sweet of education? That is, multiplying by five the virtues of education [07] which arises optimism and joy. The sweetness of extreme sex just can not go there more, but its woes are many. "What the scourge of sex? A good death in men, depending on technique [08] which themselves own livelihood, or a farmer, or trader, or school books, or good at arithmetic, know the number, the etching smart, do literature, make the pen, or understand the experience of poetry, or do martial, or serve the king [09]. He must be cold when having cold, having suffered hot hot, hungry thirsty tired hard, stinging mosquitoes gull; it must do so for the professional looking to make money. Son with good facilities like, do the work so as to seek, if not make money of the students suffering, grief upset, heart of ignorance, saying 'go to work in vain hard pain in vain expecting that things do not work '. In contrast, her son with good facilities so as to seek, if it earns money from birth to love, to preserve and buried. Why? He thought: 'Finance is our character, not to the king won, robbers, fire, damage, loss, or publications, but very beneficial, or do not achieve that. " Who maintain that, but hidden so if risk was king won, or robbers, fire damage, the student suffering loss, grief upset, heart of aberration, saying: 'I love Physics, memory think through the night the day, which is no more '. It was great suffering in this life [10], where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. "Also, because human beings where education, where training conditions, take as their base education should argue with mother me, I argue with my mother, father, brother, sister, her children bickering family. For each such dispute should she slander me, I say bad mother. father, brother, sisters, relatives and other family defamatory. My favorite is this, is that people stop situations. They are suffering in this life where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. "Also, because where human beings sex, conditions where training and education to take root so the king to fight with the king, to fight with Pham Pham press release, competing with Lay Lay, people struggle with the people, the country struggles with the kingdom . By fighting each other so hostile, and then use all sorts of weapons to kill each other, holding hands or diamond, throwing rocks, or hit with sticks, knives tightly. While fighting, or dying, or fear, very important life suffering. It was great suffering in this life where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. "Also, because human beings where education, where training conditions, taken as the root should bring resume sexual gland, the cell coat, holding spears, bows, or supporting a knife, went into battle troops. Or fought with elephants, or horses, or vehicles, or infantry fighting, or fighting for boys and girls. While fighting, or die , or fear, feelings of extreme suffering. They are suffering in this life where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. "Also, because human beings where education, training and conditions which, taken as sex should bring original armor, wearing the cell, holding spears, bows, or knife support, to dispose of the competition, out of the savings, fight each other, free end blows, shouting loud, or use Baseball beats, or sample size, or use a sharp wheel, or use arrows, or rolling stone embankments, or does it big, or pour boiling water into the eye. While fighting, or dying, or fear, very important life suffering. It was great suffering in this life where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. "Also, because human beings where education, where training conditions, take as their base education should bring armor, wearing the cell, holding spears, bows, or knife support to neighbors, the village, on the country, in urban, opaque walls break storage, resource pillaging, block roads, or other entrance to the village broke out neighbors, breaking to destroy the country. In it, or the king's capture, bring enough to see; hand tight, tight legs, or arms and legs cut off; cut off ears, cut off the nose, or cut the ear, nose, or snakehead meat pieces; pen pen beard hair, or speed up the hair, or a locked in a cage, wrapped cremated, or fill in the sand, then wrap back to get grass burning, or belly up very trick of iron, pig iron by mouth or out, or put and burning mouth tiger iron, copper cauldron or peeled, or cooked and peeled iron cauldron; or butchered, or delete the sharp stab, or get the hook clinch, or catch iron bed and then pouring boiling oil , or forced to sit in the iron mortar and then take the iron pestle pounding, or the hissing snake bite surgery, or taking cranberry whip, or stick its paw, or awl type, or hanging on to uphold the life force, or beheaded and baby. In the case, who he or dead, or afraid, very important life suffering. They are suffering in this life where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. "Also, because human beings where education, conditions where training and education to take root so close to evil, export doing evil, evil mind. Disease who then on bed, or sitting or lying on the ground, because suffering body image, body feeling extremely miserable, no longer worthy favorite. Who was doing it because at first evil, evil exporter, evil intention of doing so when they cover dying right before your eyes like the sun ball big slopes, ground cover [11]. Also, who had been in the act of evil itself, evil act of the will of the gate and front cover, guys that think: 'evil act before we do, now we cover before our eyes. Before we did not create much blessing that produces career karma. Suppose one billion just do evil, violent crime, not only about doing good, not good deeds, when life do not know fear, relying almost dead no place, no place to return. The body was born in that realm, also born in the place that '. Therefore, birth remorse, and regret that due to unsafe death, death is not blessed. It was great suffering in this life where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. "Also, because human beings where education, where training conditions, should take sex as the root evil body, speech and mind to evil. Then the body as evil, so evil and mind of the place, conditions where the dissolution of the body which collectively came to be evil, born in hell. They are suffering in the next life where sex workers, conditions where training and education to take root. Thus is the scourge of sex. "What is the main export of education ? If excluding the education, training detachment, extinction training and education beyond that escapism. The emergence of so called weak sex. "If Sa-subject, that Mr. Pham as they really do not know the sweetness of training and education woes, the occurrence of sexual weakness, they can never own the sex, sexual situations is that the others. "If Sa-subjects, Pham even as they really do know the sweet taste of sex, sexual woes, the main export of education, not only can the sex itself that education can the others. "What is the best sweet? Assuming that the girls Sat-profit, Mr. Pham, or The Professor Lay the age of fourteen, fifteen, beauty is a beautiful time . Human beauty that place, that grace which beauty is born lost, born joy; sweetness of its color to that extreme, not more. But the harm of identity are many. "What is the harm of identity ? If he saw her later on became very old, the silver, tooth loss, bent back, knees shake, which comes with a cane, a youth was gone, his life out, his body shaking, the base wear . Italy you think? Does beauty have disappeared before birth and affordable disaster? "Buddha, yes." "Also, if she was sick in bed, sitting on the ground, because the picture itself suffering, suffering extreme, mind you think, there must be beauty before disappearing, disaster reasonable born? " "Buddha, yes." "Also, if her body was found dead from a two day to six or seven days, being crow kite grub surgery, sketchy lang devour, or have been cremated or buried, is rotted decay. Italy you think? Is it beauty before had disappeared and disaster Birth or Not? " "Buddha, yes?" "Also, if her body was in the cemetery, the remains blue, the more decayed, the bones on the ground cloth. Italy you think? There beauty have disappeared before birth and disaster or Not? " "Buddha, yes." "Also, if her body was in the cemetery, leaving each burned bones, scattered bones foot, femur, knee, thigh bone, spine, shoulder blades, collar bone, skull, each a place, mind the teacher think? Is beauty disappears before birth and disaster reasonable? " "Buddha, yes." "Also, if her body was in the cemetery, bone-white shells, green pigeon feathers, blood red color, decay, rotting. Italy you think? Is the former beauty had disappeared and evil beings or Not? " "Buddha, yes. So-called scourge of identity". "What is the color of weak? If the minus identity, identity detachment, extinction identity, that identity beyond escapism. So-called low occurrence of identity. "If Sa-subjects, Pham did not know that even as it is the sweetness of identity , the scourge of identity, the identity of the weak, it can never own the best, the best case is that for others. "If Sa-subjects, Pham even as they really do know the sweetness of identity, the scourge of identity, the identity of the principal of the identity not only themselves, but also the best for others. "What is the sweetness of life? sex monks glass, glass evil evil law, to to achievement and remain where Quaternary meditation. Now, you are not thinking of self harm, nor think of the bad people. If not thought of harm, that sweet feeling of optimism. Why? So do not think of the damage they achieved was feeling optimistic. So called sweetness of life. "What is life's disasters? feeling is impermanent, legal kill. As the scourge of so-called life. "What is the main export of life? If life except the , being apart from life, take away life, past life that escape. The emergence of so called cup of life. "If Sa-subjects, Pham that even as they really do not know the sweetness of life, the scourge of life, the life of the weak can never own the life, case is that the life of others. "If Sa-subjects, Pham even as they really do know the sweetness of life, the scourge of life, the life of the weak by themselves can not the life, but also the life of others. " Buddha preached so. The monks did after hearing the doctrine, worship of joy. Footnotes: [01] The Han, vol 25. equivalent Pāli: M.13, Maha- dukkhakkhandha. Han, special services No.53, No.125 (9.21). [02] Nguyen Han: variable tri遍知欲education, know thoroughly about sex. Pāli: kamanam parinnam. [03] Enlightenment. [04] The High-li二binary copy; the other a three三copy. [05] The transcript: II (eight) binary tri (three) stages, residual binary digit (eight) second. [06] PE status, sexual fires, of weak sexual欲味欲患欲出要. Pāli: kamanam assado, kamanam adinavo, kamanm nissaranam, sweet, escape harm and for education. [07] Five sex五欲功德merit. Pāli: Panca kamaguna. [08] Han:伎techniques (技)述. Pāli: sippatthanena, with the Magic origin. [09] The "technical" in the. Han: complete professional work, act of birth, proving arithmetic, knowledge of numbers, Magic engraving press, literary work, create the pen, to understand the scriptures, the same effect, serve the king. according to the Pāli List: yadi muddaya gananaya yadi yadi yadi sankhanena kasiya vanijjaya yadi yadi yadi gorakkhena issatthena yadi rajaporisena , or equal safety (or lithography press), by assassination (the bass), Section mathematics (arithmetic), agriculture, trade, item cattle (cows), as the name (of weapons), and officials (for King). [10] The legal size现法苦阴warm. Pāli: sanditthiko dukkhakhando, suffering aggregates were seen. [11] No.53: "When the sun about to set, pour back into the shade between two large mountains. "END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA ( 3 TIMES ).6/2/2012.

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