Sunday 21 October 2012



At see Buddha death to Temple holidays cult, are glass Be inclined I before stations Lotus in frame scene page serious, President Mich. full downs incense Comfort ngut, make would have people asked that: Buddha death have demand voluntary or no ? They do what at to Temple ? And Status degree people Buddha death out how for with the voluntary demand ?
Before all we I to more demand voluntary is what ? It is a name from have more meansAs so demand voluntary have means is Visiting demand in place He a the only director, households maintenance or demand please He department give Health health, well report, vogue Prosperity, pots Security and double at please He excuse second the crime error has vi violation.
As so no have problem threads demand voluntary in Buddha teachers follow means information often News is demand please Upper Empire department favor, excuse crime, because each people to bear charge responsibilities with The main I but no who other about the out action crime, blessed, healthy, data by I create out.
The the people Buddha death do what at to Temple ? If is Buddha death foot The main make they no to Temple to demand voluntary.
We I please follow Subscribe the people Buddha death to visit Temple to see they out action as that what and attention means the out action that out how. In Buddha teachers no who Optional Buddha death to to Temple on a on The most the, they have can to at what they like, but the east Buddha death go Temple on the on holidays repentance exchange, full moon and 30, because they like set can more is single toxic. They often wear shirt White, Do, Brown the that is the color identity object referendum give the bar Net, Simplified allergic and humble give. They bring follow both incense, lights, downs and flower results, glass Be go on district power and into glass dedicate the holidays animals up Germany Buddha.
A what worth Note attention is people Buddha death holidays cult object Buddha no have means is they believe that after at Germany Buddha Import Removal still also out area on that time, to Show out in the pho object that give the pho object back should flexible application have can households maintenance give the people holidays cult or rebuked fine the people any religious glass with He. Figure object only to prompt Alerts back the Figure Photo live action at Germany Buddha also in that as at Join Meditation Import the, at transfer legal rotation, at maintenance pots begging do, at Import kill ... that give people Buddha death have feel thought be for area with The main Germany The Religion.
So Figure object self it no to is animals church worship that only is Figure Photo object referendum give they thought concept to Germany Buddha, Figure object only have work use help they easy Note attention and the center more. Because that but use Figure object to church worship but people Buddha death no have Status degree as dishes map of Materials -Team teachers, church worship the animals as tree, Mountains, stone, river,… The who see Religion Buddha is religious teachers church worship Figure object is very the on and lack light throughout.
By that, wear though Germany Buddha has Import Removal but life live and Education France of He still also have a Photo enjoy large lao for with people Category on this, Photo enjoy that live action and do International to each people Buddha death have feel thought as Germany Buddha also in that, have people like variables feel thought that into the it, by how worship both animals do to Germany Buddha wear though they excess more that He no can Life use. Spirit action chemical as so very Property useful because people Buddha death more firm believe and crystal tons on road director, the time the church worship more increase more the warm worship and page serious. It is a how to stock show that drag and drop support enjoy of Germany Buddha for with I people all time still strong strong no less at original aquatic.
So at all Credit map church god flexible demand please be department blessed or Research free, means is life life they like do slave rate give the god flexible or Upper base of they. The Buddha Death left back glass Be religious church Germany Buddha only because He is The has go before, is The direction director, but they no like do slave rate He. They also try to to be the escape, be stock treatment Buddha Results as He. Because so but religious glass Germany Buddha but people Buddha Death still be rights pots College with He.
Germany Buddha also pots College and People Home more more at He has teaching : No should religious glass He by how worship seems holidays cult, though worship seems by the like European you Treasure also no to is how religious glass high upper. Have do out follow the legal that He has economic experience and only teaching back to early be the escape and prime results the as He.
It rare have a the teacher what back no like be religious important and only like be school game early transverse goods with I. The Buddha death foot The main to more as so to no Movie heart from charity of He, no try approved the Figure form holidays cult that self tu edit almost a on other be the escape as He.
Summary back all both all Figure form church worship, proceedings concept of people Buddha death no to to demand please Germany Buddha Research picked that only have Section destination religious glass Germany Buddha and self voluntary said mirror He to complete into porcelain network self sense sense excuse.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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