Sunday 28 October 2012

Sexual issues in Buddhist ethics.

Table Of Contents


Tonight's topic is the Buddhist's perspective with regard to the issue of sexual morality. The common saying in Buddhism, we always tried to take the middle path, and thus the interest in sex, we want to avoid these two extreme. One extreme is represented too tough and fierce. This view is looking like something unclean and, fundamentally, the wicked. But, then, we also would like to avoid the other extreme, there is the attitude toward sex is anything that is also good, just okay "reveals your personality."
Middle path of Buddhism taught an approach to sex to avoid two extreme. However, in order to pursue it, we need to understand the views of Buddhism on ethics. As there are many different ethical systems, we need to be careful not to set off for us the moral system on Buddhism. For example, the ethics of the Bible teaches a variety of these rules was issued with a high competence level, by God. Then, the ethical attitude is a matter of compliance with those laws. If we obey God's laws, we are "good people" and will be rewarded. If we disobeyed them, we are "bad" and will be punished.
One other important moral system that we inherited in the West is from ancient Greece. It's quite similar to the sort of Scripture, but rather those laws are proclaimed by God, here they are enacted by the legislature of elected Government. And once again, morality is a matter of compliance. If we obey these laws, we are "good citizens"; If we do not obey, we are "the bad citizen." We are the crime and imprisoned in jails.
We can see that both the ethical system adhere to this law require and make us feel guilty. In other words, both based on a decision [by the Court] or the sanctions. The Act would know that they are being judged in an ethical manner is "bad" and the other is a moral decision as "very good." If we commit to something "bad" we sin. If we swap the kind of moral development approach this type of decision on sex, then the feeling of guilt accompany our sexual attitudes, even if no one caught us doing anything "vulgar." this is because we become the judge and we judge ourselveseven nobody else is judging us.
A third form of Western ethics is the ethics of cloning. This was based on the principle of not harming others. Anything we do is okay, for as long as we do not cause damaging [to others]. If we cause harm, it is unethical. Usually, we confused morality and respect for the law together, so if we hurt anyone, we feel very bad and guilty about it.

Buddhist ethics is completely different from all of it. It is not based on the obedience to those laws. It's also not a base merely on trying not to hurt other people, of course, although we try to another for no harm. But it went deeper than that. According to Buddhism, the basis for a moral human being is to avoid the behavior is motivated by the desire to possess, anger, or foolish, and the segregation practices. It ultimately means the ability to distinguish between the motives and actions of building things and would be ravaged. The motive and attitude of construction and destruction, here, was related to the stuff that will form the dispositions and habits of mind continues in the US and at a time that in the future will cause us to experience peace or suffering as a result of them.
No one made those laws to stipulate what is built or destroyed. It is the natural way of the universe that some action will be the cause of us suffering and other actions are not taken to the suffering. For example, if we put his hands on fire, we will be interviewing and then will hurt. It was a devastating Act, doesn't it? No one made that rule: it's just the natural way of things is the thing. Then, if anyone would put their hands into the flames, that does not make them a bad person. But maybe it shouldn't be a dunce or a non-human understanding to causes and consequences, but it certainly doesn't make them a "bad".
The promotion of Buddhist ethics, then, is to try to understand the motives and attitudes would be destroyed and what kind would be built. Speaking in another language, we need research to distinguish between what's going to cause us real heaven and what will bring us peace and happiness.And then, as we were; It is the responsibility of us what would we spent in the future. For example, it's like we study about the dangers of smoking and then customized we choose to smoke or not. If anyone know the devastating Act and do cause harm, they were the object of compassion. Should not be despised for their moral and pity them. That is not the attitude of Buddhism. But it's sad because they don't understand reality.
Buddhism has a reach like that for sexual morality. Do not judge. What kind of attitude and motivation would there is havoc and cause us brain gauge, while other things are built and brought happiness to us. And once again, it depends on us. If we want to have volume problems from our sexual attitudes, the advance to and passionate about [with them]. But, if we do not want to have problems, then there are certain things that we need to avoid.
We can understand things completely different easily from an example. If we want to have a sex without protection with a professional practitioners, Oh, that is so inept and stupid problems as we go on a threat will certainly become infected with AIDS. But that doesn't make us a bad person. It is our choice. You see, there is a completely different attitude toward sex. It is the key to understanding the Buddhist approach.

The wrong title to look into the details of the sexual ethics of Buddhism, we need to understand the differences between what the building and devastated from the standpoint of Buddhism. Typically, Buddhism differentiates between these behaviors get confused with ambiguity [1] and the second string is not ambiguous. The term has often been interpreted as acts of "infected" and "pollution-free"-infected cells with the ambiguity about the nature of ourselves, others, and in a common way. The ambiguity or sensations brought to the thirst for possession, anger, or determined to be simply, as it is promoting our action.
The ambiguous behavior [or the sense of] requires a mindset no obstacles [2] of non-understanding that illusions projected launch of reality does not give anything is real. This kind of understanding is very difficult to obtain, even essential. Because of this, for most of us, all our behaviour is going with vague [or any sense]. They run from the real feelings [vague] and with delusion [vague]. They are the type of behaviour associated with what we call "karma". Are they the cause makes us continue to resupply the rebirth comes back out of control-samsara – filled with those problems.
Any sight can be devastating, build, or uncertainty. The devastation is always mixed with delusion and are ripe to unhappiness or suffering. Things to build with no results emerge feeling happy, but happy that it never lasts and never satisfied Italy. the uncertainty can also be confused with real feeling. They ripe in the neutral sense, not peace not suffering.
We have seen an example of an act of destruction, that is, having sex without protection with a professional practitioners. Such attitudes clearly mixed with crush blurring of reality, zany and often hungry desires.
An example of a constructive behaviour mixed with real, involved the case of a mother of a son, a mother always tried to do things considerate to him, such as preparing delicious food. Nurture her son is an act of love and was a construction job. It will bloom on the experience of happiness and the joy of the mother. However, she also cooked for her son because it makes her feel useful and needed. It is possible that problems [of the Dim labyrinth] it to. 24 year old son might not want to care as a boy, when it does not go home at lunch time, it was [it] in la to evoke stories "why you not come home? My mom makes great food is delicious. The truth is that reckless [not interested in me at all]. " Preparation of mixed with the stick of about of the "me, me, me. I want to feel useful, I want to feel wanted. " The ego's interest set under the construction Act and considerate of her. Any happiness she feels as a result of these acts of kindness she would be fragile and unstable. It never lasts and will never be satisfied. In addition, the fall of she would inevitably bring to the ticket, she always bored, sad and painful.
An abnormal behavior, neutral, such as a hot mouth, teeth grinding can be mixed with translucent maze that do work, we can really make our mouth, our teeth clean and ourselves look polite and charming. But, we never could make the breath we clean a radical way, because very quickly our teeth again over the stigma of our breath and very smelly. There is a real sense here of reality, a certain level of ngu is ignored, and a strong interest of ego about it, we look like. Despite the grinding of teeth results in feeling unhappy or sad-we just do it for the work to be done-we are also making the rollover situation we do not stopped thinking. We will need to rub the tooth we're up again in our lifetime. It is simply that the intermediate reset behavior is taking care of the physical reincarnation of us, when we mixed with a stick with a ' solid ' ego [3], making time the up again round the existence of reincarnation, with all the problems of our troubles.
4-the LAW of KARMA is RIPE and DECIDE

We need to understand more clearly the meaning of Buddhism is that the mixed with real feelings or love fades "ripe" the suffering, the happiness of the reincarnation, or a neutral feeling. This rule pertains to all of the usual attitude of the US, including sexual attitudes.
Buddhism talks about the newspaper's decision to act. Make sure that the devastation will ' nine muồi'thành misery, except we purify ourselves with industrial trends [4] that they've built up. Or, in a way, if we are now experienced suffering, this experience is ripe from his career in private industry or have been built up by the ruthless attitude of the us in the past. The same is true of law related to common happiness [of divine wife] and the construction of mixed with.
The important word to understand the law in deciding that the word ' ripe '. "Ripe" the suffering is not simply the "result" of suffering. This is because the behaviour of the US has many results, and most of them are not sure. For example, uncertainty, while performing a behavior, we will spent happiness or misery. Contact to us unchanged to a cockroach. We can go up to it and really feel in the killing an animal that we see as something disgusting. Or when unchanged up cockroach, can we feel awesome and disgust. While assisting anyone here done a hard task, we may feel happy or we feel resentful about the hard work.
Also not sure we're going to feel immediately following our actions. After having a sex without protection with a professional practitioners, we can feel the fun of the thing or the fear that we may be infected with AIDS. After giving everyone some money, we can rejoice with happiness or feel regret and unhappy about it. The short-term outcome of these acts is also uncertain. If we eat a Ice House, we can get caught by the police, or may never be caught. If we are honest with ourselves, we can be promoted and excited, or even work well, we can be fired and miserable. All of these types of results is uncertain. Act decision of the newspaper does not say about them.
Not even sure that our behavior is cause for happiness or misery to the people we are against or not-either in our actions occur, immediately afterwards, in the short term or in the long term. We may lie to anyone here about the possibility of them, telling them that they better their competencies. This can make them happy, even while you're talking with them and immediately afterwards. In the short term, and even in the long run, it can make them feel strong. But, it can make them feel something's not good at the same time, because they know we are just trying to hype them up (probably ride the flying paper) and what we say is not true. Even if they trust us, they can promote themselves too high as a result of a loss, and fell in their future jobs. On the contrary, if we tell the truth to them, they felt rotten and, absence of confidence, and then failed in what they tried to accomplish. Or, they can feel happy because we are sincere with them and their commitment to the quest for less challenging than in life, to a and happy.
Then, totally unsure what will occur in relation to the type of the result of our own actions. This is why we say that Buddhist ethics are not simply based on not doing harm to others. It is because we never can ensure efficiency is for our actions will occur to them. Of course, we're not trying to do harm to others. But unless we are Buddhas, who do not, we may never know what results will be.
Because of that, when we talk about these acts of destruction "ripe" into line, we're talking about a complex process through the manner of acting, speaking, thinking and build a habit and inclination would know. For example, if we have the extramarital relationship, we build or promote the habit of expressing not happy with and always go forward from this activity to other times.
Expression is not happy and restless regarding our sex life is a miserable experience, does not? And then, if we are not satisfied with your spouse and will upset the relationship as such, we will not be satisfied with our lovers. But such a relationship will not last long, and we will continue to look for another person. Moreover, our spouse will also be dishonest. Why do they have to be honest with ourselves, if we are not faithful to them? Because of this, there are many consequences of long-term impact and the mass confusion. Here's what is certain from the devastating Act.

Let's look a little more closely to what is devastated-what would cause a negative habit that it will make students starting problems trouble about our long-term future. The main factor that determines whether or not a devastating Act is the State of mind promote it. The devastation may be motivated by the desire desire-for instance, the haunting, stick, or the encyclopedia with sex, what do cause to anyone would be conducted from a sexual adventure to a more adventurous. They may also have been motivated by anger or hostility, like the case of someone who rapes many women because he was angry with the woman and want to hurt them. Or the attitude of devastation could be boosted by the bi-fuzzy human source me and results, or about the realities, such as, for example, that we have quoted previously about sexual behaviour are not protected with a professional practitioners. Inept fools turn a blind eye, or delusion is often mixed with obsession of lust and hatred.
The other fundamental attitudes also always co-operated with the devastation. This does not make sense for the foot of values-not the attitude of we reflected on how we-and also there is the attitude we are reflecting on how other people, for example on our family, the spiritualityrural people, and so on.We can understand this if we think of the example of former President Clinton in his relations with Monica Lewinsky is what did the cause for so much notoriety.
The emotional suffering disturbed, such as jealousy, it accompanied the destruction devastated, as are the main actions were motivated by them. So in General, we can say that samsara-rebirth does not control – is devastating.

The presentation of the Buddhist teachings on ethics and motives of the difference between the cause and the current engine. The cause is something [potentially] at first lead us to an action. The engine does the money available as soon as the action. In the case of ethically neutral actions naturally-the Buddha does not specify them is built or destroyed-it was there money decides action is built or destroyed, rather than the root causes [hidden]. In the case of the actions that the Buddha clearly identified as built or destroyed, there is money to have a stronger impact on the business results in severe alarm or soothing.
Decide the room with our spouse, is in and by itself is a moral Act. We may be promoting a consequence for the bedding for a reason. We want to make our spouse happy happy or we may want to have children. But, when we truly begin to express the action if the bedding obsession [or obstacles] with pleasure and desire to overtake as the engine of our action, the action becomes devastated instead as the positive cause. The room conversation practice with an obsession for love built up a negative habit that in terms of long-term, will become the cause of brain size or misfortune.
The cause itself can also be devastating. Obsession [or stick with] with love can take us to push out a sexual affair and it is also the engine does for money. The cause, however, could also be neutral. We might want to have a sexual affair the wrong target to fall asleep more easily. But then, when we actually start to do things, we become with full pressure abating with thirst and the stick of us with them. Again, love the action became so devastating.
Because for most people the feelings of negativity will go to make a devastating sexual behavior as obsessive sexual desire, let's look closer at the condition of the mind. Wish to take an open contact negativity toward what would be that we do not own, and is a strong desire to own it, based on the evaluation of the goodness of the object. This can occur when we don't have a dose of the same object or when we've had a somewhat there and then and wanted more. Stick with the analogy. It is an emotional negativity towards something there that we had then, and based on the evaluation of the quality of the audience, we didn't want to let go of it.
In addition to exaggerating the qualities of what is there with the same attitude, "Oh who is that lovely, perfect world," the longing for sex involved fired on the qualities of the object with which it does not own. In terms of Buddhism, desire to exercise or sexual thirst with "the mistake."
An example of the mistakes or the wrong thoughts, linked to the spouse, being mindful of what would be the stigma of UE as clean. On a natural level, it is illustrated by the attitude, "If it is the cup of my love, is it clean. I would click a hớp with it. If it is the separation of the labourers, the stigma of nhuốc; even touch it to me also it was disgust. " If we think about it, there is no difference between divorce and the split here. Both were divorced or separated by any other person who could SIP to drink.
Or if you would like to explain in a more dramatic example, we might think it is wonderful if our lover to touch their tongue in our mouth when they marry us, but if he's the spitting in her mouth, it also would be the same, but we'll see it disgust how where does. Touch the tongue in the mouth while we kiss is an example of a hyped the qualities of something, make it into a sexual act, and in respect of a mistake as it was clean, or at least that it isn't dirty.
A note on the other mistake is to see suffering as happiness. For example, if a part of them rubbing our hands, we feel great. But if they continue to massage the same spot for about five minutes, it will become very painful. Nevertheless, we can regard it as happy and do not require we stop. Or do we make sure that all of us are experienced hands and hugging anyone chặc we fall into sleep beneath a person. It will become very uncomfortable, but we remained there anyway. Or do we embrace one day while trying to coax the sleep next to him, and then we completely thoãi forever and could not go to sleep, but we do not want to let go of him, don't hug anymore. It's the "view line the brain as Bliss"-an example of the fallacy that it accompanies an obsession or stick with the physical contact and nurturing love.

It is important to distinguish here between obsessive sexual involvement, and school of education. These are two totally different things. It is the same with food. When we have a hungry, happy the starvation because food is not that devastating. We can do it without her delectable food's qualities or interest wrong about it. But if we have an obsessive desire for a certain kind of food, such as chocolate, and magnified it into something sweeter in the world and then feed voraciously on it, it's devastating. It will take us to the many problems of confusion: we become overweight and obesity can make yourself sick by eating excessively.
The same with sexuality. The normal biological desire for sex based on hormones (hormone) to another with the haunting harmonies [stick with] about it. Buddhism does not say happy taking exercise, but do not paint the qualities of goodness, is devastating. But just like eating, it is a part of samsara: it is what came with the existence of a physical reincarnation and will cause problems for the inevitable hassle on an extent here. Even if we maintain a single life, sentimental tendency continues. And if we don't, then we'll never get enough sex. Had it once is never enough, just like if we just have one. We want to have it again and again. As such, it is a condition that samsara – a reset condition cannot control which may never see the happy. It is clearly a form of suffering.
In fact, if we look at the prayer of your tantric Buddhism care about sexual attitudes, the main thing is don't see sex as a path to liberation or enlightenment. It is simply a reincarnation! Engaged in love with the idea of an era that if only we can only reach a maximum stimulation, it will solve all the problems of our troubles is a great example of the US was destructive of our tantric vows. The action, which is entirely about the blurring of reality and of cause and effect ' behaviours ' [5]. Even we do not have the prayer becomes your tantric Buddhism, avoiding the exaggeration of sex will need to be the focus for most of us as the Buddhist practitioners. We will not come out and the batoka rape everyone in a city that we conquered in a war.

When we look at the details of the lists of those types of attitudes of different inappropriately about sex, we discover that if a sexual act done more than five times in a row are viewed as devastating, because it is the haunting [problems]. Does this imply that if the four times he did not cause the phobia [or obstacles]. Now, it does not mandate a clear statement on the connection to five or four times in a row during a sexual encounter, or up to four or five days in a time warp. If it is the problem before [i.e. constantly], as interpreted by some, then it implies a strange concept of phobias or concerns. Likewise, masturbation or oral action once is devastating, too, because that would be haunting or obstacles. Clearly, obsession or stick with the sexuality is a complex issue and cultural standards to define it may be linked.
Deals insight problems, can benefit to look back at the history of the development of Buddhist literature, mindful of the issue of a devastated or inappropriately about sex. A study like that can give us some clues to interpret Buddhist sexual ethics in our modern society. Many Western Buddhists would like to review or repair to some aspect of Buddhist ethics for appropriate to the spirit of the us today. But, we need to be very careful in trying to do so. If we do so little affordable housing, we need to do on the basis of knowledge of the scope and level of the Buddha's teachings about morality and about whether we have developed historically as well as have been applied in different societies in Asia that Buddhism had spread to.
In the conclusion of the Sanskrit language and early Pali in Ceylon and India, the only thing defined as adequate attention attitude about sexuality is that action is an inappropriate partner. The emphasis is on a woman is not appropriate. They include a woman who is already married or engaged, or who are restricted by others, such as the girl was kept by parents or nuns was denied by their vows. If a man to have sexual acts with a woman, the engine will often take exercise obsessively. Although the woman was not appropriate to take action with man, even by the standards of the time and culture, but nevertheless because of the thirst of man is too stimulating, who is certain to take action with her man. Comment not to mention about this man was that whether the spouse or of the desire of a woman who is not what might be appropriate.
At the end of the first century of the modern era, a Conference the Buddhist's fourth time did occur in Kashmir. A Central Asian dynasty ruled the area from northwestern India to Eastern Persia at the time. The representatives from the Buddhist region that is now A Rich Hản to the file and report on the customs of the Persian culture here in their hometown that they see the conflict about the spirituality of Buddhist ethics. They feel that the mention of their candor clearly needed to be comprehensive in the Buddhist thesis related to ethics are a set of time. Starting from this point, the various customs based on social work was lauded in the cultures are not Indians would know times are added slowly to the category of the type of havoc such as smoothness and death of incest. Although much of this type of behavior ever occur in India and then, but they have not been discussed publicly. Nevertheless, listen to them in the foreign culture provides the circumstances to mention them explicitly in an outspoken Buddhist treatise, which do not lose "the face of society."
Because of this, in the form of sexual attitude wise, comprehensive list of inappropriate partners was expanded to include the mother or her daughter. Gradually, these forms of sexual attitudes are more inappropriate expressions. For example, where would the body be listed as inappropriate for sexual intercourse, such as the mouth and the anus, even with their own wives. The fundamental reason behind this is no doubt that a place is not suitable to be driven by an obsessive sexual involvement [autosuggestion]. Not happy with the action in place of a wife who, who's going to be a sexual adventure and discovery, and feel that it is man of blameless antecedents are tested in all positions and all locations in order to add to the pleasure.
The time is not right for sex has also been added, such as the woman's pregnancy or when she is nursing or care. Mothers always slept with their children, and thus would not like to stagger with child sexual purposes, for instance in the temples; and the time is not suitable, for example, in the time of dawn or the one that can go on in their room doing embarrassing awkward ngịu. Even today, the Tibetans, who are barely noisy door locks them back when they were in the room, and Tibetans never knocking the door before entering. Homosexuality and masturbation soon joined the list of sexual attitudes.
The Buddhist treatise was translated into Chinese, the concubine, she most of the others were added to the list of those unsuitable partners. This is a clear example of the translator and the direction has changed the classic treatise on ethics so that they relate to the new society to which Buddhism was spread to. Traditional Chinese society allowed men with whom my wife and her much. [This is inappropriately]. Only the sexual act with her most of the else is not relevant. In Tibet too, both polygamy and wife are shown in a normal way. There are few wives or husbands may never be viewed as a sexual act with the spouse.
Through this process, things always occur as more and more stuff gets added to the list of what is not. Today, many of us want things to be deleted in the list, but really things in terms of history has always been added. Difficult question with this, however, is that there are these accretions untouched in a society and the earlier, the acts in question are not considered inappropriate, or are they always considered inappropriately, just not mentioned explicitly. Or, it is possible that the addition was made into the list is of interest to a specific target, only when the difficulties began in the student community on these issues. Finally, this is also the Buddha has gradually expanded the voluntary Charter, [or to] renunciation.

If we ask what is a further component may need to be made to the list of types of sexual behavior irrelevant to modern Western suits, we can learn a lesson from history as a Buddhist. According to the Vinaya of the renunciation, the monks were not allowed to broker the marriage with the kind of woman who would know. List of women who like to listing the partners sexual inadequacy of the residents. In the Vinaya of the eighteen wrath Bamar we've tested, the two lists are not the views of men and only a brief presentation of the list of those who are not suitable. This is the Vinaya of two out of three U.s. tradition of admitting there is still today-PG Theravada (Theravada-in Ceylon and South-East Asia) and The Best Theory-Sarvastivada (the tribes of the Theoretical Base For The members of the Mulasarvastivada-Tibet and Mongolia maintain).
The omission does not mean that in two in this tradition, only women do not fit for man and that there is no such thing as a man for a woman. It is only ethical rule was written in only two of this tradition from the omen of a man. The other three Vinaya traditions, however, specify a list of men who don't adequately corresponds to the list of people the woman inappropriately. It implies that the sexual ethics of relations to the contact person – men, women and so on.-and should be specified in the form of each type of person. Based on the evidence as verbatim, then we believe absolutely have to add any lists of sexual partners is not adequate, the one without adequate from the perspective of women.

Also, with the same degree of reason, the material in all the tradition to have been written by a man in view of sex of the opposite sex. And so if a man in view of sex of the opposite sex who have a spouse then and later, because of the thirst of sex, obsession and not happy to explore and have sexual relations not only with all kinds of woman under protection or is the spouse of someone else's, which is also the man with the cow and anyone know what else, then obviously it is devastating. But, in addition, we think that we can also change the whole system says about what is devastating sexual attitudes or allow men or female homosexuality, and even those who have sexual bisexuality. This is because having sexual activity with anyone who is not the spouse and etc will also be devastating for those kinds of people. Appears to be completely in the spirit of the teachings of Buddhism about Frida respectively born began to acknowledge that any ethical guidelines would need to be presented with the system related to each of the groups to which it is related.
It is fascinating, during his trip, the Dalai Lama sometimes meets with seedy the LGBT groups, especially in Ny and the former Kim Sơn. these groups extremely uncomfortable about the usual presentation of Buddhism to homosexuality as a sexual attitude. The Dalai Lama has previously responded that He could not rewrite the conclusion, but He thinks that this is the sort of problem that should be discussed by a Council of Elders. Just a Board like that can change the problems pertaining to Vinaya and ethics. The Dalai Lama offered a programme concerned with the issue of equality for women, especially in the rites and ceremonies of Buddhist history. This also needs to be reviewed and changed. Because of this, it looks like the Dalai Lama also thought there might be some problems would know and open to problems in the present moral traditions of Buddhism.

The both the mouth and the anus as it inappropriately to sexual act does not doubt was also formed in the man with the sex of the opposite sex and there was a female spouse. From the standpoint of Buddhism, those who like to be promoting delight in sexual acts in the mouth and the anus caused by boredom and not happy with the action's in the genitals. They may feel that the sexual act normally or is insufficient to reach the pleasure or an inadequate way to express love and impact. In both cases, conduct will be boosted by the not happy, and an attitude which will lead to inevitable problems.
This becomes a much more complicated issue, however, if we consider that this form of sexual attitudes in the scope of LGBT couples. The problem is that it is irrelevant by natural features, or just be defined as irrelevant to people who would know in any case? If we say that the problem for the mouth and the anus as the place for sexual acts, they are not clean, then this will also go hand in hand in a manner corresponding to the female genitals. This is not a simple matter.
But then backed out sex acts with respect to one that paralyzed from the neck down? The only form of sexual behavior that they might have to be verbal. So, again, we think we need to make distinctions about relevant and irrelevant in the contact with the particularities of the individual. We don't think we can say that it is haunted or stick with the one that paralyzed from the neck down to have oral sex action.

We think that a similar controversy Division can be made interested in masturbation. One must see the traditional Buddhist position mindful of this scope in a primitive society. In ancient India at the time when this moral perspectives are formed, they married in puberty or even earlier. Therefore, if we marry and too obsessed with sexuality that action with the spouse is not enough, we also need to masturbate, it's going to be viewed as an obsession or problems with sex.
However, today, the people in the West do not marry right into puberty, and some people remain single for life ball drivers or even life. We need to think about masturbation problems from the perspective of people like that, who is completely without a partner or spouse who is not in a sexual relationship with anyone. If those choices are Farrago, regardless, go to people who practice sex, profession, or living alone outright, then masturbation is an entirely different matter to people like that than in the case of a married person. The look like true, linked to a married person whose spouse is ill and is in hospital. They deserve out of what to do, go to a professional sexual practice? Do Not.
So, we believe match the Buddhist teachings that everything must be related to an extent. This is because, remember, what should an ethical behavior of neutral rollover such devastating sexual act is the expression of it is driven by an emotional afflictions-not happy, haunted or stick with the sex, and so on. it's what's going to cause problems. Sexual attitudes don't blend with the emotion haunting the affliction will not cause trouble for the same type. It just causes for the common problem that we're never completely happy with it, and no doubt we will want to do this again-again and again. And we never guarantee that we will feel after a sexual act.

One of the most interesting points in the traditional Buddhist presentation of how to behave inappropriately by sexuality, if we are looking to see how it can be filled up to a modern Western-like, cares about what is not included, and how this can affect culture. For example, interested the comment about having sexual acts with a person of professional practice. In the classical treatise both in India and Tibet, have sexual acts with a person of professional practice is that no matter what goes wrong, that's perfectly okay, even for a married man, if man is to pay for the practice. A professional sex practitioners is a partner irrelevant only if the woman's other main Egyptian and you didn't pay for her man. Even more difficult is if parents do not allow their daughters to sexual acts with anyone, then who's the one who inappropriately associated with sexual behavior. But if parents allow-as sometimes occur in Asia when poor mothers forefathers who sold her daughter into the long-proposed there is real talk.
Also, as noted before, these Chinese products have more sexual partners, inappropriately as f cards of anyone here. This implies that absolutely wrong, totally okay for a married man to have sexual acts with their own business cards f. And for the Tibetans, it's also totally right, okay, what's new has more than one wife or more than one husband. In fact, it seems that quite rightly mentions a man who has a family of sexual acts with anyone who does not fall in the case of an inappropriate partner, such as an independent woman not to marry, a person who is not betrothed nor a nun.
It's hard for us to comprehend the spirit behind this. Or is all of this is perfectly acceptable in the society and all the women felt perfectly fine normal about what their husbands have sexual acts with another woman, or a woman who are married do not feel positive about thisbut has kept silence. But certainly that is not the case in today's modern world. And so, once again, appears to be a list of irrelevant sexual attitude needs to be expanded, rather, Covenant to include all forms of sex that has problems of confusion, was devastated, and is based on the haunted house or stick with.

Then, the problems with the inadequacy of sex with not just the committed attention and about the tricky transitions, such as we noted it would travel on the body, but it was considered more on the dissatisfaction and the desire too. We want to explore and experience more and more. Most people know that the anus is not a clean place, and that there is a sexual act where she can be dangerous from the standpoint of health. So the problem is obsessed: the happy and haunted. By the by, we think we need to expand the list of attitude not to include such things as a hobby in the sexual act, extreme plunge into in action in action then we can spread or contracted a contagious disease on sex, and so on.
Also, when talking about sexual problems and are not satisfied, we need to keep the culture category. If we look at the average in India or Tibet, for example, most of these people are satisfied to eat the same things the same every day of their lives – such as rice, lentils and rice noodle vermicelli or [6] water-. Modern Western people don't tend to like that. The modern methods like individual [7] and they like to have variety. It is part of our culture. Due to this, like to go with respect to sexual instinct, just like food. If this is normal in our society is eating with just one a day, and then if we want to eat what is other than that, it's going to be a case to demonstrate to the degrees and obsessed about food. It can understand, then, such a society would have a similar attitude toward sex.
Note We would like to say that our theory must have a form similar covenants provides that any aggressive behavior in sex with a partner. Of course, we can expand this to take into the concerns that we have discussed before. We have a way to have the sexual act with your partner or spouse, regardless of whether he or she is the person of the opposite sex or same-sex, whether we or our partners who were frozen out, even though we did not have a sexual partner and our form of masturbation. If we had a more appropriate benchmark methods of action, then from the perspective of traditional culture in Asia, want anything other than to just do by want to transition or obsessed with sex.
Of course, if that contact forms that produce more pain and hurt to others or ourselves, would know of domestic violence [8]-the document they say about sexual act on the cold-wet with stone gravel at the bottom, while in the West we imagine more than with sex abusers-that of course, not as a form of healthy sexuality. That was devastating. But, like to see, we have a form of preferred performing a sexual act with one string without detriment, however, for those in the West, we like some variety in sexual life. It does not mean that there are a variety of forms of the partner or spouse, but a variety of methods to show the love and the impact of us and have a fun with him. So, it seems to us that we should bring it to the attention of the talk about what the devastation from the perspective of the West. We think that we should make a distinction between the common wishes of our cultural diversity, on the other hand, is obsessed and trying just anything because your not happy and bored, for another one.
Although sexual issues should be decided in a similar tiger in couples, the question is, "what are our limitations? These types of sex can include what is called "the location of inappropriately" or not? But in any case, any limits what can be, when we were completely happy and haunted, and beyond them, then we begin to evoke to sexual attitudes in the region of trouble and destruction. It is our personal opinion.

Zen master Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, has a very interesting and we think is useful about the attention to sexual morality. In the note, we do not have the marriage by their parents decide, like most of the people in Asia still to do, and that we choose our own spouse and that many of us have had sexual activity before marriage, He said that an adequate partner would be someone who know that with them we do not intend to to spend her life with them, if we take action now. In other words, if we are about to have a sexual act with someone, it should be with the guys that if we need, we will voluntarily ready to devote our lives to him, saying that if he had brought, and so forth. And we would be happy to happy to act like that and not just to demonstrate a sense of duty. It does not mean that we really have to spend all my life with this person (but we should not think about sex with the one that we're not getting married). Also, examples of pregnancy is just one example of this, because apparently there are more older people are no longer able to have children again, but they actually carried out sexual acts with their partner or ngẩu. The same guidelines apply.
Although we do not know about any of the classics would do for this issue, but we think this is a very useful guide for our modern era. It means we should avoid those sexual acts inadvertently or unintentionally Quartet with anyone we meet casually seedy, so by sexual obsession of ours, and not really interested in other people's or about having a deeper relationship with him. In almost all cases, this guidance will also be applicable to the problem of sexual actions with those of professional practice. Of course, even though there may be the case that in a serious relationship that promises love to grow with a professional sexual practice.

It is important not to overestimate sex. For example, suppose our motivation is to donate one day a happy and fun temporarily as a manifestation of love, and not only for others, but for also for both of us. So, until we do a zany way the concern goes along with it and realized that the body of one bottom-and again, until we are in a framework decision corresponds to the boundaries of the Tigers to men 's-then a personal way we think this is not an economic devastation awesome, except as it makes mortal round reincarnation cannot be terminated. In fact, that kind of healthy sex may have a tier level positive development for one day in the form of developing an attitude of giving and caring, and manifest the love affection and concern.
Even consider about masturbation, many Western psychologists say that it is part of the healthy development of children. If those young men and women coming of age access to their sexual activity, and can demonstrate the feelings to themselves and relax and have fun with it, it supports people's interest and sexual contact in a more healthy way than the others. It is purely Western perspective, but we think it has a great value, especially if we bring it into the care of a foster child of our own. The Western kid almost no physical contact which a traditional Asian baby. Most of the traditional Asian mothers with địu on them all day and sleep with them at night. The Western kid, by contrast, has the features to your young child alone on the crib or a stroller, and many of us feel alien to our body. Masturbation, then, is a step to overcome the strange. But again, it is important not to overrate the whole realm of nature of sexuality.
Now, a question may be posed, as if we are obsessed against with sexuality? In other words, is about who would be afraid of sex or illegal? An attitude like that is not healthy, we believe so. It also made the trouble.
But we need to make a difference here. Fearless killing and sexual fears are not the same. For example, if anyone know the fear killed, it does not imply that there are stronger for those killed. Therefore, we think we need to distinguish between an obsessive fear of longing for sexual and physiological fear obsessed with sex. What is not healthy, we think, is fear of the physiological's lèo.
This is an important point in the form of those who decide to take over complete celibacy vow was as a teacher, tutor or a tutor. If we abandon sexuality based on a feeling not all forms of sexuality are both devastated and absolutely horrible with them, then this attitude no doubt will produce plenty of trouble. We can see it. This attitude is very common with the clergy men and women, not only in Buddhist tradition that in the Christian tradition of ours, too, as they are very rigid, is crammed full with sin, and all this kind of stuff. They feel guilty for the lust of their physiological sex.
But from the Buddhist perspective, what more appropriate is to fear an obsession of her own sexuality. "Fear" (fear), here, is not a proper word. Fear is not a healthy motivation, because it involves doing something great stocky displayed an obsession. "Awesome" (dread) is a better word, since they imply merely a strong desire to not have this obsession. If a person wants to win the obsessed with sex and therefore decided to become a teacher, Professor or master, it's totally different. It's a healthier attitude. People like that then became a monk or Professor the teacher because they did not want to be distracted by family obligations, and etc., and they want to stay in a State that their involvement will be minimal. They don't want the external circumstances surrounding the possible aphrodisiac to them.

Now the final issues that we want to talk a little bit about sex are the issues of birth control and abortion. When we talk about abortion, from the standpoint of Buddhism, it falls into the category of a devastating Act of taking away a life. Do not deny that; It is already decided the life of a sentient. However, there are a variety of different engines, contact the take away a life. If the engine involved in the situation, as did not want the baby duties, or not lose to an a, or what might look like, this makes it an act of destruction. This is because both the engine and the Act itself is devastating.
Because of this, if we really need to look at the cause here. What is the reason that would motivate us to having an abortion? Our engines may be the source of blind, thinking that we can't give the baby a good home, or we are unable to further failures a child anymore. But, can we parents or other relatives who can give the baby a warm roof, or we can let the baby for adoption.
On the contrary, our motors can be positive of compassion. If the baby will be a serious mental illness or a desire to defect, the wish child to mean the end of all these issues and the suffering to which it can be obtained, we can think of abortion. Finally, there is an extra prayer of bodhisattva is to avoid not to occur in an act of devastation when the engine was from AI and bi man. However, in cases like we need a volunteer to accept on ourselves whatever suffering consequences that we have experienced in the future lifetimes in error free for children not born out of the misery of it. With an attitude like that, the suffering of the devastating acts of taking away a life network will remove more vehement.
However, this truth is complicated, because we did not know the baby will be happy or not, and clearly not that the child can win any of it. Also, it is difficult to get from Ireland and bi man as solitary behavior of our limitations. It can be mixed easily with the selfless desire to avoid all the problems and suffering that we will have as our forefathers mothers of handicapped children.
A difficult situation is when we have to choose between save our own lives as a woman or her fetus. If through the pregnancy or even the true process of reproduction, which would lead to the death of us as mothers, according to medical opinion, the cause of the us for the abortion to save our own lives. Although, through determination, an engine like the self-interest over the interest for the unborn child, each case will be different. So many factors and circumstances that will affect the decisions a heavy nature of the newspaper business would go under it.
Although there are many possible causes for engine related, Buddhist teachings say that things are really serious natures of light influence on the newspaper is the engine of our action. Because of this, if we really decide on abortion for any reason, we need to be careful to what happens in the mind and heart of the us right after the start of operation. It's mostly over what motivated us to the infirmary.
For example, the interest in the case of girls aged 13, who was pregnant as a result of her father's sexual abuse. The girl and her family can decide through the complex care for other reasons to terminate the pregnancy. What we are trying to emphasize here is the attitude of the family, and particularly girls, at the time of abortion. Important that there not be an attitude of hatred and dislike, especially not her attitude towards the boy is suffering from abortion. It is not the child's fault.
And therefore, it is very important at abortion cases occur is to be requested from Ireland for the baby are being made for the miscarriage. People need wishes it to be good in the next life and, in a sense, apologize for the situation had arisen. It does not do the abortion issue into a devastating Act. Killing is killing. But it reduces a sure way to the suffering that would follow. At the minimum level, we think that for a woman who has an abortion is almost as possible and not have pain inhibitory in nature to guess after this, "the boy's look like? If the baby is alive it will in about years old he is now. " Certainly, we think most every woman who had an abortion had a kind of suffering as a result. So, even in this life, we can see that abortion is an act of destruction, since it is the cause of suffering. Finally, the definition of an act of devastation that it is ripe to suffering for the people who made it.
Some Buddhist traditions instruct the ritual for the fetus broke, what is similar to a funeral. It is extremely useful for mothers, the whole family, and a sure way to the fetus. If, based on the respect for the individual as a sentient. One name and send it with the prayer for the good of those lifetimes to come. The women worked, it is very useful, and have a spiritual support.

Question: here, The Western Mexico, abortion is prohibited by law. However, thousands and thousands of these abortions are performed every day, and tens of thousands of women die every year because of malpractice during abortion. So, here, abortion is not just a moral issue, it is also a legal issue. How we deal with it?
A: As we tried to explain, from a Buddhist perspective, if someone would decide an abortion, for whatever reason, the main thing is trying to do is minimize the devastating levels of action as a whole, with shows on the engine. For example, try to make sure that the engine does the money at the time of abortion is not hostile to the fetus, and, later, give it a name and have a proper funeral. This will help to minimize the amount the suffering caused by the took.
The principle look like is really concerned about us having an abortion like if we decide on a job like that. Clearly, we should try to have things like that in a way that would minimize the dangers for mothers, both legal and medical. We need to examine very carefully the medical record of the safest methods for abortion services is that, while it is in line with our financial capabilities. Of course, in the case of the poor, the methods of scientific hygiene may not be convenient, but there are certainly some of the methods would be safer than other things.
Legitimacy is an important issue, and enormously complex. We carefully distinguish between the ravages of abortion with the destruction of the laws of a country. There are two cases for the concern: when illegal actions are devastating from the standpoint of Buddhism, and what's more is that when illegal actions are destroyed or not unethical. Abortion is both illegal and moral devastation, while teaching Buddhism in a dictatorship or communism or improper parking may be illegal, but they're not the moral devastation. In both cases, the question is, given by a civil law violation, we have builds their habits and trends in business continuity the consciousness that they are ripe the brain size of the future life or not?
Civil law violations may be brought to the suffering in this life, if we are being detected, arrested, and punished. This is called "human results should do." But, we can not get caught and it is therefore not certain that the US will be spent any of the trouble and punishment. Also, like any activity, it may be a routine inning where it would do the cause for us to repeat the violation of any laws, although there is no certainty about it. We just violated laws here. However, in violation of the laws of the type of inning newspaper habits or tendencies that it is ripe in the future lifetimes into the experience as part of the brain.
In the case of an illegal behavior that it was destroyed, not too difficult to choose between the possible punishment in this life and the happiness of the future lifetimes. In the case of neutral behaviour in terms of ethics, we can think about their aspirations, pledged that bodhisattva (contempt) to avoid the follow things to be preferred over others, (because they are not destroyed). If a society is doing things in a certain way, then there is no need to interrupt with every action insistence in our own way, especially if our own way of being motivated by self interest and lack of interest in other people.
Now in the case of an abortion, this is not only a devastating Act of killing a life, which is also illegal in this country, we think the direction is needed is, firstly, to avoid the zany and then tried to minimize the suffering. The choice of abortion or not is the basis of the will of a woman, although the father of the fetus and the family can play a role in making decisions. If the decision is abortion, then, there's a blind eye to possible legal consequences, let's try to work in such a way that the threat of misfortune and suffering was minimized in all areas – medical, legal, and ethical.
Of course, if we estimate among t can act to change the laws if they seem ridiculous. However, when the law was based on the influence of the religious system, so that it is difficult to treat.

The abortion issue is linked with the issue of birth control. The real question here is, "when does life begin?" From the perspective of the West, just as the embryo at about twenty-one days of age, the issue of the physical body of the embryos develop to the fullest so it can support the nervous passenger news. One can prove that this is the start of life, because, in a sense, this is the beginning of spiritual behavior. On the contrary, in view of the omen, following the progress of the consciousness of who's there already dead will turn over a warm medium, intermediate stage [9], its next life begins when it is linked to the physical body of its next body.
The question is, "In the interpretation of Buddhism, when would the affiliation would occur?" The explanation of the Buddhist tradition is the consciousness of the central body of the kettle will be reborn enters the future father's mouth in, go down through the body of his father, goes to his father's sperm, and then turning it off into the future mother's body. Now, the issue is what does that clearly needs to be explained. The explanation comes from Tantra secrets (Guhyasamaja Tantra), and that therefore the matter arising out of religious obligation, mandala Tibetan women's religious obligations in pregnant wife visualizations is similar to that in the process of regeneration. But there is this description be interpreted properly as the explanation of the beginning of a life like that?
As his Holiness the Dalai Lama has said repeatedly that if the scientists can prove the interpretation would know of Buddhism is wrong, He is very happy to put them on and take over the interpretation of the science. Therefore, we need the experience with physics on the presentation of Buddhism for this: a the life started as to how and when. We tackle these questions will have extensive relations with Germany. Obviously, if the consciousness of a child's future was available before the vote in the sperm even before conception, [10], then any kind of birth control or abortion. But then, that an egg cannot be fertilized? And even if it actually fertilized, it cannot pass through the wall of the uterus. Can the consciousness somehow know to know what will occur before it enters the mouth of the fathers or not? Or there must be a mechanism by which industry would not go into the mouth of her father except that the newspaper had certainties of successful conception will occur? And about the artificial insemination, in-vitro baby, and reproduce asexually (cloning) is? This becomes difficult to explain with Buddhist teachings, except we classify them under the characteristics of heat and water.
As a survey about the start of life, they become more and more complex. According to the Buddhist explanation of the twelve human khoen charm, when the consciousness of future beings entered the material of the future body, it merely has the ability to sense. The behavior does not perform the function. In only the second khoen, known as the possibility (actions), whether or not combined with colors, making the possibility of consciousness begins to work, step by step, and begin to function. Does this mean all the fertilized eggs have the potential to develop into a baby, or just have a few only? If only some, then from a scientific perspective, what needed to be presented to distinguish the eggs would have the ability to develop and the egg does not, for example, the eggs are not entered in the lining of the uterus? [See: The Twelve Links of Dependent Arising .] [11] .
So, we can see it is difficult to answer the question, "When does the consciousness truly enters the material body of the next regeneration could do if we finish the rebirth after this time, there is the take away a life?" Also, from the viewpoint of Buddhism, if the avoidance of conception occur in such a way, that it will prevent the consciousness from the physical body goes to the next regeneration, then it is not a matter of taking away a life. Ethical problem about the kill, then, there is what to do with it, [no killing in this case]. One need only look at sexual attitudes.
Also, in the form of adequate sexual attitudes, we need to avoid the possibility of the disease contagious through sex. Does this mean that everyone with such infectious symptoms have been maintaining their lifelong celibacy, even people with herpes (herpes)? If using condoms is unethical, even for people like that, then the only option for the people that maintain the single.
As his Holiness the Dalai Lama once said, the issues of abortion and contraception need a lot of further study before anything can be decided. So, whether we use birth control methods, once again we are back to the same problem before. What is the motive? Are we are using contraceptive methods so that we can completely captivates the obsession or stick with the us with sex? Then, inevitably, the sexual attitudes of the US is devastating. But, in cases like that, the devastation caused by the obsession, or stick with the sex, not because of birth control (contraception means that we so happy with sexual acts).

Question: the personal opinion of the Professor of the prayer was pure sexual morality of the clergy? Preserving the pure sexual morality is not against nature? We, as a society, for it now?
BERZIN: keeping the sexual ethics pure is are going against samsara reincarnation, one sure way. But, as because it goes against the natural, so we need to take a closer look at the Buddhist's perspective with regard to what is "natural". The driving lèo of Physiology, even though it is part of what we call Western "the wild," from the Buddhist point of view, the main part of the structure of samsara. If we want to act in Buddhism is to win the existence under the control of driving this instinct lèo, which itself makes the suffering and problems of samsara endless repeated reincarnation is out of control. Along with the book to reach the salvation from the driving this instinct lèo, we want to become increasingly less dependent than them and they dominated. Despite her Physiology lèo, we can still help others if we don't get them dominate.
Many people in the West do not believe that God is sacred, but instead, they look at Nature is sacred. This means that the view of Physiology as sacred. They think that whatever is natural, then it automatically as well. By contrast, Buddhism or distrust what comes naturally, since a lot of emotion and attitude of negativity born run automatically, as they are truly motivated to act in a devastating way. We need to distinguish carefully.
Usually those who became her tutor or teacher, tutor, or with very low sexual tendency, so the single status is not a big problem for them, or who are obsessed with sex and who wants to win the suffering that their obsession has been the cause for the pain. But even in the latter case, people don't want to just temper the physiological tendencies such as sex. In the attempt to do so, the danger exists that a point that people will explode and act hysteria. The monk-like activity on the lust desires and obstacles that they make trends in their sexual coercion and obsessive (to stimulate). Also, with these encryption methods for the conversion of the energy of tantra subtle, one can transform the sexual energy and direct it to a more positive use to proceed further on the spiritual path. However, it's not so simple to make.
Also, we do not think we need to keep in that example, the Tibetans and the physical impact disclosure Độbiểu Edition to the same gender, without any sense of sexuality. Because the mastermind and mastermind master often gowns and various portable shoulder when walking, the physical contact helps them respond to enquiries about the exposure, and physical affection. Completely alone does not imply the curb any physical contact with others or with the emotional manifestation.
Q: When we decide to have sexual contact with anyone there, he incurred karma. Then, in the concepts of Buddhism, the consequences would be in line for the newspaper after making decisions? The advantages of being single?
BERZIN: If we decide to have sexual acts with someone there and then actually make it with each other, we will definitely establish a strong link with him that it will continue in the next life. But bonds and ties go according to depending on the type of sexual relationship we have with him, on the main engines, and our demeanor, on the engine and the attitude of the distribution partner of our Association, and so on. Many factors will impact it.
And because a single person does not mean that he avoid all kinds of career consequences to sexual problems. Some singles have spent countless time and energy to the motor idea about sex with an overrun of lust and confusion. The priest may think about sex with anyone there, but not going to action. This is no accretion to the newspaper about the physical act, but it still claims fill the newspaper about spiritual behavior. Every Thursday, depending on the true state of mind – on the level of emotions and experiences which we have or on the degree in which we have for them.

In a nutshell, the whole issue of sexuality in Buddhism declined to rethink the issue revolves around the type of attitude and motive that we are concerned about it and what would the problem be devastated and will lead to complicated problems. If we are to avoid this problem, we need to avoid the devastating attitude.
As we have said before, we think one of the problems that can support so much as there is a real attitude about sexuality is imposed and does not make or allow that occur in the area. Perform sexual acts not totally unlike the diet. Is there anything more than that is not only the response to physiological requirements. It is a book to show affection, love, attention, comfortable, and so forth. But again, if we think that having a good sex life is going to solve all the problems of the people, it is the zany. But on the contrary, think that there is anything inherently, of the "bad" about it is stupid is turning a blind eye. Be realistic about it. Do you have questions?

Let's end with a revert. We think that any understanding or statement of the consistent sense of wisdom we have gained, and any potential positive results from listening to this lecture and thought about it – for they growing so we can win the Dim labyrinth of sexuality. For that we can use any kind of sex or they will be taken to in a healthy way. May we do this don't make sex becomes the most important issues in life, but just another part of life. Pray for us winning any obsession we have with sex, because we could use the power and the intellectual property rights of us perfectly, and avoided unnecessary troubles, so that we can be a help to support good to themselves and to others. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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