Saturday 14 January 2012


1. Hieu parental care. Serving chief. From the mind does not kill the organism. Tu collect good karma.

The first three blessings of their parents blessing is curious. We have talked many times. We have no concept of our business, of economic means dim unknown, emotional behavior in contrast to the teaching experience, should know this is very serious criminal disloyalty, are not respected.

Serving teachers. He was one of our student teachers, the students of Buddhism, the 'Guru Shakyamuni Buddha' . Guru taught us to learn the Buddha Amitabha, Amitabha Buddha so well as 'Guru' of us. In everyday life we start what centromere concept, which has the same heart not the mind of the Buddha? That concept is the same concept of Buddhism is not? How the mind of the Buddha, the Buddhist concept like what? What is said in the business of Boundless Life and the Amitabha Sutra is the true mind of the Buddha, the shape of the Buddha. We love to learn loss, damage situation and do not practice?

Tu y projection of the standard of the Buddha has said, bringing the thoughts, ideas, and look at our mistakes in everyday life properly amended return. It is called 'practice' . If every day we still pretend to like a Buddhist school that actually they are brushed and brushed his people, as most will be sensitive to that; Buddha will bless you to the contrary that would bless you. That the intention of blessing in anywhere? In place intended to kill the Dharma, Dharma barrier.

Not in this lifetime is not allowed in, not as it should, the future retribution even more frightening. We are aware of or not? We have to guard or not? So I encourage the practitioner of our coastal damage is extremely revenge win, lose yourself in this life which fall into three lines of evil (ECG) is unfortunately a little hard of hearing said the damage is so unjust.

So the basis of Buddhism, the most basic of basic items as 'studious glasses' . Spread to taste Bring the glass to taste all being glass, it is Buddhism. If the fruit tastes natural lens can do all sentient beings, then congratulations, you not only beyond samsara, you always get out about ten measures. Since only TALENTS Dharmakaya can taste all the glass was being honest. Flower Adornment Sutra Bodhisattva said Head Teacher Profile older entry. So can not play center and to develop the mind and every effort must be made, to make with it.

In the behavior, poor heaviest karma of killing, so the focus of the general precepts of the Buddha teaches us 'from the center of things not being murdered. " In the Buddha would say, 'Take compassion basis, taking vessels on the way ' . Must cultivate compassion, do not be killed and not harm all sentient beings. No compassion can not learn Buddhism; to brain damage all living beings will certainly bring a lot of hatred, injustice in the act and creditors constantly reported to each other is not when to stop.

The awakening (enlightenment) absolute hatred for the creatures. The hatred for the creatures is mesmerizing as they were crazy and disturbing bondage of ignorance. Ten good business is the foundation of basic skills (practice methods), we have to bring good karma collected in application delivery everyday life, to follow the teaching of standard texts, not from this base that the door of Buddha.

2. Tho over tam provisions, it's sufficient detail, without violating majesty.

Buddha walked through the door first thing to do is talk over eight life refuge Tam refuge in the Buddha's teaching is to lead our continent escape samsara, the target path towards Bodhi (enlightenment) nirvana, the goal of this orientation is called 'Three Jewels' . Three Jewels are: 'Enlightenment, the chief, and Pure Land ' . In any time and keep the enlightenment of his mind, always feeling that is not love. We love that so far no sense now to change back the so-called 'back' (regression). Goes back to the refuge (refuge in) 'Sense without love'.

Buddha taught us from the understanding (knowledge), thinking, and wrong look back, take a righteous understanding (political right view). Understanding how to call the district? Buddhas Bodhisattvas absolutely not 'our knowledge of the new political right understanding, knowledge of the vision that you are all wrong.' No such Buddhist Bodhisattva.

Buddhas Bodhisattvas tells us: 'knowledge corresponding to the political nature right understanding, knowledge versus intellectual nature is evil wrong' . Speaking in this manner, we agree. Because we do not mind ants identity card, to recognize the look and think we are wrong, so at the beginning of school can not rely on the Buddha. But the great Buddha said, the Buddha did not teach us to rely permanently Buddha, just rely on the Buddha Within a short time, we do not teach long-term dependence. Buddha himself taught us to be intelligent nature center reviews, then reviews identity dependence without penalty. But nature was not our opinions do not rely on the Buddha, there is no method or more.

Minh nature center where ants are easy so? Be the negativity, negativity to break obstacles. Distress barrier of our own nature, you are absolutely not disturbing nature of ants, must also learn the practice. Method of Learning to break over it. Department of tri (my understanding) as well as obstacles nature. Destroying these hindrances than two then reviews identity card center.

This is easier said that done too hard. So the Buddha taught that karma ordinary full monophonic nature and basis as we have found prayer being that province wonderful method too go! May temporarily not be construed to the sorrow that the Western Pure Land rebirth; do not need to practice countless teachings, just have all faith, prayer, and well they can be reborn. Birth to Bliss Western world see the Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha practiced, then the negativity and learning method, so we can be freed.

So over the three specified life, we must take refuge in the Buddha Amitabha, the classic refuge Sum. Calculate the classic currently only five business books and a book review. You take refuge in a review is very good business and if so, choose a mode many things (any things that are) in business and a review. Someone will ask, one thing is not too low or what? We see in 'rebirth Reviews' and 'Pure Land Hien St. Luc', over the years has to a business person does not know, lifetime only recites 'Amitabha Buddha', they can also stand rebirth, but rebirth or sitting.

One can also question the title of achievement, let alone a business?

This we can believe in, like the economic Kim Cang have said 'no confidence against' then we can achieve.

Sangha, we Mahasthamaprapta refuge and Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. In Sum, we seek refuge in the Three Jewels are made on 'the Minister'. Mahasthamaprapta represents reason, not sentiment. Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion. So you call the Sangha is tell you to seek refuge in nature's benevolent nature of emptiness without your compassionate hearts. Compassionate feelings very easy to break things. Compassion must be used as the basis of reason, so-called life over the last three rules.

We can explain in words about 'our particular world-sufficiency' is the Buddha's teachings in the scriptures, we must keep and follow. Gender is not just a certain few things about, if you consider the teachings of the scriptures carefully, the world which are included in it, not omission. From the base of this contract into the practice of Bodhisattvas.

French first play of the Bodhisattva is a large center, developed the Bodhi mind. Want rebirth Bliss Western world the practitioner must carefully remember, that conditions rebirth is the Buddha said in the business 'two eight-word sentence'. In Step Three products of economic rebirth of Boundless Life, no matter the degree Master, senior high, or lower levels are similar in that 'PHAT bodhicitta, MOST PROFESSIONAL FOR POSTING'.

What is Bodhicitta? It is like the heart being, 'beings of infinite vows' ; if you still hate a being, you still animosity beings, then you can go to the Pure Western world? Talk to you know: 'Can not reach' . Do not say one day to ten thousand sentences Buddhist concept name, concept one million titles Buddha, you will not be reborn. Why? You do not have bodhicitta, this can not not pay attention!

At first he used to say Nowadays Li Buddha, a Buddhist concept of thousands of people have two or three people reborn. No they do not have to be diligent, to recite the Buddha beads never left the hands of all, the mouth all day concept 'Amitabha Buddha', 'Amitabha Buddha' non-stop. Why can not they be reborn? Because they do not have bodhicitta, inconsistent standards to reborn! 'Best concept oriented professional' they do, but 'play bodhicitta' they have not done it can not reborn!

Today sheriff talked with us about Confucius Lao Phu Tu; his Confucian ethics is in stages, each stage is clear, this is a good example for us to follow. 'Tam Cross Children up' thirty years of age up, What up? Making aspiration. The Confucian saying 'established media' is like we say 'give rise' in Buddhism. Confucius set up press releases are learning, lifelong effort put into education. We now make even ordinary beings, beings of infinite vows, even as we make this release. Four spread is established even vows, our losses have been established yet?

The Confucian saying if they do not even have made achievements I could mention, why? You have no direction, no goals, although further efforts will have no results. France exported worldly than worldly longer have much more strict, if you do not play, then how is the mind? So first to the vow, develop bodhicitta is developed great aspirations. The learning process of Confucius worthy example for us to follow.

'Four children collect any or' mean age of forty no longer intoxicated again. Do not be fooled or is not outside the realm of attraction, attract, charm again. 'Five Children compiled network of natural knowledge' that is fifty years old, understand the karmic retribution. Knowing that not all human beings who are not karmic retribution by the cyclic sequence that creates such phenomena.

'Six children atrial cross upon.' Six to ten year old an then, is a pure heart. Kinh Kim Cang said: 'Faith was born pure mind rules generals' . Is that true wisdom. The great Zen master in the French Luc Bao Kinh Forums have said 'bad foot leading religious people, real reviews the world over' (roughly translated: If you are a true spiritual director does not see the faults of others in the world). Turkey is not found upon the faults of people in the world. In Tai Shan Hua-yen trading in fifty-three pupils was not consulted 'too worldly', which is also the realm of 'atrial agreement'.

By the age of seventy and meticulous attention to achievements like? 'Customize any mental education of nomadic children' (roughly translated: Depending on the preferences in mind all the permission but not exceeding, regulated). 'Old' is what? For full legal identity, respectively known as 'root' , absolutely not opposed to the legal nature. Depending on interest, but these are the love of natural, rational and lawful. This damage is wonderful! We in the Buddhist call this the 'modern self in' . Life in itself, the work order in, dealing with people, with things on their own also in. This is where we usually say 'true interests', 'the true life' . Confucius he has achieved, strictly speaking students of Buddhism to be achieved quickly and more ultimate.

3. Development of Bodhicitta, Tin deep causal, recitation of Mahayana, Extension tons practitioners.

The last thing is 'cause and effect following, read each Mahayana' . The phenomenon of dignified chief medical world in ten measures as retribution; retribution is complex, if it comes to the level of complexity, the complexity of the entity must have the equivalent rate results. In such complex causality we must be careful to notice, the moment always carved absolute vigilance does not create evil people.

At first when I was exposed to Buddhism, where Buddha most admired was that he taught you to take care of himself [see their faults], which does not teach you to see [error] others. This place is our admiration to the ground, the teachings that the Buddha's teachings are aimed at an individual that does not teach his people. If we do not go from this place of Buddha, you want to direct early career achievement is absolutely impossible to do.

Because the center of Buddhism practice meditation and calm mind.

If at any time and worry about external circumstances, regardless of external circumstances, when you try to think as you elect to be defined? Permanently acquired on hope.

If you want to damage the obtained meditation, achieves a calm mind, to completely pursue the realm and outside, go into the public mind that this is a sublime place of Buddhism. So Dharma be called 'Home School' , is to teach you not to the outside of that and seek to pursue. External realm, to meet or see the scene upon scene adversity, too, meet good or bad experience, too, do not pay attention to. We use genuine care for dealing with the outside; scene upon scene as well as against each other, good people and bad people alike, definitely not two different mind. You can use a sincere heart to treat the good people who praise you, the bad and praise you because you feel bad so they will stop the evil of good practice.

The Clerk said it best: 'If it is true, the spiritual director does not see the faults of others in the world' . If the common mistakes of others, you will fail. Today we have one very serious illness, every day from morning to night could see the faults of others but do not see their faults. As long as we can not see the faults of others but only their fault, we will be successful. Your meticulous effectively, you will reap the true benefits.

Others to do what and how well have their own causal. It is important that its causality, cause and effect of the others we can not bear to replace them but can not help them change. Moreover, in modern times, who shall say the mistakes of others? The ancients did not speak; we read in books written in Signing Ceremony during the Han view that if they speak out your mistakes? Only two people, one of your parents, your teacher two. They are responsible for your mistakes say you do not protest. Friends say if there will be discord and mutual hatred will seek revenge. So no one said that all the faults of others.

Bodhisattva Buddhas teaching economic theory commonly used way of saying that smart reminder, let us hear yourself think about it a mistake or not. If so, mau mau amended, that 'if there is incorrect, modify, if not encourage prevention' . Buddhas Bodhisattvas do not criticize our mistakes but said an indirect cause us to reflect on their own, their own enlightenment. Their heart is pure heart, so the errors mentioned in Buddhist texts actually do not see the faults of any person; this is a super-intensive high-shirt of the methods of Buddhist teachings, all do not lose heart pure.

We must from this point that the association, which reflect, to understand the genuine compassion of the Buddhas Bodhisattvas, deeply compassionate, just our efforts, he said that religious teaching, you may be unaware of the circumstances, have Buddha nature protection concept, the guardian god will take care of you; you do not have to worry about someone to destroy or cause obstruction. If so, the others not to break against the rock that you have obstacles to their cause. You think of things to do? That is delusion, discrimination, attachment prior to haunt you. This is why we must see through, to let go.

Households to believe deeply the concept of the Buddhas; protection concept means that all the Tathagata Buddhas often remember you, are worried about you. This is true not false. Guardian angels reverence, admiration, and support you. If you're in this precaution, to prevent the other story, the Buddha will not give you more protection concept, the guardian spirit would not be condescending to you. You should think about how this great disadvantage.

So the word 'private Buddhas' is not easy. Buddha's message, what delusion is what it? Where are things anxiety, restlessness, longing for? All are flattened out, so one can direct attention toward. Where is the Path? Path is the routine delivery, ie dinner wear. In economic Kim Cang opening paragraph it says: 'Buddha Sakyamuni robes, holding bowl, go on into the far alms' . It is the 'direct' . Since then know, the daily delivery is no change, work every day will not change, entertained people, work process, all these things continue normally.

Buddhas Bodhisattvas in that unlike ordinary people do? The earth in all circumstances at the start of the concept are mind regardless of attachments, contrary to the direction. Buddhas being the Bodhisattva in routine care does not start, not the concept, regardless, no attachments, upon every living being, rejoice merit. Themselves in their lives, the social order in their well, all free and fullness.

Overhaul in, great fullness are born from pure heart. Kinh Kim Cang said: 'Faith was born pure heart rule minister' , was born minister prajna wisdom; true wisdom prajna minister appeared, how is not allowed in the following graph: How fullness rather not? All there is are the pure mind.

So all the time everywhere have always known religious head in (kept) pure heart. It is like the previous mentioned three rules: Sense, Chief, Tinh. Always love without feeling, without wrong district, the net but not infected; how to recite the Buddha Pure Land birth, how not to be reborn?

The grace of the world, in the Buddhist scriptures it is said: 'Possibility of the world the prime, prime real possibility of world attention' (roughly translated: the world can do, but do not have an idea of the world) . These two sentences spoken well, about the world can do. The Flower Adornment Sutra says: "Li the very afraid, afraid of the multitude. ' obstacle where? Obstacle in that 'world mind' . What world is that? Is the delusion, discrimination, attachment, all these things you should not have. The significance of these two sentences are very deep, very wide.

Buddha Dhamma 49 years, teaching more than 300 business associations. He said what? That is saying these things, thousands of thousands of letters say no to all questions, and for people, for the matter, for things that I 'thought' how can 'think' how is wrong, perception is fell into consciousness; idea here is the delusion.

So then you ask someone without such ideas? Unfortunately, you did not see through, you have met all the ordinary, so you take this incident as very normal.

Why Buddhas Bodhisattvas have no way of thinking so? Buddhas Bodhisattvas know 'stage not all things' (all measures are not). In economic Kim Cang said ' Three prime interest impossibility ' (three heart can not get). Energy concept (idea what could be) is not all; ' Chu measures being charming, charming delivery emptiness' (roughly translated: all measures are conditioned by human beings, the causal nature of birth is not). Department of ideas (objects to ideas) are not. So what they think anymore? Do not think anymore! While not perfect, but at the settlement of the deal can be done very carefully. They can do so thoughtful? It is through wisdom did arise.

We set out an example, you see the Buddha said in the scriptures or not? Very orderly, coherent meaning is, not a little confusion. No matter the reason or talk the talk, questions are always direct. Buddha has never started up an idea: "Today I have to lecture this way? ' No! Do not start the heart, not the concept, entirely upon the nature, from the nature center flows out naturally. The case is like that.

We started the concept mind forever, and eventually also were missing everything, how to say no more fluently with others, how to write the letter nor polished by others. So Buddhist learning center to learn that not start, not the concept, regardless, and no attachments. All users sincere mind, sincere heart will naturally born of wisdom, is naturally blessed Buddhas. Blessed Buddhas here means concern for protection concept.

Sincere mind is the Buddha mind, your mind with the same Buddhist center; quarter spread is similar to voluntary vows of the Buddhas. Wish the same, the same moral center, we can sense this meeting is not? In the routine being able to do some part? This is why we practice are effectively sophisticated, can not improve the work life of our birth. The reason is that it?

Reflect and review it carefully to know we did wrong. We are now depending upon the affliction, depending upon the gas collection (routine). Afflictions of attachment, hatred, and delusion, depending upon us these things. When he saw the color, the ears hear sounds, if the idea is to start greed, arrogance started to care; vice versa if not satisfied, the popular anger over the heart; are all ignorant!

So the outside looks like a student of Buddhism, but in fact when dealing with people, exposure to the material, when starting a centromere concept also does not modify anything at all. The word 'life maintenance' in the Buddhist teaching, we not only do not, not only do not understand the meaning of two words, it is misunderstood again! We thought that each day brings experience to read once the matter was 'life maintenance' , you say that is wrong and how!

If you want to elaborate is powerful, frankly, is elaborately effectively improve our lives; not only improve our lives today, but also improve later life; this sense is sweeping. Y's way we live today, based on what the Buddha said in the scriptures of Mahayana and Hinayana, when we have lost the body, if you want to get the body very hard, very hard! Loss of body and birth go? Most of the wicked fall into all three lines.

How do I know fall into the three evil way? Just listen to a question they say they understand right away, saying, What is it? 'Death to do evil!' Everyone thinks they are dead go to the devil. Never heard back as people die, just die to hear demons only.

Buddha told us the truth 'Necessary legal minds born parts' (All the measures are so mind-born). People think that will make you all die; you have this idea, a way of thinking that, then you will definitely go to the devil. There are some who think that after death people return to work or is born into the sky, the Bodhisattva of the Buddha; how to say this very rarely listen to! Always heard of death as demons only. We do not think this statement is not necessarily normal to be true. Actually this statement is very true and very normal.

All solutions are born from mind. Flower Adornment Sutra says: 'Only the current mental state, the only form of change' (roughly translated: From the center out, from the food turns out). This is also the word of the Buddha explained that people die back to the human body is difficult. In addition to medical principle in the Buddhist scriptures say, later returned to the body is bound to fulfill the five precepts. In about the same as 'regular army' in Confucianism, the content is like this.

Five are: kindness, justice, courtesy, wisdom, faith. People are benign, you do not? For people with things you no mercy?

That is for people with facts, you have committed is not obliged to do? The remuneration to be received but not seriously think that it is incumbent upon all of his work, his dedication to work to make decent power. This is religious, not based on the wages they receive, if they do a lot more money a little less money then they are done. Such a person does not mean.

Mass, among people to take holidays to treat each other.

Tri reason, not sympathy to behave.

Credit is a credit. In the most important trust is 'not brushed his, not tricked people' . Himself is tricked to act against his conscience. As the proverb used to say 'no conscience'. If there is no conscience, how can the information be used? Inside, the act against conscience, outside, use hundreds of thousands of design to deceive the people.

Committing the five things above, you will not be torso again. If you do this year round, not ashamed of their own conscience, then later the body will be returned. We see people in modern society and their own review, the most important is to reflect on their own, I have rounded out? Later his body has been returned or not? Without kindness, justice, courtesy, wisdom, faith, the later is bound to fall into the three evil way!

USC has said before most people are going to do the devil's dead. In the six HR reincarnation does not go the other way but to select the hungry ghost. Since there should also say that the moral of it. The condition of the hungry ghost line is greed: part name, part benefit, part finance, part identity, taking many things, just take care of business heavy lines are the hungry ghosts.

Mind anger and jealousy are serious business of hell. There is no wisdom, can not distinguish between right and wrong, truth and hope, good and evil is the cattle industry's birth. Greed, hatred, and ignorance is evil karma of the three lines.

We try our reflective of greed, hatred and delusion are not?

The concept of greed, hatred and delusion is severe or not?

If this idea seriously, you must be careful to guard, the future is a dark color! We want to recite the Buddha's birth Bliss Western world, is bound to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, to diligently practice Wednesday three wage is faith, prayer, happy. If the teachings that medical practice, this life we ​​will not waste through. Predestined in this life our real enemy is winning, Buddhism may have been true, it may have been the most wins is the practice Pure Land teachings.

This fate is inconceivable damage; shelf canal has said 'Ba nan tao natural universal life treatment' (like hundreds of thousands of lives are also difficult to come by), Pang International Layman Thanh said: 'Infinite lifetimes rare hybrid puff the most updated information nan ' (a very rare and very difficult to come on in through countless lifetimes). Today of course we've met, good karmic merit based full then, if you yourself can not grasp the opportunity, but let it pass, that damage is very unfortunate!

Today we continue conversation obstacles in our practice, tongue speaking, The religious right is a man of wisdom the most. Like those of other faiths praise 'God' is 'do not know nothing, nothing is likely to be' . After killing the Buddha two thousand five hundred years, the obstacles of life degenerate beings, The former religious teachings while teaching business has mentioned the most, if not super-Vietnamese wisdom can not be said to be .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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