Saturday 14 January 2012


The current generated can say is sorry very common, they all take this as a regular job, so I riet unnoticed and are interested in, but do not know retribution is very scary. Regardless of country or at home, few people have died of Buddhist enlightenment, damage and repentance? In business, the Buddha also said these people are very rare, very few have, but could not say no, just say that only very rarely. We have to ask yourself is one of those minority Buddha above. This is what we should be enlightened, so wake up, to be honest reflection and review again.
At Buddha's lifetime, there have been some bodhisattva were very foolish no wisdom, created a lot of pity, even to cultivate, but too many obstacles. They have not necessarily so? We can think about things that may not be the damage. So in the old religion appeared in this world, there are many ancient Buddha or Bodhisattva back great help for the birth of Buddha to missionary activities. They are manifested in the Bhikshu, we bodhisattvas, and guardian, whether they act upon or against were deliberately made. Why do this? So to teach all living beings, this damage is great compassion.
Without the typical (for now), many measures can not say that the Buddha was. Because Buddha said the measures are customized to say; the marketing of the above predicates are visiting on behalf of the legal beings. Some people are directly asked, here called 'legal language sometimes' ; if someone were to create virtue, so that the Buddha saw that the opening direction (teaching) instruction, which is sometimes used to close the legal industry . Except for bodily use and verbal legal appeals, that may also appeal the legal industry. We too often see in the Mahayana sutras, we just started disciples centromere concept, but is not to say that Buddha was known. Like in the business of Boundless Life, talks about the King A Snake So, they use 'concept' legal appeals. In the center is conceived as such, do not say that the Buddha was told of conditions in their past lives. Since this can be said body, speech, that can sometimes three legal career.
So when we know this, we can not use the mind to consider the contempt of every well-secret Bhikshu, the bodhisattva. They certainly have great compassion because we have to replace the legal appeal. What they are manifested in the evil mind, speech and evil, evil of our present. Without their claim there is no teaching of the Buddha, how can we know that he has committed a mistake? Knowing he had a very serious mistake?
We sent out a brief example in business, this is very often we repeat the lecture in the business. Although it is often repeated but sometimes people forget also. It is up to your heart happy or customize your favorite mind that verbal abuse, defame, insult others, but do not know the dreadful crimes of this business.
In business, the Buddha tells the story of a family of Buddha at the time, not time now degenerate. The dependence of this country is his wide learning, teaching experience often hear Buddhist teachings, heard so arrogant consciousness just as people now would say 'this is worthy of pride' . At Buddha in the world, this practice are great, pure morality, listening experience so much, so very arrogant. Arrogance is suffering, you see the wisdom that is not being re-born sorrow, it is wrong.
As a monk, but is not mind arrogance, their ascetic, want at least, know enough, this is very precious. Like the much later [retreat] in the mountains, in the hut paintings; compared to others who practice this is indeed much more pure body and mind. But they also accept the Minister, accept the wrong minister. In economic Kim Cang said it best: 'If a Bodhisattva has fallen minister, minister's, being general, life is not fiction Bodhisattva' . Buddhism does not recognize such a person is a Bodhisattva. We think the Buddha was considered the world was still in such a case what is the degenerate now, two thousand five hundred years past.
At Exalted lifetime, it can be said for life experience are used to clarify the sermon, his first sermon 49 years. At that time science and technology is still developing, away from Buddhist teachings, the law can not hear, so the opportunity to hear legal damage is very rare. So revered practitioners often sent home and home business that faculty to preach everywhere replaced Buddhist missionary activities benefit delivery. It can be said is this the Buddha taught in the classroom of the school graduates. They may be teaching experience, said the method of practice, and practice was very good, so was sent around to teaching experience sermon.
Wisdom and merit of the Buddha are the fullness of course everyone will be respectful. The disciples of the Buddha was teaching economic dispatch most revered are the masses, but also some less so, but also people despise and slander again.
We know the sorrow of being set in continental air is very heavy lead. Disturbing things like greed, hatred and delusion, chronic, envy not need to study also because these things are disturbing accumulated from past lives; to see other people than his best, not to mind immediately, then immediately make every effort to sabotage. Such things in life now is more degenerate than in the previous lot, anywhere, any time we can see.
Missionary activities benefit being a good thing. But good thing that they will encounter many obstacles. Ma is offensive troubles, but is doing good things but you will encounter many obstacles stories, troubles occur. Buddha said that time had two Buddhist monks were sent to the sermon. If shamans have virtue, take talented, skillful, they will naturally be favored credit. French coast of the two is very enemy mage wins, they are very large credit, course offerings are also very much. The other wizards you can see what is in the mind not very happy, being jealousy and find every way to the two obstacles to this. So they fabricated a story saying that broke two world, said they only talking but do not know, said they had committed among the four (four is about killing, stealing, adultery, and lying).
There are detractors who go lie and say to others; with the libel, to defame the two, making the audience skeptical consciousness, loss of confidence in the legal profession. From the coast of the two methods is gradually reduced, the listener is not little less. Those who envy the purpose has been achieved, had succeeded in destroying and causing obstruction to the two above shamans.
But the Buddha said of jealousy karma, defamatory, damaging two above shamans too heavy, it is the retribution of hell A monk six million years, six million this year to use their time that we calculated. The Chinese have 5000 years of history, think about the year 5000 is only half of a thousand years. Time of the hell that is 1200 times more than 5000 years of Chinese history.
After six million years in hell A monk really it's a crime that is not exhausted, but all serious crimes reported misdemeanor rest, so go to hell is running under 4 million years, more crime. Then to hell Black born May take 2 million years. Next to go to hell Burning Heat (the lighter punishment here) subject to 6 million years. A total of 18 million years. This story is narrated by the Buddha. Kinh Kim Cang said: 'As Lai foot pronouns market, real pronouns, such as pronouns, any stem pronouns, any allergic pronouns' (roughly translated: As the saying Lai is true, correct that, People do not say cheat, do not say different). Buddha never said a word absolutely false.
We try to think as this industry make things easy, why suffer such a serious crime? This loss makes us not think that, like bear sin is too heavy, do not make any sense. Actually if you read the business world will understand, in Buddhism condemnation is not from someone in place, not like in the world have laws and a trial judge, in Buddhism there is no, Buddhas Bodhisattvas do not judge, do not judge; in Buddhism unlike the law in the world, not out to punish the sinners is; Buddhas Bodhisattvas are very compassionate.
If so, why is there such things criminal enterprise? This crime is called 'sin nature', it is self-autonomy. Where is Hell? Hell is the sin of people reported turned out natural, not someone create a hell for people to take offense. Bodhisattva Buddhas do not do things like that, gods, demons, gods do not do this, the point is that United did not do this.
Old European glass lay there head narrating a story and also write in a book, apparently titled 'Eight Great Business Teaching Human Sense Signature' . The content of the story comes to women's music is his Thai Diem Program. He holds Programs 'National School Grand Master' in the country and people had already made ​​'judge of the East Forums' . East Forums Great (king of the East Forums) is the Great Demon King, the power of this king lost only La Yan Wang a grade. Officials also said the nature, as the current Chief Secretary, this position is also very high. He is a student of Buddhism Chapter, heard the punishment of hell is called a 'cell communication', 'cell communication' is brought glow red burning iron columns and began to embrace sinners that hot iron columns. He said punishment of this chapter is too cruel and the Demon King's proposal to repeal East Forums sanctions.
East Forums king did not answer, smile and two notes wrong sub demons come to lead his Chapter sinner to see his execution; two primary focus of this devil led him chapter went far away to go and then only on one side and said: "In front of the other" . But he did not see anything to look at, from which he understood the punishment that was not founded by someone from the nature that turned out, this is entirely consistent with what is said in the Main Tibetan deity Bodhisattva Prayer.
In the business says hell only two kinds of people can see, the one who make me turn out punishment, while the second one is going to hell Bodhisattva to save all beings. Not these two, hell in front of you is not seen, so he does not look that chapter. That would say that this is not cruel and personnel issues from, which is a sin nature turn out retribution.
Just like an ordinary day or do evil, often have nightmares at night. Who made them have the same nightmare? As their nature is turned out, absolutely not others creates a nightmare for him to bear, as he himself turned out.
Where serious crimes such forms? Buddha tells us, the object of the aforementioned offenses that are not generated for the two wizards. If you defame two people, frankly not a very serious crime. I'm from where the computer? From where all our faithful listeners in this area because of the slander that does not believe the Buddha, the Dharma not listen anymore, not to follow that practice Dharma. They provide good base of people in this region the loss, giving itself the legal wisdom of the network this being the end. Sin is calculated from this site, so this very serious crime.
In the Buddhist scriptures say kill the winner takes my life who is trivial. You killed a man, 49 days after they come back reincarnated. One person was killed very easy to get your body back, because being killed is not guilty, only to new charges of murder. In this life my body, because I was a little extra blessing, but the others were killed, 49 days after conception can also do the back. Later generations can continue to enjoy the blessings. So get online to kill people, misdemeanors, crimes do take seriously the new wisdom of the network.
Listening is not easy to Buddhism, this predestined fact be very difficult, very difficult to come by. In business speak 'Personal status attained nan, nan Posted Dharma' (ie the body is a hard, hard to hear the Dhamma). Listening is harder Buddhism is the body, this is where it's not fake. A person in this world can hear the Buddha Dharma, if possible enlightenment (awakening) is, that person will do in this life of Buddha. They become a Buddha, you think about, Tathagata Buddhas will continually praise the virtues of that person. If you now take this opportunity of seeking to cut the loss, how much weight your sins? Sin is calculated from this site.
So Buddha said this crime to hell A Ty 18 million years, from hell to remain excessive retribution. From Hell is a new man; Buddha said in the past five hundred lives, if not born blind eye. Must be blind right from the womb! After 500 away from lighter offense, but is often born in the border area, in Buddhism border area which means that the local cultural standards are outdated, people are too stupid, no education, poor , often disparaging others, teasing, bullying; all these things is because of karma past life created.
He has been featured at the front, as well as religious, but because of the obstacles that generates envy such a serious crime, so they sometimes will wake up to a religious concept, but that This concept has just started up, but karma is too heavy for this idea very quickly lose the target, knows how hard that seems.
We have confirmed that, in past lives we have been through. Buddhism is not to say others, it is that we're talking. Today we are the body, to hear the Dharma, should know that have gone through the process of how long, have suffered through severe crime report! Buddha spoke these words, too many people who are now receiving and that is believable?
Read and listen to Buddhist teachings seem to hear the legend, it seems that the 'myth' as the Buddha did not have anything involved with us, no doubt this is where the story of our personal . Buddha said future karma kill, they will birth to Bliss Western world, will see Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha will sign for their life. This story is true? That is true. Why? As we have heard over the title 'Amitabha Buddha' , has seen pictures or images of Buddha Amitabha, the A re-skin formula has the seeds of Buddha Amitabha, the same as saying 'Most atrial calendar based, permanent director of race' (meaning 'a phen reached the ear, the seeds were sown direct and permanent').END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES).16/1/2012.

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