Sunday 15 January 2012


In this life if we do not try to retreat, not to eliminate these obstacles, we will not be reborn, though not created serious crime can not be reborn. If continue to create serious crimes such as [defamation] Broadcast by France, in Tibetan, it is very big troubles, but to go into hell, into an animal, foolish man, to go through numerous lifetimes so it is too hard!.
So we must learn to repent, to be honest repentance. Repentance is not basically changed our perception, from mental modification, from the daily activities when dealing with people and exposure to things that do. We resolve to change the 'the generals' new results. Buddha as we pointed out some examples, but because of the too complicated to say not all; we must be able to hear one out of ten, to hear the Buddha speak to a case they can relate to the case other similar things are to be modified.
1. Real to others too (not to notice the faults of others)
First of all, from now on the improved knowledge of missionary activities, regardless of who is at home or ordained, when he saw or heard that they make mistakes, do not say it was done right ' look without seeing, hearing and do not know '.
We are ordinary, they are in the realm of what we do know? If they are ordinary sins they create, they will be taking retribution. If we are told to go anywhere, anywhere and regardless of attachments, we must own retribution, this is not much at all. This is absolutely no obstacles to their activities benefit delivery, great obstacles predestined not heard of the mass law in this area.
At any time should not find faults of others. Keeping this concept alone is not good doing so. That story of his practice was born of great obstacles. So what we're religious? This can not ignore.
What we are religious are: Sense, Chief, and Pure. Love without feeling, without wrong district, the net but not infected. In these three particular emphasis Calculate the pure mind, pure of mind is Buddha. Themselves often cause problems for other people, your mind pure, how can? If you want a pure heart, stories of others we do not need to know, as we are the heart of purity. Intentionally causing trouble for other people absolutely would not have pure heart; such people determined to not be attained.
If not specified there is no wisdom, and wisdom is not that certain people will be ignorant negativity obscured. A person from morning to night cover were ignorant, how crime is not created? Not how is that? This is what we have in mind.
2. Do not self-praise that his disparaging others.
Monday, even though we practice very dignified way, today I say, whether our Lady was powerful, has made the life of the true Dhamma, is not self-praise others that their processing. This illness is usually of people, generally praised the practice of his praise, and also said his practice was very good, others are not equal, this is not. This is also a delusion, discrimination, and attachments.
If you say you practice very good, compared to A La Han, why? Compared with the Bodhisattva, why? Lags behind that. There is some loss what to eat? Absolutely not merit their own, absolutely not defame others. This story is a legend, today even more special, too much, not that heavy industry is crime.
We cultivate Pure Land nembutsu for Bliss being the West, to meet people who learn meditation or Password is also unjust in having enemies. So how are? Zen Buddhism spread because, Password is transmitted by the Buddha that, if you vilify the practice, so the Buddha is not defamatory and why? Defamation law that the Buddha's over? The y according to Zen, Password practice success are many, but a few days left, before a lot, so you were not defamatory up already?
So do not know whether we have committed these mistakes, his own merit, but others decry slander, libel jewels, this must be hell A monk, from now on do not do this stupid more. Attitude must be like new right? When you see other people meditate, others maintain focus, we must treat them respectfully, reverently a joy, praise be canceled without ascites.
In 1977 when I was in Hong Kong teaching experience Surangama, Most Holy Shamans have three days to visit and attend business lectures again; him very happy and also admonished his business to listen to my lecture. Shamans practiced Zen, one day invited me to visit his monastery, I am very happy to accept. French abbot at Wat Privacy Contact at the rear of the Great Di Son very narrow road up the mountain, not driving up, to walk about three to forty minutes to a small temple.
French professor told me that the purpose does not extend the road up the mountain is to create a little difficulty to the pagoda. If you do not really go to the temple to learn, do not go to the temple, so do not expand the way out, this goal is great! I went there to visit and admire them; so far I have not seen a director so solemn pages. Increase them in the temple there are about forty little, every day on time coordinates meditation incense.
Shamans invited me to lecture at the meditation hall open market, I can not say meditation can not be achieved, the new nembutsu achieved; is not so destructive and the VTP of other stars? This definitely can not do! Lucky that I have teaching experience before Kim Cang, Luc The Business Forums, Vinh Gia Ca Dao Zen Securities Group, about the Zen teachings I have a little, so that 'oil Meditation' is not so bad. I praise them, admiration, praise the VTP, praise shaman, praised mass participation in the Zen school, here are the things to do.
After leaving, the co-cultivation with me to visit the new temple to ask: 'Mage Zen praised so, why Amitabha Buddhist concept?' I said to them because of my nature not based alert , not pulling with the meditation, do not say I could not enlightened, the work can be meditative or not does not make anymore. As for Buddha, Amitabha Buddha rely birth to Western Bliss, I reassured the world over.
I say these words are true, so the Buddha has said, 'If you want to Buddhism Hung Thanh, just praise Increase Increase' . Praise praise each other, Buddhism can revive it, can spread to. If everyone decrying defame each other is not good, all to hell A monk. We must understand this doctrine, based nature of all human beings should not be the same for countless open new Buddhist teachings.
All applications of the Method are (depending on radical and conditions of beings) that sermon; you like the practice that, according to the practice that medical practice can achieve. So the 'French subjects equally, no high-low' , then how can he be vilified? Not only can not vilify the practice of Dhamma that can not vilify other religions in the world. Two thousand years of religious beliefs is a key factor in maintaining social order of the Western countries, starting to make people think centromere thoughts to God, for what must be less conservative collection of dues for a while. This is the bad ones of the world, how can you destroy it OK? How can you say no God, no God okay?
If people lose religious beliefs, depending upon the affliction, there is no story without doing anything bad, so how are? So for the bad ones in the world must also praise. Buddha taught us the six concepts, in addition to Buddha, France, God concept must increase again. This is representative of natural religion, this is a basic moral perspective, usually for the welfare of all living beings which seek, for the peace of peace that all thinking beings. All the bad ones in the world and of the world, we must honor, to praise.
We born today in an era of extremely painful, do not see science and technology of the present era of development, the material progress of civilization, the life of our material progress than the previous lot, but enjoy what we have today, you panic and think, we pay a heavy price. Try a little calculated, parts are not enough to offset loses, we lose too much but achieved little. This problem may indicate that some people who know the more and less!
We lost to what? Morality and ethics are compromised. Section between the religious sentiments and who lost, lost sincerity. No matter what science and technology today has grown to wherever it will not be able to compensate, so the new site is said to take place not well compensated.
Practice in an era now, if successful, the Buddhas were bodhisattvas praise and admiration. Failure to practice questions fall into hell A monk, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas nodded and said, 'Yeah! not so sure that ' . Why? The negativity in there, outside a mesmerizing seduction, you have to cover a large force to be able to cope and sustain? You have great wisdom how that can bring the truth of this fact explicitly consider? So know it is not simple. Unlike before, in room air before the social good, honest human mind, people who are holding the ceremony, obey the law, do not dare to fuel aircraft, are adhered to the teachings of saints and sages practiced very effortlessly.
Hard to believe but to believe, hard to bear tu tu but this is our outstanding people proud, whom the Buddhas, bodhisattvas, saints and sages are praised, we have to be a part of this group ?
In today's era, each of the Buddha teaches us, we try to think carefully, meaning the process is very far-reaching example billion Buddha teaches us to 'respect for all human beings to ignore errors of them ' . Do not be looking at other people's faults, do not raise other people's mistakes, the meaning of this very broad question.
The first point is achieved can the wisdom and purity of his heart; pure mind is the effect arises wisdom. Greed, hatred and delusion, is chronic pollution, contaminated starting center is disturbing effect, is to create business.
We did not notice the faults of others. The sins of the world, make it their business to not display, such a pure mind more easily, this is a meaning in it.
Meaning Monday, when you cause trouble for other people, you tell other people's mistakes, he committed or not mind? Have not I? If not committed attention, not subject to the hatred you have for that person. The hatred they have a certain vindication. Whether you are quite handy, others did not know that you caused, you can be completely covered, but they do not know who caused the anger in the mind and heart. Die and go to the devil, the devil is contingent information so people can find them at the previous damage. Finding similarities and injustice injustice never cease to be reported. This life you harm them, after their death and revenge to harm you, your life later avenge them back again, forever troubled hanks! Bodhi Path arise are many obstacles that arise from this.
So we have to solve this problem, definitely not from the lower capital base. Basically 'Real world opinions too, any recommendations about non-market' (ie Do not see the faults of people in this world, do not look at non-market conservative talk). Whether in the past have created this human enterprise, today you have brought this fate the end. Coast to cut it, good! Although there's no grace should not be able to left. We recite the Buddha's rebirth also provide reduced obstacle no less!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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