Sunday 15 January 2012


1. It leaves room cluttered.
Next, the Buddha teaches us to be away from noisy places and if you like noisy place, you then think about how the mind is calm? All that the Buddha forbade what we do, you think about things that are causing hindrances and wisdom. So the Buddha advised us to cultivate peace, the situation as calm as possible, it's like saying, 'Many a little one not equal to, less a non-zero is the [what happens ] '. Nothing the corresponding direction. Paths are defined and wisdom.
2. Minimum educational basics (Ham want less and know enough).
In daily life activities Buddha taught us to basics, basics are often lost; desire to leave the notion of desire as it is the basis of six-fold path of reincarnation; if these notions are not the end but but growth is very difficult to escape samsara six HR; so we must be pure body, the mind must be pure, the circumstances surrounding the well to calm, that's good compel.
What method to stop the delusion? This is important, delusion is the root of six-fold path of reincarnation, is the root of evil in three ways. Calculate the methods taught us to recite the Buddha. We have no way of not thinking, the mind naturally to think, to not thinking is not. Buddha is said to be gas collection (routine) from countless lifetimes to date, if so, what to think? Consider the Buddha and economic thinking. Read the real business, often to think about ethics in business, to think of new things possible. Or think about the medical report and district report of the West solemn Bliss described in the business world, think so as well.
Mahayana sutras say: 'All legal concept born from the mind' . Often thought of the Western World of Ultimate Bliss, this will turn into the realm of Great Bliss Western world often think of Amitabha Buddha, the chief press body turns into Amitabha Buddha, this is very reasonable; not so wrong, wrong thinking will destroy. Seeing the wrong, wrong thinking, retribution would be unthinkable.
3. Far-core support (It leaves enjoying fame).
Buddha Dharma Ending Period's say we now have a bodhisattva has no wisdom. These include the Bodhisattva renunciation and at home. We now often Bodhisattva's life, are all in the name of the Bodhisattva; we build the VTP, the VTP is in a bustling, day as well as Dharma, this is often called 'missionary activities benefit birth '.
We in Taiwan often heard the term 'open shop Buddha' . When building a business the VTP offer it as a wholesale store, this is called 'open shop Buddha'. These people are called 'foolish Bodhisattva' , no Bodhisattva of wisdom. They go to his career being a missionary activities beneficial purpose? The goal is to make money, make money. When the credit they offered more money as they pleased consciousness. Without money, they are not happy using this mood that work, even to the sermon, all the mistakes, all of it is made ​​criminal enterprises.
Let alone using the first tricks to pull all believers to fellowship with him. Not only that but also to the home and the home must respect, offering for himself, his absolute trust. Buddha told the Bodhisattva foolish because financial benefit to the sermon, if not profitable, they will fatigue consciousness boring. The site does not profit (offering less) are not satisfied with that, they will find that these places do not have fun and not to the second place again.
They seek professional offerings, look for the servant and the respect of others, to the monstrous things; the ancients have said, 'Venerable any effect monsters, lay any lesson!' ('He did not master strange they do not lay the same glass! '). Obviously not for the benefit of all beings, not because all human beings to help kill three worlds of birth and death, not being able to help improve the living situation, here are the people that Buddha called Bodhisattva ignorance, not wisdom, created criminal enterprises, results are reported in three charts (three evil way).
4. Use care not expect (hope for) to the sermon:
So in doing the Buddha tells us clearly, is mortal mind to seek either because lecture is being that it was not pure measures, measures that actually says 'real as law' (law ​​does not right). 'No such method' that is not classic legal wrong that they say is wrong, what they say are not that of Buddha. They do not 'pray unto me explain the true meaning' that was 'misinterpreted the true meaning unto me,' this poor very seriously!
5. Do not use corruption to mind the sermon:
Buddha says absolutely corrupt mind being able to help? I also do not rate well for yourself, how are the others? Join the Buddhist word here is just greed, hatred, and ignorance. The word cell is infected cells, we now say is polluted psychological, spiritual, thoughts, and insights pollution. Themselves have serious pollution so how can he help others?
6. Do not get the respect, offerings, and the pursuit of happiness for this family as the true benefits.
Buddha did not say (recommended) the enjoyment of things of respect, respect, offerings, and enjoy hearing record five desires; not the Hinayana sutras is not available, the Mahayana sutras nor, let alone use tactics and methods of deception to pursue the enjoyment of this. This is absolutely not let Buddha do, we determined not to do this. Not only can not do, the mind can not take this well, why? Because if the mind is so determined not to be reborn; whether you're a hundred on a business idea, concept one million titles Buddha, the ancient faith said: 'Shout throat tank also vain', you think how you can rebirth?
7. Reciting the Buddha used to suppress thoughts outlook.
Reciting the Buddha is only the method, its purpose is to make the heart pure; use this method to bring delusions, discrimination, attachment concept takes off, the idea that pure heart; heart is pure pure land, so can rebirth. Please do not take the idea to go wrong, do not think the concept for many brand new Buddhist rebirth, just recite the Buddha's birth, but also greed, hatred and delusion, but also establish a plan to harm others, so can the star reborn?
Must remember that, using this approach to memory loss defilements, delusions, discrimination, and attachments, to the pure heart and compassion appears to be able to rebirth.
So when we started the concept mind, language, action must be compared with what the Buddha taught in the business. Why Buddhist Bodhisattva taught us to do sophisticated light and dark? I told you many times about the meaning of this, the key light and dark is used to 'healing' ; in the old lock is elaborately bright at the individual self. At Buddha Dharma in the world and at last arrived to China, the mass collection of general practice is to listen to business, research, discussions and lectures in the classroom; religious practice, each individual separately not a common practice together, just listening experience, research, and new gathered to discuss.
In the Pure Land, who first proposed the gathering back to the common practice is Far Hue University professor. He founded Buddhist Mindfulness Road in Lot Son, 123 Commonwealth minded people together to cultivate mindfulness. The other sect is not until the Tang Dynasty began popular. Indeed two great teachers and Matsu Bach Truong general construction and forestry initiatives. General construction and forestry policy is not only common but also must learn to practice more generally. So the forest is a presidential character of Chinese Buddhism [after the Tang Dynasty], where the public gather together to practice. Together in practice be beneficial? That means relying on mass, each individual can be lazy solution treatment time, the mass together in a non-mandatory use of the practice is not, each person in the public and urging and encouraging another, who did not dare lazy. The same practice is common purpose and meaning of this!
So accomplice forestry regime for the time being degenerate very useful; a lazy individual solutions are easy to quit treatment and move easily, but they share a great place to practice righteousness is much more favorable should set up the new course (general practitioner sessions) morning and evening. The content of light and dark the retreat was to see what we must take what disease to treat. The economic key to proceedings in light and dark old days no longer suitable for today; in other words, the experience can be healing for the people of the past but no known treatment of the sick So now do? To find the patient's current illness is what we need to use medicines to treat.
Today we practice Pure Land, Amitabha chanting very good but too short, the meaning is too deep can you say Amitabha Sutra is easy to understand, not very deep, you try to see the Random Note Ich university Professor and commentaries of The Tri great teachers, you will be amazed to know that Amitabha Sutra very deep, but deeper economic Boundless Life. So today we choose to experience Boundless Life to proceedings during the course of light and dark. Read the scriptures and it is often thought of in the scriptures teach us how we do it?
Lock up is to reflect and if they must have been encouraging and told myself to make tomorrow better, if not already done so, they must find ways to make by the, y according to the religious teachings, which is the key light and dark, sophisticated new so true merit. Not once in the morning for the Buddhist idea, Bodhisatta hearing, the evening once the concept of Buddha, bodhisattvas hear, not anything related to the behavior of their activities, so very sorry to severe , A monk must be hell.
When meeting a new king is that you ask: 'Every day I have not missed the light and dark chanting every day, why he told me to hell A monk? ' Yan La King will say to you: 'Every morning you gotten Buddha once again gotten the evening again, life has always gotten, you're not into hell, hell anyone?' Be aware that if not understood the key means of meeting both light and dark, it means a hell of a monk; push Buddhist Bodhisattva, the Buddhist bodhisattva is not in the world, symbol of earth wood you are brushed ruthlessly, then the mind you are too cruel!
Time passes quickly damage, the lecture today is the last session, the next time here celebrating Buddha Decor, invite your fellow participants. Three days we discussed this issue very closely related to the practice and delivery of our work. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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