Saturday 14 January 2012


A. Three Rules
I. Open Thread
Living life like face, who want to pick a path, draw a meaningful life and peace, do not that easy. We are travelers are at the intersection falls in, but do not know the path that eventually will go? Pick a way to go until I am old, very wise new wisdom from regret tomorrow. But we have to pick, do little, do not listen to the one inciting, because this is the path we go no self-description.
Choose carefully and then will go, is the attitude of the wise; target The more eyes go, go anywhere, or mercy to them, is foolish who bring life to a game. The place to look, to consider before you take thorough steps on a road does. Three Jewels of Refuge result is to put yourself on a path to the end. Until the first line is our life. The need to make this understanding, thorough knowledge, master new center y. Refuge vow is to guide our life. If you do not know anything, then the refuge lost its meaning.
II. Definition of
Terms say enough is Tam Tam Bao Refuge. Three Jewels are Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Buddha is just Buddha Sakyamuni, by his former practice of Buddhist enlightenment. Dharma teachings are spoken by the Buddha taught the way of cultivation. Sangha is the position under the rules and practice of Buddha Dharma.
Why called a Buddha?
From an ordinary man like us make a Buddhist monk to talk at this time is the multiplication. So the business would say Buddha was born is difficult to meet, as Udumbara flower a thousand years to bear once. Less difficult to come by to say a treasure. Moreover, in itself he got rid of birth and death and enlightenment of Buddha, and bring enlightenment where he taught for everyone from birth and death, is the greatest treasure on earth should be called.
What is called Dharma?
Of the rare Dharma by the Buddha, the listener is very difficult to understand is difficult to comprehend. But once understood, practice applications can convert into ordinary saints, what is legal so precious with. France is the feet of Buddha, even gone through the time of her feet still shining like precious pearl. Those who are lost in darkness wrong, suddenly met the torch, how happy you regret, having been directed learners as well as dharma. The external tank is sunk both, saw a boat to salvage, dear happy happy how the school district met the legal guidance as well. So says the "Hundred of thousands of hard to want to see life."
What is called Sangha?
Increase is only for a group of Buddhist monks learning, living together with the spirit of Hoa Lu. Life Force is the spirit of co on multiplication at this time. Because people live in this world than losing Joneses vie with each other, never be peace. Force is
the same body in harmony,
harmony is not disputed Mouth,
Italy along fun,
sociable rule hold,
mix with the solution knowledge,
share the same simplification.
Friday this is the spirit of the Sangha. If there is a round square clothes that do not live in the spirit of Hoa Lu is not called up. In the group of four or more people, who live together in harmony and the spirit of continental air is very difficult to do. Therefore, the monks living in the spirit of Hoa Lu, is a precious time on multiplication. Moreover, on the practice, he has to take the negativity and achieve peaceful part of the purity, and to guide people to place him in peace, purity. So therefore called Sangha.
What is Refuge?
Regulation is back, he is dependent. Back refuge with Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are called the Three Jewels of Refuge. We long forever chasing pleasure, suffering karma, now awakened to recover back certain refuge to the Three Jewels. Get jewels to make the goal, to create more business no longer suffering, and in so doing bring peace in our lives. This is the awareness in mind, the vow of our return. This awareness is the foundation of the palace of wisdom, it is the first step on the way home enlightenment. Put this solid foundation, the new intellectual castles long. That is the critical spirit of y. The
III. Triple Gem Refuge Outside
Dharma is up to us to object y. The May follow the path that the Buddha went to Refuge Buddhism. Decision to practice His teachings are recorded in the French classic is the Refuge. Upon under the direction of our practice is to increase the Sangha. From this step, we take the life of jewels as a pattern, which aims straight forward, from groping to suspect that such youth. We Are Pilots, Three Jewels is a lighthouse. Just close the lighthouse itself, but driving the boat for our network to the destination. But Buddhism, Buddhists believe the decision is no longer hesitate, but must be careful to increase from mistaken. Increase the corporate clergy living spirit of Hoa Lu, not personality. If you use the refuge ceremony for Buddhists, he represents the corporation. The Sangha is a refuge for the monks to live the spirit of Hoa Lu, the term is not private communications monk's three rules for his staff. If the transfer provisions represent a world that is religious or not religious, legal person's life is already up and refuge. When the refuge was an increase that is the refuge of all monks, if you do live in harmony with the spirit. Buddhists have to learn them all up, should not be limited where his teacher. Being so new spirit outside the Three Jewels of Refuge.
IV. Y Tu Quy Tam Tam Bao
Buddhism must always be enough double-sided, three jewels outside the object, the Three Jewels is essentially self-interest. Triple Gem refuge outside, we develop three jewels of the mind. In addition to mutual fulfillment meticulous practice, the main goal of Buddhism.
What are the three jewels self-interest?
Visual identity is available where we are Buddha. Compassionate mercy save us is Dharma born. Center is in harmony with all Sangha. Thanks Buddha outside, we awaken your senses nature, back to nature refuge is the refuge of his sense of Buddha. Thanks to the Dhamma outside, up from our compassion for all beings, returning refuge with his compassion Refuge France. Do monks outside evoke for us a spirit of harmony pure draft, return to the pure spirit of harmony of their discussion is the Sangha.
Dharma up outside help compel us to rise to Buddhism increased of self-interest. For example, the teacher as he compel her students expand their knowledge of it. There his teacher hard, but her lazy students not learning, the teacher also becomes useless. Also, there are three jewels outside, Buddhists do not try to wake her own jewels, jewels outside is meaningless. Jewels outside is essential conditions for good with a Buddhist, but there are enlightened freedom is the ability to self-interest of the Three Jewels. The jewels that are outside of the approved waiver. A message to the Three Jewels of the surface itself does not need to know to care outside the Three Jewels, is serving up the process. Buddhists feet member district must use the new management practitioners from obstacles on the road.
V. Protocols Refuge
Primary focus of the refuge ceremony, at the Tam Bao Buddhist knelt before, three times the vow: "Disciple ... please lifelong Buddhist refuge, take refuge in France, the Sangha" . This question vows themselves Buddhist heart derives, not instigated by any compulsion. Three times the vow is to sow the seed so deep in stealth mode, making it forever forgotten. This is a voluntary self-discipline. Ritual forms only more impressive for important moments he vows only. When we pray according to the three jewels of awareness, the benefits of our life. If on the religious ignorance has always been covered up jewels do not mind, we automatically disadvantaged. Buddhism does not require what we have sworn to not heavily away. Okay treasure for accepting the benefit, do not like getting out loud, forced to do. Unless a post that has nothing new mandatory sentences for serious vow not dare give up. People understand this place to see the true values ​​of Buddhism.
All the temptation to religious coercion, the Buddha completely opposed. Each self-awareness about Buddhism and then give rise to direct new, the spirit of Buddhism. Understand and then act as a true spiritual enlightenment. Using art or, for example one miracle to direct, that is superstition. Use all benefits to entice people into the lead, who is tempted foolish, inconsistent with the spirit of enlightenment. We have an obligation to explain to other people understand mental refuge is found, the chief preacher feet. Solemn rite in the refuge ceremony, only vows compel our words be achieved perfection. This ritual does not mean that Buddhism will grace us life is peaceful.
VI. Reaffirmed
After refuge in the Three Jewels, we confirmed a clear stance: "The Buddhism, no refuge God, Gods, Demons, Animal" . We carefully identified is determined by the enlightened Buddha, no reason to follow God, Gods, Demons, Physics. Because God, Gods, Demons, Physics is not enlightenment, but as we have been reincarnated. But there are also some Buddhists seek refuge in the Buddha, which is run by demons. Those who participate benefit because, as the mystery of love, should have gone the wrong way Buddhism. Even because of their superstitions, their spirits return to respect than Buddha. This phenomenon is bad customer indifference to criticism of Buddhism. "Refuge in France, no refuge pagan cult" . Feet of the Buddha Dharma is the reason, help being a practical way, as his physician for the patient. May choose to understand this, but the reason we run the pagan cults. We loved himself the truth, may escape the real suffering, nothing pagan cult appeal to us. Only three interstitial wish to hear what that new changes take actions such nonsense. Despite foreign allow evil to what is sacred, we do not start by their greed. Or there are the spiritual mystery of what is saved from disease, a Buddhist would rather die right feet and not ask. This body ghin keep some smart, tan eventually pass, and peanuts on wicked hard life out of life. "Refuge Increases your data does not provide group health evil" . We chose the princess by the gentle virtues, making life for close to virtue. You evil evil group of people who need to stay away from that direction. Because "the black ink is almost close to the bright lights" or "near tanh map they have bad breath spread near objects to be fragrant aroma spread" . So we have the courage to correct his path was chosen, despite being looked down upon slandered, so that we also go. Because we do not have a blind man, but left for good near the bad. Reaffirmed it is clear that people have will power. If a practice that lacks the will, to wind shake.

VII. Conclusion
Three Jewels of Refuge is building the foundation of enlightenment, is the first rung on the ladder of liberation, is the first step on the way home you were born. Want sturdy building, need to have solid foundations. Need overcome extreme ladder rescue, the first step to step to the firm. Like the welfare of the country you were born, the first step on the road about to go to the right. The Three Major foundations are not so enlightened buildings are constructed. No first step, one can hardly ladder climbing to escape. The first step on the way home was wrong, hundreds of thousands more steps to go as wrong. Therefore, the Three Jewels of Refuge is extremely important. Everyone wants to come to Buddhism from the door to which the refuge, not like the loss of basic Buddhist learning. Because it plays an important role as such, should be cautious Buddhist vows in y. The Do not for a refuge for a blessing, for sickness, for the Buddhist household yoke ears ..., are superstitious reasons, as opposed to voluntary self-discipline of Buddhism.
B. Five About
I. Open Thread
Man is the subject of Buddhism, how many laws, how many teachings, the Buddha are described as people make. Bring peace and happiness for man, is the main goal of Buddhism. Song of the Buddhist concept, not a lot of wealth, much love, etc. .. man is happy. Happiness is living to know moderation, respect for people's happiness, that love each other sincerely. A civilized nation is a nation that respects the lives of each other, respect the fundamental freedoms of man. Thus, gender is contingent fundamentals bring happiness to people, building human civilization living out the meaning of humanity. Marble is basically about the morality of the Buddhist, the beginning step on the path to enlightenment liberation. This lack of basic morality, whether we say what morality is superior to the empty speech. The practice practical to build basic before, after moving to new higher deficit. That is the importance of the contingent world.
II. Definitions
Five years of gender is prohibited by the Buddha to protect the Buddhist must follow. After the refuge he had identified themselves as Buddhist disciples, to qualify a need to preserve the Buddhist precepts. Buddhist compassion for all beings created in the commandment that prohibits this, the core that their life be well happy. Preservation in this world because you, not because the Buddha. Year's form:
1. Not to kill: that is not killing human life. We own you my life, the murder absurd lives of others. In justice to our humanity does not allow us to do it. If we have left to do justice, lack of humanity, what is also worthy disciple of the Buddha. Killing people has three lives: direct killing, induce the person killed, rejoice in the killing. Buddhists do not single handedly kill human life, do not induce protection mouth urging others to kill, they kill each other when only one surface of mercy should not be fun. It is a precept not to kill. But that extension, we value our lives, these animals also values ​​the life of it, to heart overflow fair to the animals, if not necessary, we also reduce the killing of student our network.
2. Do not steal: The Wealth of our property, do not want anyone to violate the, wealth of the property, we would not be shocked or taken secretly taken. By taking the sack or the stalk is left multiplication action director, the government breaks the law, must be punished. Stealing is evil by greed, just think of interest to you, forget the suffering of people, loss of both equity and direct multiplication, certain Buddhists do not.
3. No sexual misconduct: Buddhists are married couples as all other worldly. When you pair it absolutely committed to the process transparency of others. If the violation is guilty of sexual misconduct. Because it is the act of suffering for his family and family, creating the risk of failure in product approval. Do a bit of his personal feelings, the suffering that many people involved, the lack of compassion results. To ensure the safety of family stability and happiness of his family, committed Buddhists certainly not adultery.
4. No lie: Say the truth left to pursue his interests, or harm people is a lie. Do greedy evil motives, events like this happen to say the other, left to correct the face, right into wrong change, that people with graphics. People say that contrary to morality, humanity lost, not worthy of being a Buddhist. Buddhist morality is said to eat a pattern, notice how spoken way, no treatment lies Magic. Except for the sake of material benefits, it does not tell the truth to the victims or suffering, save lives saved by the mercy saying untrue things without breaking. No lie is keeping faith with everyone around.
5. Do not drink: Buddhism Enlightenment advocates want to be enlightened before the province poised to light, drinking hot intestines to the liver, mind reeling, losing no wise calm, enlightened contrast purposes. Because hot hysteria, there are those who when drunk they dare to do evil, evil what they did not fear losing conscience. So who knows no moral to shun alcohol. Alcohol not only lose your mind, to cause bodily illness, while cellular damage to the latter dull. What a disaster for individuals and society. Buddhists for professional enlightenment, for the good of his people would not drink the wine. Unless told to ill health Graduate alcohol new drugs healthy air, Buddhists are taking alcohol until healing is over, should be submitted to a monk said before drinking.
III. Benefits of Self
The year's preservation that formed the basis of morality and the welfare of yourself. No killing oneself is not the kill, or imprisonment for murder, there is no hatred of the blood debt to each other. So we do not live in terrible fear, caused by hatred. Do not steal, do not get ourselves in prison on robbery charges, or go to the place where any fear from the watchers doubt. Back and forth freely, to go in peace, not what happiness is? Do not commit adultery, to work ourselves out of position sense loss, from fear of anyone or talk bad, people have trust and confidence. Ourselves transparent process, leaving the beloved self. Themselves secure, peaceful family. No lie, it's not regret, words of self-worth, causing the trust of people. Or mislead people will underestimate the social, what had been proposed in doubt, do what little favor. Do not drink alcohol, own currency, against the madness that takes place, causing the body from sickness weak, from being the despised while intoxicated. In contrast, calm ourselves calm, healthy body, for everybody to be your glass, give birth and intelligent insight. It is self interest right now. If the future does not kill, body robust long life; not stealing, property wealth, and no sexual misconduct, physical beauty; not going to lie, to speak wisdom-loving people; do not drink, intellectual insight.
IV. Family Social Benefits
People are self-humanity in life is paramount. Respect for life is civilized lifestyle, trampling human life is cruel. Know the world is kept in the happiness of the family, the civilized manners of society. Buddha looked at people, bring happiness to people a peaceful life, a happy family, a civilized society, created in His world.
Sinh network is the ultimate value of every human People have to respect, because respect for human life, Buddhism, Buddhist prohibition of killing is not. Human life to exist durable assets through nurturing, respecting the property of people, Buddhist Buddhist prohibition is not stealing. The life of man should have a family, a family nest of humanity, that nest is shaken unhappy, respecting the family's happiness, not Buddhist Buddhist prohibition against sexual misconduct. The family lives in society and need to trust each other, lack of confidence can not feel sorry dear, so bring trust back to the people, Buddhist forbidden to lie. The ordering of family and society is peaceful, a pretext disturbance in the family and society is losing the common order, respecting the order of the family and society, Buddhism, Buddhists do not prohibit been drinking.
Just in time rule, if the family kept her whole family is happy, on the peace agreement, net care trust. if everyone in society is an application thoroughly civilized society, harmony and loving sympathy. We own sake, for the happiness of the family, because the welfare of society, efforts to maintain the five precepts. Keep the five precepts are respect for human, civilized lifestyle is, is it ethical foundation. V. Conclusion The extreme suffering of man is nothing more than, when they think their lives are threatened, their money is lost, the love they be violated. Government is the most extreme misery of man. So please save the suffering bring to people. Buddhism Buddhists are not forbidden to do three things. Love is not forever, if people do not trust and understanding each other. This is a minor pain of people. Because life without love, the human species are lost in the desert or a wild place, and where the angles caring loved ones broken bitter sweet fleshy. Want to bring compassion to humanity, must first be confident understanding each other, so Buddha Buddhist prohibition not to lie. How many primary, we saw neighbors command compassion of the Buddha. Suffering at the happy spirit of Buddhism has been clearly demonstrated in this world. Since its commercial business people, Buddhists we must try to preserve and tell the keepers. It is fundamental to the current direction and future. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO BON SU THICH CA MAU NI PHAT.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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