Saturday 14 January 2012


K hi Impermanence comes out soon that is associated periodic law of the universe. Where the operation, change, change your life, where it is impermanent. So Impermanence is a common law, including the universe and human beings.
Because universality should Impermanence is a modernized, the same throughout evolution, anywhere and at any time. Although the Buddha appears or not, Impermanence flame still burning clamor omen but the whole world, not a minute stopped. So, standing on a base of tangible property damage to the Impermanence is certainly no truth cellular service.
body, mind and realm is a flow (more than, current, future). How's chief medical report and make a living river being thrust into the river creating life is the thirst on the basis of such assets career, fame to strengthen the I (Russian) the endless cycle of reincarnation. When I was a root, when the conscious ego is rooted, when the conscious ego is interfering with the life cycle is turning often.
Very often there are three:
- First public Impermanence - Continuity Impermanence - Impermanence birth and death moment.
First term as Minister of Impermanence rough, just for the end of a process, such as the death of a man, but death does not mean is lost, but only temporarily absent at this place, to prepare the expression of life elsewhere.
- Continuity is the birth and death, often corrupt in the heart of things, is constantly changing, so the continuity was vizier of Impermanence.
- Police na birth and death is very often the most mischief, one small task. Moment is a Buddhist term, or used, only for the shortest unit of time. A fleeting thoughts in mind, there are 90 moment. Every moment is an elementary concept. The smaller the birth and death of each moment can only see the Buddha mind. Three of the three categories above classification Impermanence is not only where the physical phenomena, which are always recorded in the abscission and more psychological.
Lotus Sutra, Example products. He tells us: "They are being sunk in a multitude of victims suffering, yet not know the joy to play, no experience fear, knowing no boring, not subject to free-range. The fire in the three worlds on line traveling east-west. The college experience is hard not knowing that danger " .
Buddha said, impermanence (the fire) to break the regular observance of the ordinary, because the crazy delusion, is expected to receive the real property law, went to bring Impermanence mind, using a common hull, grasp the impermanent, to the end of life are never satisfied expectations for care. Adult living in the past, young or old dreams of the future, smart people aware that live in the present moment. The land up the body of man is the future past. Where an establishment clause of the body and is now awake. Happy and sad memories of the past is only the dim distant vision lingering in the memory. The projected towards the future not to the mere ghost of broken trust. What a fun it must also pass. A sadness that I must light the years. German Stock teaching: "Time of arrows, like diamond to date. Impermanence fleeting fast, hard wood gradually! Date passed on calmly, as well as life stages that gradually decreased, as fish water shortage, there is nothing fun ... " .
(Optical audio ancestors, once monthly as prescribed, usually affects the speed Infinite, we set opening track!. Thi abate too, depending reduce network herons, such as minimum fish fishery, from Galaxy lost property ...).
In a second up to 125 million cells die, make way for another 125 million cells produced, from which he made ​​so I can not find. As well, the law of impermanence equality for all human beings (5 aggregates), and oil to people who are cowardly, foolish wise man. Impermanence demons but not see the shape but has the ability to network based people dying. Identification permanent change where all of life moving not to arrive at pessimistic depression, which is the identity needed to implement the transformation of the mind, which is inherent confusion status is weighing on human life, is concerned that the comments, enjoying the world but fragile and temporary, but still extraordinary gravity, that gravity is also the invisible magic being led away by six rollers wrong. Beings suffer birth and death is like the spring silkworm cocoons made ​​of silk pulled himself bound, as well as Moths take the plunge into painting lamp burned dead. If not enough grace to see Master blessed, how to lead enlightened to the Dharma show.
Ancient faith teaches: "The live one hundred years as in some moments, such as wavy Sea retreated, as the light remains the afternoon session, as the fire hit rocks, such as horses passing sentence the door, like a lamp in the wind, like morning dew on the grass first. If you do not have the legal right, surely suffer severe moral life forever! " .
(The young cypress minnows du cons, moments, like to spend the third winter, I spent brutal projection west lobe, more quartz crystal size fire, after encouraging spending tons of questions, posting style of management expenses, workshops to spend million highway . Dhamma bad surprise U, U U maps every vicious joy forever!). A confused mind reeling in drunken scene alive weaving dreams die life circumstances in which its author. The U.S. should strictly business that is a great interest the artist, painting the five aggregates of body and world health report: "Mind as a painter Drawing every each of the five aggregates in all world mind-made are working. " ( Center as professor of painting racial harmony khandhas necessarily middle period created by idealistic). Impermanence of the time factor, is a process of going from human to fruit. Process where there is sentient manifestation of birth, aging, illness, death, where the law is a living, office, allergic, anti; where there is a world, the head, passing, no. The change of seasons, the movements of the planets, satellites are not outside the rules of that process. Macroscopic world, the microcosm and the world average of the same type. Everyone has the opportunity surely, surely there is the tan. The consistent message of impermanence, then immediately stop, it is the province of sense. The real eternal formless intangible capital, while the visible property is only counterfeit temporary minister. But eternal life can not find out the fantasy Impermanence. Be normal in all aspects of life, and seek liberation in that situation to normal. Please replace the paragraph ends with the poetry of Thich Thanh Dam, No. 42 of life, tone Tao Dong, the early 19th century:

"The name of the mist that early
economic wealth of a long dream
did not understand the very best hybrid character

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