Saturday 14 January 2012


The life you have three jewels of refuge vows that they dwell in the house unto me, because it is home to the most permanent peace. Tathagata is Dharma aura of truth, being helped define what is the nature confusion, what is reincarnation and enlightenment, liberation. Tathagata Dharma illumines also being destroyed to display ignorance crazy but all the wrong end of suffering.
So has taught in the Dhammapada: "For fear of insecurity that spirit to the mountain refuge, refuge trunk, refuge shrine worship but is not the most peaceful places rely, as the ultimate refuge. Ai refuge such suffering remain. In contrast refuge in Buddha, refuge in France, provided y Increase and develop true wisdom, understanding perhaps four colors: that suffering, that suffering people, knowing that suffering and killing eight factors leading St. eliminate suffering; that is peaceful refuge, a place of refuge supreme. Who rules the same thing, free of all suffering " .
So do not get the right leg of his teachings, living beings should live in the delusion that started wrong: impermanence is generally accepted, is very ego-self, not pure approval is pure bliss of suffering is attachment, should be reincarnation and chronic pain.
All things in this world must change constantly: they are always born, head, allergic, or to kill , head, pass, no. The world is not a permanent object and can be standing still; all impermanent, not the impermanence of each year, months, days, hours, but also very often in each birth-moment killing.
For humans too, but black hair branch today, tomorrow, again saw the silver mirror first. Today fresh smooth skin, tomorrow see wrinkly folds.
of the Universe, Son Ha, great location, though very great that we mistakenly thought it was solid, but actually it is very often subject to damage variable no less. Other mountain we've yet born when it was there, until our eyes it remains. We often think that mountain; to material wealth, we also house mistaken for it. Because we mistakenly thought was spinning crazy over, take the greed, hatred and delusion stealing to get what we think are you, as often, is true, should know how to cause bad pain , sometimes even stealing each individual coins, each bit position, say eat every word, every step, every gesture ... Until we as a body by the big four (earth, water, wind, fire) formed by the aggregates (matter, sensation, perception, knowledge) constitutes, from the birth parents until the target eyes die, do not know how many times turn instead to convert the cells in our body also changes every hour, every moment that we can not or do not know.
everyone's body is impermanent as How - Sometimes we also know that, but we still expect our family forever, because of greed, ego, so we see "our" is more precious than all, only "we" deserved the respect, praise, while others do not respect, praise. It is because of our ego, selfishness, jealousy, greed, but out of us.
Besides there are times in our visit, was angry at ignorance, but there are times when compassion, sympathetic joy equanimity, care to father experimental help people. So take the time to say I was angry and, at si, on charity, on compassion, sympathetic joy is our discharge; then, major in ourselves turns out to be something we do not know how many. Ask the ones that we truly are what we? When we are so greedy that it is taking us, when we are angry, so angry that it was me, or when our pride, the pride Jealousy, Jealousy is it? To say that we take, we will be the sales people never change! If you say pride, Jealousy is one, the pride Jealousy never change! But no, despite the arrogance, but knowing Jealousy practice, breaking except pride, living modestly, it can be changed. Although greedy but if they understand the principles can also be converted to our greed alms.
Of course, our mind is always changing, our body is constantly changing, no time How true is it at all. Even in that moment I thought to myself this is me, words that we have gone wrong. Because while I say it here, then the statues which we thought was gone is also changed. Now my soul is no longer as the previous hour. So just open your mouth to remind us that what we are so flew away. Yet because of not understanding, so that every nail security: "I am here, it is more precious than all, everyone wants to be respected, praised, and absolutely no one is processing it all. But the opposite is also do not want respect and praise anyone " . What it makes me crazy man, so that narrow-minded.
So we are suffering because of the ego-self that accept, not accept the fact that we have. Who know their bodies look, through the practice "Real net shop" as the Buddha taught that the body will contain impure things, if left outside skin is dirty as anyone who. The impurity was already in the womb, and the birth mother and also impure. Although the makeup is just as much as the body impure, until the breath close your eyes, it is impure. For the body is impure so obvious that we do not notice; vice versa is also serving a pure body, so cosseted, spoiled, refine it too much. So blind to itself impermanent, it is common to man as it is always painful.
Once there she Lotus Lust, upon hearing the Buddha taught about impermanence doctrine, that the body impure, being impure, impure beings, she immediately give rise to a monk. But on the way to practice across a river, the river washed her face, saw his shadow in the water is too beautiful face, she thought to herself: "I like this beautiful convent where they drink too!" She went back. Friends met her back then asks: "Why do before she developed a powerful mind, want to pray to Buddha, monastic, monk, now she is back to pointing or what?" She said, that: "Oh, I'm beautiful like this that go tu do for vain!" They ask: "So, how beautiful she?" She said: "I shed a shadow on the water see my reflection below it, very beautiful " .
Through stories, we see that her beauty is just beauty reflects our passion for the body but others may not be beautiful, and sometimes the species fish in the water when she saw the ball must run away. She saw his shadow in the water to be beautiful, because the body mistakenly think is beautiful, no doubt it is bad, is destroying slowly but she does not know or not!
Far enough in doing so, the Buddha taught:
"Behold monks, identity is often impermanent? White Exalted, impermanence. What is impermanent is suffering, or lost? White Exalted, suffering ... So these monks, what's not yours, abandon it will lead to long-term happiness for you " . The fact that four of the Buddha, the first truth is suffering (dukkha). He said, happy life despite some well the fun is just fragile, ultimately no escape from suffering. He says: We do not know how much being brought in people suffering: birth, aging, illness, death is suffering. It is the normal size who also received see, everyone is suffering naturally have, or no more or less inevitable. If a baby is born without pain, it did not take three oa oa oa cry the last birth. If a patient is not suffering they were not groaning. The elderly are not suffering, it was not deaf complained blurred vision, and a death without suffering, it was no one to cry. The learned beings suffering, old pain, suffering disease, death is suffering a obvious that the Buddha had said. Besides that suffering is the suffering, such as: What is your favorite, who I like, things I desire that it was his idea, his is one that, it will be tied to him was never to leave. But because of circumstances, because the law of impermanence, what it leaves out of hand, there is no way to be held. It is unknown cup size.
For the people, things I hate, want to avoid the sight that can not be avoided; I just want to ignore it is out in front. In a way, everyone wants to go on the road clean, fragrant flowers, grass, no one wants to go on a muddy path, full of malice was tough, but want to avoid the problems that initially, but would prefer to go that trip. For such external things, also for the pulse around, there it is preferred, but also we hate, we do not like this or perhaps another reason. But in between the popular and hated it also created a scene that must meet hate is suffering, so keep language we have a saying: "Hate that's what heaven's hand" . The other side of this resentment and resentment the other side. Once each such resentment vast universe into a narrow corner. Meet a person we want to avoid hatred, but avoid skeptical that all I want to see nor avoid. macrocosm in this hour becomes narrow so we thought it was no longer a safe place for our family use. It increasing resentment is somewhat difficult situation. This scene, if located in the home, in kinship, in the person's body it will become increasingly more difficult.
We are always being nurtured desire and seek, for this life they will never know enough, feel like a needy, they find every way to embrace this world. But unfortunately! The human life is short, a hundred years is not long enough time to to satisfy their greed, so they suffer because of lust for life that get no more how much, call for any prime suffering.
Even people that life is more fun than what most suffer . Coi xi Guinea, as singing, gambling, alcohol and fun, win the lottery jackpot or the fun also. Buddha did not deny it, but he said: What fun it is fragile mirth in misery , the fun was caught in ignorance karma leads to suffering deeper more dense. So Vietnam is a poet wrote: "Swimming suffering flooding vast sky Guest ceiling paddle a boat game, boat upwind anyone who wind down, look back with the tank size only " . contrary wind or down wind, the ship is in the sea only, can not rise above the sea. So the fun of people in the scene is quiet mirth rotation the suffering of the world, the fun is not free. Therefore, the Buddha said life is suffering, though the life is being happy, and passionate in life, not leaving any moment, to someday have to close my eyes breath, then a new panic, misery! If that force is fully brought to dwell in the Dharma, it will recognize the words of the Buddha: all things are impermanent, being is not-self, the body is impure, all the territory is suffering: whether unpleasant or happy life, also were in the past relative. was in the ring, there being relatively kill, kill is of course delivery our hearts are not satisfied, it is born of suffering. Buddha as the causal agency that was born, to turn love enlightened beings. The purpose of spiritual practice Buddhism is to turn professional. He taught that : "Business driven to earth, professional drag away the earth, the earth moving industry, as the wheel follows the animal sled" . Animals sled into the path of darkness, the wheel must rolling by. We rolled the industry beings similar to that. Each has its own business, good business makes good people, bad business makes people bad, sublime enterprise shall become noble human , and then become professional vile vile man. It all enterprises. Karma is a fetus, a business owner, so after birth, when it dies, we also take the business alone and not be who take it all. No one to replace us when we go in life, aging, sickness, death to the career of one only. The industry has always followed me like the ball shape. Those who make the industry healthy have good friends along with you. Those who create business data in there who hate injustice go by. The creator of the industry as providing the normal healing nectar go elsewhere. The evil karma is like bringing a solid exclusive with you, always after submission of fear, pain. According to Buddhist teachings, man is determined by all enterprises. Thus: "The swan flew only be the middle of nowhere, people are just magic fly from the ground, only higher location, modern well-off professional cleaning new reincarnation fly from this world " (Dhammapada 175). Bay News from this world free, free now. Should people practice is to career move. Go into good karma, ignorance to enlightenment, a deep moral liberation. In short, the business of being transferred to the career of the Buddhas, Saint, Hien. The professional then the karma It became a castle for being supportive, helping living beings happy, free ...END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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