Friday 20 January 2012


We preach about suffering and emotional harm they cause to the practice of our practice. However, that does not mean we do not care about these feelings. I know that school Psychology in the West often encourages people to express feelings and emotions, even the angry feelings.
Surely many people have encountered the grief of their past, if these feelings are squeezed, they can make a lasting psychological harm. In such cases, as the Tibetan saying: "when the clamshell closed, want to clean it, it is best to blow into it."
Therefore, I think it's important for those who want to practice their own results to control resist destructive emotions like anger, greed, attachment, and jealousy. Instead of pursuing these negative sentiments, we should try to minimize the attraction towards them.
If we ask ourselves when angry, we would be happier or calmer when we answer the obvious. As we have discussed previously, the mental disorder as a result caused by emotional inner pain that disturbed and we feel insecure and suffering.
Want happiness, our main goal is to fight this feeling pain. We can only achieve happiness and determination as we endeavor to practice in a long time and in the words of our Buddhist who is probably more life in the future.
As we have seen, the mental suffering never disappear, they will not easily dissipate over time. They will only end when our mind attempts to destroy, reduce the likelihood of damage and eventually eliminate them completely.
If we are to succeed, we must learn to fight the feeling that pain. We begin to practice the teachings of the Buddha, by reading all the books and listen to the teacher's instruction experience. This helps us to improve the plight of suffering vicious cycle of life and understand the methods of cultivation to escape from the scene was disturbing.
Through research and study so we will have to be "understanding by listening". It is also a necessary foundation for spiritual growth. After that, we should implement what we have learned to a deeper awareness. This action gives us the "knowledge through reflection" . Once we have selected a topic, we focus on the meditation until our mind has to integrate with it. This will give us an experience of knowledge called "insights through meditation" .
Three on the level of knowledge necessary to make real changes to our lives. With the knowledge through research and study of our faith becomes stronger, providing thorough insight meditation.
If we lack the knowledge gained through academic study and reflection on the matter have dedicated meditation, we will encounter many difficulties in the subject we are meditating. This vicious cycle is the nature of our suffering. This is like we are forced to meet someone that we do not want to meet. Therefore, it is important that we should be trying to do this three level of understanding with each other constantly.
The circumstances surrounding affect us. We need a quiet place to practice. The most essential is that we should meditate solitude. Therefore, we would not mind disturbed and disturbing.
The Most Dangerous Enemies
The Buddhist practice of us to be a long-term effort to achieve the purpose of escape suffering. It is not merely an act of virtue by which we avoid negative actions and promote the positive work.
While cultivation practice, we try to overcome the circumstances that we all have noticed the victim's mental suffering - the enemies of peace and serenity. These ills - such as the attachment, anger, arrogance and greed and so on. is the mental state that we act to create distress and suffering for themselves.
At practice in order to achieve peace and happiness in our hearts, we should view them as evil, because just like the devil, they can haunt us and gives us the size pain. Status beyond the emotions and negative thoughts, as well as all the sorrow anxiety called Nibbana (Nirvana).
First, we can not fight directly to the negative power on. We have slowly approached them. First, we should apply the rule, we refrain from being overwhelmed by the thoughts and negative emotions. We act like that by choosing a moral life.
According to Buddhism, that means we should not try to preserve the body ten evil includes killing or theft; verbal lie in your mouth and say instant hit with the jab evil comes from that industry, such as greed, anger and hatred.
When you think of the evil acts, we will notice that our feelings as passionate attachment - especially the nature of anger and hatred is very destructive emotions when they occur where they I and many others. One might say that this emotion is a powerful real-world destruction today. We could tell that most of all defilements and suffering that we encounter, we have basic self, are entirely derived from the above negative emotions. Indeed all the suffering are the direct result of these negative emotions such as attachment, greed, jealousy identity, pride, anger and hatred.
Although from the beginning we can not eradicate all the negative emotions, but at least not act on them. From here, we are trying to develop your meditation practice to directed against the inner suffering and profound practice virtue of our compassion. Finally, we need to eliminate all the suffering, by conscious life are not capital.
What is compassion? Compassion is the wish of everyone else no longer suffering. Through the practice of compassion we achieve enlightenment. Compassion encourages us to practice the work ethics towards the results of a Buddha. Therefore, we should endeavor diligently to develop compassion.
The first step is to have compassion, we should pity or sympathy live close to others. We must also understand the circumstances of their suffering. The more you live close to someone, the more we see the suffering of those who endure it. The proximity that I say here is not physical proximity, nor emotional closeness. That sense of responsibility, attention to our people.
To develop such intimacy, we need to express moral heart to love all people. We must recognize that closeness will enable the human mind at peace and happy. We understand people will respect and love when we know how well we treat them.
We need to think about the cons of the egotistical nature, recognizing that it adversely affects the immoral actions of our wealth and what we are now deprived of many rights benefit of those less fortunate like.
It is important that we should express our love for all people. This action is the result of virtues practiced discharge joy and sympathy. We need to recognize that our assets depends on the cooperation and contributions of many others. All aspects of welfare today is due to our hard work of everyone.
When we look around us, we are at home, the way we travel, clothes we wear, food we eat, we must understand that all things were made by people out. Nothing exists for us to enjoy and use, but not from the kindness of many people who helped us anonymous. When we consider testing this way, our affection for our people to develop, and close sympathy with them also increased.
We must be aware of support, depending on who we felt that we love. This awareness helps us close to them. It requires attention to others than is thought to myself. We have found that the impact to our great benefit for the source of all happiness. When we resist the world look to nature arrogant conceit of ourselves, we can replace it is a respectful attitude to know people. We should not expect rapid change our view on others.
Recognize the suffering of all people
After the development of empathy and closeness, the next important action is to practice compassion to well understand the nature of suffering. Our compassion for all beings must come from the awareness of their suffering. Thread particularly think of the suffering that it tends to become stronger and more effective if we focus on our own suffering and then expand the thinking of the suffering of others. Our compassion for others will grow as our awareness of their suffering increases.
All we certainly sympathize with those suffering from illness or suffering distress when encountered scenes bereavement. This kind of suffering in Buddhism is called "suffering pain" or pain of the suffering.
People with compassion pity those suffering which Buddhism called "pain of change" is more difficult. This is the kind of pain Monday. When we see people enjoy worldly success, instead of feeling pity because we know that joy would eventually end, leaving them with despair despair, often the response of admiration we feel and sometimes jealous.
If we truly understand the suffering and the nature of it, we will know that fame and riches are fleeting and joy will eventually have a natural end, only to cause suffering to people.
There is a deep pain Tuesday and most sophisticated. We often endure this pain, it is the product of a vicious circle. It is the nature of life are pertinent that we constantly influenced by the emotions and negative thoughts. And when we are under the control of it, our life is a form of suffering.
This type of suffering filled our lives, turn us in a vicious cycle of negative feelings and actions immoral. However, this form of suffering is very difficult to recognize. It is not clear state of suffering that we encounter in the kind of "suffering in pain" . It is not the opposite of wealth and fame, as we found in the "suffering of change" . But this pervasive suffering is suffering the deepest. It is steeped in every aspect of life.
Once we cultivate the insights of three levels of suffering through the experience of our own, our easy to focus and learn to recognize three levels of people suffering . Since then, we can develop our wish people escape from suffering.
Once we combine the idea of empathy for people with a deep understanding of the suffering they endure, we will be able to develop genuine compassion for many others. We must do this continually, we can compare this event with us spark by rubbing two stones together.

To be able to burn, we know that we need to contact maintain the grinding milling raises the temperature to a level that catches fire wood can be. Similarly, when we try to develop the mental capacity such as compassion, we must be diligent application of spiritual techniques necessary to achieve desired results. If sales using the method of chance we will never succeed.
Re: An Open Heart

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