Friday 20 January 2012


Q: appearance of the very calm but inside are not alone, delusions emerged as swell. May the guru teaches the dharma practice makes the mind calm.
For those new to practitioners based on the primary path is the best way to meditate and reflect on the Four Thoughts Transfer Center. Four Ideas Transfer Center are:
(1) body rare hard to find, with the full agreement can be charming to walk on the path
(2) cause and effect
(3) very often
(4) defects of the realm that she
All delusions comes from the mind egoism. The root of all delusions is the ego. If your ego is as much emotional defilements and delusions in children will become more and more rushing. As more and reflect on the Four Thoughts Transfer Center will increasingly understand that selfishness and ego mind is wrong, adding that business, making you more distress, lost valuable practice time only . Understanding so then I will practice selfless. When less selfish ego and the mind is not strong delusion will gradually settle down because of the negativity will not easily emerge, or if it will rise to be recognized instantly cut away.
For medium-based practitioners must always nurture and practice of bodhicitta, the wish is noble sacrifice for others, but always forget their sacrifice my jobs benefiting beings, along with wishes to also attained enlightenment for the sake of sentient beings. You must always try to foster a healthy heart. The good heart or mind is peaceful, but the Dalai Lama often reminds us. When the mind healthy and peaceful mind is nourished in every moment, the delusion will gradually reduce.
Particularly for practitioners often need to observe the children to understand the nature of the mind, the emotional nature of the impurities of the mind. Mental impurities or other emotional distress without spending massive waves in the ocean. Waves are the sea and ocean waves can not be without. No other sea waves. Both consolidation. Also this letter, not out of true delusions mind. Delusions center on fact and truth is only one. When the waves melted, the melt go? Do not go anywhere. Waves into the sea. Wave and sea merge.
When you practice love, has always been skeptical to others serving in the very spirit of love, then that is the ultimate in unparalleled. When the mind is always in harmony love supreme will reduce the anger, envy will reduce, will reduce delusions. Origin beings to fall into the lower realms of the heart and mind anger, hatred. Thus, even now there is going to lose their lives again, the child should not give rise to hatred and hated no one, absolutely not turn back with love! This is the noble qualities of enlightenment.
What can help children practice these things? Mindfulness and awareness can help you. When the mind just flashes the field, then immediately taken to extinguish mindfulness. Then, let's see-awareness and reflection of this anger come from, why this place. Try to look at the nature of anger. This anger is real or not real? The nature of anger located? Hay should also be dependent origination in anger, let's recognize the emptiness. If you hard mindful and deeply reflect in each moment, one day, you will liberate yourself out all the delusions and emotional defilements.
Germany Jigten Sumgon [the founders of Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism] once said: All the Buddhas are located in the heart of being.
This means that the Buddhas of the three main life comes from the practice of mindfulness and awareness of others. Heart of the Buddha and sentient beings with a heart of nature. In the practice of mindfulness and awareness are the child will know what is wrong, what is right. Since then, wisdom arises. When wisdom arises, the emotional defilements and delusions will be eliminated from the cradle.
In fact, the heart of the Buddha and sentient mind of the same nature, same as water. But the heart of the Buddha is like water in the universe, while the heart of the beings is like cool water muddy mud. Mud cloudy in the mind of sentient beings are emotional defilements and delusions, the ego mind, clinging to the bogus one. Even as such but also where perforated mud is located outside the country, where water is separated from? Like emotional defilements and delusions is not out of mind, not separate from the mind but to know how to purify the contaminated mud will settle down, water will emerge.
If today, you know to help reflect the dirty mud settles down and let the water rising every day in every bit, every little bit every month, every year a little more mud will settle and dry above the water will imply that all countries. At some point, when awareness of the human mind fully radiant and most intense, that's when you will be successful Buddhahood.
Buddha taught 84,000 teachings, but you should not worry too much the practice [such as the practice should do]. 84,000 that the practice is not out of the two Noble Truths, is to stand and stand, a relative truth and the truth fullness. The first truth is relative truth, is love, please accept the very skeptical, selflessly to countless beings. This is relatively Bodhi mind, a good heart, mind gentle, loving heart. But to practice relatively Bodhi mind, the child should have a proper understanding of cause and effect! And the second truth, the truth is to use the fullness of mindfulness and awareness to contemplate emptiness directly receive, directly recognize self. When direct-self receive the fullness bodhicitta would like the full moon. Just practice the depth of two Noble Truths are the children had practiced all 84,000 teachings of the Buddha then.

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