Friday 20 January 2012


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Even while weaving

People come to an end

with the thread was woven blinds complete

human life as such.

(Word of the Buddha Shakyamuni )

People need to be mindful of death, which is the reflect that he will not live long in this world. If there is no sense of death, people will not know the particular advantage of this life that you are getting. "Best Furniture multiplication itself, for thousands of real life" , meaning that once the body is lost then the universal that life was difficult. Human life is so meaningful in this life because human life can achieve important results that you want.
The analysis does not mean death to his fear of death, but to know the value of this precious human life, while living in one can practice many important legal subjects. Rather than fear death, you need to ponder that when death comes near, you'll lose a good opportunity to practice. So think about death will bring more power for your practice.
You need to accept that death is inevitable in this life. Buddha stated that "a place not of death, is not true, not nowhere, not in the sea, nor even in the mountains."
If you accept that death is part of life when death is near, you will be able to face it much easier.
When people know deeply within his heart that death will come but avoid thinking about it, obviously do not know and no benefits. The same is true when people accept that old age is part of life, old age and do not want to avoid thinking about it. Such attitudes do not lead to the preparation of the mind, and when old age comes, everything will be very difficult.
Many people were getting old but still very young as yourself. Many times when you see those long years, such as some lawmakers in countries like the United States, I say "hi his old friend" . I mean we've known each other for a long time but I'm not talking about 'old age' . But when I offered this, some people have corrected me forcefully: "we are not old, we are long-time friend" . Actually they were old, with the hairs are growing in the ears, a sign of old age, but their discomfort with aging. So without thinking about life.
I often think about life a hundred years at most of one's life, but compared to the life of this earth's life is how humans. In this short life, people should try to live to be careful not to cause suffering to themselves and others. Life is so precious should not create the destruction that should be devoted to activities that build character, or at least do not harm others or cause trouble for their suffering. So in May of our brief as a tourist on this planet will be meaningful. If a traveler to visit somewhere in a short time which caused much trouble, so is wrong. But if as a tourist, you make other people happy about this limited time, so be wise, and you leave this place to another you will feel happy. If you stir crazy, even though you do not encounter any difficulties during their stay in this place, but you will ask yourself during your time here has done something.
Life of a hundred years, beginning as early childhood, the end is the old age, are like an animal, only to eat and fall asleep. About the last several decades can live a meaningful way. Buddha said: "Half of our life sleeping. Ten years of living in childhood. Twenty years of living in old age. In the remaining twenty years of grief, lament and worry, occupying much time, and hundreds illness took more time. "
To make life meaningful, happy to accept your old age and death as part of his life. People have trouble thinking of death but easier in greed, cause more trouble, and intended to harm others.
We see people who are considered the major characters, like the kings queens, building palaces and buildings are buildings, we see clearly in their mind that they will live forever in the life this. The consequences of self-deception is more pain and more trouble for others.
For those who do not believe in future life, the contemplation of reality has its advantages and scientific. Because the human mind and all phenomena are predestined by the change in each moment, ponder these things lead to the ability to develop themselves towards good. If life never change, we will forever bear the suffering. When we know that things are changing whether we're going through a difficult period, we can still find solace in the knowledge that this situation will not like that forever. So there is no reason to despair.
Good destiny is not permanent, and so when good things come to me, I should not want too much. The idea that things will never change is a disastrous mistake. For example, Whether we accept that there are after-life, I just think the current and future view of less importance. So we will miss a good opportunity when our lives are free time and the conditions to practice the teachings of benefits. A clear understanding of the teaching of impermanence is always a good thing for us.
Do realize that life is impermanent, humans have a sense of discipline and the photography for his mind. Discipline or practice that is not forbidden, which means that the tension between long-term benefits and short-term gains, you sacrifice short-term benefits and long-term benefits chosen later. This is self-discipline comes from the sense of karmic law of cause and effect. For example, let my stomach recover after a bout of illness recently, I avoid sour foods and cold drinks even though these items seem appetizing and appealing. Type of discipline is intended to defend itself. Similarly, the contemplation of death leads to self-discipline or self-restraint, self-defense, rather than punishment.
Humans have the potential to create good things, but to be able to fully use this potential, there must be freedom. Totalitarianism is the obstacle to this development. To supplement and personal freedom means you do not rely on something external and not wait for the orders of others, but your own initiative. So Buddha is often referred to "personal freedom" , which means self-liberation, not through an organization. Each individual must create a better future for themselves. Freedom and individualism require self-discipline. If these are being used for emotional distress would have disastrous consequences. Freedom and self-discipline to go together.
Eye opening
According to Buddhism, the highest goal of every practitioner to attain Buddhahood is to have the capacity to save sentient beings. However, an average level of achievement can liberate the practitioner from the cycle of birth, aging, sickness and death, full of pain, a lower level of achievement but still valuable in the workplace for the future existence of practitioners easier. From changing your life for the better, one can attain liberation finally will see the Buddhahood. First open your eyes wide, including the future life, and then, by understanding your destiny, your eyes expanded, to include more reincarnations. Finally, this understanding can be extended to others, through the will of compassion for all beings desire freedom from suffering and eliminate the cause of suffering. Compassion is the basis vows to promote your practice to become a Buddha.
You must have an interest in the deeper aspects of life to affect the future life, most can fully understand the nature of suffering and reincarnations. Following the understanding of reincarnation is painful conditions required to fully develop compassion.
The disadvantage of not having the sense of death
Knowing that he would die, it is of interest. Why? If there is no sense of death, you will not pay any attention to practice that only live for nothing, do not fully understand the attitudes and behaviors that cause pain and lead to the kind of bliss.
If you do not think I could die soon, you will fall into the illusion endures that "far from his last death" (I'll die later on, later on). When at last, despite trying to achieve a certain value, you will no strength anymore. Many Tibetans joined the monastery as a young man to study classics, but when it comes to actual practice, the ability of their deficit. That's because they do not understand the true teachings of impermanence.
If after thinking about the practice, you decided to adopt the practice of retreat a few months or few years, so you have applications that are aware of their impermanence. But if a quick decision that is not maintained by the contemplation of the destructive nature of impermanence, the practice of light you will fade away. That's why some people retreat for many years but the practice does not affect their lives later. The contemplation of impermanence not only promote your practice, but also energize you again.
If there is a strong sense of inevitability and unpredictability of death, you are from within the movement, like having a friend warned her that, "be careful, go into the mind, another day has gone through " (Be careful, be Earnest, another day is passing).
Maybe you live in the monastery monastic. So you have legal title and dress of the clergy. You will have less busy work. You will change the attitude towards life, towards his attention to further these objectives. And by contrast you continue to worry about the futility of the world as delicious, even beautiful, in that luxurious, frivolous talk, have many friends and familiar, including creating more enemies if someone do something that you do not like and then taken to the conflicts and disputes with each other, so you do not get any better than before, was not ordained, and perhaps even worse than before. Remember, if only to avoid frivolous activities lest you underestimate his fellow is not enough, which must be transformed from within. This is significant for you as well as monks and nuns who lay in memory and applied to the practice. Perhaps you are familiar with the idea that endures, I think that is far from dead and alive, need to have fun like normal people. Do want to enjoy life now, even at long-term mean, you're willing to use unethical means to get what you want, such as predatory lending at interest, taking advantage of friends, events ... to have more action needs good care for life. Since you have chosen such a lifestyle should money become more attractive as moral education, and even if you want to practice, you do not pay much attention to it. If a page hits the ground, can you hesitate to pick it up, but if a bill down the street and the other to go. If you met who has devoted his life to the target depth, can you think well of the dedication, but just like that. If you see a man dressed luxurious display of wealth, you'll start craving heart, you wish you would be so, and eventually you will do anything to achieve purpose he desires.
Once lured into the flow line of the worldly life flowers, the disturbing emotions of greed, hatred, ignorance, jealousy, pride will rise, and take the path way for you to create more bad karma . The disturbing emotions only cause trouble, do yourself and those around them fall into malaise. Although you probably already know a bit about the practice, but you accumulate more material wealth and more people involved, after all can say you are practicing frivolous things of this world, starting craving for the person you have feelings, anger and launch center for people you dislike, and you find ways to pursue the emotional brain is troubling. When it came to even have heard of the practice of righteousness, you will also hesitated and missed. During the reincarnations of the cortex, to this day, you are familiar with the emotional distress, but now you can add frivolous legal. Thus the situation becomes worse, making you far away from what's actually more useful.
Drawn by the desire, you will never find satisfaction. You do not make other people happy, and certainly do not make yourself happy. When you become more selfish with what 'his' shall any person intervene and immediately became the target of your anger. Whether you see the importance of his friends and his loved ones, but they can not help you at birth and at his death.
You was born alone and then will leave it alone. If on the day you die, someone you can go with the stick to keep the value of your friends, but can not have it. When you are reborn in a totally unfamiliar situation, if the people in your past life can help something is also a valuable relationship, but this event can not happen. Yet in the time interval between birth and death, lasting decades, those of you that "your friend", "my sisters" . The attachment was not in place, does not provide any benefit at all, but only create more greed, hatred and delusion only.
When the craving for their favorite people and also the anger with the people you hate. When born, you do not know who anyone else. Though all of us want to be happy and do not want to suffer, but you still like some people and think "they are my friends" and some people hate "these people are my enemy" . You add labels and nicknames for them to leave the craving or aversion. So they have any value? Not worth anything. The problem here is that I spend too much energy for frivolous things of this life. The great spiritual value to be forgotten before the pettiness like that.
If you do not practice, and when you are dying around you and those who work with you, instead of having someone remind you about the practice of spiritual, moral, clearly main that you have brought the trouble yourself. The fallacy of this is that you do not have a sense of impermanence.
Awareness of the benefits of the teaching of impermanence
However, if you have to wait until the last minute now poignant truth that he will die, and you get to an actual situation of right now, you will not be dominated by the more frivolous goals . You will not be distracted with important long-term goals. You should decide from the outset that I will die, and find out what the real value. If you remember that life passes quickly, you will appreciate the time and will do what has value. With a strong sense of inevitable death will come to you, you will find that you need to practice, to transform the mind, and not waste time with the pleasures of eating to chat about the war, the the romance and the private lives of others.
All beings want happiness and do not want suffering. We use many different techniques to eliminate the suffering large and small. We humans know practical ways to practice early in his life to avoid pain later. In life, people with religious and non religious people are trying to alleviate some pain and suffering than the other, sometimes even using a small pain as a means to overcome suffering and achieve a large certain kind of happiness.
Everyone is trying to eliminate pain outside, but there are other methods to eliminate suffering a deeper level, aims to reduce or eliminate pain in the future life, and furthermore, explain excluding all forms of suffering for ourselves and for our students. This method is called spiritual practice.
These methods include attitude adjustment. So, basically, practice means better control of their thoughts. In Sanskrit, spiritual practice known as "Dharma", meaning "holding." This means that by adjusting the bad attitude, you exit a level of suffering and so are "held back" from that pain. The spiritual practice has the protection of yourself and others from falling into the abyss of mortal suffering.
From the first to know of their status in the cycle and find ways to keep her from suffering, you convey his realization to others and compassion arise, ie voluntary help sentient beings out of suffering . Despite being a living, you have good reason to choose the path of helping many other creatures, but also something else, it's due attention to the interests of others, you yourself will feel happy more. Have compassion, you will reduce your own pain and increases inner strength.
Let me tell you about a small example, recently I was in Bodh Gaya (Bodhgaya), I suffered from chronic intestinal infection. On the way to the hospital I felt very sore, and shed much sweat. Our vehicles go through the mountain vultures (ie Process Linh Son) and the villagers in this area is very poor. Generally, Bihar is a poor state, but the region's poorest. I did not see a child go to school. Only poverty and disease. I remember very clearly a paralyzed boy, wearing the rusted metal bar clamp in two crutches legs and arms. Obviously no one in the baby. I was very moved. One other place I saw an old man at a roadside tea shop, wearing only a dirty piece of cloth, fell to the ground, and are always there to help but no one stood up. Then I was taken to hospital, I kept thinking about what you just saw, sadly, ponder that while there are many people I care, but those poor people out there are none. I thought of it and forget their pain. Although sweat is pouring out, I just thought of others.
So even though my body suffered pain (with a hole in the intestinal tract) and I could not sleep, my mind was not afraid. If I had to focus on his illness, only make the situation worse only. This is a small example from my experience of myself compassionate attitude has benefits for both themselves, as to forget the painful parts of his body, relieves anxiety, although others did not receive the direct benefits.
Compassion helps us more strength, and with courage, we will calm softer . When you open your eyes we included the agony of innumerable beings, the suffering of myself seems too small.
Nguồn: Advice on Dying and living a Better life

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