Friday 20 January 2012


Hatred and delusion and hatred are the two friends together. At a young age, I had quite a close relationship with the hatred and delusion. Then, gradually, I found a great deal of disagreement with it. By using common sense, plus the help of compassion and wisdom, I now have a stronger argument to defeat hatred and delusion.
Perhaps there are two kinds of hatred and delusion. Another type of hatred and delusion can be transformed into a kind of positive emotions. For example, if a person has a real engine, from hard-loving, and caring to someone that they do not even pay attention to warnings about their actions, then there is no choice other than to use a certain kind of force to stop the bad behavior of that person again.
According to my experience, if individuals know each attempt, he or she can change the whole. Of course, not change overnight, but requires more time. To change and deal with the emotions, the essence is to analyze how these ideas are useful, constructive, and beneficial to us. I want to say to make our ideas become more calm, more relaxed, and the thought gives us peace to mind, not the ideas generated insecurity, fear and angry.
Inside the body are billions of different molecules. Likewise, there are many different ideas, the same sorts of states of consciousness (the mask of) different. The restaurant has a very clear review our inner world and there is a distinction between the state of consciousness is good and bad is wise indeed rewarding. Once you can recognize the value of the good state of mind, you can raise them up or reinforce them.
Buddha's teachings on the Four Noble Truths and these form the foundation of Buddhism. Third base is the base away. In this framework, the cessation of mean state of mind, ie consciousness, through the religious life and effort, ended all the negative emotions. It is a condition in which the individual has reached the fullness of heart, escape the consequences of the emotions, the sense of the different nature of the negative and disturbing.
Destroy the true state, according to Buddhism, is the shelter, refuge that all Buddhists are religious want to. The reason people want to seek refuge in the Buddha not because the Buddha from the beginning was a special man, but because he realized the true state killing.
In general, according to Buddhist scriptures, an emotion or a negative mask of all be considered "state caused turmoil in the mind of a person" . The emotions and bring awareness of this disturbing factor is not made ​​happy and cause chaos in our hearts. At a scientific meeting that I attended, people have come to the conclusion that even the Buddha have emotions. Since then, karuma (compassion), or mercy or infinite kindness, can be regarded as a kind of emotion.
Of course, emotions can be positive or negative. But when it comes to hatred and delusion, as we mean to those negative emotions. The negative emotions are the feelings create the mood distress, frustration, irritability, what the long term will cause any karma. The karma which ultimately led to the injury, harm to others, and this brings pain or suffering for yourself. This is what we intend to talk about negative emotions.
In the path of Tantric Buddhist meditation is the method for transformation of our force field si fine. This is the reason behind your potentially violent. On the basis of the engine, the compassion, in some cases, may become useful, because it gives us more strength, and allows us to act quickly. But anger often leads to hatred, and hatred is always negative. Anger is ill-nourished soil.
I used to analyze the hatred and delusion based on two levels: the human level and the level of the Buddha. From the human level, without relying on any religious tradition or ideology, we can also view the source of our happiness: the health, material comforts and the best friends . Now, if considered from the perspective of health, the negative emotions, such as anger, are not entirely beneficial.
Your mental state must always remain calm, even with anxiety, worry no matter what happens, because all through life only to have that conversation. Like waves that, rising from the water and blend again with water, the disturbance is very short, so they do not affect behavior, mind you. If you keep calm, blood pressure and so on ... will stabilize, resulting in your health will be better.
Some of my friends have high blood pressure, but they have never been near falling into the health risks and they never feel tired at all. Over the years I have met some very wonderful practitioner. Meanwhile, I also have other friends who are materially comfortable, but, when we started talking to each other, after some initial social question, they start whining and depression. Although the material prosperity, but those that do not have souls or quiet relaxation. As a result, they always worry about digestion, eating his sleep, everything! So, clearly the peace of mind is a very important factor for good health.
The second leading source of happiness is from the comfort of our material. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, my mood is hardly comfortable, so when looking at their watches, I felt uncomfortable. Yet another day, perhaps because of the experiences in earlier days, I wake up with excited mood, happy and calm. Then, looking at the clock, I find it beautiful how swift. But also the clock but it does have something else first? Such differences stem from the attitude of our spirit. This shows that, although the use of material comforts can bring real satisfaction or not also depends on mental attitude of us.
If our minds are filled with hatred and delusion, the material possessions we also had bad luck. Please tell by my own experience, when I was young, I often sit fix the clock. I have tried and failed many times. Sometimes I lose all composure and beat the clock! In such moments, the anger has completely changed my attitude. Then I felt very sorry for his actions. If my target clock is correct, then why do I beat it on the table? Again, you can also see mental attitude is important how to take advantage of the physical facilities for the satisfaction or their true interests.
Tuesday roots leads to happiness is all our friends. It is clear that, when your soul calm, calm, your honest and open, although there is disagreement about the idea was great, but you can still indicated, expressed on human aspects. You can aside the dissent that and communicate with each other as human beings. I think it's a way to make it positive feelings in the minds of others.
I think there is more value in the emotional nature of the human foot, compared with the situation and so on ... I'm just a mere human. Through experience and discipline of the mind, a new attitude that has arisen. This is nothing special. You, who I think have a good education and have more experience than me, is more likely to change his own mind. I was born in a small village, where no modern education or insights about the world. Also, from 15-16 years old, I had an impossible burden from the then.
One of you all will feel that he has great ability, and with confidence with a little effort, the change is really possible if you want. If you feel unhappy in your current lifestyle and having some difficulties, then do not look at these negative things. Take a look at the positive side, possibilities, and your efforts.
Also, when we communicate with others, then the attitude of our spirit is still very important. Even for people who do not follow any faith at all, just a real simple person only, the ultimate source of happiness is also in the attitude of our spirit. Although you have good health, many material comforts and have good relationships with others, the main causal of happiness is still inside you .
Now, you can learn how to minimize hatred and delusion. First, it is important to realize the nature of these negative emotions, especially hostility, hatred. I regard hatred as the ultimate enemy. Regarding the word "enemy" , I meant to say to people or factors directly or indirectly cause damage to our interests. Our main interests is to create the ultimate happiness.
Now we can talk about external enemies. For external enemies, we can escape from or evade, sometimes even possible to fool it. For example, if someone would cause disturbance to the peace within my heart, I can escape by closing the quiet room and sat alone. But I can not do it with great hatred and delusion! Though I go, it will always be present. Although I have locked the door of his anger still be inside. Unless you use a certain way, but they could never escape from it all. Thus, anger and hatred - and here I mean the anger negatively - after all who is destroying the peace where my soul, so is my real enemy.
Some people believe that the suppressed emotions are bad, it's best just to leave it exposed. I think there are differences between different negative emotions. For example, with the disappointment, all the depression that has arisen as a result of past events. Sometimes, if you cover up the negative events, such as how such abuse, they do not even want to even this raises problems. Therefore, in this case, the best way is to express the pain and just leave it.
However, for the anger, if you do not have an attempt to relieve it, it will still be followed along with you and even increase further. Then, even with the small problems you will instantly angry. Once you try to control or suppress anger, it then gradually even big events will not cause you to be angry.
When the hatred and delusion appears, there is a significant technical help you stay calm in the heart. You will not become upset or disappointed because this is the people's anger. There is a natural relationship between cause and effect. Once the causes and conditions that have full convergence, it can hardly prevent rotation results (results not process cotton bear fruit). The key is that customs review the situation, so that right from the beginning steps people can put an end to the process of creating that effect. Then, it no longer continue to step to the next stage anymore.
In a book on Buddhism, Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life (Only male Bodhisattvas live well), great scholar Shantideva (Shantideva) having said that, it is important to ensure not become entangled in a situation made ​​to our discontent because discontent is plant the seed of hatred and delusion. This means that one must have a certain look for material possessions, their friends, and for different circumstances.
The feeling dissatisfied, unhappy, loss of hope, etc. ... the fact we belong to the whole phenomenon. Without the right perspective, anything they can also cause us frustration. However, the phenomenon is part of reality, and we depend on the laws of existence. So this gives us a unique choice: change your own attitude, looking for things, all phenomena can be friends or the source of happiness, rather since become an enemy or a source of frustration.
In terms of that, having an enemy is downright awful. It's distracting to calm the soul and destroys some good things in it. However, if we look at it from another angle, only one enemy alone gives us the opportunity to set the ring. No one else gives us the opportunity to get the ring. Because we know where all human beings on this Earth, so we have little chance to get the ring. Only people we know who is causing much suffering for us really gives us the opportunity to practice patience and tolerance.
Shantideva said that the deliberately harm an enemy that we become very special. If the enemy is not intentional harm us, then we would not put him on the type of enemy, and therefore our attitude will be totally different. Originator of his or her mind that made ​​him an enemy, and by thus, the enemy gave us the opportunity to practice tolerance and patience. Therefore, the real enemy is a quarterly report of his master . By thinking in the line of interpretation so you can gradually diminish the spirit of negative emotions, especially anger.
Another question is, if you still always modest and others can take advantage of you, should you react? This is very simple: you should act with wisdom or common sense, there is no hatred or anger. If the situation is not good leads you need to decide what type of action, then the For his part, you can - without any anger - take measures to respond. Indeed, such actions - which follow the true wisdom, not anger - very useful in practice. Measures against a given in anger often leads to mistakes. With no hatred and delusion, not hatred, we can acquire a more efficient way.
There is a ring of other capital property related to the shoulder of the suffering of others. I'm thinking of situations in which, by engaging in certain activities, we understand the arduous toil and suffer its previous session that involved immediate, but in our hearts believe that these actions will have a beneficial long-term consequences. Do attitude, commitment and desire to create long-term interests of us, so sometimes we ourselves stand out welcome-deliberately and with caution - the difficulties and obstacles to upset capital in the short term.
I dare absolutely sure that if the Dalai Lama the 14th of this little smile, I probably would not have been a few friends everywhere. My attitude towards others as they always look at the human dimension. On that aspect, even the president, queen or a beggar nor any difference, as long as there is a truly emotional affection with a smile full of people.
Re: Wisdom of Success In Life


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