Friday 20 January 2012


Ego finds itself at the center of the universe, and its location is permanent. How can we oppose this false perception? Let's debate with the self. The debate about it in other people see it and how.

1. All we all want the same.

There are people you love, someone you do not like, someone you do not like nor hate. The truth is that all of them, whether you like it or not, are just like you want it, all want happiness. They wanted to be suffering, as well as you do. You can set a person deserves to suffer or not? How do you distinguish it?
Everyone wants to feel good, have nice dreams, want peace, just as you do. They have no desire to, like you, they deserve it accomplished dreams. Their happiness is as important as your happiness.
2. Brand "friends" tried to be? Branded the "enemy" tried to be?
Suppose we cross the street and a car about to hit us. In that moment, knowing that our life is about to disappear like a dream, it is worth keeping our hearts do not hate someone? Or our attachment to someone? When faced with death or bias any of our argument often becomes meaningless. The difference between us and the person about to be hit by a car that they have clearer ideas about when they will leave. But sooner or later we are not also in a similar position. Probably tomorrow, or next few years. I will have to leave everyone and everything, so it is worth keeping our aversion or attachment does not?
3. We rely on the kindness of others.
Everyone, whether we know them or not, affects our lives in some way - or that they produce an accessory for our car repairs, or to grow wheat give us bread to eat. If you look at all things from the angle of regeneration, then we have no present from my youth, under one form or another, so all beings at one time or another have to contact us. All sentient beings have been a close and dear one of us, we have met along the way, has been the mother of us, bathing and eating us. They have also insulted and hurt us, but more often than they do something to maintain our lives. And any damage they caused to us all by the fear. The enemy today could be the love yesterday. We do not know. That's what likely happened. Keep in mind this deeply.
If I decide to get rid of my ego, I can not do without the others: When I try to practice patience, if I try to keep her no harm someone, then the person My anger has given me the opportunity to practice patience. When I try to turn our attachment to pure love, the haunted me for giving me the opportunity to try. I can not survive without the kindness and generosity of others.
4. All of us are in similar plight.
All of us are suffering the same and all human beings are born dead. If I were a doctor and three men standing before dying, what can I say, "I'll treat her like the others?" . Can not have enough time to cure to all three, but should be meaningful so.
Because I will die and you will die, that means that everything is impermanent. No story is one that will forever be your friend or someone who is an enemy forever. We can see it right in your life. People that we vow to love life becomes our best friend. See someone as "you" or "enemies" always, do not change, that is the ego's blind. But "you" depending on "enemy" is like the East West depending on the night depending on the day, depending on the bottom. What you do affects me and vice versa. It is said that the motion of a butterfly in China will affect the wind in the U.S.. The body of our identity and our lives are adhered tightly to each other. We are not permanent, we do not exist in isolation, and no one or nature is your enemy.
5. Take the example of the enlightened.
When you see these great men like Buddha or Jesus notes, see the prophet or holy order, that he can distinguish between people with other people? No. They are not like them or not. They all want to help everyone equally. These ancient teachings tell us that this enlightened treat others as a mother treats her child. The teachers also felt that the Buddha taught about the perfumes offered to him as well as his strong arm. All his business and wants to help them, because people are suffering and expect happiness. This to us seems extreme, but that is possible. I saw my teacher living life in a state of serenity. No one came to close their hand, but I feel they treat people bad to treat them as close to students.
When you see the truth of "me, the most valuable," you begin to develop insight. When you really understand the interdependence of all things, the nature of reality, then you have wisdom. But as long as it is sufficient to achieve liberation from suffering? Probably not. The evil must be replaced with the good. Hatred must be replaced with the patience or understanding. Attachment should be replaced with pure love. The hatred must be replaced by the love and care. The knowledge alone is not enough. The love and compassion will lead to the development of the ability to choose the life that we desire. When we give up the ego, then we replace it with something? We replace "me, the most valuable" by others is considered the most valuable.
Moves to end up excluding "me, ​​the most precious" is to start work for others happiness and suffering to people receive. Ego think you should have what's best, so if the it's the worst it will withdraw. This method of training called tonglen - give and take.
At first, if you really practice, no need to navigate to many, a time also, may be people you love, your children, or anyone you are interested. Imagine sitting next to him; you to exhale with the right nostril and comes out with his breath is all good deeds and love you. Give all the goodness he did not hesitate. It is the practice of love. Then inhale with left nostril and get all the source of suffering for him - that is to practice compassion - and let it hit right at the beginning of the self.
Now perhaps there is a hesitancy - so sure - when admitted to the suffering of others. If this thought makes you afraid, start by getting to take all the suffering in your future, the suffering that you will go through tomorrow, in the coming weeks, months, years to come, the life to come. Get out now and let it dissolve in your heart and into the nature of reality.
We can use this practice to take advantage of our problems instead of letting them make us crazy. We received the results of what we have sown in human history, and we are happy to that it will pass away, disappeared from our lives and we will pass it. Then we can really pray remember that a little pain or fear, or something that way, can help make others suffer such a painful or more. The steps of this ancient religion teaches that faith in the power of compassion, a little pain can save us from suffering a lot worse in the future. A bit of financial difficulty can substitute for a million years as hungry ghosts. A bit of a headache may be substituted for a very long time in the place of hell. If we look at it this way: "Yes I have an accident, but to be alive" , or "Yeah, it hurt her, but at least no one make the wound worse," the problem will become nothing as big as his thought.
After a while your practice with others, whom you really love, the people that you're willing to do everything to keep them from suffering. Everyone will suffer in the form of a dark cloud in the heart. Your breath and pull it out of the dark clouds of them, or from your people. Inside the heart, the ego is a small lamp burning. Dark clouds come in and blow that fire. Phu, so it was off, was destroyed. And these people, because you've swallowed the cause of evil causes misery and suffering, all will be freed from both. Instead you give them good luck, joy, blessings, and your wisdom in the form of light. And they will be flooded with light and become happy.
Re: An Healthy Living Dead

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