Friday 20 January 2012


Anger are two sides of a coin. Since u smart, we distinguish birth center, clinging things, deter voters. In the absence of the things we want, or others to obstruct us achieve your goals, or the incident is not the way we want, we born anger, anger, hatred. The reaction with the attitude that no benefit whatsoever. We only bring harm. Because of greed, hatred and delusion, three poison of the mind, we constantly create karma, afflictions.
Nothing is more harmful anger, because of its nature is destructive. It is our enemies. Not happy with things that can come from anger, because of its negative nature.
Anger and disputes can lead to violence. When offended, most of us have to eat to feel lost, in retaliation for being. It is the natural reaction of man. "If anyone rude to me, I will respond with the gruff. If someone hit me, I will fight back for justice " . Or more than that, "It is my enemy, if you kill it, I was satisfied" .
We do not realize that when one is inclined to temper, or making any new enemies, the enemies seem everywhere present. More and more I see hardly anyone friendly, and easy to hate people. People started to avoid us, make us more and more isolated, alone. When angry, sometimes I even flush out bad words, cursing others.
The Tibetan question, "Words do not carry swords, but can injure the heart." His words are sometimes very dangerous, not only because they can hurt others, but also stimulated anger within us add up. Usually we go in a vicious circle: people feel unhappy with the other, causing the words uttered touching; the other went react well with unkind words. So both heat up and starting a war of re-occurring. In a country or several countries in the world too. This group also aggressive with other factions, countries at war with another country.
When you leave the hot-tempered, angry his master, it is like when you want to kill someone by throwing them into the river, but your two hands to embrace them, so eventually they both sink . That is when you want to destroy your enemies, you are destroying their own.
It is better to pinch the fire extinguished before he could play yard into a fire, with calm. When you understand your responsibilities to yourself, it will be easier than doing so. When you have a not good for us, do we get angry, it is often regarded as naturally they act, behave like that. Where can we know that in the previous life, saying it was rude to them, beat them abused, or have thoughts of their animosity. So instead of blaming others, circumstances or blame our human afflictions, we have to face our real enemy. Enemies that, firstly, make us lose the peace, happiness and lasting than the obstacles we achieve liberation. The enemy that is the hatred, intolerance of our own.
Understanding how, we have nothing to oppose. No argument, no longer see others as enemies, when the real enemy is gone. A big reward for little effort petty is not it? On long term, you and others also avoid repeating the same situation that conflicts can occur. So both of them mutually beneficial.
I have a habit of always trying to retaliate against another, making with them. If someone insulted me, I usually cling, and then his own tortured by the question: Why is it telling me that? And so on. Like when people shoot an arrow towards it, but do not hit, and when we do try to accept the words, the actions of people like me go pick it up and the arrow lodged in his close it, to order injury by thoughts like: "It said those words was too much, I can not believe that it can say that to me."
But we can use this method to visualize a different way, almost changed the angry reaction by our habits. Initially it will be difficult to practice in the time being angry, the mind is not clear, but we will start practicing at home alone. Imagine the conflict and our normal reactions. For example, imagine someone beating, abusive or insulting you. You thought: "What do I do? I have to protect me instead - I will fight back. I will kick him out of the house " . Now try a different behavior. Be told myself, "He is angered me, but what is anger? It is one of the toxic food for the mind, leading to create negative karma, which leads to suffering. Retaliate with angry people do it just as soon see a crazy person jumping into the abyss. We have to act like that? Action is clearly insane, but as more mad if I did like him " .
Remember that those attacks, treatment is not good for you, only true recipe for misery, creating negative karma just because u smart. They think they are acting for the benefit of himself, are fixing the wrong thing, or prevent the harm that may occur. But the fact that their actions do not bring any benefit. They have more in common with a headache who, while using the hammer on his head to relieve pain. And then they blame others for their pain, others angry, anti-back makes things even more worse. When thinking about their unhappiness, it is recognized that they deserve for us to trade rather than blame, anger. Then we will have more motivation to do everything to protect them from further suffering, as we have done with stubborn child, just run into the street, but when he tried to lead it to fight it, scratched one. Instead of leaving those who like self-destruction, we need to realize that they themselves are looking for happiness but not know what to do.
Furthermore our enemies today will not necessarily forever. Who cause distress to us today, then this can become a good friend of us. Or that in a previous life, they may be people born, raised and loved it.
Practice meditation like forever, we will know how to react to conflict with compassion, anger returns by their kindness.
Another way is to use more mindful of the character development of the field and not field goals. For example, someone told us that: "He is villain" . Ask yourself that: "What do people say I have become bad? Or vice versa if its bad, but they told her well, I can do better? " If someone is sure than gold, which makes coal into gold? Or they are told that gold is coal, gold making into no coal? The material does not change the words to say, so it's life. Why should not worry because these words?
Let sit in front of the mirror, look at your face, then said: "You're so bad, you do" . Or say the opposite: "You good, you are very lovely." Oil you say, a mirror image remains unchanged. Praise or defame themselves do not have to, like an echo, a shadow, a reflection. We do not have the power to make us better or worse.
When you practice that way, we begin to realize that things can not be real, like a dream, an illusion. Therefore, we developed a large heart - the heart is not bigotry, that up to the yard, instead of reacting out of habit, we can stop, observe the mind, wondering: "What is this? What can make me blush, shaking hands? Where is this so? " . You will find that no visible appearance of anger, there's nothing to find.
Once we could not find the angry, we can order in mind. We do not suppress anger, not chase it, nor did inducement to it. I just stopped in mind that state, then we will see is hatred and greed, it's not like the thought. I began to realize its true distance, just a reflection through the mirror.
Perhaps this is easier said than done. Airports have enough power to stir our minds more, and we zoom in it - in one way or another. We are wandering to judge, to respond, or secondary to other things, the things do ngup diving one more nervous. Habits fight back was deep, into folds by the repeated, this life after life.
Only through practice and application of these methods, daily, monthly, annually, give us new hope that the habit. This process can be long, but it will change. We are easily changed in a negative way. When we are happy, happy, just need someone to talk about anything, do anything not satisfactory as it was getting frustrated, but change for the better, a more positive way requires discipline, effort, and patience.
We do not need a prophet to know how their future - we just look right mind. If we have a good heart, willing to help others, we will continue to be happy. Conversely, if our mind is just filled with thoughts of anger, like bad people, we will meet all the stories unfortunately.
If we are to control the mind, continue to treat diseases of the heart, eventually we will see the change. Only we know what happens in our mind. We can lie to others. We can cajole told a bulging leather bag containing a treasure, but when people sit on it, people will discover it empty. Similarly we can sit in meditation posture every hour but then we just all in my head thought hazardous, merely his own lies. It's better to be honest with yourself, take responsibility for what we see in our mind - rather than judging them - and the right medication to treat them can be healed.
Trích: Putting Down The Arrow, Tricycle 1998

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