Friday 20 January 2012


Usually when we do not mind his desire to achieve it becomes frustrating and made ​​himself lose the peace. Frustration and satisfaction will cause unrest and turmoil in our hearts. But if we understand that everything in life, when all human conditions are achieved. When causes and conditions are not met then we want to where it will fail. That is the law of nature. Like it or not, we can not stop do not let them happen. So when the inevitable, we worry distress or disappointment to do?
When unable to get our minds often become frustrated. Or someone hit me with sticks, a normal reaction is that we immediately get angry and want revenge. But Dharma teaches that in that case we should calm down and get to the bottom cause of the trouble, is that person, that person's mind or stick had hit me?
Analysis so we will realize that we should just mad mind of ignorance errors in other people, because it is what makes them act crazy. We should contemplate such clauses to deal with difficult situations come to life.
Remember, hatred or ill will we see a lot more suffering in the afterlife. Therefore, to meet the disadvantaged and distressed situation we should have patience and endure. Doing so can help us out of situations of suffering in the future.
When anger we easily come to hate and can kill all those who have been kind and help us, or we can cause the wicked to harm others. Such hatred never brings peace and happiness for ourselves and others. The anger is an enemy of the mind is extremely harmful and we should observe to avoid it.
It is extremely important that we need to remember is that when the mind was anger, hatred, evil lead us to wrong actions, negative for others. The karma that will store in our minds and when they die they will take us to rebirth in the lowly realms extremely painful. Then how much of our moral practice were also shattered. So the antidote to anger and hatred mind, we need to practice why patience . On the other hand, when someone harms us, our mind will be easy to lose the attitude of compassion towards them.
Teachings of the Buddha teaches us patience to endure and get peace of mind and wisdom. So, when we must collide with the capacity to hatred or adversity any case, we still have heart attitude calm and peaceful. Also patience to endure one's spiritual practice before the difficult emotional suffering, also show the value of the resilience and courage of them, because there is also an opportunity to turn the mind to achieve enlightenment and liberation. Because when not suffering, we will not be committed to ending cycle of birth and death .
Of course, when we declared war on negativity, surely we will have to face many adversities and difficulties. For the life of a man in the world, where nobody fights that go back peacefully and comfortably. Because when we declare war against adversity and sorrow, of course, the good energy we will become weaker, but they worry sorrow rose more ideas. So in that situation we will certainly suffer less distress. It is important that we understand the problem is thus to be able to accept and endure to accept suffering to happen to ourselves to overcome hatred. I think that's the real winner and a hero with inner strength.
For malice to harm us, if we practice compassion and patience, we can eliminate a lot of old karma. The enemy hurt us is because of ignorance . If we hate and retaliate back, that both mistakes and errors. If we do not make the darkness of ignorance, we would certainly not behave like people who hurt us.
Mind anger and hatred can lead us to cope with suffering in hell a thousand years. Understanding the harm of hatred or ill, we must try to place yourself and your self-eliminate this evil. If not, we just create more negative karma of the work practice standards we go as a fire razed over.
Normally when you hear people praise of someone, we usually start jealous mind. This attitude is wrong it should be excluded. So often we pray saying "hope for peace beings" to do? It's just empty words of our prayers? If we sincerely wish for all beings be happy, then why do people get upset about you happy? If we used to pray "for our students look forward to the Buddhist Religion" then why are you jealous when he has to shore enlightened and respectable people away? Why are we born jealousy and competition with more blessings than we? When gift or blessing that is not you, then why are you upset and angry? If you do not want them to be blessed and happy, then you pray for our students to do?
But people with mental and spiritual practice doing good so now they are the good result. Why are you jealous of them? Try to think carefully why are you glad to see others fail and suffering? Malice which will lead you in hell doomed to suffer in the dark, many lives. Money, status and reputation of human life is so fleeting, short-lived. So we need to have the wisdom to discern what to do and try to benefit sentient beings. And evil is the risk of harm or cause suffering to others and brings us to the lowly place, we should stop, before we make too much bad karma.
According to Buddhist teachings, faith patience is extremely important in the behavior of the Bodhisattva vows, and thanks to the enemies appear that we develop this virtue . So our enemies the opportunity to practice patience well without harming anyone. Who are considered enemies because they intend to do us harm, but they also help us unfortunate opportunity to practice patience of the Bodhisattva. If everyone is kind and loving to us, how we have the opportunity to practice this virtue?
If we are spiritual practice and interfere with the enemy, we should imagine the enemy as a predestined for us to practice patience . So when we foster compassion for the enemy, we will also have compassion for all beings. It is also a sign that our success on the spiritual practice.
As of causality, because the bad karma of previous lives this life we should be enemies to harm . But our enemies so bad karma in this life suffer in hell suffering in the future. So do us harm that the enemy must receive karmic suffering. So we too are responsible for this evil karma of the enemy. Moreover, the enemy also creates opportunities for us why patience and practice to reach enlightenment. Meditation techniques are the enemies who brought us the benefits of the practice.
Thanks to harm an enemy, we developed a heart patient and selfless virtue. So even if an enemy hurt us, we always try to treat them with a loving heart. We are behaving so well rewarded by kindness of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as his love of all creatures with hearts from Boundless.
If we have our patience, tolerance forgive those beings who hurt me, not only do we bring peace to beings that we are pleasing the Buddhas. This is the best way to express your gratitude to him and make peace our mental happiness.
When foster compassion we should meditate on the suffering of sentient beings and that is motivating us to help them engage students decreased somewhat painful. Normally in life we ​​are often busy with happy and sad things of the world and of ourselves, we often forget beings. So all afflictions, the suffering that we encounter are often the result of our passion for their own happiness. Main selfishness and the misconception of self brings us to the insecurity, suffering and evil.
To avoid the harm that we need to attempt service of living beings, causing them to be happy and peaceful life as did the Buddhas. That's the way we reward thick deep kindness of the Buddhas.
We must honestly admit that we often live selfishly, or by competing with the best and more jealous of his people. So we often find themselves why there are people who are respected, are not we? Why do people often praise the other one, no one was skeptical to exchange? Why other people are happy that we were too weary? Why are the other famous around while we were too dim to be someone not paying attention? These feelings give rise to depression and to lead us to the place of birth and death miserable.
If from how long we live only for their selfish concerns and often do harm to others, now we must think again and start training yourself to the mind interested in peace , the benefit of sentient beings. Once aware of the false ego, we must try to leave it and actively contribute to our ability to bring happiness to all beings. Keep giving them the ability to birth, the time and effort with our sincere hearts. In doing so we will practice the leave of the world problems which are origins of suffering.
Frugal mind, hatred and delusion, jealousy, hate or hatred arises only when they qualify and therefore they can also be excluded. The nature of the mind is bright and alert. So we can practice to leave within eight feet and heart development.
Likewise, when we care delusion insecurity and suffering. When you get out feelings of confusion, the mind is peaceful happiness. We need to contemplate the problems of us and the object of problems. Think we have problems with who and why we back problems. If we genuinely understand the worldly life is only dream, we can not blindly confusion and problems again? Just as you and enemies; those who do good to our enemies and it is called. So we caught up in who we trade.
And we are wrong to think that the enemy is always evil. Only when we understand everything that happens in life are caused by combinations of conditions and therefore it is very often illusory dream as we dream it will let go of all ego.
Because the ego that we have rolled away within samsara. The Buddha taught us the way out of suffering is to reflect on the empty nature of the law is. If we read many books just knowledge alone is also not helpful, we must be diligent legal practice of the Buddha, we will surely reach the shore of Enlightenment and Emancipation.
Quote "Compassion and Enemies " Dalai Lama No. 14.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).21/1/2012. 

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