Monday 16 January 2012


* T u Path is the need to "come back." That is what? That is to give people good works, but you get the damage is bad - small self discharge to achieve higher self.
* A fluid with that mind do not initiate hostile. Take a look at them as the Shan-level tri-mode for his assistant.
* T yeah countless lifetimes now, all one life to another, each bag shall not co-creator, should not the same delusion. Heavy industry, the many delusions, delusions of light industry is less.
* N guoi practice to cut the line because birth and death, as beings, rather than to touch the religious Enlightenment.
* N guoi always cultivate the reflection, not so extroverted pursuits. Find external demand can not be obtained, return the full nature at all.
* A new waters with those who care practitioners, hurdles when it is the heart of lust craving between men and women. This is the most fundamental issues.
* N guoi Taoists should pay attention! Do not sow grace defiled with others. Cord bound impurities will touch us rotten.
* H iện now we are fortunate to have the body. If you're not using your body to cultivate, then wait until the new practice? E only time I take this body, whether you want to practice it is too late!
* H reading Dharma, it is essential to be honest. Every action, every word, every gesture must be true.
* In the temple, we must know all things save. That:
"Mourning things of the temple
As protection whites of the eyes. "
* K hip injury, do not hate the Middle Path.
* T u tu Path is what direction? This means that as the Middle Path - to treat everyone equally, taking compassion as a basis, and when the matter must be careful, do not get lost in the net clearly erotic.
* C is not moral goods "tu Path today, tomorrow, a Buddha." Page Where can dig a water well shy away. Practice is brought into the needle sharpening iron block, the full natural achievements.
* V IEC mantras first school district to mind is the mind. If the mind is not true when learning, always the evil mantras. Mind if true, then learn new mantras is induced.
* V card box with two accomplices. Two accomplices was what? That is voracious lust and participate. Both of these help create a wealth of ignorance of bad karma.
* There are sentences that:
"When you want to be good karma is,
When you want to become a Buddha is to challenge that. "
* If you do not want to become good people do not seek retribution. The more determined to be good how much karma as much to a debt collector demanding payment of their debt for transparency.
* P particles and that only in a different mind - there are Buddhist compassion, and that they have lost interest more competitive.
* N guoi really know how to cultivate the most active are the most religious celebration at all.
* N guoi Taoists should not go around advertising their spiritual practice. Who usually advertise his spiritual practice should certainly be lost in the way that rotten.
* N guoi martyrs in anywhere and have to hide and erase whereabouts, do not to show up.
* T negative in our permanent residence elsewhere, not in my heart. "Resident elsewhere" means a body without a mind.
* G iang Business is preaching from Hue. Sitting meditation is self-adhesive. Do not say junk is making itself.
* " P Bodhi News gentle brain. " If you know how to use the negativity that is Bodhi. If you do not know how to use the Bo-threads turn into distress.
* T u need to set Path wild fool. The more "wild fool" how much better they were. 'Wild fool " to the extent not even know what it will no longer delusion.
* V card box that is not understood. Ignorance is the root of craving.
* M muffled main purpose of cultivation is to cut the birth and death, not to touch.
* T u of the need to hold themselves to clean, keeps his eyes not a grain of sand to stick to it.
* C in the north is creating heavy industry. Generosity, the accumulation of merit. Sitting Zen except stupidity, born of wisdom.
* N guoi religious speech should carefully place onto a monitor and guard the heart to sit alone. At the public not to say much. When alone should prevent selfishness and delusion. Thus, it soon will be the most visible professional mind.
* T they are suffering the pain stop.
* H level, the most blessed blessed.
* N guoi true religious Path to consider all acts, his own movements. Walk, stand, lie, sit, do not leave mindfulness. Do not like the mirror - just know that no self-soi soi on the back of his true face.
* N If it is still attached to human thoughts. If not attached, it is mind-Self.
* N If no death wish, to live like the dead - that is not to keep their greed, hatred, ignorance.
* N guoi Study Path to certain vows. May be able to force yourself motivated practice the Eightfold Path forward, not evil lost. But the vow that no action is like flowering plants that do not bear fruit, it's useless!
* D effects to justify the French tongue, the accumulation of merit. Tongue but also say they created the non-industrial urban crime. Instead of preaching that nonsense to say these words, the market is to create a non-thousand, two thousand criminal enterprise.
* N guoi to cultivate the guys in the outside, old, young, big, small, cowardly man to humans, are commonly used mind kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, equanimity, they will emerge naturally induced birth.
* T u tu Path is set true and sincere. Should have a saying: "Heart of the inspired."
* C basil we live in this world, always to do good. Every breath, energy must be of good merit. In the present life, do not rely on the good base before his death that has grown to enjoy all blessings.
* P particles can be transformed into French of all beings-air, should have a saying: "Borrowing from the false to true. smelly leather bag is only a temporary home." We stay in this house to martyrdom, that is borrowed 'house' identity-religious body to assume temporarily the French-body true.
* N If greed overflowing heart, do not know enough, then the future will be lost in hell rotten. If the mind is too much hatred, from morning to night are angry, they will become hungry ghosts. If dense heavy heart, just do the stupid will turn into animals.
* K blood of living beings is the largest charity si - si day live in love, can not be let go. If the transfer is eager mind sharp practice Dharma sincerely, every hour every minute not neglect his studies, it will soon become a Buddha.
* N guoi true enlightenment never said he was enlightened. Saint of this absolutely does not reveal the truth. All that the man calling himself a Buddhist Bodhisattva, is evil.
* N guoi virtue not by where the status or age, but in the act of discreet silence, nature manifests the characteristics of their products, which are respected by others. How this particular product does not cause others fear, as if afraid they would shun.
* M O are the three people suffering defeat; it is greed, hatred, ignorance. We do not need to eliminate them but to turn them into Bodhi seeds. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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