Monday 16 January 2012


"Reciting the Buddha" , for the most disciple of the Buddha, the Buddha's holy conception is justified and the Bodhisattva. Do take care to initiate conception even continuous, or silence, deeply believe, towards rely, that is Buddha and Bodhisattva touch, or silently, or visible appearance. The main goal is their common wish to come, when the body let go of this report, is due to the Buddha, the Bodhisattva lead them to rebirth in Pureland-optimistic. But in fact, pure land of the Buddhas in the ten directions, including the pure land of Guru Buddha Shakyamuni, as many countless multitude, can not be untold , but where there is only one realm to the Pole-touch of the Buddha Amitabha alone! In addition, the "pure land" is also a difference between "pure idealism" and Pure Land manifests the buddhas.
To say more broadly, all Mahayana teachings, which probably only a Buddhist mindfulness teachings, which probably only a Pure Land teachings? A universal as everyone knows: the Buddha's name over, over pay, Buddha, making offerings, just custom, morality, chanting, whether economic, business copy, teaching experience, participation studies [1] , the thinking , etc. .. remember thinking, are the goals of the learner to practice Buddhism, Buddhist enlightenment knowledge entry, enter the realm of freedom, there is the Buddha, even come to the Buddha, the four achievement of pure [2] . That is the meaning of the nembutsu widely.
In fact, Zen and Pure Land is linked intimately inseparable. To be a Buddha, not just recite the Buddha is over done; but decided to turn to meditation to clear the morning mental nature. After Kien-leading position [3] , rapidly moving Tu-leading position [4] , the penalty was near. But to reach Kien-leading position, need to meditate, or practice consistent thread of consistent teachings only. So that is, without the force is not accomplishing anything, especially meticulous in work [5] . That the Buddha, to maintain list nembutsu to place "any disorder of mind," there has to be meticulous. If given responsibility and the Buddha recite the Buddha's name as a means, to go into the practice of nembutsu telecommunications Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta absolutely not difficult; then the rebirth in Pureland-touch can understand it. Can also participate at Buddhist concept: Say "No thanks to self-care means that light." Is not possible. If you take the first step meticulously recite the Buddha's teachings through which users switch to meditation, the door to numerous natural subjects clearly before the eyes; want to be seen nature center, also has hope. Thus can be seen, Zen and Pure Land can not dissociate close.
The Buddha's disciples, if you can bring the essence of meditation practice that the Pure Land teachings, and offers pure teachings help to achieve a more sophisticated dynamic, then irrespective of the Pure Land meditation or religious , are abundant work force, quickly achieved. Who had no post-school education of health of their shallowness, dared to speak of his vision as above, simply to bring the limited experience, the document that pen of his gross pay tribute to the lame press the season. Just pray that the benefit to sentient beings no matter what their individual were laughing, writing pen, to spend every last gradually, and finally in book form. In addition to the aforementioned short-sighted ideas before, ask the following brief description of dependent origination of this book, called to clear the root tip.
Earlier in 1987, post-school guys, the people are too busy because of work, did not have time to meditate, chant every evening Kim Cang, the procedure has just yawned; completed the course proceedings, the Buddha and Bodhisattva bows .
Year, on a summer night, after locking process and finished bowing Buddha, suddenly I think, should try to leave the title of Buddha and the Buddha, just remember the most specialized concept that bowed Buddha Bodhisattva Buddha. To exercise this right. So, from next day onwards I have used the method of "formless remember thinking," which bowed Buddha. Month long run, this method was temporarily a little. But, who practice "method nembutsu formless", there was joy religion, no longer know quite busy to bother implications of secular life. Later, the bow to the Buddha has achieved such complete joy, I immediately remove the lock explicitly recite the evening, but the most specialized bowing to the Buddha mind formless. The daily also dedicated nembutsu formless.
In late 1988, I randomly thought of sharing with the public should trust this legal blow, went on the one hand, the considerations, recalls, brought the practice to past records; on the other hand, the reading of texts to where y find themselves. I immediately brought the manuscript to front just finished writing, and bad economic Surangama out, read the chapter "Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Buddhist mindfulness Telecommunications" ; to read four words "block nembutsu Buddhist" , I am extremely happy . Then place the reader to "urban photography bases contemplation same design, type tam ma place" , I suddenly see that the teachings that I have long practiced Mindfulness is the practice of Buddhist Bodhisattva Telecommunications Mahasthamaprapta!
Then, in April 1989, I complete repair of the records or write a paragraph titled "Dam Radio Data Publishing General Radio General Buddhist mindfulness" (conversation about Buddhist teachings bowing formless and recite the Buddha's formless.) After completing the manuscript, read the book of record of the testimony of the great urban Damaged Venerable Van, I really understood the reasoning of the "audience first voice" [6 ] . Then I realized, what I previously had to be "taking the first voice" [7] , period real words are read, watch the tail words, it is clear that only the oral argument with a fellow modern language, does not know shame, but still said that they "take the first voice"!
Why not take time before the first phone to do that later? Cause last time in practice because no one "in the sophisticated", and later, from the practice of nembutsu mature sophisticated formless, a new device capable of taking the first.
Afternoon of August 6, 1989, when along with fellow practitioners involved [8] , I have twice entered the realm of "Seeing mountains are not mountains"; that my early taste of what " black paint " [9] . Then often rise hundreds suspicion. In early November 1989, after his pilgrimage to India and Nepal came back, I decided to leave, specializing in home to meditate. Until about 4 pm on Nov. 2, 1990, the black paint has torn, the new meditation process is finished.
Reviewing the recent period, I discovered that the reason people practice Buddhism without achieving efficiency, the basic reason is because of the lack of the sophisticated. So I wrote this book, hoping to help people quickly recite the Buddha's achievement nembutsu most meticulous attention any disturbances, and also helps to meditate soon get the first phone capabilities involved, visit the project [10 ] .
Responding to a request of the co-participation, starting from September 3, 1991, in the VTP meditation it's Kim D Cancer Social Structure Buddhism in Taiwan-north and public-private hall of the two grandparents Thach Tran on non-post, post-school who has presented the monastic method "nembutsu formless" (ie, means introduction to Buddhist mindfulness teachings of the Bodhisattva Telecommunications Mahasthamaprapta), continuous three sessions of three weeks for completion.
The two direct the practitioner in the colon was estimated to have 30 people, most of them by the method of "maintenance list nembutsu." They hear a side note, a practiced hand, and six weeks after they have achieved two efficient. We still have people turn to join, and rapid progress, the rate of high speed, makes people very excited. People do not see progress, except for people who can not bow to Buddha's grace, the rest mainly because not happy to bow to Buddha Buddha formless mind, and those who have used over the name of Buddha, then for Method and means at the very beginning was not practiced until the destination place. Until seeing more people turn to practice success can meditate, beginning dialogue audience, some of these new urgency to chase back, but also all three four-month delay.
Actual results on post-undergraduate who has made this incredibly excited, proving that, for the practice, people just need some help ingenious and ardent practice, practice will certainly have effective. So, back from the prayer, it's not that the holy Catholic decadent, not to be suffering beings, so in the winter break, bold pen, write the book urgently, writing pen is certainly not elegant , only to gain confidence. Presented simple, even the hypothesis. Try to use transparent style of dialogue, remains to understand. Era all the Buddha's disciples with grace, can achieve dharma practice "nembutsu formless", all are imbued with joy religion, fire was handed down, benefiting countless beings, all the legal nature can enter the sea.
Male Models Guru Shakyamuni revered
Nam Mo Dai Bi Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

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