Monday 16 January 2012


Avalokitesvara BodhisattvaHis God As the teacher, after Consummation also counseled: "degenerate later, the trading away of all, save only four words, Amitabha Buddha to save all beings. If he who does not believe, all will be hell " (post-degenerate expenditures, rather economic take away, save only four Amitabha Buddha to save sentient beings. States any false credits, application hell. - God Like sign language). By degenerate on life after the business are hidden away, being frugal has weaknesses, in addition to question Buddha, did not know any other law to religious subjects. If you do not believe that question nembutsu practice, all to be reborn. In HR and reincarnation, healing hard to make, easy to do evil, sooner or later it will be hell ...

Word of Africa Route

Draft just finished writing this book, there is great virtue takes a few turns to see, and hard questions:

- We saw you preaching about Zen, purport to proscribe the Pure Land. For example in the book In Six Door Decor minority have a saying: "Reciting the Buddha, chanting are delusions" . But in here say: 'Mon Pure Land of opportunities, including three based photography, search through the Meditation, Education, Law, Password' . See also purport to win the Pure Land is unique, the work was like?

Answer: - Not so where? Each subject has its own tone only. The propagate step depends on his legislative seat, how many vehicles are going to preach about the tone that only. As the Zen to get: 'Just the thought of directly, see the Buddha nature' made ​​concrete only. Pure subjects taken: 'A life reborn, is retrogression' make concrete. Inside the United strictly to get: 'depart enter the legal world's' make concrete' . Thien Thai teachers to get: 'Open, display, realization on Buddhist wisdom' as concrete. Tam Luan side to get: 'separated the two sides, the Middle Way' as concrete. French General subjects taken: 'Photography on the legs like Duy Thuc law' as concrete. Tantric get: 'Tam corresponding password, which the body of a Buddha' as concrete. Law and subject to get: 'Photography in itself implies Thi La Nature' as concrete.

So, word on the Zen, not Uncle Pure Land, or physician chanting nembutsu, which is breaking the accepted views on the practice of Buddhism and France. If chanting is nembutsu and low false, why German favorite until Bodhisattvas Sun, The Master were chanting praise of counsel, for Buddha? Be aware, Vinh Minh Zen master, a legend as the reincarnation of Amitabha, the everyday process a French United. Still, Universal Am great teachers and staff recite the Flower Adornment which is enlightened. Preaching the Pure Land, too, without breaking the Mahayana Zen, just tell the essential place of the special subjects, so that scholars learn to consider more extensive, but the custom option, select the income .

Again, each subject but just not the same tone, but are generically means Buddha Nature. As a city of eight large porch, which also anchors his urban focus. The tone is roughly divided into two, is not subject disciplines and Friendship. No subject from the means of nature go on. Subject property from the general media to enter. But come to the end, the solution meeting all of the news, ie the process, ie general nature, ie general nature, in other words: "Matter is not, ie no identity, no identity and no different" . So when the old is a great enlightened Zen master take, but bile from the Pure Land. At death, he wished to save shelf mass response, then recite the Buddha about rebirth. A meditator are suddenly asked to speak: "Bliss is compounded realm, so the need for religious faith to do more?" universal Grand Master said: "You speak very useful outside of that range or what?" fake listening meditation suddenly awakened. So the Zen and Pure Land on a target. Subject property with no subject but in fact seem like passing into each other like that.

As saying: "Pure Land of opportunities, including three based photography, search through the Meditation, Education, Law, Password ' , is the testimony of the word stock market ethics as: Contact Tri Removal Enlightenment, Random Utilities, Kien Password . The great teachers are the subject of a long level, after gnostic meditation, the bones of proving the mystery of the Pure Land teachings. As Professor Jeet doctrine, in practice the five powers, was told: 'A question of Amitabha, the Buddha mind our weakness. consistent across time throughout the year, including recording eight education level ' . Kien and Ambassador after the observation period, in the Tam General Weakness, also said: "Life should not be this meditation is not also the Pure Land, the room when the witness is not retrogression, it not scary cold heart? A question of Amitabha, if not the upper base, thoroughly modern, enlightened age, every subject can not fully boot. But with this question, who is not stupid low base at least some information missing! " So, you add drugs, medication or a cure; law no less high, the legal body is amazing. Zen Pure Land with actually no higher than the low low. But a review on the basis of Zen only the upper base can benefit, while the Pure Land of photographic subjects all three units, if any class are also easy to repair results. About the weather, the time this degenerate, middle, much lower base, the upper base is very low if you want to go to free result with certainty, any attention to the Pure Land teachings. This is because the great compassion of Buddha, To, for consistent clear opportunities, want to escape the suffering beings reincarnated soon, so in many ways the experience has prompted a review. This is a crucial event and was quite sure!

However, as in the business say they are born with sexual preferences and identity are not the same difference in thousands, should be opened countless Buddhas teachings photography can all be recorded. So although the Pure Land of opportunity, but only partial adaptation, not with the interests of all people, should need to be Zen Buddhism and other subjects, in order to benefit beings by, and Buddhism France is full depth. So despite frugal option, but choose their preferences subject Pure, intensive attention is expected to pen fake Zen and other subjects are spread across the country. And other subjects, if the matter being brought to a pettiness of any benefits, pen-author would like to wholeheartedly rejoice. In short, Friends subjects and no subjects in general, Zen and Pure Land in particular, the same goes for the true nature, but two, but one, were shown to rely to show each other achievements, and also have a need to be on Made in Vietnam, until the whole world.

Great little faith after listening to all expressed approval. Incidentally, the editor-author of narrative verse Nhon Tay camp to conclude, and demonstrate the ancients also had the same viewpoint:

That level of care is no exaggeration

Where other pure Zen, is a

Sac domain appears solemn Noble Friends

Not every realm cum sa very afraid

Western sky bright colored pearls

Buddhist Prayer immense faith marine fouling

Turn to sugar cultivation, who soon province?

That trade in the realms forever!

Thich Thien Tam need to

First Thursday and Chapter Weak

First filed in this book, divided into chapters, sections, Items, paragraph, each chapter has several section, each section has more Details, Details and more each paragraph.

Only about ten, write Roman number (i-ii-iii) of the First Weak to Weak to light.

On section, record the serial number as ABC.

Regarding Item, record the serial number 1-2-3, but again consistent communication from start to finish the book, takes up 1 to No. 72. But going into Chapter, Section, Item, Section, but new details are units, and personnel essential component of the entire book. And this book is a combination or composition of the overall contribution to Item 72.

Regarding paragraph, neither the text paragraph, by its nature a just cause concept note or distinction in each Item, the false pen marked with star (*), sometimes also recorded in numerical order 1-2 - 3. But this is only the few, not how to manage the digital identity as much as the order of the Item. And that's the difference.

Weak Cross nembutsu, the ten titles of the subjects essential Buddhist mindfulness or mindfulness of Buddhist practitioners. Ten this will go into ten chapters as mentioned above.

M chapter was waive the following:

1. Nembutsu because free birth and death.

2. To develop our nembutsu Bodhi.

3. Nembutsu must stop unless suspected heart.

4. Decision to voluntarily recite the Buddha's rebirth.

5. Buddhist mindfulness practice to set it right.

6. Nembutsu to break affliction.

7. Nembutsu to address public needs experience.

8. Nembutsu be durable without interruption.

9. Buddhist concept of negative conditions to secure the rings.

10. Nembutsu must reserve deathbed.

Final Word

The ancients said: "Tru poetry in perpetual doubt." This is meant: Write a book should wait for old age, as old as large as the full understanding of experience, the book value can be paid . But do not be fake later age, place of experience with the understanding all there are many shortcomings, but because of urgent interest in others, it did not know what the day will come very often, so please try to bring some stupid forced to devote of counterfeit goods. It said that except the song but most words are mostly drawn in the Buddhist scriptures, ancient ethics opinions of the levels that contributed to improved knowledge. Suppose it could also benefit somewhat readers.

Department of Stone When old college professor with two verses:

Nhon ventricular triplets weeks minnows died.

Current in the full sense of the non!

Words he uttered during the lost week, that lament, but said hundreds of years of human life, but lived seventy years and very few have, and as the age of seventy when he turned to the old, that his faults are . A high-level rise but also self-critical examination it seems, is often rank the man knows how many mistakes? So when his pen to think the chapters are filled with self-pendent of that venture to remind people it comes to advice, sometimes shocking shame not hesitate to write. But think of the word actually encourage you not brave, but it took nature a person in a sea of ​​suffering prompt the call you are trying to overcome the suffering, to look for his little affected by that standard should remove the obstacles which the new offense without hesitation.

Recall the age-old Ming Dynasty of China, Mr. La Electric has developed test "severe" as follows:

With the gold rush to format hard,

Rain rain go sun sunny spring collection.

On Wednesday early early lo livelihoods,

Lang forgotten forget that white head.

Thi Thi Phi Phi did not finish,

Bothered by the bi advantage brain afflictions.

Patently clear clear a direct path,

Thousand thousand thousand thousand such subject tu!

Although the text on crude, seemingly profound moral cost, but has brought all offensive behavior and career in the life of human life very clearly described. Who can escape the framework of the above tests, and try to cultivate new, known as the go on the road to liberation.

Mr. La Electric trim profitable than above, because that likely to sink to the sea, road repair difficult step. In Business Four Cross Chapter II, the Buddha

Nhon twenty difficult birth:

- Poverty, almsgiving is difficult - wealth, education director is difficult - Rinse the body, death is a difficult decision - See the Buddhist scriptures is difficult - see sexual identity is hard to leave - Buddha's birth is twice as hard - Look for good is difficult - Being angry is not hard flesh - It does not rely so hard - Meet the mind is very difficult - Learning more extensive studies are difficult to reach - except give up conceit is difficult - not who has not learned the hard contempt - the Average Mind College is difficult - not saying the market is difficult non - is having good knowledge is difficult - Seeing nature directed learning is difficult - Customization of the coast is difficult - Seeing the situation is not difficult - Kheo that means is hard to use.

In twenty of the above, this place would say just comb through the little details. As poverty is difficult to give alms, by giving alms to the poor though, but strictly because of lack of heart that, if forced hard giving all affect your life, so hardly new. Or as directed learning difficulty wealth, by wealth but are very giving, but it was as sensual appeal, it is difficult to let go of body and mind to cultivate. Buddha was born twice as hard, as the maintenance of Reviews says: In memory of the far nine people, only three people to see that Buddha inhibitors, although the three memories of hearing the name but do not believe that experience, and who completed three memory not be heard nor seen. Buddha's teachings in the country in front of twenty-five years, but also has three memories that have not heard, those born to the Buddha's life, but stay away from, or were born before or after the Buddha was born, all predestined to meet or hear the Buddha Dharma is not easy. But although that does not meet the Buddha in Dharma practice medicine, as well as meeting the Buddha. If you do not follow his teachings, even near the Buddha, is still far away. As the old Devadatta was a cousin of Buddha, the monk Thien Tinh as attendant to the Buddha twenty years, so do not hold true in direct line, so the outcome will be hell. And the old woman in the far East, born the same year month date with Buddha, but as ungainly Buddha should not like to see met. So the Buddha heard that legal, medical follow the teachings serve, must have more merit based healthy conditions. As Lai was now passing away, the wise alternative to propagate Buddhist religion, if the neighbor heard the counsel of practice, all are free. But who denies good base, having good knowledge is difficult. Whether grace is present to hear that law, but if that reason does not understand or accept that such appearances shall believe in, it's no good. According to the Brahma Net and Avatamsaka, looking to improve knowledge, not uptight external form; like guys do not accept that young, poor, low status, or add the lower seed, bad general appearance, the base not enough, but only for the understanding of Buddhism, can be of benefit to you. Back to the good level of knowledge, to not seek a mistake, because that is the secret well as practice, because of the media, or direct air power but also high but not stop training, so to act as so. If approved form of Indonesia, looking for mistakes, all is not on the direct benefits. When the Buddha's lifetime, his songs have a habit of Liu Di by mouth stuffed, stuffed as buffalo; Lotus Lust bhikkhunis favorite character makeup mirror; a monk like line dancing swarm; a monk Qiu said to someone, I preferred to voice calling mi big way. But the truth of these four showed the results Arahant. Because a previous life as a buffalo body, a woman is thoroughly, do yourself a monkey, a noble line Brahmins, many lives in that situation, but attained so far, but practice excess Please also. Six organizations as virtuous as the time that the popular observance of Buddhist texts speaking, not even the Buddha nature, it is making new marketing man ignorant, illiterate. Ngoc Lam Zen master because he wanted to avoid the coast to practice, so new people pretending to be crazy, untidy clothes, not to speak about degrees. Van Damaged Venerable Dharma Ending Period for that person, most of the monastic body, the mind but was not ordained so enlightened that often beard hair, secret intentions to "direct" not where clothes round square. But contemporaries of him, there are many critics who decry faith Continent Group is ignorant, he is crazy Ngoc Lam, Van Damage upstream of Nhon is a meditation subject rule. So look to find good level of knowledge is so difficult. This much should understand students of Buddhism, to reduce bigotry and avoid errors by increasing contempt, Ni. What about the other hard, can be inferred to understand.

However, difficulty is a legal and easy to treat, in the difficult easy, the easy is difficult. If getting out and then the difficult determination not impossible. As age-old Buddhist monk Ba Thi life, and his wife have two La Di Ke, insanely poor that even a common treasury, when husband and wife must work to close nude at home, his wife, the husband turns to do the same as that . But listening to advice of the monks, will be blessed in giving protection to avoid poverty, the couple brought together to discuss the Treasury through the only window was given alms, for complicity to commit the same subject are closed in death home. Because of that determination to heal, making the king or, bring your money to help clothes. Thereafter, each life is born, the couple are of personal clothing, and finally results are witness. So while poverty, almsgiving is difficult, but if poorly understood by the people by not giving, and general lack of determination to endure hardships to bring your own religious blessing, all the handouts can do. As King Thuan Thanh Tri house, ascended the throne in six, twenty-four years old to give up your kingdom, the first Buddhist monk Yulin national renunciation. Make a rich emperor ultimate in floor dragon guarding two schemes, paint pride, concubines including thousands of pages of great color during multiplication, power holding his people in the country, the wealth is spent more? But if blessed us identify the impermanent world as illusory dreams, leg scene as the new president often be fun, but says the school director is hardly rich, but was determined to find it can also act. In addition, poverty is still too difficult to practice, but if there even is not impossible. As Shakyamuni was in childhood, there were a very poor old woman, in hiring for thirteen years since, to eighty also struggled, the restless days, nights have always pounding rice to watch two chickens had crowed morning wake gather flour mill. Circumstances spare hard not like, want to practice is a problem. But because of false religion of Ca fought promotion, so every evening after pounding rice is done, change her bathing costume, seated tu new concept to midnight on vacation. Thanks to the determined efforts, but after she was born to die as the natural element in providing the maximum sun.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Body is hard, harsh methods Buddha. Now you have the body, and charming look to this book, that is has met the mystery teachings of Buddha. Despite encountering difficulties, please recognize the suffering charming romantic life, determined to practice, to the golden lotus blossom sky west was further improved upper row. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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