Monday 16 January 2012


With an estimated population of 700,000, Bhutan is one of the most isolated countries in the world, the foreign influences and tourism are state-controlled to preserve the cultural traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. The majority of Bhutan or school of Tibetan Buddhism Drukpa Kagyu or the Nyingmapa. The official language is Dzongkha (lit. "the language of the dzong"). Bhutan is often described as the culture of traditional Himalayan Buddhist sole remaining. Today, the column "The Big Picture" to invite you along to make a visit to Bhutan through beautiful images.
[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan
Buddhist monastery Paro Taktsang Palphug, also known as Tiger's Nest (Hang Cop), located in Paro district of Bhutan, photos taken on 16/10/2011. The temple's first monastery was built on the hill back in 1962. A passenger aircraft Airbus A319-114 of Drukair Royal Bhutan Airlines Airlines landing at international airport in the district of Paro, Bhutan , 29/06/2009. Right corner is a fortress Paro (Paro Dzong). The students expressed before the camera lens through the classroom window at a school in Thimphu, Bhutan, 22/09/2010. Jomolhari or Chomolhari peak of please Himalayan, from door Chilela pass between Paro and Haa valley, photo taken on 06/10/2010. As the grain boundary between Yadong County of Tibet and Bhutan's Paro, Jomohalri peak height 7.350m and was first conquered by a group of five British climbers, led by Freddy Spencer Chapman, on May 05 / 1937. By 2010, the conquest Jomolhari difficult because the ban violated this sacred mountain of Bhutan government. A Buddhist monk in Bhutan masked a dance workout to perform at wedding King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck and future queen Jetsun Pema, the capital Thimphu, Bhutan, 11/10/2011. The shop owners are preparing a large photograph of the king and queen to the store's front suspension them in Thimphu, 12/10/2011. An old man sitting on the balcony to look outside the capital Thimphu, 12/10/2011. The girls in traditional costumes Bhutan prepared to attend rehearsals front screen the happy wedding Namgyel Wangchuck in Thimphu Jigme Khesar, 11/10/2011. Tshering Tobgay British are doing in a traditional shoe shop in Thimphu, 23/08/2011. Two dancers King Jigme Khesar Namgyel waiting Wangchuck appear at the royal wedding ceremony in Punakha, Bhutan, 13/10/2011. Guests and locals to participate in the final dance, or Tashi Labay, in the Bhutan king's wedding, which took in Thimphu, 15 / 10 / 2011. Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck King stood in the middle, and rear a queen Jetsun Pema, the final participation of traditional dance with guests at the main stadium in Thimphu, 15/10/2011. Ritual marriage between the king and queen were carried out at Chang Lime Thang stadium, Thimphu, 15/10/2011. On the last day of the wedding, there are about 50,000 people attended the meeting along with performances by 500 artists. The Buddhist monks are performing a sacred dance in the king's wedding at the main stadium in Thimphu , 15/10/2011. Your baby sleeps on her shoulder while watching the wedding of the king in Punakha, Bhutan, 13/10/2011. The new king of Bhutan awarded the Queen a kiss before tens of thousands of people to attend the 3rd day of his wedding at Chang Lime Thang stadium, Thimphu, 15/10/2011. The Bhutan People stood along the street to admire their king with the new queen at Thimphu, 14/10/2011 . Two students holding her national flag running downhill Bhutan mix into the crowd to see the King and Queen streets Thimphu, 14/10/2011. The crowd waiting for the king and queen on a The main street in Thimphu, Bhutan, 14/10/2011. The king holding a child on your hands when offering his people with Jetsun Pema queen after their wedding at the Punakha Dzong, Bhutan, 13/10/2011 . A man steps between writing a prayer flag in monastery of Taktsang, a suburb of Paro, Bhutan, 30/04/2010. A Buddha statue sits the snow falls, in Phodrang Kuensel, Thimphu, Bhutan, 01 / 01/2011. The new monk monk standing on the hill at Phrodrang Dechen monastery overlooking the capital, Thimphu, 12/10/2011. Local people dancing around a large fire burning in dry grass in ritual "Mewang", a rite of blessing at the festival Jambay drub Lhakhang in Jakar, Bumthang Valley, 10/11/2011. Local people believe that dancing around the fire will help them wipe out sins of the year. A man goes on Bhutan traditional wooden bridge at Punakha, 09/12/2009. Five decades ago, Bhutan is a country as the Middle Ages, no roads, proper schools or hospitals, and very little contact with the outside world. Currently, education and health care was free, people's life expectancy increased from 40 to 60. administrative center of Punakha Dzong old, one of the greatest works of the country Bhutan, at Punakha, photos on 13/03/2011. Sangey, 6 years old, are learning to read in a classroom at Phodrang Dechen monastery, Thimphu, Bhutan, 18/10/2011. There are about 375 monks in the monastery is maintained by this government. The monks had to get up at 5 am and spent 10 hours to learn. They learn how to read the language in the ancient text, along with language Dzongkha and English. Mahayana Buddhism is the national religion of Bhutan, although in the South there are still many Hindus. The monks to the monastery at six to nine years old, and according to tradition, many families send their sons to prison. A man wearing national dress Bhutan rocks standing in place of permanent facilities no burial ceremony overlooking the Paro valley, near Chilea Pass, located between Paro and Haa valley, 05/10/2010. Not that a burial funeral rites Tibetan tradition, the dead will be exposed between nature, including birds eat. A man preparing a meal near a small cat in the house at home Jityang village, Punakha, Bhutan, 22/03/2008. The monks gather to perform a ritual to pray for the king and queen after they have married, at Taschicho, Thimphu, 15/10/2011 . The monks stood in Taschicho Dzong monastery, also known as the "fortress of the glorious religion" (The Fortress of the Glorious Religion) in the capital, Thimphu, Bhutan, 27/04/2011. Taschicho Dzong monastery was built by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal monks in 1641. A boy took before the camera lens while playing in the yard near the border village Kamjil Indo - Bhutan, 14/11/2009. The traditional pattern on a bridge looking over the weekend street market in the capital, Thimphu, Bhutan, 20/08/2011. Paro Taktsang Monastery located in the middle mountains Palphug County Paro, Bhutan and photos on 16/10 / 2011. The high school students wearing traditional costumes Yangchenphug wait for their performance during training for the annual round of arts in Thimphu, 15/08/2011. The prayer flags are plugged in Chilea Pass, between Paro and Haa valley, 05/10/2010. The primary focus Sangey 6 years old 7 years old Tenzin, Tandin Pembar 4 and 10 years old, lie down after prayers at the monastery Phodrang Dechen, 18 / 10/2011. The monastery is situated on a hilltop in the Haa Valley, Bhutan, photos taken on 02/10/2010. Haa Valley is located along the western border of Bhutan extending to the north of Tibet. This valley was closed to visitors until 2002.
[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

[The Big Picture] A visit to Bhutan

Some interesting information about the country Bhutan:
The people of Bhutan call their country Druk Yul is - that is the land of Thunder Dragon. Located in the eastern Himalayas, fit entirely between Tibet and India, to the outside world, the Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan is regarded as a Shangri-La (the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region, China), the present university, by origin country's culture is derived from ancient Tibetan culture. The imprint origin Buddhism and Tibetan religion can be seen from anywhere across the country Bhutan.
Bhutan not massively developed tourism industry. Each year, only a very limited number of visitors allowed to enter. This is where happiness is considered wealthy, where plastic bags and cigarettes are banned, and who also wear traditional costumes. Bhutan is renowned for the the unknown, mystery and traditions of her.
In Bhutan, tourism services are managed fairly comprehensive and professional, this country does not encourage you to freely explore their country without with the instructor. In return, the tours are tailor - made ​​(design) as you want the most flexibility. Only when a visa and is expected to tour schedule, you can set the air tickets of Bhutan (DrukAir), is the only airline allowed to fly into Bhutan. The flight only from two locations are Bangkok (Thailand) and Kolkata (India), as well as mandatory stop flights from Bangkok.
peak tourist season is May 3-4 and especially the holiday season from late September through November each year. Generally, the policy of sustainable tourism development of Bhutan for tourists is maintained not to exceed capacity for tourists wishing to visit Bhutan is often booked several months in advance tour (certainly more than the previous 6 months for the tourist season in September).
From Vietnam, to reach Bhutan Buddhist country, if not take the service road, then it is best to contact your companies travel services in Bhutan, because of their service to the application for visa and tours, as Bhutan do not have formal diplomatic missions in Vietnam. These companies can be found easily on the internet.
The exterior looks very similar Bhutan Tibet. They still wear their traditional dress (gho for men, kira for women) in everyday life, especially for gender and school officials and students.
As a Buddhist country, the image the monks of all ages can be seen everywhere in Bhutan. Boys aged 6-9 began priests living in the temple, where monks learn the ancient language of Buddhist scripture, the original language and English Bhutan. These children can then choose for yourself one of two ways: study Buddhism and become monks, or the majority, is imbued with the teachings and live a normal life with my own faith her.
The country is situated at the foot of the Himalayas are hidden in their distant secrets waiting to know how to explore the world.
Bhutan is a large buffer between the two countries are India and China for centuries cut off contact with the about. Today, while the neighboring countries to develop and change rapidly, Bhutan has consistently followed the old way: thoroughly protect cultural heritage and ancient wildlife.
  • GDP statistics did not state that statistical indicators of people's happiness.
  • Both countries do not have alcohol and tobacco.
  • Traffic lights do not need to know to give instructions for each order.
  • If you miss Chet vehicles on the road dead animal will stop and pray for the animal.
  • Everyone is dressed so there is no traditional concept of "lifestyle".
  • People mostly vegetarian and milk goats and cows.
  • When the group went shopping Vietnam, is the portable protection for your map to the hotel and put before cabinet. The map to the hotel, there were no maps, idea is to forget to call the store. Immediately rush to the store owner who brought a different bag to the hotel. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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