Monday 16 January 2012


Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát B ạn should penetrate tu a disciplines: Zazen to single-minded Tri Chi studied Zen Buddhism. The lesson they must address maintenance releases school established. The school of law, the right expertise to study law. The Abbey maintained notes they must specialize in psychoanalysis A tribe. Tu nianfo are also to be single-minded nianfo. when reciting the most attention to is not available then you will absolutely magazine current world Sukhavati. you should have just studied meditation, homage to want to learn, to want to study law, to want to learn, to study meditation. When you join many dishes are hard to chew for digital.
Venerable Tuyên Hóa
Vì copy humans who are also in a State about blurry? That is because they don't understand themselves from where to where, death goes on. Every day you see when silhouette mirror does not itself soi. If you want to know the future an item (footer), they must return the soi, find out where self interest. People's life and was active on education made me faint on being money, beauty, fame, eat, sleep holiday pincers radiate to oppressive shortness of breath, but they still want to Volunteer Center Orange into slavery for things.
Lòng parameters of the higher heavens, thicker soil. It's like the bottomless crates, dropped on how much is not full.
Con people with no new facts are poor morals.
PEuropean Customs find where that his jade ivory treasures available? Let's look at the Flowered Strictly. There are sentences that don't read Strictly, not knowing yet Flowered wealth of lettered Buddhist Flowered Strictly is the King of ... all the Kings classic (i.e. business leader of the most marvelous nikāya Buddhism played) .
Nsi ếu using parameters airfield to handle everything, the result is that heaven and Earth will be overcast, b. enough accidents. If limits to hue to solve the problem then heaven and Earth, all the established wall. Should say: where do more evil guys, where's many accidents; Choose how many friendly, location is often happily. Accident or peace are due to people that out at all.
Người is not a Buddhist is because every public place outside of the mouth (say without amendment, did not practice).
Mọi, what is the Dharma, which is unable to accept in advance, cannot grasp. In life everything, everything, what happens is the sermon (show presentation of truth), the key is teaching economics. We each person who should bring the economy out of his life, learning to read in the wrong manner, working with moral causality. In our new administration is the most truthful classics.
Nếu you keep seeing faults of others nostalgic are you still suffering. If you've exhausted line then you look at anybody found they are Buddhas. look who 's, you also see them exactly as real simple., it is shallow, so that you do not make fun:! is completed
Con people don't have to live to that feed. Live: are we to establish successful with lifetime, must have the German people, to benefit. You must: compassion instead of Sun nurtured; trung hiếu swelled into a population.
MMouseKeys on, for example, this mistake is one day for example create a Germany.
PSage Instant Bodhi: That is the brain, right brain at troubled that he can not spread negativity, you can identify it, then right at the time called Bodhi. Not that strenuous quit negativity then, then look for a the Bodhi.
Bịnh AIDS is a psychopath to do genocide, making dehydration. I hope the Chinese do not want to lose water, don't study Act of the Western methods.
Người learning the Dharma, need more exercise, keep clean, little heart desires. Shalt not should have more desire. Such is important, because it is the root of health problems.
Cevil refuge you could today because you have Jewels is planting fresh grounds a tremendous in the past. Nowadays when meeting together, mass should play innocent crush on Bodhi, Director. Shouldn't do species Insectivores in Buddhism, shouldn't do guys cheeky failed. Hễ you see anyone remove profanity Buddhism, you take the same precautions they contested. You take action with the austerities are real. Use the austerities to illustrate Word Buddha. Do not use words out of mouth (early meditation) to do they believe themselves. Must be true austerities.
Cdonation of paintings in the world starting from the small war in the mind alone trigger. Ancient human says: nation hung phu Huu vong, failed for (The decline of a country, now Thanh mediocrity must also have the responsibility). For example, should think: such is the story of someone else, not her story. If each person who is not at war, then war world will cease.
Ðừng should bring to light irradiation on the outside. Always to know his heart back illumination light rotation. Projection soi consider myself a demonic animals? is??
Tethics is teleological argument? I.e. took the advantage of sentient mastery, grab your not obstruct others to do the tones only. Virtue also meant in herself overwhelmed mercy means gas, feasts, and the credit position hue.
Vì stars themselves incompatible with Falcon? Because the mind whirl has yet to stop. (Center of mass is at the heart filled with hope believing) .
Việc good is because starting center. The bad also from beginning.
Ba second independent parameters airfield si than opium, liquor or with extremely toxic, poison, it gains more human harm. These medications, alcohol, toxins poison is only tangible, physical harm. Also the French body hue airport si network damage, which is the second dark barrier tu DAO.
Tu Executive Buddha that is: do not work evil, doing all the goodness.
Nhìn pierced his shed; hễ let go are freed. Liberation is self. Self when in not (not here) then the pirates would violate his aggressors will be unshakable world scene.
Người tu if there is no money at all, the new austerities. Once you have money then absolutely couldn't austerities Deng. Such is the thing I dare bail.
Sclub foot is ự khoái nothing wanting. When to no longer look forward to that, we would not have anxiety.When you are not wanting for something then that is the joyfulness truthful, as well as the happily quieten true self Tanh.
CAI challenged our biggest bad born free si AI (love delusion). Day and night in Ireland that such minutes within si does let go for Deng. If he can fell free ham pigment turned into eager, any moment, also not forgotten Buddhist is very can lick into Buddha.
Hãy bring the smart, knowledgeable hue to via a side. Do not think what I should know, well understood. If you thought you knew well then you are not to understand Dharma truthful.
INBuddhist Scriptures into the Van, nobody is allowed to flattering, saying other guys flattering, stroked dua.
Trong pagoda where shume, the wicked nhut is won't bear austerities. One such austerities are future have fallen.
Tpassenger need one must maintain nục u, meaning making seem khù dại. As sleeper blind khù dại as possible. Khù to spot that a disappointed dại also such ideas.
Người austerities should not have ONE. Strenuous ones fell accidentally trash. Where also because someone else sees, because the company that serves. To know peace (with people), the concessions made strides. What also preserve, such as race reclaims scramble, players emerged. Once notable game then you will get in trouble soon.
(Tell the export countries;) If Dinnerware drink not meagre don't eat. The responsibility of the person is not going forward Hong France favors people. (This is the talk about story publishing or go out dining salons for entertaining, or confer honorary life story, story, story privacy.)
Có occupants in Buddhist Scriptures, but wait for the great Master to new bear go listen to lectures, and normally is not liable to join two elaborately morning and afternoon. Listening to not suffer arbitrary hỉ. Such truth is selfish. Retrieved they just want to that for, not to go against the spirit of Buddha Dai pagoda Van., is a hidden, you cannot work, for example, counting private selfishness floss to as a whole.
Ai was the enemy of the tu? Where, for example to Devil's crush on selfishness. Working with such a selfish, true; Although having success well is just unreal.
Người tu DAO formulas are a snap as well not be disappointed. That: the unfinished line Ðại as there are mourning. The mortal represents the unresolved finished, mournful suffering as well as children have the same parent new die.
Phật French broad as great: Right among effort, diligent practice shall be accomplishing.
Người tu DAO should have proper understanding and perspective correctness (tri dissident). Not so crazy island in Africa. Black and white, can not be assigned to clear up the ankle is turquoise beads. For example, be done through the speakers, making there. If you do so then you will have the understanding and insights deviance (TA tri TA) permanently not into Buddha Deng.
Suy think dreamy fiancée: If you know for sure it couldn't do the stars for intentionally nostalgic thinking it? If you know there is hope, dreamy thoughts, then you should put down it aside? This is the bad habit of many people: know is wrong which for intentionally do. Say white out then it is you don't look like, for example, let go (accept). You do not accept this then also accept the right side it; not before this dish again before another dish; men are also not allowed in front of the woman. How is you wasting precious time expired.
Lòng compassion originates where self Tanh. It does not need any what artifacts are included. You need not flattering (new compassion); flattering is false. People slowly matured, how well they will understand the moralities. When her mind they'll naturally arises compassion, without the need to intentionally do any work whatsoever. Intentionally is bravado compassion then you will fall into place primarily soft, flattering temporary living. Intentionally do not appear to compassion, then you will become very cold, distant. Do not overuse the other do not suffice. What must also be kept neutral, i.e. , countless innocent.
Là disciples of Buddha, you must be careful about causality. Do not arbitrarily cancel profanity , reviled by others.
Khi, what a concept not without demons. Until such things (all parameters airfield si, hopeless idea negativity) then in the meantime, something also: Buddhist Bodhisattva are coming. Why? Given that you nothing at all new to Buddhism. If you still have something (negativity, accept in advance), the Buddha would not come. Police at to otherwise ceases absolutely Tanh (negativity, accept the first), as well as the same human, Li Li Tanh Tanh Tanh's gravitation, theory of heaven and Earth. The main schools of Buddhism are you, that you also lettered four generals accept previous Buddhas. When are off then also anything to negativity?
Nếu you understand (enlightenment) then what is also Italy's attorney.If you don't understand then what also angry, hot anger.
MMemorial Church, heaven and Earth established MouseKeys wall. A celebration of the evil, heaven and Earth Gale Storm storm. So which country the people's cereal grain, said keeping the stub, then water, then no work (Hungarian).
Nếu the foot of the main Buddhist monasteries are new Hung Thanh. If no one on the Buddhist will be destroyed.
LAustralia austerities, you do not afraid of hard, don't be afraid, don't be afraid of no money, don't be afraid no anchovy. If you have fear then you couldn't austerities Deng. Tu DAO then contrasted with secular Guys Who died for active education: (money, fame, beauty, diet, sleep holiday enjoyment), such could let go of them.
Nếu you can ring (ring not departed from sexual desire): Such news is maintained. For example, be patient education are not maintained.
Trong Lin then kept the activities widget is the first large-scale tubers. Up key, the Lord's power, according to the first, is the cosy certain you have to do. This is more important than all the others. You should customize them (follow people) are not separate them (doing different mass). If not then you are not in common with them.
Khi austerities if you don't understand, then on the one hand, a ground target (loss of Germany). Such as saying you don't exercise, you again well-known greed taking exercise even more notable. From morning to afternoon thought love, lust the other. All is thought not net bars. In the mind you water lily position will remain opaque, you will no longer place any more, because the box Hui as any being up already. Do you not understand that such relief should keep forever, tu find proof. Such is why? Because you have a craving. If there is no pleasing craving is very lick you'll see.
Khi you don't use public, not austerities are you like intergalactic grinding knife. But don't see Bureau of stone breaks hao nothing but to long on, or is stone is increasingly shrinking.
Vô is a dark room. If there are darkroom location hue will transform into unlit. On this life, the word DOCUMENT and signature IDENTITY has hurt don't know how many monasteries. The Abbey otherwise let go being money then will b. greed money, wealth; Don't let go yet eager lust, beauty, would attend. DAO career could not absolute achievement.
Nếu full, do you not feel cold; if fully you find hungry; if God fully and you not sleepy. Glass, gas, spirit (Dao) called Jewels. Also similar tợ as Dharma Increase of the Buddha.
S ai a glass, go one mile, when tu DAO unmentioned scandal arbitrarily. If you run Outlook, no doubt, not strictly monastic Law School Director, then maybe you will instantly feel result or raised the sanctions incredibly serious.
XYuchi are wanting tu thanh tịnh bliss. If after exporting country and then, again, for example, to export ceiling, where also a hostile relations, favors Dang, sculpt, how called publishing?
Bạn shalt not too accepted in advance, keep a few things worn on the gồng bear forever. Gồng burden? I.e. things bad habits frivolous disabilities. If you have the stuff that is not how luộm thuộm draws muddy foot out, can not do to Deng shore side.
Người tu DAO really true then go not expecting it is delicious, cosy furniture houses well. His example should have thought like that because it is the seed as it is fallen. Where, hễ is normal objects, do not participate enough then for enjoyment. Shalt not should have fun with people who treat themselves, but with guys treated no better than his not please all.
Hincrease the probability of anyone not famous hot anger people would also agree with Buddhist teachings, and moralities should the Buddha is very easy.
Con people themselves who also removed the original under tops: Providing second austerities coming in, while making money is raised to first-class, forgetting the fundamental moralities do people, only recognised where the tops. Lo do make money then just maintaining living life. Also learning the Dharma shall foster networking, a French body hue hue of his position. You should choose an appropriate with his Minister to learn, to do so on only single-minded made money.
Học maintenance notes, first of all need psychological directness, honesty. If the mind is not straight then learns what his uncle, also turned into deviant. When mind straight, school maintenance new uncle.
Trong order his Tanh quang minh, for example, no bit greedy. That in my hunch, in hue also did not exist mảy are greedy. So when his famous greed, as well as where the mirror Fellowship showing up a layer of dust. So we the public must always remember: austerities shalt not take much, do not join mau, shalt not take facilities, pleasant.
Nếu in mind are the demons, who believed the new fear of demons. If the mind is no demonic , demons will fear people.
Bintimate person ready now his Dak, otherwise borrow it to austerities are waiting to come at any time? Wait until this body gone, meanwhile want to monastery, then it was too late.
Cevil, for example, you should look for in distant places, such as the need to find high-intensive disciplines do. When you listen to the questioning Infinitely superior even penetrating en Dieu French then you think to find marvelous even invisible micro-intensive disciplines. The truth shall high-class inorganic God way you too far, but the first step you have not entered anything. Why do you have to remove the close, run by distant ones? Why abandon the base, according to the? Why not use the austerities in the place where the fuselage, seating accommodation adjacent to his daily activities. Why keep running tracing things too far tattoo magic vợi? Antediluvian says: Dao in next but for external remote bridge; the capital is easy but finding ones that hardly any.
Nếu you really don't tell lies, you call the Sun, solar garage land, soil responds; you call answering.
Kside of the painting, not take, do not access the bridge, not selfishness, not self benefit, do not lie: this is the most effective method of austerities.
MMouseKeys when it's explicit, you will be very easy to violate world, also easily violate about theft, and hope. Therefore, breaking the world pornography, sex, theft, deceit are contained therein.
Vì did you run negativity? Because your avarice has not stopped. You haven't let go of the discharge. That Place is gritty, where also touched the wall. (Gritty are examples of negativity. There is negativity, barrier, just like we go crash into walls). When you no longer four generals (four approval prior to the conception of the ego, on others, about sentient and life network), who is suffering? If the person suffering such exists then the negativity from where born?
Bạn should do long statue (talents) in disciplines; homage should make mice in France.
Twhimper Sun has eight thousand four thousand stars, people, there are eight thousand four thousand hairs. People and the world all have similar information. World destruction as reasons for human ignorance. The atmosphere in heaven and Earth and the atmosphere where each person is similar, because the latter does not air separate. The atmosphere of each individual shall have the origin of it. When people do hold Memorial charity then it would help the gas into the main ones of heaven and Earth. When a celebrity hot anger, born a notion of negativity, then augment any gas in the universe. If full use avarice, anger, foolish to take the then in heaven and Earth will be a lot of accidents. A person is, that many people, too. Somewhere wicked gathered then where's the fire victims more woes for a while. Therefore in the world of good, the bad place this place the other integral with the status of each of us did.
Niềm fun in life is short-lived, new contacts khoái dzogchen is eternal: so one must overhaul.
Học Buddha then need to learn compassion, ethics, known to forgive others. For example, should be born free comparison, than the loser, for example, should the same who disguised themselves into the dispute.
Lòng glass palace will turn the horizontal spine into intensity, cang Tanh Tanh peaceful, genteel southern duct. Lord Buddha is Lord Buddha in Tanh. The Buddha is also the Buddha's Tanh.
Người old saying: junzi capable of bettering the transport network. People have moral, principal human junzi ranks then can modify their lives, jumping off the second round of the network. Why is there such wholesome narrative misfortune? It's because you have bad thoughts in the mind of such evil. Once sowed bad seed down, then evil will reap the fruit of bad press naturally evil. If you know this error, do you then will meet good story. from the bad, avoid
Vì copy people experiencing drug industry? Because when they don't bear listening to ancient teachings of charity protection is not subject to assimilate knowledge, teachings of ranks-friendly knowledge. They keep wearing jewellery launch expectations, creating widespread enough evil. So now they often tho ma industrial harassment including interference. What made out nor are satisfied mind satisfying.
TOi wish you a great charm: Please give me free hot anger dāna, as well as crush the ignorance about black, negativity, frustrated.
Vạn Buddha Into the city, is the Mausoleum Grave dhāranī, a Buddhist, there is the Great, was capital solidly is that Chief Justice French labels, the nine European cities, is precious. It is also the city of guys want austerities, requested that hue, where ten to build the Buddhist schools.
Khi firm austerities, if fatigue where his stamina, patiently been exhausted then it's a minor into mind.
Khi austerities, he shouldn't be wasting money by democracy, must take power savings. If their waste material, greedy enjoyment are permanently never accomplishments. Because its such tu Phuoc tu Hui-resistant.
Tteleological argument, which is the position? Is not selfish. What is hope idea? Is the heart of selfishness. Hễ selfishness then the Vong idea will launch Iwai.
Bản himself in the legal world is nowhere to turn to take the sat? It is not there now, not on there, no, no, no, no sentient life. People in the Tibetan capital from current University quang minh Variant that out.
Mbending Buddhism radiant, you have to have to look far away look wide. What to do to spread Buddhism to each nation, each coming at all, even every grain of dust. Where's his great Falun, sentient, making each culture sentient nấy are left suffering, delight , exit loop mortal.
Tu are tu something? Tu stars for every expectation. All desire. Such are elaborately.
Vì copy human anxiety, sadness or fear? It's because people are craving. When craving the end is not longer anxiety upset , scared anymore.
Trai sister love each other, empty screen mean? General article though there pretty much just leather upholstered furniture rotten: therein which is stool, urine ... Nine holes in the fuselage, usually save things defilement: Eye, ear, ghèn, taxonomy, there are ranges of the ears, nose, mouth, nose, more great u.s. saliva. You think this has clean dzogchen stems reasonable?
Nếu as you can for example austerities despite Germany Thích Ca Phật do master Conflict Ni you shall also not be beneficial.
Khi her recite the title of Duc Restaurant Avalokiteshvara, who themselves take should see also looked at their faults. If its for professional looking bad story of their suffering then subtracting off. Original line not end to capitalize.
Lòng ham money making people crazy island. Sharp also makes people crazy heart eager. Join mailing list also makes them shedding. Voracious exacerbating is topsy-turvy. Which involved sleep holiday enjoyment also makes people light-headed. Money, beauty, fame, eat, sleep holiday enjoyment is in the root of hell. Song le us who who also buried deep in the heart of the original 's. The fresh roots are not planting it for deep while planting deeply fifth desire. A! Think it's not deep enough, you keep bury it deep added!
Vì stars world there will be destroyed? Because people have little understanding, goodwill, that evil is understanding. B. a good notion then heaven and Earth birth itself. Run a notion of evil, heaven and Earth increased toxic gas. You have to turn the gas bad into good gas.
Tu are where you must also have morals. Grab the moral is not to be afraid of the basic to delay sex.
Nby anyone for her compassionate attitude has no, or do not speak, are friendly to his knowledge. If you have come to the inverse implication is still rings, i.e. having stories left the incredibly annoying that you can still handle the new-found security course was elaborately rings humiliation. Do so because of a speech that mentality associated oscillate. If you overhaul to oscillate, for example that can patiently to others hardly patiently, then that new political truth is elaborately truthful. If so, you to do it again from scratch.
Người tu DAO, like water, can lower his humility, such as warfare, did not attend. What good is in favour of others, what are getting bad.
Vì stars who was born to do? Because there is AI (please request) should new reincarnation into the world in any of this. If heart love's that minimizes his birth to other places, such as realms Sukhavati, Yuri or other realms in the world. Antediluvian saying: Ai is not heavy, not b. Ta Ba; For example, for example, the first industrial Physiology Max.
Tinh tons is eco glass tones and subtle heart attack. Eco effort to litigation, the Lord's prayer ceremony, Zazen, keeping notes, i.e. the need to take the body to austerities. Mental effort, in all places at all times, you must be diligent to hue, bặt tu world stopped taking courtyard si. On that night also effort also, always close evolutionary step forward which, for example, even lazy. For tu, effort is extremely important. You can not do without effort, because no effort is not able to become Buddhas. Want to the glass Buddha.
Tjoy of each one of us is a hell, for example through her not knowing that only.
Quán Bodhisattva, looked into, and then look out. Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, looked into before you go; himself and his family identity of every sentient, as can connect any phone: sentient initiates second hope idea what you all know, at all.
Người Tri world, how to: clean sweep NET auto Tanh stick everything black thighs wicked naturally Tanh away.
Khi formulas, themselves suffering, fear of fear, fear of fatigue, difficulty then succeeded Deng.
Bà mother tongue out the atomic bomb, bomb, laser? Main parameters airfield si. So if we eradicate reference pitch si atomic bomb will not explode then, bomb is not violence, in which the laser is not longer used.
Tu are daily to keep status by equilibrium as well. How to force equal? IE always keep calmly attitude, for example, a little, tranquil ripples agitation in Tanh. This is exactly the negativity & Bodhi, mortal is Nirvana.
Người tu DAO as tu as minimized, reducing to nothing at all. Who shalt not should follow routine life, something also wished for more.
Mbending end mortal, they must provide two letters of the mortal that hangs where eyebrows. Open your eyes look mortal, then saw the problem that blindly look also find problem mortal. Invariably somewhere also recognised the new austerities are cut the birth and death.
Việc the first Buddhist to do is subtract remove Tanh hot anger. Tanh hot schools how much wrath do not stop also just planting the Dharma workers A Tu La, which later resulted message is doing A Tu La.
K. When you see guys austerities should not otherwise impassive and make sounds such as crave attention to them. Doing so is missing the ceremony. The exporting country and under house arrest must be courteous in dealing. Missing adventure holiday i.e. no culture. His van nature Jeong Jeong right (gas quality grapes, mild, polite), not so rude, man.
Nếu you not run hope idea though in just a glance of it soon, cause heart NET bar then spent a long time, your mind will become fuel stations, often quiet.
Ðạo Germany, as well as the Sun the Moon, or heaven and Earth. It is also the result of a network. Non Germany then the person just as such networks, no Japanese could result in the Laurel address such bias.
Tham meditation or Buddhist mantras are good at all. Just his honest austerities are able to pass the door mortal. Lam chung would not have existed when the suffering, not to engage in homosexual acts, as in meditation, that the current birth smiling.
Người tu DAO should work unscathed: means of the accumulation of Germany but not approved prior to it.
LAustralia you refuge Jewels, i.e. the Buddha, Dharma and refuge, but must further Increase refuge. After the refuge, you have to believe deep in Jewels. Within the tenets of Buddhism you must do things to make sense. Not so for avarice that believer in Dharma.
Khi Dharma studies, mainly to have the eyes can see truth (Trach French label). If you keep believing this talk, news stories, (which did not observe to see General does) then the result is that you will not a story at all.
Taction net news is not money, is not needed.
Khi there who teaches French as your stuff then you observe y developed talent yet? If y has permanently due to you for money, because you want to play the French medicine. As well as to buy stock, you must purchase the new shares shall have hope. You must pay, on the other, seemingly giving him nasty might be a thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, making him so that there is full of money. Then y say is launched Aurora red, yellow, black, violet ...? Such purely story of deception. Exactly because I don't know how to play your media so I must say my secret away the method.
Tpatio ear doesn't mean canker of Heaven because the Sun does not have canker which is mankind we suffered calamity. People were getting yourself DIY self tho.
Khi austerities should not go looking for leaders in the southern North Sea in the Paint, or, in the East Were Astronomical. DAO is in right place myself, therefore, should not find that Extrovert. Song le man then always enjoys looking for places away from tattoos, subliminal.
Tlighting situation people are selfish. Know that this story is not true, but to his advantage the plug head that do. Which:
Special forces, write endless money: micro-finite infinite field.
First, van graphics, unique forest Emperor: savage owners.
Weak weak negotiating military cooperation: past data field.
Most monarchs, concur tuyền: Royal destiny brings things past.
Advised him to do, (he said no money: money:) also said no.
The painter fell, taking hundreds of thousands of money: there's also right there.
If you want to work with him goes well with fresh table: busy.
On the other end down Huang's volleyball: network busy also must go.
Người Buddhist should first study bears lose, not to occupy the facility. What must also know let discharge. Having to let go new certified Dak.
Mọi France are Dharma, were unable to grasp. But we can also say that any of France were not the Dharma. In short: when we need to let go of the Buddhist, all accept before discharge. Wipe off all the French, leaving any Prime Minister. What are the General, which are frivolous, couldn't catch. If all the Prime Minister is no Prime Minister, the news the saw Deng As Hybrids.
Ðdark things are riders who studied Buddhism. approval When not learning Buddha is not a few accept in advance; After studying Buddhism and many accept before! In fact everything everything always takes pitching truth. If you are naturally enlightened via every one. If you do not accept the Enlightenment is as deep as previous indentation 's passion for black.
Mỗi the Buddhists must bear the responsibility for making Buddhist hưng thạnh.
Nghiệp the most powerful force in the world is career suicide. Result report of career officer born then worsens the other. Sentient beings for mutual massacred each other, support each other, truth is relative avenge the dark tragic in this world.
Người tu must exercise elaborately rings. Cold ring, ring, ring, rings, from sexual hunger, thirst, subjected to verbal, was fasting. You should learn the spirit of the Bodhisattva is often Real Contempt: real arguments anyone for me no good, I'm also not born free angry, I just bring the mind into dealing with them, causing them to feel natural, proliferation into silk.
Vì stars need austerities? Because it is foolish, only do full story crazy Island, subject to suffering in samsara , don't get in.
Mệnh of human emotion that force is due to the industry. Zhao We should not be to congenital nature, habit of driving leads, also don't let desire, physical enchanting blur. She needs to creative destiny, lèo driving a cargo net. Want to modify the transport network, they must make many of the Germans. In the meantime, when you encounter the natural thing to heal victims. These data will be turned into article established the wall. That: Let's work well, shalt not question will be the result something in the future.
Ai who also know the humiliation brought to shore rings freed. But when encountering police world (story starring his loyalty), unable to ring fast floating. Fire Polish ruler only ignorance in the transient moment clean burning all Germany accumulated in five months.
Hincrease in the number that is the Bodhisattva. Customs officer which are not self in dill qualities.
Pseafood treat people: Taking compassion hỉ to discharge that treated them. With whom he must also have compassion. Whether y is furthest away bad guys anymore, you also have to show compassion, to chemical sensors. If this chemical sensors such as Deng then wait times would be turned anymore. In this sense turns his life after his release Chapel will feel certain are medical, prompting y this evil, do heal. in Flowered Strictly, Bodhisattva wanting of a sentient that goes by a few great guys does not know the existence. Regardless of the arduous miserable, what he is not rotten adversity, a desire to feel turned the other guys.
Mbending the Buddha himself must chunk except the desire, love, heart broken AI, low education, new modern decor hue was opened.
Tu are tu something? Main tu mind. Mind right? Specialisation. Minh Tam, Enacted that: everything is done. Specialisation Italy releases austerities. The notion of professional up-to-date, new opening position hue. The notion of non-professional one is interested to Extrovert pursued.
Người tu DAO should not float. Ai no Tanh Tempus then amalgamated with, merged with France. If you don't then do anger Tempus will not have; When anger is not then you such foolish again. Why his foolish? Because of his anger is too large. Once famously hot, what's also not afraid at all: not afraid of such fear. Sun In the meantime his article Uncle Li causation, crazy Island stories in black and white, what is also not working in accordance with precepts, not in accordance with the law, repugnant with Mistress moralities.
Người Buddhist we firstly diligent tu world to hue, except kill tham si field. This is getting each individual to practise, apply where the body of this truly public. Not that he urged others diligently tu world to hue, except kill tham si airport, which is to manually their true austerities.
Khips should be mindful of mass desperation, Wildlife Habitat, foolish hope idea more so. For such radiation is the rebellion thought helpful in story austerities.
Mbending grips the mesmerizing black of themselves they must know Ay, inscriptions Tanh -rotate the hear back to listen to yourself before you go.
Tu must know from the Centre down. From the mind means for his gentleness from Egypt, compassionate. Lowering high gas means no tribute, no prior approval fell into four General. Break apart all accept before the new tu Bodhisattva is.
Bạn please Floating Hotread, No Name-callingread, Not Pitch Angryread. Read this and then three more capital into very mau will Buddha.
Người tu DAO are: major leg movement behaviour test, go stand is seated for leaving home. Do not do the mirror, only professional reflection photo people (showing up on mirrors) but don't self reflective yourself.
Người person then where do always have to practice meditation. Means necessary to collect Regency body mind, don't let lung, not concur.
Người exporting country is good for the guys at the mirrors. If you don't do good then people will arrest the mirror does not trust. In the meantime your influence will no longer. So who made the need to make the mirror good for house arrest.
Người tu we should eat such protein maps silvery odor at all. So then the new bankruptcy permitted before, except are challenged his bad.
Nếu not wear and tear gas to scatter the divinity with or without eating don't matter anymore. On every major because his days revolve around in the scene's new owners need to smuggle should diet.
Bạn should penetrate tu a disciplines: Zazen to single-minded Tri Chi studied Zen Buddhism. The lesson they must address maintenance releases school established. The school of law, the right expertise to study law. The Abbey maintained notes they must specialize in psychoanalysis A tribe. Tu nianfo are also to be single-minded nianfo. when reciting the most attention to is not available then you will absolutely magazine current world Sukhavati. you should have just studied meditation, homage to want to learn, to want to study law, to want to learn, to study meditation. When you join many dishes are hard to chew for digital. His specialisation was the most public attention, then the new austerities achievements. Like you just got a mouth full of food, entrapment, then don't do the mouth so chewed for ragged. Mouth too full, want to eat rice also swallow not null. Buddhist, too: you must slowly incrementally each step sequentially, Cham slowly advancing. Do mau ham ham Le ". That Exercise, despite reaching-want mau is not arrived.
Cmain patient's caregivers? For those who don't like you, their status, their inferior position hue, education is not equal: nothing they also lost to you. When they are not polite, modest kind dealing with you, you can be patient, that is the main foot humiliation. The humiliation is not the humiliation over higher status. For predators higher status: you called overcome , not patiently.
NCamara hot is evil. Hot air buoyancy is friendly.
Người Buddhist shouldn't Extrovert: East West North, room always go there, wasting all the time.
Vì why people are sick? As usual no emphasis to health. The arrest should reduce work explicit fitness, enhance the fitness athletes. Such is the basics of health. If you run every day, not holding permits rules rules are perpetual turnip's body was could not be better.
V provides extreme contrast, Belgian pole all Thailand -developing peaked then would roll driven, deadlock culminated then action. Ay author: Rene genus, Islamic Administrators spend using -the contrast, the new motion (dir.), the usefulness (of) is located in the software. If you can see the surface of things to look for articles or good articles, then everything will be OK, nothing troubles.
Lthe Australian diet, any comment is ripe, tasty furniture sượng furniture unfinished furniture, should not be adopted before the taste of it.
Người tu in place must also know the savings keep blessing should not be wasting money wealth. Doing so long on baseball, it will accumulate virtue for yourself. Due to such saving seed, will produce the series, fruit tree leaves sum left also filled. If no fertilizer, watering the tree leaves are easy care wither and die. Thus the tu must attach importance to virtue, is the world basics first.
INguys want to fake ones, this life is hard to really go. You want to find the truth, they must let go of the author. For example, be interested in publishing so that such amendment France France let go of worldly.
Phật of religion invoked reason anatta, not endorsed the view of Prime Minister, considered astrology, divination, as does not believe in Feng Shui. Because of things that could go against the Dharma, in contrast to DAO. Therefore it is not uncommon in new ban only. When you believe in things she would survive the fall. From which all things are from the ego has, both because of the ego that calculation. No ego, no people, is not in accordance with the Dharma.
Pháp which I projectile casual shallow Lam. France? Is France dining, dress pants, bed rest. So there are people who come legally, I teach them should eat at least a little bit, even a little, a little less sleep. Reduce wear, because: phước, less food, less sleep, loc tho. If this three-star (Phuoc loc tho) and premiered on, not that as well as the Dharma?
T rong liver without fire, (not angry)
What also avoid "method exit.
This is the medicine for non-ferrous,
Again take an approximately. (not used)
Ta BA ha!
Csteamed ahead mean? When does not believe in cause and effect you'll Physiology wholeheartedly accept the previous depth thick. Second mortgage before this taken to cancellation of no profanity, for that reason. Consequently the Buddhists to identify clearly causation. Why do I need to believe deep causation? Don't believe causation, you hard as Buddhists. Could not read classic Mahayana litigation, then will not openly favoured position.
Tteleological argument which is hopeless idea? News 's desire.
Siêng power over world needs practice in that one cannot see. Is not diligent in front of the other guys, keeping the world in front of people. Right at home alone you alone, which diligently maintained.
Hhug this Buddhist monastery, thinking that mai! members has Just finished digging hoe! wells Memorial No where is that! Austerities, such as sharpening iron into kim, elaborately full the natural achievement.
TOh this letter Buddhism into education because that anybody who are also interested. Austerities is to hope, survival footing mentality. Also hope interest shall also be psychological qualities, have legs, is Buddha.
Khi taking meditation to matured is not what is no longer expected that hot also dashed Tanh, impurity reduction, high soaring, gas dignity will also further greatness.
The just of Buddhism is anybody can become Buddhas. The sentient beings in the present is its parent in the past, and is lettered Buddha in the future. If his students do anger with sentient beings are also born free to anger his parents and schools of Buddhism. He will become the guys represent real tastes.
Khi herself during the accident, he should expel the Malaga interferences, the public emergency use of truthfulness austerities, wicked gas into established new walls, tai lives turned out peace.
Khi within mortal, she wants to escape the mortal, they must spent little effort. No easy exit where mortal. Use strength mean? I.e., do any of what you have to make it true. Encountered adversity, the more difficult the more dynamic, must not become multiple, not angry Tempus. Such news is taking care of the land in his pieces, the function of nursing sky Tanh. Doing so will add to the political climate between heaven and Earth. His new right is the foot of the monastery, truly believed Buddhism.
Nhìn perforation i.e. understand all; let discharge i.e. freed. Having freed himself at the new friends. Cannot be freed then you can't manually. Self, for example in the way.
Tu action not talk anything else where: Right where body mind life that uses elaborately.
PThis is excluding reference pitch háp si, tu world to hue. You want to go in search of magical stuff, then just go against. DAO is: mind normally is, mind integrity is shume.
Người tu must remember: for example, there should be human coastal pollution relations with others. Because such binding will be born infected, including puppets, puppet, ended will make you fallen.
Tgreat, not only turned rancid charm charming small fossils (fossil charm i.e. go please). How are chemical coast great? I.e. I want please ignorance, anger, negativity. When you do not have these three things, ignorance, negativity will enjoy established wall as Italian if there are three things she is Hungarian spirit, the bad guys. As a result of you! Let's let you couldn't let exhaust discharge story, you should be more strenuous quit quit twice as hard! Strenuous dropped hot anger, ignorance, impurity then you will be good only.
Mục primary goal is to drain Willow austerities mortal, not because for induction.
Người took meditation needs basic cognition problems. Such is what? That is a bad habit of disabilities. When his fight lost, i.e. appropriately (meaning hitting) bad habits frivolous disabilities punctured.
B-Yi States something if you see it's normal, there is nothing very important then you will nothing troubles. When you give this story the key, it is very important. then it will be in trouble
Tu tu moral ethics must not truthful, hindering others, is not fear other obstacles themselves.
Việc hardest, while tu is severed negativity. Severed means turning, turning negativity into Bodhi.
Xem sharp-lobed, light financial fame actually consider it nothing, forget about it, that the main truth is the new austerities.
Tteleological argument about Sukhavati is due to the interest shown. Order of the Net result, Tanh my Max is Germany A Di Da. When there is no hope, then the mind that is the first Resolution. When no negativity, the mind's was A Di Da.
Ðạo you in the most professional Center. As well as the use of soldiers you in refining, not in the majority. Every gesture of his behavior has not been away from self Tanh. When in mass, they must preserve words, precaution six pirates (ears, eyes, nose, tongue, body, Italy). Do not let six pirates pulled away.
Tin Buddhism are divisive manner, treat (religion) is more than all, that's true (others false), then Special Lam Lam, or seats. When there is a notion so then its not kham creating. Each of the Buddhas, their needs should be free to all, broad tolerance takes every species. Within the scope of Buddhism, not have enemies.
Khi commemorates the German titles Are Avalokiteshvara, herself (only few people live in the Nunnery Monastic) should not be day and night for that Bright idea, hope kicked off not eating anything:, again without tea drink, too, is all okay gauge. Must run away!
Ttu Hieu patient then what French city. No patient will often feel this is incorrect, the other stories are not good. What also left discretion. so then what is? you can tu DAO is no ego, without ego.
Người austerities to tu egolessness General. If no cross, then can tolerate everything; every scene world coming, its not his mind, because the engines see as frivolous. Scene world to also be austerities, adversity come, must also be austerities. Thuan sight to come, not excited, adversity, such as b. lo sad. Inverse landscape or pros themselves must know clearly. If possible as his property has not been warned how unshakable. If his Coalition then turned willow Willow often revolves scene.
Người tu is not patched, as well as completed, for example, what other human. Nor wear rosaries, wearing ... then that is the export countries. As soon as though there is some y, which is dated for breaking the world, absolutely not true austerities, then negligible also called off. HA scenarios if you don't fill y, then did not without pretentious and General Bhikkhu has.
Ma tu DAO is helping themselves. Ma help yourself, watch yourself there releases voluntary solidly or affordable housing. If you really solidly, though there are thousands of ghost, you also do not change, the great Ghost, you are also not rotten slump. What you also do not be afraid, because you nothing wanting.
Mbending oxygen, you shouldn't talk too much. The Abbey otherwise know little word will not be tu Dang. Do not nourish the gas pressure is not magical. Keep talking a nostalgic then France will take off. Now see if you also tu DAO?
Ktrue true because both intended the sermon. Table talking of the table. Chair says France's Chair. What what also turned Falun. Who turn Falun. Cat redirect Falun's cat. If you understand, then you'll hear the French understood. If you don't understand then you only hear French foolish.
Ðừng to profitably make dogmatic about black. To death the two white hands. That Do to new school, old mausoleum filled with crowds of teenagers.
Tprovides free bad Buddhists who also yourself properly, not interested in anyone else; there is someone who himself is misleading, in contrast, ban mutual, dèm pha defamatory mutual.
Trong district process his austerities there invariably are lazy. Tu led to persistent Huai Huai, not to interrupt. Otherwise the tu HA sa number of lives that constant as well as the sand which necessitates there cooking rice. Not able to have that conversation.
Có financial mismanagement, the main leg indefinite fears need not say grooming. Because Word is probably derived from Lam quang minh, in our minds Tathāgata treasure. Use word filtering, grooming, to be counterproductive, turning good into bad. Antediluvian says:
T hip is by making acoustics Germany. (German as well as in silence, no one knows)
German sound leads into street smart.
Don't do music Germany to smart.
Smart will be smart asses.
Commerce itself: don't let yourself delinquency.
Trade House: don't let the family be crushing.
Foreign trade: make sacrifices for the country.
Khip to that fasting is kept about suicide. Also do not say: I don't have any major arms kill sentient beings, and that no world police. World police should in themselves do not run free anger for sentient beings.
Khi you fear, although you do not want ma, ma will also come. You don't have the heart to fear, though ma wanted to also was unable to come. This is the most important secrets: don't be scared. When you do not fear, the mind will lead. Is probably serves everything, because the main flaps any WINS. Thus ma most afraid is four-digit : main University quang minh.
Người minh TAM is not foolish. Guys comments Tanh then there is no European melancholy. Mind like a mirror, back as well as water.
Cevil you should: customized charm to create additional offences ex, shalt not new.
K. complacent, (arrogance, for themselves too good too good too) are absolutely not accomplishing anything. His school: Yes that is unlikely, it's that seemed fake. Ethical nobility seem to not seem at all. There are abusers truthful comedienne, then y seems not there at all.
Sau here are Six ones don't:
- When the pendulum vibrating foot, sitting do not knee.
- When standing, don't shake the pants.
- When going to last year's beginning. đừng
- When it comes do not expose the tongue.
- When the jokes don't laugh loudly.
- When hot anger don't scream.
Pnaval exercise: think ripe and then let's talk, fun and laughter, see does mean just made.
T-Yi both compounded en in this lifetime realms, true is extremely tenuous, not sure what's up. No what permanent deformation. All the material is not anything solidly at all.
CBasil ta ai that often keep floating hot anger, ignorance, then fire is is in the net of ma. How to escape the grid ma? It is very easy: do not heat. Non-notable dóa, no fire, no anger, ignorance will exit airport shortly mesh ma.
Tare pleased to be the stars of his theory, before she herself for acceptance? Hoai Why every enterprise crime because it that produces, for example, could be let go.
Người tu DAO Hanh remote cups: far right tu Cup best financial fame remote cups made lobed, everything bad evil. Close everything.
Ai can serves six apartments, six, six formula cause them to hear, not create contrast, guys's Bodhisattva.
Ai can wipe out sentiment, no longer filth dirty murderer's Bodhisattva.
Ccommitted to awakening, enlightenment's life's impermanence. Demon impermanence is unknown at what will find themselves. In the meantime: thousands of things not to bring Deng, only under the fuselage. If now not recognised then the wait time, coming past any new amendment here?
Bạn should list know that two letters beneficial and harm all of his life.
Khips have greed sex then nothing without negativity. Once greed sex then what is also happening. World, everything everything, something well due to the great species of pleasing borne parameter at all.
Thật out things paint, glass, glass mỵ etc. are not crap. Parallel problem to see if overturned, if its kept free for the first payment, no flaps, then invariably Draco to protect yourself. Keep in mind is a solidly holding hỡ, then don't let Karma from where placed in homage.
K. have hue then no negativity.
Dựa on the legs that have disappointed. When hope runs out then foot current presentation. Disappointed not end then vacuum.
Nhễ gười Buddhist manner should hear people praise is fun high excitement. Hear a displeasure, unhappiness immensely. Such is the expression of no definite date. Then you don't have to police forces of eight wind shook.
LAustralia do you well to austerities, always diligent that escape the earthly realms of life.
Sinh suicide risk such that the left would dare lazy stars! Back left out seems of no story whatsoever, as that alone had power seats. Not that waste of time?
Bậc moral high increase in settler, usually to a picture that comes out is also no remnant. Adventure adventure travel, then Khan Khan. As wind, as well as wind. (However, that the Director of the Sir transfer saved indefinitely). To unintentionally ridiculous, monsters gone also won countless monsters.
Siêng tu world to hue i.e. the junzi, that progress towards the front. When Hunter took his pitch si, except there is no need downward again.
Ma incredibly intelligent. It said the other have greed rình wants something then it will use the appropriate method for example or that person. Therefore the austerities of us is not necessary to recite what Uncle nor use special disciplines. True, not just yourself, not, not expecting that, not selfishness, not self benefit, for hard line, then there is what theft is. ma Just you have greed, pride, wished to occupy facilities, seeking the amendment, would be easy to was mated to the ma.
Ksacrifice mind pollution, then it is the world's Mothers.
Ksacrifice Center bar first, then it's the world Sukhavati. World Yuri and Sukhavati nothing different.
Xready to build the pagoda is not equal to. Built by not building Buddha.
Bạn to are (right at happened) that decision (to do). It should not be delegated except such decision, Tru mỵ, then any line, resulting in lost time of melon offer a precious. Take, for example, should foot the pallete to lick off negativity , Willow escaped mortal.
Tleft the ground could not one day without turbochargers, the thought of God cannot be a lack of hỉ (joy). On his invitation to God, do you mind hỉ with hỉ. So then he would not have negativity. These people tu is also important.
Mprogram (IHP) to extinguish the world war, is not opposed to the war. When you have opposed the war, the war mentality where you arise then. When you oppose others, or resistance to the war, the war in the mind you've kicked up already.
Bạn don't believe causation tell? Wait until it poured down your head, at the time wanted air evasion also escaped.
Nnever call established old is so easy to enter. If you can enter whether or not to go, then sitting at sitting are alike. Scene world in which hope is completely calm, in the mind is not a Memorial, not infected students bare dirt. If you can not sit at walking lies in biological notion does not bare dirt contamination of what it is that you use. Not that sit down firm called new.
Ðừng should be the general breakdown assuming do crazy island.
Khips unmistakable in physical causation cannot be stalled in the austerities.
Người austerities then recede lists benefit. They watch as the drops of dew between Phu QUY hoa hamlet. They see the titles as the steam on the roof tiles, in moments will vanish d. remnant. If you want to test whether someone has or not see austerities, actions which are aimed at the identity with affordable housing.
Khip crying don't laugh, it's called to power. There is no plan to force the to laugh or cry or new.
Nếu often effort then that news is in the making. If you could customize the external coast followed without variation, not change the evaluation but can adapt to the circumstances, then it's called Kim Cang Cang Dinh Dinh Kim are not things that the Prime Minister, it's just about Bodhi not only transformer damage.
Nếu themselves thoroughly during sex: funny, angry defeat, sad, afraid, love, hate, desire-then serves it. Do not leave them floating wave, wind, i.e. catering Center.
Hconverged at the story that the world is too full of criminals minor demons, not knowing how much since. Why do so many minor demons? Because people abortion much too. The fetus is not a picture that was killed, so when do we have about vengeance demons are very heavily. So the world police, freed, vegetarian, broad not abortion. The minor demons of escape them where it is not easy, saying Pluto is easy to meet , minor demons hard.
Người lack of virtue, there are very large, Tanh hot ignorance foolish also deep thick. Who has the virtue of no Tempus anything, ignorance has also turned into decor hue minus. Therefore the austerities to your compensation virtue is.
Người often self-comparison, given that its more than others. States, where interest has not reached the scene they were adopted prior to the fall in General only. Abusers must subtract remove the ego. meditation For example, no general or conceptions about the ego, which should not have the mind, not body. When no interest, you will make countless humanitarian workers.
Khi truthful no hope idea are you going to current world Sukhavati. when there is no hope idea then there will be no negativity, no suffering. Đó Sukhavati is world.
Non know minimum education voters (less involved want, know yourself enough). Knowing full well what his will nothing troubles.
Mỗi people we shouldn't be Doing Business litigation alone, A Di Da Kim Cang, U.s., Shurangama Sutra. His litigation for clarity in the mind, the good new Nikaya. Are you litigation Nikaya true i.e. when mind no jealousy, ego, not accept tribute higher earlier in the fall of such accepted a heavy hard on his deep knowledge solutions. If you have a disability, but you have bad on litigation experience but you don't know.
Người can result in Tempus are gauge. People don't have the Tanh Tempus are happy. The rambunctious then negativity; guys are not hot anger, usually fun. Tanh hot anger is his greatest enemy. Why do people born psychopath? Because there is hot and angry. Why things are not going smoothly? Also because of the heat. If people in all times, always without Tempus angry then y always delight orgasm, peace.
Mbending tu DAO must foster morality. There is no virtue not be tu Dang.
Tu should have honest leaders. It is like silk, each car must pull off a new thread each strand then not disorder.
Ðừng should find the scientific method to reach enlightenment. Do not should do the smart way.
Tbody of each person, whimper who also have immeasurable boundless beings. If you have greed, who's also interested in participating, if you have anger, then every sentient beings also mimics the famous heart of anger. Tanh took his pitch si can affect those sentient beings. Who is he turns into a lot of children, the child grew to larger and more variable. Đó hundred thousand memories incarnation of you! Therefore, the dynamic Director, mindful recited tu to change habits, bad , tu into good habits.
Ngũ warm is chained column one. Because of the four, five warm covered should you new cannot be freed.
Nếu don't know amiable humble bow, how to rescue people. Perhaps himself is not is rescued again.
Cevil you do Huu tu, who then should encourage each other, and go on the road. Does not harm each other. At any time you should also speak to each other. Mouth not say Africa holidays, close not do stories Africa ceremony.
Tu Administration takes her to revert optical reflection (feedback recruited into light, projecting backwards). Optical zoom is not out to others perceptions about himself.
Tu without debate shall not ma. Debate is ma to sailings.
Khi choose you, yourself to choose you good, you can benefit. Should not choose you bad and lousy work together, and then later sides have fallen all together.
Chưa tu into the Aurora immature Lam. Aura so then left helpless, unable to resist Hurricane storm waves. When Aurora fullness, not lack of non-residue, then at that new optical magnification. Currently phase austerities you shalt not launch.
L(Australia) are not subject to tu for good. Buffalo horse goat pig sees at work, you may want tu also such opportunities. In the meantime you kneel at the door guy butcher weeping begging: Please him compassion, don't kill subnet! Guy butcher anyway to kill such excuse. Therefore just hearing whimper squeezing his manner in the butcher's would understand the cause of the crash came as the war whence that out.
Khi tu then shouldn't arbitrarily say graffiti. Otherwise the data will be dumb ngọng. reporting results
Ðịa seismic (earthquake) might be called artificial seismic (movement) because of the land and then by another. When multiplying the seismic shock. If the human is not geographical, nor traumatic injuries then. Have fun, seismic, geological and seismic you angry then. Do you have a mournful, sad worries, fears, love hate, then all students earthquake. When there is desire, sex, seismic greater. Inside the new external action should be. There be inner seismic seismic outside. They have a vicarious relations. You planted the cause of earthquakes inside should be earthquakes outside. When to plant workers are not afraid, his achievement at it then new fear death always.
Tu need to take action just miserable.
Pnostalgic French firm is to recite mantras reflective optical feedback. Not understanding what where his uncle, just walking thesitting without lying, do not run out. Nor seek books. Need to pay attention to what is not. If you are truthful to the then what you are also not greed. Because your old self, which is now full. What does vacuumi.e. this. From within it magic organicdevelopment was born. Therefore: Don't do the evil (vacuum), the philanthropist (Magic). Precepts are the framework to the tu tu according to which Princess. When it reaches the "no" then all karma are not, is not guilty , no joy.
Ma from four directions eight directions to challenge people. If anybody for vicious within the African, human ego, happy sad, love hate, which recognised the ma will admit, Myrtle vulnerabilities that snuck into.
Mbending b. Sukhavati is receivable Regency wipe all emotional.
Vì stars world war? When people start eating meat, the war began. Predatory are also eaten.
K . find faults, my enemy's master's . Those who can speak out your bad habits, spoiled handicapped people's taste, good knowledge. You should thank him, should not looking them as hostile.
Người then believe Feng Shui intellectual Center News. All are due to psychological form.
Người life for that school, where width (like mount), or that tuition in the right place this tiny (mentality). If anyone has virtue then Feng Shui naturally good because interest them well.
Người it looked during the alleged incident, not of bounded roughly by the appearance of the work. The sleeper only see General status outside of the taking, as seen throughout the truth inside of every story.
N ếu who wants to know the eternal Buddha in three schools, the number of French world: Tanh are all due to the interest created .
Mbending have hue, firstly do not name-calling people, also don't be beaten, killed, hurt others.
Mprogram (IHP) to establish the death benefit. If only all computing benefits for themselves, take care of yourself to be happy, then it does not mean of jobs.
TOi knows what? I know how that was lost, not occupy facilities. If you really understand then you will know that the main loss is to be finally: comfort (prevailed), which occupied facilities (win, win) 's lose.
Khips must be easy to fix these faults where the grape is precedes bad. If you modify them, then you will have to force.
Người see document release is glee story. Having money and must use brains the brain calculates how to preserve it so that it doesn't lose, not before. That money is real, should on worry. Song le, real talk money more or less, dying and not giving a coin. Then two white hands! You see it be happy?
CBasil is anybody being career driven, that does fuselage autonomy. He was born into this life is to repay. Because once created is not the same, should this be different report result life. Such is the weaving industry Net:.
Lthe devil, the demonic àm i.e.. Employed persons are persons. Working Buddha, Buddha.
Bready now to hear his words Dai Bi should heed heart glee, that truth, born lucky, really pleased, it's hard having been out of sight. Indeed, it is difficult that you may have been An Act. Today's meeting notice, you should remember, don't be belittled it then struggled through a party.
Người Buddhist must leave little time out to study Dharma, not to be understood clearly, imagine no tợ know but do not know. Think: I didn't know, so I don't need to know. I didn't hit, so for unintelligent reach consistently. Such is the attitude of surrender, not subject himself stepped to the front, strenuous put money of yourself.
Người new mind austerities, the biggest obstacle for the firm 's: mind explicit sex, his son took passage, daughter, daughter's son took passage. This is the most basic issues.
Giảng Jing tu Hui; Zazen is tu; Could not open her mouth said mausoleum but is tu world.
Làm people on his life to take timely, for improved timeliness. Also a bit of a breath, a little effort, you have to practice charity, of Germany, shouldn't squander his evangelical base has grown in the past, by way of life for the enjoyment for the press's approval.
Người tu that fear alone could not.
Trong mind, absolutely do not have demons. Also do not have hate, anger, resentment, irritability pissed. When things are never finished, because there they i.e. demons into the House and such.
Làm ranks friendly knowledge, you may not be flattering people, not attempting to please people, leaving his friend fuzzy truth maze that is not or.
QCouncilor Wang expertise hot anger, not keep. Quan Yin Bodhisattva expertise to bear being HA rape , always keep.
Bạn to think things have no value, then the future will reap the fruit reportedly have no value. Everything cuisine are just a taste. Thought about eating, the mind will let go of the lung, can't alkalinity ends six apartments.
Nếu universe overflowing gas wall established the globe will not burst.
Cevil you note: Qualities that adpositions external to themselves do not pay attention to it, and not to interfere to it, so naturally, but don't let it lay with his mind. In the Shurangama have lecture very clear, hopefully you took meditation studied the faculty about 50 Ma Kettle.
Buồn a bit: Is his Mall hell. Laughing one: is the old man turns into a child. Cried a bit: The hell there's a room is really black thui.
Việc tu is important for people not born negativity, in any situation, too. Sit nor born negativity; is also not born negativity. Essential to the negativity. That endless negativity, swear vows; transforming negativity into Bodhi. Negativity is not enlightened. Bo topic i.e. enlightenment.
CDai Bi i.e. great uncle howling of mind dhāranī. It may bias radically. If you can every day to delay proceedings 108, continuously during three years, then you can use Bi to treat sick Uncle out of sight. In the meantime, the hands to be sick. I know talk about energetics of Uncle Dai Bi. Hope you each user the power of An uncle to the current rescue Hao KIEP Bi (canker, the great famine) of the world, making it permanently no longer crashes, and works in France permanently in in the Earth.
T's old days are always digitally blame fine himself. Unlike the eternal now, what was also never given wrong, always looking faults of others.
CBasil's every day to remove talk a bit, to a little more. Ðánh killed the notion in mind, the new incarnation of French living Deng. Less talk, more: true nianfo became easy as hands.
Người tu then do backwardsright. Such is the meaning to do? I.e.: story is well favor other guys, the bad, the burden on his talk. Remove the small discharge to complete the crossroad junction (Buddha Tanh) greatness.
Mbending learn well the oan grim look'd into Buddhism, they must meet; ". If you do not want to learn good ethics, then fails to find where you oan grim. More and want to study well the oan grim as to find you because it wants to pay expired a few old debt.
Nin new fun! We need each year are fun, each month are fun, every day is fun, every hour are fun. Shalt not born negativity then new cultivate pieces of land in the Center, function packages about Sun where self Tanh .
Cevil you are true, they must overhaul steps incrementally make truth, reciting mantras, reciting mantras not to waste are directed towards the Pack steps. To do so then you new foot was a student of Buddhism.
Việc tu DAO can increase growth center position hue, Bodhi, a volunteer force. Everything what also grew.
Ngày day you should not be forgotten demon Impermanence don't know would ever invite you to go.
Tbargain dresses that ma France is strong, France. The power of the devil is increasingly strong. The power of the Buddha is increasingly produced small. For Buddhism is not talking about the new powers which is oai Germany proper. When they are large, powerful blessings, ma reports. When they are less strongly, Phuoc, ma France weak.
Nếu, cosy furniture exports participating apparently, gluttonous desires even, then also the Chief French something to say?
Cdistrict the hunch, distract the stalemate. How do you specialize in? Deterministic to the education, leaving AI. If not removed, then exports the craving for eight thousand four thousand representatives came clergyman was also unable to achievement. Therefore this crucial point.
Bạn no TAM joined the new let discharge Deng. New discharge then you have to let himself in, and then can enlightenment, University Park opened.
Người tu DAO we have from there which turned out to protest an obligation, not revert. Return to back to the property of its Buddhist Tanh.
Giải escape i.e. you graduate places round world law. Also graduated in the first round. Also graduated from the round of negativity. Also graduated out of ignorance.
Bản of France is not, so you shouldn't accept the advance into France. So if you can not look for laws that smoothly, then let go, you have not yet been committed.
Người have enmity, then there will be red faced demon.
Người have a resentment of hate, then there will be the Golden demon.
Người have a brain, the coat will have the white demon.
Người have a pitch, then there will be the green demon.
Người have a nuisance, then there will be black-faced demon.
Người enmity shall harm the heart. People hate the harmful Bhikkhu resentment. Brain, lung damage of Austria. People resented the liver damage airport. The shall hurt kidney sorrow.
Con young, when Physiology has not yet matured, which went to find the love object (physically and mentally) to vulnerable, disadvantaged anymore.
Tu don't need to search the room, room away from the tattoo. DAO is in front of the eye, i.e. in his mind. Disappointed about the Italian horse, monkey-like creature. Italy then gasoline as horses, mausoleum, jumping silverberry as monkeys. If you can realize these are certain austerities are included.
Có: When people ask me to West method, master do Hoang Duong Dharma? I would like to answer that: I totally rely on Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, attaching An Bi and uncle Mausoleum Grave.
Chùa is nurturing the austerities not nurture guys Mike.
CBasil had to debate each other learn the Dharma. Learning the Dharma versus making money is much more important. If you close the network to maintain French tu Hui-healthy, for strength, superior to go make money hundred thousand great wall again.
Phumor cannot enjoy most. Enjoy all the blessings no longer anymore. Line, can bear off. Bear off the misery to bear.
Suy solicited about the agony of sick sickness, then healthy is blessed.
Suy solicited about the agony of accident, then peace is joy.
Suy solicited on the line when there is money, then no money is blessed.
Suy solicited about the agony of riches, the poor are blessed.
Tyeah immeasurable lives to date, his being frivolous disappointed scam. Eternal realm his realm to should stayed within mortal samsara. As well as fish in mesh, endless pool swim out, permanently not escape grid. Such is also due to his refusal to play mind Bodhi, not lose, so still must remain forever within the mortal wheel stuck in samsara turning spell six corners.
K. Government has favoured the legs never merit, demerit points. The person whom narcissist, no map any longer. But that was still alive but have as dead.
Ðời this is for looking fake stuff about real stuff, then discarded.
Toàn world brimming dark gas. where the foot main austerities, where accidents are less transparent and smaller. If many people together in one place the amendment power their collective can turn gas into dark climate established wall.
Người sermon real conclude that y has unseen ads to where, you also have to observe him. If y is avarice, to also make money; or have explicit sex, then y is not second, which is Friday. If y no greed, there is no explicit sex, intrigue, y is second.
Tu not on a night which is a. It requires, as well as that night also: mind always tu Tri, steadfast unchanging. After a long time will grow into positions hue uncivil. If you one day, ten days off then permanently could not be accomplished.
Trong pagoda, you shouldn't talk indiscriminately. Cannot arbitrarily bungle. Qui CU's precepts. Keep the precepts, the new NET bars. There is a new intimacy bar NET, lettered Buddhist.
Tjoy of ta is like a chemical factory, Christian Van Variant. At one point it turns himself into the match when hungry birds, demon, or if a chemical reaction are successfully transforming itself into Buddha. it might turn into air, not into there; It turned out a multitude of different networks. Therefore he must be careful do not let it turn into hungry demons or animals. This chemical shipyard to hun casting, I trained the Buddha, Bodhisattva, Thanh Van, Graceful sight. Turn the wrong chemistry a little then results will further shake, the difference shall not want to return are easier to as well.
Khips austerities that wish to become Buddhas: no story there.
Vautomotive smart i.e. not understanding. Basics of ignorance is craving.
Bạn do not think he has footage about then that is fine. Scenic world but you don't know it clearly shall procession ma.
B-Yi is you see something, should not be scene's unshakable, should not run according to the police about it. What to do? Must see it as no. Having scene world without sight, mind you must be the same. Not born mind excited, nor , born about hate.
R-Yi away just ate a lot of people waste hours waiting to die. Ai in the same way: early to bed to wake up, is busy this evening about it until up bed. Also just because three pieces of rice that focal length. Live like the meat go, no local little value, meaning anything, then live and die nothing disagreement?
Bwinning due to the new airport should have his mind fire disaster (fire victims). Care should be taking marine disasters (flood victims). Care should be promoted tai si (' wind storm). Three accidents which were caused by three independent parameters airfield si that out. We also have three independent whoever in the mind. If the mind is an infrastructure to another at any time, it will forming accident.
Bon external computers (computer), insides self Tanh we also have computers, called brain brain or Buddhist spirit, his brain. Also IE reseller location hue. However, scientific progress, bilateral direction of its Extrovert, so the more tracing the truth means away from the truth. The scientists only public places outside the skin, so it looks like something real, but the facility was then forgotten insane hue obligation owners. Such so-called original, according to the UN.
LAustralia tu DAO does not need to use the strength to cope with the barrier. If you are sincere, then naturally things will solve pretty smoothly.
Khips want to overhaul French made, at the same time not bear let go of worldly laws. Two foot pedals up two boat: a boat sailing away Jiangbei district, an Giang Province. Such is the affair cannot do Dang.
Nếu want something unique in the world standard for the people to vegetarian, do not eat meat.
Ai don't accept the first? Do not think, at what do I do not have, i.e. I don't accept in advance. Preview at the scene about coming, are you going to find out how. At no something, you have no negativity, then it is not lost. Must wait for the next world at scene, if you are aware of it, it dramatically new.
Người Buddhist we need new economic penetration, shall have such vast sea Lily. Non-penetrative organ trading then why not deep as wide position hue. Non-penetrative organ trading then something would look like? Negativity is going as wide as the sea. Your prior approval will also be deep as sea. Your opinion also filled as deviant. Hence the reading classic Mahayana litigation extremely is truly critical.
Người of ancient evil, can't say: ten thousand heads. Such is the way to die, unable to go. You keep making obscene conversation, education as well as went into the street to die.
Ðừng for charity so small should not do evil, don't let the small too so as always. The good though small tournaments, himself also had to do. The bad despite being small song themselves do not do.
Tu are fast line.
Kside of the painting, not take, do not access the bridge, not selfishness, not self benefit, do not lie: such is the inherently very easy to do, no one compulsion that you do both. But because you will not be doing so new to adversity. Adversity is the scramble, the greedy, selfish, self interest, bridge, lies. Since then new accidents hoạnh. When experiencing adversity, you had. So then when you tell lies, stars such as feeling is had homage?
Giới i.e. BA mind dynamics, you are not born evil all bad things.
Ðịnh i.e. merits of seclusion. If you maintain for long then would have to force. Dinh garrison Sanskrit called samadhi or black triangle, i.e. major or life itself. The main intention is different with flaps. The life expectancy is also different from flaps. The main requirement defined in accordance with the French public life. Also Ta ta Shou and the inconsistent with France.
Do defaults hue. Have new aware his Lily Dharma. Aware of the Dharma and then can become Buddhas. Consequently, tu world to hue is dark condition. substantially to the Buddha
Vì stars world increasingly worse? Because people who also files: This includes title, interests, rights, status of war. Serious 's paintings.
Cevil you see: high rising from thousands of schools of greater Germany were from ancient ascetic austerities as in that Act. No one can do to enjoy the life that khai Satori. Have you read off An Organ, as well does not find a position.
Nếu you can do three industry itself imports the net bar, then the nianfo is like quitting pearls (do listen mud) into the water opaque. -Opaque cannot not listen in. When, the nianfo in mind, the mind's capital filled with hope, will also slowly losing the nianfo, which turned into a unique voices.
Ðamniotic sac with ma, you shouldn't care whether it is hostile, which should see it as a friendly knowledge help you austerities.
HBuddhist Center, they must bring the foot ọc out school. The most dynamic, most every word of every election, must be oriented to true things that do.
Nuse his many lives themselves create different career, should hope idea also not the same. Heavy and light are widely disappointed, then hope idea at least. Such is the ratio between industry and expectation.
Trong pagoda, you have to save everything, because that lament of often head (temples), protecting her eye.
Khips love not hate as a centre forward. Tu DAO tu something? Tu trung DAO is. For who also treated equally, from pessimism Hoai. Song le you must be careful in action, failing to chart on the network, rọ.
Tsounds of then (tha) in (). Are not themselves (self) in (). Because the other guys should either have that but in the mind not there.
Người tu what to do to restore the back ones are not. Means to reflect obligations, revert to the fullness of Tanh is organ representing minds hue, quang minh is wholeness as glass (glass capsules), nothing flawed.
Tteleological argument which is earthquake? I.e. When do desire. No earthquakes i.e. the Nirvana.
Có who said: my heart is already old. It is mind born because the intersection of grounds (senses) with Service ceiling (external sight), not the foot Center often head, who minh became President of the projector. If you truly love them, quit his help, despite the age where seniors, also turned into thanh xuân happy.
INany case does the tu must also know mark go light (hidden place hue, talent), can't play, do seem good to people believed this or that.
Có accept beforehand then it's heartless. Do not accept the previous , the new leader.
Mắt contemplate Germany Are Avalokiteshvara in front, thousands of eyes look themselves, thousands of hand protection. Male Models Are titles headset Avalokiteshvara put on in the mind. His name apparently mouth reciting every word. Remember him well clear. Ear nose eye grounds, where six blade itself, you must Care The anniversary of German Music.
Khips with the Germans, his death would be very painful.
Tu are not wearing masks, hanging goat head but sell pork, do those stories is not true, not true moralities. Tu to true, steps to be sure, truly firm tu tri.
Chú Ðại Bi and Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva is two but not both. There are two which is two. Inseparable two things could be. I hope the improved knowledge can Thanh TAM litigation over Uncle Dai Bi, tai school to spend.
Tu don't IPO consultant, nor advertised themselves. When listing the austerities then her ma.
Phật and ma are only separated by a Memorial. Buddha had compassion, while ma is pleasing tastes wins than losses.
Tlocal born from central patio. Schools of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Luohan also born from middle relief. Lieutenant General Director was the mother of Buddha and lettered Holy Sage. Not inclined to zero, no leaning towards Yes, keep secret such that the French tu mien trung DAO. Join meditation, sitting listening heart are central elements. monasteries in France If the argument is of a general, neutral; If comment on invisible Centre Director General shall be zero. There are literally 's carrots. drained
Tu are not quiet, quiet. Non-negativity, high tribute not fall off.
Người Buddhist school of Buddhism must make on a more promising radiance. How do? The Starter must be ethical, morals bosses frivolous attitude, wide releases daring immense as French world.
Vì stars say if mind you there is no devil, demon outside couldn't hurt you? Outside there is a demon by mind you demons. In the mind you there is no devil, demon outside will not come. Demon inside consists of five types: greed, anger, delusion, arrogant, doubt. Also the Fifth: hate, enmity, resentment, anger, brain coat of sorrow.
Mprogram (IHP) is not subject to trigger position hue. On every user the power of ignorance negativity. Ðụng a bit as angry then fire. That: the fire of ignorance, his spirit Tigger! Hot anger is due to the root of crime career before. No career then there will be no fire ignorance. Ignorance that outbreak of fire then took both to the airport, si. Have you tried self projection, see optical feedback can so there is proper.
Vautomotive smart has two accomplice help, links to a gang. Rescue wings they are? A dining, two are explicit. A voracious, ham drink. An eager, participated. Both the ignorance do enough things bad.
T new place for the bridge, will cease to worry. Chat as , suffer less.
Vcell comment opposite the aren't any scene world, you must also have the attitude: there is no real, as well as fake. Must remember don't should be slightly less then for fake ones is enough, get for damage.
Ăn drink helps increase desire. Desire help more ignorance.
BOh human fear, not fear Slapping qualities wife feared outcome not afraid. When the Bodhisattva's cultivation, he left in at extremely carefully, a bit is not as a fighter. To quote, he sees at the fruit does not fear. But guys, normally at sowing qualities the wife's not afraid of anything. Police, theft, pornography, deceitful, wine tea, gambling, smoking the drug policy. Things did you dare think dare do, to report the results at tho not new coal line only.
Twhimper unfortunate comment is mealtime, dressed in his uniform, sleep holiday, staying in the scope of the Dharma. Unfortunately we do not know if the Dharma in daily living, Extrovert looking. How is that foreign leaders? The guys find legally outside of the mind.
Mọi people should not be belittled himself, in his ride, self removing hard enduring fallen.
Vô treatise is his offense in places such as gender, ethics, or about explicit where verbal;: lie, say two embroidered textiles, speaking tongues, say; or is it world crude evil mind: Run took place, his sincere airport si penitence. Otherwise his will an on muddy, as depressions deeper, more serious career as doing. His will was to suffocate , e.g. stars escape.
Cevil you should know, live on lifetime, such as what other fish in shallow water basin. Soon the reef one ear, water contamination, running dry. From the immeasurable lives to this day, he did not know: born and then die austerities, death and birth. It's Heartbreak instead. Why to this day he is still scheduled for waiting , not subject to austerities?
Ái exercise is mortal. Mortal is pleasing craving. Craving is the root of birth and death. Otherwise except up craving ignorance then ended up drained cannot escape sea AI mortal.
Vì stars have not established the wall? Because the Center not established wall. Once you will reap the fruit grower's bad, bad press. If you can fix the healing can turn bad into good story story. So that shows, the network can change, it's entirely in his hands. Should say: out of sight, greater evil then Super out of network.
Khips might be, for example the minus story is that Palm could become Buddhas. in lower no story there. In today's majority prefers rapidly, like having results right away, so when they heard that France magical then successively intoxicated and fell into the net. Sees are at France die that is still secret, or confidential in France! Secret? Secret! The secret to right into hell always!
Tu, they must overhaul with the mind as newborn baby: in a affair for King. Must like his childhood, to reflect fully the elders. But neither side fully copper denotes elders you must drink milk as children, which is want you clean parameters airfield si port ceases. Such an obligation revert reaction called, i.e. mind you titled childhood, heavenly Lake foot vivacious, not bit lazy, favors, not bit the Quartet wanted to scramble eager WINS, also no conception about his person. As well as being not an object in the Rococo:, then dust the ceiling based on where to stick to.
Người we say you a sentence which you upset, unhappy. Ðụng a hairs are you hurt by heart can. Even says you spit a hairs to benefit world, you will not be first. Mind selfish like what was then unable to austerities. Tu DAO, you should not have the concept of the ego, on others, do not have the notion of them or about life network.
CAI smuggled (Valley) is the largest free pornography sex sexual pirated-. When no explicit sex, as well as being a rival pirate to steal, cũm out property treasures. Termites eat wood was like the wood into useless. Again, as well as delicious dishes that leave little to no one dare to eat it. Three on vomiting is different!
Người exporting countries must consider issues heartbreak remember to mortal mind Bodhi. Can't eat no and wait to die. That: one day left to do, a day also must type tone. Division which had thought so with regard to his mortal story completely cannot be self.
CBasil's to decide vigorously, certain stomach, heart break except washing nuances superstitions, destroy attitude selfish, self interest.
TOh Please bring the great Buddha Was devoted to all humanity and all Buddhists in the world.
Cevil you shalt not so smoothly on melancholy, not be positive upon. What also must look at it in a gentle, seen as romantic as huyễn. Be disengaged, calmly handled everything. In life everything is rotten, just you all take force rounded duty is sufficient. One birth also is just to repay only.
HWhoa optical reflection, find answers where ourselves. Let's see how much you gave birth to a healthy celebration of the anniversary, how much evil, how much expectation. Fresh anniversary unborn, please do it was born. Fresh anniversary gave birth, how it grew. Not born evil, don't spread it commemorates. In celebration of the birthday thread then kill it off evil. Do not arbitrarily, indiscriminately, resulting in wasted time, lives. Hope idea does have value but cannot make are then don't think rave mausoleum of gasoline. Such little hope of any fantasy value, naturally not thinking. The main legs then always know formulas check ends themselves. Look stands are sitting home Act detached (bodhi foot mind or mind) .
IN, if you do not remove the fake then how hard could not be accomplishing something sincerity. Do not flush away Deng death (hope, accept before), then there are the living (location hue, himself in). If you do not die, they must do the dead. Means if you while alive but watching themselves identically deaths (not scrambled, greedy ...) then you will be truthful understood:
T Yi both compounded vi,
as JAG, huyễn, foam, ball;
as frost, lightning, such as electricity
must observe the same.
Tham yard his very difficult to extinguish si, difficult to eradicate, so as to stifle and eradicate. If it is too easy then excluding themselves where there power charge takes power.
Bstain for the Bell Jewels. Not to Tam dāna security for themselves.
Vọng idea is rock Bureau who austerities, forced foot obstacle the ethical achievements.
Tiền silver, too is just a sheet of paper, on which print pictures ornament. The paper color is as enchanting people cause them to forget people's sense of morality. Such also just because a few sheets of paper that it is really true. You foolish or not?
Sgrace is hot, also the negativity. When have you seen anybody pitch wrath is not good. If there is a problem with me then I am angry against all people. Truth is like watching the negativity is rice. Eat a cup and eating a Cup. Eating is done to eat next Cup anymore. Forever never seen no food.
Si was ignorant, mind, idea foolish pretensions. Not to be taken that any retrieved, it is foolish. Do not eat that for eating, it is foolish. Not being there that want to have, it is foolish. Not been doing that for doing, which is foolish.
Người has beautiful splendid material, also just wrapped leather rot. Ugly people go only leather rot. Outside but not the same but inside is a minor, for example, what beautiful or ugly. If more items inside as whole blood, pus, that is, nhớp nhúa, phlegm. Review up to five Tibetan, then purely racist and urine. Beautiful exterior, inside rotten cannot withstand, what else? Should you have to accept before entering the body of this homage! The foolish then noted the beauty outside, in front of the beautiful American miều on the General, and dislike the General ugly. This example should be foolish?
Người tu must remember don't ham, ham tidbit eating enjoyment. Time yourself must also take the German Director's role to Thích Ca Contradict themselves encourage Ni, self-vigilance. At any time also not let go of the lung.
Nam or woman, when they must end clean failed status amendment. Lost love? Is funny, angry, sad, afraid, love, hate, desire. This control shall be seven Wednesday to force your will dissipate. When the wind blows to the scene, mind you, can't self oscillation, as failure, at she is crazy island.
INin life if you do not correct it is like living in hell. Do what is not true ethical, compassionate selfishness himself benefit dill in hell already. Keep please this is the story of this story, angry she grounded using emotional problem solving, as well as in hell.
Tteleological argument, which is crazy island? I.e. for line is happy, for it is true that wrong, black-and-white, for example, legs is unclear, for is often impermanent.
Người tu must be honest with each other, encourage each other, teach each other toward seat quang minh. Cannot do evil accomplice, sheltered story bad, or fake flattering people, stroked, as a servant for the people.
Biển suffering immense, u-turn is Ben. Should take in the sea line faded emerging drift forever. Then there published on liberation.
Ttheir unclean immensely pleased. But people keep viewing it as Hallows, wearing on it which is Plantar xoàn, jasmine, fight back precious anointing his chalk. Not that's bringing treasures, floral to makeup the benchmarks?
Người tu DAO must clean the expectation of failure exception, table of contents. Scanning for it's clean.
Tswitch back says unable to capture the three care? Unable to capture the attention of the past; Unable to capture the attention so far; Unable to capture the center position. The past is gone, gone, what's more tournaments. None of the past, we thought about it just can't have. Currently, non-stop head, reciting mantras passed, reciting mantras, reciting mantras mobile Act break go through, so the current mentality is also not able to grasp. Futurism is not coming, then you do it? Thus interested in Futurism were unable to grasp. If you can't grasp three mind, e.g. b. four general acceptance before (on the ego, on people, on them, on the life network), you can merge with self Tanh, Bodhi, fullness seat DAC facility.
Khi austerities, you thought the notion of what they will be minor demons respectively. Demons is a gas. When you have thought good sound climate goal lost. If you modify the sticky thoughts, let snows light irradiation would have favoured.
Tuy mouth say that sentient beings who also is looking for peace, but rather, as find misfortune as suffering.
Con who this evil world no longer healing, tai tam bowls. Dear gentle people treat each other, did not take not take then the world will turn into modern world.
Người Buddhist monastery Director should not be too many calculations. Someone moved to me, but who am I? Someone struck me, but who am I? Wondering whether you will not find one that I do. So then why do not let go of it.
Tu, they must turn their minds naturally shining Palm Lily ask yourself have greed? There is not to be. No, i.e. seclusion. Ask yourself that anger? There is not to be. There is proof that the ego has eased a bit. Beaten, you considered not notice; suffered verbal, you use DAO to comprehend fully. If, in the heart of born mental impurities will not be angry pitch austerities. Ask yourself are foolish? Affordable thru reached a Friday then via hit everything, not even major obstacle? That the vacuum is not having human ego is not the General Director General; .
K. deep thick then hear base goodness. Serial killer crime career heavily shall hear defamation.
Nếu no strenuous quit Thursday, then Monday, fictional true permanently unable to reach. Why? Because his downtime following tail ones damaged expectation, how aware of an section of what is really true.
Có negativity are hot. No negativity will cool, balmy. Who you born negativity?
Bmind, Buddha body uông dropped himself into.
PHai Phat mind Bodhi, to benefit sentient beings. Shouldn't learn manners narrow self scraps of stamens, just a selfish fear myself, is not subject to the other guys.
Nmoney transfers are invaluable, but users are not good. If users know what's also heart rings, nice.
Nếu you do not accept in advance, to the response, the walks and then an static. Like the mirror: objects to mirror the current ball, walking the ball into silence, light still reflecting. If so are you going infinitely uncertain, indifferent or don't know, nor does negativity , nor trouble.
Nin to his account, please welcome hỉ, God of gods, God of the quarter. Stars called spirit resources? If you do not bring gas away then that's God. Stars called spirit you? If a year is not known, it was you. If you find that: To the new year, I'm not angry anymore, I must modify my computer, then that is your spirit. If you always cheerful, then that's your welcome God hỉ. The three gods were in place. So you don't know it, anyone should have to run away that God in outside.
Nếu you do a con giòi lazy not bear austerities then I won't wait for you.
Tlife filled with fictional stories whimper not truth. Each voter opinion human ego disagreement. So either they debates on the surface or behind his back; each person every form of selfishness. Black cloud parameters airfield their bosses covered sky si makes people no longer see the light, no longer being watered cool anymore. Only the Bodhisattva is strenuous quit cleanly off nominal, false, frivolous mortal round hard quit, let our camouflage discharge exercise column tied. So his new position hue true discovery.
Có speakers: now more early observation other ovens. They use guns to shoot or tries to die. Therefore, cattle and goats perished but no feeling whatsoever. You argue that such is true? So then why did you not dead like going? True, this method is also cruel than previously, resentment of the beast is still nghiễm nature exists. Perhaps still deeper hatred. Hễ police crime is and.
CAI blade has the German sermon, which is also guilty of saying the African industry. If it's not the sermon then it will say the Africans, or Ta vạy, nonsense. I.e. a two thousand ten thousand things.
Giới is a measure for the publication.
Khips should find itself in trouble story, also don't be afraid of getting in trouble.
Mbending the Buddha, the Buddhist must take in meditation. Every day must be seated meditation, foot pain, fear, fatigue, aches pillow backs new achievement. Antediluvian says: do not over once the cold grips with bones, how aromatic smell fragrant flowers bloom?
Tno anything worthwhile life whimper called precious gems, for example, there are hard to find hard to meet. Only guys know preaching chief legal is hard to find hard to meet.
Mprogram (IHP) has a story of suffering is not destroyed before mortgage because subtraction. Prior approval shall no longer discharge once removed what suffering anymore. Also nothing called khoai tribe.
Trong lifetime Dresses, all except Christianity, glass mỵ expectation matrices, paint love marine monsters are afraid as Uncle Mausoleum Grave. Because Uncle Mausoleum Grave is Uncle , Chanh Ta destruction.
Tu are catering, physical body for the quality self-training kim cang. At you tired must also forward continues tu Tri, the all expectations.
Tof sentient beings which is sound Tanh quang minh errors. For example, through it was countless charges of karma, hope mantras covered only.
NIEM titles Germany Bodhisattva can do ta minh TAM comments Tanh.
Bạn take a look on your refuge as his birthday. See lifetime austerities of his starting from this date.
KGrave Mausoleum is framework of inh Buddhism. people don't have bones, must die. DAO Buddhist Shurangama missing that you can say that there is no Dharma.
Bạn eat sentient beings do more then you have a lot of beings that bīja in person himself. I.e. you into her child with them. When the staff associated with them too deep, the attachment will not any integral is.
Ăn pork more then you have huge opportunity will do much to eat beef pork. then you will also have many opportunities to eat more rice, beef. affordable turned into rice? Rice is accidentally, while sentient organic species. If you love to eat organic beings as species of sentient organic students will love it. Eat, for example, those things are not accidentally turned into rice, vegetables, and grasses, which is truly nurtured France stems network correctness. Lily
Kis the Chief's Mausoleum Prim inh participant meditation. Ai tu DAO should also study this experience deeply.
Khips should xía into another story. For good, she said: he is very evil! Do not find the faults of others, that should except hope idea biased in his head. Although it is symmetrical to browse the go anymore, it's also just a hopeless idea of delight in the beginning. Therefore have to look for holes, let discharge it, to show DAC trung DAO means willow.
Ðời dresses of sentient beings, Tanh Method very lowly, not suitable for many disciplines. Only France Nianfo is suitable for whole apartment. Three foundational class (high, medium, low), fools intellectual are.
Ðrancid when we give her is working fine, but the truth is not so. Such is why? Because bīja (of himself) as complexes.
Vì stars mortal? Because there is hope.
Khi, Reciting the Lord's German Music Relations you list Germany opposed the Tse, you take a look at yourself before you hot anger? Affordable disabled his bad habit before subtracting the spoiled? If so, whether his Lord to the realm of futurism, recite the title of the remainder of the past, nor did against Germany's Music.
Nếu you understand precepts will infiltrate every French Buddhist. If you do not understand the precepts you like clouds drift in heaven, such little adventure platform basically anything.
Vì stars now world issue of kids in trouble spills like that? Because parents give birth without knowing it.
Nếu you are filled with goodness, meaning, mind you, the face will appear a second German General, a German company.
TRI Hui people's uncivil and the decor is not stupid. The other is a man who then said user, a person shall not know taking (Tri uncivil).
Nếu you often see self-feedback optical reflection, Tanh, usually uncivil position thethen it is. You use the same uncivil position application everywhere, making incredibly chemical, but not infected before, didn't work all Germany, then that is.
PHai recognizable scene world, do not accept the first on the scene. Anonymous treatise is lost or fake, police cannot accept in advance. If you accept before the scenes were also turned into fake. If you don't accept first, pretend also turned into losses.
Chú is King of the Mausoleum Grave, which is also longest Uncle uncle. He had ties to the decline of Buddhism. The world if someone maintained that litigation is strictly the extant Mausoleum Uncle works in France. Nobody Seriously then the Chief Justice presides over proceedings attaches of France defeated d. Mausoleum. Note Strictly Buddhist Mausoleum is liberalized in quang minh launched from the top of the German Love Song. Thus this magic failed to heed describes running River. Each letter of each word are marvelous shirt immeasurable.
Tham bridge was fire death list. Take that benefit shall be completely immersed water died. Tham Phu QUY ronghua bridge by wind blowing died.
B-Yi is penitence with ai, you also have to tell clearly, don't be vague, giving listeners say interpretation of Eden does also.
Kside who abstain Deng b., aging, sick, death. B. is due? From heaven born? Ðất born? People born? Natural born? Born and then we? Our responsibilities? Supposed to do? Heavenly servants of him? The work on his thought for clarification, do not wasted human lives.
Bạn to certain school in cite Grave Mausoleum. Not only can you escape mortal, but also Willow avoids accidents, disasters and ma degrees rescuing sentient beings.
Ðmatriculated homosexuality is love, against Christian morality, Tanh, contrast contrast, physiology.
Mbending the Buddha then to learn Dharma.
Thứ himself deserves, then he would be it. Stuff that he did not deserve to have his take no pretensions take the bridge. You have to keep distance, responsibility. It should not be selfish, should not benefit themselves or telling lies. To do so then the new world of peace. You don't want it on the Pacific, it was also the Pacific. Don't want it to peace, it is also peace. why now no peace? Because anybody access bridge, not knowing Extrovert feedback optical reflection, find where answers yourself.
LAustralia you must also have the mind pure as young poetry. Keep as kids, nor old, then he would never die. Consequently want healthy, longevity, just you let go of your excellent list actually lobe, then true will currently display right.
B-Yi is Hinayana Mahayana Buddhist, or admit any also taught himself, must first subtract away bad habits frivolous disabilities, ignorance, impurity si field. If you quit a bad habit she goes then things will naturally agree with meaning in the future. If the disabilities are not bad except will not business sense understands.
Bạn view: you are the most and that, but how? You play the talents and know , but useful?
Khi human observation, you look at any spot tu? You see y keep precepts or not. If y does not keep certain precepts, y is ma. If y precept, especially nghiêm minh, then y is true are adherents of Buddhism.
Rcell dysfunction in life due to where? Do people who are also selfish. Selfishness stems from? Started education Notion from somewhere.
Tu, also do not take anything.Good not bad as not participating. Get mind normally makes shume. Always normal, no reference to anything. Hễ reference is misleading.
Nếu your perception about hot and cold, hot/cold difference does not exist. If the heater does not exist, then get someone to feel about it? Folders others ethically as well. If its not distinguished boot mind things that an inherent self-centered static will not be harassed.
Hậu as a result of heavy police career is going to shape the human disaster. Either earthquakes, tsunami, either or is erratic weather, too hot, too cold to monsoon indeterminacy enough phenomenon that country, people don't little tranquillity at peace.
Tcheap em, just like seedlings raised. Stems branch sprouting clutter to tém for compact so it can grow large, wood can be used do chest column.
Con who is JAG, don't know themselves. Woke up new know as JAG. At any time, the dream? When opening enlightenment. Tu do? The Convent School Dharma. What is Dharma? Namely the key. On her run away to find the key to this. Key to this is? Lily is uncivil. Find out the key positions are Lily can open launch locks ignorance. In the meantime his will freed, i.e. woke from the huyễn fake vision.
ÐOh also used that his strenuous travels, i.e. waste material. The world this material user has decimated most of the damage. If you don't know the real savings, future danger.
INunfortunate conclusion is good or bad are taught his enlightenment. Good work, taught her story well. The bad then taught himself spot mistakes.
Hãy special attention to every sentence cite Grave Mausoleum. Do not scorn it. This is hardly encountered in all marvelous France hundreds of thousands of great memories in past that. You said that the world has so many people preaching about Uncle Mausoleum Grave? No one.
Vọng concept is the idea is not really true, not self Tanh. Guys crazy Island, know this is not true that for deliberately making, advocacy, says this is true.
Người life who are also busy, gasoline hoài mausoleum. Derived their views not in addition to pleasing selfishness, that to protect lives and property. Dharma, the Grand Duchy, not private, only targeted benefits others.
Nghe business then you will have the instructors illuminated glass. Love Devil Monster far image is you know right away.
Người tu to pray for feet. Prayer from the heart, and then developed by volition's that real efforts.
Nếu you just left a greater public indifferent, no ham mau, unwilling rather than others, only the most single-minded, then what can't hurt you.
Người tu thanh tịnh as contacts to his eye, it is impossible to stick cleaner. If the eyes are dust, surely would be upset, must seek to wash clean. If not then not an envious. Tu DAO, similar tợ. What is dust? Is greed. Has greed then things will start random fluctuations. His capital radio NET, but because the notion of greed, chemical reactions, which in turn opaque, Qingcheng as any. In the meantime he can not help anyone, but conversely also self harm. The purpose of the amendment that touches students escaped death, not because the new austerities for induction. You should remember: Not possible ploy at austerities. Because of the desire for achievement, desire for sensors that tu: such is very big mistakes.
Nếu is it like the Sun. There are Lily are you like the moon.
Nếu said the animal is to people food. Such species who shall to species that eat?
Mỗi words of sentient beings in every action We are taking this Grandmother realms, si. Within France, they use the reference pitch si that Act. Sees French worldly appearance when tu, they also rely on parameters airfield si that austerities. Do they attend opening enlightenment; two and a half days sitting meditation is like opening up. Tu little tiny is to Kabbalah. Nianfo new few days is like Dak nianfo tam black. You see such a big heart of greed, which is due to the demon greed manifests itself.
Tu then as Chao hundred trượng: Woodcreepers are easy, climbs down, losing it as hard as skyward. Any arguments against what world scene, if you're not perforating it is very easy to meet ma karma. Vulnerabilities in a concept only. Some misconceptions is a notion of foreign leaders, Tian ma Ta sailings on mind your coating. If there are mindfulness, Buddhists will merge with you. Continental Governing economic Terms: teaching mindfulness the Buddha in the room At; Atdo Ta ma at home. The main is ethically so.
Tarranged dining also is due to have a career pimp. oan It makes you feel like a network of other sacrifices to Tanh for Tanh's own network.
Ðịa the underworld is not naturally available, prepared for his dropped down there somewhere. How can I have it? Due to his career. If you create career hell shall the hell out there.
Nếu you sincerely read the canonical proceedings normally lettered heavenly scent scented exotic flowers, foliage pervades, demon gods apparently nasty glass palace.
Bạn want to know the scene world's real or fake, that person is Bodhisattva or ma. You can get from this spot that look: firstly, y have explicit sex or not? Second y avarice or not? Greedy financial parameters, i.e.. If y not to be true.
Tết this year I let you see the paper wipe my mouth has been used four times and which is still in use. What do you think watching on his utility as Nocturne HA I reasonable? Not only paper, anything I would not waste. However, this small, but hope you pay attention, don't waste resources of the world.
Chữ humiliation include image a person was eating and a Carnivora. People who eat meat are outside, and still is. People were eating it at the party, but has turned into animals. People who eat meat and a meals shall have an intimate relationship, a link may not falsely, disarmament bound to each other.
TRI Hui and foolish isn't two things. They are like two sides of the hand. Flip side of this: Tri hue; go through on the other side: foolish.
Mê credit Dharma, despite being superstitious, not knowing nothing but little place still have confidence. If you believe me, but have faith but do you believe in things TA, Thursday, Friday or thought of ethics fascinate not truthful. Trust he is in danger.
Nhà cần is a little less money, need a little bit, people need a good clean a little bit, industry need.
KSerious business of inh is Flowers, of nowhere. The end is nowhere in the world, covering France bosses did not do that without Strict Flowered. Where are the Buddhist Sutra in which France was also there and a tributary of St. gentle rose is also there.
Nếu the world is also a Memorial Grave Mausoleum Uncle then the world will not be destroyed. France nor destroyed. As long as such remained on lifetime maintenance proceedings Strictly Mausoleum Uncle anymore then the Dharma will have to make the kill.
TOi often told you: dying for mau! Note that says you have to kill hope idea goes, do so on startup hope idea. Run hope idea, how austerities? Attention hopeless idea dies compassionate mind, strong will and force Lily position as well .
Tu, as well as swimming. If you have technical strength, excellent swimmer can swim backwards, then to the other shore giòng, safe. If you are physically weak, swimming is not good, then the inverse will be giòng water repelling. For example, the unreachable, even drowned.
Ngood gười didn't hate anybody resentment. Bad guys new resentment to hate others.
Nghe faculty business, they must be patient. Whether understood or not also have to be patient to sit to hear. You stay in the French Assembly, light up dark morning lectures, as was the order, the order of truth to the conscious mind. The meeting will have on your opening position Hui grips all France.
Tmind the teleological argument is due to the form. Mind the police then formed the world eager for war. If the interested person eager students, world peace. I hope in the future the method of North and Western are both amending warlike sincere compassion.
Lthat eager àm is known, not the legs.
Làm evil that fear is new or is evil.
Bwinning because that love should be the greatest human suffering is the suffering separation Prince (living far apart, they must die then permanently parted). Love, sex is the original creator. If the clean heart desire love, except for the incumbent, will light. When love deepened, industry is also very heavy. Should that sentence: Career, love is not a Buddha footprint. sex delights is heavy, qualities wife .
T-Yi all the material on the life of each sermon. The charity said the French Protestants. Evil speaks French bad. The horse said France made the horse. Bulls say working oxen. They brought his horse to do them as understanding human charm cow.
Lòng who might be friendly, be evil. It may cover broad, frivolous attitude in the universe. It can also do is horned team, it is also considering the feathers can render one into Buddhism, nest.
Ðthings I say to you is very often the moralities. White vegetables boiled water identically, it's very LAT frigid drivel. But no taste whatsoever, but you eat rice soup LAT LAT things you might except reduced her was so much gas.
Bshould have explicit sex winning because arising out of the evil story new life. If you can do things to heal himself, no net bar obscene attacks then that news them friendly to serve passengersis.
Phật is the world's climate. Ma is deviant, as air pollution. The gas is bright skies, thousands of miles down, for example little green blur. Ma ago, the sky was overcast. No negativity sky also THUMP. When non-stick, not eco-negativity, clear blue skies. All things in life are of symbolic significance.
Phần greater education now while teaching students, but in fact again focused on selling books (produced tuition) for advice. They teach how to earn the position for the high earning plenty of money, the State-level notability or worldwide. Such as they were not teaching children basic human morality. But for teaching child title winning favor. Đó is quit original under tops, going against. Work in contrast to DAO, it is misleading tremendous immensely.
Lwhat is also just an àm, a pleasing. Done, and then successively let hand. The next, then the application variables. Having gone , crush again quiet.
Khips should take money matter. With the new Act that are taken. That money must fit with the the new junzi.
Chú Mausoleum Prim, the miracle cannot describe. One notion then that person may touch. Who maintained that litigation, which Kim Cang Organ protection Bodhisattva. Therefore this Uncle austerities requires you to understand thoroughly the truths, the emergency, the crush tu himself. So then you have tremendous sensitivity.
Có hope idea then would not at all.
Spipe in life, you should be careful in each gesture. You keep. Once grown human mistake (wrong cause and effect), you will regret extremely.
LAustralia, paramount importance is to be debated. That is not the same others disputed right or wrong, true or fake, right or left.
Mtu Thien Thu Thien bending for there is not a label on a night that was. This amendment, you must use the unbroken on Nov. On the new health law austerities can private abilities using real accomplishments that magic summer residences. If today, tomorrow's holiday, then not what where.
Nếu who made not effort meditation, exercise, maintenance, litigation, strictly procedural Buddhist precepts which rely on to make eating, sticking to the Buddha to have clothes, then surely an evil path in three.
Bạn to do, must see that it is the school. There is no room whatsoever for example must be the place to study. No time for at the tu school.
Phật France has eight thousand four thousand disciplines. Subjects which is also the number one. What future Falcon with you then France's most. France, for example with you then it's not the first. Must infiltrate a disciplines are new reaching fruition.
Nếu people know dutiful to parents, the new political climate exists. Not dutiful, deviant gas overrun the Earth. Dutiful to the emergency, always single-minded, glass. Children should respect their parents exactly as revered Buddhist lived in the House. So the children know the parents seem nasty is a downright sand walls.
Người believe Buddha or Buddha were sceptical would become Buddhas.
Cnot mind taking the longer line. What does no longer look forward to when the bridge at that would all anxiety.
NHA have television (Televisions) is like the love monsters invisible. It teaches children spoiled, suction demoralized intercollegiate. So students don't have how much time to study. No profound influence what disintegrates by influence of television.
Pfunction the nothing is certain, difference only at a Memorial. Run a notion may transfer the bad into established wall. Geriatric Force have the thought: Islamic Center direction, friendly yet Thien spirit has done that. Evil, the evil mind direction yet do, thatevil God was under observation.
Ðừng because of this that worries the rotten flesh bag! Every one wants to steal the map for understanding it. Each one understanding this rotten meat to make beautiful bags. Every understanding for want of this rotten meat pockets, which is little enjoyment complete. Truth is that crazy island.
Tu should not enjoy the blessings.
Pnaval use true loyalties to learn Dharma. Each action, a gesture towards the honest thing to. It should not be as life: half a truth half a fake; at one point telling the truth, lying. The Director shall always be tu speaks truth, sincerity, work. don't lie
Mprogram (IHP) is not a gauge which is located the tu tu. Subject line is also one austerities Volunteer Center Orange, not reluctantly. His utmost desire to let go of things supposedly , just get to the truth.
MMouseKeys on not hot anger is a day you've austerities. Ten days is not angry is ten days austerities. Hễ hot anger i.e. no austerities.
HStrict i.e. ọc attaches tulku Mausoleum that not only is your Buddha., but also the incarnation on the top of Buddha, the Buddhist incarnation in the incarnation of Buddha. So this is where mysticism could not think of attaching Mausoleum Grave. If someone can Severely delay the proceedings attaches the mausoleum within 40 miles would be no accidents, dangerous will turn into an OK.
Sự rapid development of science and technology will put people to death and more. Even the whole of humanity can be destroyed. If humanity destroyed, science, philosophy?
Mbending standards except as a whole every accident, she needs to research the truth of human birth. Once you understand the truth in everyday life and then he can understand the origin of the accident.
Cthe indifferent are new hí district of France. Have a selfish self benefit shall be deviant.
Ðừng need to get to the scene is real or fake, only your new formulas are real. If you are truthful to comprehend such approval before then you're into anything , scene world whatsoever.
Tproduction in past champions to date, in the form of A thỉ To his Family or eighth consciousness, bīja has. When mind you quiet, they are far out shows. Such as the water cloudy, you keep harassing action it then it would not listen in the nostalgic. If you leave a place without disturbing the dust, dusty maneuver scum from subsidence , water will out.
Tcheap poetry not born is damaged where bad. Just because they weren't taught that out. Thus, parents, must consider the education of children is the most important equipment. Whether for a lot of money is not worth by teaching children for good.
Tham the best meditation is no world. Nothing at all, just don't. You do not have feared at that time also take students excited. Fear or pleasure do you stick to ma, as mentioned in section 50 of the Shurangama warm ma. Therefore you need should understand to not be warned about acting. Need most is you not be accepted in advance.
MBodhi mind bending release then you must experience for many lectures. Once you understand the Dharma, then naturally you will know Bodhi mind articulation.
Mshould be broaden, expenses incurred as general judicial thinking. Do so only knows himself, or just know his family, his country. Right to the heart of wide open bosses throughout nowhere, turn off French world. You must think the benefit of all mankind, should not only calculate for private individuals themselves.
Nếu you are interested you will struggle with species extinction transactional piece A Tu La ... If you don't mind the sheer greed will fragment over again with the species of animal living animals.
Làm stars to have fun? Where self Tanh must often feel incomplete. That are often amusing,: know enough then patient safety glitches.
Tiền is dirty. If you close it so much then you're sticking bare dirt. If you do not need money, it's pure; You can jump crores dust dusty maneuver.
Người citizens welcome flag, is expressed for provision of the country, with the fatherland. Buddha then delegates to the Buddha. Therefore his Lord Buddha ceremony to opine provided glass with Buddha.
Ma thing if the ma is because it has more to lose, eager minds debate WINS. There are poems that: War is eager minds prevailed, in contrast to the convent, she gave birth to four general acceptance, then the stars DAC tam black? When ma did not finish one then it born free anger, jealousy, obstacle obstruction. So anyone has thought and how behavior are ma. Permanently could not be a Buddhist.
Người Buddhists should not go too many excursions! Taking time to study the Buddha's excursions, you see, not good? Can taking time's uncle, Lord horror, concept that litigation Buddhist , the more the better.
Phá pregnant is very serious. Abortion is one of the factors that generate a lot of old hard, terrible accident today. What do you think look: a network not birth has turned into oan hồn. Demon is where he also demanded social network, then how did Deng security. The demon is then only the DAO Hanh, did not take money new Super level they can.
INit yourself nianfo then phone of Amitabha Buddha Da will ring.
Cevil kids! The children know the basics of employment who is where? Is in place eight virtue:
Hieu (dutiful arc glass, with parents)
To (brotherhood sincerely sympathize takes)
(Loyalty to truth and ideally)
Credit (reliability, confidence in speech and action)
Ceremony (the handlers in a polite, courteous and indecent)
Mean (know as truth, forgetting himself because of the truth, because the supposed nobility)
Integrity (non-greed, bad food Exchange, working to gain conscience defeated left)
(Free to disgrace with conscience, with the Holy Sage while making sexual harassment)
Khips should accept that this truth is eco friendly. Now met Dharma, yet Thien knowledge only points for disciplines have steep Palm nianfo, off da nianfo, tu passengers to be freed.
Tu will always be single-minded Regency. Can't let go of lung , although in a snap.
Người ngu is not know causality Loi harm. For arbitrarily doing graffiti, until do not believe there is cause and effect, remove profanity causation. Lily then tell the guys have hurt profits for the law of causality should fear doing wrong within the cause and effect. Regardless of what his thesis work also should think three times, then please do.
Người life now do not know which currency the consequences of ahead. Exactly like the blind horse minded sightless go order, which by themselves, for example. Families, glamorous in (is that binding) but they said that is place horrified. Therefore they cannot look through, let go of the discharge. In fact the world is actually incredibly suffering spot.
Do officer b. should the gas filled with resentment, agglomeration, and led to the spacecraft enough minor accidents. If people don't kill that freed, not eating meat any sentient beings are violent and evil thoughts will moderate. Why have people hung rabid environmentalist, violent, peered? It is because they eat meat. Eating meat increases more desire, augment Tanh Tempus, is no longer little compassion.
Giới law is the lives of the austerities.
Mprogram (IHP) tu must steep body practice, based on the elaborately. Do not should seek, make turns. Also do it yourself advertising. His school spirit households maintained shume, sentient chemistry of four bodhisattva Samantabhadra, Text, Audio , Assisting One organ.
TBuddhist follower, often listening to the sentence: Bobs up! Consider increasing (master poor)! For example, no: Phu increase! Phu (master rich)!
Tswitch back there who sleep nod at sitting meditation? In mind that France is not really true. If it has legs, then the absolute mind that you wakeful nod.
Nếu you can modify default, sleeping, eating habits, work then you break new countless leaders whois.
CSaudi humanity around the world who are also suffering. But it requires a great intellectual awakening, lily to remind each person suffering. Since each new find that the complete peanuts truthful.
Người on lifetime get up the line making fun.
INHouse, having a small war. In the larger war. The world's wars. His cattle disputes is first and foremost. Then, subtracting a larger war. Meanwhile natural wars will not arise.
T-Yi all sentient beings as persons in the same family with her.Universe is the body. Nowhere is the University. The name of the invisible General. The power of one is compassion hỉ discharge.
Phật church there is no French growth.
Vì stars air now contaminated? Since the majority of people don't know, don't know how to do austerities clean air so it increasingly umbrella as any.
Người tu can your data method to get the air out, most pollution. What is this method? The province is located. From within the grouping you can zoom out light decor hue. This is exactly the position favoured light. electric It has the power to make the air disinfect, becomes chaotic as any tonality. This called independent power does "method of the world.
Vì Buddha wanted a sentient star? Because he saw: all men is the father of one, all of the woman is the mother of one. Because his parents in a continental leader samsara was suffering so any comments how he must of them, in hopes that they will centrifuged line DAC Lac.
Ða number of people only know how to eat small, large know do eat. Why? Because they don't have enough two things: one, which was based upon insufficient liếng; two, not enough experience position hue. So they can't do big, thrive. How is food great? I.e. export mortal Cup great conversation in samsara.
Vọng idea is like the sea, which goes back to present wind im waves. But once wind popular wave started. The wave is due to the wind sparked. That is when the wind stops blowing, sea hope ideas industry will silence. How to wind industry stop silence? Do not create karma. That Doesn't make the evil talk,: do the philanthropist.
Nếu you like beautiful, lovely, USA are then permanently habit (ham) before subtracting.
Nếu you like to eat delicious, good taste, habit (gluttonous) before subtracting.
Nếu you like resided happily accommodated, sleeping seats, then the routine (like enjoyment) are not subtracted.
Cevil you should know: how to build pagodas, spent some time, will also kill necrosis. The Tower fire victim undergoes shrines and also burned. Only the position (sitting quiet austerities)-meaning austerities achievement Dharma, Jewels of Tanh-to the extent that achieve the German champions smuggled, then that is the second permanent often head. In the meantime you are not afraid to be heavy wind, fire, storm again. Thus the German champions (by austerities to force but did not accept the ego), vengeance wins over the German possession (do concur with blessing, and with the mortgage fell) .
NCamara, frustrated in that dare not speak out, which is an expression of the courtyard.
Người tu should take virtue to thank Bill other guys. Should not use force to suppress people. For one I should say modest, filled with moral cause them to interested in recovery, password recovery.
Khi manage eating by the masses, who is in charge to know harmonic eating the newly created German public. If don't know air conditioning for the sensible, arbitrarily bungle will create offences. To enable the rule engine; invalid license code of the error. Be careful not to waste food, there are successful. Squander food then there was an error.
Trung leader then no fun, sadness, anger, fear, love, hate, desire. If the seven emotional stuff on which such up waves, then the inner heart you will not be disappointed, the outside is not taking that pursuit. When in addition relatives themselves NET then that is the bar scene Tanh toworld 's.
Bảy emotional stuff then identically storm at sea at all. If waves Canal then wakes up three vessels sinking ắt flip. If wind and wave silent then the boat will stop peace dock. Therefore the monastery must contain clear seven emotional stuff. Not understand the meaning of it is enough, which is to have capacity to control the instance of it, it serves not to get them to work. If there were seven emotional stuff then do free vibration then Tanh tonew call is.
Khi until then his response followed it, but there is little mind phan charm was. (Tam phan charm is interested in climbing as monkeys, so measuring, calculating selfishness; always seeking advantage, search the hook, don't stop to think for themselves, because their design books). When finished save remnant what is not in the mind, to clean. Should contain clear that three Thai Center about the past, present and future can hold. After knowing his follow that which is already convent maintained the new really understood the Dharma.
ÐFEMA-dark riders in learning at tu is there without the tail, go half way and then off. So then elaborately did would quit, unable to proceed forward. What not how ended up going to are precious treasures.
Bạn should keep in mind: do well to have the tail. Should not be foreign dynamic scene led you rotten Interior releases. You must set up certain criteria such as stone, firmly as voluntary, not to adversity shook, , forgetting about Bodhi.
Người School of Buddhism, you should believe causation because causality is not wrong a mảy may. It should not be confused in the process of sow, reap the fruit; nor should remove profanity that no cause and effect. You should understand: cause and effect is to the law thousands of lifetime invariant.
Nthese aggressor who resided in the Temple of ten thousand Buddhas, they must respect each other. Shouldn't end capital indifference apathy with destiny of others. You should learn the spirit of divine Bodhisattva: when he sees them born in the buried life gauge, water completely immersed, the fire burns him feeling like the Sir main line life. Therefore the new him looking to sentient out of the line.
Mprogram (IHP) know a little bit the monastery for a while. Every area of the minor into the sand into the Tower, when, convergence elaborately achievement will suffice.
Mprogram (IHP) should not miss the time precious opportunity, shouldn't she wholeheartedly supporting expectations of teachers among you: be infinitely superior, effort tu DAO into Buddhist leader anytime soon.
Lstruck the (beneficial interest to them in the Act), languages (writing, education, contributes to understanding and developing our next generation Mei) in Buddhism, the Buddha is the new legs.
Tyeah where scenic delights that knows his return, which is enlightened.
Người tu absolutely not to be angry over the heart liver fire. To ring the humiliation; because that Fire clean burning ignorance forests of Germany. You please remember this point.
Cdamaged the Buddhist Bodhisattva crush: non-compensatory response, favour Competition dāna never regret. He has a crush on gentler words for guys no charm, free to see people like themselves. dhāranī Due to the austerities so the new plan was favoured position him transcendent , unseen unpredictable.
Ai also know to live in peace, trailokya is not like in a house fire. But nobody was let go Three-wide. Aware that the house fire Trailokya then suffer great wall sections, but still want to nostalgically in forever which, for example bit intimidating, such little panic. The stigma that still nhởn glee very well.
B-Yi treatise is where her Jewels seemed cozy atmosphere should also. For example, should find fault of Jewels, hair looking stain with bar attitude. Attitude finding faults is high tribute attitude, ego is not the attitude guarded Jewels.
Suốt on six grounds run by six Muslim illuminated ceiling, do not know on the inside, smuggledthen it's called.
Tteleological argument which is the jewel in the House? This is not a national treasure, gold and silver of the Earth. I.e. the legs, head or as Hybrid mind often, Tanh enlightenment mysticism brilliance.
Người life then all day competition strive not making money off the story, for food, clothes, accommodation, find beneficial. Anybody in Thursday's makes mad island; from morning to night without respite. If there are working at did not then stay home again considered TV, see xi Indonesia, playing computers, travel excursions. Second story enough values to people at are busy Hoai.
Cevil you should be aware of the Shurangama is authentically Buddhist, Buddha, Dharma, i.e. also raises and precepts, are also about to hue. If you want to offer glass Dharma increase shall firstly be Shurangama glass palace.
Tthis, earthly whimper three JIU Liu, five German Bowl method, all the best Prime Minister, there are species comedy happy there, who living anybody want wants stratagem Princewho does. No one thought to the future alone will die doing so. Live, now living and dead, but then what? Because no one thought of this new issue should say that ambushed Princeno anyone.
Lwhat extent àm also, never too extreme.
Chis wife late at night and elaborately dimension job, nobody in shume was shirking. Do not join the public key she is despised shume method lettered Buddhist, despise, trượng. If trượng then you despise method cannot resided in the temple.
Bí decided by the austerities: eat less.
Tu without knowing the modify of faults, as well as such.
Khips be arbitrarily taken to outsiders of the temple. You argue that doing so is that the German Government is really out there stealing items of increase-elderly. Public acts take belongings, his own gift for arbitrarily because others want interaction with them, are destructive behaviour rules of shume.
Pfunction, all the German created, to certain Muslim direction for sentient beings in the legal world. If so then her will become selfish.
Có Shurangama is Dharma. Wanting households maintained Dharma, first all his Hong Duong Shurangama. You must learn in business, said Assistant business solutions; then follow business that austerities.
Rpeppers lost his legs would fall into the sea the center line, exit No.
Người exporting countries should know that: when Scouting career not achievements, homage should let indebted. If you're stuck in debt then you will be tied to columns, cannot be freed. Most things don't stick the first coast, it will hurt you cause you withdraw vacuum out, not be himself in.
Là people, who also underwent b. geriatric psychopath, four large ones. Any person also suffered some suffering. Unless you tu DAO Willow living escaping death only.
Cevil you friendly knowledge! Remember to what mortal agony, which develops mind Bodhi. Do not should be floating in the suffering anymore. Qualities, who doesn't want to leave suffering are all guys duffer.
Cdistrict that were also on lifetime vicarious relations. Like the three religions Buddhism, Elders, grapes are inextricably ties. Confucianism such as primary school. DAO religion such as high school. Buddhism such as University.
CBasil b. means because they favored harmony which was born. Sentient beings is not only humans but also includes all species are b. destiny.
Tthe truth is that whimper death grotesque. As there are more people involved. As there is more could not let go.
Người have a hot anger is duffer.
Người wealthy dislike occupied facilities. The main legs did not like occupying upper phú quý phong, overwhelms others. Who likes the guys then occupied thuợng Feng real is poor.
Làm then truth is dangerous. Do the new Buddha. If you like true peace is dangerous, for dangerous work. If you want peace khoái tribe then please work complete peace.
LAustralia normally are to know the nianfo, tu disciplines NET. Until Lam chung are not born, they are definite crisis which will peacefully the current , born about realms Sukhavati.
Tis new at his death, any comment is also not possible to buy where wealth was immortality.
Khi people tho five world, each world they hold five gods households protected them. If you don't keep the world the year gods would run away. Instead there will be the five evil gods to come.
Qto find answers where uay yourself that is true to accept that his mistake, not discussing anything to other people's faults.
Có those past has generated a lot of police career; e.g. hunting, fishing nets, to kill chickens, pigs, Buffalo, thọc weather operations as dog meat. Because of the person creating this observation industry so much so they suffered enough Tuesday came as the psychopath bizarre terminally difficult treatment.
Phật French integral interest each person, so the main Buddhist Dharma. If the mind is no selfishness, ambition, ego obsessed, ambitious, romantic, bad habits, spoiled handicapped relatives, then is the Dharma.
Tinh tons: doesn't mean that when you eat more than others i.e. you effort. Effort nor that in doing so, you do less than others. Yet another person sees when sleeping, sleeping, you were snoring; one has to wake up, you also have the. Nor that you list that beneficial effort for, which is essential Tan Phat great Bodhi mind.
Con demons such as the elderly impermanence children at all: Hễ to meet at the King County must lead yourself then it will fractionally guests flute La what where. There are sentences that Ocean space for young and old, frequently the booths.(On the life, death for older young people developed what guys capsule. below, who also frequently it.)
Nếu you like listening experience: Please encourage others along to the listener.
Ði contrast Yin Yang theories of heaven and Earth is born terminally sick.
Tu shall never himself excuses (revised yourself), do not argue bending éo (not bluntly), also do not speak in Africa (deliberate bad story of right and wrong, good).
Khips are sentient beings, then there will be no classic. There is no canonical, nor had the parish of beings into Buddhist culture.
Nếu anyone I clapperclaw (venerable), you should mass murderer's Danh. Any comment anyone remove profanity, you also shalt not advocate for me.
Càng to spend money for the children and how much are you going more and more large. adoptive painter For example, how much money to spend for progeny which on the contrary, avoid many troubles.
Chớ wasting time. There are now public. Please attempt , diligent effort.
Hreaching France, i.e. don't make France.
B-Yi anybody, or bad, you should also not born free aversion, negativity, uncomfortable.
Tcheap non-tu, wait until the new monastery, then silver would promptly.
Khi in themselves do not accept in advance, then the Buddha statues extractivealways. If his mind before, although the Buddha was extractive, is not other extractive yet.
Ăn down little meat will trim little monsters "method.
Phép principle in life is to know which was the main source of knowing; all anxiety, a squid dutiful to parents, offers glass with Master Chief. Such is the reason of course of heaven and Earth.
Nếu you haven't heard the sermon, just plug in business faculty beginning austerities then it called tu blind, graffiti training. Despite the number of lives as much as tu dust dusty maneuver, you not be successful.
Người friendly, bright white aura. Evil people are black đúa dark gas. So Do evil are naturally friendly do discovers where the Prime Minister. You can cover your eyes, but was unable to cover the eyes of Buddha Bodhisattva and demonic spirit.
Bạn not listening experience, but consider books bullshit otherwise i.e. don't keep rules Cu and know.
Vì you hear preach that should you need to understand. If you hear that out then you do not need to hear.
Tteleological argument, which is the mountain? I.e. free to drain his high falls. How is the sea? I.e. self interest, let alone the lowly. Because you have a higher self so there is Alpine. Since you have self-esteem company should have deep seas.
Vì why she needs to gain feedback light irradiation out? Get lamp oil as an example: Ðốt lamp, the light shines. But shallow oil lamps lit hoài then turns off. If new at need, don't take it off, lighted lamps will be used for so long. (Do not bring to light, imaginative hue, talent, squander; to know preserving. Avoid being decisive benefits list attrition potential.)
Phật optical magnification is to break apart the ignorance of sentient beings.
Hoằng Dharma is the ocean of people, who should share the burden as well. Have money then played for money, has the conglomeration. His attempts to unite unanimously they can do of Buddhism was flourishing.
Ăn the education concept will more meat, many also hoped the idea, it is difficult to enter. Do not eat meat, mild, pleasing new desire will know enough, will also be less expected ideas. Such is his gentle blood gas, as any composite.
Người know that litigation is not the business business lettersknow that litigation, also known undetected signaturelitigation at all. People know that litigation is not new business who foot main understood the Dharma.
RKiosk screen, how is the economy not literal? Is the moment you do not produce a notion . When there is born the notion, in the meantime you will returning with no President.
Người life is heard a carved Silver: publishing country ham money, but as much as possible!The publication of the reaction sounded so right, test scores, affordable--think like that? Yes, this , there are shots.
NIEM Buddha a large expansion, sen. Recite mantras are all Male Models A large Buddha, Lotus Bloom Di Da as wheels. Wait until your current world of Tanh linh Sukhavati then will an where Lotus's residence.
Tvan She, teleological argument, world we, the great evil with the gauge filled by bosses. Anyone disputing each other, not at peace quieten. In Sukhavati is no negativity, no trouble at all. So you have to bridge a biochemistry student NET, Lotus, an architect from Germany Di Da, reaches the result no longer fallen backwards again.
Nuse people make of this body servant to stay up late, get up early, which is why? Dzogchen because his busy? Or for you? Or because other people that busy? I believe that many people do not copy solution to this problem.
Nwithin said: The junzi only disturbing about DAO, don't worry about eating.
Trong Buddhism, does the person or his handling of the job, must rely on the compassion Hy discharge, unlimited four Thai Center. Homage should borrow the revenge story. It should not be because of discord that his hair looking stain bar, deliberately making errors. Certain themselves must use do not grudge, frankly, not biased to tackle the job.
Gmine in accordance with the rhythm, some accented characters will be German. Just type mine just anger, loudness, or should tap tap hìu are all faults.
Bwinning because previous Karma this lifetime should be created, there will be time, demons and demanded debt relief. Also the time that this person is not enough gas, ocean sound prosperous new redundant given the deterioration should the demons Ocean to look for. If you usually don't mind little negativity, then demons will now proceeds, favored such found vulnerable to jump into the lagoon.
CHan indeed nianfo i.e. walking is what you also know just sitting At A Scale, six digit Hong Da Buddha Relics. If you look at water running, knowing that water flows; wind blown look, all know that the wind blows West, looking East to peer into consideration dynamic NET everywhere, then you not true.
Nếu for Highway touches boast (talent, huệ) then it is actually foolish behavior.
Sinh network is not money, that is priceless. B. the network may use the money for buying and selling. But someone above his life selling cheap networks, Orange Center volunteer sacrifice trunk network in exchange for money. In society, (any of the people in) three nine saves, five German, since the coin Bowl method they could sell off soul and lives.
Ðswitch the indifferent mean not selfish, not self benefit, there is no desire. For money, beauty, fame, eat and sleep off is completely non-stick with , for example, take for example AI.
Do before austerities should this everything will smoothly past. If this account is still good after austerities even further. If no amendment to the absolute future would not be as life. In the following agreements or reciprocity are entirely due to his decision. The Buddhist Bodhisattva not might help you.
Mmeat of fish soup bowl filled with MouseKeys (however small), song contained free of resentment, deep as sea enmity. Say for example popular resentment foe's foremost.
Trong meat contains a minor as any gas. Such is because it is derived from any cell that out. Thus people eating meat is hard to maintain, difficult opening position hue, black hard DAC tam.
Có you do not see learning the Dharma is vital, important new family stories. They said: I have to fulfill my responsibility. Sees when y's death, who bear responsibility for this? It is y don't know calculus!
Khips must only do two elaborately bright and dark then called Abbey. Normally, most particularly, every word of every election, he must obey the fast-paced, rule. Because each person who also music of Tanh.
Vì mind not peace should his new need music outside help Thai Center air conditioning inside. If interested you quieten Binh Hoa, crafted an air of peace and harmony, then that new leg is the music.
Cevil mountain, you have to do so out of hand.
Ðừng should therefore suffered verbal abuse, profanity that run Palm resentment sàm. Take a look at guys who loved the same resentment, use goodness for favors. If not, how you can take to express the power of compassion arise from infertility France rings (perseverance because of evidence of the ego is Satori, and van) .
Mỗi on his right side in: time to think, calculate for themselves or for others much? Or for temple lot? Reflecting the so you will know you are destroying the ego (front on ego) or not.
Hãy Ay province, see elaborately rings humiliation? If it is infinitely graceful unjustly insults, beatings, the humiliation of his patient was reasonable? Angry? B. interest avenge reasonable? If yes then accept the ego still, not subtract.
Xin recommended the wealth: Let's work on utilities, ethics, international rescue. Such new is the German immeasurable!
Có who think so: when I grew older, did not know there starve, die cold? The think this is actually less realms.
Cevil you know: affordable housing, such As e.g. the bear let go of, for example, have suffered the dāna concurred, not knowing that his mercy to rotated constantly within mortal.
Kinh Kim Cang taught: Falcon won the Department of space Beavers States interested (don't head into anything). Hễ has a place (an object, a concept, a feeling) headthen IE also. Null space basis IE not thinking well don't think evil. Please use the right place here. If the attention on what's good or bad, thinking about it, i.e. accept in advance, is getting to stick and that.
Có religion advocates that all things are governed by the spirit. If by the spirit, how evil dominates the Shan is not something to myself. But by the time bear fruit announces its burden, for example, the help given. This was not reasonable.
Tof sentient beings, such as the Open button, the button turns on the lights: light of Buddha illuminates. Off the aura Buddha can not irradiation.
Người exporting countries should together in a conifer forest (large) put together tu DAO, mutual encouragement and Police Department. While in solitary in a small house (tịnh xá), if you don't use the austerities, is not one of control. You want to eat delicious, also nobody says. You want to eat meat, drink alcohol, have no trouble whatsoever. Residents who said that (the loner) such as Germany, the truth they only help to someone who published his's an hell only.
Thịt what to eat on, meat will maintain your life yourself. Over time, long long bodied you full gas quality of carcass's doing things out: which is the gas of pork, sirloin. Your blood is our blood. So your meat also turned into the meat of them. Would you mind hue think profound about this.
Chớ should go also says error: wrong person to do so, other medical order. To do so are you growing human suffering (wrong with the law of cause and effect).
Tmargin asked that interested Bodhi then? Mind is invisible infinite Prime Minister, just as the enlightenment.
Cevil you make honestly think watching: Every story trouble, negativity from where? His gracious direction is led by front (stick stuck) I into what that out.
Người exporting countries need to have higher superior, outstanding personality. Shouldn't a dua, run by routine life, eating no sitting, doing an affective against Buddhism gas, for example, overcast bit promising.
Vì stars who don't get maps, cosy house arrest apparently? Since there appeared her then you are not one of the Jewels (only Jewels are new tho apparently nasty). You cannot free himself founder of the conservative Monday (quarter-Bao).
Nuse who do not understand what are Jewels. There reside Four Security officers wanted to set up. That is not upāsaka, cosy apparently Jewels, which are seemingly upāsaka Jewels to cozy atmosphere! Soon perhaps will produce Five Emeralds, Unemployment Protection, Security. ..! If this is not an expression of the Method then Dresses?
Khips should observe birth! All sentient beings from countless marine lives to date, both as parents, our body by glamour in all. In advance may be the parents create an offence should they do pig, came as the cattle, goats, horses ... If you wear affection animal slaughtering, indirectly killing and her parents.
Hãy followed naturally, according to the physiological laws which develops (due to the nature of things, the tubers, very harmonious). Shouldn't eating irregularities, says the energy attacks emitted. Or drinking alcohol, smoking, drug abuse, to abuse in what to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and thinking. These tasks are damaging to the body and Tanh.
Khi guys said the pilot, having expertise put things, slur about you: where Real comment is penalized, you must ring the humiliation. Such are owed from before, this lifetime to reclaim. So you couldn't oppose doesn't pay. Debt pay off and then squeezed in blue, no longer bothers brain, all anxiety.
S: Not only recognizing áu tribe did not attend, no bridges, no selfishness, not self benefit, do not lie is severed desire security, prompting plans major leg position hue Dang.
Khips must only sitting meditation, Lord Buddha is dressed in a monastery. diet, clothing, most of which are most election. tu
Người tu must: shalt not Only know the plough hoe, harvest story asked. Real comments do, also ceases to please urgently, don't speculate as to the results will impact benefit whatsoever.
Nếu throughout the day you do not waste words, don't think drivel; you conditioned minds making outrageous, forcing quieten, not monsters, not tied to human ego, not the non-then that's not the music then?
C Auto hữ Dai and letters letters Chou into (smelly). That higher self great arrogance, smelly rùm, nobody dared to come near. Anybody want a shoelace tip fled , do not dare to close.
Lantenna Strictly quantitative not by sitting meditation practice. While going stand is seated, if you haven't been warned world outside do mind, have not been disappointed ever harassed then it is given.
Mprogram (IHP) should not be afraid of poverty. Poverty no obstacle. Just afraid ma: Ma i.e. Ta tri Ta comments (comments and insights mistake deviations of the truth). Hễ Ta ta comments, tu tri are disciplines that also will not be future Falcon.
Nếu eight second wind: praise, criticism, bitter, sweet, Loi, decadent, destroying the humiliation, honoured you with interest, the Foundation is not solid austerities.
Người kids don't let things dirty binding. Let's have where: cold attitude, also patio horizontal ưởn chest to welcome wind; where hunger, also phây phây gồng belly forward step. Please do torches glow in the wind data, net in flame red gold. Is not afraid of anything.
Người specializes in psychoanalysis led the real conclusion one sermon or bad how y also provided glass herdsman stops God, listen. Guys are not notable then will sleep nod. Such is the challenge to academic between real and fake.
(To spend) assets to grow or later descendant also grew by LAM: they not afraid of anything, even a fighter until his situation do concur, new stop loss. To leave the production of small or later descendants also liver is: everything is done, (not ambitious) therefore also less.
S's success is ự failure of gentleness. Therefore his account () to the payment to clear. Let's make people smarter. Once enlightened, then permanently you will be enlightened. Let's break the mortal, the jump gate crash escape from mortal circles. Such new facts is the 's most Grand trượng wife.
Người force seeking answers where yourself. Guys are seeking for sub-personalities where other guys. Guys sub-personalities at Extrovert.
Ðời born in past lives herself drifted out of the line. But like his austerities but again could not let discharge the filth. Marine General did not want his net, clean dust dusty maneuver. Really deserves mercy.
G iúp who is the original of the complete peanuts happiness . If you often see helping people help themselves is just as important as the world will very peaceful quieten.
Nvegetarian meat use the making such as chickens, ducks, fish or meat is because they have not forgotten the taste of meat would rather. Want to taste it. They say such false carnivores to civilize crave, fooling the taste. In Buddhism, certain bad habits to change. If not amended passed long time such exports, e any vegan again.
TOi think was fasting then even name the dish should also not named chicken duck something into. I hope that each person Buddhists need eye knowing truth (Trach French label). You have to understand cause and effect, do not be confused in the process , Shou sown.
Ăvegetarian dining for all n, then, don't remember forever the taste of meat. People make food according to the shape of birds, fish (but false), then no other what humiliated Buddhist believers Who do not observe. clearly, arbitrarily deemed to be. Basis to do so is lacking intellectual hue, no eye to tell the truth, not fully transparent causality, only vague 's passion for black only.
Khi animals killed in them, contain toxic substances resentment. Right now, they fear chung Lin, enmity, wanted to avenge. Psychologically poisonous hatred towards her produce toxins which people eat meat it will eat toxins.
Người ta crashes unexpectedly, supposedly due to fire, painter and spoken word chaos (evil, irresponsible, Leu FIB ...) that out.
Mọi story in life are downright en Dieu, but few people realize. As such, drug, how to eat pretty much sold the drug damages is six unsuccessful ẫm. Why? Because you are actually aware worth of drugs were killed.
Nếu his epidemic out classics out all languages, bringing the Dharma to mind each person then that is the eternal.
Tswitch in the temple is not good? By staying there you will nothing binding. Spoiled holiday dress, sleeping, walking; very easy to forget the monastery. Every day only knows phan charm. This habit was undermining Buddhism to releases network.
Có people suspected: collateral damage that King Yemma and demonic Impermanence reasonable?
Xem test you have to die or not? If you do not die are no demonic impermanence. If you affirm confidence, given that such notice, shall not have life result Matches King.
Có to force the action in which no two (no difference). As at the scene, you don't suffer from that scene's dominant, i.e. province. In the provincial scene, you have not been disappointed ever harassed, it namely. If you backed up and the amendment are the same, elaborately will mint as a block. In the meantime also are not, is not to be in, for example, must not, for example, right there. Is the Director đó.
Mprogram (IHP) should not have fun hear praise concur in regards to. Do not use queer , self promotion.
Nếu you know penitence, this itself into new people, learned his mistake made, convicted of the crime would have created except off cleanly. As a psychopath that sweat and then "method will slowly and heal really relieved.
Tbargain this is known as representative time not. Ended up drained what is ergonomics? Not literally true, let the discharge look through everything , reaches himself in.
Khi you accept before entering material properties, even in dress, i.e. you accept into your real identity identity front lobe. So that is no longer a viable non-Tai that is outrageous! (Tsai also means too, excessively: no longer exaggerating that too!)
Tis new to you nothing at all then you're new to restore the future an item.
Vì why did you not have hue, Kabbalah? Because you keep running around gleaned filth. Ngọc châu ivory treasures you not crave, precious things available no ham, bring away. So that you still claim that its very smart! It's are foolish too.
Có Sin without modification, to hide it away, forcing people who don't know: đó is guilty of more crimes squad.
Khips have focused Strictly on lifetime are tombs of evil love monsters spoiled manipulated, such little cavalry captain, wearing love raging. If there is Severe then the Mausoleum Uncle Eagle binge left, glass, paint love marine mỵ expectation still scared monsters, not dared fuel appeared on lifetime.
Tu but not voluntary, as well as opening flowers but no fruit tree links. Can not be.
Nby both himself and spent in my life are caused by industrial power before forming. If you want to modify their network transport then you have to do a lot of work in Germany.
Phật no pitch.The new Matrix.
Ma. where? Due to the five things readers: hatred, sorrow, hate, negativity, anger , sorrow form.
Bạn should establish general releases, do great things. Do not consider doing, earning much money story. That is just to his enjoyment, without dedicating nothing to do with humanity.
Có who to Chua that lighted incense is becoming more and more workers to Germany. This is the misconception. Lit incense, cosy Buddha's manifestation sincerity, should a compressed enough. Copy needed for many? If the mind does not range into emergency, lit. Buddha didn't come to smell the scent.
Ðạo Buddha do not advocate burning paper money, (paper gold plating, dummy vehicles, shipping paper clothes, thick Sandals; widgets in paper).
Cevil you consider regulating the classics that were translated before. Need accurate, true, carambola with the Buddha. such is the expectation, hope you together efforts complete this mission.
Sgrace of wrath, as water froze into ice. She needs to bring ice melt into water, because water will benefit all.
Người exporting countries to grave doubts go stand located in four dread sitting. That Look slightly like wind, sit still like copper bells, standing straight like tree Widget, compact plants.
Tu are right Middle elements. monasteries The road: not neutral. Too little: nor is the Director. The Buddha taught that ended up drained of moral No does not fall into such haveas well. titanium
Khips are world powers will not have to. Lack of plan to force is not generative hue. When the foundations failed firmware then the pillars erected can't be sure, cliff wall snapped knocked crooked xiêu will. World to hue, three pirated, the lack of a myriad subjects, not done. You Please note at this point.
NIEM Male models A Di Da Buddha! Male models A Di Da Buddha! Only an hour Male models A Di Da Buddha, don't have anything else: That Vong idea called used poison to poison. If you have too much hope idea, i.e. There are too many readers. Must die!
Mprogram (IHP) to oxygen, shouldn't gas (angry)!
Cevil you think watching television, listening to the phone, listen to the radio, playing computer is good, but you do know that they are hurting their mind can Bhikkhu ruins kidneys. The future they will do, not out of the people, the devil is not out of demons. If so, then to a world ruined takes. Therefore, we are born into an era where countless beings, difficult restoration, blessing it not easy to do education.
Ngũ warm is just a gas. This gas can turn tone into gas. Yin Yang Devil can also transform into demons. Preview you know transformative or not.
Nknocks itself must keep strict precepts for real fine. This is extremely vital , very important.
Giảng Jing to teach essential, should not be cumbersome. Must lecture to relations to texts.
Bready now globally, who also talks about the gas industry.Right is a minor movement. In the gas company also has many different kinds of bogus, fake: Yes, there are deviant. If there are deviant, you can be crazy; crazy to the psychiatrist is also bunch can't cure.
Ðừng mistake that anyone studying the gas then is also the main male perpetrator. One study of gas because want to make money, want to play, they are deviant. They are not what the other dogmatic benefit education permeate.
C gas public: hữ names and facts don't fit. Because gas is no perception, so it can't have the basics. It must be said that spirit, demons, ghosts, love the a new right.
T hần: Ho chi minh, Pediatric neurological exam, (meaning the ghost informed and discerning the truth then agglomeration where humans, this sentence in the excerpt from the Upper story). Using the power so keep an spirit main mantras to make gastame ones, then it's called the gas company. Cannons are also therefore recognised in the Italian Song, because not interest reached dzogchen should subject still stick stuck on the Prime Minister. Jingū is due to outside gods to govern, not to use gas forces the dominant spirit. Because of the spirit, so when the Van Nha gods coming in, who's no jumping dance machine, also known as silverberry or not speaking mausoleum but nothing at all.
Q the Commission is different: when the devil to enter someone's going to jump, laugh, cry dance silverberry g.i. fearful indeterminacy. This is one of the five French movement hit demons. This release hit the demons into the body it is called chargeback 's, causing the attacker's rich mealy graffiti magazine vessel. Such is due to hit demons which had no security plan and to power. Tanh
M a public Love the and did not notice anything until the arrogant, moralities; they harm people, professional work explicit sexuality. All gas engines are all manifestations of love of evil monsters.
Nby industrial gases are harmful stuff today. The future it must be the main gas, take meditation do feed, fullness of France hỉ, because it is an elaborately meditation. Song, now where there firm where gas's gas. Your verb, nor verb. Then say Ta Luang hát tuồng mausoleum but full Friday. For example, there is little to force things, gas (by teachers gas company) launched the rebellion, but from applause for himself were health arising, and hunch. The real y has the insanity! Only guys mentally new mausoleum, but such talk.
H-one sentence to criticize public: gas main tu Ta, Ta France also into main. The Government of France, the French Chief Ta tu as well as deviant. Unofficial dill deviant. Not IE itself.
Rhard, soft blade antenna: tooth loss but tongues such loss.
Ngày now many people into slavery for themselves: good for it at home, sitting in the car. They were the dominant material self interest so ecstatic bogus?
Ðamniotic sac with old people, they, the more I tried to take care of projection.
Bạn eviction are voracious, slightly demonic, Devil ham sleeping demons Mike then that is the most elaborate preliminary Zazen.
Chỉ to know another person, forgetting himself: to this new level is worth knowing Dharma.
Phải Quan Yin Bodhisattva mantras at every time any place. Look stands located sitting must recite. Also memento or orally recite all have the same faith. So please don't start Center comparison (Germany's understanding and celebration of the mouth), that must be customized charm.
Cnew German title die contingency Consistent Musical concept is no longer an opportunity again. Should say: Remember to perhaps impermanence, so do not have let go of the lung.
Mprogram (IHP) experiencing the person must have charm. HA all converted to dispute fig. It does nothing.
Người bust major meditation is also the main foot nianfo. truthful nianfo, Who is also the major leg of meditation.
Người are hot, easily angered, Tanh, from light to dark as fuming, resented the surrounding gas. Such is also the expression of lack of virtue.
Tand evil two avenues: amendment to the amendment, which create criminal offences is created. If the DAO then please proceed, if not moral, then let's get back. Select fresh corners that follow. Boiler flame burns that practice into kim cang indestructible.
Nếu you want to set up the German language, setting, setting then you must rely on the Mainland. Altitude i.e. dāna, Tri world rings humiliation, effort, meditation uncivil, hue.
TThis is the teleological argument about the world of paper money: Just because the paper upside that is forgotten human moral sense and take. Given that the coin is true: you think so are foolish?
Tọa meditate i.e. withdrawal of mind Extrovert, concur. I.e. it runs to go away, now yourself find it back.
Người tu do focused, who's who have no knowledge.
Nếu people do not spread negativity they will harvest be Hallows.
Bạn to sentry fire ignorance. Fire this ignorance as well as Tiger when angered, original sin also. 's predecessor
Ðnotes for room fire inside: ignorance in no fire fire burned beyond what was not.
Mắt, ears, nose, tongue, body, called the six pirates. Don't know the user six bases, they turned into six pirates. Tell the user they are they turn into French.
Có chicken breeders breeding dogs. When the chicken, the dog runs out, they seamlessly run chases. But when the mind is running out, no one ran by getting back! Such is the original discharge under the: forgot root (the mind), salvaged the (as impurity).
TOi media tho a weak decision for you. Weak decisions? When having story urgent peril, atavism, not so urgently imperative, to hang up the story live die out, most understanding Are Avalokiteshvara. Certain dangerous conversation will turn into peace , escaped from peril.
Ntu gười legs are single-minded recite faith Tse will also elect three black. In the scene where cold black triangle, also find cold, hot, hot, they also do not see how hunger and thirst-sized does also not feel hunger and thirst. It magically cannot describe.
Ð ừng b. negativity, take no doubt,
Control yourself, don't hit people.
Getting yourself wrong much less wealth,,
An, thanh tịnh, hue.
Minh Tam: what's harder, not afraid
See: where there is fear of Tanh, sad
Buddhist Kuan does not illuminate,
Anger, resentment, anxiety, thought disturbances led to expel.
Nếu you y reason poem on austerities, then sanctions will have a special touch.
NIEM German titles Are negative, you should learn from the heart, Hy agent discharge dhāranī, his forces Are voluntary representatives.
Nếu would like to order at then you must wipe out three and four Prime Ministers. Three mind is mind thinking about current, past and future. Three Thai were no psychological reality, should call the DAC, could not hold.
Vì stars in the new autonomous Saints then? Because the Saints who had four Prime Ministers: no conception about ego, opinion about the concept of sentient beings, the conception of the life network. Therefore they reached the himself in.
Vì stars coma black, for example Enlightenment? Since being hit by independent reference pitch si overwork deepened. Because not be so enlightened.
Trepresentative office France: anybody bargain. The times dresses France: none. If now someone also then fashioned dresses France will the primary French turns into.
Ðịnh law of causality start or , is: (interested in startups hope idea, delusion) create career , conduce (body language the emit action, speech, thought), Shou Announces contest is ending (body language accept to bear the consequences of did).
Tyeah lived to die: a life. This body as the foam floating it here on the water. Truth is frivolous, not true. Gone in a snap. So then what to nostalgically? Need to accept in advance.
Khips bridge, why not escape the maze. Want to escape the entrance , must overhaul.
Ðời the impermanence, career impermanence, phú quý also impermanence. That am glad that people suffering. All joyfulness khoái on life both hold in it suffering.
Vì stars themselves couldn't single-minded recite German Tse? Because its impossible to gain the ear nose eye photography six bases: tongue body; does this regime six pirates pincers. So they wore checkered-causing unrest, prompting hope idea uprisings. In the meantime interested couldn't quiet but for Extrovert, self find story trouble.
Mbending enlightenment they must meditate. Meditation is not about black: that's the way exit trailokya.
Vì who published his critical view of the proceedings light Tanh, (no emphasis on tu Tri witnessed Satori, only focusing on the cozy atmosphere, festive touch) so the next generation is not equal to the previous generation. They nurture lazy, gluttonous habits. It is the misfortune for Buddhism. If not timely amend misconception the Buddhism can hardly imagine going out stars.
Bạn should benefit the whole world that celebrates the German titles Are negative. Take a world title for the accident. So do things, do not own personal thinking.
Trong heaven and Earth, all the b. b. chemical chemistry incredibly real news, (biochemical changes constantly) is due to the Buddhist Tanh. No Buddha Tanh then something must also be destroyed. (All relatively well exist only within the scope of Tanh absolute) .
Người is from? Speakers from the apes evolved into. Song monkey from where? If monkeys can turn into hours now, why not continue to turn into humans? Strange!
Có who one day would not say the pilot is more like a day couldn't live. A day does not lie on a statue, as do not eat rice rứt. Bright dark just living off said the pilot, speaking lies. You can see there are weird? Really makes her difficult to understand.
Hconverged at the tu in solitary places a House (tịnh xá). Why? Because they don't keep precepts. When no one else is looking, then it's also no one or know. They spoiled wants nothing do nấy, nobody under freedom himself in, no apparent non-forcing. Then they raised in the country to do this ceremony, the faith: the truth is that thanks to the Buddha (mask austerities) to make anchovy, clothes.
CMr. Germany maintained that litigation is not the pushed back Uncle Dai Bi accident heist, also made for hundreds of old, cattle ma. Therefore his should the arbitration.
KStrictly where Buddhism inh Flowers there. It's like the sun light radiate throughout tam promising natural natural agent in the world.
N gười to renovate the junzi have cargo network. Network by themselves create, Phuoc bridge place. When not doing evil, then evil will naturally turned into a good network. Not only do evil, healing, good network also became bad. Transport network fluctuations, not rigid column tied people, such as uncaught. Do so superstitious (for transport network has an article, be prepared) .
Sdisease secondary to disciples who only took charge of lead director gate. Tu or not is in every person.
PNet subjects with suitable háp base of people. Uses less power but great success. Right is disciplines which serves as the collaboration with truth , where all base engine.
Buddha sounded like Whatever, the is not to big! Buddha is not greater than anybody not less than one. Real great should call the main is Buddha!
Người tu DAO cannot be disputed. As this person up later behind the power of Buddha, who arrived earlier then stands in front. People who come late should not say: I have some y so I have to stand in front of the toughness y. I must push for y to stand down. Such as paintings.
Làm parents as repayment. Do children is claiming the debt. They don't understand that ought to give that (parent child relations) is fun.
Ð. place the two white hands. Die is also white hands. What followed were not providing. Stay nor complete.
Do Judaism as well as Buddhism, Christianity as well as Buddhism. The name change but did not change. I don't see religion as the religion. I got to that religion is only due to human variation. Therefore, I am having any religion, I belong to the religion. No religion something of my own.
Chữ busy during Chinese Consciousness the include signature Vong and (d.) together. It is like the word forgot, Mind also includes an alphabetic of death and letters together. So busy to the point of losing goals always mind busy, to the extent bẵng both legs mind! forgot
PHai how tu? First of all, to paragraph except the desire, cut off sex. Shouldn't be too far away it is, also should not be too close. Too far, will charm you with her losing. Too close to being the dominant reason sympathies, not be austerities Deng.
Tu are not wearing masks, fake AP Ben do, play to people watching. Tu is based entirely on elaborately yourself. Has the new results. Hễ has a part to shall be part of the induction. Everything is due to emergency, true heart into unspoilt lied. Do not use cheated and deceived.
Mbending, for example, you can use the research life of atomic bombs, bomb or lasers, since they destroy the world capital is Friday. Only use the bowl of Germany: curious, to China, generic, feasts, righteous, integrity, singer. Eight minor ethics is linh Dan rescued sentient souls, as well as medication oxidized rescued lives is most effective.
Bịnh absolute proof terminally's world is: The bankruptcy of the institution.
Có who says: I am Buddha died! A! Buddha is you, so Buddha fake? As well as President, he said: I never was the President of the Board! Say so then who is President of fake? From here which infer: hễ says something lost, then permanently so there is a problem.
Hãy do every philanthropist: i.e. you take tu thanh tịnh bliss. No net bar, is not friendly. NET bar i.e..
Bạn said that vegetarians are eating the eggs? Also! Wait until you do chicken and then when that reincarnation you will understand (part of chicken) do eat egg that out.
Nếu you couldn't piece except craving despite you export the eight great wall underwater realm, you also just time, creating criminal career in Buddhism.
Cready are not original shall wither. Who not original it must die.
B-Yi discusses what the system of old, the creditor to claim falsely debt. Psychopath is? Psychopath is also how the sermon, which helps people to know the body is suffering, aging is suffering ... sick Prince Invariably it is also possible to look up to you. It will assess the Telegraph, telephone or send an e-mail to reminder you (in the form of the old line). For example, you might get sick, mai will have to die.
Có born to older, born psychopath and then to die. The process is taught himself to know the agony of death, to string b. geriatric psychopath herself prepared how freed, no gas of binding. So what is ridiculous is sick, you also must play mind Bodhi, please enlightenment, see everything is impermanent, suffering, vacuum and egolessness. To do so then "method is also good story.
Người know the Dharma is not, not, not, not selfishness, not self benefit, do not lie. Things like the five labels, contents, etc. are all things that demand superfluous waste, then things as well as climbing trees to find fish.
Cevil if you memorized Nhuan nhuyễn Shurangama, opening play great Tri hue, was addressed by your unconscious.
Trong time Dresses, the Bach y the fuel pick up maps, cosy apparently, Hong Yang Dharma. Bach y i.e. people under house arrest. They are the fuel for litigation, Super Festival crowds, lectured quẻ tattoos. They take advantage of Buddhism to make anchovy, clothes.
QCommission Tanh then just eat one of them, for example, need money, cosy;, food. If you have money, you should do little story of Germany and then revert direction for the deaths. If you buy the car of paper, paper money, paper, paper aircraft. .. to burn, cosy, truth is that 's passion for black peaked.
ÐKiosk banknotes into ashes and then you do know it's effectively what manner? If say burned and still effectively (i.e. dead people can use the funds due you burn), the Western ones such as burning paper money for her son, affordable they all become the demon poor dresses? Affordable: Western Oriental Air Devil poor, air spirit rich!
Trọn, I don't want to go to litigation, cloud, making France the Marine's reputation, is because I no virtue. DAO is not enough to thank user, Germany was not enough to instruct anyone. His degree is not Super himself, how Super is death. Such is the reason I don't have the story's liver.
P: the elderly subjects nianfo háp because five months should not be covered, preferably. young people, because of his long should also appropriate to tu nianfo. middle-aged People, after having experienced obvious things in life, should also be nianfo. old Guys, dont know never going to die, it should fold at no psychopath., taking advantage when the body is unwell, are the best.
Mỗi who were the main kin mind tu should. Main interest i.e. not thought disorder, thought, idea of the magazine story by gasoline mausoleum is not plausible. For example, to find the mind is the devil. Such as the cat's food bowl filled with flies bu. such is by food too squalid dáy. If none of the bowl is then isomorphic to the blowflies. If interested in how you will feel like to move. Not the demons from out of reach, which in the mind (infected) invited to.
K hip meeting, how to look through Hong Tran? Is not subject to suffering, how decided foot tu? Don't get clever trick her mind, said that what he knows. States not know what his true. When the police tricked it lay about to move to an definite both limbs!
Sau when Shou world, you take a certain emissary to the Buddha, making working team of Buddhism, as Shogun, superhero, Hao Kiet in Buddhism. Shouldn't bungle, arbitrarily, in accordance with bad habits, dated around fictional disabilities giởn nhởn stigma, such seems what is guys have just about life at all.
Khips should concur: Met mutiny who also fenced welcoming etiquette, which themselves such little public austerities. You must know how tu: Said too much is not good. Phu QUY who does not say much. Say more then vile personality. Vile is not valuable. People have words slowly, as such.
Trong scope of legal causation is guilty of adultery is most serious. The sanctions also formidable anymore: one person at living within limits how many times, then adultery when they die will be one big saws saws from foot men's group many times. B. money married a hundred times, death, and then an hundred fold.
Bwinning because he couldn't look throughout, could not let the discharge, so invisible in compounded en France, things that no Prime Minister, his Deputy bound tricky. In the meantime because can not clear perceptions (sight, or experience, or truth invariant) should keep inaugurated dờ (like the pallete wading legs mud). Within Lu DAO samsara, forever continue mortal.
Ðọc Shurangama is to position hue. Read U.s. Economy is to become Buddhas. should say: Hue's Mausoleum Prim; the Buddha's Dharma. Strictly, the term raw flowered: returning to the original. Anyone who is also from this store in France; Anyone who would return to France. You should recruit from a more experienced that you feel like the most, it serves as the new (with mechanical grounds). Serves as a thread there and then, you take a French study it, shouldn't be on for lo made money , forgot about the Dharma.
Việc in his life: Qui y Jewels.
Quy y Jewels are based sincereon two letters. Not sincere, you'll be perfunctory, irresponsible, no sensitivity whatsoever.
Mỗi light sleep wake up, you go opposite the Buddha play four to their aspirations. Four of this Bodhisattva vow is also played. Every night you check workshop, wondering whether: boundless beings was prayer, himself was an ai yet? If not, let's ráng. Impurity endlessly oath voluntarily, his piece yet? If not, should it go. Disciplines immeasurable oath voluntarily, her learned yet? If not, find some free time between jobs at were to read bit classics, see book of Buddha. Buddhist leader endless Senate oath voluntarily, his currently qualities, not the Buddha, to lick the newly passed amendment are.
Người Buddhist follower should not be run. Lifetime for running off another temple to Temple, which ended up such little biblical teaching facility, DAC: unknown, not knowing nianfo, continental mass is not known.
Tinterview a friendly bridge Bai ìm knowledge: right in the world exporting countries also snake Dragon confused, not clarity. You go upside on the left is truly bàng alike buried hazardous. If mistaken on that guys Ta Professor sermon, hazardous bigger and bigger again.
INin the temple, you should speak to the Buddha, through austerities. Do this people should say this person the whole story in Africa, on the other. As says, the more you fallen. As fallen as hard tu studied Dharma. Why are you keeping notes that forgotten ambition? Because you are too scattered. Why litigation experience that does not remember? Because you are too scattered.
Biết to listen to, though I have name-calling people, you also listen to the magic. Though I have struck people, you also claim that it is legal to awaken their truth in a timely manner. Do not know what to listen, then I can use what the delay you, help you, you also feel pointless, ridiculous.
Mbending me skyward: not difficult. American chemistry teacher is hardest.
Mbending me trelawney: not difficult. Catholic culture American is hardest.
Mbending Rooster lays eggs: for hardly anything. Catholic culture American is hardest.
Bạn that people put their delectable feast is first Danh Lam sao? You ask yourself are ethical? Have favoured reasonable? That deserves to one glass palace? Ðáng to one cult? You often revert optically reflective so.
Cash appears to people, you need to have the eyes to know truth (Trach French label). So apparently, cosy bar NET people austerities.
Phật theory of tripiṭaka, twelve types of classics, in addition to the purpose of breaking mortgage ahead of people. His refusal to listened to lyrics Song le Buddhist teachings, as traitors map: before it wasn't what I accept.
LAustralia I come, nothing. At departure, I would not want anything. I do not want to leave traces on the ceiling. I am from nowhere to nowhere, will go with.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).17/1/2012.

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