Sunday 15 January 2012



To lay Ma, free reserves, Thuy Tu village in Zhejiang province. Now she is writing talent he showed up to fifteen additional years of letter delivery. His parents died early, Vinh The churches are very carefully designed pattern. By age thirty, he brought us blood disease. Over the years more and more severe disease, eat vomit immediately.
Tuong Phong monks there, while not ordained that you used to visit Vinh group visited. Then back to school just to visit, sufficient wisdom to open light, transparent signal bandwidth. Professor Vinh listen to the commentary of wonder, people asked to methods other than illness. Tuong Phong said: "Sick of the property is directed by sufficient business, medicine is not treated. If the directors want to give up property can specialize our charming Buddha, long day of deep ignorance is karma from countless lifetimes This was definitely time to clean. As long illness he died while living reincarnation is liberated, more cases are worrying yourself sick What does " . Vinh told The awakening shock, magnetic boys often went professional. Since that time patient was also relieved.
Before that time, Ma To dream that the middle of nowhere emerged a multitude of plaintext, the glow discharge. He said that browsing Buddhist books: A Di Da translated as Boundless Life, also known as Boundless Light. Now think back to that omen of romantic effects, the more self secretly glad, for that they have sufficient grace to the Pure Land. Next he read the Privacy Forum Sutra, the source of contractual mental associations, the more joy I exchange. After Vinh The team's rules, every day chanting Kim Cang, Di Da, for Buddha want to question three, the magnetic bar. In his spare time, to invite lay people associated with home ownership collection, organization nembutsu clock.
Qianlong year of Fifty-sixth, to reduce weeks of January. Vinh Group from Suzhou back just in a month, feel sick. By early March layman lies in bed without pain arose was, told a close friend said: "I found thirty-five years old Bodhi heart, only for serious Net Buddha, all beings benefit, the honor of the house khanh the same general view as torn sandals. Nay body but rather bring all of us experience, but a mind happily ever modified. We specialize in mindful, wait for the public network directly to the West being alone " . One asked his friend: "I lost it, lifting the boy in the house a few mouths to feed, take one to help?" . Layman said: "It belongs to everyone's blessed grace, strength I can not afford to be" . Go to eighteen afternoon, he said: "Tomorrow shall be great repentance" . The next morning, lay stiff hard wearing rose up majestic Buddhist repentance, and sat toward the West nembutsu few hundred sentences, regardless of reading the text of his vow Contact Tri returned beds. Three more days, said: "Tam St. West in the first embodiment, as I said legal. I usually stay in dazzling glare transparent" . Over the next day say: "Bodhisattva sprinkle water purification using the body wash wash-sufficient shield, causing me to be cool, the ineffable happiness" . Afternoon, a joint property is visited It Hong Shen, asked not to recite the Buddha, and reminded not to the previous minister. Layman said: "Stay concept, ie entertain Buddha spent the first minister" . Then the hunger strike, drinking only a few daily cups of tea, after all only two hours in cool water only. On March twenty-nine, the hour Ngo, Layman told the House that: "The Buddha has come to lead" . Finished continuously recite the name, then lying on the couch being the right hand, positive effects were forty-eight years old. He had no children, a will to establish the post.
Then venerable Wall at Van Tinh Phong retreat at Christ the continent, are religious subjects and eighty nembutsu. The winter of that year, a dream that night he lost three to sit in the south on the day. In particular, in the middle of a family, both sides are laymen, stately rooms mental state, where the optical head are covered members. Room walls bowed and asked: "Where the three religious faith here" . The wear mourning for saying: "We come from the realms of the West" . The monk asked, "Are you the person in the world of Ultimate Bliss of Amitabha he?" . Monk replied: "Yes" . Tuong Phong sparse identity question do not answer just three questions again: "The French name is chi?" . The monk replied: "Name Dat Van legal practitioner" . The Sangha: "Why false speech?" . Tuong Phong said, "It is not true as expected" . Monk asked, as before. He also replied the same. Monks also said: "There is still false speech" Wall Phong said, "The student said it was not false speech?" The Rising said: "All hope being taken as true, false accept as true, the newly reincarnated . If the order is place, that want to damage the prospects methods are pretending, they are no longer rotated. Thou shalt not own confusion lost legs to the heart. It should be understood not care foot care, foot tri do not know, have knowledge that is ma. enlist tri Buddha is senseless, you should believe or not to bring our facilities " . After this statement, Wall Phong Thereupon suddenly enlightened: "Word of faith teaching religion, the truth is inconceivable Buddha legal! Religious faith from the realm of Ultimate Bliss, dare to ask: has reported that Amitabha reasonable? " . The left side responded, "If I tell you, you did not make news. It is last seen themselves" . Then all three of the stand, each first place finisher will Phong a wall, shelf and in turn said that:

Try diligent effort

No magnetic memory industry.

People are indeed deep

Reservations do not doubt!

The method of birth center

Completely away from the center

Raw is not the true nature

Take, leave can not be!

You have double the information

Buddha, being the center

As hyun tam ma threads

For example, in a dream scene.
Theory shelves finished, Ma suddenly found the strict posture, bowed three. The three consecutive rise towards the west bay nowhere to go. Then the air emerging musical thunder, the sound of the ball deep and serene thoughts. The re-orientation of Vinh Tuong Phong three bowing ceremony and said, "Thanks to my great virtue magnetic business advice, refuge Tam said, should have been honored to be born in the West, the happy life of great benefit. So I appeal Bodhisattvas need to say this din Abhidharma, to repay voracious " . Finished saying goodbye to three bowed bowed again, and then recite the Buddha's hands flew to the West. As soon as he emerged late bell, Wall Phong startled awake. Venerable quickly took his pen and paper to record sign, known as Mong natural Century.
On the wall where a hermit monk Phong hospital in Phuoc Thanh Giang Flood. When the anticipated death date, but sat out of nembutsu.

Comment: Prior to borrow Near coastal road to advise fellow pulpit. Reserve Now take the dreams that applicants meet voracious. So, who called the birth of An absence does not support the news first! However, the net who is not predestined, the concept could not agree most of it!

NGO segment

Ngo Doan won layman, who themselves often Dao Huy Chau district in Steam. At young age he used to go to purchase where the Christ, Item. In the mountain temple trips household, a monk came across his face the look said: "You also have good base, but pity for twenty nine years old at death shipwreck victims, know what to do?" . Segment heard fear, appeal to the rescue method. Monk mused for a moment and then says: "From now on, you must have a free look at life. Every day should pay even castles and recite the Buddha's Great Compassion, may be able to escape" . Really believe in the segment, it is often recommended that you take this.
In twenty nine years old, layperson from Hangzhou Princess boat back home. You are traveling all seventeen. As the captain sails out of some fifty miles away, the volcano suddenly roaring tide to shove, waves to the very threat-level insurgency. Straight lines suddenly remembered the first monk said, with folded hands recite the Buddha. The moment the boat capsized, he and his passengers were all carried away with the waves. In panic musing, suddenly heard a voice: "Thang Ngo Doan has recommended that the Buddhist concept, get rid of this accident" . Lay open the eyes quickly around the body was lying on the shore, with you there are people who are fishing in the province. Review, the uppers of luggage were lost flux, only a normal string beans eighteen-date maintenance concept still understand where your hands. In the other sixteen were not found traces sink away. Since then he has grown to such merit nembutsu inconceivable! Lay not return home, shops stay open house physiognomy, loan of conditions to speak of causality suggest that religious concepts.
After affliction, the line practice more diligently. He guides the arm are the four words "Western Bridge birth" to clearly state their wishes well. People in Hangzhou by di style of The Contact Tri, many believers are oriented nembutsu teachings. But those who practice it, it is aged, not young class. Each month they gathered to recite the Buddha temple, called the Lao Children's Society. The collection did not dare go east much, for fear of being suspected of heresy dislike political intrigue. Segment summary statement says to people: "Mon nembutsu regardless of age young men and women on man. Buddhism is the district court dear favorite teachers were recognized, why be afraid?" . Then Check Dien Dien, an official right to you, are all approved tax-salt test in Hangzhou, the former lay a good situation. Opportunity, he opened the right touch, Electric first to be his two hundred taels contributed to the initiative. With the funds raised, funds set to lay means of income recorded slight broadening nembutsu meeting at Mount Temple in Bao Thanh Tu Duong and do charity work. Every festival public meeting, as he preach the Dharma mass, say of causality. Who have not found diligent care practitioners recommend that notion. Lay the opening chapters where Tien Lam Pagoda in the city with other places to encourage chemical. Buddhist believers growing memorial there to the thousands. Once set, all solemn reverence, do not let lung bustling hubbub. Statue of St. Tam high school after which a Western power in Tien Lam Pagoda, also created by people in an audience. One morning is now set for Buddha, found from the nasal mass Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva statue out a clear direction where the optical power to fly around the house more than a few other new eyes.
Since then the concept of Hangzhou style Radio operating. The surrounding area is also affected touched, young old boy girl holding a colon, mouth, Buddha, is common not new. Title woman segments kids all know. Each public meeting, the place turns to lay a visiting faculty din. - West Lake Linh Phong pagoda, a former Tiger monuments of Easter meditation, nowhere has long discarded. In the first year of Dao Quang years, Doan Hung Thang identical vows, tu make us a few years. Chronic lay at the sixty-six. When he was mindful of death part, say to yourself: "I saw countless bodhisattvas walking in front" . Then sit quietly that chemical. A time to th May, the ninth year of Quang Dao.

Comment: Lo Kun nembutsu reborn capital requirements, which search out the sick suffering in the present. Segment nembutsu only hope from victims, but it felt good auspicious time of death. Then someone said: "The merit nembutsu only after chronic benefits of it?". See the example above, the two are very religious exercise, certain constant. Nowadays, we brought the little lady, for the benefit too, until you see Disable, back to the spiritual experience that Buddhism does not, then put all the practice worth it not pity do u regret!

Source Of Ceremony

Source Of Mass lay self-tolerance, the life bar, a native of Qiantang. Childhood he studied Confucianism, honest heart happy, church song itself is very curious. One of the father in pain, his thigh cut of meat mixed with the drugs sharp rise, the disease is benign. Excess market is seriously ill mother, he had to do it again, the disease is in remission.
Very soon, his parents are too current, next and meet the wife. Now is when adult. Source ceremony felt that the concept of impermanence, remove ceiling coast, the director of nursing practice foot Korea. Spread over ten years that, had somewhat elaborate effective. After reading of his life Van Tam provisions may apply contingent world. Source ceremony held morality very durable, for those of silk used furs are not used, remove all the old religious ways, specializing in the Pure Land. For legal contemplation, the more essential security lay. Before his mother dying when mental disorders faint, lay professionals recommend our faith visualize Avalokiteshvara, maternal health following words. A few days later, suddenly said: "I was next to the Bodhisattva realm strange bright colors" . Finished happy that died. By reason, the resources are very pleased ceremony of the subject of effective visualization.
Upasaka gentle nature, good reporters giving birth to help the poor in need. When you do charity work, he is very hard to thoughtful, not hard sows. Meet monks, were found depending on health care offerings, do not miss. So listen to contemporary attribution ceremony, line up key to all know and love.
Quang Dao Summer eighth year, lay close amplify the retreat at The Nam, the hundred day period nembutsu. One day while sitting provincial and district youth work practitioners Korea before suddenly discovered. Then he felt the air of heaven and earth bar from the middle of nowhere into the lane, go straight to the initiation, nose, mouth, and then enter directly into the application, along with its gas resources in harmony. Then the body and mind is very peaceful and gentle touch can not sign for example. The moment he has a baby boy a few feet tall, appeared from the subject. He flew threw the baby joke going around a while, then headed back to the. From then on, every practitioner to forget the extreme static ceiling concept, associated with his children out on as before. Commission sources ceremony mind very happy, then suddenly think: "Is this one of fifty things that warm the economic Surangama say? If we for a specific period, all evil will touch on the pack. Besides the nembutsu even in the West, St. situation is not present, the popular things to do? " . So often mindful visual reference, his new baby does not currently exist. Through this grace, lay deep realization of the new contract idealistic, very well as additional voluntary credits make plain. Later he often told people that "sex scene was dangerous Nhut gate being normal childhood. If I'm not early awakening, all subjects will be lost in the bladder. So that the priests should be wary-eyed!" .
Quang Dao Summer eleventh year, sources temple ceremony where President Mats recuperate door Thanh Thai. - This local women they blind the eyes Depression. She can even recite the Buddha, but were often hampered daughter. Laymen heard, immediately said: "This may settle.'s action is due to other brides as part of poverty, lack, if that helps for life all things are quiet" . He said the right into the grave, for help to fight Shen her some rice every month. She used a balance transfer for the bride, so she is happy not interfere anymore. Sources said the ceremony to place the interests of the nembutsu to hear, and teach how to repent the vow. A few months later, a neighbor of the workstation to talk to lay people: "The old woman nembutsu yesterday, and now reborn" . Sources Festivals reason, he narrated from the: "After the assistance and the old woman how diligent nembutsu? Penitential vows like? Until last month, said resin market before the Western , told the bride or. to term, bathing her change clothes, sitting hand nembutsu accept that rebirth. Agarwood testament to the bride she moved through the thanksgiving Pham. The time she has not meet the Map of sarcophagi and integrity attack. Bride to sell his daughter shopping worry about it. Now what to do? ".
Source Mass heard, immediately discuss with the good is, pooled some money, allocated to Neighbors brought her strawberry. Over the following weeks, he had to house inquiries. On arrival, the bride holding hands chain colon, mouth nembutsu shady forest. Layman to see her happy thanksgiving welcome glass. Just finished sitting, neighbors or gather information, to compete Pham knew of. Then tell it to the other end of each line of her narrating their resin, roughly like his neighbors said yesterday. They re just a little girl said: "These children were indebted to him, from being carried away for sale" . Sources of Depression Festival coffin to where she, the bride said, "When the purchase is complete integrity attack the castle, neighbors were discussed: Scope of the people in the capital city, but also take away from doing good. We are time of love, where do customers indifference! So all new common money to buy land, bring the casket of her mother and her husband's coffin always has a long funeral, and burial will take away one day. " heard lay out on the fun.
The winter that year, the source of bring the ceremony of his charity work as unfinished lo end computing and transferring responsibility for a joint other property. January next year, to lay the fellow you individually, kindly encourage clergy, who seemed about to go away. His son lay with the domain to Tong Giang, he said: "I go out, everything should be smart behavior. He now old age, spending the month of events, and business, to not worry. To hold duty for their part of the task entrusted " . It was said, but the boy knows, but it's only words the foresight of the older people only.
By the twenty-fourth day of January, sources told Le wake up early in multiplication that: "Today we see in the hard bit tired " . Said section, is used as regular morning porridge. Finished eating, lay out and stood close to the front of a stunned moment, then return to where the bed sits upright nembutsu. Children in the house asking to see a bit strange, to stamp his arms quietly. By mid-day, little known concept that peace was then passed away. First hour the following day entered the shroud, marked or still hot. Then to the twelfth year Quang Dao, enjoy life lay sixty-three years old.

Comment: See how to reconcile all things lo end, you farewell, probe told you, did not plan that could be called before the death. But why did you not say transparency? Humble opinion, the first date that you know in that order to the mind is still strong, not intentionally unobtrusive place to everyone. Now let alone if you have good meetings, or to support the direct benefits. Occasionally, such as relatives of the incompressible situation, surrounded mourns pity, but it not to want to beat u again? The compromise did not lay them out as well by any reason.

Chau Phu Nhon

Chau Phu Nhon, who lives Thanh, former wife of Great Spirit in the district of Son Music Department of Zhejiang Province, and the mother of King Tam Tam, a useful list lay her childhood. In twenty-six years old, her back to Wang. Rich husband, Buddhism is very private, sophisticated multiplication devotee also home Tam said, having come up pagodas of great faith who Guanyin temples and take Thien Y. In addition, it also help in giving the poor sick, liberating life, unfortunately written word, in short all the good suggestions and are very real issue. The celebration of charity but the United Army leaders took the diamond, but in fact multiplication by his wife quietly encouraged and helped a lot.
From about the husband, wife consecutive multiplication vegetarian, dressed in cloth, embroidered daytime textiles and night, chanting the Buddha. Work on how to keep air conditioning, throughout the year not step outside the gate. Phu Nhon quiet taciturn nature, while visiting relatives, then chatted few words, explain the charges associated blessed cause and effect. At United troops died, two children are young wild wife served her husband multiplication, teaching children poetry, experiencing all that difficult, since both fully aerobic. She has asked for their daughter Lu Tam Tam, but not up married, she was hurt, blind both eyes. Customers are advised to kinship rotten marriage, but refused to elaborate multiplication did not comply, wedding brought, the Tam Tan told that: "While I do l to ask, the wife's eyes were still bright and beautiful. But before the wedding, it is blind, there is also the number of children. If the mother and child leave processing, all will cause damage and humiliation life a daughter. So I have to care for and love his wife and children , to fulfill all obligations as a husband for it to meet section " . Only this one enough that multiplication is a lady full of compassion and grace back.
In the past every morning Tam Phu Nhon all economic action, each day the number. Since the fog settled, she specializes in mind the Buddha, born of the decision to the West. In March the first year of Propaganda System, lost her husband, his wife take care of the funeral multiplication buried so well, sympathy that makes the pain and fatigue illness. Bed where she lay paralyzed for over forty days to meet section. Three hours before death, his wife told two lo multiplication of the post and said: "Three days after the Noon hour, she will of Buddha. Two industry should take spirituality, people try to improve, and following the example of mother for birth professionals nembutsu West " . By the given moment, her eyes silently forced to sit up for Buddha, a welfare state. Tam Tam asked if that information is not, Phu Nhon replied: "Be a lamp burning in front of the cage hanging and do not ask to be mindful of our disorder" . Finished her to sit quietly for a moment of escape. Few hours later, Tam Tam detects that Phu Nhon hands are softer so hot headed.


Ha National lay down, the ROC, a native of Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province. His grandfather and father both came from the school place, with a reputation for being incorruptible. National Bone served as Tri district, transfer to some place, after the revolution to make people in the province chief.
In the autumn of National Population Monday, as involved in the discussion except Yuan Shikai, the unsuccessful attempt , so his refuge in solitude in a temple in South Music Hunan Province. From which country is down the name Heng Barrier Reef, each day over the true language: Surangama, Standard Thread and nembutsu. In the spring of Wednesday's country, he was a powerful recommendation, but was falsely accused who orders Hamlet, have to go to Beijing new white ceiling was acquitted.
Then there is your masterpiece La layman peer with National Bone. So, after affliction, often through the sides close together. Both the boy and practice meditation. One day in the midst of statically determinate, the National Bone suddenly heard someone calling themselves Lieu Confucius. So he left work tests the following two sentences:

Liao no known way back to

How this phen consistent playing experience!
Since then, he provided direction Pure Land, Hua-yen daily chanting a few books, a hundred bows Buddha, recite the name of Amitabha want to question two. Layperson to prepare the convention: Tri son, Buddhist mindfulness, attention, Simplified power, to prompt encourages self-commandments.
In the spring of the eighth National People National Bone on home visits, meet at the sky long-term, linked shell island ceremony, the rain is abundant, water-filled fields. He then re-established the chanting implementing the spirit and pray for the victims of war Nhon Vietnam, North. In all, people who attend will see Amitabha incarnation middle of nowhere, countless lenders are hungry demons bow my head, and the flight of Western Buddhism. After the work was, lay retired from tour guide, told her not coming back anymore. He again told by the relatives of his complacency by the news section, not kill sacrifices. Back to Beijing, lay immediately felt sick. Gia multiplication with friends to pick treating physician, he immediately denied says, "My heart was very peaceful, anchoring head was clear, it should be spent on drug ladder" . Then he tried to feast on concepts such as mean time, and said: "Now when closed or open eye, I see the Buddha with great Bodhisattvas filled embodiment of nowhere" . Then he seemed to reduce disease. When goods or relatives of shareholders sufficient information to visit, lay sit up straight, look people from standing around a turn, smiled quietly accept that hands out of.
At the new lay Buddhist mindfulness , lotus dreams that filled the void, each flower has a sitting, only one building left vacant. He asked the cause, then a sitting nearby said, "The court sen to take a dose of Confucius" . Back when the National Bone returned to Beijing, her daughter, Ha Vinh dreamed of his father sitting on a lotus fly West. Y but who lay white, but keep careful about very serious level. When dying, his disciples the bread time to teaching the Constitution, he said: "We're deep in the degenerate, soccer is very serious business. To live off dead roots reincarnation, need to recite the Buddha's birth Ultimate Bliss . In the Pure Land Method: A vow to be honest. Penitential not even necessary. Keep the world must be durable. nembutsu have specialized needs. About the supreme Bodhi, is the want of good root is the root of dharma, a seat on the school's director, is a good teacher of children. If you hold three pure business for the Buddha, the decision will see Amitabha.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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