Sunday 15 January 2012



    Leaf clean drownedLeaf clean drowned
    There are a thousand young people from miles away come to Temple University International Master Thich Nature Publishing, said, "You are a scholar rustic, from past to present speak never fabricated lies, did not cause a non-story market, but do not know why people always have bad words used by human strings, using lies destroy human flesh. To this day, I really could not stand anymore, I want to raise to the temple hair shaved away from rose bushes place, please ambassador admitted disciple! "
    Like quiet International University professor heard the boy had finished speaking, went smiling says, "For all galaxies all rushing, waited in the yard picking up the peninsula into a clean leaf, for all will be able to know his future. "
    University professor leading the boys to a small stream that runs through the temple, add hand picked a bodhi leaf on the tree down and protected with a primary focus to obtain their images for a bucket and a scoop. Note small crates and hurriedly brought a lot to give scoop Lake University professor. International clamp like taking a leaf clean hands and told the boy: "For all the talk does not cause non-market, away from dust, like leaves hands clean of this peninsula." Just say, just put the favorite International leaves into the bin, then only the barrel "But today's candidates may not encounter all the invective pool, cancel humiliating siege on the deep well of suffering mortal, there must be as clean leaves were put in tank bottom is not? "The boy sighed, nodding said," Well, I was a leaf in the bottom of the barrel. "
    Thich International University put the bucket up on a rock beside the stream, bending the springs draw water up a shell, said: "This is a question for owners such name calling, with the intention to sink all candidates. "Just say," wipe out "an hour, severe leaf scoop up water in the tank, leaves strongly perturbed, then quietly re-emerged to the surface. Ambassador stooping draw a water shell next, saying: "This is the question of the evil curse for owners such rude, there is a conspiracy to sink owners such as before, then go home look at this leaf would look like? In this way did the Ambassador of severe water scoop up the leaves, but leaves only shaking and re-emerged on the same surface. The boy looked out of the box, and then see where the disease leaves hold, said to the ambassador: "The leaves are not damaged, just the deep water in the tank, the water that leaves the mouth more and more boxes close to. "
    International University Thich listening, smiling nod, back flush to draw a leaf scoop, security guy that "Words have no way of fabricating a leaf sink clean. Clean leaves unaffected by the words slander and defame the body to flush it, but it does not sink to the bottom, vice versa, depending on the increase of the (vain words), making it rise as high, one step away from the bottom of the abyss. "ambassador said, has continued to pour water into the tank, filled with fresh water moment, bodhi leaves eventually emerge on the bins. Blue leaf, like a small boat leaves, gently undulating, swaying in the water.
    International University Thich leaf spot exclamation: "If it is more slander, defame, as great." The young man listening, not understanding the dark intention, said to the ambassador that went: "Why He said that? "Like two currencies at the end draw water scoop," wipe wipe "on the leaf flush tank, water tank overflows the sides and pulled down to the leaf springs, leaf type application goes by. University professor told the boy: "Over the lies, slander will eventually help the leaves to escape the grip block, towards the long river, sea and wander the wide sky.
    The young man proved Contain treatment course, delighted discount likes Priest: "Dear Ambassador, I have understood it, a clean leaf never sunk to the bottom of the water. Messages fabricated slander, defame humiliation can only help wash wash a pure soul already, much more clean. "Thich International University smiled happily.
    Clean leaves from being engulfed, why can not sink a pure soul? A pure soul, whether buried mud layers down to the bottom of the canal, then his soul will rise like a beautiful lotus flower purest in the world. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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