Sunday 15 January 2012


How very often? Listen to the Buddha: "All the world has been modified, damaged, all is impermanent." Impermanence means not so often, not always stay in a certain state; always transformed; go from state formation to break away and ...
A. Open to
people's greed embrace forever cling to things. We, as they were born, they are less ambitious. Our ambition was to cling tightly to things that we have constructed, the catch is. We just let them drop out after the last breath. Strictly speaking, not until the last minute we give up everything; we still want to hold them forever, but they have left us where to go. We were helpless, did not have enough strength to hold them a little more, so for them to give up arms to flush away, but if a bit effort, we still want to hold back and desperately held what was grasp.
All his life, we repeated the gesture forever capture and preserve it. And life countless times we have pain, frustration, because all things in life are never gratifications of us who take a seat in the saddle. All things are constantly moving, changing, nomad, as a guy e-waste, such as a river, like a cloud, like a horse! Time went by like, then everything went well as he. Put in the name of the Buddha, the transformation, change that is the law of impermanence.
B. Lemon juice to
1. Definition
Unknown how often? Listen to the Buddha: "All the world has been modified, damaged, all is impermanent." Impermanence means not so often, not always stay in a certain state; always transformed; go from state formation to break away and ... Buddhism is called the phase change of an object are: a, head, pass, not (or birth, the head, allergic, anti). As a wave, when the knob is referred to (or being) the most prominent is called the head; when dropping down is called a pass (or straight), when the call is not split (or kill) . All things in the universe, from as small as grains of sand, the big moon and stars, are subject to the four stages that both, the so-called Impermanence.
To have a clearer idea of impermanence, we I look, even the heuristics we ourselves, our mind and the circumstances in which we live, then you know.
2. Impermanence Body
"Body always healthy, young and beautiful forever, and my life is a poem .." He is the most painful situation of some young men and women, the children loved their bodies forever, or if older, is also a long time, no doubt that it is old, it's dead, every moment. The following verses of the ancients it was said to be a quick change of our body:
"Army ants any high street smart white scenes play ball!
Korea as bar ti, grave as snow? "
"I do not see the mirror chamber father hair!
Soon as the meter is green, dark, white as snow "
Studies have shown that, in our body, the cells changed, and in each seven-year period, the old cells completely renovated. The change was made ​​for big body quickly, quickly age faster and die. My year is not itself this year, not the body itself morning afternoon, every moment in our body has birth and death.
Here is a very meaningful story to demonstrate the impermanence of the body :
A pedestrian path to miss in a boarding house deserted. Night came, he saw a green monster hair, carrying a new zombie dead on, to tear the food. Suddenly a demon, red hair, thrust into the door. Two battling demons dead body, I always said before his capture. We are about to fight and kill each other sleeves, determined to win something. Suddenly we saw the guy lying trembling in the corner; they rushed to pull him out of arbitration, either ask them, who is worth doing all the body.
I fear too pedestrian, but just love saying it: the body of the demon hair green because he determined that it has before. Be demon green hair, happily thanked him puppet the headline act, but the demon with red hair loss Hairs, anger pulled his head out to wreak fresh anger alive.
It weighed him down, agitation an arm into the mouth devoured ... blue hair demon that injured pedestrians and to love him tribute, agitation of arms mounted on the dead body to him. Agitation speed demon to his other arm to feed the action, and blue hair demon of the corpse on his hands for him. Just like that, the demon velocity part of his body to feed the action, the blue haired demon took part of zombies fill the body ... After he eats the whole body His pedestrians, cleaning demon bloody mouth full, then put away. The devil take the green hair.
He was shocked as just the province of a nightmare and just wondered: do not know what is in his body that he is carrying or is it?
story on proof we see from birth until death, we did not know how the body changes, and the body when it is placed in the coffin, it's nothing like a family when they were compared.
The country's yesterday Dong Nai rivers, for example, looked outside the country is no different today, but yesterday the country, now may have been mixed with salt water in the ocean and the other countries today is the last resource flows this. My people too, "every move as express saved" (such as flood water is always flowing).
But the pain instead! Was it instead an exchange for another one, just like the former first! A loss of cells, one cell to another generation, but younger cells before the cells; cells after the cells have been older than the next ... And so on that body from young to old , from life to death!
Buddha, was also a Prince, Da Du complained to her in the palace, when thinking about the impermanence of the body.
"... We will be old and ugly. Time First we will cover the silver ash. Oh, the child's eyes will eventually dull! Each of the red color you will love it! ... We hear within us, in you and in everyone, every day each collapse under devastating time for hammer, everything valuable in life ... we desperately holding on, the treasures in it, like holding a ball, as captured a puff of incense. "
wisdom instead! People are young and beautiful and noble, in addition to his wife early Monday mostly lower, yet still lucid enough to see the beautiful law of human life! The words that the design, not only did Princess Da Du wake, but also awaken those who are passionate in life insubstantiality scenes, scenes of birth, aging, illness, death, embodies the law of impermanence. Body shall be subject to the diseases of old age being dead, can not exist forever. Lao Tzu Germany has found itself a source of sin, the root of suffering, should have uttered the sentence:
"Wu friendly fire agency, the organic corn itself,
Corn weak atheist, more organic fouling fire? "
(I have a great misery, because we have relatives,
If we do not do themselves, what size?)
Body is impermanent, so that much because people want to cultivate, foster, also serve the body that cause so many formidable crime! Because'd be interested in export, add body, which makes the hand for killing animals and weakness of the innocent animals before they die a horrible way. Read history, Qin Shi Huang heard eating live monkey brains, we have felt the pain through the animals were killed, yet the party still laugh happily, not skeptical rate to groan, yell, the Our struggle, then it is as long as evil! Compassion's where? Alas! Rather cruel and expeditions, the human womb!
As greedy as a cloudy, dark conscience, man is not apparent impermanence of the body and mind to do it last so cruel!
3 . Impermanence Mind
Body has Impermanence, but often do not mind? Mind is silent forever, it is somewhat more rapid and subtle, if we do not look into, surely hard to see.
we change our mind in each moment, according to the external environment: we sad then happy then, and then trade them angry. Minutes before we remember this, think about another minute. Today we practice essential process, today moved sorrow blow. Reality as the Buddha said:
"Mind the tree line as apes,
as the domestic horse .. empty place "
in mind we kill each moment of birth, and birth and death precisely because it so quickly, so we feel thought as it does not change anything. For a child, if we are sure that the images move like it on screen, is due to the continuation of the film, the image appears and disappears, to make room for other images, before lamp, if I say so with a child, make sure it does not believe, because it does not understand the utility of speed.
Just like that, the mind is made ​​up of each concept being eliminated, but because they I do not get the swift transformation of it, so we thought it was pure and immutable. The one minute before I have this moment where what? And the first one minute was the one minute later? So what we do is what we really? The one minute ago, the one minute or one minute after it? A poet was asked a question may seem silly, but think it is a sign profound: "Who NEWSPAPER: have we not?"
What we (or the heart too) impermanent, false as world, so that the life on it is the center of the universe, cling to it, it's so greedy behalf, scavenged property, fame all around, and despite the stampede of guys happy other causes include trauma to the fellow, well dressed! It's much confusion instead!
4. Impermanence Circumstances
As we have seen the law of impermanence everywhere, not only the body, the mind is impermanent, that situation, great local fouling paint, also Unknown anymore.
Books often have a saying: "Shanghai, Funeral filled "(Princess beach strawberry)
The last was heard as a polished image literature, but really, it's a very true comment in practice. We are often mistaken as just a biological aging changes and death, but the great things such as mountains and rivers, soil, and then forever remains in place. But we were wrong, the old mountain river has a young, sometimes sandy foot while training. There is nothing permanent existence. Proverbs have many words to the impermanence of things in a very profound like: "Physical change, I change" or "No one is rich in three families, three generations no one is difficult."
Indeed, a life of we have witnessed so many ups and downs, proud flesh, to elephants to dogs. Rich and poor, continue on man before our eyes as a still picture of cranes, such as a piece of film in a cinema. How many people, previously, no palatial mansion, garden and field storks flew off, so that after a massive infantry fire, the cause of nature such as clouds of smoke suddenly tan! How many high authorities, the overbearing weight, nghinh level, so that one minute of lost the fire, suddenly became real to those tha way, or entangled captivity!
impermanence touched immediate touch, so that how many people have not awakened, just cling to those pursuing the most glamorous of her time. Duke sellers, buyers agencies, who take the name of good ham ... cause so many guests laughing indifference, and described the scene much hardship for the people involved.
long ago, there was a king, after passing stroll through the city, saw wealthy people wealthier, birth greed, want less expropriation of their assets, to put in the repository. The king immediately ordered one has the right to charge down the court.
Commandment, the houses are outrageous, but know who to complain to now? Meanwhile, a merchant, to awaken the king, the type of violence to bring all capital assets, to the movement, King and offered to ship that:
- Lower god please give all property to the court.
King surprising response:
- I just recorded a time, why did you give out all that?
- Tau, because the lower mind is not thinking of the spirit of the House, which is the fifth house: the water flow, fire, rob enemy, expropriation and dissipating his wife and children. Ha god even trying to preserve what way, nor from one of five houses was appropriated. So I offer all the lower gods, do not keep, to later suffer from it. Majesty expect to get out, down deep sense grateful to him.
After listening to the words of the merchant ship, the king contemplated long time, suddenly awakened, the shy and quiet and said: "The wisdom to teach for one. Giang delicate marble painting of me, I have been keeping long term or do will be in the house, the merchant said, winning takes? Giang also not hold paint, let alone the property of the people! The He is our benefactor, if nobody brought light to wake me, I will do a very cruel. "
Thinking is done, the king went down to stop expropriation order, the longer the money delivered to the poor more . What a precious story, to awaken those who are immersed within the fame, are causing suffering to himself and those around you, because not identify the impermanence of the situation.
5. Decisions
Some people think that Buddhism is said very often, affordable accidentally instilled in people the notion rot even depression? Because things were impermanent, do not do anything, be diligent business career I did not get anywhere. Ash, who will become ashes or what?
Please meet: Impermanence of Buddhism is a way to specify side of life, to eliminate the confusion and prevent animal who runs the sex, it's not is the absolute theory.
Buddha as well as the physician depending on the disease that the drug. With disease "does not accept the permanent loss," the remedy used "very often" to for treatment, while the Buddhist healing tonic for other things more precious, as "doctrine feet typically unchanging." According Surangama, Ananda, as we did, so the Buddha told him Rahula presented only for the bell to beat Ananda distinguish "change kill," and that "no permanent change ". When the bell hit by his bank to Rahula, the Buddha asked Ananda have heard?
Ananda replied:
- Bach Blessed! Listen.
When the bell end, Buddha asked:
- A reasonable Nan heard?
Ananda replied:
- Bach Blessed! Do not even listen anymore. Buddha again told him Rahula, hit the bell Monday, then asked the Buddha as well last time, and also meet Ananda heard.
Buddha rebuked:
- A Nan, after he responded to hide like that?
He A Nan surprised response:
- Not only did the children alone but everyone recognizes the sound you hear, the sound is not heard off.
decanting the Buddha:
- "He and everyone is famous for hearing, voice over, there is no longer heard; that the "identity hearing" the voice that takes, it probably never hear again. Why bank on Monday to voice, to hear again? If you hear something two, it not known that certain end without hearing. Tiếng sometimes takes longer time, "listening to nature" is usually not life changing. Moreover, if the sound off and that nature is no longer heard, what know the do not listen to him? "
said Buddha, "very often" to accept the permanence of our political life. Until being understood impermanence, the Buddha's feet would normally expressed only constant.
C. Conclusion
Impermanence is a law governing all things, from body, mind, until every circumstance. Understanding impermanence, we've got a miracle cure for diseases other than greed, delusion. We've suffered bad color good, because bad language or, as the smell tastes, bitterness, because things like the body, are satisfied.
Now we are taking "the doctrine of impermanence," to rid sick lust and proceed to the serenity of the soul.
Knowing very often, people remain calm unaffected by the scene change can be sudden and cold at the sight sex separation. Knowing very often, people sacrificing property, meaning life force to work. Impermanence know new people fed up with temporary pleasures, false, and wisely so happy to find the true permanence. Because really, what fun is often also true, that nature is often still true, but it is inside a temporary false class; impermanence of this world, so we can not see. Once we have determined to dismiss false guise that, then of course what the true value, so the happy feet, the Buddha nature is clear, make it ever appears. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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