Sunday 15 January 2012


The pupil is the child's birth Hai Phuong Duong Thu layperson in Hong Kong. Duong Thu popular works good fortune, after middle age to concentrate toward the Pure Land.
Hai Born seven years old, living with his parents in Hong Kong, usually set by the Buddha over his thoughts. I can recite the same pay standards to hell verses destruction in the United strictly business. Sometimes you remember his teaching, Pure Art scene brought back to relatives and acquaintances said: "Be diligent nembutsu. recite the name of Amitabha will be born to the world of Ultimate Bliss."
February first in the National Population nine on merit chickened Avalokitesvara. Customs is suddenly being sick. Duong Thu sits a pink party claiming title to assist, also initiated the concept in his death. Coma eyes at every word the standard errors do not turn a familiar word. Duong Thu hold the front desk to the Buddha, to admire the portrait reminded Western St. Tam Hai Sanh saw consecutive high statue known concept Namo Amitabha Buddha over some fifty questions, known to yellow over time was not sick.
Through the late afternoon on the twenty, the pupil was suddenly walks out of bed. Duong Thu rushed to help, ask to go, then replied: "The Buddha on" . Then the voice of children was somewhat difficult, but you can still burn incense Buddha. By ten o'clock at night, her breasts, her sister's birth customs is for the pupils to recite the Buddha's blood from sick, suddenly vanished walls were empty, with optical metal projectors hidden in bright colors like bright moonlight. In metal optics, a second serve delivery beyond the roof of the western bay. She also is suspected uncertainties shed, as disillusion suddenly, the walls are the same. Emulsion samples ran down asking, customs Sanh already expired.
Now they are dying before cold hands and feet, his eyes stared at his parents. Duong Thu insurance claim rates rose list manager concept support. Layman said the good fun in the Union, it is recommended you do not think spending another attachment, let us concentrate towards the Pole. Customs Sanh obedience, even the Buddha mind, until slightly off. After you meet part, arms and legs back to warm, bright colors like live hand. One day before the Sea King Sanh sick mother in the midst of dreaming, that the court represents a magnificent, brilliant metal projection optics, depth about the middle of a large lotus flower is beautiful, a golden Buddha body sitting over. Distance legs look to see just Tathagata lotus position. Customs Sanh base heal past life has grown so deep that only seven consecutive years nembutsu. I was his support when death is auspicious effects, clearly mindful.
And there bridge-Dam, the Nanhai District, as guests chew born in Hong Kong. He's a real character, depth information of causality, along with the Healthy Thu knew each other. Support is given to atmospheric Thu Online Only The West, encouraging attacks on the Buddhist concept rebirth. Bridge-linked to accept the truth, no lazy day late. Shortly after he took sick, I hardly know themselves through out, immediately arrange for return home. Along the way he tried to concentrate Buddha, on to the patient suffering loss as tan, he told his wife that: "I'm going to the Pure Land rebirth, not to pick her physician, should help me to recite the Buddha's claim" . His wife was previously believed jewels, immediately follow the counsel. By the time dying, bridge-bed can also walk, told his wife to bring new clean clothes to change yourself. Done, he sat nembutsu that died very peacefully face refreshed.


The Hang Duong laymen, men of the Republic of China, a village in the district Yuyao, Zhejiang Province. He was a poor, small trade, gentle nature than to manage.
In the Eleventh National People, Contact Store your neighborhood who is known as The Enlightenment Item magnetic business, in our favorite, the constant back and forth , to hear the precept. He then worked out rules of life imprisonment at home. Part lay literature but are weak, but the Buddhist sense, the award more than people realize. September year regression, the estimated date you are inter-communal vows together, develop our Bodhi. Contact Customers also expected that during the ceremony.
Giap Ty late spring, lay sick in pain killing about sneaking out to eat salt, it's time was far away from the joint property, to July, he was even more severe disease , visiting fellow, who also told that all would die. Contact Customers also consider that his hard living, self-aware to have done penance. In early August, before he was forced to release pain, even with all your heart reveals a penance, vows to keep the five precepts vows not to relapse. Since then lay want to let go coast, except off craving, greed recite a Buddhist name, wait until the public network. The joint ownership of the idea that sophisticated lay over the longer run, so before his death six days, from time to support the concept. A few days later after all, the fellow also help themselves to recite the Buddha's grace.
The support concept began twelve days in August. Over the full moon day, Contact Store suddenly feel that the spirit of self-refreshed light bar. To date seventeen, told in a dream lay that one in six sun light as bright electric lights. In the evening, watching his mind still sharp as usual, the link is not useful for now, continue to recite the Buddha to watch two, then going to want to leave. These he does not doubt that, at that time was coming to support pure concept effectively.
Then hear nembutsu Contact Item suddenly stopped, immediately said: "I'm still not to the West, look through joint ownership rather Support for this idea through the night " . Listen to the words seem strange, the higher the language you recite the Buddha. Less than half an hour later, suddenly lay smiling said: "I went to the West. Oh! Ao loss insurance to see too! Behold! Lotus really nice color! luminous light is extremely bright" . Then he commanded high sound public holidays do not stop support concept. Prior Contact Item is quietly lay. Until then his hands and head are active, continuous mouth to say: "Oh, very fresh lotus strange mystery! Ao beautiful bright golden" . Then lay face cheerful smile, looks like people suddenly have the joy beyond hope. So over an hour later he still does not talk back, arms and legs do not work, just lay back eyes stared at the statue before bed. The next pair of contact lenses was once ignored, was also weak breath away. By eighteen hours of the morning, lay off a bit new.
That night only four joint ownership, which has alternately supported concept loudly all night, sometimes just a few words encourages cents. As the concept continues to lay off a bit after an hour and a half, the new version for others change has come. The concept continued support to meet the guys at the body quite cold, the houses have been prevented from mourning. By ten o'clock noon, a related property exploration test, the others are cold, the only marks the hot boiling water.
As Contact Item laymen's non-circular products, religious deeds to fledgling. But he was reborn, considering the whole concept of aid by health practitioners. See here, we see the nembutsu support is essential for practitioners deathbed. Then the order on July eighteenth year of the thirteenth international population, new lay thirty years.

Ban Phu

Ban Phu, District Cixi City, Zhejiang Province has a poor side, their names unknown. The women are too poor, the unfilial son, so it's often abused verbally scolded.
One day after being scolded child screams, she hardly suffering patience, to express mourning for monks at the temple nearby. The Sangha: "She has known suffering, why not sell it" . Ban women replied , "Who bought the suffering, how to sell" . Monk said: "If you recite even the specialized name Amitabha, born to the West, it is sure to meet the Buddha to guide the realm of Ultimate Bliss. From then on be forever separated from the suffering, the net effect what fun. It's called a hard sell " . She said, "Your mother in the same time I ride, the kitchen cooking corner, the bed was made ​​and pigs. Landscape disinfectants such mixed memory, how to recite the Buddha?" . Monk replied: "Not afraid to spend, Tathagata great compassion, as the spectrum of grace, and not just the heart of ne form. So she was free to go l temple worship, and when at home usually only specialized concept Buddhist prayer is also reborn " . Ban obey the teaching side, because of our freedom from suffering beseech nembutsu should not interfere openings.
Three years later, a few months before his death, she told me that: "Until that date, she will be born in the West. So should the dog away, to stay home to take care of post-motherhood round " . The child appeared not believe she should know whether the probe told the alum a couple more. A few days before you meet the women, children suddenly heard strange odor, emitting fragrant floral bowl. Running around to find out no one around burning incense, it is not surprising that smell coming from. Suddenly remembered his mother told, children know what's really going to think, went home to wait. On maturity, he saw his mother cooking water bath, change clothes clean. Finished bed where she sat, building on the West side nembutsu a little while and then turn off. Then around the year to the tenth National People. Spare sign: At the Buddhist temple mountain rating, I heard him To the Western shaman recounted this story. Unfortunately, because when it is busy work, should not keep asking them the name and date of the parties' rebirth. Sum German monks recorded.

Comment: Alas! Marine ordered to smooth ceiling, high waves faint incremental stamping industry. Temporary fragile realm, sinking the suffering connected life consequences! Considering such poor women, spiritual nature was available, by love so optimistic step reincarnation. Depths of suffering, grace blessed suddenly having magical subjects. Faith effort was banned for three years on death radiating floral fragrance. Western Career of a gastric emergency, leave hyun quality jade step up stairs. The Amida prayer knows big boat being such a bunch of one. Clarify the legal Pure color sen won all the food is life. Beautiful yellow flowers available Austria, who was determined to wait.


Little King is the former servitors of Sun Late In layman hometown in Hubei Province. Since y Wang capital, the lower status of children in a small, so everyone called Little King. Religion in the Buddhist layman, later moved to live in Shanghai. Little Wang also go home.
Helping the Sun where the long-Hau Tai, the influence of the clergy, Little Wang was also instilled once, then play the Buddha mind. Y which has all five, slow speech, difficulty should not recite the Buddha's primal sentence. Song with the media center, he still tried to recite. How many years was a dream that night with the King Elementary holds his tongue pulled out vigorously, feeling heart pain fever delirium. When awake, but definitely old disabled, nimble speech transparently obvious question nembutsu also familiar turn. Therefore trust the will of the depth y is set, the more diligent maintenance concept. Continuing more than two years, the United State do not see anymore nembutsu. Someone asked the cause, he replied: "I recite the Buddha was a block, but this concept is not self-concept, there is no need of sounds, just starting to question that keeps constantly beaten like red dashed alone" . " People do not hear much attention, let y arbitrary. Status of silence, like, continue to add more in the spring collection.
One day United State called fifteen-year-old son, was staying in school residential home said: "Today I going to go, you should help health nembutsu to give a last message " . Everyone that y is normal, no more sick little show, did not believe, just look at each other smiling. Wang said that Primary, said: "I'm serious, not a word out loud where cotton wool" . There are who ask: "Note the saying goes, where does that come about?" . A: "Go home" . The supernatant asked: "House, where?" . A: The "old home state, ie the world of Ultimate Bliss in the West" . He had a birth in the trust said: "I was a child of your uncle, should save the extra few years to patronize, it can be established" . Little Wang said: "The weather has arrived, I could not save the universe, things are only committed to the causes and conditions" . Finished talking, telling me to recite the Buddha with his bronzes. Everyone stood quietly watching the progress be like? Then Little King sat upright in bed nembutsu. Then suddenly sneezed for two hours, the minister aid lower lobe jade, then go straight eyes. (That is two solid white lines nose hangs down, a symbol of sacrificing themselves sublimated grade).
On the evening after, Sun Late In layman to bring the remains to the place of the temple burned l Van Luu. At the appointed fire, burning the firewood immediately, white smoke rushing up nowhere. On the fire is a large lotus fluttering bright, more beautiful as well, until the fire is off. In the morning check, the bone ash is also patently similarities in the lotus like drawing. Then to Democratic National sixteenth year.

Graining TON

Lay the legal name of Liu Chun Cao Van Nghia, who in the district of Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province. He was poor, being chewed by trade, character filial piety, preferred giving healing. Because youth are illiterate orphan, it was quite a bit in private, he made ​​money building schools, teachers taught the procession to help children in the area.
His mother believes he is the Buddha's Dam, each dynasty vows ceremony Mount Putuo Temple and fire, but that was not promptly died away. So to fulfill the wish of the mother, so in February in time You Mao Qing Chu Quang Van Ton Sam also works to reign holy mountain area fire department. Done that, next to non Putuo court ceremony. When poured onto the boat, bamboo forest to forest, he saw the form itself plays naturally sit where in, instant joy rushed to call, suddenly the image suddenly disappears, he mourns prohibited. A monk at the temple, that can do is come out and visit. After knowing the reason, monks said: "It is virtuous Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara emanation to feel comforted his hospitality. So instead of reverting to his mother, was his witness" . After the ceremony complete power boat Lac Older return, still floating on water that is thousands of lotus petals. On flowers of virtuous Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged, good general magic solemnity. Section size spectacle, his love and happy trails, being very deep faith.
The next time you are close to the An Quang magician, still knows the practice Buddhist mindfulness. He was the Son Temple Block in Jiujiang District, and the other temples of the public institutions and promotes Buddhist teachings Furniture Pure. Your Summer in Buffalo offered him the door to exhaust into the throne Lam Buddhist mindfulness. By summer, the year of the Snake, the end of association Lam Dong Lien commune, taking place as headquarters. Remains with the abbot signed the convention to bring this country residence offering up to ten, open to welcome them to the place, he was responsible under the self-funding. Through the end of winter to take the throne destined power of the Church of St. Manjushri. When building materials such as brick and tile, wood stone just full of the appeal also, is he sick forest.
Sang Xuan Canh Ngo on February nineteenth, to feast chickened virtue Avalokitesvara, Van Ton invite lay the gathered and said: "Manjusri Bodhisattva had promised three days later would come pick me Dewachen please you on time to conception to help put together the last time" . The lay people doing strange get heard. Before dying, his eldest son is called God Chapter, boiling water bath for his new clothes clean and replace. Done, he wished rich said: "At the rebirth of the father to not be saved. Any event where Lam Dong Lien commune with the tectonic power of Manjushri, the connection must be maintained and even completed, to not delay errors " . Finished saying goodbye so the joint property, sitting cross-legged and straight chain nembutsu held momentarily, and then meet the English claim to recite the name of the mass.
Then the Spring distributed to more people in the nineteenth Nations (1930 ). He died at sixty-three years old.

Former DIEP

Nine lay Diep Thanh Hue The legal name, the Yu Dao District, Zhejiang Province, which he had followed his father to this apprenticeship trade since childhood. After his father's death, the scriptures move jobs back to the nursing home. In the communication, he was commended as a language quick-eyed morning.
In her study Buddhism, first lay Nine Ha Mai Thanh Son was awarded the only Constant Nam. After watching, he found faith, joined the meeting at Du Dao Buddhism. Ha long is lay and remind fellow practitioners, the trust of his prayer even more durable. The time of local women are also superstitious practices, Buddhist thought that concept would be a question the merit of one currency. Nine Members with children is not usually lay faculty Screening takes a very wrong interpretation of it. So we at Du Dao women know the benefits nembutsu was born in the West, the Pure Land practice every day more and more crowded. Next lay of visiting Pure Land Rights shamans to Buddhist teaching festival of the Mahayana sutras, Nine Members of deeper understanding further, certain realms of the West indeed, likely to sink five degenerations love scene, our favorite bored the more intensive setting. Every morning he got up early all over the concept, practice daily are the key. For monitoring the reporter's birth, his compliance was confidential.
Summer in the Democratic National Ding Mao, the former New Life Tam provided with an official Report wizard. By circumstances, to the life on Earth Store Bodhisattva chickened out more about the Five. September to his ill treatment of lower glass medicine was not effective, immediately put the idea aside like grace, in particular in a net loss of time dedicated effort nembutsu. Night was nineteen months, while contemplation, formerly the realm of Bliss suddenly solemn beautiful colors, clear out. Win new Minister seconds long hidden, but still bright light ahead. A few nights later seen again. At that time, worsening illness, he himself knew not survive. The joint ownership with Mats No layman to visit, comfort, tons of books. The former said: "Every day I need Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in the karma was quickly eliminated, pure grace early achievements" .
A few days later, he called his two sons back to the probe told, taught visiting the fellow every day to support concept. Re told his wife that: "From now on, I just continued to lead the mind to the Buddha. When I'm dying, do not mark the close, since e hindrance to the rebirth" . The night before death, two lay Ha and Ly useful guidance related support group concept. The former is the mass even recite the Buddha's name. Seven o'clock the next morning, Ha lay slightly see his face changed color, immediately warned that: "The moment this very moment, should exercise" . Mass are known to stand around for Buddha, Nine Members will be invited to events to work. Degrees fifteen minutes later, no longer see your lips, it will detect a joint property visits, he was off slightly. Now twenty-one to date in November, Democratic National nineteenth year. He was fifty-five years is positive.

Comment: Business said: "Amitabha generally light to launch the ten directions taken photography nembutsu beings." So even if someone pure mind recite the name of Amitabha, the coast will see the light of experience, and also shifting the clarity that he found the Buddha or the pure land. The section size and light scene of Ye West Nine Members, Dewachen prove true, is not the examples, or plane simulator facilities to encourage spiritual guide.

Tanh Tran Luong

Built Tanh Tran Luong Chau itself, a village in the district tasteless, Anhui Province. He was the chief of the sex trade, middle age is birth to a son named Thien Tho, innate nature rather clever, but unfortunately it prematurely at the age of fourteen. Food and thought his nature to keep this ancient goodness usually do merit, why is wonderful self, so retribution for human application completely private. She plans coordinate your identity is Ho Phu Nhon very gentle Buddhism News, said her husband's attachment relationship can not be explained, only quietly religious exercise, thoughts of St. Avalokitesvara himself to pray. Soon she is pregnant, but the king was about to suddenly being victims. Within twenty-nine days, she could not speak or eat more day, I like the fire burning hot, dry wood sticks kind of stuff. The list of Chinese medicine and Western have put their hands, absolutely no hope to save lives.
One night they dreamed marketing lady holding lotus flower stem length, from head to foot, said: "Do ye new King sufficient importance to industry disease, but also may even ask that concept into practice. Now we scan karma and give you a good child " . Then she felt the body and mind cool, strange joy came to trade, the disease seems to disappear where lost, go back to bed as usual. Consecutive morning son born to be a healthy weight, general appearance the non-good. This unusual event for Nature Food is amazing! But after asking his wife and heard recounted all the details, he believed the results of three generations of workers are not true nothingness. Where hearts, he is grateful to the vast moral compassion of the buddhas, bodhisattvas. Since then the husband and wife left for Buddha, the religious idea, help the poor in need, taking up the temple boys, all good works are best practice. Ho said the market off sick mother, by virtue of Avalokitesvara salvation, so often to Nature Food and Putuo Mountain Temple University who court ceremony. The couple are taking refuge with Indian shamans Quang Tran Luong Nature List legal name is Willow, and wife to them, usually the name is Willow. People around China in the beginning, the Temple Mount Putuo where food are impaired, and the whole area was requisitioned by the government for immigrants in Germany. Nature of your salary through four pipes in support of bureaucratic intervention, the outcomes from past disasters. Lay the order of restoration of the tower and the Buddha told the building back the paint to report gifts jewels.
ninth year of National Population, spouses and children in the same temple where the Bodhisattva precepts France Nguyen in Beijing. Three years later, Lieu Thuong forest suddenly ill. On February twenty-eight, the right is for Buddha, she suddenly saw two birds chalky pupil is four words: "To Lead West" . Knowing the sign about rebirth, thanks to her husband have four monks from time to repent nembutsu home help. Go to day twenty-eight months later, the patient be well. Lesions week in April, Lieu often found in people without insurance, provided that period approaches, linked to an early heart nembutsu rebirth. At the meal th year, Nature Food and visiting monks to the house, the person in the same old mass of the rotating day and night hours support for Buddhist concept that does not stop. Lieu Often even concepts as well. Friday morning she told the house mosquito boiling water bath for yourself instead of clothes. Paragraph before trying to release flavor worship concept, then ask her bed to lie on building the right hand side to the west day. When complete lie, she specializes in mind for now Pig Buddha, serving hand suddenly sat up suddenly said: "Western St. Tam has come" . Say: "The lack of three thousand Buddhist question, all my thoughts would go" . At the time of up to thirty of them recite the name aloud. English is often also high-concept as a stroke at his face beaming highway that passed away. Then in the bay sometimes strange perfume. Horse type shrouding next hour, she is hot headed, hands and feet softer still slightly fragrant.
When Thien Tho, son of first love, as for self-folding, Nature added her salary for the new card is Sa seventeen years old. On her husband's been several years thanks to the training, also started a righteous faith, take refuge in India Quang shaman, legal name is Lieu Of. Since then hold the year's Sa market, the boys recite the Buddha. Later data from the pain forever, delays healing, sick in bed for two years. Song durable faith chapel, she did not leave the question nembutsu. On February fifteenth in the nineteenth National Population, Sakyamuni Buddha chickened ceremony to enter nirvana, a family visiting monks gathered at the house, Sam Falun Dafa Bi. Just finished the midday holiday shopping, daughter Lowland cup water, say to yourself that that's unshakeable emit light. Food stand on one side with nature-hand cup Lowland gium. Then she was told that his hand held shower, afraid that the moment has come rebirth. Luong Nature heard the monks immediately outside the room from time to support concept. Data from the bed where scholarship kneeling bow to say: "Germany Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva from optical zoom to Dewachen lighting throughout the body" . Luong Nature told her to let go of all but a heart specialist who needs to lead University. Accept data from obeying hand blessings: "I bear the pain patient was suffering a lot, for life to be freed soon, sick leave suffering. Please bodhisattva of compassion to lead the Land of Great Bliss" . Midday two hours, she said: "bodhisattva has optical forest! Please visiting monks out, let me change my clothes clean" . But when just changing clothes, she said: "Amitabha has come from far away, is stretch your arm to guide optical zoom, is increasingly under Kim Da Vi servant, would quickly appeal to aid conception monks" . At that time, no time wear data from the page with lotus position to accept the notion arms Amitabha Buddha and said: "I come here" . Paragraph immediately reborn eyes quietly, his hands still observe chest. Then all the people in the house heard anisotropic floral bowl. By noon the next day she was hot headed, bright colors bright side leap money than at birth.
Tanh Food items click Therefore, the cards are so auspicious Buddhist concepts and experience a rebirth is real, the more stable belief sure. After that he revised Street house of worship as the scenery solemn am, to sign Cu Si Lam Buddhist mindfulness, usually collections of inter-religious friendship together tons of books. Tan Mui winter lay king Bay, visiting shopping festival Thien Phuoc monks to stay at the Cu Si Lam, every day on the red list confess room, listened to Buddhist mindfulness performance achievements. Ten days in March to a year to Body (1932), at midday district, Tanh Liang said: "I see the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and solemn general good are to beautiful lotus" . Monks said the same moment the West went to his master, were gathered high office hours nembutsu. Lay a rosary will also sit in memory, up to two hours midday quiet rebirth.
That afternoon he lay As From Huat, a close friend of Nature Food, and Forestry is also the chief, heard reports dealing with the joint delegation invited coexist to phung cigarettes. When the delegation arrived, it was eight o'clock. Property are concerned that Chu Luong Nature still upright lotus position, holding the string, such as live face refreshed. Test detects the head is hot, soft soothing hands and feet.

In order to provide NHON

To provide the Nhon Chau Van Tuyen's wife giving birth in the two points. From Buddhism believe she was young, after their European home, help her husband raise their children all round the department. Her modesty serious nature right, treat people very kind post. Thin winter Giap Chu Quang Qing period, the complacent husband, then Palace Nhon was fifty nine years old. Over the item size in many ways tragic scene changes, people feel the husband died, she thought life as illusory, impermanent beings face, suddenly escape from continuous consciousness. After reviewing the engineering, supply of home delivery of Nhon immediately brought his son and berries, and then let go of all the boys want to recite the Buddha's grace. The practice of her very fine professional, do not always dare to leave late.
The winter of the Democratic National Ty Dinh, Nhon suddenly royal Palace of paralytic torso, arms and legs numb pain at walking helped to have someone help. She keep a separate hut, Buddhist front, followed by accommodation, in quiet religious concepts, such as the retreat. Such as the human mind, concepts are essential as professional resources.
Summer in New Rooster, two children, The Birth, Cat Pham Sanh lay hear din the Joint Agriculture Dharma teaching, new brothers and bring the heart of Buddhist it has knowledge of counseling for parents to hear. By the way, trust her prayer being more and more specialized equipment. January Giap Ty, The Birth to charming the journey with the economic layperson to hear lectures, Cung Nhon said: "I've aged, I do not go away so long" . By the twenty-fourth day, the king of her business style, and design or asthma. To twenty-eight days, more severe disease, who invited the women to recite the Buddha's own joint effort to help pray. Rose heard the name calling, Cung Nhon an instant the mind, regulates breathing, sleep and fell asleep for a while. By the time I woke up, she said: "I dream that I've found an old pink princess face, white hair give security in a pie eating. After landing, it felt soothing sound fresh, new people to ask: "I have been liberated from the suffering he?". Lao princess replied: "There will be free, try to recite the Buddha." I heard more than one hundred consecutive nembutsu came to question it. "
After that documents: commercial style gas paralytic asthma and sell her body are completely healed. Also Nhon night sleep peacefully. Morning waking, she felt the mind-soothing poem Thoi not sick suffering, sometimes listening to the scent. By the twentieth day of February, Cung Nhon late delivery of dyspnea depression, female family member to pick them to support concept. To the twenty-second day, she knew not himself survive, told family members to not mourn, to turn his thoughts to support high sound energy events to be shifting. To watch three, Cung Nhon but died peacefully.
The profile of her limbs were cold front, just where the chest is hot very long. Everybody is for peace, continued high-known Buddhist concept that does not stop. The heat was transferred to the new times to the mouth, eyes, and finally reached to head straight up. The support concept is extended to midnight the next day ended. When integrity attack, Nhon also ease supply limbs soft, fresh colors such as live on. Burial is complete, the house offers the Western papers on her work record snippets nembutsu at the lack of lance corporal. When the fire is off, the game is to minister to stand up on a lotus, as in drawing a clear definition.

Comment: An Quang shaman said: "All the world Li and export outside world are not two words mentality. All of the world and made ​​the world, are not two words out of Cause and Effect" . Nhon to provide the king with many diseases, is subject to monitoring business results of the previous life; feel good dream is from suffering, by the religious conception of life because of this. Deathbed steam chest head, she should be transferred to the religious born again a new life to be liberated. Song by virtue of the joint family property and support alternate media center concept, the outcome she was reborn. This point supports the notion that at death is essential.


The quiet spread, hedge daisy spiracles, sky scenes material collected primary objective, the inter-faith prayer female strength! It is part of the European market scene, and she was in the course of the Buddha mind.
Chau town is the former wife of their Chapter. Since she knew children Quan The modern cult artist, deep message of cause and effect, between filial piety and harmony of good preferred. Up to sixty-eight years old, the new European market heard the benefits of the Pure Land teachings, instant nembutsu school boys want to voice a question, in addition to the options that are customized concept scene silently. Meticulous practice as experienced over ten years. Years later the same as avoiding distractions, European markets are often static coordinates where home space, the religious even more intimate. Sometimes she closed her eyes sit towards the West, always two or three days without eating circuit where the wrist is no longer dance; only a bright face, full body warm. After that, who asked about the situation at the time, she replied: "I found myself sitting on a lotus nembutsu to beautiful, forget the moment, very bright light happy heart."
By Monday the National Population ten, around June, European market suddenly felt sick. Son, leader of the rotation rate of support concepts. A few days before the meet, she told the family that: "I also store two days, the child should rest the mind. Be prepared to cook our aromatic bath, and dress shoes must first change New Clean " . Two days later, at the time Ty, she sat straight toward the west, close your eyes do not spend the whole speech. My son saw this, to call the house surrounded, and high sound nembutsu. Next few degrees twenty minutes, the European market stability that sit slightly off the face cheerful mild stroke road. Over two hours later, her head was still hot.
There is a wonderful thing to do ceremony at the shroud, grandson of her sister, because the trade tears should fall into a coma. This is the mother of the European oil market, also recite the Buddha's rebirth in recent years. When the family awoke, the girl said: "I saw to Western reporters to see the brilliant light. Avalokitesvara German generals themselves pretty seriously, holding olive branches positive, followed by countless bodhisattvas rely fly to the middle of nowhere. In the same moment her grandmother Minister tall lush body than normal, followed by Bodhisattvas on the West bay. In addition it also has a wealth of strange flowers, currently among the chalky security nowhere, all solemn scenes are unusually bright. Seeing that scene suddenly my heart happy, forgetting the trade tears laments. Now I no longer worry too sad, knowing well the mother and grandmother were the scene Buddha. "
Comment: Porcelain of Ultimate Bliss, no comments prostitution young and old, male relatives are present in all thirty-two good generals. The child saw her grandmother were also themselves with women, that means the minister is old, so it easily identifiable. Readers to view this section, do not doubt!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).16/1/2012.

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